tt4m.lA-t, 4M ju lnfc-fc .- "fc PAGE SIX . fttEDFORP MAIL TlttBUNE, atEDFORD. OUWaON.IlURSDAY. .TUNIS 8, 11)1.1. STRONG SHOW ISJ3FFERED Gennaro's Venetian Band Salil to Be One of the Best Institutions of It; Kind Now On the Rond Other Stronn Acts. Tito bill irc.sciitiil by Oennnro. vompany tonight rtt tho Medfonl op oru liouso consists of tho t-lronpyM mils now in vaudeville ami the pa trons of the house may rot us-sured that n program will lie proconted tlint will be plrnsinj and entertaining Gennaro anil his band are hig'i clas nnrtits in their lines and hai niel with the approval of the publio vheroor thev hae played The direolor.hip of Gennaro U a fea ture in itself liming perfeet control and command of Ins .soloH-. Tin Oborten sinters present a mot novo' DOUBLE RUNAWAY ON MAIN SIREET Team Starts Near Pacific & Eastern Depot and in Dashing Up Street Frightens Delivery Horse All Tear Out Street. A doable ntnmvny occurred Main street Thuiday inoiniug shortly after 11 o'clock and consul crable damasro was done before the horses, were finally stopped. Start ing from near the I'acifie & Hn.eru dejHit. a white team belonging to the Medford Grocery compi.ny ran ava. croing tho Hear crook bridge and dashed west on .Main street. In front of tho new First National bank build ing the delivery wagon sma-hod into a wagon being loaded with graul and almost demolished one real wheel The horses broke nway from he de livery wagon and continued down the street. A horse attached to n light delivery wagon was standing near the Fruit A-.-octation building and this also started to run, tearing the lines I'm in the bauds of a lad who was holding it from the sidewalk. All three horses then ran nearly to the end of West Main street where the were stopped without doing any fur ther damage. YESTERDAY'S SCORES. j fiKNXAKO. . act in their creation of the "Electric Butterfly Dance, ' and are hcndlincrs on tluvcnstcni circuit. Krooks and Carlisle in their skit "Twenty Minutes of Joy,'1 is a scream from stnrt to finish and holds the attention of the audience throughout the entire act. Xeary and Miller, the dancing kids, are there all the time, and when it comes -to dancing these young men are 'away to the good." La Voir in bis trapeze act is o won der, and his ninny thrilling tricks holds the audience spellbound. The Newmans, the Australian trick cyclists, are without a peer in their line, and their boxing act on tiiuciclcs is a decided feature. In presenting thi- high class bill the mnnngcinent wishes to sa3 that if this show meets with the approval of the theatre going people of Med-1 ford they will endeavor to book sim ilar nt tractions throughout the sum mer season. GRANTS PASS WILL HELP MEDFORD 4TH Councilman H. J. Herzlnger of Grants Pass was in Medford Wednes day and states that Grants Pass Is working hard to promote the Fourth of July celebration In Medford. PlanB for a celebration at Grants Pass have been given up mid In return for this tho people of that city desire Med ford to boost for tho mining congress to be held there July 18. H. 13 10 0 C 1, E. 1 Xntionn! league. At Pittsburg Pittsburg i, New York 9. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 3, Phil adelphia i. At Chicago Chicago 3. Urooklyn At St. Louis St. Louis 5, Bos ton 7. American League. At New York Wet grounds. At Boston Boston 3. St. Louis At Philadelphia Philadelphia Cleveland 0. Coast Longaie. At Los Angeles R Oakland 1 Vernon 3 At San Francisco San Francisco 4 Sacramento 1 At Portland Portland 4 Los Angeles 0 Xorth western league. At Spokane Spokane 4 Seattle 0 At Vancouver Vancouver . 11 Portland v. . . . . 4 At Tacoma Tacoma-Victoria game forfeited to Tacoma in second inning today. A Hint From Paris HR jyi&!I I IHi MANY TROUT AREJATCHED Henry O'Mallcy, Supcrlntenilent ot Northwest District tor the United States Bureau of Hatcheries Is In sprctinn Institutions. rnoto ropinMirr mi. T rtu-n iKUUn coring m. im. Miw iwik luuu m, Pink silk gown with lace and fringe. 0 3 12 1 NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that board of directors of school district No. 49, will receive bids for the furnishing of 500 cords, 4 feet, of fir and oak wood. Bids received for all or any part .there of. Board reserves right to reject any or all bldB. OHIS CRAWFORD, CS Clerk. llasklns for Health. AT TIIK U-GO. '-Tliu Lion lind tho Mouse' will bei tho new bill at tho U-G" theater to night. This Is one of Chns. Klein's1 plays, and ran for ten years In New York city. Mr. Harry Holllngsworth will be1 soon In tho role of John Burkett Ry-' ilur, tho Lion. TIiIb part was created by Mr. John Miihon. MIbs Genevieve Cunningham will be seen hi tho part of tho Mouse The reBt of the com pany will bo well cast. Manager Hol-j Ilngsworth has spared no expense to malto their production a grand buc-, i -us. This 13 what the Santa Cruz Sentinel sayn: "Tho HolllngBworth company open-' od u p at tho Unique theater In "Tho Lion and tho Mouse." Tho houho was overflow! ik, and the curtain never w,ent down tlirt It did not havo to, bo raised again and again, and there was no end to tho npplau&o. The) piny 1b a stioug one, and biought nut tho best points of tho two thief actors, Harry UolliugHworth as John Burkott Ryder and Miss Genevlovo Cunning ham us Shlrloy Robsmoio. In tho, third act, where tho two aro pitted against ench other, thoro was breath-' lesH Interest." t Six Days to clean up nt Kdmoades Bros In this week. FARGO SALES CO. JltifikliiTTorTleaitliT Got Fruits and Vegetables Our stock of Fruit and Veg etables Is particularly tempt ing at this time of tho year. All we ask Is that you take one look at our CHERRIES STRAWBERRIES ORANGES CUCUMBERS NEW POTATOES PEAS BEANS ONIONS GOOSEBERRIES CARROTS ASPARAGUS PIE PLANT ETC., ETC., ETC. tt. - Remember, wo , aro selling tho celebrated White Carnation FLOUR AT $1.65 a Sack 01 instead & Hibbard WEST SIDE OBOOEKS 4TH OF JULY BOOSTERS IRE 10 MEET TONIGHT Tint .......lm ,' tlm Vtitirtlt C .lull II. MllVltll 'L I IIW t V'"MI ' mw 9ij committee which was to h:ic been held Wednesday eM'uiug in the Real ty association roonw was pottMned on account of the commercial club meeting. The meeting will he held to night in the above mentioned rooms nml a large attendance is desired. XOTK'K. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to the city coun cil of the city of Medford. Oregon, nt Its next regular meeting on June 20, 1911, for a license to sell splrltous, vinous and mall liquors lu Quantities less than a gallon, nt his place of busi ness at No. 17 South Front street, In said city, for a period of six months. O. M. SKLSBY. Date of first publication, Juno S, 1911. Two million nml n half of. steel head or rainbow ami n hundred thou sand cut throat luwe already been hatched nt tho Klk Creek Rogue River hatchery ami mo in good con- I ditioii, and another half million is iu process of hatching, according to llcnrv (VMiillcy, superintendent iu the northwest for the Cniled States bureau of hatcheries, who spent tin pnt three days at the hatchery and ' left Thursday to iiixp'M't conditions- ' nt the Anient dnm and visit the Ap " plegate hatchery station, where half ! a million stcclhcnd fry are heine hatched. Two mid ti linlf indlion of salmoi havo also been hatched at the HII creek station and arc being liberate as thev attain a safe sire. The troir fry, however, nre heuig held longer. I I ; l...... iiitl i i il . i- ii!iiiiic(i in iidki 1'uri di iiicm nun fall, when they will have attained i considerable sire. On account of tin limited arrangements at the hatchery it will he impossible to hold mon than a million. The others will Iu kept as long as possible and thei taken to the Hig llatte and uppoi Rogue mid liliornteil. Reports that the trout fry were not t m good condition arc pnmouueed un founded by Mr. O'Malley. Some of the canned food sent up for salmo!' fry hy the Humes was found unfit to feed ami the cause of illness among young salmon, hence its ue di-wii. tinned. Mr. O'Malley contracted for liver from local butchers. Tho government has established no egg taking station nt Fish lake at the head of Elk creek on the Cmp qua divide, nlid is securing rainbow trout eggs for Imtching nt the Rogue river station. .Mr. OMnlley heliotes that a trout hatchery should be established on the Hig Hutte, which is nn ideal stream forlthc work, ns U is conven ient to the railroad and has no irriga tion ditches to bother and will co operate with local people iu efforts to secure one. , NEW BRIDGE AT GOLD HILL Engineer Hm mon Ordered to Prepare Plans and Specifications (or Steel Structure Over Rontte to Replace Present One. At tho meeting of tho county oourt at Jacksonville Wednesday Hnglneer llaunoii was instructed to draw up plans and specifications for a new steel bridge to he built across the Rogue, river at (lold Hill. The luidgo will lu modern iu every icspect and will cost from $7000 to $S000. The matter of the county purchas ing the Siskiyou toll road was brought up ami referred over until today. Applications wore received for five new roads. Tho longest of these will hu from -Ashland to l'olioan hay, bay, about seven miles, and will cut off about four miles from tho old rond. Another county rond was asked nt Knglo Point two miles uoilli of Central Point and with other ap plications from Talent and Sams val ley were referred over until today. Married.' Albert F. North, local ticket agent f the Southern Pacific, and Miss Al ice Wills, of Kugcue were married Wednesday evening at the homu of the bride's parents iu Kugcue. Af ter two weeks' honeymoon in Port laud they will take up their residence iu Medford. Look for tlic nil that cnlls for yi -among the help wanted ads. on Noted Pianist Here. Adolph Kauucr, known throughout as one of the leading pianists of the country, who purchased an orchard tract last year in tho Rogue River valley, has arrived to look over his property. His father nml mother will resido on the place while he i touring concert circuits. Hnsklns for Health. Pictures SUBJECTS: FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Lnrge and Small Tracts .. MOOR-EHNI- CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg UNUSUAL MILLINERY VALUES $4.50 STREET HATS $2.95 A line of street hats, large, drooping shapes, with long silk sash in burnt, dark "red and black, just the thing to protect your eyes from the glaring sun; regular $4.00 value, SPECIAL $2.95 TRIMMED HATS Much Underpriced One full table of Trimmed Hats in large and small shapes; black and most all colors; regular values $0.50 to $10.00, FRIDAY and SATURDAY $3.50 Other Trimmed Hats arc reduced: . $7.50 Trimmed Hats now $5.00 $10.00 Trimmed Hats now , $6.70 $15.00 Trimmed Hats now $10.00 and so along the line. TAILORED SUITS unseed 25 to 50 per ct And a most varied stock to choose from; pretty light gray Suits; tan Suits; all at a reduction of one-qaurter to one-half. Ir SILK DRESSES Aro Underpricod ONE-FOURTH Gingham Dresses, Special, $3.45 Pretty styles in gingham, madras and per 'oalo dresses in stripes, plaids and polka dots; styles aro kimona and set-in sleeve; ladies sizes 131 to 40; junior sifcea A 15 and .17; regular values $4.25 $1.50, 'mmmmi JSPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY $3.45 Celobra'o at Medford JULY 3-4-5 222 W. Main rnt44rtttfttrtrftttn -t04- landscapes, Marines and Fruits t We have jiisl received and will put on sale here at special prices for a few days only about 50 beautiful hand colored pictures in landscape, marine and fruit subjects, ilia heavy !l-ineh wal nut or gilt frame in sizes 31 x 19 Inches 35 x 17 Inches A regular $5.00 to $7.00 painting with over 40 subjects to select from, at, your choice, Choice $3.00 Each .hist out, Photo Post Cards of Kly and his liv ing machine, Medford, .June !ld, 5c Each HUSSEY'S 000i0000mm0000 mmmmmmmm 1 ' ii 00000000 PLUMBING ; STEAM AND HOT WA1CK HEATING i a All Work Guaranteed IMcob Rounonablo rririrrirT sb nt? tje v-vjc j: jljoi m. r jrviv-c 20 IIOWAIll) IILOCK, K.NTUAXCK ON' fltli KTIIKKT. I'HONK 80.1 2 0444004l4444040044t000m004404l0004(400044h $50 REWARD We will pay $50 Reward for information leading to the arrest- and conviction of any person tampering with any of our machinery or equipment CLARK & HENERY CONSTRUCTION CO. MEDrOD, OREGON Excursion! Sunday, June 1 1th Me Falls and Return Via Pacific & Eastern R JR. $2.00 for Round -Trip Train leaves. Medford at 8:1l a. in., arrives in IWed i'ord at 7 p. m. This is tho finest seenie trip in all of Southern Oregon. You'll enjoy this C5-milo rido into IntorionOrogon. t49rt9tp