, PJCQB two MEDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, CREOON, SUNDAY, ,TUNF, 18, 1911. , , J .... . -1 I t Tho Iiomo of. Mrs. 11. 1). Howard, on Enst Jncknon Hlrcet was tho scene of a very happily arranged parcel ehowor Monday afternoon, given by Mr. Howard and her sister, Mrs. C. E. Gaddis, for Miss Lulu Porter, whoso marriage took place Wednes day morning. The rooms were decorated with n profusion of red roses 11110 GOO was played, ( Miss Francis Hnfiknns making the highest Boore. Mi&fc Willie Howard, agisted the hdstcspes in serving. Those pres ent: Misses Meda and Maude Nic'i oIb, Helen Dahl, Clara M'nnning, Lil lio and Itoso Patterson of Ashland. Edna Eifcrt, Miss Turner, Miss Banks and Miss Sncdicor; Mcsdames Lcono Hnskins, Helen Dixon, II. C. Butler, A. C. Huhbard, W. Cartright, Venio Van Dyke, Ed Van Dyke, George Homer Hothermal, Robert Telfor, L. G. Porter, KuiMiian and Piatt. The "500" cluh of Jacksonville was entertained by the Misses Col lins Friday of last week. A de lightful evening was spent in play ing cartls, after which dainty re freshments were served. The guests of the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. . M. M. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. U. Crouch, Mr. and Mrs. K N. Collin, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrich, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Luy; Misses Fay Sears of Medford, Isabella and Nellie Col lins. -Clvde Shaw. E. Wilson. Mr Catlin, J. P. Wells and Chnrles Dun- ford, jr. , The nreltv new buncalow home o J. II. Neustadt is rapidly uearing completion and promises to become n popular gathering place for thoc of n musical and literary turn of mind. Mr. Neustadt is the owner and manager of the Liberty orchards and expects his family now in ban rran cisco to join him hero next month Miss Neustadt is a cultured musicial nnds killed performer on the piano and will spend the winter with her parents. ... Prof. W. J. Roberts, formerly con sulting engineer for the city of Med ford and who was recently appoint ed state highwa3 commissioner for the state of Washington, left Wednesday morning for San Francisco where ho was married to Miss Caroline Wil roore, formerly a teacher in Pullman college. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will be at home nt Olympia, Wash., after a brief wedding journey. Tho members of the Pythian Sis ters entertained the children of the jordcr Friday evening at tho lodge rooms. Games of all kinds were played and the j-oung people feasted on an abundance of ice cream and cake. About thirty were present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tuttle have had us their guests the past week Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Milne of Buffalo, N. Y., undo and aunt of Mrs. Tuttle. They have 6pent the .Winter in Pasadena and left Friday evening for their home in the east. They were very much dplighted with the Rogue River valley, many points of interest having been visited during ' their stay here. Tho members of tho High School Mandolin club enjoyed a picnic at Neils' grove near Ashland yesterday. Tho drive was made lato in the af ternoon and supper was spread around a glowing enmp fire. The club members arc Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Root, Misses Mary Trowbridge, Lenoro Godlove, Put ney, Sidney Neal, Ethel Ncal, and Gertrude ShUltz. ... Mrfe. Harry Tattle's Sunday school class of girls gave a surprise party Friday evening for Miss Lottio Par ker at her homo on Newtown street. A most enjoyable timo was hud in music and games and a service of refreshments consisting of ico cream, strawberries, and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Purker and family leavo soon to make their home in southern California. Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho Pres. bytorlan church meets In tho Church Club Rooms next Tuesday aftornoon at 2;30. Mrs. Black will demonstrate quick and easy way to clean tarnished silver and light refreshments will ho served for 10 conts. Corao and irlJJ yoiir friends, Hostesses Mrs. York and Mrs. Eniorlck. it r Mis? FJorenoo Trowbridge, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E, G. Trow bridge celebrated her tenth birthday yesterday nitcriiQon av Uio .trow- bridge homo on Goncssco street. m m B. J. Trowbridgo, roprcsenljpu tjio looal lodge, Knights of ..Pythiasi leaves this evening to attend tie grand Jodjjo at Atsoria, Tho Question club enjoyed tho reg- ular meeting Thursday evening ht,ho homo Qf Mjss Opal Diiloy, on West Tenth street. Mrs. Nellie McGowr.n, prominent in local lodge circles and who has held an office in the grand chapter, 0. E. S., for two years, has been elected to the office of associate grand con ductors at the meeting of the grand chapter held last week in Portland and was installed Juno 15. The other grand Officers of the order (jro as 'follow: i Assistant grand matron, Mrs. Margaret V. Hayter of Dallas; assistant grand patron; James E. Godfrey of Salem; grand secretary, Miss Nellie McKinley of Portland, grand treasurer, Mrs. Mary E. John son of Pendleton; grand conductress, Mrs. Mnry M. Reisacher of Condon. A very pretty home wedding was that of Miss Beatrice Hogland and Mr. Hugh Porter, which was wit nessed at Seven Oaks, Wednesday by a large number of relatives and friends. The bride, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoagland aud has a largo circle of friends who wish her well. Rev. Jones of Central Point performed the ceremony after which the young people left for Junction City for a visit with rela tives. They will will reside near Cen tral Point. About thirty members have been auded to the Pythian Sisters be cause of the contest for members that has been carried on during tho past few weeks. Miss Edna Eifcrt and Miss Mary Harwell were cap tains of the opposing sides, Miss Haswell's sido being victorious. Next Wednesday tho losing side gives a banquet to the lodge members. Mu sic dancing and cards arc provided for the evenings entertainment and it is anticipated that tho affair will prove the event of the week socially. In the presence of members of the family and a circle of intimate friends, Miss Lulu Porter and Dr. J. L. Helms were married Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. The bride and groom were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Veme Van Dyke, Mrs. Van Dyke being n bride of tho year and a cousin of Mrs. Helms. Rev. Wil liam Lucas of the Episcopal church performed the ceremony. A great wedding was solemnized ft? the Cox ranch at noon Wednesday, Miss Elsie Lamb, daughter of Mr. William Lamb and Mr. Charles A. Laird, employed. by the Clark-Hen-ery Construction company, being the contracting parties. Rev. W. T. Mat lock performed the ceremony. Both Mr. and Mrs. Laird nra well aud fa vorably known in Medford aud vicin ity. Arthur Gcnry, a member of the '10 class of the U. of O. bus been chosen by tho body as graduate man ager of student activities. Mr. Geary is n fcon of Dr. E. P. Geary of Port land who was for many years one of Medford's most public spirited citizens and this appointment is both honorary and one. of responsibility. The most reverend Archbishop A. Christie, D. D., arrived in tho city yesterday and will hold high mass at 10:30 this morning, The sacrnmeul of confirmation will bo administered to a class of forty. A cordial invi tation is extended to all interested to attend the service'. The spacious rooms of the Porter homo were beautifully decorated wth a profusion of Juno roses and an elaborate wedding breakfast was served. After a, trip through Cali fornia Mr. and Mrs. Helms will bo nt homo to their friends in North Grape street. . Mr. Rohr, manager for tho Sher man Cluy company, left yesterday in his auto for Portland where he will be employed us city salesman for his company. Wulter Frnzcr Brown, Mr. Pen field, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. J. G. Gore, Reginald Brown and Miss Li beria Gore spent Friday on Table Rock. ... E. B. Lobensky and Miss Cora Lo bensky left this. walk, for San Fran: cisco whore they will soon Bail for tho Philippine islands. Mr. and Mrs. Deo Roberts. Miss Borjm Roberts, Miss Ivy Bopek and air. ujuck speju inursaay picmeing on Jackson creek. f - Mrs. Edith Lijig, socioty editor of, tho Saturday Review has us hor house guests Miss Augusta Do For est and Mrs. Do Forrest of Port hind. Mr, and Mrs. McNnir of Ashlaiid and their sou Bllliu were guests of tho family of William Anglo during tho weok. Miss Sara Van Meter of Cham paign, III., is tho guest of Dr. and C. C. Van Scoyoc. Misj Alice Streets, recently re turned from the University of Cali fornia, Berkeley, entertained n bevy of girl friends yesterday afternoon at her homo on West EleVcnOi street. Mae Thomas, Elizabeth Folger, Joy Folgcr, Mnmia Deuel, Bertha Eng lish, Madge Ridel!, Bess Kcntner, Phoebo llanee, Luetic and Star Mar shall, Hazel Davis, Gertnulo Treiok ler, Gladys C0' Sam Reiley, Mil dred Ware, Lucilo Conine of Mtnuo npolis, Doris Bagley of Ashland, Miss Smith, Miss Anderson, Mrs. Howard Hill and Mrs. II. D. ,Fuster. A Sunday school picnic at Phoenix' was greatly enjoyed Tuesday by the children of the M. E. Sunday school over one hundred attending. Members of the Oakdale Tenuis club are enthusiastically preparing for the tennis tournament scheduled for July third and fourth with teams from Jacksonville, Central Point aud Butto Falls. Special prizes are being offered by Daniels clothing store, the Toggery, and Cuthbert Furniture company, which of course add in centive to extra good piny. The se lections will be made from the best of those participating in the bout now in progress. Thoso of tho con testants now making a good showing are: Mixed doubles, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wentz, Mr. Reed nnd Miss Davis; Mr. Bardwell and Miss Eng lish; men's doubles, Wcntz and John son; Fields and Janney; Campbell aud Becson. In tho women's doubles Miss Bess Kentner and Mrs. Wcntz arc doing splendid work aud will run u close contest for the honor of rep resentin'g Medford iu tho tournament J. D. Becson is making a record which secures him a place in the contest. Miss Sara Reiley, 1123 West Main, was hostess nt bridge this week for Miss Mac Thomas of Honolulu. Her guests were: Miss Morns, Miss Fol ger, Miss Elizabeth Folger, Mis Joy Folger, Miss Cook, Miss Thomas, Mrs. Rodficld. Miss Smith. Miss hmr lish, Miss Ware, Miss Kcntner, Mi3s Davis and Mrs. John Mclntyre. ... The dinner given by the ladies uf St. Mark's guild Thursday night was one of the most successful affairs of the week. The dauco following was much enjoyed by the younger set who are'niaking merry over the rctunic of many of their number from various schools bringing charming guests for the summer. Mrs. F. L. Sherman nnd her daughter, Mrs. F. II. Bchling, have arrived from Winona, Minn., nnd will be followed by their husbands in the near future, who are closing up their business preparatory to establishing themselves in Medford in the shoe business. Mrs. A. C. Allen of the Hollywood orchards, who has recently returned from Klamath Falls, has as iter guests her sister, Mrs. R. S. Esk ridgo and son of Seattle and Mrs. and Mrs. P. P. Ferry. Mrs. J. Rose and granddaughter. Miss Jiiniiiln Furry, expect to leave about July 1 for Brownsville where they will be tho guests of Mrs. Rose's daughter, Mrs- Claude- Catc. Mr. und Mrs. Orvis Stevens have returned from their wedding trip and are receiving the congratulations and best wishes from a host of friends. Miss June Enrhart, (i graduate nurse who pas been taking post graduate work in Chicago during the past year, is in Portland an'd is ex pected homo this week. Mrs. F. Oluck, 503 South Oakdale avenue, ha disposed of her Jntprests hero, nnd leaves in tho per future for hor home in southern California. Mr. rind Mrs. II. L. McBrido nnd son, Clifford, left Saiurduy morning, in their auto for Crofjcout City, ex pecting to return Mommy. Mrs. II. E. Foster of Siskiyou Heights is enjoying a visit from h'dr mother, Mr. Laugwcll of Portland, who arrived Wediiusdiiv. Dr. and Mrs. W, W. Wick arc comfortably Bottled for tho summer in Portland at tho Orlando apart- ments, Ilarrjy Pprter, spn of Mr. and Mrs. U G. Porter, has roliiriied from attending- the 0A. J. at Corvallis. Miss Ltjpilo Crani of Minneapolis, is the guest pf Miss florthu Eng lish. Mr, jiiul.MrH.' J. G. Ulbbard njid son have returned for u pleasure trip to Portland. i Miss IJeleri Burgos pi Plmentor,' Ariz.',' aimed 'Wednesday for nii ex tended visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vilas left for Ios Angeles, (Jul., Monday morning aud will make tho, trip by automobile. Thoy will speild the winter there and their sons, Ned null George, tvill join them in tho fall aud enter school iu Los Angeles. Mrs. C. E. Wise, wife of tho editor of tlo Mnuknlo Review nnd chlldVvil of Mankato, Minn., arrived Wedues day morning to visit hor sisters, Mrs. John Root and Mr. Hd Andrews. E. F. Ma&snni left last week for u business trip tit Paris, Franco. T,he Misses Massatn will go to laeonia for a few weeks' visit and spem) the rest of the summer at Seaside. At her home,' 51!.) South Riverside avenue, Um Ruth Laureucu infor mally entertained a few of hei friends at luncheon Friday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Arthur, Jane ami Margaret Roll erts left Wednesday for a visit it Hood River, going from there It Olympia, where they will reside with their father. Mr. aud Mrs. Sylvester It. Hall who were married lasl week and went to Hood River on a weddiii) trip, have returned to Medfonl. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. North have re turned from their wedding trip to Portland. Mr. North is ticket uge.it for the Southern Pacific. Virgil Strang who Iuih been at tending the Oregon Agricultural col lege at Corvallis, arrived in Medford Tuesday morning. i Mr. and Mrs. Will McDnvitt o( Quincy, 111., arrived hit week (o visit Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Worrell on the Worrell nrttdi. Mrs. John Orth and Mrs. A. II. Miller departed Wednesday evening for a two weeks' visit with relative in Eugene. Mrs. W. Vogeli nnd dnughter are sending a few days with Mrs. Vo geli's mother, Mrs. J. D. Eaton oi Ashland. Mrs. Gcorgo II. Hnrrouu of Kansas City, Mo., is the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. L. II. Willett, 18 Summit avenue. Mr. aud Mrs. Lcouard Robiusoi have returned from their honeymoon trip to Portland ubd other northern tvointo. Venion Gnrrett is back from Co lumbia university,- Portland, where he was taking- -rollego preparatory work. R. S. Barker and family of H1C South Oakdale avenue cxnect to leave Wednesday for their new homo near uoscburg. t Miss Margaret Roberts and Arthur and James Roberts left Wednesday for their now homo, in 01yuipia,Vash. IJev. E. L. Lucus, rector of St Mark'H Episcopnl church, is attcudinu tho diocesan convention in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whislcr nnd daughter, Miss Iola, departed Mon day evening for Clarkston, Wash. Mrs. J. S. Campbell nnd children returned Tuesday from a y'hU with friends in Portland und Seattle.. Vernon Vawtcr returned last week from Eugcuu where ho has been at tending the University- of Oregon. Gux E. Hopkins and wife of Mnn kato, Minn. wero among tho eastern arrfvuls iu Medfonl Taiesday. Dr, E. F. Adams of t(io Bon Lo- uianil orchards was, visiting friends in the city during hc wepk. J..F. Itulchuson is absent ii a six weeks business and pleasure) trip In iiiuiuiii mm Kane coiinuos. Mr. afid Mrs. V.,.fJ. Uijgo ftolj Lakp city arrived" .Wednesday for a vian. wjiu incnns.'iicre. Mr, and Mrs. ijoraco pp'fon of. nams vuiioy imvo ueen Medford guests during tioweeJi. a at(enliH (ho, University of Oregon, has' returned' homo. Mr, ,und Mrp, .George, R.., Carpen ter ..rpturncd from Sun' FriipciHco Monday evening. XnsK.es Evil nHitjfyfufii Lydiurd of jfincipplis it ro spending a tow days Min' with friends here- Hon. J. A. Westorhind has returned from a business trifi to Porllund. n't MiHB Edith Vi'hIi nt Plirwmlv vi,u a Medford visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jn'hn M. Rnnf mi for. tuincd a 0 o'clock dinner Thursday' at their homo "Oak' lodge" on South. Oakdulo nvaniin. Tnnnn" wern nrnPniin ill the decoration sohenie. Tjjoso present wero Mr. C. E. Wiso of Mniifcalo, Aliuii., Mrs, Daisy Woolsoy of fjiin Frni'ieiHcrt, and Mrs. Edgar HHIVV AUlbbUtf IUIM1 IVLCAl'UIU ail (J Priest 41 Years Ui.i- wr "yf.T?1! ' - Attupuucr ocaj ja J)vcj)y Archbishop Karloy will complete forty-ono years In tho priesthood on Juno 11. Ho will observe tho anni versary tiulotly by offering a mass Last year there was a great public ou servaneo of tho occasion. Mgr. Par ley is In his seventieth year. 6IRLSMAYTELL0F UFEJfllH SEE Startling Developments Arc Expect ed When Trial of Inventor of Cult Is Resumed in Chicago on Next Monday Judge to Question. CHICAGO. III., .Iiinu I". Wn the trial of Evelyn Arthur Set-, charged with abducting nnd contrib uting to tttu deliiupieuey of Mildred Bridges, 17, a high prie.-tcss of Ins "absolute life' cult, itf resumed Mon day, it is expected that life in the "house o? thu lord' See's temple, will he describPd from tho ntnndpoiut of one of the girls who lived there, horrified. Assistant State's Attor ney Hunihaiu said today that one of the women who luut been high priest ess in the cult hail agreed to testify. Whether this was Mildred Bridges, Monn Rees or some other girl,, Buni hnm would not say. The fact, how over, that it hud been announced that the two girls had refused to tes tify against See has aroused tho belief that tjio girl who will take tho stand is in some other way connect ed with the case and whose nnmo has not yet been given out. ('Iris May Trullf)-. Biiniham said today that the con fessions made by tho Reese and Bridges girls lo the police when the "juuior commonwealth" was raided and Seo was found living with them will bo introduced und it i expected the defense may put thu girls on the stand to repudiate tho statements. It is expected that this effort on tho part of the defense will be blocked by (he action of Judge Ho- nore, who has decided to put the girls ou a,s witnesses for the court. The court will himself conduct the direct examination, bringing out any points that he thinks the jurors should hear. Tho court's witnesses will ho (hen subject lo cro. exami nation, both by thu defense and tho stale, but thu cross-examination will ho confined to the points covered iu the direct examination. Stephen Bridge, a wealthy jew eler, .Mildred's father, pnee a follower of Sec, will be tho first witness for thp state. Bridgos has sued Seo fur .fJOOjOOO datuagus for tho alienation of Ills wife's affections aud for the abduction of his difnghtcr. Mrs. Bridges, Mildred's mohor, know of and, sanctioned tho girl'H eomieHiou with tho "junior, commonwealth." Sw'IfT CURRENT HAS, . DISASTROUS FIRE SWfFT CURRENT, Sask., J 17. -7A disuhlrous firo occurred bore Into yeslprduy iiflunioon, the ohh be ing .estimated nt'.f 100,000,. Tho fire t,otally"(IuHtrotvod the buildings and Htpisk.of the Great Northern Supply company and part of (ho Interna tional Lumber and Implement com pany's lumber yard. At one timo tho conflagration threatened tho Swift Current Hardware .oomimnv puny .premises,. t(m Anderson Dliil Kdmaiibou Implement warehouse, Ihc fhmoiiH Morcautilo company, tho J, W. McArlhur Boot and Shoo com pany' sstoro, Uio Aloxaiidru hold. tho Bank (if ('onimorrp, and Bojliu's bonded warehouse. nll jP wliir.li' eaugjit fire. By Hip pfforls of I ho citizens .with tho aid of tjio C..P. If.' wuier'worKH system, tuo outbreak was finally gof under control , Loojt among tho classified ids for tho, address of your next liourdimr placo) Send Children Josephine Root, and Messrs, Kulpli Canterbury, I,ee Root and J, I). Mo- Ardle, WE LOVE THE CHILDREN " TiT ANY of the shoppers who i- visit our store daily are bright little men and women. And they are shrewd buyers, most of them, in their way. They arc always welcome here ami you may rest -assured that every attention will lie shown to mi order forwarded by thorn -Just as much an would lie given to yoursoK. It Is n eonvonleut way of gutting groceries In a hurry mid Is lined by many of your uelglibord. ALLEN GROCERY CO. a 1: s. e u s t n a i a v i: n v i; WElREr,; m THE KJo To SELL -tub. iahnttfi: faaMv'l a pooh fiieee ok foadv$ah& olm eosl tjo( 'ouJi Unite tho bis& U fioeaudc you- had to Co$c a v$fioC& Col ofr Unto eomino to town to o&t &nolfoekT 6m uouti foahdwac vo-nt- u6. and uoa tfCC 6ave ma-ntf needfcs w-hen&lvc- tUb& and many doCCahb on helwli&. W-& &M tho fast fiahdwdii fo eaute It batf& u4 to 6M and you to Say tfre St&t. NICHOLSON HARDWARE CO. yJHH&J&l&)HJHttr-J- yWHPwwJr J. B. BNYAUT, Proaldont J, A. PlOItHY, VIoo-ProHldont v. 13. misuuiuk, vico-rrpuuoTit ( joiiN B. OUTII, CuHhlor W. D. JAOKBON.ABo't Caahler. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFM DHPOHIT HOXKS FOIt ItKNT. A OICMlltAL. ItANKINO f Z IU78INKNH TUANHAOTKl), Wo HOMOIT VOUIt IMTItONAflU. Z WMWVMIW4'4W4W