&.'. y s. ; l AllODKOlf.p MAIL TltmPNK, OTIWOIH). 01?K(QN, rWN)AV, .TUN I'M fi, 1f)1l; BOURNE TO MAKE NO FIGHT FOR JOB Will Lunvii It Id Volrrs of Orouoii to Docliln Who Thoy Waul; May 8tay In East Dtirlnn Cniiiinl(jii Works for Popular Government. GRANTS PASS IS REJOICING British Amateur Golf Champion Ratification of Inflation Schcmo Proves PIciuIhh Water Now Flowlnn In Oltclics That Loii Dccn Dry. Have Illy .lolni i:. I,itllinit ) W.Ull I INCHON, I), .Hum If) . Hdinilnr .IiiiiiiIIikii lloiiinc, Jr., of On. mom. MtriohiM urn id niiilio a flr.hl for lo-eloetlon iii.,x yin-. (. W icavn tO lll VlltOlN (If llllll Htftlo III iilH'lllO whom llioy wiiMl for HKiirUoi-. iiml will N"'ihl oil")'. illMilliulo tin llloiu- Ituo, employ mi i'iiiiitiiil;iim. Il tmiltiilily wilt into tho nfflcliil tiuiiiiit iilni(i(l liy tin' iierreiiiry of nlnt" In kii to all utern, nml therein H"t forlli IiIm vIhwh. lint, iih to Hid litll mil. Imyn! old (iihIiIoimmI i'iillliill(n wlih Iiiiihh lianilM, r Id in I ti k iiilvorlliie iih'iUm In liiir ami on blllliimnlH, fcu(i(iiiH ami hit imI workiTH, hull rout. I'llntliiK 11114. iiillroail (mo, ami nil that. uri'onlliiK t" Hi" IircMoui (IchIkii it Hit' Ni'iilnr Ori'Knii Ki'iiittor, Im will mull tlioin. Thin iIiw-m not menu Unit lloiimo In liiillffiuitnt lo Urn iiKtiiilordlilp. Ho hurt "iiiiuIk no Imiiwi" of lln oVxIro lie turn i'IiviInIiki! to rHiirn to tint IIiiIIimI Ktati'fl Hcnntc lint tie linn ilertiliM to iiimUi ii ii'iit of tlm rtml efferi of the' popular KOerniiiiiit litvvn iih oimrtetl In Ort'Kon, anil will Jrnvit entirely lo III" n'iipi Ihi'lr ileelrilmi on tint nn atiimtilp. In iiIIht wortln, liclli'lii; In tint f. finny of tlin popular :overiiiinnl lawn. Iloiirni' will "try It on the iIor." hliiiiiitlf luting the iIdk. Nxt year, while the cainpnlRit In In proKri-nn In Ori'Kon, In which tint uiieif. tlon will hi tlerldeil iih to who hIiiiII Ih (hit Mi'tiator to riiirieeil him, llonrne will In all lllllhooil not ko to Ore K"H. hut will rontlinie to lahor for tin' ailtanreinitnl of lint poinlar ;ov irniiicnt InwH In the at, where, In hit opinion, they iH'cil advancement. I le will not do thU out of any uplrlt of Indifference, hut Iiccuuho he hun courelved the lili-.t that hy thin time the people of Ori'Kon hIiouIiI Know what they want, nhotild know the npleiidlil liihlninu'iilM they have tliein tielvim wrmmlit for the working out of their polltlral imlviitlon, and nliould Know how to line them wlthnut ait nlHtniit'o from him or any other poll tlrluii, .-.-.,. . People Know .MIimN. , v "If they want me, they know they do; If they do not. they Imvnvtlio right to ihooHii Hiiliieouu Hue," i iihoitt the HiiltMlaitcit of lloiirnitlM per .houal plilloHOphy on the matter of cIioohIuk I'lilte'il StntoH xeuatorii mi iler the Oregon Hynteiu of ioiu-.ir coveruiiient Iiimn. i It ImH hveu Known for homo lime that .Senator Iloiirue ileHlgnftit JiihI that Hiirl of eiiinimtgii next year, and neently It wm printed In the eaHt an a wimple of polllleal novelty- for nothing exactly like ll had heeu pro .dined Mlueo the United States liegnn .'to turn out political devlreri and IdeaR luring the Ifaucy of the repuhllr. Another plinm of (he situation an affecting the Hourno cniidlilacy Ih that In the eaat 11 HeeiiiH to he Ken orally accepted aa n foregone coiic.lu hlon thai Mr. Iloiirue will he re-elected beyond all iuenllon. The neWHm paper rorreitpoiideiitK who printed the Htory of the plan of Hourne not to make an active cainpnlKU. hut to leave to the calm judgment of the people (be whole Ikhiio, added that It wait impeded that he would lie re elected, ail 'veryone hcoiiih to lie for lilni," ipiotlnK tb lonliiR Ki'iitenco.or the WiiHliliiKtoii Tlniert. InteieHl In the llouyne plan, among the luomhern or the OroKim colony Ih the deeper, however, becaiiHii they know thai oppoHlUon will develop and that n Hliarp conteHt may he lookeil for; and the spec'tado of u man, knowing or the HharpneKrt of thai com liitf coiiteMl, refuHlliK to eilKo bin imhiRonlHlM In Mtaled conflict la hoiiio. thhi); about iih novel iih aiiylhliiK Hint ban appeared In recent yearn. (HtANTH I'AHS. Or., .lime ll). The I'eople ol' (IniiilH I'iihh nliil miii roiimliiit; leirilory me lojoiiiiun "'' iiinruiiii; an u icihiiIi of it ilual, niti lieil Into ,i,wonlny nlleiiloon, wliere liy i mention Ih now u I'uul in tin legion, ninl water in llowiu lln mornini; wliieh will impute .),II00 iieien on liotli niitfH ol' the Unfile river. At u MiFcia inei'linj; .vculenlny nl leinooii Hie Htoel.lnilili'1'H ill' the Jot ciliiue Couuly Irripitinii it I'liuer roiupiiiiy uiiaiiinioiiHlv ralilicil a ileil iiiinle n lew ilnyn ito by the ilirec toirt of the eiiinpauy liy ulneli Hie ill reeloiM noli lo the ('liieiio-lloKiie Kiver I'oinpiiny iU dili'lion for (he Htmi or ,t:i.ri,(mii. The t'liieiin.o);ue Kiver eoiu iany iwiih the iiTifjnlioii plant ul the Anient ilaui, three milex ciiht ol .OriiutH- I'ahH. The .litneptiiue eoui pany itwucil the ilitches anil liVrcto Tote there Iiml been friction oer a I'oiitrncl. .Meauwliile (lie ChleaKo Itonue IJher coiiipany Iiml been re liuililinj,' lint wanlieil out porlion of o!nui nml iiiMtiilliiiK new iiiuiw, all nl' which went out two yearn nyo ilur- tuj: Intth water. Hince that there Iiiih liemi no ii-riuiilinn this work Iiiik junt been complctci!, hut it lookeil iih if iriiKiilioii would Onl iih the remill of eouteutuiii on the part of hoiiui of the priucipalH. The nuttier wiim, however, elcareil at ,ri o'clock la.t eveiiiiit: by hiilifieu lion of (lie Hale by iliivctiirx of the .loHcpbin iiiipanv nf the ililrhex. The n.VMtem ih i'ouiKi-il of Imtli hmh line ami raMtv ilitclies. FOREST RANGER WEDS A SHOP LIFTER a. 'twmitiiVi'wnu wmmmmmtKm ifiZswXmmz 1 -j i H. H. HILTON 'INVESTS $1: GETS 110.440 Wins "Mutual" On the Epsom Derby and Gets Huge Prize Out Looking for Real Estate Now In Which to Invest. PAGE TITRKE '-rrf4tf II. II. Hilton, ot the Uoynl LlVeipooI Coif Club, won the HrltUh amateur tfolf diniuploiiHhlp for the tb Inl time. defoailiiK K. A LtiKHon, ol the l.ytliaiii fiolf Club, by I up an d :j to play. The playerH were all H(tinre at the end of the first round Ijihhcii tool: the lead In the Bccond round, but Hilton made up for till leeway and wan 1 up at the ninth hole, I'rom then on lie pulled rllil away from hlx opponent and won the match faulty, I .,'.1 OLD FORT KLAMATH TO KNUTE NELSON HANDS BE TO TAFT'S PLAN KOT KIAMATII, Or, June 10. I.leiilenant I' I,. Whitley of the t'nlt ed Stale eiiKlneerliif: corpH, who iu utatloneil at Vancouver harraekh, Ih here to niako a ropot on the feal blllty of olablhdiln; an army maneu er Krouiid at old I'orl Klamath. Last fall Heveral prominent United Staten army men, amoiiK them Adjutant Ceuerul rin.er, Colonol JackHon and CANYON (MTV, Pol., .June 111. ii..... i.... i ..- .. . . . ...,.,H.i Mum, Hin'hi ranker, aim IUh wife, urn today en route to their iitoiiulaiu home in Arionn, following a mairiiip) eercmony jierfonnoil five mtiiulert after the yoniijr weiuali, who as .MiiuiiiiiK, formerly of Denver, had been paroled' from the Mule pen ilciiliary. Mi. Miiiinin wiih eoiiietcil oT HhopliftinK nml seiilcnecil in .laiiuury of (his year to from two to three yearn in tlm penitentiary. Ileiil, ;n whom hhe was ciiKngeil, uieareit be- lore me Hiaie paxloii board nml jiromiheil lo marry her if hhe wjik parolcil. CoiiHent wiim jriven ami (lit Kilt wiih releuHcil yesterday. WASHINOTON, !). f, June 10.- .Senator Kiiuto Nelson (republican, .Minnesota), in the senate bharply entieieil 1'rcniilent TaftV reciprocih eourhe as "utterly tlctnictivc of the independence of the legislative branch of the government" and nl.so as "novel ami dangerous." ''The constitution autliorzics the prcMilcut to make treaties by the ad Oeneral Mau, were here and made ani,.s of ,. Hc-nntoT provide,! two- lUHpecuon oi tlie Klamalli reserva tion. At the time It was announced they were here to look the Hltuatlou over with the view of finding a ult ablo plaro for army manuuvera for both Htatu and Ifnlted StatcH tronjis think of the fccnnturs concur," in Miid. "In this'enbo the president tnnde the agreement which he seek to ratify by a majority of the s-en-ate siipplemcntctlby u majority it' the Iiciiim. He thus evades the Captain C. O. Applognte of Klam-'J lri,nly MllIunK 1ow0r of ,ie e,m,titu atb l-'allH one of the bet known I tioI, miut , mo ,,0 Is (U.priving ploneerH In this section of Oregon. Is, tl(. ftxrmvrA r n oonHtitutM.uul pro iietliiK KUlde to l.leuteiiaui Whit- i....i..... ti ii ..... i. ley. Iotik for the ad that deseribes the' place you would like to own. teetiou. The iiirnvment would not be ratified if Submitted to (is- pursuant to the spirit of tin- constitution.'' Haeklns for JlealUi. i. i 4' i TOHTLANf), Or., .Tunc JO. With f ll),M(l in the bank In his credit as the result of an investment of $11 in ti "mutual" on the Kpxom Derby) which was run nt Kpsom, Knglaud, ! May .'11, It. V. Morrison, n uommcr-j chit traveler reiiding here today) started out to bniiy real estate. j "Pretty soft," Haid Morrison. "I was in Victoria four months ago sell-' nig cigars. I had just made n sale to n cigar dealer and tie offered to I sell ifiu one of the mutual tickets in the derby. I did it to oblige him. Suntsar tfon and I held the win nlng ticket to the pool. Soft, I guess !" MIX MONTHS OAHDKN THHATUB yortic Medford Opera House ONT3 NIOI1T, 9AT. JUNB 17 L. 8. 31 UK Prcsonla The International Character Comcdlonno 3 MONTllB ITilKRY'S THBATRH LOiNDON RNO. MAY R.OBSON DIItlJCT PKOM HKR DISTINOUISHRD 8UCCKS8 AT TKRRY'S THBATRK, LONDON, HNOLAND IN THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT MARY FOUR MONTHS STUDKHAKKr THKATRB CHICAGO By annb warner seat sale wp:dnp:sday, iiaskins FOURTH SEASON ...i.. Uiui CMalM.b D..IU tff aiucuaw buiii. .Switching facilities in Medford' still continue inadequate to handle the traffic of the Southern Pacific1 and the recently constructed side-1 tracks will receive an addition of; .'1000 feet of track, 2800 feet of which will be Ipiilt along the Medford lumber company. Two switches of' 1-100 feet and 800 feet in length will be installed south of the main tracks at this point. .Llv IIUSV RANK KOOK-KEKI'KRH . aro conatantly at work recording tho transactions of the Farmers & Frult growcrn Bank. Much of tholr tlmo la spent on tho accounts ot men whoso nffalrs are no larger than yours. But their credit and standing aro higher than yours because they havo a bank account and you have not. Why don't you put yourself on a level with them by opening an account yourself? TO CTTHE A COZ.S IS OSX SAT. Tnko I..XATIVK nrtOMO Qutnlno Tnh tflts. I)ruBsttn refund money If It fall 'o cure. Ii W. OROVirs slcnaturo la on ach box. 2Cc. Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank 0000MP0jr0.JHHJHP1Hf0 CJOOI NICWS KOR CATARRH HIJl'l.'KRICItS AMERICANS FIND HOMES VAi PASO, Tonus, .hum HI. -Kiv thoiisaiid American residents of : I'iiso have found their homes moved into the republio of Mexico by the decision of Aihllrntor Kiigeim ha Kleiir, a (Juiiadiun, filed hiiro today in tho Chninizal territory iirsputo. The (iiicslion was over thelntorimiion lioiiiidur.y involving u imrrnw Hlrip of Innd' ahoiit two miles long ami valued at moio Ihiiu .$7,(100,000. A portion of Kl Ph wiih ineluded in the dispiiled strip. The decision i ii compromise, giving Mexico the host of the argument, (leneral Anson Mills, American eouiniissloiier, Iiiih filed a' protest. fJi'tior t'Vnliiiulo !, Piign. reprosoiithig MoNieo, ulso pro-loslvil. Ho many liundredH of catarrh vlc 1 Iiiih who have taken the IIVOMKI treatment has written thanking iih for piibllBblng our method of taking the IIVO.MIJl vapor treatment in con nection with tho Inhaler that wo gladly publlBh ll again. The vapor treatment Is especially recommended In stubborn cases of uhronle catarrh of Ioiik Htaudlng, but leiiiemher that tho Inhaler nliould be used dally an usual. ' TIiIh treatment only takes five min utes times before going to bed, Pour a feaHpoonful of I1YO.MMI Into a bowl of hulling wnter, cover bead and bowl with towel and breathe for sev eral minutes the vapor that arises. You will be surprised at the result of this treatment; It makes tho head feel fine nml clear', you will sleep heller, and thai miffed up reeling will gradually disappear. This met hod will break up (he worst cold hi the bead In one night. A bottle of HYOMIOI costs r.O cents at (Mins. Strnng's, who guarantees It. Complete outfit, which Includes the little pocket Inhaler, costs $1.00, No stomach dosing; Just breathe HYOMIOI and cure catarrh and all disomies o(. the breathing organs. Freo trliri bottle by addressing Booth's Ilyomel Co., II u frit In. N. Y . (HVI'-S OTITIC AOTIO.N. I.enn It, Il'iisklus report's (hat A HINOIiW IIOUIO or simple buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adlot'-l-kn, tho new .(Ionium ap peudleltls remedy, relievos c.nnstlpa tlon. Hour 8tmnch or gtiH on tho stom ach almost INHTANTIiY, Many .Med ford people are being helped, IIOOHIKRS, ATTENTION. Tho Indiana society will hold ail lufoi-mal basket iilcule at Chautauqua Park, Ashland, Oregon, .Inly 1th, No I'lreworlifs allowed. Order of committee, nd a Children lli'SI iniill i Ifj K U&JnM&J&V. I Id I ILLI iys I II ll i IitI Ilaaklns for Health. IL WE LOVE THE CHILDREN TETANY of tKe shoppers who visit our store daily are bright little men and women. And they are shrewd buyers, most of them, in their way. Thoy aro always welcome hove and you may rosi assured that, every attention will bo shown to an order forwarded by thein J lint as much as would bo glvon to yourself. It lu a convenlont way of getting groceries la n hurry and Is used by many of your neighbors. PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. Our offlco Is now located In our pack ing house, and Is open for tho season. From now on we will havo tho dally reports all markets, showing prices realized by tho California Fruit DIi trlbutora, and all other shippers. Any one Interested Is Invited to come In and look them over and com paro prices. Dy shipping with us you will have all the advantages, of the largest and most complete deciduous selling organization In tho United States and at a lower cost to you than in tho iiast. Last year wo handled nearly ten thousand car loads, or seventy-six per cent of tho entire California crop. Remember we p o o ii .v o t ii i .v a Ail fruit Is sold on Its individual merits, and each growers name and, prices realized far ecch shipment are I published In tho catalogues. Pooling was tried and felled years ago In Call-' torn la. If you want to sell see us, If you want material. Inspect our samples, and get our prices beforo purcuas ing. l It O I) U O E It S FRUIT O O K. M. McKrany, Northwestern Agent, Home Phono 212. Pacific 7001, J. E. ENTART, President J. A- PERRY, Vlce-Presideat F. E. MERRICK, Vice-President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier W. B. JACKSON, Asa't Cashier. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 . aTrc rprinKrr itoxr-a vnn tievt. a okvprat. RANinxn Z BUSINESS TRANSACTED. We SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. ! w4f-m4mmmw4i-mw-mwwmmww I FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts .. M00R-EHNI- CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bauk Bldg BASE BALL Medford v& Grants Pass AT MEDFOKD SUNDAY, JUNE 18th AT 2:45 P.M. Don't miss this game. It will be the hottest game of the season. ADMISSION, 50c AND 25c. ALLEN GROCERY CO. 2 S. O M X T U A h A V 12 X V H IRRIGATION Diversified Farming With Irrigation Means Independence Rogue River Valley Canal Co, FRED N. OUMMINGS, MaDager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Grow Garden Truck. Why? Because Our Long Season Com mands the Early and Late Crops ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager i i