VsMr-,', y y -1 .- t r .janrifT tinrj1 rj,xiftf,txi.,vfnxHmr,i&!ikiffAi Le . r CLEARINGS MANIC CMIAUINdH llltl,IIIIH,ll) Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER KnlrItnr. Ufl.OI, Mux. 78, Mln. iJ0.5, Moan JlH.rt I'lirly.Klmi Vtr. Dully Himli V.nr. MEDFORD, OKIOaON, FJIJ1M V, J UN 10 9, 1911. rf- No. G8. Exlstlnu Rates Cancelled mill Atlvanco Mmlc Effective Upon Shipments Oriulnatlnu Outside of Orcoon Reductions Recently Ordered by State Railroad Commission Will Hereafter Affect Only State Ship ments Former Rates In Effect Prior to Feb. 8. 1911, Restored. INTERSTATE FREIGHT RATES INCREASED MEDFORD TO ENJOIN RAILWAY FROM RAISING TARIFFS HAND OF PORTLAND JOBBER IS SEEN IN NEW TARIFF RESTORING OED RATES ON INTERSTATE TRAFFIC Woman's Body Found In Bath Tub Buried In Quicklime C ATLI 0T IQ ARRY fs. HEIB. MCOFOflD TRAFFIC BUREAU LEADS FIGHT AGAINST ENFORCEMENT OF NEW SCHEDULES All Clllos South of Portland Affected Means An Increase of Twenty Per Cent Here Local Merchants Blame Rate Com mittee of Portland Ch amher of Commerce. A N liWIMOASK in freight nites from Portland to stn-- tions south on the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon upon interstate .shipments, is announced by Southern Pa cific tariff No. (K)L effective .July 1. The new rates are a restoration of old rates in effect prior to February 8, .15)1 1, when the reductions ordered by the state railroad commission went into effect. The present rates will be still in effect for state shipments, but the state railroad commission has no jurisdiction over interstate business. Heretofore, the interstate rate to Medford and other southern Oregon points has been the rate to Portland from the point of origin plus the local tariff from Portland to the point of destination. Hereafter it is to be the rate .Portland plus the, old rate, in Medford's case an avur age of 20 pur cent higher than the present local rate. When the new tariff goes into effect it will be cheaper to consign merchandise to Portland and rebill it from there to Medford and other points than it will be to consign it directly to Medford. This will entail no end of trouble on the part of shippers and give Medford and the various comnumities black eyes in the shipping world as commer cial or jobbing centers. It can benefit no one but the Port laud jobber. ) JA JUMMSEa m-JMnm.. fsrr -,4m.Prtt?&- TRIAL FOR. LIFE o1SIB?S GROWING Pleads Not Guilty of Murdering His Wife and Burying Her Body In Quick Lime Contradicts Himself Japanese Servant Is Blamed. "Wo ki'o In thin liiercancd tariff Hut Imnil of thu I'ortluml Jobber, tryliiK to (IIhitimIU mid Hliut out competition anil endeavoring to piouuil the crca tloii of oilier JoIiIiIiik coiilem In Ore gon," Hinted II. C. (luriioti of thu Our utilt'Cori'y Hardware company, prunl dout of tlio Medford 'I'm f fin bureau, "ami lliu Mt'ilfonl Traffic bureau will lake li'Kiil Htopn to prevent thu now tariff ftoin kIiik l"t' effect. Wo will apply for an Injunction ami fur iiImIi rottilnlto liontl, If our attorneys ho ndvliio, Wu uio In UiIh fight to stay, aid w aro KoIiik win. Moil fonl Ih not i;(ilni: to bo (llHcrlmlnatod aniiluHt In any nuch faHlilon without our iIoIiik uvurythliiK I" ' wor to KtOl It." U. A. Wolch, iiinnnKi'r f tlio M'd ford Clrocory comimny and Bcvititury of tlio Mitdfmd Traffic bureau, Htat d: "I am now In corroHponduuco with our utloinoyH nod liumodlatu action will ho taUon, I cannot hod how tho Southorn Pacific cun pioflt by tho In cioiiHcd rato, "Tlioaii ratoa arw uiIviuicoh In and cancolhitloiiH of oxIhUiik ratca niunod In Did Southorn Pacific ciimpnny'H local'frolKht rata No. 211511, ICC. No. illilli, liiHofnr iih thoy apply upon In toiHtato traffic moving undor ratoa mimoii In and via KiittiwaH hIiowii In counoctliiu v with trauH-contlnmital frolKlit biirotui tarlrfH dcHcrlbod abovo. Thoy arc publlHhod In ordor to n'Htoro rati-H In of foot prior to Kuli riiary U, I It 11." Ilulow an) tho ratoa affoctod, tho itppur lino hIiowIuk tho iiiIoh from Poitlnnd now In offoct to Modford and tho lowor lino tho rut oh roatorod by tho now tariff: CIllHH 1 a a i r. a n lis i.oo o.3 o.7i o.r.o o.r.o 0.47 LIS 1.03 .UC .HH .70 .71 .50 REPRESENTATIVE MANN IS AQAINST WOOL BILL WAHIIINHTON, I). C, Juno II.--ltupioHoiiliitivo M iitui, tlio republican l'lnor Icailof, loilny voiced hi oppo Hilion to Iho wool tnrirr hdiciUilo bill. I lo iiHKCi'lcil Hull I lui bill would bo injiiiioiiH lo tlio Amoiiunii wool kiiiw Dl'tl 11111I inuitul'nutiiiui'H, STOKES IS NOW OUT OF DANGER Millionaire, Shot by Girls, Will Re coverYoung Women Plan Their Defense and Seem to Be Well Satisfied. KKW VOIfK'. June 0. Harry A. Schvib win n minted today on a cliarjo of murilcriii lliu wife mid burviiiL' her body witli miickliine n a bath tub in their flat ill thin cilv. He plead not entity mill triul will be Ktartei immediately. Helieib Iuik made several contradic tory Htatcmciit Hiuce bis arrest and the authorities claim to have a clear cane n(,'iiiiiHt him. lie hints at the crime bein the work of n Jnpauoc hurvant donpile tlio fact Ihni neif,-!!-liorn day tlio SclieibV wore never known to have bad a servant. DIAGRAM ANt PICTURE OP PLAT WHERE MR. SCHEIB'-S TsZ BODY WAS fUUNU. GONZALES PAYS NO HEEDTO PLOT Leaves to Assume Duties as Gov ernor of Chihuahua Despite Warn ings He Has Received to Keep Away From Danger Zone. NKW YORK-, Juno . W. K. I). StokeH, milliouairo olubmau, lintel propiiotor anil luiresinan, shot anil three timoH wounded by Lillian Gra ham and Htliol Couradt wan pro iiouuccd out offdanjjer today by bis pliyMciaiiH. Who'n told that ho would net well Stokes dinilod. "I jjucrtrt (hose irls did not think how uveiho I am puvtiiiK from my money," StokeH alleged that ho was hhot wliou Iio refuHcil o pay inony dciyaudcd for tlio return of letters written to Miss Ornliam. Miss Oraliam and Miss Conrad am miikitiK plans for tlieir defense today. Thoy have coiiHiilted tlieir attorneys and seem satisfied with the case. Attorneys Konornlly boliovo that (ho en so may bit dropped. Stokes has no witnoshCH. Tlio Japanese waiters who wore tho only witnesses besides tlio girls and Stokos, rushed into the room hcliov'uu tlio millionaire had attacked tho jirls. Their story, it is Konerally bollovciL would bo at least as favorable to tho twoiyounj: wo men as to Stokes. I Stokes' attorney, Judo Olcotl, has admitted (bat his client had beun no Kotiations lo got tlio loiters from MIhs flraliain. Tim letters today are fa id to bo missing. KL PASO. Texas, Juno fl. l'liying no heed to the waruiiic that ho would I bo killed,. Abram (lonralcs left for PCIiihuiiliua City today to assume tho governorship of the ntnto of Chihua hua. He changed his plans twice during tho morning, departing for Chihuahua about noon on n special train. Two other trains, nil loaded with troops escorted tlio now gov ernor. Heforo ho loft ho assorted ho would restore order in tho state and said ho had no fear of Iho plot which it is reported lias boon formed against him. (lovormir Ahmudn, who was de posed to make room for Gonr.nles, in a number of telegrams, the last of which was received this morning, urged Gonitalcs to give up the trip for tlio present. At first Gonzales decided to wait hero to meet Aliiuuda tonight hut suddenly determined io carry out his original plan and loft for Chihuahua. WASHINGTON, 1). 0., Juno . Tho house today adopted Iho Clayton res olution calling upon tlio attorney gen oral for information regarding tlio proposed criminal prosomiliop of tho officers of Iho American tobaooo trust, MEXICAN TROOPS TO TRAVEL UNITED STATES KL PASO, Texas, Juno . Sixteen hundred troops under General Ks ouedero v. ill be dispatched from from Juarez over tlio Southern Pabifio to Tin Junnu to wipe out the Lowor California Mngonistns. Franoisoo Mndoro today telegraphed General Vlljopn to draft (100 troops in Junroe to go to Lowor California and work in conjunction witli 10000 federals who are expected to arrive in u few days from Chihuahua with General Khouedero. General Viljoen will bo tlio second in command of tho ex pedition, Former Governor Ahmudn today wired Abvam Gonzales, now govern or of Chihuahua not to o to Chi-' UNIONISTS WIN FlfiSJ BHHI Gain Signal Victory in Los Angeles Case Judge Rules That Defense Is Entitled to Transcript of Grand Jury Testimony. GREAT AERIAL RAGE GERMANY Meet Is Designed to Stimulate Use of Aeroplanes Course Is 1200 Miles Long Noted Birdmen Will Enter Contest LOS ANGKLKS, Cal.. June ). I'nion labor defending II. II. Conner-, F. I. Beneer and II. F. Maple, ac cused of attempting (o dynamite the hall of. records building last Septem ber won a hignal victory in the first real hkinnish with the prosecution when the cuhcs of (lie three men to plead on indictments against them were called today in Judge Willi-' courL Tho case wns continued one week by request of the defense, but the victory wns contained not in tin but in (ho battle to obtain possession of a copy df (ho transcript of (cstimonj taken before the grand jury and which resulted in tlpiindictiaents. Judge Willis after listening to ar gumonts ruled that the defenso was entitled to n copy fivo days before (ho dale set for trial, that being hi interpretation of tlio law made by tlio last legislator which provides that defendants in the grand jury cases Khali receive the copy "fivi days before their trial.." Following Judge Willis ruling, At tornoy G. Hay llorton, represeiitiue tho state, announced that it was not tho purposo of tho prosecution ti Hamper thu dofeiifQ and tlio trans oript would bo turned over to (h defense as soon n it was typewrit ten. Tho proceedings were short. Attorneys llarrimtinj Scolt niu' Davis were present for' tlio defense with Davis doing most of the talk ing. Judgo Willis announced (hat it wns-ltis intention to sot tho trial for lienring as soon as posible after the pleas were onteied and that it was highly probiiblo that tlio taking of (chliinnnv in tlio event of a plea of not guilty being entered would begin within two weeks. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Juno fl. Deputy sheriffs are (oday search ing for a lone masked hnndil who hold up (wo saloons on (he Stockton road near hero spiniring about $100. huahua City. Gonzales had planned to slarl today in spite of )irovious warnings, hut on receipt of today's telegram decided lo wnfy until to lliglit and talk (ho situation over with Ahmudn, who will reach lioru tonight. 1JEHLIN, June ). Designed to .stimulate aerial navigation and the use of aeroplanes for military pur K)ses, Genaun aviators .ure today tuning up tlieir machines in prepara tion for the greatest air race ever held in thus country. Trial flights will be held tomorrow and the stork will be made Sunday from the .aviation grounds at Johannesburg, near Ber lin. The course is 1200 uille long, as follows : Berlin, Magdeuurgi Ham burg, Kiel, Schwerin, Hanover, Mini ster, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Aix-la Chappelle, Duisburg, Dortmund, Cassell, Nordhauseii, Hnlberstnd, Pessiiu, Berlin. None bu( German machines, steered by Germans, are eligible for the dis tance competition. The winner will receivo ifJ.'i.OOO in gold. Several1 smaller prizes prizes aro offered by aero clubs and the citizens of towns along the route. The war ministry has offered two special prizes for achievements of military usefulness. IN QUAKE ZONE Shocks Continue and Populace is Panic Stricken Over Fifty Dead at Octolan Many Buildings Arc Demolished. THOUSANDS REPORTED KILLED; IS UNCONFIRMED Wire's Are Still Down and Messages Come In Round About Ways Officials Are Busy. ENTIRE FAMILY IS 1 0 R D BYDEGENERATE Father, Mdther and Two Small Chll dren Beaten to Death With Axe In Hands of a Fiend Tragedy Occurs s at Ardenwald, Portland, Suburb. OFFICERS ARE RUSHED TO AID IN SEARCH GUADALAJARA. Mexico, Juno 9. Delayed reports received today from the districts of the states of Jalisco and Collma say that earth quake shocks, have continued there intermittently since the monster shakes that rocked Mexico City Wed nesday. Tenaya and Telon have been destroyed and a number of persons killed. Over 50 were kll.ed in Octo lan. Many buildings were demolish ed. Towns Reported Gone. MEXICO CITY, Juno 9. Reports thafrecurring earthquakes have' wip ed out large cities in the region south and west of here have caused great excitement in Mexico City today and the authorities are endeavoring to ascertain the truth of the statements. Thousands are reported killed. Tele graph wires are still working inter mittently and the reports received have come In roundabout ways. According to the reports, the vol cano Colima is in rjolent eruption to day. Tho towns of Zapotln, Tenlla. Platanar and San Andreas are re ported to have been wiped out. The area swept, according to messages Just received, extends from a point 50 miles south of here to the lower boundary of Guerrero. Tho shock was felt in greatest severity in cir cles around Collma. Between these circles. It Is reported, little damage was done. Parents Were Killed First Mother and Small Daughter Said to ' Have Been Mistreated. OLD CORNERSTONE IS UNCOVERED Supposed to Have Been Laid By Fa mous Padre Junipero Sierro in 1781 Old Coins Are Found In Silken Bag. SOME NEW THEORIES BOSTON', Mass., Juno Q. Delegate.-, (o tlio nation ul conference of charities and corrections today uro discussing ideas of Louis D. Bran dies, on workmen's comiwnsatiou, nu.do in an address before tho con ference! "A certain per cent of wiigo earn ers inevitably meet illness, accidont, death and lack of employment," said Brandies, "and these conditions must bo met with something more definite (ban sporadic, emotional charity. The cost of insurance would bo high. Ten per cent of tlio current wages would go far, yet oven such u charge would afford merely alleviation, ami com plete indemnity would probably cost 'Ji5 per cent of tho average daily wages. Tho apparently prohibitive expense should not dolor us from act ing now. On tlio contrary, it brings cleat ly to mind the onormoiU waste of social tiuil industrial conditions." Look for tlio ml that calls for you nmoilg tlio help wanted ads. -tt,.nl ., -n', n'lfWTi- I nVWt'tMi SANTA CLARA. Cal., Juno 9. Excavating for gas mains, laborers unearthed in Main street the corner stone of tlio second mission church, the location of which has baffled historians for many years. Several silver coins, three sacred medals and a silver cross nre held by Superin tendent John Woithiugton of the gas company today and will be fonnally presented noxt week to Santa Clara college. The corner stone is said to have been laid by the famous Padro Juni pero Sierro, in 1781, When the two lurgo pieces of sandstono, rudely squared were separated, tho workmen saw a silken bag in a squaro hole hewn out of (he center of tho foun dation rock. At their touch the bag fell into dust, several silver coins and relics being scattered nt tho work men's feet. Ono coin, tho size of a half dollar, is dated 1778 and bears the portrait of Carlos III. of Spain; another is of tho reign of Felipe V.. dated 17-10. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Juno 9. Miss Jonnio Crockor, heiress and so ciety ravorlto of this city, loft today for Now York In her private car, "Ml8hawaka," Sho will attond tho coronation in London. She will bo tho guost of Ambassador and Mrs. Reid at Dorchoster Houso, PORTLAND, Or., June 9. Victims of a fiendish degennte who mistreat ed Mrs. Rush Hill and her 5-year-old daughter, Dorothy, after he had killed them with an axe, the bodies of Mrs. Hill, her husband, William Hill, and her son, Philip, aged 9, and daughter, Dorothy Rintoul, were found in the Hill home nt Arden wald, a small station six miles from Portland, by Mrs. C. B. Matthews, u neighbor, today. This afternoon fully 200 -'citirens and officers are scouring tho woods 'of the surrouuding; mountains search ing ror ttie liend. The murders were committed with a huudnxe which the slayer stole from the house of n man who lived near the Hills. Mrs. Hill was the divorced wife of James Rintoul, well known newspa per man nnd athlete who now resides at Salt Lake City. Sho was the daughter of Thomas Cowing, a prom inent attorney, who lives in Portland. She married Hill at Murysville, Wash., a year ago. Woman Finds ltodies. The bodies were found this fore noon by Mrs. C. B. Matthews, a neigh bor, and she notified (lie police. Tho bloody axe was found near a bed where one of the children's bodies was found. The head of each vic tim had been horribly beaten. Hill's skull had been spit wide open. After an examination of the bod ies the coroner of Clackamas coun ty announced that the murders had been committed by u degenerate. He said that both. Mrs. Hill and her 8-year-old daughter had been mis treated, cither a few minutes before of after they hnd been killed. Indi cations were that Hill was killed first, then Mrs. Hill, then their small sou and lastly the little girl. Hill was employed by tho Sellwood Gas company. Ho worked yesterday and last night the family were seen about. They retired nt tho usual hour, according to neighbors. Tho parents apparently had been killed first. Officers to Scene. As soon ns tho report reached po lice hendquurters in Portland detec tives were rushed to tho sceno. Shor iff Stevens of Multnomah county and the sheriff of Clnckamas likewise rushed officers to tlio Hill home. A posso of citizens from Milwnukio and surrounding (owns has started to search the timbered reaches in tho vicinity for (ho slayers. The sur rounding country is rough and offers numerous opportunities for a person to hide. Tho comniitnitY is thoroughly aroused. Business is suspended and threats of lynching aro being freely made. CANADIANS KICK ON DISPLAY OF U. S. FLAG WINNIPEG, Man., Juno i). So os tentatious has the display of tho Sdirs and Stripes become in (ho (hoa tres of Winnipeg (hut tho city coun cil issued ordors today to theatrical managers to avoid in future unnec essary uso of tho American flag on tho stage and to discontinue (ho cus tom of relegating the Union Jnok into an inconspicuous plnoo. Many au diences have this month, coronation month, boon iritntcd by tho apparent thoughtlessness of managers in thin respect. $8