H. iMKIWOIH) MAIL TklHlfNIO, MIOIWOKIVOIMWON. SUNDAY, J1JNJ0 J841fll1, PAGE THREW MMaMN - n w OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT ijp NO CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED Irrigated Orchard Tracts IN THE FAMOUS r ROGUE RIVER VALLEY o .. i yj- ; AT MEDFORD, OREGON , .' SPECIAL-TO ACTUAL SETTLERS: A Two Million Dollar Irrigation Project in the worlds greatest apple and pear district THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, Southern Oregon, near the California line. We have already expended over $300,000 on the project N ... V' if ,1 We arc now willing (o exhibit our confidence in the proposition by offering to permit actual settlers to select five to ten acres at prices ranging from $150.00 to 100.00 per acre (including perpetual water right), and make their residence thereon without any cash payment to this company for one or two years, and five to seven years in which to make final payment. This Is an Unusual Offer, Therefore We Give Reasons We have the utmost confidence regarding the productiveness of the soil with irrigation, and thousands of dollars worth of these lands have been sold to non-residents and are, now in cultivation. To properly care fortius large improved acreage, and increase the value thereof, as well as the thousands of acres of unsold lands whichNve own, it is ncc.cssa.uv to encourage bona fide settlers to bring their families into our district. By so doing, it will enable non-residents who have had their lands planted to orchard to avail themselves of a portion of the services of these scttlci-s and reduce the present cost of maintenance, and by reason of the large number pf families making their residence in this district and cultivating their own tracts, the productiveness and value of our lauds will be proven, and in basing our values on actual returns shown by these settlers we will, within one or two years, be .justified in asking more than double the price which we could obtain at this date. This proposition enables a bona-fide settler to obtain irrigated lands at less than qng- half their present value without making any cash payment This is, in fact, a rare opportunity for the right kind of men, who mean business, who are willing to work and devote their entire time and attention to the cultivation of the soil to acquire valuable irrigated lands in the most beautiful and productive valley in the world at no cost whatever. Rogue River Valley apples have taken first priy.es over every district in the United States ajid Canada. and the climate of this vallev is alwavs referred to asN"THE ITALY OF AMERICA." i y ' ; v- o ROGUELANDS INCORPORATED, the company owning this large irrigation project, is exceptionally strong finan- cially, and the personnel of the company is composed ol some of the most prominent and responsible business men in the Northwest That this proposition made to home-seekers and residents of other districts is legitimate, and made by a company composed of '; responsible business men and with sufficient capital to prove- conclusively that this project is in good physical and financial condition, the - "' public is invited to investigate the same through any financial agency or bank in Bedford. Oregon, or Portland, Oregon, or Spokane. Washington. Investigate the Standing of this company, write or call for maps, pamphlets, printed matter, etc., then personally inspect the lands and water system and you and your family will sur ely become residents of the famous Rogue River Valley, and in what is destined to become the most productive and valuable irrigated district in the United States. This entire irrigated acreage is within a few miles of Medl'ord, and on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railway. Now let us hear from you asking for more detailed information regarding this offer, and literature and data will be sent to you which will demand a personal investigation of our pro ject and result in your becoming a purchaser and resideht'of our district... ADDRESS: ' . .&iMM3&Jltf ROGUELANDS INCORPORATED MEDFORD, OREGON or PORTLAND, OREGON FRED N. CUMMIGS, Manager i1 71