jiKiiuii nisiurwui UHia..i l City Hal) s,u.iM CLEARINGS MANIC CI.KAItlNOH Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER 1'iilr Itnr 1MMI5, Max 81), Mln .VJ, .Menu 71. I'orly.rirnl Ymir, I II v iiliih Yioir. AllODlWKD, ORKHON, WEDNlffllM V, ,JlTNI0 !4, 1911." No. 72. FIRST PINCH OF 1NM STRIKE IS FELT Crews of Twu Ocean liners Aliautlun Vessels ami Ships Arc Unable lo S:iH Will Tie Up All Transinrtn tion Across the Atlantic. MANY DEMANDS ARE MADE BY SEAMEN Want Better Conditions In the Fore castle, Fixed Hours of Labor and Wanes On Demand. Showing the Location of the Principal Events When King George Is Crowned LIVKHPOOL, .hum M. Tin' firm t fit 1 pinch dt' tilt proposed interim liiinal mkiiiih'Ii'h Hlrike was fell li.v ship ouiici hern today. Tint eiows nf the liners EuiprcNH iif Iri'liitnl mill llui While Slur's big Teutonic have nhainlnucil thoie Mmhclrt iiml t In v w i' in iiiuilili) to suit mi tlii'ir icgulnr mIiim1iii. That tho failure of theso big piiHrtcngcr steamers to leave urt in mi iiiilii'iiliuii of tliu I'a In of mini Ill'fH of llllllir CHKcIh irt till llsHcfllnll "I till' Hllil,erH. Ah fast iih tlu lcl ctniic in, tlix.v allege, tlii'ir crew will (.till, i mill leave llll'lll hclplens. Tiiiii .Miiiiii, ii'ii president nf tin' Miilnr' iiiiimi, believes Unit tin- strike ui nut only include llii cicwh, hut that tin' linigwhiiri'iiieii aiitl dock nn ini'H will lake advantage of thin op portunity tn ili'iaauil lietter wages ami eoiitlitioiiH. .N't) ('lllM'tCllt lll'll, iSeniuship officials an' preparing tn linrry HtrikebrcnkcrH hcie. Mem Iter of tin union are not npHiiug tlie imne. They mux it will demon- "trnletliirirnit 'thuflho ship owner am helpless. According to the strik ers it will iuiNiHilili' for the owners In secure competent purlieu. The nlriko U tin' culmination tif a plan iiiaili' month ugn by tin gen eral nflieers of the Inteimitioual Sea men's iiajiiii. According to tin mi inn, eiintlitiiuw in the I'lircciiHtlc have lit't'ii nuriioiilurlv bad. This .fuel, ami Hie desire of tin men tn lie paitl nil' an Miinn ax they reaeli Mirt are the things that finally Imltieeil the rank ami file nl thu union In vole tm Htuke. The union has fiirmallv pie Heiiteil a hill; IhI nf grievances tn the prineipat ship owners anil has matin the following ili-iiuimls: A I'liiieiliatitiii huanl; ininimnin wage Hfiile; a miiiimimi manning scale for decks, stoke hohl ami gnl ley; alinlilmii (if tin' medical cxami natinn hy tho contract tloetoi'H nf the shipping fi'tk'ration; payuieut of a portion of thu rouiitl-lrip wage at the inrt of call marking the completion o I hit Inst half of the voyage; top. rext'iilntinii hy thu union at the sign, ing nf new moit ; fixed limns of la- linr; payuieut of ovcrl-iuio when the Hi'itle jh exceeded ; improved foiccns tlu iiccnuuuuthttitiuH mid heller food. ' " - - . l I'UL , i Jj i jjJMJLHEJTl 'ffl MWB ' iirwiywrir uv t 5fmi lHlilHufliiHMBiM kiwtUfBiu 'flUfiini HHHflflEiilHHB' 3tktv BpHupifif4-," lni i rA MSKkyBBBEE3ilPBlBHBililllllHillllllllliH mm'.Jfti ,' fri iilMJfcTjnillBrTTi iffiiiBrfflrlliiMiiiiBiMiiiMTWW ) MM Tll tOIIUOH DAILY MtHHOH. ' Sf" , -f WAN R D CENTRAL POINT IE SI M OR LOCATION OP THE PRINCIPAL, OFFICIAL COROMATIOW ieEV7EVJNG STwtlDS , SUJeJtOUKDlNQ-'WESTMlNSTER.BDEV LONDON, Jumi H Tim first of June dimply brlNtU'H with finictloiiH, all connected with the coronation. In preparation for the coronation London resembles nothing bo like as k grout rariieiiti'r'H hIioii, Htiim!n arc koIiik up everywhere, nml all tlm irlnclpnl IiuIIiIIiikk In '" wnt, euBt and noutli of Lontlon are being hidden behind forests of woodwork for the ht it ml it that am to be UHftl for HeeliiK tho eorouatlon proceHlon and the royal proKrewi throtJKh London the day after the ceremony. Westminster Abbey Is hidden on two sides with htiK HtnmU to accommodate hovitiiI thoiiHandH of MlKhtseerH, mot of these belnB reserved for members of Parliament and their wives. SONS MAY SAVE MISS LOU PORTER SHOE NOW tS ON MRS. WAY-HENKLE!nOW MRS. HELMS THE OTHER FOOT Little Boys Will Save Her From Jail it She Can Prove What She Claims Girl's Father Is Still Neutral Visits His Daunhter. DKI.A'WAIM:, Ohio, June 1 1.- -Mr. Jecie JrMie . Wiiy-llenklc, itrrctetl for thu alleged jxiihuiIii of her NteMliuihter, .Miis Merle Ilenkle, will Iiiihi) her tlefeiiNo on the testimmiy of'lni;. Popular Leader In Medford Younger Local Set Weds Well Known Vet erinary Surgeon of This City Off to 'Frisco. MIhh Lou Porter and Or. J. L. Uelmn. rcr quietly married at lhi home of the bride parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Porter, C.l'j JCast .Vain Htrvot at tl o'clock WeUnesday inorn- ('onxiiltiitlou at Antwerp ANTWHIH', June M. -A ennlVr eiicii wiih held here tinlay between l'epi'fHcntnl'iveH of the Neameu ami ship ouiieiri and the htii'KOUiastei' nf Aiitworp in mi effort to reaeli a M't t lenient of tlm neanien'8 h I like. The result nf thu cuiifeiuiiue Iiiih tint yet heen iiiiiioiinet'il. POSING IN BATHING SUITS NOT LIKED BY MARSHAL VKNICK, Cal., June 11.-The Hpruwliii),' anil pimin of Home of tint hathei'H at (lie bunch here nimoyri (Mly MmihIiiiI (leornti Kellletoii and lie Iiiih aHked tlm hoard of IrusleeH In pass an onliiiaiioe prnhihiliu per hoiih I'i'oiii RoiiiK nhoiit tlm h reel h or lyiiiK mi the lieueli clad only In Until' linlliiiiK hiiIIh. He nlNii iiHkeil Hie city In employ u niUKiuilnr police woiiuin In ellmiiiate heaeli I'lii'ln-tionn, Sickness Brings Forgiveness. PITTSHUKO, I'a., Juno M.-The I'eehle and invalid condition of John Haver, Jiiishnnil of MYh. Nanny Cur nepe I In veil', Iiiih hroiiKhl alioiit a reenneilialliiii hohvoen the two people, iiIIIumikIi for the pant two yearn llioy have heen liviiij; apart. Haver, who in u well known hoivenian aiul wiih I ho riding iiiHh'iicloi' of hin wife he fine tholr iniiniiifle, wiih in 1001) no vel o,y injured hy u now Iiiii'ho ho wiih lohiK ill Hhoojmhead Hay. her HoiiH, IMf,Mir and Kreddie Way, The two nhyH she assorted, in an interview jiven the I'liiteil Press n dny. ilrank fnim the same kIiiss of (,'rapt! juien vvhieh it is alleged eon iiiiiien ptiihiiu nummisieieii .mis Merle. She said: "l'lii'v will never eonviet me of pniMonini; Merle .never, never, never. My little hoys alone will save me fmm jail. I left Ivdar ami little Freddie drink from the same k'uhh of jtnipe juice that I pive Merle. I)n Ihev look piiisoiieiU" Merle lleukle, who yesterday was jhouuht to have heen out nf tinnier, is tnday OKaiu losing eonlrol of her lower limbs ami her left hand. She declines to iliseiiHH the ease, hut County Detective nMtthewH piomwes lo present startling evidence. John Heukle, (ho fill's father, re mains neutral. He is a ciindv sales. man, anil yestenlay niaiie his umiiiI slidil trip tn suiroiiniliii tow us. GREAT DEMAND FOR PANAMA BOND ISSUE WASHINGTON', II. ('., June M. Small inveslnrs prnhahly will secure nearly all nf the .fill.dOO.OOO Panama canal IhiiuIh, bids for which will he received up to I o'clock ne.t Satur day afternoon, June 17, Officials of the treasury department said that more than 000 sealed proposals al ready have heen received. Tho new HoouriticH, being exempt from lava, ti on are expected to have n hi;i in vestment value. WEALTHY FARMER SHOT; OFFICERS LOOK FOR DRARF SEATTLK. Wash., Juno Jl. -Allan llrooks, a wealthy rancher of AN Komi, wiih jirohahly fatally shot hiHt Monday. Deputy sheriffs arc looking for "Shorty" Wells, a dwarf, for inerly with a circus,, whom Ilronkh alleged had rircd the hIkiI. Dr. II, C. Melntyre of Aiihiun, who atlcndt'd him, thinks tho shot was accidental, Proctor Knott III. LKHANON, K.v., Juno M. For met' ('iinfjrosHinaii Prootor Knott, vvIioro fniuoiiH Hpoeeh oil the ninth wchI in which he put Dululh on the map, loforriiu,' to it an "Tho Queen Cil.V of (he Unsalted Seas" and es tahlishoil him iik tho firHt humorist of eniiKi'i'HH,, is in a critical oondi tton from paralysis, am pullinoiiary lioiihleH, Hefore tho Immediate relatives and n few Invited guests they were united In wedlock by the Hev. Mr. Lucas, the rliiK ceremony uuIiik used. After the ceremony the quests Kot down to U weddluK brenkfast after which Mr. and Mrs, Holms departed for Sail Francisco and other points. Mrs. J. Vern Van Dyke acted as bridcHimildo and the groom wns nt lendeil liy Mr. Van Dyke. The bride was attired In n beautiful kowii of Ivory White Crepe metoo and tho Kioom wore the conventional black. The decorations while not elaborate were beautiful, tho living room be ing decorated with white nnd tho parlors In red and white rosea were lined extensively in the decorations. Quito a number of wedding gifts of llavallmt chlun. cut glnss tnble linen and sliver ware werb tendered by numerous friends, The' bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Portor nnd la woll known npeliilly being a very popular and talented young lady. The groom Is well known both In social and professional circles and both have a host of friends who wish them success in their wedded life. Mr. ami Mrs. Helms will reside on North Ornpe street upon their return. Portland Jobbers Are Crying for Re lief to Interstate Commerce' Com mission Discrimination in Favor of Salt Lake City Is Complaint. PORTLAND, Or.STane 11. Alius- inir Hint the O.TOVS&'N. nml Ore gon Short Line arc attempting to de liver the jobbinj; territory between Huntington, Or., and Shoshone, Ida., to the Salt Lake jabbers, hy employ ing discriminatory class freight rates, the Portland chamber of commerce today is preparing to fight the rates hefore theiuterstatc eoiumeree com mission. A complaint outlining the cattle of hearing in behalf of Portland wholesalers, manufacturers and job bers has been forwarded to Washing ton for tiling with the commission. I lie complaint asserts that recent tariff changes made by the Ilarritunu lines does not permit (he Use of mile age, tariff between Huntington and Shosluiin) ami west and therefore is a discrimination against Portland. PORTLAND FACES WATEFUAMINE Reservoirs Steadily Falling Now That Hot Weather Has Set In Clamoro Has Become Incessant Throughout the City. MAL DE MER PUTS CHAMPION DOWN PLYMOUTH, Knclnnd, June 14.- -Seeking n good dinner that would "stay by hihi," Jack JoIiumiii de barked Monday from the liner Krnuz Prinz Wilhelm and started at once for London. Jolm-ou showed plain ly the effects of seasickness nu un derlying pallor showing through his dusky skin. With a sorrowful imitation of the golden smile he remarked: "1 don't feel much like n fighter, but I expect a few hours on land Look for the ad that offers it to and a good dinner that will stay by von, second-hand, at n real hnrgninl'tno will fix me mi." TELEPHONE COMPANY II POKTLAND. June .14. Portland faces tho greatest water. shortage-ir has ever known. The first reallv hot day of the year fell Sahirdny and since then the reservoirs thnt ordi nnrilv hold 00,000,000 gallons have been steadily fulling every day. Of ficials of both water and. health de partment have been buried under n ocntiuuous stream of complaints by letter, telephone nnd iu person. The clamor of the people from all ntinr- ters of the city Jias become incessant, and the thermometer has not gone anywhere near the summer limit. The water board will meet nnd consider ways and meuns of relieving the .situation. It maybe, found tiee-e.-,snry to discontinue the sprinkling of streets nnd lawns until the new pipe line from Dull ran is completed. TO START INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER NEW YORK, June 14. Theodore Stanton, son of Elizabeth Cridy Stan ton, has announced thnt an inter national daily newspaper of which he will be managing editor and known ns "Lo Journal rnternntioii ale." will bo started in January next in Paris. It will bo published in French, but other lancuagea will not ho excluded. Several influential and prominent men in Europe and the United tSates are behind tho move ment nun it is planned to secure enough international advertisements to uiiike the venture self supporting. Stanton said the publication will deal only with matters of world-wide hit parlance nnd international nffairs. OUR "OPRY" HOUSE GETS AWRITE-UP "Madame Sherry" On HerReturn to New York Tells of Her Visit Here That Dear Old Barn Gets Its Pic ture In the Papers Too. Tho Pacific Telephone Company litis begun tho work of Installing four now switchboards and cutting in an new culiles. Tho work will continue for about two weeks and during that tlmo some, difficulty may bo oxpor- Icncod by subscribers In gutting con nection, If tho troublo la roported lmmodlatoly to tho complaint depart ment the mutter ran bo adjusted at once and no Inconvenience will re sult from tho change. PAHIS, .luno II. A prize of .f,r0, 000 for mi aeroplane capable of car rying i addition to Hh own equip, numt, 2000 pounds of wliv munitions for (100 miles without stops, litis been offered hy financial agents of Frartce in tho Fi'Oiioh colony of Algeria. Tho prine, i( is nnnouiioed today, Is of fered id memory of Maurice Her tionlix, war minister of Franco, who was killed jecontly ut lssy DENOUNCES PLAN FOR DIRECT ELECTION CHICAGO, 111., Juno H. Denoun. clu gtho direct election of senators as-wrong, former JtiBtlco Shlraa of tho Buyromo court of 'tho United States, en route to his summer homo at Marquette, Mich,, mtuio tho follow ing statement to the United Press to day: "Tho direct vote on United States senators Is entirely wrong. Ono reas on why I pppoRu It Is bocnuso It changes tho ostabllshod, order of things. I do not hellovo that ward politicians are able to name us fine a body of men as now, ompoao tho United States senate.1 Referring to muckrakois, ho con tinued: "Thoy aro usually luoxporlencod youths, writing for tho profit of tholr publications lather than for tho country's prosperity. w I do not bo Hovo thoy can Imniovo the work of tho Bovornniont'B founders." VAN ELLMAKER HOME; CAUGHT ItOSKHURO, Ore.. Juno 14. Ivan Kllmnker, 13 year old son of Mrs. A. J. Arnold of Yoiiculln, who ran away from homo nenr that place Sundny, Juno 4, after n tjuurrol with his moth er, has been returned. Tho boy was walking southward on tho railroad truck and was detained by a Southern Pnclflc brldgo foreman near Central Point and then turned over to tho authorities. Tho boy was taken homo yesterday, none tho worse for tho o, porleuco. SILVER WEDDINGOF TAFTS TO BE OBSERVED WASHINGTON, D, C, Juno 14. Tho silver anniversary of tho woddtng of President nnd Mrs. Taft occurring Juno 19 Is to be tho occasion of ono of tho most brilliant social oveuts In tho history of Washington society, Several thousand invitations , wore sent out today. That dear old barn-like structure h hlcb" jiOuva us tho local temple of Thespls, has got Its picture In the papers. Cood papers too the New York Telegram the being one In point. And our "opry" house got a write up. "Madame Sherry" here In the winter, attended to that. On Juno , jn, the New York Telegram published a photo of the local play house and here Is what the story said, that accompanied the cut: "Medford, Oregon, whero tho pic ture was taken is a great town to ad vertise, but It Is doubtful If Medford will like tho advertisement tho "Mad- amo Sherry" company brought back east. Medford lies in the Rogue River valley, one of the righest fruit growing districts in America. It was up in the mountains not far from Medford where the lato E. II. Hard man used to go on hunting and flslv. Ing trips. Medford is on the main line of the Southern Pacific between Portland and San Fraucl'sco. Mount Shasta, ono of the wonders of "the road of a thousand wonders" Is over tho lino In California only a llttlo more than a hundred miles away. "But here's what the ".Madame Sherry" company says about tho Med ford "opry" house. "This picture Il lustrates ono of the reasons why so many 'regular' actors have such an aversion to certain one night stands. An idea of tho acoustic and sanitary properties of this Temple of Thespis may bo gained from a view of Its ornnte exterior." "And yet, thoy do raise fine apples and juicy prunes and such around Medford. By bum, some day, maybe they will raise a real "opry" houso." J. S. Howard Points Out Benefit of Locating Asphalt Macadam Road In Straight Line Parallel to South ern Pacific Railroad. . J T)LMIii WOULD SAVE HALF MILE IN DISTANCE; NO ANGLES M(l5 Cost for Right of Way Would Be Offset by Saving in Building Shorter Route, GASOLINE LAUNCH IS BURNED; WOMAN HURT COKONA, N. Y., Juno 14. Four women who wore passengers on u gasoline launch that caught fire m Flushing bay Tuesday, uro iu a hospital suffering from severe burns and it is almost certain that thoy would have perished had it not been for tlto prompt and heroic notion of their four malo companions. Tho boat caught fire shortly after midnight when a milo off shore. In an instant the clothing of the wo men was blazing. Without n mo ment's hesitation eneli man seized the woman nearest him and jumped into tlto -water. Tho men succeeded in keeping the womon afloat until res cued. It is thought tho women will all to-covor. Look nt all of tho real estnto ails and at much of thu- ronl estato ad vertised, boforo investing. A movement wns started this morn ing to have tJio proposed asphalt macadam road to Contra! Point changed from Its present location to parrallel tho railroad track. It la pointed out that this would be a straightaway continuation of Central avenue and would bo over a half mllo sharter than tho present road which contains several angles. If the road was next to the railroad track It would be without a curve or an anglo of any kind and would Indeed bo a boulevard. J. S. Howard is fathering tho move ment. In outlining his plans ho pre pared the following statement. To the editor: Tho county court has contracted to expend $12,000 a mile to make an asphalt macadam road to Central Point. (Good). Now I ttbe county Is to spend that amount why not get the best results posalblo for tho money? Why not extend North Central, avenue .tojjti;aJght through parallel with the railroad to the south end of First street In Central Point? The following facta aro in favor of the change of the road: First, tho distance by the present road from East Main street, Medford to tho south end of IFrst street, Central Point, is 22,300 feet or 4.22 miles. The distance from East Main and Central avenue. Medford, to tho south end of First street. Central Point, by a line parallel with tho railroad is 19,500 feet or approximately 3.7 miles, a difference of nearly ono half mile. Now, In good weather there are about 500 vehicles each day pass ing over tho road to Central Point and If the road was laid out parallel to the railroad It would mean a sav ing of 250 miles of travel each day and save construction and mainten ance of the extra road, Second, from the north end of Central avenuo as laid out through tho Ish Gore addition to the city of Medford, to tho south end of First street. Central Point, tho distance is 9S00 feet or 1.86 miles. This Is all the new road to bo laid out and you have only threo property owners to deal with. A road sixty feet wldo would take un nora of 13,40 acres worth at tho most S500 au aero which would make tho cost ot tho rond JO, 700 If it had to be alt condomned. Now at $12,000 por miles the saving ot a half mllo In distance would otfsot tho cost ot condemning new road. Tho above facts show that wo can get a road to Central Point parallel with the railroad and as straight us an arrow, save over a half mllo Iu distance and have' one of tho most magnltlcenco drives tn the valley and tho ground would bo less difficult for conatruct'on. If any movo Is wado It must ba made soon boforo construction starts. Tho Commercial club should tako tho matter up at once, securing the co operation of tho Central Point club. Tho automobllo club should mnko a hustlo. Tho farmers clear to tho north ond of tho country would bo benefitted. J. S. HOWARD. WIFE SLAPS HUBBY'S EAR AND BREAKS A DRUM I.OS ANOF.LKf?, Cal, Juno 14. Richard Renuett, actor, who is star ring in "Pierre of the Plains" ut a local theater, is suffering from n bursted ear drum today sustained when his wife, Mabol Morrison, was called upon iu the play to giva the too-gay French Canadian a roHound-' ing smack on tho oar. Tn reality, shy is supposed to strike on tho nock, hut in tho excitement sho struck him upon tho ear thu loft one nnd burst hia car drum.