PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPFORP, OREftON, FRIDAY, JUNE 0, 1911. PIKING CONTRACT BUSINESS City Dads PasS Ordinance Entering "IntrAgrccment With Paving om ftlny-Calls1 for'$300,000 Worth of Work or 'Nearly Six Miles Streets. W.ifSk w . t Tlio city council Thursday aflor popn imped nti prdiimnco providing forjlio rntcrhij Into, a contract with lio"Clnrk & llcncry Construction enmnuny for nearly six mile of pav ing wuich will cobt in the neighbor hood of $300,000. Tho contract, cnlls for a new pavement with an ncphaUic concrete lmsi differing in sotno respects from the, prasimt class of pavement. The price per yard is Jfl.71 and was adopted bv tho city following nil in Ve'stigution of the pavement by the mayor and councilmcn in other CI t JOS. '" In all, 20 streets and alleys will be paved as follows: North Grape street, Sixth to Vermont; South Ivy, Eighth to Thirteenth; North Ivy. Sixth to Oakdale; Rpsc avenue, Sev enth to Fourth; Beatty, Central nvc titie'lo Mnnmtnita street; lSennctt nv cnjiot Howard to Roosevelt; Eleventh btrcct west, Onkdulc to Ilainiltou; Tenth street west, Oakdale to Holly; Washington street, Genesseo to Itoosoyelt; Hamilton, Onkdalc to Ole son, Second to Fourth; Eleventh street, Central avenue to Oakdale? Fir, Sixth to Jackson; Fifth, Front tti Riverside; Third, Apple to Oak dale; Ninth, Orange to Hamilton, Eleventh to Dakota; alley, Riverside to alley between Seventh and Eighth, alley from Eighth to Seventh; Dako ta, Oakdale to Peach; Mistletoe, lanv to Tenth; South Peach, Main to Eighth; Bartlett, eighth to Ninth; Orange, Tenth to Eleventh; Roose yclt, East Main to Jackson boulo vafd Minnesota, Geneva to Roose vejlj alley through block 21, East Main to East Sixth; alley in block 21, Central avenue to alley through block 2J ' MEN m Exposed Plot to Kill Madero CORPUS NOW Petition Asking for Passage of Ordi nance Stopping Sale of Wares on Streets bfClty is Being Generally Sighed by Business Men. ' ' u iefi no JUST III TIME Mr. and Mrs. George F. King Arrive Aiain In Medford Heeded Warn ing and Escape From Town Which Was Sacked. ' The business men of tho city have' started an active crusade against the peanut and other vendors on the streets of the eity and are circulating a petition to tho city fathers uxkmg that an ordinance be pns.-ed to pro vent 111130110. engaging in any mer chantable pursuit on tho streets oi tho city. The petition which is being gener ally signed reads as follows: To the Honorable Mavor and City Council of the City of Medford: We the business men of Medford do be lieve thai the. streets and ulleys of this eity tJtould bo used exclusively lor the purpose of travel and not for business purposes and that, the par ties wishing to engage iu business should be required to rent buildings and do business in same on tho same basis as all other legitimate business houses of our city are doing. We have various amounts of cap ital invested in our fixtures and stocks, and are paying taxes, rent and insurnnco on the same which goes to keep up the expenses of the eity and make the town one of the best on the const Hence we feel that all business should be on the same basis. To this end we, the undersigned, most respectfully petition your honorable body to cause such an ordinance to be passed to prohibit the transaction of carrying on of any kind of mer chantable business in any of tho pub lic streets or highway of the city of Medford. innnnHnHinnHHnW''' ? ?NHH MntHffHufS t 'tt7T. .V . ? j tfllL 1 TT TYIBBW mmmmm'mtmm 1 Hm& HBHR3IBHHHnKlv.flH mLLLLLLLLLm3W?lh&Y,tfimi.L INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNINNINNNNNNNNNNNNNNINNNNNNNNNNNNINNNNNNNNINNNNHBV v v ."' &.NINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNI innnnnnnnHnnnnBinHSV1 tu.v &H iiiiiiiBHiNW'' ' Vl' MilNH NNNNNNNNiNTlNhhH INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNr-V - '.o'SNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN HBMBMMB3aMBBBDJ Steals March on Friends and Is Qui ctly Wedded to Miss Ruth Whit mlro of This Oltyi-Certtnony Sat urday fat Sacr'nhiento.-r Mr. and Mrs. George F. King and little daughter arrived in Medford Thursday, coming from Los Angeles by Automobile. They have been lo cated in Mexico for some tune and expect to sppkd the summer at Derby where they have a summer home. Willi Mr. and Mrj, King is a lit tle Mexican boy whom they have brought here to educate'. Te is a bright little chap eight years of age and is a staunch adherent of Presi dent Diaz and is strictly averse to hearing the name of Madero spoken. Abram Carrillo is the name he was known by in his Mexican home. In an interview this morning Mr. King 6nid that he coald say but lit tle of the conditions in Mexico at the present time as they left there May 11. Coalcoman, where Mr. King was was located, was not in thp revolu tionary zonp while they stayed there but tho town was attacked a few days after by the revolutionists who killed a number of soldiers. Shortly before the party left that place the revolu tionists warned tho townpcople that 611 the following Thursday thoj would attack tho city. Only 12 fed eral soldiers were stationed at Coal coman, and these only as a means of precaution. Mr. King and family left on Sunday and in accordance with tho warning tho place was sacked a fow days later. Mr. King said that in his opinion the nssencion of Madero to tho presi dent's chair would do nworld of gopd for Mexico. President Dinz had these same reforms in mind but wait ed too long as tho Mexican people nro better educated than he realized and insisted upon their just rights. Ho nlso said that Mexico Mexico is Very rich in minerals, timber and ag ricultural resources nnd only need ed to bo kept peaceful to develop thoso resources. Ho hns extensive timber interests aloug tho western const and has no fear but what they will provo profitable under tho now government. 1 Wli Withdrew Troops. WASHINGTON, D. ft, Juno 0. Major GonprnI Leonard Wood, chief pf ptaff, this nftornoon informed President Tnft that, in his opinion, it was advisable to withdraw troops ilu'ihberiiiK 0000 from Sap Diego and GnlvcHflon, It is expected that an oror to break camp will soon, bo is-uiiMil ,4- iii1 iii 1 - f BURGLAR GETS EIGHTY GENTS Breaks Into Golden Rule but Secures Little Loot Cuts Hole in Rear Deor With Pocket Knife. . GEN EN.0AMIN eJOKANlS VlLOOEN Charged by hts old friend and Hoer war comrado, General U. K. VII Joen, with conspiring with an American named W. 1 U111111 against tho life of General Madero, Dan dc Vllllors is under arrest hero. Dunn under arrest at Monterey. General Vtljoen says thnt tho men tried to Induce hlni and General Pascual Orozco to desert General Madero, stir up a revolt among tliu revolutionary troops at Juarez and start a now revolution Ho says a large sum of money was promised to hlni by tho men for Information ns to tho time ot departure of Genoral Madero for Mexico City and his route. Stealing a umrch on friends and relatives lleorgo C Coniititm mill Miss Kuth WhiUuire, prominent young people of this city, wore (pit otly married in Saciiuueiito Inst Sat urday. iMih Wliittuirc had been iiting iu San Francisco nnd from there went to Sacrnuivnto whore sho win joined by Mr. Cornelius who left her Friday evening. Tho murringo 0010 uioiiy was performed at 2 clock baturday uftoruoonhy tho Itev. Slier hum of the Presbyterian Hunch. Mi's. Cormtius is visiting iu .os Angeles and will toturu to join her iiisbaud iu 11 ho ul 10 days. The crowd whti gathered at the depot lust evening to welcome the ucwl.v married couple were disappointed when Mrs. Cornitius did not niriw. Mrs. Coruititis U the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. J. 11. Whitmire, Til South Newtown sheet and is well known in Kooinl circles. She is known iw one of the most beautiful and most jxipular ,nung ladies re siding in Medford. Mr. Cnruilius is the junior mem ber of the Cornitius. (Jarncr real es tate firm iuul is welt known both in lai business and social circles. The young couple have many lricnds wh wish them happiness in their ncwlv wedded life. The Golden Rule department store at the corner of Main and Holly streets was broken Into some time Thursday night and a pair of shoes and 80 cents In change taken. Noth ing else Is missing. Tho burglar gained entrance by cutting a hole In the rear door with a pocket knire and turning the lock. Mr. Benton, one of tho proprietors, discovered the burglary when he opened the store, Tho police have been notified, but no clue to tho iden tity of the burglar Is had. The desk in tho office on the upper floor was tampered with, but noth ing was taken. The money was ex tracted from the cash register and the whole proceedings show the work to be that of an amateur. COMING AT THE OPEKA HOUSE, THE GOItMAND-J'ORD CO. i '. T June Sunday, June 11, the Gormand Ford company will begin a six night engagement at the Medford opera houao. This is an eastern company which has been for soyen years un der tho successful management of Harry Gormand. Featuring little Miss Mildred Ford in standard repertoire. The company has of late finished a six weeks' stock engagement at the Margarlto theater at Eureka, wh'ero tboy aro well spoken of by press and public. Sunday night they open up in tho four act rural comedy drama "Wed ded, but No Wife," which, is full of gopd, clean comedy and at the same time gives Miss Fprd an opportunity to show her dramatic ability in the part ot Elinor Howard. Tho company carry tholr own or chestra and vaudeville people and there are no waits between acts, and from tho time of tho opening ovor turo till the final curtain there Is not an idle moment. Tho Vallojp Chron iclo has tho following to say of tho opening bill: "Farragut theater was crowded to the doors last evening when tho Gor-mand-Ford company opened its en gagement ut tho Georgia street show houso. Many peoplo woro turned away, as tho seats wero sold out long before tho show began. ( "The opening bill was "Wedded, but No Wife," a screaming comedy, which proved to bo all that tho press notices claimed it to be, Tho com pany is a capable one, composed of clover people, and should huvo a suc cessful engagement In this city. Dur ing tho progress of tho play some clover specialties wero Introduced, which mado a big hit with tho audi ence." LABOR QUESTION UIDH TABLE City aFthers Decline to Consider the Matter at PresentResolutions of Labor Council Refcred to Com Tho. matter of employlug white la bor only .on public work3 In tho city was called to the attention of tho city council Thursday afternoon, when the socialist local presented resolutions as did the Central Labor council. The council failed to take action on tho mattpr. The resolution submit ted by tho socialists was laid on the table. That from tho Central Labor council Was roferrcd to tho building committee. Hasklns for Health. PRETTY ACTRESS IS MRED While Rehearsing Play at Ugo Miss Genevieve Cunningham Wrenches Her Spine and Is Laid Up for Time 1 ieing.-W$ Jt f P . Is marriage a failure? Yes, Is thq reply of pretty Miss Gencviovo Cunningham, loading lady at the U-Go theater. For when playing the star role In tho problematical drama recently Miss Cunnln'ghajo'becnme so Imbued with tho intensity ot her part that she wrenched her splno and yester day was packld In Ico at tho doctor's ordora. Efforts were mado to secure an understudy, but it 'was Impossible in tho time allowed, so the U-Go theater GERMANY MAY SEEK ALLIANCE WITH JAPAN lWMl.lN, June 0. "If America shows fiigns of adopting an unfriend ly attitude townrd (lonunny, wo flee- mans will seek an alliance with Ja pan." This, statement is nttrihiiler lien- today to Count Von Hcvciitlow, the naval expert. AmoricniiM, he says, are inclined to erroneously tiKKort their strength on the lninis of wealth and frequently take nil exaggerated view of their power and iufluepce which is almost humoroiiH. 'The American people might well reflect," Count Von Hevpulloiv adds, "whether their interests would he served by fnreiiiu flennnny into n community jnteresn with Japan." was dark Inst night. If tho Ico pack Is as effective im tho doctors predict, however, It Is o-pected that Miss Cuunlng)inm will bo able to1 continue to'nlght In her part as tho moiiHo In tho "Lion and tho Mouse," w"h!ch ban been pleasing largo audiences since tho first of tho weok. Sunday ovonlng In addition to the regular porforjnanro, Mr. Klein will render n violin solo, playing tho pop ular piece, "Silver Threads .Among tho Gold." y I am'stnunch, r ' m -IJ cjiap-trnMamous.r H.n II Uv m ?r-L-! uiu-jiiiannbie liable sWHcidctu 'once caps weta wor wAm frowsv kid. for teamster ortouahSo- licTace was hid-hul nnu? Im the ultra and classVJUL For.the'tfood Heidcai is swa.qtfer'and?D.lutd!mhkcs ofin'chnolnn-' 1 -Z'sm- art m mm J J... -"k f "JL.- StOCTaL UT trfjHlShTdnthirinTmndfWrir irurTPn hnr,t- .... 2s..V;..yi l'fAiji.!vr'N . . ' UVHl ViJ Ull I'm fash nor ...'it. 1 Ss ... ,l"V .-. Willi u sonOi.ooiianaisWH it fim-T V.. 'T inatwarmui ' Vniitifrtnt 1 tirl lrtfKl iiiinvuF iiti wiwiiiiiuravwuaiuuiirtwr i l.-'S:?riLy Vl o.a ii i. .V. uvm:rviiniine j.ouk.i rmiaetuoncdlher you.knov tr .. ! -----, a on his headi inhe'tKldcUKis feo. Theretisn'Ka' tlmtd thntvn Vm chX W Nrt" NnV.,.A L. - - - T vv w mm - m mr lJI iu .1 1. j ui. u A t xJBJia w I I I i-n.i i '.i, . . :." , ; . rrrr'-vi . "-"J iinu uuiiu mto 'hi mbio&vnc: Ucat,oro l"i.llL. ' 1 l m? in una- nost ut, com in maKu a cp-4miL3 fit ibnvear-nr er lookBTlike a muilona I vi mm- . A 3 . W j F Jhvrea otihiercnce wain from WhaL P3 PRKC Wcorablcwa Jcand tincsilhat makesi thotqfollowtoii5ht, putf Diagonals Plains Plaids or Homespuns waia-tiw? Hcurpopa I .js nt xhehed. " VTHBMANDEtfEATHlx LOOKS LIKE A GENTLEMAN, Pull Lines la all j the Latest Shapes Send Children ,. ,i , WE L0VE THE CHILDREN A ANY of the shoppers who ,"- visit our store daily are bright little men and women. And they are shrewd buyers, most of them, in their way. They two always wolcomo heroami you may rest assured that every attention will be shown to nil urd'T forwarded by them just im much nit would lie kHcii to yourholf. It t a coiivoulvut way of getting groceries Iu u hurry and Ih used by many of your neighbors. ALLEN GROCERY CO. a a k. c i: x t it ,i i. a v k x t' i: The Office of the Secretary of the Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. U now 'located nt IIn tunlti offlco at 101 Ho. I'ir St., Medford, Or. All Intnoiim liidcbtcil to (li Coiiipnuy con ttitiko nctllciiicnlH ut llio iiIkhc uddn'sn. , MEDFORD IRON WORKS 10. (I. Trowhridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Uoiloi's and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. , M. J. E. E.NYART. Pros dent J. A. PKUIIY. Vlco.Prcsldnut F. E. MBRItICK, Vlco-Prosldm JOHN B. OIITH, CnMhlor W. D. JACKSON, Ai't Cahlw. DANIELS FOR DUDS The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 HAPE DKl'OHIT HOXEH FOR RUNT. A OKNKItAr, 1IAMCINO IlUfllNICSS TRAN8AC7TK1). Wo HOWOIT YOUR PATllONAOK. 4444fm'444fm4l444t4t4hwm44'4l44m WATER RENT Now Due at Recorder's Office June 1 to 10, '11 4, hf