' pXGEtfOttK arEDFOTW MATT, TU1BTTNV0, METWOnD, ORttOON, SUNDAY, ,TTTNW IP, mil. MAKES VITROLIC REPLY TO TEDDY Harrison Gray Otis Says T. R. Is the Greatest Jnunus-Fnccil, Cham-dcon-Hucd, Upright and Down- ' Rirjlit Fabricator of Modern Times. Ferris Hartman to Be Here Soon. LOS ANQ BLISS, Oil., Juno t". In a lonRthy nrtlclo hi tlio I.os An Kolcn Times today, Guncrnl Harrison Gray Otis replied to Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's editorial entitled "Mr. Dampen, General Otla and the dynn inlto charges" published In the cur rent Issue of the Outlook. After repeating the editorial print ed In tho Times which It says was responsible for the "oblique, Insinuat ing diatribe In tho Outlook from the pen of tho editorial ex-president" to day's editorial In tho Times says In part: , "If Thedoro Roosevelt had been a contemporary of Ananias, llaron Mun chausen mid Mender Flnto, those Illustrious Komuncers would have been distanced and would have lost Ihom notoriety. Tho many-colored coat of Joseph was uniform and som bre compared with tho coloring of the Roosevelt political robe. Of all the Janus-Faced, chanieleon-hucd. up right and downright fabricators that over tried the patience of friends and Invited tho criticism of foes, here, certainly is the limit. The name 'face both ways' Is Inadequate. Demands Fair Trial. "In spite of the evidence taken be fore the grand Jury upon which tho McXamaras were Indicted the Times has never made the assertion and does not now mako the assertion In advnnco that their gutlt Is establish ed. It has demanded, and still de mands, that they shall receive an Im partial trial before an unprejudiced Jury, with every Intendment of the law In their favor and that they shall not be convicted unless proven guilty beyond n reasonable doubt of being cither actual principals, legal partlcl pes crlmlnls, or accessories to tho dy namiting. "In that trial the state has rights as well as tho accused. Colonel Roosevelt was unmindful of his own claimed reputation for standing for 'the squaro deal when he rushed, un solicited, to tho defense of suspected and indicted dynamiters by doubting not whether they committed the act charged, for that he had a right to do but by doubting whether any dynamiting of the Times had been done by anybody; for that Is' what his 'if means. Is Xot Fair. "Of course, Colonel Roosevelt must bo aware of the fact that he does not even begin to slate fairly tho trtto at titude of the editor of the Times, or the Times newspaper on the subjects In dispute. His clear effort to appeal to popular prejudice by aligning the Times with 'The interests' with cap ital as against labor, is worthy of jhlm and wholly Indefensible. ; "Ills latest position on tho union labor question as announced In the last Issue of the Outlook Is that of un conditional and abject submission to "theso monopolies. Ho sits at the feet of Gompers, casts adoring glances at OFFICER KILLED: SLAYER ESCAPES Assailant Supposed to Be Hlrjlwny- man No Clue to Identify Man H Patrolman Dies Shortly After at Hospital. SKATTLK, Wash., Juno 17.- -I'a- Itrolninn W II. Ufliilltfo died ut tho city hospital at .8 nvloek this morn 'lug. one hour utter he had been mor tally wounded by the bullet or a a im posed highwayman. There Is no elew to the Identity of the assailant. Five shots were fired In u duel between two men and the policeman, it Is belluved. Sergeant Fred A. Klbbnch and Pa trolman Shuntaker heard the shots and when looking la tho direction of the sound saw a man running. They gave chase but failed to get htm. Later a boarding house at Madison and ll'oren avenue was surrounded and two men and two wuniqu arrest ed, but It Is not believed that they are the guilty parties. The most popular comedian which ' the wet has ever known, herns i Hartman, who hu. just completed the , most wonderful season he has ever had in Los Angeles, will visit Med ford soon where lie will appear atj the Medford theatre, in his wonder ful creation of "The Toyninker." This charming- and delightful eomie opera has been plnyed by Mr. Hart man for so Ion? that he has become thoroughly identified with it and his conception of the part of the old toy maker of Nu rent nrjr, " Johannes Ginurenlieinler' has become a vhu-sie with him. Mr. Hartman comes equip ped with the best production and the largest eompanv, which he has ever had and "The Toyninker" will be ren dered in a most elaborate and fitting mnnner. The costumes and seenori: are. all new, bright and most attrac tive. The company eonists of over 50 people in which is specially fea tured Walter ,De Leon and Miss "Muggins" Uavies, who have just cre ated a tremendous success in Mr. I)e Leon's own play. "The Campus," which has jut completed a record breaking run of Hi weeks at the grand opera houe in Los Angeles, and in which Mr. Do Leon and Mis Da vies will be starred next reason. In scenic equipment and centum splendour "The Toyninker" will . the most elaborate production see here in many years. A notewortb scene being that of the toy shop wit! its huge revolving drum, its datnttl clad and beautiful girl ehoru-i and it atmosphere of light and gaiety, mal it particularly attractive. In add: tiou to those mentioned, the coie uany will contain the names of Oli ver Lenoir, Joseph Fogarty, Miss Jo sie Hart and many others. Suldoi. or never lias n comic opera beei given such delightful music lis And ran has supplied in "The Toyninker' niul rendered in the manner of th Ferris Hartmaii Ojera company, i proves a source of pure delight. Fop ular summer prices will prevail. Seat now one sale, $1.00; "."io; f0e. Card of Thanks. We uiIi to thank our friends and neighbors for the beautiful flowei. j that were sent and the tunny words 'mid mesMiges of sympathy received! .' during Mrs. Anderson's illness and since her death. In the tiituro m shall never hear of a ee of serious illness without our hearts going out , in sympathy to the suffering and to their dear ones who so patiently i md earnestly wait, watch mid pr.n HF.HT AXDKKSOK and Children S. S. SMITH mid Family. MK. and MILS. W. L. UILF.V. THREE ARE INDICTED IN CONNECTION WITH FAILURE KKDDIXO. Cal., June J 7. The grand jury today returned three in dictments in connection with the fail ure of the Dank of Shasta March 15. Names of the persons have been kept secret. Eureka Due Today. SAN DIEGO. Cal., June 17. Man ager Chapin of the Northern Pacific Steamship company said that the treasure steamer Eureka would reach San Pedro tomorrow. him and kow-tows to tho labor vote, which Is a delusion, a sham and a bogle man which no brave man need fear. "Colonol Roosevelt, disappointed politician and virtuous vaulter. Is steadily rovlslng and reversing hlm-j self dowAward." CHINA TO STAND SPONSOR FOR THIBET HEREAFTEr VICTORIA. . C, June 17. That China will stand sponsor for mid de fend Thibet hereafter is indicated ! dispatches received hero from the orient in which it is stated that China is building n military road be tween Szecliuan and L'Hasxa, where a brigade of troops will be. perma nently stationed. It is said that China is taking steps looking toward the military defense of Thibet. Rev. Aked Is Better. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. June J 7. Rev. Charles F. Aked. pastor i the First Congregatioiial church, for mer pastor of the Fifth Avenue Hup tist church. New York, who is con fined to his bed with n severe cold that has settled on his lungs is re ported much better today. Fruits and Vegetables Our stock of Fruit and Veg. etubles Is particularly tempt ing ut this time of tho year. All wo ask Is that you lake one look at our CHERRIES STRAWBERRIES ORANGES CUCUMBERS NEW POTATOES PEAS BEANS ONIONS GOOSEBERRIES CARROTS ASPARAGUS PIE PLANT ETC., ETC., ETC. Remember, wo are selling the celebrated White Carnation FLOUR AT $1.65 aSack Olmstead & Hibbard vrr.ST sido okogers G FREE LECTURE ONE OP THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD "God's Stone Witness" "A MIRACLE IN IN STONE" Is.-i. ,ix; l!)-U0 The Great Pyramid of Egypt BY J. A. BOHNET, V. D. M. OF NEW YORK, SCIENTIST AND BIBLE EXEGETE. Auspices of tho International Biblo Studonts Assn., AT ST. MARK'S HALL Sunday, Juno 18, 3 O'clock Admission Froo All Aro Invited No Collection. i Cooke Acquitted. CINCINNATI, Ohio, June 17. Kdgar S. Cooke, of Chicago, form r chief clerk for Oharle. L. Wormier, local treasurer of the I tl vr Four, w.i ;odav netpiitted of embezzling .fj I,-000 Medford. Or., .'u'ay 1G, lDtl. This 1 to certify that about November l ny daughter was taken with a severe ittack of rheumatism which rendered '.or left arm useh.-ss, In fact It was so lear paralyzed that the was not able o move her flngen, but knowing of omc of Dr. Chow Young's marveloiiH urea of long atAnIIng cases of rhcti natlsrn, wo decided to consult him, n which I am pleased to say made no ulstnke, as his remedies acted as he lalmej they would and after the bird treatment the rheumatic pain entirely left her and she has not had any symptoms of rheuniatlHin since; besides her general health Is much Improved and I do not hesitate In laying I bcllcvo thoso afflicted with rheumatism or paralysis will do well to consult Dr. Chow Young, whose house Is corner of Tenth and Front street, Medford, Or. 73 A. P. WKISS. ?,iiLjr...."'.'A. X ,A,wiMyjrnwtV k IXUmHOU'Lws.APPt'l. watch na-)-. Medford Opera House, W55ST The Bigget nnd Beat P4uicnl Comedy Offerinj; of the Entire Ycnr F&RJRJS HARTMAN nnd his ,. Superb WY Company IN rf dfossr yp.u APPELL'S South African WATER BAG -.. 1 - ...- - ..lM- l"" XOTICK. Havo sold my Interest In Flynn Hros., electric store to my brothor, A. A. Flynn. Ho will collect and pay all bills. June 17, 1911. T. K. Flynn. Keens water cool 4X hours or longer in tun or tludci irrest Imon to Takono Htttiatltute prospector!, surveyors, sportsmen, stockmen, fann er:., te-imiters, anyone expmed to dry (Onvarin weather. Used by U. S. C5o't. Strong, light, rmy M carry. 0imt,J ThU Letter Tynlflrn tho AMKiido of All Ucr Co'.Uaroi tlkStn. Iust. W a tc U Nffl.li rrctorlr I Li4arftilo I dunk oat el M( tl rMil fcwik Atdon Wair Hii. Win r hmit biftrfutalr luiri io.tcHt ibtdrwrt lt uil oat ol tuur it filiot ba in4 itxmtt- mt4 it M J-ti, iKtkiki ft,4t iin,. f1,r iV i tl lh4 1)4 l ISC DHIttlC I tuaM lb ritr r ipirLlliis in4 i tAi t Ut it,r. Ii ctriimlf ll bJoa tu iUm litlij la the ill J lukni. rx.ii Sini.,,1,. V f. WIIICS FOR SALE UT DKALKH9 8VBBT WIIEKB k4. br A1U111 Aim-II WiKrr llnel'o., rnrOnml.Or. tvmnura Vyr-I'iV'V trv ; JK i-t & tt-I sJh-r ,v7nn n IB Ejnjlp " I 1 . X m s o MuiW l.j Auilnn A Lllllo Journoy lo tho I.nnd of Mftko.Ilallevo wrrii WALTER. DE LEON AND MISS "MUGGINS" DAVIES TolKr with a Sintfintf and Dancing Co. of SO s, HF t Seat Sale Tuesday Morning, Haskins Ila.iklns for Health. Nr OoltUnil, California Tlie only WiminV C''lrgeon tlie l'jclfic Cot, ClMttcrol I'-m Nt.ir t." K'rit I nivfrilit. Ideal cliiuti' tliruuKl " ' iIk1 yr l'.ntuii lllll KMiliUtloll rriiilMciilcit c.'.uOaltnl tu lboe a( Stxnfurtl Mi. t mtrriy ul I alilurnia. Laboratune) fur tenner Willi iiMxIecii ri(iiii mrnt. ICxccllciit oixirtiuiillc (or home economic. Iilirnry slulr. mufe amt art. Mmlcrn Kymnai'um. Special earc fur health l itiKlnit. iiit-ilonr lifr. I'lrdilrnt, l.urlU flay I'arMiit. A. M.. I.ltl. D.. 1. 1.. I). I'r Mtaloistir aililrot Sraclury, Mills CVIIrnc I'. )., t'alifurnla. FOR EXCHANGE (iood r-rooiu htniHe, Uiiko floor Hparc, lol r,i.xi:il, kooiI bam and wooilHhed; plenty of Mindc; evirlliln In splendid iiindllloii; near Whitman coIIckc; also lol ilOxlIt? In Walla Valla. WjihIi. PRICE $6000.oo fjii.aero orauiso Krove; trees 5 years old; unnd liilItliiK; artimlau well; IdK flow of water; In Itlvenddo i-ounty California, f 70,(100. TIKIS. II. K. IIATII.WV.W, t:il V. .Main Slrect. ' 1 . u . - -1r A 'S-'r r ' . . t THE WOODS LUMBER r fwiD a rv L fk W K W t H L L K . ', h -1 - 1 A 4, . " A 1" . . V !,: i sm r '$ 4 1 ': ' X? . 1. 'f''.,&l -,', .&, 11 i U J , it t T . : ' ' " ' I ji.': ,r.' " 'tV fit ." "' L - , & " f .1 K' 4. i I ' " s "' ' it , ..,. .. -,- tf, I'll.''. 3 , ..M ; , . .. ui A ' '' ''' e r.. -j-.i-i I , 1, t. '.i-i v ,