.; st nranw" fEDFOKD rATrrTHirtU"NR 1F,1F0RD, QRKGOSf, frRlDAT, JUNPM'rt, itflll. 1 Vr " Ti'wrnf 1 " I'j'i .v MRS. SEE CANNOI GIVE TESTIMONY is Separated Front Her Husband, Rcvcnicr of So-Called "Absolute Life" Cult, and Is Suing for Sepa rate Mnlnt?nanc6. GiltOAClO, 111., Juno 111. AithouRli iliowlfc S( Kvoljn Arllitir'Soe, re Vi'iilcr of (He "absolute lire'' cult, can iiof, umlcr tho law, testify ngainst him, attorneys for tbe state who an pnisec'iittnc him for nlegod mistreat inenl of jiirK adinlt tndny that it i lhruuirh Mrs. Sec that the most start linfe tiViilenrc was secured. Mrs. Sec )ias heen Separated from her hus- unnu ami la muii ior sepanue main leiinncc No decree has been grant cd, however, and she is still his wife Therefore, she could not legally hi guilty of robbing him. Taking ad vantage of this fact, Mrs. See wen to tlp so-called Junior Common Jvcnltb csfahlished by her hu&bnm 'and, jiceompauied by a professions Kafehlower, secured hy tho police crocked the safe and Found then Tnud seized the papers and letters i 'contained. Mnnv of the papers wen in See's handwriting. fine of the papers found was th so-called "Hook jf Truth," much cf which is unprintable. In this boot Sc6 refers to the "spirit rif absoluU life." The four women most directly intrestcd iii the case aro referred ti as the personification of that life The women were known under th following names: Mildren Bridges "wifehood"; Monn Hees, "purity" Mrs. Felicia Hees, her mother "meekness," and Mrs. Lucillo Bridges as "motherhood." Sec him self was known as "wisdom." Amongst the papers were mnnj sentimental letters written to See b various women. At the trial before Judge Monorc today examination of -prostMjetive jurors was continued. Eight jurors have been selected. May Robson Here Saturday I YESTERDAY'S SCORES. National League. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 1 At Cincinnati Cincinnati 0 Brooklyn 3 At Chicago e Chicago - 2 Philadelphia 1 At St. Louis "'St. Louis 0 New York II American Icguc. At New York New York .1 Detroit 0 At Boston Boston 4 Cleveland '2 , .At Philadelphia Rain. At Washington W ushingtoit .' 8 St. LoLuis 7 Coast League. . .At Los Angeled R. J'ortla'nd 7 Vernon .'. 3 "At Oakland Oakland '. 1 8 Los Angeles 2 ;At Sncramciito Sacramento 4 San Francisco (i XurllntcHtvrti League. Scattlo (J Tacoma .' At Portland It. Portland 8 i Spokane 2 7 ai Vancouver i Vancouver U Victoria (t , ) ; ir; k. iy j 0 "H 8 f 3 0 10 2 u :j 12 j 4 :i II. E. 7 1 7 2 If, (5 12 1 BARING BATTLESHIP ' HAVANA, Juno 10. Tho big pumps (hat are sucking (liu water out of thocofj'eidaiu around tho battle bhip Maine have been set in notion. It was expected by tho engineers in cliargo that by night tho ai'terdcel; and port turret of tho sunken battle bhip would bo exposed to view, A superficial examination will he made when the pumping stops, and the en gineers bejiovo that tho feasibility of their plan for cutting off the forward part of tho hull and lifting jt out pieco by piece can bo dolcrmiuo'd. The plim that tho engineers now hold is lo build a bulkhead across the .after jmrt of tho hull, float it, tow il to Casu Ultmon Bay, strip it of gnus and valuables iiiid later lake it out to net and fcink it. After an Immediate suet iss In Lon don, Miss Robson returns to until fcer engagement here. The play has had an extraordinary run for over two years repeating the production several times, in the larger cities, aiyl always with success. Tho play is ox- 'rcmely funny and yet not bolstorous. nor filled with hackneyed material. May Robson Is a surprise In this quaint character of the old maid, her jomedy Is most winning, and the Im personation Is one of the most pleas ing to all who appreciate fine act ing. Miss Robson's work 13 the out come of a thoughtful study, so per ectly does She delineate the dear old ady from New England. There arc no dull moments during the action of he story, and but little pathos and ihat only a shadow of a memory or lost love but it Is enough. The rest Is fun pure, wholesomo fun. The character Impersonated by 'Miss Robson Is a tpe of a New Eng land wonian7 a sweet old lady whose heart goes out In all fullness of love for her wayward nephew, and gen erous to all whom sua likes, and is never so contented as when In the i company of young people, alio enters Into tho spirit of their humor and Is 'quite willing to go anywhere. She takes In tho theaters and roof gar- jdens, dinners at a fashionable hotel, j learns to smoke nn occasional cigar ette and sip at an oyster cocktail.' ' Miss Robson docs these things Just as a real "Aunt Mary" might Imu- 'done them and sinks her Identity Into tho character. There Is nothing im- 1 probable In the story, nor Is there any attempt at coarse humor. It ts one of those stmplo plays that re- 1 freshes and never wearies, and cer tainly no one will ever tire of Miss Robson. She comes to the Medford 'tomorrow night. Seats now selling. 10 PLAY GRANTS UNION LINEMEN PASS SUNDAY, GO ON STRIKE ! Local Ball Tossers Meets Roper's Power Lino Near Portland Halted Prides On Local Grounds Yill Be, Temporarily Men Declare That Hard F6ught From Start Fans to Be Out In Force. The crucial game of the series be tween .Medford and Grunt Pass will be played Sunday on tho Medford grounds and tho home team is mak ing every effort to win thi game which ill gio Um-mi a liunno i come out ahead on the bories. A win atthis time meaiir, much at thi stage and 'Court Hall will nenil Sheeliy to the mound mid keep I Surges and Bragdaw on tho lioueh. Oshome will do tho hurling for Grants Pass and will have 10 show extra form to hold (he Inviuciblcg down as I he lineup contains a number of heavy bittern. Tho lineup will be: .Medford: Crews, third hubu; Mo enrthy, shortstop; Janeg, center Held; (Jill, right field,; WiUon, catch er; Jliles, second base; Antic, left field; Wilkinson or Thyng, firtt base; P. Sheehy, Uurgosb or JJragdaw. Grants Pass: Weokler, Second base; Faubian, hhorthlop; Maker, catcher; William, third base; Smith, left field; b'l. Cyr, right Held; Itigg. center field; Djke, first bano; Os borne or KobiiiKon, pit char. Company Abrogated a Verbal Agreement. ORAM) U)I)E kmoiits ok PVTHIAS Astoria, Oregon, Juno !!!! I, Ittll. For tho above occasion tho South orn Pacific und CorvalllB and EaHtorn will sell low round trip tickets from all points including branches at spa clnl low round trip faros. Tickets will sold .luno 18th nnd 19th, good for return until Juno 21th. Tho splendid oxcuralon stoamor '"P, J. Potter," has been chartered for this occasion, and will l3avo Ash street dock, Portland, for Astoria at 11:00 p. m. Juno 10th, returning from Astoria midnight, Juno 21st. Dologatea aro urgently rofjuostcd to mako reservations for slooplng accom modations olthor through local agontu or C. W. btlngor, City Tlckot, Third and Washington streets, Portland. K6r detailed faro fioni nny station, call on any Southern Pacific or f'nr vallls aud EuHtoin agent. PORTLAND. Or., Juno 10. Cou ftlructiou work on the (Ktwer line t tho Mount Railway Light & Power f'onijmiiy ure almost at u standstill today on account of a walk-out ot 70 union linemen, Tho iiicji declare that the company , abrogated a verbal agreement cn I tcrcd into March 28 under whi-li preference was lo be given union men and a soala of wngo were fixed. The ! strikers ausert that the company gave non-union men preference aud aftor tho heaviest part of tho line work wis completed, began hiring men under the scale agreed upon. CITY TftKASl'HKIt'K NOTICE. Offlro of the City Treasuror, Med ford, Oregon, Juno L'th, 1911, Notice is horoby glvon that thoro jaro funds off hand In tho city treasury for tho redemption of outstanding city warrants Issued against tho fol lowing funds: Warrants N'os. 07 and 08 on water nmln improvement fund No, 2, Wnrraift No. 2, on Sixth street sow er. Intorest on the same will coaso aft er tho above date. L. L. JACOHH, City Treasurer, , NOTICE. HldN received by tho Roguo River Fruit & Produco association for the erection of a wnrohuueo at Phoonlx. Plans and specifications at the office, 1 0 West Main street, Right to rojoct i any or all bids reserved, 75 ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIATION. NOTICE. Thoro will bo a business nlcQtlnp of tho II. S. Alumill association nox Wednesday oyonlng, Juno 21, at tho high solum, 8 p. in. Uy tho Presldont. . Ilasklus for Health. DEMAND NOW FOR NEW LAND Unimproved Tracts Aro Sought, States Secretary Boos of Com mercial Club Timber Lands, Close In, Are In Demand. v- Snrtiiintt OrrtfiT -u- T jrifAn rb. l)r Schwl t..r O.WU lir"y ft hktv ot Sllir it St OMirt lAilliMKllirill CUtUU,Actltmlt sd CltntMtrjr UrfliiH, . Mailr, Att, tlMtllra. 0milnm iVr-nu).Hniir-H.Tiii: M-ir.UKiiri:itiou (rnra,SI. lfiliMi1lnll The demand for Hmmpnfl bind is on the increase hud raw hunt sell ing troni $'-Xi and up is (liitHnu a ready sale in this viciuily. Timber lands ure in demand as ue. also cut oVer traet. Secreluvy' Boiw of the Commercial club has Jut 1 completed an investigating tour nitdj timls that there are iiuiuemus mii.MI) tracts of limber within a rudui of I lour to 10 miles of the city, which,', if bundled properly will iiehl a go.ulj income. These trad" or from -10 to I UiO'aercx in extent and contain much! timber suitable both Tor lumber uudj stoewood. ' Anv person with a portable miw uiill, a very little capital ami 11,11 a -crage amount of n)ikit can make n good pivfit at (lie pnent price .1 ! wod. The wool, eilher in the I'onn ot t .-tovcttood or timber can be marketed, in Medford at fnmi $" to .fH a e rd and a? wood bells Tor $10 to $PJ, a cord it can bo soon that a fail 1 margin of profit will he left after the' expenses of cutting, hauling, etc., are paid. A capital or .f 1000 to .,-0l)0 would be stifticient to purchase a portable sawmill and Miffictont timber land, to heiiin operations with ami addi-l tional lauds can he purchaser with the money derived from tho sale of wood. The Rogue river valley still con tains many propositions that can he handled by the man of moderate means aud while his operations must necessarily be on a smaller scale than his milli'Uiiprc neighbor there is no ren.u whv he could not make a fair living' on a venture .f this nature. Draperies Wo curry ry eoiujilntn llun of ilinporlos, faro mirlnlnx. flxlnrcn. tr. mil On nil claws if uuliKlsrliitt A xpoolnl mint lo leok after lliln wipl; cveltiKlvcly and w-iil kIvo i coml HiTVloo an Is umHjli to Kt la own tho InrKHt elilnn. WeeKs & McGowan Co pYriir;irkit Sunday, June 18th .FOUSAMU OL'L'Y PUOPKUTM Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI-CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Hntk Bldg 9-09t S s IF A. FIRE STARTED IN YOUR. PLACE Would ou hivvo anything at hand with which to fight It? The Oheinical Powder Extinguisher Butte Falls and Return Via Pacific ft Eastern R .R. $2.00 for Round Trip Train loaves Medfonl at 8:1 1 a. m., arrives in Med io rd at, 7 p. in. This is the finest seenie trip in all of Southern Oregon. You'll on joy this (if-niilo ride into Interior Oregon. . J Is cheap and easy to use and Is kept filled at no expense. .1. SKVV Crater Ijikc (iarngo. XOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city of .Medford, Oregon, at Us next regular meeting on Juno 20, 1911, for a license to sell splrltous, vinous nnd lunltliijuors in quantities , less than a gallon, at his place of busi ness at No. 17 South Front Btreet, In said city, for a period of six months. O. M. SKLSI1V. Date of first publication, Juno 8. 1011. i Pure Clear Sparkling Youcan't afford to do without this splendid, refreshiug drink. Call up and order a ease sent to tho house. The purnst, most healthful drink known ia SISKIYOU MINERAL. WATER P. C. OIGHAM, Agent. G. W. SLATER & CO. BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS are prepared to give yon better figures on huilding than vou are used to in Medford. We guarantee both work, materials and satisfaction. NEWPORT -YAQUINA BAY- Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort Tho Place to Go for Pei-fcet Kest artel Every Conceiv able .Form of Healthful and Delightful Keereation TTS Ji'AOILTTIKS A RIO COM PLlflTR Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from the moun tain streams. All modern necessities, such as tele graph, telephone, markets freshly provided overy day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or 'unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. EAYTpRT is reached by way of tjie Southern Pa-' effift to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis,&' East1 ern ft. U. Train service daily and tho trip a pleasure throughout. ,, 4 .Mt.la.ni FARE FROM MEDFORD Season six-months tickot $11,10 Our elaborate new Summer Book gives a concise description of Newport, including a 'list of hotels their capacity and rates. Call on, telephone 'or write A. S. KOSfiNJUUM, Local Agont, Medford. J,, WM. McMURRAY General Pnriscilgpr Agent, Portland) Oregon iVssV j S EXCURSION FARES EAST 1 19 11 09.90 During the months of June, .Inly, August and Septem ber, on dates shown below, tho Southern Pacific , . will sell round trip tickets from Medford via Portland as follows: TO "FA It US "III III 11 I J I (II I ! ! J Illlllllltttttlttattttat Kansas C-ity ?.... St. Joseph St. Paul .s St. Paul, via Couh.mI Hluffs 73.80 Minneapolis, direct . U9.1K) iMinneaiiolis, via Council Hluffs 711.80 Host mi ll'MM) Washington, I). (! 117.-I0 Atlantic City, X.J , Illi.IlO SALE DATES June 1(5, 17, 11, 22, 2.'!, 21, 28, 2!) and JM). Jttlv I, 2, 15, !, u. (j, -9, 20, 25, 27 and 28. August 15, -I, 0, 11, 15, 1(5, 17, 21, 22, 2.'t, 28, 29 and 'M September 1, 2, 4, 5, ( nnd 7. .Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit October JMst. For faros 0110 way through California inquire of any Southern Pacific agont, or writo to WM. McMURRAY General Paasongor Agont Portland, Orogon. ,f0r Centennial Jubilee AT ASTORIA August 10 to Sept. 9, 1911 Commemorating the. One- II und red th Anniversary of the First White Settlement in the Nort Invest andtho Beginning of the Oregon Country at Astoria, Oregon,. Presenting Historical and Ceremonial Features to gether with a . , . . Spectacular Marine and Military Pageant Glenn Curtiss, famous aviator, will fly over land niid sea in his Airship. PACIFIC COAST JIEGATTA Tho Greatest Aquatic, 0vent to boTIehlin the West " Historically This Celebration Is 'fo-Be 'One of tho Most important Invents toTako Place This Year in tho United States. Who , SOUTJIIOitN PACIFIC LINKS TO OllKcioN will sell tickets from all points on its lines, including branches at LOW ROUND WRIP .'FAmflS For fufthcr particulars apply to the Centennial Com-. mittoc, A8toriaOi;ego,n, or;tq , ,. ,,. , , WM. McMURRAY, Gen'l Paso. Agt,, Portland, Ore.