, . w .o PAGE TWO AtEDFOIfrD ISIAITj TRIBUNE. TODIfOKD, QRflflQN, MONDAY. .lUNW ID. 15)11. f LOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 O. T. Ellis, who lins been cm ployed at JMntm'n, hna accented a no jiltlon in Portland. Mr. nd Mrs. F, J. Mnney and dnughtor, Wllliclinlna, snent Sunday at (Sold Hay. Miss Williams wns among tho Cen tral Point visitors hero Sunday. MIbs Edna Cornell and Miss Ethel l-otchor of Qrnnls Pass visited Suu ilay nt the homo of S. Ij. Leonard. Glarenco Ualdwln was a Sunday visiter In Grants Pans. Host located rooming and board ing lion so In Mcdford for sale at a bargain,. Inquire 122 North Front street, 75 Miss l'carl Ross of Central Point visited with friends hero Sunday. C. P. Burgess was in from tho Ap nlogato Sunday. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, flhmn O. Taylor), attorncys-at-law, over Jackson County Dank Bldg.. Mcdford. J. V. Mcrrltt of Central Point was in Medford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Toms woro Sun day visitors at Gold Ray. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford office, phono No. 1201. Harry Ldndsey of Central Point spent Sunday with Medford friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Hibbard and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Benton spent Sun day at Butto Creek. Seo R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man. over Jackson County bank. t Charles Davis and family spent Sunday with the finny denlicns of Butto creek. " Charles Reed departed Sunday morning for a visit In Los Angeles. Henry Bctcs, particular barber, 128 W. Main st, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Olenderfer spent Sunday with friends in Grants Pass. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whetsel visit ed ,in Ashland Sunday, making the .trip by automobile. For a shave, hair cut or shampoo, seo Henry Bates, 128 West Main street Dr. and Mrs. Keene, with Mrs. Tlce . and Miss Geraldine Tico, motored to Ashland Sunday. Mrs. Theresa Porter of Tacoma Is visiting at the, home of her brother. W. E. Merrill, in this city. For the right kind of Mutual Fire Insurance, see W. V. Moore, room 209 Phipps building. Emmett Howard, inventor of the Howard automatic switch, is in Med- ford preparing for a demonstration. His Invention attracted much atten tion last July. Fred Colvig was over from Jack- Bonvillo Sunday. See Huntley and MacClatchle for fire Insurance. Phone 3-191. Dr. Georgo Cramer, who has been visiting in Portland and Seaside, re- turned Sunday feeling much Improv ed HfJer his outing. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Truax, Valesca Thauax. H -. Araurix and Miss Litla Tyfleld of Grants Pass motored to Medford Sunday. They encountered OugJne trouble nnd were forced to re HMln over night. All repairs have been made. Fol- low the crowd to the Manhattan Cafe for good eating and fast service. 80 P. II. Gray of Ashland was a guest of friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cass and Miss "Wile of Grants Pass visited In this city Suuday. Mrs. Simpklns will glvo reading dally at tho home of Mrs. Plymale at 30J South Central avo. 77 Lee Sutton of Big Butte was an over Sunday visitor here. C. H. Waturck of Derby was In Mcdford Sunday. Big hat sale at the Home Millin nry. 1021 W. 9th street. 88 R. L. Netherton of Youngtown, Neb., was among the eastern arrivals hero Sunday. George F. King of Big Butte visit ed with Medford friends Sunday. Best coffee, and good broiler at your service. Manhattan Cafe. 80 W, R. Manson of Hilt, Cal., spent Sunday in Medford. L. E. Hagen of Hilt, Cal,, was an over Sunday visitor in this city. Arthur Geary departed Sunday eve- nlng for Portland. .1. K. Patterson of Missoula, Mont., Is lu Medford looking over tho val ley. Alfalfa and grain hay for sale nt Oakdnlo Park Addition. Seo V. 1L Everhard, phono 1539 J B, J Kid Rhodes of the Frisco Reliance club will box a local man its n pre liminary to the wrestling match to morrow night at tho AukIo opera house. Ho Is anxious to make a Bhowlng hero and will challenge the winner of the July 4th match here. Medford Hardware Co. for fishing tackle. Word has has been received in Medford that Mrs. H. H. Kiddle, who tnndo this city her homo last summer, was Injured recently in n wreck In Texas. She Is recovering. Mr. Rid dle was a contractor on tho Pacific Jfc Eastern. Ahrens is making some very im portant announcement on page three. S. H. Saule of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elms of Pasadena and Mrs. V. B. Palmer of Los Angeles registered at tho Commercial club Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Palm were pas- sengors for Klamath Falls Monday. They will build a summer homo at Pelican Bay. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Weston, Mrs. Florenco Crawford and Tobo Brous motored to Bybco bridge Sunday. We will wager a trip to Crater Lake that you did not know Miss Dolly Var den when you met her on Main street yesterday. Didn't she look stunning, and didn't Bhe cause the other young ladies to sit up and take notice? And say! Did you see her whito Willow Plume? We can do just as good a job on your clothes as we did on hers. If you want to make the other girls look like thirty cents, bring your "flxlns" to the Pantorlum, or telephone us. We won't tell the other ladles you are wearing your last seasons made overs. Marlon Lance, Nato BIden and Jesse Butler spent Sunday fishing at Kingsbury Springs. George Carter of this city was a Sunday visitor in Ashland. Lessons in water colors and em broidery at the Handicraft Shop. Kentner's. S1 A. H. Miller went to Klamath Falls Monday morning to arrange for the building of a summer homo at Pelican Bay. J. H. Dempsey of Hornbrook. Cal., transacted business in Medford Mon FATALITIES SICKEN AVIATION FANS Thrco Demi, Five Injured at Start of Great Aeroplane RaceFollow ers of Sport Dcmand.That Contest lid Abandoned at Once. PARIS, June 19. A message to tho Paris Journal, which paper has boon promoting tho four-nation aero plane race, says another contestant driving a monoplane fell and was kill ed between Saint Laurent and Unities. Ills name has not jet been learned. PARIS, June 1!. Sickened by tho toll of death that has marred the opening of the Pnrla-Holglum-llul-laud-lAuidon aeroplane race, many followers of aviation today are demanding- that the contest be aban doned. In spite of this protest nnd tho three deaths ami five Injuries that have already marked Its course, tho airmen are still hurtling along in WOMEN SEEK TO SEE SEE. TRIAL Courtroom Is Crowded With Girls, Most of Whom are Said to tie For mer Followers of Founder of New Cult 1 ': ' ' t CIIICA(10,,III.,.1mie iii. When tUu Uinl oC Hvelyii Arthur; Sue, uuiidur of tho "juiitor oomuiomvunlllir" ohnrRvd with contriliuUiiir lo ino du- luiiiuency of Mildred llr'Algo?, ugv PRESS AGENT STUNT-FERRIS I Promoter Says Ho Is In Trouble Bo cause Wlckcrsham Couldn't Seo a Joke Tells of His Wholo Counec lion Willi Mexican Troubles. i.OS AXttKliKS, Cal., Juno tl. Asirihiug hU pivdU'iitiiont with llie I'uileil Slates govi'iiiiiirnt "to the fuel Mint u pat tv tunned WiokorMunn eillliuit see it inl;n nml ilim'l loinw a u.oiuinuti inuny.uieenul room wns live pretm njrenl when he si-e ou.," etwdod vith;wrls uml women. It liuk Ferris, "former inesideitl of the race today. Sixteen of tho 48 starters have reached Lloge. Belgium, h,,, ,,, Mildred's fullier. was ivKrUd Mint most of tliein were ,,.......... i .it.. i. . .... . . . iiuiuir luuiMvciS ill 3CC. illlllirt'U Utilises, one of the high priestesses ot bee's "absolute Hie" cult, sat in1 court reftiMUK to desert See. She refused even lo "lance toward hot miner aicpitou miiiges, who was ready to appear a first witness for lite stale. Attorney Cnutvvcll, representing See, opened, for tbo defense. His statement was eon Lined to an nt. second and are preparing for tho stage of tho flight to Utrecht. That tho aviators were nervous yes terday at the start and that they took grae chances Is the belief of Avia tor Hubert I.ntham, who today de clared that aviation as a sport is "too daugurous nnd ought to be restrict ed." "The fact that the last two races were converted into tragedies at their very outset explains tho nervousness of the aviators In yesterday's start before a crowd ot a million people," he added. Accidents Come Early. The accidents caino almost with tho starting gun. In slKht of the mil- lion people assembled at tho aviation park at vlncennes. Captain Prlnce- teau, who had been gazetted captain only a few hours beforo tho start for his notable services In aviation, was cremated in midair when tho engine of his monoplane exploded, A few minutes later M. LeMartin's Bleriot became unmanagoblo and fell as he was over a forest a quarter of a mile from the start. His head was crushed against a tree trunk nnd he died within a few minutes after he was picked up. M. Lendron was tho third vicltlm. After he had made 70 miles of tho first leg of the journey the gasollno tank of his machine exnloderi nml he I was crashed to earth, struck by a killed. jt "Wo will show that tho toaohittgs vf the absolute jfu wuro pure and not immoral," he said. "We will show that .Mildred Undoes was not cntioi'd from her homo hut left willt thV eon sent of tho parents; that the lirst time she heard mil word tdio heard tliem in her own homo front her own father. Shu decided Mutt lie was m lillliy and So beutly that s,lte would not longer live with him. "Wo will aJiow that every line of the 'book of Kuth' is moral and-virtuous." infant Dies. Walter Hnyuioud, the infant son of .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Q. Anderson died Sunday momiu; at 1:'M o'clock at the homo on the I'-ar-ientor ranch. Miningetis vns the enttse of death. He was horn in Chicago, August '2b, JDOS and wns Iwo years and eight months of ttge The funeral wis held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the lioine. He v. Holmes ha.ll charge of the ceremonies. Interment wns held in the I. O. O. V. cemetery. Joint Perl was funeral director. Lower California," today tallied of his ease before being arraigned in tho Cnited Slates court for alleged violation ot (he neutrality laws. Ferris said (hat his whole connec tion with Moxieiut.nffuii'S grew oitl of lnsUesiro to boost the Paiiiiiuii I'ncil'ie. road race to San Pmitoi'H'o. "What did 1 euro," said Ferris about tho fighting of a hunch i f Vilnius in Lower California. Wo had to have some publicity for lite mini race, so hit upon the scliciue of ufj'etiuir to drive the rebels out of Lower California for I liar, mid Mich I forgot all about the matter. Among those who 'hit' the hardest on my little bit of Rolf-ndvertisini; was the attorney general of (he United States who brought about my indie' -incut. ".Now what I call a fine joke. I had forgotten the entire affair hut it seems that Wickcrshuiu has a splendid memory. "Three months Inter I found m self in San Diego with the ground lireakimr arrangements for the Ssu Diego fair on my hands. We needed as much advertising there as we did for the road race ju Frisco and it wits Mien that 1 pulled off my greatest publicity stunt. One dny I met Cap tain Lewis James of the rebel forces and told him what a fine thiitg it would he (o haul down the red flag of anarchy, have another pulled up, elect n president and go about things in a dignify wny. My speech fired the captain. He wont back to his command, revenled by speech nnd, t lie next tiling 1 Jtumv 1 was elected to the presidency, I rcMluiicd hut not until (lie piiblin lunl Itmt'iicil of in election. Thai's nil lliuro is to it." Navy Vessel:. Collide, SAN DJKOQ, Cal., ,1mm 11),- A linlo In' llm slaihoatil how of llie lor petlo boat Kowaii Is the result of a eollission between (ho Howau ami tlio nibtniiriuoJioiU (InunpiiH. Tho limits struck how-mi nl about H::Ul ihU morning. Tho danger was seen in time o avert a serious accident, llie (lianipiiH oseiifiiig without Injury. No one was litirl, Tim rcspousihilit'y for the accident is not yd placed. UriBkltiB for Health, SECOND TRIAL OF COHIMS,-0liio, .Iiiiio HI. Tim second trial of llodncl )li'je, Hctialn sergeant nl aims, for alleged liri. Iiery, In which it is charged ho was a go-lletvemi (Or HCitutorn mid ilclcc tiw'M piling iim lobbyist, began I 1 day. Dicglc alluinpled to Nwcar Imlgt) ICiiikaid (ilT Mm heiicli on a charge of projmlliH', hut the affi iluxil was ovenlilcil by Judge (lold-sherry. Medford Hardware to. Mr. J. J. Potty has rocontly assumed tho managomont of tho Modford Ilardwaro Go. ami will bo glad to moot all frionds and cub tomors of this firm. Out of town ordors will have our prompt and caroful sorvico. In soliciting: your businoss wo dosiro to draw your attention to tho fact that tho Medford Hardwaro Co. carrios a very comploto stock of morchandiso in this lino. Quality and prico comparing favorably with any othor concern in Southern Orogon. G. W. vSLATER (EX CO. BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS un prcpariMl to KJV(. vnti better flmin'H on huilijint; than yon are used to in .Mcdfonl.We tfiinraiitee both work, materials and satisfaction. WeeKs & HcGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phone 2271 Night Phones P. W. Weekfl 2071. A. E. Orr, 80 OS. LADY ASSISTANT. day. Or. J. G. Goble and family spent I part of his engine and Sunday at Bybee bridge. Handkerchiefs initialed, 5c letter, at the Handicraft Shop, S1 Attorney Cherry was in Jackson ville on legal business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Felt and Miss Nora Parting spent Sunday in Ashland. Frederick Heath was an over Sun dav visitor here, coming In from tho ranch near Eagle Point. C. S. Redfield of Phoenix was in Uedford on business Monday. MJss Caskey visited in Central Point Sunday. Miss Mae Hoke of Central Point visited here Sunday. Coy Watson and Lloyd Elwood were Gold Ray visitors Sunday. Daniel Highland was a visitor in Ashland Sunday. Lost Pointer pup, five months old, black head, whito and ticked body; reward if returned to Gregory, 232 B. Main. X. S. Bennett will leave Monday afternoon to attend a convention of Pacific coast nurserymen at San Fran tcisco. He will endeavor to sccuro next year's convention for Medford. W. I. Salleo was in Eugene Satur day and Sunday. ' A. D, Graham of Ashland transact ed business here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arehn of Grants Pass arrived Monday for a few days' visit with friends hero. Fruits and Vegetables Our stock of Fruit and Veg etables Is particularly tempt ing at this time of tho year. All wo ask is that you take one look at our CHERRIES STRAWBERRIES ORANGES CUCUMEERS NEW POTATOES PEAS BEANS ONIONS GOOSEBERRIES CARROTS ASPARAGUS PIE PLANT ETC., ETC., ETC. Oi -- r-f-f-f-f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f 4 ! -f 4 LOST A Masonic charm on Main St., between Nash and my offlco, Ho ward. E. F. A. Bittner. 71 JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmer ouccciiur io iho unaenaKing ae- partment of Medford Furniture Co. ; Office with Medford Furniture Co. ; ; Telephones? Day. Bell 851:.! I John A. Porl, residence, Bell 4 1 1 1, i Homo 179L. Q, W. Conklln 3601. J. H. But ler 3671. AMBULANCE SEIIVIOH t-4 FOR SALE Account of the reduced acreage of our orchards, will sell part of tho work stock; four head of good stout rugged work horses, all of serviceable age and sound ness. Call ut ranch or phone sub. 7351. Eden Valloy Orchards. 82 TO LET At tho right prico, space for lunch counter or lemonade stand for th of July celebration in good location. Address P. O. Box 838, Medford, Oregon. Vt Remember, wo are selling the celebrated White Carnation FLOUR AT $1.65 a Sack Olmstead & Hibbard in WEST MSB OKOOUII I I III Ftr Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining city of .Medford, 911 long lime, easy pay ments. 12LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; cement sidewalks and paving in; also, sewers, water and light. Long time, easy payments. 430 ACRES LAND, 350 acres alfalfa .land, SO acres fruit laud, perpetual water right with water for irrigating 1000 acres; long time, easy payments. 340 ACRES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land, I mile from railroad, on long time easy terms. 5000 ACRES LAND in tracts of from 40 acres upwards; price $25.00 per acre and upwards; suitable, for alfalfa, fruit stock and general farming purposes; long time, easy payments. 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS just within and adjoining city limits, at u bargain, on 0 annual payments. Gold Bay Realty Co. 210 WEST MAIN STRRIUT. J, E K.VTAUT, Prixlihiut MKJtltU'K. Vlco-Prraldit W. B J A PEItitV. Vlce-Prenldent JOHN B. OltTll, Cnhli.r JACKHON, Am'i CHhlr The Medford National Bank .- i 1 Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 HAI'K DEPOSIT BOXES FOU IIE.VT. A OKNKHAL BANKING BUSINESS TltANSAOTEI). -W SOLICIT YOIMI PATUONAOK. O4-00-0 i FOR EXCHANGE doo.l r.-rooui Iioumu. largo floor spin.', lot COxl.'ll, Kod bam and woodshod; plonty of shad.; vcr thing In sploiidld condition; nmir Whitman collogo; alHO lot Cgxl37 In Wulln Walla, Wash. PRICE $6000.oo 80-aoro orango grove; troi-s r. yoorn old: good building; nrt.-sdnn wll; big flow of wntor; lu Itlvi-rsldo county California, 170,000. TIKIS. 11. IJ. IIATHAWAV, till W. .Mnlii Slirrt. - .. l 2 ''''' Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. i ",,ef.ttrrtttm ..,-.? LOST Snnduy, between 12th Bt. and bnlj grounds, gold bracelet, ruby setting. Phono 1101. Howard. 78 WANTED Plain sewing. Phono M. 1144. Address Box 3 GO. 80 FOR RENT Cheap, now furnished bungalow. 1112 8. Oakdnlo avenue. Dr, Seoly. 78 r sr .1 .. $18 Special RELMBLE GAS RANGE $18 Special UNTIL JULV FIRST WE ARE DETERMINED ?5a e7 H0ME in Medford shall enjoy the COMFORT of a GAS RANGE i a-kt??11311, 0ur SPECIAL inducoment is tho placing of a RELIABLE RANGE, ready for use in your kitchen, for the extremely LOW PRICE OP 918,00. Terms $6 on placing the order and $2 a month until paid for. A limit of 80 feet of service. OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO. Phono for representative lo call. :: " " " "J'rrrw-rw-m-irrwrir9-rpi0-)tjrippjf.jf&M ii l! STEAM AND 1101 WATER IIEAllNft !i 1, ! I! COFFEEN ta. PRICE i j J CS IIOWAHI) 1II.OCIC, KNTItANOK ON Oil. HTIIKKT. PJION1C 808 J 7'" ---w-wwW WffTll PLUMBING n MEDFORD IRON WORKS E. O. Ti'owbi'idtro, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying .Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & GO, s