PAGE SIX r $ L I N 1 APPLE PROSPECTS, . NOT SO ROSY f.u -.., -...u jnwinwcsi rruu cxcnangc issues Bulletin .ReDardlna , Crop Hood ni'vw. Will Have, About 60 Per Cent of Last Year's Crop. I Tho Northwestern Fruit Exchange linB issued tho following bulletin on tipple crop conditions. Since tho date of "our Inst bulletin No. 04 issued Juno Gilt no chnnRcs ot special Im portance haVo been reported to the exchange. Statements In regard to tho1 crops east of tho MUsourl river arc conflicting In many ways, btit tho general tone confirms the previously reiterated ndvlces that tho yield In those districts will bo much larger than has been harvested for a num her of years. Many sections In the caiit navo been visited with abundant rains which hnve helped strengthen tho situation. On tho TVholo, the rains hnvc been of exceptional value nt this tlt, following tho extremely hot weather and Bovoro d roughs. The Juno drop will bo milch heavier than was expected. While a number of localities report blasting of Bome vnr letles. It seems certain that New York and Mlehlgaii at least, will have bumper. yleldst especially In tho fall varieties. Tho Virginias promise ft very fir crop, although smaller than thnt of 1810. information from New York Btato "under dato of tho 10th shows heavier dropping than Is considered desirable Jin some localities, wMllo others report 'blahting, out on me average, cuuui tloiu Indlcato an exceedingly large volume of tonnage. Michigan Itcports. Michigan reports arb of the same general character MEDFOttl) MAIL TK-TBUMW. MEDFOR1X OREGON, SUNDAY, .TUNW .18, 101 L i " ' " I l " '" -- -,-' " Is the Mainstay of the Pittsburg Pirates GREET SUNDAY NkKmkw - v M'- ifflHBMiMBriflflHIHiuISBtBIIH-? - - "Ntams SCHOOL WORKERS "Lcftv" Ldifiold, the great wulh-paw of the Pittbbtaiv Whites. U go iiir loiij? in Hue dm." for Fw! 'Clarke's team thi omuoii. "Lefty", bus been tho mainstay or the niwwirK uny .or j, -r-pears to be juut ns jrood as ever. ... nr,t ninnWict. OtlO WftB 27 OT - - nuiv wv .- - general character, in some aisinci 2S years, of medium neigni. prouauij- . w. rnrij.lnflli p,-.... ,,n. thcummer varieties will be heavier B fe.8 inches, of slender build and , Woman Who Conducted Famous Un- proporuonaiciy man mo niuMvo, scaring aarn, iubu tium. u.": oergrounu nunruaa uunng irou' but tho latter will of themselves ex ceed tho production of the last sev-ldark hair. One wore a dark cap, the eral years. Virginia , reports aro recent and cbmprehonBlvo. Tho Shenandoah Valley and Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia promise crops of un usually fine quality, but on tho whole the quantity will hardly exceed 60 or 65 per cent of last year's harvest. The shortage Is attributed to the last lato frost, and the excessive drouth lasting three weeks; Tie crop has also been abnormally heavy. The falling off In the older orchards, which boro heavily'last year, will be offset, to a large extent, by the great acreage of young orchards just com ing Into bearing. Tho Shennandoah Valley was Visited by severe hall, lightning and wind stormB on June 6th ,the effect of which could not be determined at the time of our ad vices. Whatever damage has result ed in tho southern parts of the val ley may be equalised by the benefit of rain fall In the northern sections. fTho crops of 1910 In seven countries 3n tho Shenandoah Valley agreegated J1000,000 barrels, or the equivalent pt 5000 carloads. i No additional reports have been re ceived from Colorado. Northwest Conditions. I ? Northwest conditions continue un changed. According' to best posted sources, the ouUook for apples Is as follows: V Hood River, Oregon, 50 to GO per cent of last years crop. J Rogue River, Oregon, 40 to 50 per cent 'Of last years crop, - Milton, Frocwater, 35 to 50 per cent of last years crop. Other districts In Oregon about the 8a mo average. Wenatcheo Valloy, Washington, about tho same as last year, 2500 cars. Yakima Valley, Washington 30 to 50 per cent of last years crop. . Other districts in Washington 35 to 75 per cent according to districts. : Southwestern Idaho heavier than 1010. It twill bo remembered that tho general atowlo crops of tho Pacific Northwest In 1010 were unusually largo. MAIL CAR LOOTED. 2 ". (Continued from 1ko 1.) (It-lines, John C. Meyer and John L. dray.anull clerks, on tho Shasta Liml. te'd, the mall car of which was rob 'bed between Drain and Yoncalla by tUX. Ul,1.n ,nnn lnRt nllrllt lav OVCt ItWo hold-up men last night lay ov'et t iv , Ahinnri tnrtnv. Grimes Bald in describing tho affair: , iiotn.n mii nutiirnil tlin rnr nt Drain. Hust aB the train was pulling out and them. One of the bandits Boized one V. ,..i tl, thrnn ilnrk wUh rovol- nt hn cnna and Hhot Jones. -Kldd Jvers, one of the robbers having one grappled with the robber ad was Jgun and tho other two. wo mrew up Bhot to ueaui. uio uuuuim Dibi...-" i.' --... vi V.o naln wont livniitrli l,. frnlii in utnn and CHcaned, A IBUIII BIS II 11 MIIII LUCl IIU11 M wD" L1IU V " - I the inallB, taking eight registered posse 1b pursuing them. ,.niirhiia. Of these one was for Mod f6rd and the others -were California tallied. points, One sack destined for kos Anvniaa Was covered by etuiHy equlp- , i..i .n yivi.rlnnkpil li'v thH loW lmiiillt todav rollbi'd the i...... n, mtnliitt wernall 'throiiall C6untv'tri'aBiry""f SJISSOO . -. ' .. tin lnif.wl.'ilL'o of .i nenutv TioaHiuer ' Eddy in the ho number of packages or character vault. During the robbery crowds at of their contents. Sotuo were half full nc nver nnd others had less In them. j "Tho robbers pulled the emergency! air at Yoncalla at which tho train j does not stop and when speed Block ened, escaped In tho darkness. They J waft 27 or NOTED NEGRESS HEARING GRAVE were smooth shaven and both had nfhnr a dnrk slouch hat and oom had their headgear drawn low to hide their faces as much as possible." blous Times Prior to Civil War, Recognized by Congress. r- i I TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. j 1 NEW YORK, Juno 17. One of tho ! most Interesting characters oh aute- DlotMUiouiiiLo Sent. SALEM ore June ;-" bci,Um days and a prominent figure, of guard Miles two bloodhounds were ' ' sent to Drain today to aid in tho pur- considering ner abilities, during the suit of the two robbers who held up J war and succeeding days, Is eking out and robbed tho mall car of the Shasta! her existence in the Harriet Tubman Clmlted at midnight between Drain home In Albany. She is nearly 100 and Yoncalla. years, old. Ill and penniless and tho A report reached here that twoi trustees of tho home are now asking .-..I ..i. .!,. in n tinrn'for funds to nay for a nurso for her. men were iuuiiu mn.-ni. - - - about 5 o'clock this morning by a far-jThe woman Is Tarrlet Tubman, found- mcr who lived three miles south ofier or mo nome in wnicn sue is now Yoncalla. When the farmed aweken ed them they left the vicinity. dying, who ran away from slavery and later succeeded in assisting more than 300 slaves to liberty through i?ni.iw..i innf fir.. the- "underground railroad." ano was . --. - m m.... Untintoil Vir nirtat ffirtinna "rnnrfitrrnr HIDDINO, Minn.,, June i. umrB- ..v .-0v .. ed with arson and being accessory to of this road during the dayB of Its robberies where safes were blown. greatest activity. She was also a guide Dr" D. F. Dumas, mayor of Cass Lake, In tho Union army, and, despite her Minn., was arrested today. Tho ar-jlack of education, she never learned rest was made on warrants sworn out, to read or write, one of tho wisest by Fire Marshal Fullerton and Pink- counsellors her race ever had. erton detective Joseph yielding. . The , She was a friond of Garrison, Phll .,., nffimr n Pneaced in round-' lips. John Brown, Gerrit Smith, Sew- nrd and Lincoln. It naa ucen nam oi her that her only peer In the service of tbe negro race was Frederick Douglass and yet to tho casual observ er she Is only an aged, wrinkled no gresa, with all the superstitions and other qualities characteristic of her kind. Of puro negro blood, Harriet Tub man was born on a plantation in Dor cheater counfy. Maryland. When alio Ing up others who are reported to bo members of a fire ring that has been engaged In wholesale arson and Bafe blowing in the northwest for the past threo years. The officers allege that Dumas was tho leader of tho ring and planned al lthe crimes committed. Last night the officers, lying In wait, caught two yeegmen In the act of blowing the safe In tho post office at Puposky. Tho yeggs fought desperately, and one of was still a young Woman hor master them. Martin Behan, was HeriouBiy wounded and captured. Ho was broucht to Bemldjl on a special trdln. Tho other wns wounded, but escaped and today 1b being trailed by blood hounds. A week ago the officers lcanleif of a plot to dynamite tho Puposky post office safe and burn the building. They waited last night until the men began their work, then closed In up on them. Simultaneously they raided Mayor Dumas' office and assert todaS that they found nltro-glycerlno, fufei, drills, marked maps, magazine Ii!s-i tols, Colt revolvers and Incriminating letters. Train Held Up. SALT LAKE CITY, Utali, June -if; i-Conductor William Kldd of the pocatejlo division of the Qrogon 8hort Line was killed and deputy Hherlff Jones of Idaho fatally woiudcd. In a fleht with two bandits arrested, on a short line train at High Bridge, Idaho, today. Tho men wore arrested and Jones had taken two rovolvors from Their names liavo not been aBcer- LAWRENCE, Kans.Jtino 17. A Douglas IJo'lock- dled and word went round that tho slaves were to bo "sold south," tho thing moot dreaded by the negroes of the Upper tier of slave states. She was of herculean strength, and she declared that she was entitled to one of two things, liberty or death. She raised her sinewy arms to heaven and declared that Bho would havo lib erty. She escaped, obtained employment, saved her earnings" and finally with llio aid of Quaker abolitionists, Bho put her underground railway in op eration. Growing bolder, flho went ambilg 'the slaves of tho south, and It was' not long before tno price for her cuiiturd. dead or alive, had reached Hd.QoD. But alio was never taken, altnodgh Hhomado 19 "trips Into the Very Heart of tho country where the' reward ; for. hir capture was raised. All .through tho war and over Blnco Hhe labord,indofatigaiily.for the .ad vancement of the negro race. It wus only comparatively recently that con groHS recognized hor survlccB with a small pension. hlghwnymon entered tno Southern Pa. clflc depot hero early today nnd blow up the safe with dynamite. Seventy dollars was secured. Forty dollars wns left lying on tho floor. Tho night watchman, Who was a short distance away, rushed to the scene nnd fired at tho threo men as they fled Into the darkness. CHICAGO, 111. Four men who backed up n wngun before the Kut clmi Flavoring Extract Fnetory. kicked in the door and hauled ofi the safe containing .fliUO cash nu! thousands of dollars worth of pa per nre contenders fr tho heavy weight thief chnrcpioiiship, Chicago police think. ' ' NATCHEZ. Rs. Jf A. I Siniuih wins the race for sheriff mid ic elccted for n four your' term, he lm promised to give .'J000 for charity. FOWLER, Intl. - Tho Kenton county grand jtiry'irt today coilslller irij; the case of John I'oole nllcgcd murderer of Joseph Kemper, whose body wus found buried on PooleV farm. HUN NEWELL. Kas.' - Miiyor.;s Wilson is eonsideriiiK ouster proceed ings against the councilineii who stil1 refuse to meet with hor to transact city business. When each wus nsked whether lie would attend council medio;; only evasive answers wore obtained. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Yoshiro Tumi wiiwu, former Boston belhop is on vvul to Tokio, Japan, to before pro fessor of philosophy at tho Univer sity of Kinco. LIMITED JUMPS TRACK; ONE DEAD tho vestibule of tho' train when the accident occurred and hud his skull crushed like un oggesholl. Other cars were cdmplotoly smashed. Tho train was running fifty miles an hour and It Is mur.vcllous ' more perHons woro not killed. ' ', on the court Iioubo lawn llfiteulng to a band concert. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, June 17. Yoggmon early today ontored tho Bennett Paint, and Glass Company's office, bound and gaged the- watch mun, locked him In the Vault; blew ilafo'uiid escaped with $1,000 111' cash, fhero'nro no clues to tho perpetra tors of Iho robbery. LOS GATOS, Cal June 17. Threo inudo goods. Wo notice thaf;pbmbimoi'chanB In other cities aro! using - considerable Bpaco advortUIng "Mado In Orogon" goods, That li as It uhould bo. Tho morchant must know that hlH Indivi dual prosperity Is to a great extent dependent upon tbo-prosporlty of tho state at large, and if Oregon manu facturers are patronized, that it will mean greater pay rollB, and greater pay rolls mean a largor degree of prosperity for overy man, woman and child in Oregon, ' Tho pooplo oMhla'clty should buy 'Made" in Oregon" ioods frdnv' tho local "merVilinnta wlronovor tho 'fi'rtco and quality nro equal to Eastern Reception Committee Tnkos Visitors for Ride About City nnd Vnlley- Aro Chahnctt With Natural Beau ty of Valley. Dili oil The parly of iuleiniitloiiiil Suiidn school workers on llicir wny to Su Francisco io nttcmt Iho liitcnmllont Hunduv schoo I workers' coiivcnlio stopped in Alcdt'onl from 10:110 n. in, to :i:;U p. ui. Sadiiduy umLwcru cu tcrdvined by icprcscntalivcs of tin various churches of this city. Tho members of tho party were met at the depot by a reception coin, uiitteo nnd escorted to automobiles itt which they visited Jacksonville, the oitv rt'Soi'Viiii' mill tln vnrimw in-. jChard tt'hcts suiroundiiu; Med ford. .At noon they wciv taken tollio Niili rt.'n i ... i.... i . vi rin wuero iiiucueoii wns servcti tu tor which thoy proceeded to the Hap list ehurch whom an impromptu pro gram wus hold. A nuinbei' of tlio Visitors made nhoit talks. Among Hmso who smkc weiv Mr. ami M-s, f)ietneh who have charge of tho set tlemenl work in Minnesota. Mr. Dietrich gave a short talk on ele mentary work in the Sunday school and Mrs. Dietrich sjmke on primary work in the Sunday school. Mr. Robertson, president of tho Humlav scltool work In Cuiilpln; talked adult work on the Sunday school And Mr. Sotlni-w u'lin lmu .dim-.,.. . ...... . .....HVJ .., (lie music in the Moody liistitulo in Chiciijo, Kiive a short description of his work there. Tho pastors of the Various local churches all took, a prominent part in the program iimiii me completion oi which the viMtors departed IW Sim Priiiw.wiwi There was a misundcrslandiiif; of some Sort in Portland and muiio of Hie delegates did not stop in Med ford. Some of those in the party who smppco nere were li. V. Wil liiitimiin tvmtniii1 c.iMr..lii ... f. .....1 , -. f.v.,, .I.,. Hill, Mrs. C. K, Million, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Knot, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Smilli, .mt. ami .Mrs. .v Miakespearc, .Mr, -. .. .1 If... 4 r I . nun jim, .. nianier. .Mfs y (i. erts. MisS Collins, Miss Howe, W. ( Fiudley, G. Hanson. Kcv. It.' J. Wil son. ltov. J. Douglas, H. ( Alex under, A. Calender and K. C. Learn. The foregoing were largely from ancouver and Mritlsh Coluiiibia. NOTICK. Notice la herobr clven that thn nn dorslgned will apply to tho city cotni ell of tho city of Medford. Oregon, at ItB next rogular meeting on Juno 20, 1911, for n llccnno to sell Bplrltous, rlnous and malt lliunrs In qliantltlcs less than a gallon at Its place of busi ness on lots 5, 6, 7, S, block 20, In laid city, for a period of six months. IIOTKL NASH CO. Dated Juno 8, 1911. HasklnB for Health. Look nt the classified ads if yott have lost HomcthiiK! and if the J.1J'!"!! ! ll! , 'j-HUlLLLJlliii JU PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. Our offlco Is now located In our pack Ing hoiiHO, and Is open for thn ncanon, From now on wo will havo tho da.ll) reports nil markets. Allowing prices realized by tho California Fruit Dis tributors, and all other shippers. Any ono Interested Is Invited to Anmn In nnl Irints tlwttn rwnr nnd nflm paro prices. Ily shipping with dH you Win novo an ino novauiugi.'n, ui mu Inrcont n nil most, comnlato clm.'Idtiatll nllln nrrfiiitfffiltnn In thn ITnlfnri States and at a lower cost to you than in inn pani. Lat yeai1 wo huhdled nearly" ttt IhmiHnnrf rnr rndiln nr rivinl v.ll nor cent of tho entlrq California crop. iiomomoor wo n n rt r. M n Ir ll t V n All fruit Is sold on Its Individual TORONTO, Ont., Juno 17. The International Limited on the Grand TrunK itauway jumped tno track at ",'.' ""''"" --.-- 1.J. -i.i ' morlts, and each growers natno and Newcastlo last last evening, one pna- prCe realized for ouch shipment aro ..... . . . . niitillulrst Ikt t tx nnt nrrtttt lt ftt Henger being killed and hair a dozen y ' " """'". "" ,"",," , , was tried and failed y?ars ago In Call BorlohHly Injured.' Tho dead man Is a (ornla. commercial traveller of Toronto If you want tb sell soo us, If you named J. Matllll., '116 wob standing' in want' material, iiHpocl our huhidim. .... ? . .. nrwl crnt nur nrlcefl hoforo tillrehns and got our prices boforo purchan l'K. x Jl . . . . . It O D U f J K II H KHUIT V II. . sr. MeKrun'v. NorillMfCutern AkciU. Homo Phono 4U. Pncifia 7O01. FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRIJXT LANDS Largo .and Small Truots .. MOOR-EHNL GO. 212 Fr uitgrowora Bank Bldg Diraperie We earn rv a. very ,.w r --, qraporio. iac cummin, iw and no an ciusBun ui uiniui eurtalnn, flittirei, etc.. bhiih of ui))ioltetlnr. A ucclal man to wok aftpr this work coroplcU llna'ot re, eio.t urlng. A xolualvoly inrvlfn C1H the ldrt orvieo as Is .poM cm and ties. Ill Klve as oorj o to get in even T - i, Weeks & McGowan Co WRESTLING MATCH At Popular Prices, 50c, 75c, $1 - Buzukos vs. Dyreborg IdKhtuclulit t'hiunploii IiinI. Nalatoi-luui Athletic flub ANGLE OPERA HOUSE Tuesday Night, June 20th Good Preliminaries. 2 Warner, Wortman S Core Headquarters For Kincst Clroctn'ios antl MimiIh in the oily. Hiltv wt uffor a low' siigOHtiuns I'm' yoxw lalilu. They aru j ;! taken at. random from our hitf stock. !i Blue Ribbon Flour Ohaao k Sanborn Coffoo Gold Medal Buttor Bakery Gooda. Radishes Onions Peas Now Potatoes Strawborrios Lettuce Pie Plant Etc. Etc. Etc. ? Apricots Oanning Ohorries Banannos Carrots Turnips Tomatoos Cucumbers Lemons Oranges Grapo Fruit Apples We earry a t'oinplete line of Ooiikey'n Poultry !! i ! if 1; Situplies and Conkey's Fly Knocker. ; ! . tt.tW.ffrflVfW A, Hotel That Is Different ASHLAND, OREGON offers more, attractions for thu tourist than any city in Southern Oregon. The New Columbia Hotel at Ashland is unexuelod for uxcelleneo of furnishings. Compare favorably with the best hotels of Portland or San Francisco for modern convenience and com fort. Steam heat and hot and cold water in overy room. Rooms with private bath. Single or en suite. Iiotol auto meets trains. European plan. For res ervations address or apply to The Columbia Hotel Mrs. E. G. Hadloy, Prop. Endors Block, Ashland, Or For Sale 1 ACRE AND 5 ACRE TRACTS adjoining . city of Modl'ord, on long time, easy pay ments, 12 LOTS IN MEDFORD on main paved street; ccnient sidewalks and paving jn; also sewers, water and light. Long lime, .oiwy payments. 430 AORES LAND, .!)() acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual water right with Water for irrigating .1000 acres; long .time, onto: payments. 340 AORES LAND, 200 acres alfalfa dand, balance JVuit land. 1 mile from railroad; on long time easy terms. 5000 AORES LAtfb in tracts of JVom l() acres upwards; price $25.00 poi acre and upwards; suitable for alfalfa, fruit stock and general farming purposes; long time, , easy piiyi;uuits. , . 5 AND 10 AORE TRACTS just within and x adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on f animal payments. !" Gold Hay Realty Co 2UnVIOTMAINSTItTCKT. "iy. Jt " ' c .iifn. w. iiiriwJLau..1 : ..a a. ri .' V j.&5jAiVl" - "-'