PAGE SEC MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. MONDAY, .TUNE 12, 1011. FORFEIT GAME TO GRANTS PASS Raw Decisions By Ono Mutt Arc So Ridiculous That Local Boys Quit Exhibition Game Is Lost Even Grants Pass Roasted Him. Tho uniiu' at Grunts Pass yesterday between Medford and the Gran Pan team wan forfeited lit tlio latter team in tho first half of the fourth inninj:, with tho score tieil two and two. It wns very palpable from tho firt that tho Medford team wns pettinp much the worst of the umpire's de oibiohs. They were so plainly raw. that oven the Grants Pa fans pro tested about tho injustice beinj; met ed out to the Medford players. Cap tain MeCaithy sent a rounder down to tho Grants Pas first baseman, and the pitcher tried to cover the ling, which ho over-ran by six teet before entehinj; tho ball. Hi I'mp says out. Captain McCarthy pro tested apaint such decisions. What does his umps dot Ho wants Mc Carthy out of tho panic and beiiehe him. Upon McCarthy refusing: to be benched His Umps pave tho pune to Grants Pa, nine to nothing. After Kettinj; two now umpires Wheeler OMiorno and Honest John Pom oil, tho tennis played an exhi bition rmiic which Grants Pnss won by tho scoro of 8 to fl. The new um pires were greeted with cheers when they began to officiate, and old Cap. McCnrthy got tho glad hand cvery timo ho came to bat. The name of tho man who held the indicator for tjio first few innings is not known. it might bo Mutt. Then again it might be Mack Dart. Hut it is known that nothing will kill the game of baseball more quickly than such um piring. The decisions were so raw in favor of Grants Pass, that they bad very much a tainted flavor about them. Pcntoll and Wheeler umpired a good game and without prejudice. Tho snmo teams play again tomor row at Grants Pass, and it is to be Imped that the umpiring will be of that order which will tend to elevate the game instead of marring it. That the captain of tho Medford team wa within hLs Tights is conceded by all fair minded fans. Young Rurgos will be in the box tomorrow and Cur ly Vfilson on the receiving end. A large crowd will go to Grants Pass to see the game. Grants Pass plays the Medford team on the Medford grounds, June 18. ( FIRST NATIONAL SIX YEARS OLD Mcdford's Million Dollar Financial Institution Will Observe Its Birth day Next Thursday Growth Has Been Phenomenal. Tho First National hank, Mcdford's "million dollar" financial Institution. will observe Its sixth birthday next Thursday, June IB, and congratula tions aro alrendy pouring In on the officials of the hank. During the six years Its growth has bordered on the phenomenat such great strides hav ing been made. Last fall It passed the million-dollar mnrk tho first hank In southern Oregon to do so. The statement of the bank, Issued In response to a rail from tho comp troller of the currency, shows It to bo In a splendid financial condition, its assets being ?l,0:0,-tJ9. The Success of the bank Is due in a great degree to ability of Jutlgo W, S. Crowell, Its president, although ho gives tho credit to tho other offi cials of the institution. Mr. Crowell Is known as a sterling business man, and shrewd financier, qualities which tend to create confldenco in the bank of which ho is tho head. In addition to this, he has a happy faculty of winning friendships by his person ality. Tho bank having outgrown Us old quarters, is now having a new build ing erected, which will be great ad dltlon to the city. Back to the Brush WUiM' ?4kJH Ti " ZJrm jff DEWING ' J ccsKKvy'.? INSPEC T SCHOOL GROONDS N E19 Annual School Meeting Is Called Citizens Aro Wanted to Insucct Grounds and Houses and Make Suggestions to Board Regarding The annual school meeting In this ( district Is to be held on Juno I1.), and 'nil ttiOmnl imtrmm mi., nakoil In ,., It, , n the schools of tho cltj and see If they can help with suggestions as to lui We learn that the eteran "nob" M'ruvoiueiui.. mo program lor tun Kwlng, for many years a successful day Is: pitcher In the National league, Is dot.- Muct at It a. in. Inspection of tlned for the minors. "Hob" was ground (a) slxe, condition from rub- with the Cincinnati Iteds for a dec ade, and later was transferred to the Philadelphia Nationals. There ought to bo many a good game left In "Hob" yet, and the minor leagun club that gets his services will bo very fortunate. ST. MARK'S LADIES ENTERTAINS THURSDAY MURDEROUS DESIGN OF MAN THWARTED MUNCIE, Intl., Juno 12. William Kuhn is under arrest here today after attempting to wjpo out his entire family. Ho fired two shots, one at his wife, which graed her arm, and another at Mrs. Kola Wea'ver, his daughter, which produced a flesh wound on tho finger. Kuhn then cut his throat with a razor, but the wound Is not serious. The ladies of St. Mark's guild will entertain with n dinner and dance next Thursday evening in St. Mark Hall. The dinner will be served from o30 p. in. to S p. m.. after which dancing will be indulged in. MENU Meat Loaf Cream Potatoes Peas in Patties Oyster Salad Hot Biscuits and Butter Pickles, Onions, Radishes, Jelly Coffee, Ice Tea Strawberry Shortcake. The dinner will bo fifty cents a plate and dancing will be teii cents n dance or $1 for the entire evening A cordial invitation is extended to nil who may wish to attend. PUBLICITY MAN TO ASSIST BOOS J. P. Bonhag Formerly Connected With the Portland Commercial Club, Is Here to Work With Local Club. blsli, etc. (h) Water: t. If well, when was It cleaned? condition of pump, drainage of grounds. -. It no well, hae you an enclosed Jar or tank with faucet? (c) OuthouHos: Aro thoy san itary? (d) Are the school grounds fenced? Do they need fencing? Inspection of bmics (a) Floor! when cleaned? (b) Walls: do they need painting or cleaning? (c) Heat ing: Location of Htoe: It should not be In center of room. Is there a Jack et on stove? Wood supply, (d) Ven tilating: Aro there window boards? 1:30 p. m. Discussion of how tho things Inspected may ho improved. See It some definite action can't bo taken today. 2:30 p. in. Turn meeting over to hoard of directors. SUIT BROUGHT BY POST DISMISSED Sought to Prevent n Closed Shop Agreement and Asked Damages for $760,000 United States Judge Throws Case Out. Drank Acid, Out Lives, Imlllo of enthnlie itiiid, Tim hullli) lind been left within teueli. mid the KKAN'SAS (MTV. Mo., .f unit ( ,,hll.l nhlntnml It In lint mIimoiwh .it' miiio i.uwroiwe KolibiiiH. amid L s I he iiuii-o. repoiteil out of danger todnv nller drinking tho contents of an ounce HhhIcIiih for Health, ST. I.OIMS, Mo., Juno J'J. The suit brought b.v C. W. Post against the American Federation of Labor and the Hunks Stove and Mango com pany seeking to prevent a closed shop agreement and asking damages for $7.-0,000 was dixmWscd today by United States District .ludgu l)or. GORMAN-FORD CO. MAKE A BIG HIT J. P. Itonhag, formerly of the In dustrial bureau of the Portland Commercial club, has accepted a po sition with tho Medford Co mm ere ml club. Ho has been identified with the Southwestern Washington Develop ment association and also with the Seattle lodge of Klks, being secretary of this organization. He has been connected with industrial and pub Last night the (Ionium-Fowl company opened up at tho Medford theatre in tho four-net dual comedy bill "Wedded, but No Wife," which was well received by tho audience. A special feature of tho evening was the splendid dramutiu work of Mils Mildred Ford as Kleanor Howard. In this roll Miss Ford displays hot ability as an cmotiounl actress. Charles Flako in tho character of Klionoier Hemmenway supplied the comedy of tho evening in u ebarnu- Mint !. limit M, It. f !. (.1 MM I ,1 t ... PRETTY HOME WEDDING maiuder of ihu oust offer..! Miss NEAR BR0WNSB0R0 Fonl much support and aro dcviniug ot secial mention. LACES 12 yds f w per in each frcts Picc? piece vV 12 yds A pretty home wedding took pluco at tho resldenco of the bride's moth er, Mrs. Olive Hell. In Hrownsboro, Or., on Juno 7, 1911. Tho partirl Preceding tho ceremony tho song, Precedln gtho ceremony tho song. "O Promlso Mo" was sung by tho brldo's brother, Orlln Dell, while fol lowing Lohengrin's wedding march was played by Miss Go! die Humes, ns lieitv work for the oast two vears!1"0 bridal party entered tho room, and'is familiar with the work of thei8tailliiR under an arch of vines and Oregon development league of whieh,ro8e8- Kcv- A- A- Holmes solemnizing tho Medford club is a member. 'no weauing ceremony. The bride Is ono of tho popular teachers In tho Klamath Falls school. The groom was head engineer In tho MARSHALL TESTIFIES IN M'NAMARA CASE QUAKE SITUATION NOW WELL IN HAND MEXICO CITY, Juno 12. That the earthquake situation Is well In hand Is tho statement given out by officials hero today. Most of tho dead have been burled and tho Ilcd Cro68 So ciety Is caring for tho homeless. Full reports of tho damago ot the section affected by tho shocks accompanying tho eruption yesterday of tho volcano of Collma have not yet reached- the capital. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Juno 12. Governor Thomas P. Marshall today appeared before tho grand Jury In vestigating tho alleged kidnapping of John J. McNamara. It Is believed Marshall appeared voluntarily. He was closeted In the Jury room for nioro than an hour. Outfielders Change. PORTLAND. Or., June 12. Out fielder Pcttigrcw and Otto Moore joined tho Portland Northwestern lenguo team here today. Pcttigrcw was purchased from tho Wichita team in tho Western lenguo and Moore played with the Oregon Agri cultural college last season. government service of tho Klamath reclamation procct. After refresh inonts wero sorvod tho happy couple started on a honeymoon trip to San Francisco. They will return In about ten days to Grants Pass, where they will reside a x fin nre oj me evening was tho vaudeville numbers by Charles dynes, Charles Fluke, Arthur Fletcher, Hurry Tuurtlott and Miss Mildred Ford. Tho double specialty by Ford and Flako drew down tho applause of tho house and wero made to rusiHiud to boverat en cores. Interspersed during thu even ing, tlio orchestra rendered several iwpular selections and overtutes which eliminated all tho waits, while tho scenes wero being changed taking tho performance. All in nil with the excellent acting, vaudeville special ties, and orchestra, an onjoyublo evening was spent by thoso who at tended. Tomorrow night tho coin present that dnuna from Mary Jane Hohnca' novel by speeiul permission of Beulah Painter, Lenn Hivers. with u complete change of viunluvillj specialties and musical numbers. We will put on salt here tomorrow and Wednes day 100 pieces of fine Valenciennes Lares and Insertions, l-l! to 1 1-2 inches wide, and worth He a yard anywhere. Special price for lliese two days only, per piece of J 2 yards each 35c Fancy Plates KM) pieces of fancy I Mali's, Cups and .Saucers, etc., worth $1.00, $ l.'Jo and $1.00 eaeh. See east window. Choice tomorrow, 50c Each Boys' BLOUSE WAISTS Hotter and cheaper than you can make them; here in sizes ( to 12 years, 25c and 50c Ea Sun Bonnets Ladios' and Missos in blue and white and piulc and white; also in plain colors, 25c Each Ladies' rndorwoar, children's Waists, popular priced goods, at money-saving prices. BUTTER MACHINE An imported glass Hut tor .Machine, cream whip and churn, full half gallon capacity; a $2.2.") val- .. $1.50 no, (puck, easy, e lean; each Hasklns for Health. FOURTEEN KILLED IN RIOTS AT MATHEUALA EL PASO, Texus, Juno 12. Four toon persons aro reported In dispat ches from Mathounla, today, to have been killed In riots at that place. A strike of minors has been In progress (hero for sonio tlmo and, whllo no details of tho riot have been rocolved, It is supposed that tho strlkors clash ed with tho police. ROOT AMENDMENT MAY BE THROWN OUT WASHINGTON, D. C Juno 12. That tho Hoot nmendment to tho re ciprocity bill will not bo accepted by the hoiiBO was tho assertion today of Chairman Underwood of tho house ways and means commltteo. if tho Bouato adopts tho amendment, ho as sorts, thero Is possibility of tho two houses being doadlockod, prolonging indefinitely tho presout session of congress. GK.XI LODGK KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Astoria, Oregon, June UO-Ul, 1011. For the above occasion tho South ern Pacific and Corvallls and Eastern will sell low round trip tickets from all points Including branches at spe cial Jow round trip fares. Tickets will sold Juno 18th and 19th, good for return until Juno 24th. Tho splendid excursion steamer "T. J. Potter," has been chartered for this occasion, and will Ieavo Ash street dock, Portland, for Astoria at 11:00 p. in. Juno 19tb, returning from Astoria midnight, Juno 21st. Delegates aro urgently requested to make reservations for sleeping accom modations either through local agents or C. W. btlnger, City Ticket, Third and Washington streets, Portland. For detailed faro from any station. call on any Southern Pacific or Cor vallis and Eastern agent. Medford, Or., May 1C, 1911. This Is to cortlfy that about November 1 my daughter was taken with a sovorc attack of rheumatism which rendered hor left arm useless, In fact it was so near paralyzed that sho was not able to move her fingers, but knowing of somo of Dr. Chow Young'H marvelous cures of long standing cases of rheu matism, wo decided to consult him, In which I am pleased to say made no mlstako, as his romedles acted as ho claimed thoy would and after tho third treatment tho rhoumatlc pain entirely loft her and sho has not had any symptoms of rheumatism since; besides hor general health is much Improved and I do not hesitate In saying I bollevo thoso afflicted with rheumatism or paralysis will do well to consult Dr. Chow Young, whoso houso is corner of Tenth and Front stroot, Medford, Or. 78 A. P. WEISS. BIRTHDAY STATEMENT First National Bank of Medford at the closo of business, June 7th, 1911. HaskliiH for Health, ," ft SOURCES Loans and discounts :. $182,957.'! 6' IT. S.'and other bonds .'ind securities 294,703.89 Banking house and fixtures 25,825.50 Cash in vault and other banks 247,902.15 Total ,. .$1,051,449.00 LIABILITIES Capital in gold coin $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 51,350.58 Ciroulat ion 99,997.50 'Individual deposits 798,094.92 U. S. Deposits 1,000.00 Total $1,051,449.00 THIS BANK IS SIX YEARS OLD JUNE 15, 1911 Though our competitors are all excellent and worthy banks, yet through the confidence of our friends and the public. tlio First National of Medford lias in six yeai-s passed all competitors and become the Leading Bank of Southern Oregon. FOR THIS WE THANK YOU, AND WILL CON TINUE TO BE FAITHFUL TO YOUR INTER ESTS. M. h, ALKOItl), Cashier OIU8 CKAWFOHI), Assistant Cashier WM, 8. CUOWKLLi, President sr if ' N HUSSEY'S 1 ' Stock Ranch For Sale $12 an Acre :i'J0 acres of raw land in the ttoguc Kivcr vallev, just ten miles from the railroad, one-half sticky, one half free soil. Irrigation possible on every acre. Title perfect and in shape for a quick sale. The best proposition on the market fodav. Call on EARL S. TIM, 201 Garnett-Corey Bldg 'rrr4 .i NEWPORT -YAQUINA BAY- Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to Go for Perfect licsf and Kverv Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Kcereation ITS FACILITIES ARK COM P MOTE Host of food and an abundance of it. Eresh water from the moun tain streams. AH modern necessities, such as tele graph, telephone, markets freshly provided everv day. Euel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern "Pa cific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & East ern R. ft. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. FARE FROM MEDFORD . Season six-months tickot $1140 Our elaboralo new Summer Book gives a concise description of Newport, including a list of holds ( their capacity and rates. Call on, telephone or write -A. S. ROSENI3AUM, Local Agent, Medford. m WM. McMURRAY General, Passongor Agent, Portland, Oregon '&&&& rnqsmw M