6R1FFEN CHEEK WANTS SCHOOL 8tunly Inhahltants Are Already Af (cr Now Oulldlnii for Winter Time Lontj Trip Is Now Necessary On Pari of Children. AIIIioiikIi thu mm In hIiIiiIiik brlithtiy tiiniiiitli tho tnum on the llinUlltlllllH Jlllt IlllD till) Vllllieil of lliinr (liKri'ii Creek Hid nturdy In- liHlilliuiU of thin n-cliin nro already Worrying ovur Ihii'Hchoul iirotilum of Din romlliK winter. HnlliK Itnomi vi'lllitn In their fiiinlly Idenlii tint fniiillh'H or Ihht ikijIoii roiiliiln initiiy rliliilimi. Cunt winter, the loin: triunt lliroiiKli tin hihiw to tin ii"iir Ht Hi'liool on lower (Irlfriu Creek witH mi luHiiiiiouuliililn obiituelu to nl lllm yoiiius"!" children. Accord liilUy mini)' with without educational t ru 1 11 1 11 k or any mtrt 1 Prank Htunrt, n devlne of Kntitinn, who by notnit kooiI luclc rhnticuil to locate fur up the creek Iniit win ter, him Htrui'k honu Into tint puroti tnl lironHU liy opcnliiK n niuumlKn for n hcIiooI, Tlio ffvlliiK In nt ron k iiiiioui: llii'H" iiioiiiitiilnnurn that the con rune iiihI hordlhood of new lilo who will ito Into tlio mountains nilil brew out homes hIioiiIiI lie rn vrurilml by ciliiralloniit opiiorluullli'M for their children. IMIODKOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, OTDKOIIP, .OHFION, SUNDAY, TUNE 18, 1911. .J.,.',, ' '.,. !..-, - -IL.M J-i-Li 'J.: J I jJLLi'-'-i .. ,' . .'.1' ''- I ',-TTWg PAGE SEV13N WORKS SOIL WELL DOUBLING CROPS James Wilson, Nnmcsake of Famous Agriculturist, Proves That Intcn slvo Fnrmlnu In Rope River Vol ley' Pays Well. . "' ' The Noblest Clouter of Them AH 1 I SATURDAY'S SCORES. National League. At Kt. I.imiih It. II. K. New York 1 tl 2 st. i.niM a '2 o '" MutlerlcH Mnttlu'WKon mill My Crn; Hnriiiou mill HrcHiiiihnit. ' Umpires- Klein ami Kiiinluy. At 'liirnmi Philadelphia : 1 1 Chimici " " ' Hnttcrics Meiiath and Doolie Jlrmvu inul Archer. Umpires Kiihoii mid Johnson. At Cincinnati Brooklyn 1 " - 0 ftiiciiiiiuli . (I l '' Hntteries Heunlon, Kuetrcr nml iWnen: (larper mul Mulliu. Umpires-- Fiuiii'Kmi nml Hitter. At I'itthliure HuNtoii-I'itttdHirj; Kuii! ostonrdf mlti. American League. . I At New York- K. II. H Detroit r - 1U 1 New York : 0 a " Hullcrlcs Uuiioviiii nml Klnmigu; NYnrliop mill Sweeney. Umpires Conolly mul O'LohkJi Jin. At Philadelphia Chicago '..'.. H l!l 1 Philadelphia 0, H ! Mutteries -Walsh imtl Sullivan; Tyii; Plank, Coombs mul Lapp. Umpires Ilinccii nml Perrine. At WiiHhinclitn St. Loiits.Viishhij;tii kiihio post jmiiu'iI; rain. At IIiiKton (First kiiuic.) Cleveland 7 11 1 Huston !l II ' Hatli'rii'K (lri'KH ami l.aml; Mo Mr anil Nunninukcr. IJinpinm Kviuih mul .Million. At KohIoii- (Si'foiul Kmuo.) Clovclmul (1 R 1 itoHtou 1 H 'J Hiitti-rii'H Kulki'iilicrK mul Liuul; JCarpT, Mall ami Nunmnakur. k Uinp'ut,H-lKvuuH mul Million. Jmiiidk WIIhoii, a well lo ilo fiii)ir of drill in crook linn mmlo llio iIIm ooory Ihiil HO miroH well toiukil will proiluoo uioro lliuii Kill noros Ichh inl'iiiNivoly fiuinml. Hnlllinj,' on tlio orook ovor 'JO yoarH iiko, .Mr. WIIhuii, for yoiirn tilloil Kill iiori of. oroik liotlom Intnl. I.nfi'ly Mi. WIIhoii hdIiI Imlr of hU rmioli. Ilowovor niiioli to Ills (ratification io foinul tliat Iiih onip of hay iluo to holler foililirii' tiou of thu Imiil anil uioro thoiou'li rotation of oiopu wiik larxor liiHt year lliuii it hail ovor hoou, whou Lwico iih much limit hail ln-oti hown. Mr, WilHiiu holiovoH that lio Mill Iiiim two much laml ami ImpoK homo ilay o havo hin farm roilucoil to a Kl.miro trad. TIiIh hIwiI ranch ho IioIIovom will hriiiK tjroulor ichiiI Ihau IiIh proKont farm, Portland Kl At Koiitllo Hnattlo 0 Taooma f At Vnuooiivor Vancouver f Viotoria '2 If, 0 II 1 f. I N'ntlouitl ,JraKuo. At PittHluirp ' Pitthbnrj; H lioMtoi , ,, 2 At (.'inoiiiunli Kuiu. At Chionpi Chicago 0 Philmlflphiii D At SI. latuiH St. Loiiix 8 Now York 1 Ka&;'WlL,4 HrtHS ufAGNcra "Hiiiih" Wiijjwr, Iho iloinnn olnutor in the National Icnuc, ih the Mimo ohl terror to pilchoiM im of yoio. The 1jiw-Iokci1 Teuton Iiiih hoon horn a loiitf JijMiulJmkow'lJrjiiaiiy yoarH tojeome. Aiucriraii IottKto. At New York ltaiu. At llonUm BRIDGE GAMES . MAKE GAMBLERS Ni:V YORK, Juno 17.-Any woman who playn iriiljo for money or oven for prir.oH in wholly to Maine if her cliiltl liiniK out tn ho a common irnmh ler. Thin i the dictuin of .Indue Woh erl J. Wilkin of the Children's court of Hrooklyn, who Irtht year had 'J!l! jiivemhi crap Hhootinc oanes alone lie fore him. While Juiljje Wilkin is not the firbt lo take thin view of "mi oiot'v L'amhliiiu" Iiih official jMisilinn mid oDiHirtuuitv for Htiidyinu the ENGLISH VIEWS ON ANNEXATION NO FASTING IN . HIS JSTRINE Pastor of Bar Creek Sunday School Held Under the Trees in thb Open Aalr Urges All Who Attend to Bring Their Lunch Baskets. 0f-f--& WHY DR. RICKERT Suffer with hondaehoB? OthorR luivn hcinTcomplotely rollovod hy wonrlnK my glnnn'is. So tuny you. KjoilKlit HpocliilNt. (er Kontiier'i. A J"1"1'- (lle,li,; nre m.i'i. that hi condcmi.a- ll .' lf;iMtJiir hnB!oriil to re- K,H,"1" ; ' J.iioii of the polite rorm of hiuni.u: it hold luwutlio ,i,,,lo of Hie ?' ITu V;V ' created more than the iimiiiI com- Ul" I'onlincnt very many years At Philadelphia , longer. The breakiu of the Inst tie i(l ....... ...i Philadelphia ChioiiKo At WahhiiiKton Washington ..,.".. 0 St. Loum (i Northwest League. At Portland-- H. Kpokauo '2 Portland fi ' At Vancouver Viotoria '2 Vancouver '2 M Sonttlo Taooma f Bl'iiltlu II V -- " . Pacific Coast League. At San I'VanciHoo It. 1,0H AllKeU'H " Onklaud "At lion Anuolort I'ortlaud 11. C (1 r H. n K. i i i K 8 V2 U 11 .Voriiou ,'....!) H At Saormuunto San I'Vaucojoo . . i ..... 4 fi Hiioramouto ' 0 Jii I FRIDAY'S RESULTS. j- ttttt ! rrr' ' CuiHt Ihmikuo. 'i At San Frnuoirioii 11, II. K. Loh AnuoloH '2 10 1 Oukliuul l 1 ill II "4"Ot Loh Anj;olen I'ortlmul '"8 Vvrnon ?...... ! 'At Saoranioulo Smirmuonto 1 San Krauoirico 7 r NorlhwoHtorn Ijohkuo. . At Poi'llniid-i . . , . Sltokami 12 17 (1 1 8 1 7...1 12 . 2 VISITORS SOUND PRAISES. (Continued on Pago Haven.) Or. Pick el, 8. V. Ilockwlth. Co?. Muiuly, J. A. Perry, K. N, CiuiiiiiIiikh RMil I)r. C. lt Huy to tnku the vUl tor'n throuich the valley, l'or an hour mill n half tlio orehnnl dlntrlrt of tlio valley van shown thu vUltom and then Mcdford wiik reached, whura the party, nftcr IioIiik kIviiii 'lino to "cluan up" ufter their long ride from Klamath rallu, cuthereil at tlio bouquet hoard. W. I. Vawtcr actor ijb toaitmaBtor ut thu foitlvltluu nml Introduced the varlotm Mpoukora which Included II. 0. Nutt, C. a. Jackaou, II. I.. Pit lock, John F. Cnrroll, J. R. Wood- worth, A. U. Carlton, II. WlthliiKtou, and n numher of other. All told of the Krout mrprlite ttioy ifict at finding Mcdford and the Hokuo Itlver Vnlloy an well developed an they are. .Tho wholo uffnlr pnifted off very nicely duo to the offorlH of I- V. MedlnHky, William Gorlf? and a iiiim her of othurH. - TIioho la the party who vlalted the city were: ' II. C. Nutt, fourth vlco prculdont, Northern Pacific, Tncomn; J. S. Woodworth, trntflo munnKor, St. Paul; A. 1). Charlton, ntiHhitnut con oral pnttHciiKor nrvnt, Portlnnd; V. II. KoRorty, hsalHtaut Koncral freight agent, Portland; Henry Dlakeloy, gonoral woBtorn freight agent, Ta coiun; L, J. Ilrlckor, iuunlgrntlon agent, Ht. Paul; O. . Wheeler, nd vortUIng department, St. Paul; II. S. Cook, pnHHOugor department, Port lnnd; It. P. ltlggn, official photogra pher, Portland: V. K. Cownn, gen eral freight mid linHsenger agent 8, M. & 8. Ity.. Portluml; H. L Pit took, the Oregonluu, Portland; J. W. Plttoak the Oregonluu, Fortlnnd; S. O, Krnnltx, Iho Oregonluu; C. H. JnckHou, preHldunt and general man ngor Orogon Journnl, Portland; John V, Carroll, general manager Kven lug Telegraph, Portland; K, W. Cos tollo, Hocrotary, All property vnluca depend upon the prosperity of the community. If our imniiufucturoru aro proapurlng, mid the morehaut llkowtao, tlio farm er will proHper, too. Tho peruhitpnt deiuaud for i;oodB "Mado In Oregon" will help brlt'iff groator proBporlty to tho lwoplft of Qrogon. , , f Look nt' 'tlio mis' Hint offer em ployment mul you'll find tlio right. ojio soon. .!.',.. Look for tho ml that desorihoa Iho lLn!o you would liko to own. mont. "The example hot hy mothers mid fathers who play cards for money or pnr.es is utcroa.suii; cauiolm oniony ohildron." .IiiiIl'o Wilkin mi. Years LONDON. Juno 17. Ask any well informed Englishman whether ho really thinks the United States is duo to annex Canada, mid the chances aro ton to one Hint he will reply: Mai, ho mi, but a union between thO United States and Australia is n good deal liklier. Certainly no Hrilon who is thor oukUv familiar with the eonntry's colonial and foreign affairs believes between them mav not be followed i immediately by nu Australian request that the United States annex them, ) hut, it in considered ut all probable I'lllliil I'll, MI!Ji;i' " IMII -,ri. a.i.r.. . , - - Hrt'a man introduced u M.eiety for , ,l,at Austrulm wilj4be a tnnc - eiionish Next Sunday is n red letter day in the calender of Griffin creekers. The lowIanderH are Koin U join the liihlanderH in their basket lunch service on the divide. There will he no iircaohinK at the Oriffin crock church Sabbnth us the concrepition is K"iiiK to join with Frank Stuart's roiigrcpillSin in their fliein service oiht miles up Griffin creek from Mcdford on the summit of the mountains. The liar creek congregation ha armed itself with hvmnbooks and ro enforced by the Griffin creekpcople will make the surniiiniliuj; moun tains ring with harmonious praises to the great Jehovah. One thing, Dr. Stuart wants dis tinctly understood, which is that the service is not to be one of fast. Every good housewife is nlrendy overhauling her tsock of spring chickens in search for the plumpest which will be sacrificed to henrty ap petites on that day.' An urgent wholesale invitation is issued to the city folks of Medford to attend sen-ices nu the divide. Dill Fields is going to bring along a few extra chickens from his famous flock of Rhode Island Heds for the pros pective valley visitors. h- MAY ROBSON PLEASED. thu Prevention of ('ruelly to -Animals There is also such a soeiely.for the protection of children. Yet thoro is no such soeielv for the protection of children. Yet there is no mioIi! u.wtinti' i'n tin nr.ilmif imi .if llu. minds of children. I tl.inkoruelty to lnnitti..g their lapd to become n the minds of children, the jnculcatiimlT? A1I,,1r";n" ."" KrP of of wrong ideas and IrtihiK that will Is alos M ' "1 be ready for a .-.;.. Hi..!,- f.ii.ir. t. i.i.t .,- i..l ;r ''o onoiigii iiiiuuweuo aniouiiiprae ' " .!" "" ""' to remain entirely, iudcH:udent at least for some, generations to come and Amerion is the- mot natural friend to turn to ufter severing re lations with England. It may be that the Australians will draw the line .it not a great deal worxc than physical cruelly to animals ami little one'. "Every mother nild father who play curds mid make tho game attrac tive to their children by tolling of their gains and of tho little evtrn lux uries they can purchase with the money, or who display some beauti ful priio, won at cards nro certainly leaving a soar on the child's mind that will grow deeper inul dceur as time goes on," JUST WANTS A DIVORCE; NEITHER CHILD NOR COIN LOS ANOKLKS, Cal., Juno 17. -Seeking neither alimony tipr the cus tody of her daughter, Itumouu. 1 1, Mrs. Helen M. Uordeu, through her attorneys, Clmk mid Clark, has filed .suit for divorcu against Gail Har den, sou mid heir to thu Now York mauiifaoturor who made millions out of a condensed milk product. In the complaint Mrs. Horden says that slit! was descried by hor husband in July, 11)00. Mrs. Hordeu is now in New York. Attorney Kugeuo Over ton, counsel for Gail Horden, implied that tho ease would not he contested. ''Wo have not yet decided," ho said, "whether wo will contest the ease." C. E, Anderson, general foreman for llu Pacific Telephone company, in this, city, has joined the ranks of tlioibeiiedicts. Incidentally ho stole a nuii'oh nu his mMpiaintmioes, who knew nothing of his plans until hu and hi bride stepped from the train Friday afternoon. Tho uuirriiigo yns performed Mon day, Juno C), in Fori Woith, Texas. Mrs. Anderson was formerly Miss Jloo Hooker, a prominent young lady of that city. Mr. Anderson has beep connected with tho telephone com pany for several years and with tho Medford station for the past four months, The young couple, took mi exten sive wedding tour, visiting New Or leans, Chioago mid Portfnifd." They will 'tnko up their lesidenuoiiu Mod ford.. - . .i ii . . Mrs. John 8. Ortli mid Mrs. Alfred A. Miller havu boon visiting their inothnr, Mia. Cordelia Ankony at fOugene. ticrtlly to the saiuo,Ujing. ' At any rate, tlu-f is the way tin far-seeing Englishman has fioured out the situation. He regrets it. The seecession f Australia must neces sarily look a good deal like the be ginning of tho breaking up of the em pire. Hut he can't seo how thing nro going to work out differently. Japan Is one of tle factors in tin situation which prophetically consti tuted Britons hchcNo is going to de velop. Japan nml England nre allies. Ar offensive uud defensive treaty bind' them fast until 1!)!."). The Japanese wish to settle in northern Australia. The Australians are. determined ti keep them out nt any cost. And En gland t is ufraid lo support its own colony lest it offend ,its ally. ' i Support the manufacturers of your homo city first, last and'all tho tlrao, and you will help yourself to prosper ity. Hut If your local factories can not supply your wants, InalHt that tho merchant carries "Mado In Orogon" goods from other Oregon sources to supply your needs. HaHklns for Health. (By Ed Andrews.) When Heme wrote "Shore Acres," wc thought the climax in the rural "down east" comedi'-dramn had been reached, and for Miss Itobon to venture into the dramatic field witlin female version of Joshua WWhitcomb wns, to sny the least, a daring venture, nnd tbnt she has suc ceeded is the highest tribute tint one can pay to her talent as u com edienne. And when wo take into ac count that the play itself is n very weak one, with no strength of plot, no situation of any intensity or hu mor, no climaxes, except those that she ercutes as she coes nlong, it is nothing short of wonderful thatMay Hnbson could send away nu audieiici so highly pleased n3 the one which left the Medford opera house lust evening. "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" was what n race-horse man would call a one-to-a-huudred shot nnd she won! The. east was a good one, nnd, like Gilbert's "House of Lords" in his ojern "lolanthe." "Did nothing in pariculur, mid di it very well' It would be quite out of place to review the play from a critical stand point. It seems to bo tlio order of things dramatic nowaday? to please the people. Mary Itobson did it. Will Register Visitors. Special efforts will be made in the future to take care of nil outsiders visiting tho Commercial club rooms. A register will bo kept nnd all visitors will bo requested to sign their iinmes tbnt the executive force of tho ojub will be better able to locato nnd ad vise them on nny matter they may desire information. Heretofore the visitors have come nnd gone, lenving nothing by which they onu be lo eated and tho register will prove a great help to all concerned. Look at the ads for the clinnco tn buy tho property you need nt a "right price." Look for the ad that calls for you among the help wanted ads. Hasklns tor Health. Pri vateAmbulatice Service Sick "and Injured Conveyed to Any Part of the City "or Country. JOHN A. PERL PHONES: Day-Bell Main 351, Residence 4111; Home Phone 179-L HL'HV HANK UOOIMCKFJ'KItH " nre constantly at work recording tho transactions of tho Farmers & Fruit growers Hank. Much of their tlmo Is spent on the accounts of men whoso affairs are no larger than yours. Hut their credit and standing aro higher than yours because they havo a bank account and you have not. Why don't you put yourself on a level with them by opening an account yourself? Farmers S Fruitgrowers Bank FOR Manicure Shampoo Hair Dress , Electrical, Facial and Scalp Massage Chiropody COME TO The Marinello Shop ROOM 5, OVER KENTNER'S PHONE 111. V44 Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS aw a aa mm B Money on nana at an tunes to loan on unproTea ranches and fruit land. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. PHONE 3231. wwwwwwwwww.wwwwwwwwwww. si t0tt09 JUST OUT Medford Mail Tribune Official Map of Jackson Countjy, Ore. Compiled especially for the Mall Tribune by the 2 Jackson County Abstract Co, Approved and offl- X clally adopted by the county court, July, 1910. Shows ownership of each parcel of property, township and section lines, county roads, forest re- serves, railroad grant, city and town boundaries and all other necessary information. The only convenient, handy, complete map of Jackson county published la many years. 81m 29 by 40 inches, on heavy nap paper, tinned at both ends. No home complete without this map. It sells for $2.50, but will be given away free to subscrib ers to the Medford Mall Trlbuno. HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE SUBSCRIBE TO THB DAILY MAIL TRIBUNE FOR ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE , .fO.OO OR FOR THE WEEKLY MAIL TRIBUNE TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE AT $1.50 A YEAR.3.00 AND THE MAP IS YOURS. i 1 1 ' i :: 1 1 1 1 1 1 'i 'i Or set one now subscriber to the Dally or two now ones to tho Weekly, remit and we will send the map. Old subscribers may securo the map by paying i up arrears and subscribing in advance. . Medford Mail Tribune 27 N. Fir Street jyieaiora, ure. ' t4Wit4h tH K