,&4 M H t nV , , ft- COURT? looas NEWS Mnirlfiu Mioiim-h. KylvHtttr liniijniiiitl Hull ulnl F.ilim M. Mi'Dcriiiott. ' V. J. Mill mul (linen Luiir, ' .Iiiiiii'M Kill Corlx'll mul Miibcl Ii, Kiiifiiiil. MEfliTOftD.MAUJ TRIBUNE, MHPrORD. OftlfflQN. TITTJRHDAY, .TUNE 8, 30111 ' ' ' , PAGE 1OTTC Our Corresponds i. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. K. M. Mm vm. 0. MitnlU'iiM .1. A. li('IIIVI') IM'lloil III rccovi'r mutiny, ' , It, 0, Dunn fi Co.. vs. (Ii'tiritu ' (.'yt'slor, iK'tltni o ut;ovi)i' nmiu'V. l'rihiit . Kstnlit IIiujIL. Oit, lioml rili'il (mil lipplllV(l. 1 F.Mulo Atlm A. llruiiili'iiliiirKf ImmiiI liloil mul iiiirovi'il, KhIhIo 'l'. A. Hlmw, Imiiil I'jlnl mul liiiivril, lint tilo .Mnrllu I'm key pile, Html u. Oittiiil lili'il; hivi'iUnry mul iiiuii-uIno- iiit'iit filfil mul approvi'il riluiwinu; cs- tnto valiii'.l nt ifMlllll). KhIuIo .lining lllulimn, fiiKI mill fi. niil ri'M.ri mul iiei'uuiit lilc.l mul im proved. Kxliiln T. A. Slmw, imiIit iippoliit lK Wt T. (liiuvu uiliuihiilrntur, HmIiiIk I). . Whit, iuiIit itppniiil lilt,' John K. Wlilto, I lurry II. Tutclo riiul lli'iijmiiiu J. Tnnvliriili;tj up II. V. tyilryinjilu mul I'mully win liuvu licoii m'mIiIhiiIh nt' tlii city hlurd iih( I'n 1 1 Imlny loijt I'm' llirlrolil Iiiiiiio al. Wurivii, I'oiiii.,' Iy prlvalo ('iiliviiynui'u ami will drive over iiilinii; taiiiK HluppiliK t "II poinlH o ititor llcnl Kaliitn TruiiH'cr. T. .1, Downing In Aiinii Mr-Clim-hIiiiii, inrtpnrly in Asliluiul . JNuil Dniiini'r in Joint W. Cher ry, lot 1, Murk 1, Hum iivi'iiuu mlditioif, Modl'nril (I. II. Carner In Harriet A. I.iiiAn, IntK 11 and lfi, Muck , (I. Carner A: Saliin utltlitimi, Wnmhille ,..., William It. I.eatliem In S.vlwu . Lake, HI aereK in I). I.. C. till, iiitvniii tJ, rmitro w .S VI via Lake tu Hlir.atirti lentil urn, It) neren in 1). I Ctlll, toMiiHlilp ,'Kl, raiiKi) 'J went.. Slnry A. Merry, et al., to Wil liam M. Htdmiw, land mi lovMihlnp :tH, rmij,M '' went,, Margaret J. lu(i to Kluulictli II. Hmiley, power of attorney. II.'K. Carter to F. W. Street, land in lownxliip III!, riinn - t ., ( A. 1. Ileli'nhii to K. ().' Hitnae, lain in (owiihtiip IIH, rnupti 1 Annul Itelle JoneM to K. 0. Heaie, hind in township Il, rmiKe I iiiM( (-1 entiiiii K. I.i'wih Iji Lehuiil Liiihl eompany, mining prop- K. II. I'iekei ' to A. '.MeVlreVor. laud in hloek 117, Meilfonl .10,(100 Uaehel I. Wrishfj- to vey M. r llininliolliain, Iniid in mention . -I, towiiKhip .'to, rmiKii 1 east Sihki.Miu HeiKhtrt eoinimuy to ': Lillian .f. Imnielh, jot HI, ' ftoiill, hliir lot L'0, hloek 1, " Kirjkiynii UcighlM aildilion, ; Medrord Hank or .laekHoiivill.. o Wit lin llhwlf, property in Jaek- homillo , II. J. Heimroth to Forrent V.. KdmemleH, property in K- meadett addition, Medt'ord, IHMmI United States to IVlnr Samp hum, 1(10 nerert iii rteetion 'J I, lottiirdiip :i'J, raiiKti X east, paten!. ' l First National hunk of Ashland lo F.tiKenu C. llaitlcil, jllil v aeres in towiibhip III!, rauxo t ClllH t Mil i I I t'l I I MM W. .1. .Nfahoney lit ('iirrlo and (IcniKi) Carnalian, puiptirty in hloek 11!, Mtidford r. Julius II. Armstrong (o Fred Kin del, laud in township 'M, nintru ', west .. ...-, Khkoiio S. llarllett by J. V. Tinley, laud in hootiott l.'l, lowiihbip :iir, ranpi -I eiist., 0. W. I'ahn uf al to Htslei-H n'r v lliu Holy N'rtmeH, all blouk 7U, ledl'ord , William Fox to Thomas J. Kasl, lots III mid ,'L', hloek ' t'Qi" H. J. jnldilion, AvIilAiul, lit 10 'J.'iO IW.'iO id 10 10 I'M. Al'tur( drivinj over tho linckicft limy will dike tlin liain tot li'Mim ar living 1 1 in ni hoiiki (liau this Tail. C. S. Kaiidersou, infiilo a hiisiucsti trip to (lold Hill Woducsihry. i , Tho MIhhi'M Clenvclniiil and J.' U, Stevulis of llolo wo io hIioii!ii liuto Wcilni'Milny. V. A. Duulaii of Talent was in Cen tral INiiut Woiliiesday hetwen trainn looliinj,' for a shay Iioiho. Mr.' Wimcr of .Medforjl was herj Wednesday ealliliK upoif li lends. I'nifessor Cooper and brother. Mi. Cooper, Miss (lolfe, Mr. ami Mrs. llass, Miss , Cmnphi'll, A. C, Woolvuitjili, W. 1). l.mviM, Mr. PaU mer, II, K, Medfonl, were ninoiij,' the many lrnin our eity that spent WetlneHilay af lei noon in Medford. Tho revival meelincH at t)i Chris tian church iuu well atteuilcjl, and much Interest shown as Jluv. MeCou-i uell is a line speaker, mid always IcaVcs a cooil iihpteHsiou upon his mi ilifiice. Much c'oil will result from lliese meetiii(,s. John Oriiive was down from Pros H'rt this week. Frank Cochran is ptuuniui; tb erection or a lino new IiiiiikiiIow in the near futuie. f C. It. Haste) ix having his properly on Pine street plumbed this week M his teumits can use eity water." J. H, Welch and Curtis Frock were down fnjiii Prospect Wedueday. Ie lucrum is hauling freight from heie to tho Prospect Coiistrurtion company. Willam Hmuuiitt is pliimliin the opera house this week. Tho favorite pastime of soma of, our youiitf ladies is borebaek riding. Thu tchniHtors urn now bauliiiK the sewer pi pen fioui the Central Point eemeiit factory to thu jiwer. ditch. . EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (I) A. O, Jlowlttt.) TALENT ITEMS. iatm JO 10 noon 750 JO TO TIIK PKOl'l.li'OK KMihK 1H)NT IN VKJINITV, Tho uiuhirHlKUod has Just opened a hiirdwaro storo nt Kntilo Point mul tukim thin motliod of InforinliiK tho puhlle. ' .Our stock Ih far from romploto yet, hut wo will add to It froih tlmo to tlinii au wo Km ni tho wants, of our trado, , ' Jly fair and courteous troatmduj alid a prompt uttontlouto tho wants or our cnstoiuois wti liopo to niort a Hhiiro of tho pub I lei's imtroitiiRo. Wo ahull aim at all tImcH to keep da koixI K")dH alTmoiuy wl! Ituy, ,ajul tli keep a Hloek that will procludo tho uoeoHulty of uiiyouo koIiik to another town to huy. 'Call and sou us at our ntoro ami k'Ivo us n chaiiPO to get acquainted with you, wliotlmr you want to huy iiiiytliliiK i" "' KoHpoctfully, TIIM MDUliJLL HAUUWAUK CO. A'MmhM Mr. John Miniver of Ashland wus in Talent on Wednesday looking over the town, On Weilnesday Mr. Owen Diiulup of iMioenix was sjs'ediu'c thiopj-ji Talent In tils new nutomolulc. Miss Tula Marsh f0"1' Ferns valley ml visitiuu friends In Talent. Mrs. Frank Miixwell wim spendiiij,' Wrdnesday in Ashland. Mr. William McMnltou left on Tues day's train for San Franciseo ho in tends to locate permanently in south ern Cnlifo.nua. Mr. Krncst Nlatehiuau, thu chauf four 'C Medford, is rocuperutiiu,' bis health mpl vimIiiic with his farm cast of Tnli'iib On Wednesday Mr. John Cameron of Ashland was at tending to business matters in Tpl cnl' Miss .Mario Caruahau who has. IxtX'tt for soi no months in WashiuK'tou, has tetlirned to Talrul and is stop piiik' a I the HiuIkcoii housl. There has been four lemdiers ou KK'd to teach in the Talent school for the noiiiliiir your. Tlirt'n of these touchers possess tho name of Smith,., Profohfor Smith as priiicipnl, MisH Pu'rlheuia Smith and Miss May Smith as assistant. Mrs. Myra lioherttj has also been miancd to teach. r Tho members of tho Christian church of Phoenix and Talent united and huhf t picnio on WV'duesday at iiio hiiipaur HDiiiiL' near neurv Flury rtn Anilersou eieek there wero about J 00 persons present. A short proj-ram wits re microti by thu Sunday Kpliooehildrep present, leu cretin was freely Indulged lit and every body oiiKUKed themselves highly., This sulphur spring is on the grounds that t few .Vtairs iio weru prepared for a. Mioiiy hiiiw r.vor iiony iiccu.h ui jt,ul!i oeeasiqn'ally and it iij'.bigh tlmo loi tho people lo lool; oul I'oi: their parks. Since tho advantage. cC Jbe park is fresh in tho miuik oT tho . Ik.. Sll'.S J ..IP Iivopie,iiov( is mo. ,1110(1 io aguaio. lor t. Why not bpy tlul land unit imJ prove ii, as a paiK siioiiiu oey uoui. let overyoirt) spunk nt onee. NAT THVTKH OI'KN KVJCUV ' NiqiT.4 , Tho.Nnt tbqator h now qpon tq tho putilfc'ovory iqhi A coy iiml cool lilflco to huvo a!) hour's pI)n,8uro. Wo run' nothing hut lo beat of fltniH. A Hiiperh light Ih thrown on our cur tain, showing our pIcturoH to tho heat ntlvuti'ingn. ' Wo hro auro If you conio onrothnt you will como agntii. NOTION. ' Tho, pulillo aro horuby notified that tlio Clinton roHtduraut owned hy Snm (.oelv has boon sold to Lorn Jog. All money debts previous to Juno 0, 1011 nro collootublo only from forniot; owuor. Tlio rostnurnnt mm .ion will ho npouod Tiio.idu)'. Jliuu Iflth. US UnBldfTa for Ilonlth. MIhii K.Ihn Dupnly, Minn ICIla I'rtr ker, Oooigo W. Albmt nml t. J3. Hmlth enmo out from Hullo Falls Inst Knturdny to grt to Medford to neo tho mini fly. They enmo out on thu llutlo Falln and Kaglo Point stage, blr d nn auto to take Uumi to Mmlfurd, And Haturdny night al tcildcd n dnuro bore, A nunihiir of tho Knule Polntorn wont In mid wltuenNon tlio flight and umoiig thorn wait your Kuglo Point correspondent, and ho for-, one felt well pold for tho trouhlo of going, our daughter, Mr. C. 1C. Moyt, went to Medford Saturday mid took thu train for Klamath Fnlls, wbero her hilMbnud was to meet her. Ira I)oi1ko and MIhh Polgor wort; plcamiiit tnllen: Saturday evening for wuppur. Jud ICdsnll has been engaged tho punt week hauling u donkey engine and machinery to bo lined In tho con ntructlon of a hrldgo across lloguu river ut tho Henry 1'ieiicli mid Oodgo plncuH and thero life thrco men Jiow boarding with us w;io nro working on tho bridge, or rather getting the ground mid mntcilal ready to build the bridge. Among the pansongcra to Medford Knturdny were Mr. mid Mm, Frank Hrewer, Mrs. Frank Nell and hoi daughter, John Uddetl, Mm. Char ley and son, Mrs: Gum Nichols and mother-in-law, Mrs. NIcIioIh Br. Hunday your Uoglo Point corre spondent and John I.lddcH started for the plcnoc ground on llogue river about a mile below thu Dybcc bridge, arriving nt 10: 40 and found tho woodo full of people. Tho occntdon wiui tho annual Sunday n'chool chl) drcn'n day mid for mo to attempt to deticrlbu It would be nucleus, but Just to give the renders of tho Mall Trl btiue nu Idea of what it meatiB to have a rhlldrpn'n day picnic nt Ta ble Hock I will ntnto that there were four Sunday schools represented, or 1 might nay wero all present for thero wan nt one time fin. memucra of thu Antloch school on the stage nt one time, and In fart thcia wfis so much udvordupolH on It that it gave way but the platform wne noon fixed ngnln and they rendered their part of tho program nRstgued them nt thnt time, for many of them later rendered soiiio flno selections. The suporln lendonts of tho different schools pave short talks. Tthe Sunday school missionary, Itev. Mark C. Davis, read a fraternal letter to, tho schools from Itev. Dr. Dyott of the first Congre gational church of Portland, nip! then Hindu his report of tho Sunday school work In his fluid, etc. and your cor respondent guvu them n short ad dress and then we took recess for dinner and now, Mr. Fdltor, I nm nt u loss what to say, for everything thnt could bo thought of that was calculated to tomtit n man's appetite was there, and after nn hour or more spent eating and hnvlng n joyful tlmo the regular program wob ren dered, and, talk of your flue sing ing, why It would put tho city churches In the shade, and the man nj'r tho children rendered their pieces sIjowh that they have bright minds and good training. At thu cIoho of tho services thero wns tho annual col fortlon taken up, which amounted to $17.tr, and then Itev. Davis announc ed thnt thero would he Ico cronm Enough for all prepared and all were asked to partake, mid tt was Ice cream, no blue John In thnt. anh about 4 o'clock thu company, about 400, begun to disperse, but wo nil pjomlsod ourselves, I). P. permitting, hi attend tho next children's day meeting. When wo reached homo wo found thu Iiouko well (lllod with Btrnn- gern thnt had como In for suppor, ninny t whom I dlu not kuov, mul did not have tlmo, to Interview, as I gonomlly do, but among tho crowd was'thnt Irrepressible, hustler, 11. M. Cosh, and with him wero thu now edi tor or tho Medford Sun, It. W. Huht und wife, Mr, Kldd, the shoo man of Medrord, Mrs. C. W. Kldd, F. C. Mer jjck, ii nuimher of the city cntyicll jf tymUorci, Mrt. F. K. Morrlck and Km uiHon Morrlck, nnd tho lady that Mrs. Howlett loft In charge, of tho hou.se, fjir sho nutt nil four of tho girls wont (.0 tho ptculo, said that a great many had nlrondyjOnton their supper and gone. Woll, hy tho tlmo this In print I oxpoct to ho on tho row! to .Portland to attend th,o annual coutovouco of tho Congregational church of Oregon, but l will irytq let you hour from wo on tho road. , ' John l.lddell of tho Ltddoll Hard ware compiuiy of Kngltt, point sonds an ad. this weok for his hardware ntoio that lifts just boon opened, k Our town murqhnl got In soiuo of IvIh work last Saturday and tho town treasurer Is In possession of sone fytuln on account of It, Thero wm oie man arrested that wah not con victed, hut the rest either pleaded guilty or woro convicted, For Sale I.iitimn N. Juilrt or Tnloat, Orrison, Ims for milii In Ilia fruit, Kririlcti nml ilfulfs lnitil of Houtllilrrt OreKoti, thi following il(Mcrlhed Innitxt tr, ncros 2 1-2 inllcH from Tnlrnt, lui , proved, (hvolllpir lioime, jo nrrs In culllviitlorii nmoiiK tlin fool hills; wn- IriK Prlco ft too cash ilown. DO ncrps, 20 ncrrs iimlrr ciilllvntlnri, family oirlinrit, 2 1-2 itill.n from Tnl rnt. I'rtce fCOOO; Cnsli down, Anionc I ho hills, .It ncrrs A Chnlss fruit fnnn, t nlh rrom niieni, !,(', 17000 cnsli, hnl mien on tlmo. r Lot 7 nod , In Tnlrnt, BOxICO Utl, fln wi'nj ii owiiinR iiouhp I'rico hoo. I.oln 9 nri'l 10, III Tnlont -!0x2,ir, fet-l: n eood dwrlllna boilha and flno wnll, rricn iRiie, 17 acmM, 2 mllfis from Tnlrnt, a com nicrcliil orclmrd. Hliotild ylnlil DiIn j-pur 2S00 or icon tioxts of fruit. Price 110,009. Oiifliulf cnnh down 100 ncrfs Kino limber land, montly fir n nn iipiiiiock; somontlnK llkn 4.000.- 000 feet of saw tlinlnr. I'rlco IBOOO cash. 2d rrnt t mllo from Tnlrnt, pert In irrowlxiK orchard nnd nlfalfn. Price 1325 nn acre, 200 ticrrn Nr ho fAinoun fluncrcst orclmrd, 100 tier' nmlrr cultlvntlon; nil fpiiCcd; fruit and nlflf sollj n dtadllnir Iiouha, burn nnd water tank, only II2G tins ncri. I lot In Aidilnnd, 0ill2 feot; Rood dwHIInu house, near Itm depot, $1100 d ft till. ICO itcrm Ahout 9 mil from Milfordr iitnotii: tlin hills, ranic uniurpauned; timber land, (12. CO nn acre IS ncres Ono block from C P., Talent, Ore. Klne black frco soil, Knrden. fruit nnd nlfnlfn soil, 12 ncres young pAitr trees, 2 1-2 ncres 10 year old Newtown apple, a ood 6-room1 dwellbiK boon. Price (11,000, ?r.00 cash down The. rest on time. SO ncrcs I.G0O.O0O haw tl;nlxr, among the hills, 7 mles from Talent. Price 12000 cash. v 4 ncres 2 1-2 miles from Talent, fruit and chicken ranch. Hlrcam of water ruiiR throuKh tho place. I'rlco $1700 cash. C acres Clone, to Talent. In cultivation; dwelling hounD and Rood well. Price $2000, $1000 mie year, $1000 two years 2 mines Ophlr and Itulli, S miles from Talent, ono tunneled CO feet, tho other 10 feet. 10 acres Among 'the hllla. dwelling lioime and n few acres cleared. Plenty of water nnd Umber. 116 the. acre. 10 ncres near Talent All In cultivation and In fruit trees, $I2S tho ncre, 1-1 cntih down. 10 acres 6-room houe, barn and chicken houae:" Prico $2,750, $1600 cash down. 10 ncres Part set.to alfalfa and fruit trees. Prlcn $1500. 40 ncres miles from Oold Hill, all tinder cultlvntlon. Dwelling house and orclmrd. Price $13,000, Dunlness IoIh tn Talent ' ISO ncren unimproved land near Jack sonville. 10 aero orchard 1 mllo from Talent. Price C000. 19S acres Ono mllo from Talent 90 acres net to Do .JAnJou and Dartlett pears. 6 ncres tortftpltrenberg. Now bungalow house, qbafn 60x60. Price $2t0 tho ncre. $25,0QQ down, balance on time,, 4 240 ncres ttmber'on kittle Hutte, 1,000, 000 fret saw timber, fine soil after timber Is removed. Price $2000, 1-S cash down, balance on time. 73 1-2 acres orchard. Dartlett and D'An-, Jou pears, Newtown apples. Price $325 nn aero If nil sold together: 10 acres separntcly $360 the acre; 1-S down, baluncn In 1. 3 nnd. 3 years time. J3no lot tn. toyi of Talent.. 55x152 feet, onr. 8 room iiewT bungalow-" house, wood hotmo 12 by 20 feet; good well Shndn trees set oat I'rlco $1900, $1200cash. balanc on time. rs lots. 2 ncres. tn town of Talent new lioure. wood sheil, well nnd flno family orclmrd. Prlco $1000, $1500 caah, balance, on time. Also a blncksmlth plant In the newly Incorporated town of Talent, Or. Lot, shoo, tooU nnd huslneaa. Price $2100; half ensb. down: (Jie balnnco on two yonfs.'1 umoai , per xcav Luman N: Judd FOri EXCHANGE. JUsI Kltat I'Olt TKAUH Kiigone ncrengs nnd ele gant homo will trndo for Medford busi ness, or Income. What linvn you7 llox tlin, 71 Van BXCIIANOR Medford and subur ban property, ranches, tlmbor Undr, for other propertyr Address Dox IP9, earn Mall Trlhun. I'Olt KXCltANOIJ Will exchange U gold ri-sldiTicii for nn itutornohlla In Ash land, Or t nutomoblle must bo grxxl nnd not In bail condition. Postffhe llox 42, Ashland, Or. 42 FOB SALE OR RENT r-'OIt HAMS Olt Ilt:NT Kour-room house nt corner Uonrdmnu and Liberty sis., $10. eg BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. "hM.k l' Oil HAI.H- Hoarding and rooming houite: best location In city; always full; cheap If taken nt onco. Apply 4 4 Houth Centrnl nve T9 foil HALI-J Commission titinlneBH; enri mnko five dollars n day, two hundred dollars capital required, Hox 25, care Mali Tribune 8 I'Olt H MA' The best business proposi tion In the growing town of llutte Kails (corner lot, good store, building frame, small warehouse, good clean stock of gonernl merchandise ) Address J. P Hughes. P. O. llox 71. 67 VOtl BALE Plrat class business; musl Sell on account of other business, don't lake much to start. Inquire of Box SOS city. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE KOIt HALB OH TKADB Heavy team for a. lighter team. Address Dox 774, P. O. . 70 FOH HALE Olt EXCHANGE First ctM rooming house In fine location; good business; will exchange for city prop erty or good land. Address O. 31 care Mall Tribune office. 67 FOR RENT rnrslshd Mo&mim. FOH RENT Furnished rooms In new modern bungalow, board If desired. Call C17 Houth Holly. 63 FOH ItENT Furnished rooms Inquire nt corner Ninth and South Grape. $S FOH ItENT Close In. nicely furnished sleeping rooms, bath, hot and cold Knler. 15 Ho. Mistletoe. Phone . SI 4661. C8 FOH ItENT At tho Cottage, modem furnished rooms equipped with private telephone service, hot and cold run; nlng water, sleeping porches, bath ac commodations and heat If desired. 604 West Tenth st Phone call private exchange 141. FOH HENT Fumlsfed rooms for trans ients. No. 10 N. Grapo street next to Farmers' & Fruit Growers' bank. Xooara rwo-nooM llr st furnished house, 534 Ko. CD FOH ItENT Furnished 5-room house, East Side, $25 per month; also 4-room' house on West Ninth for $10. Inquire Edmvadca Shoo store. FOR RENT Klsctllansons FOH LIJAHK Flanlng, boating and mini log resort on easy terms. Dox 32, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Acraags. FTTirRA-nrj-Vo have-aOTacrTror fTrsI tins yellow fir timber, well located for logging and milling; stock ranches wnn plenty or running wntor. Prlcu from $17 to $35 per ncre. It Is nlso good orchard land, and well locat ed, Wo hnvc farm Innds sultahlo for grain, gardening and dairying. Huy n norncin inn famous Willamette vnl ley, the garden spot of Oregon. Brtvo money by denllng direct with the owners. Martin Bros., Ilrownsvlllc. or. 73 FOH BALE 5 and 10 acre tracts Just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on E annual payments. Ad dress Condor Water & Power Co. lots l-OH MALE at a bargain, fiv closo-ln east front lots, total frontage 250 reel, two mocks south of city park. Prlco $6000 for the five lots. Other lots further out nro selling for more money. Addrcsa P. O., Cox 702, Med- loro, ur. 78 .! ErUtt FOH HALE Homestead of 80 acres within miles of Medford. This Is it flnt! fruit proposition; $500.00 cash O, r Dyer. 70 ran BALE Jtckson county lands In Hoguu river valley, Oregon, by the Jackson County Realty company, IL M Coss, manager. Offlco In Oarnett- Corey building, room 217. Farm lands, garden lands, fruit lands, stock ranches, laro and small tracts of Im proved and unimproved lands: Oflce phone 6691; residence 141. FOH SALE 1 acre and 5-ncre tracts adjoining city of Medford, on long time, easy payments. 12 lots In Mod'ford ori main paved street; cement sidewalks and paving In; also sewers, water and light Long time, easy payments. 430 acres land, 350 acres alfalfa land, SO acres fruit land, perpetual wa ter right with water for Irrigating 1000 ncres; long Ume, easy payments. 340 acres land, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land. 1 mile from railroad, on long time easy terms. 5000 ncres land In tracts of from 0 acres upwards; price $25.00 per sere and upwards; suitable for alfal fa, fruit stock and general farming purposes; loang time, easy piymcnto. GOLD HAY REALTY CO 216 West Main st FOH SALE Homestead relinquishment Hox 276 Central Point, Ore. 68 Business Tropnxy FOR SALE Choice business property at a bargain,, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Water ft Power Co. Xlsctllansens FOH KALE Span of colts. 3 and 4 years old; broken to harness. Enquire of Chas. Tull. West Side livery, 3t FOR HENT All modern 6-rom cottage, $20 521 Hamilton alrvet Phone 2455. 72 T A X. E H T OIISOI RANCHES 15 ncren In pears, I 1-2 miles Central Point; 7-room house, tiarn. oilier build lugs, only $6500, easy terms. S hcrcs, all platted, In city limits, $6500. 20 ncra young benrlng'orchard; closo to town; good Improvements; complete iiiulpments sure Income producer; $800 nn ncre: good terms. 14 ncres, cioso In, I acres In nlfnlfa; 10 ncres lit 2-ycar-old orchard; snap nt $275 aero. 50 acres In town: 14 In bearing; 11 In S-yvur-old orchard; 7 In wheat nnd nl fnlfn; nil tillable; good house; pump Uig pum; fturo Jnoonie; .only $300 ncro; good terms. J ' CITY PROPERTY Icrn house on TRADE 7-nxtm modern house on No. Central, $2500. 640 Hcres flno hog and alfalfa ranch, close tu station, good buildings, S horses, cuttle, tools, ate,; take good dairy ranch. 2 flno strictly modern houses, $23,500 for good ranch. Qood Port'Jnd nnd Sonttlo property for valley property. 340 ncres alfalfa hind, 100 tn alfalfa, I mllo out, building, stock, etc 70 acres, 65 under ditch, 25 In apples and pears In 3 year, '8 1-2 miles out, $125 acre. 20 acres', 18 In pears, cloao In flno build ing slto am view 100 acres. 40 lit nlfnlfn, all in cultlvntlon; no fruit; take resldanca property, t00-ncro stock and nlfalfa ranch; J50 ncren tillable; Umlfr Mitch; $75 per acre: take Income property. Fine Kenwood lots for acreage or town property. 6 room modern lions on paving, take nriy good property. tCO ncres, stock mid dairy ranch, take 10a crca with some fruit 1C0 acres., cultivated, black loam soli; rpio nog ami niruiru rnncn; numungs; tnko acreage or city proportyj closo to town and It It. 3 gQOfl residences for acreage, 240 acres, stock ranch tMake town prop- frty. 120 acres raw land; tilt flno fruit land; tako any good property, ICO acres; 150 tillable, 20 In nlfalfa: 90 nores cultivation"; unilor ditch; $75 per FOH RENT A small nouse, clone In, $S a month. Apply morning, 229 Apple street. FOH RENT 7 rooms, modern, north C street, $26.50. 5 rooms, Pulm street, $12. 6 rooms. Palm, street $18. 6 rooms, modern, North Oakdale. $20. 6 rooms, modern. Liberty street, $20. 7 rooms, modern. West Main. $30. 5 rooms, modern. King street, $26.50. 7 rooms, Jackson, $30 2 rooms, furnished. $1.50 per week. 5 rooms, modern. Riverside. $30. 7 rooms; Poach street modern. $35 10 rooms, modern. Oakdale, $50. 7 rooms, modern. Park street, $30. o rooms, modern, furnished. Park stretd. $21.50. 6 rooms, light and water, Beatty htrcct. $16. 7 rooms, modern, S. Oakdale, $30. Desk room, ground floor. W. T. YORK & CO., 35 North Fir. FOR SALE A first-class Helming pla no, very little used; will sell at a sac rifice. Call at 907 East Main. Phone 6562. 59 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abatrftots. HOOTJK, Tt:VER VALLEY AP.STRACT TITLE CO., INC., Jacksonville. Phones Pacific, Main It; Home 2006 Arolutcfs, nnd .intiMu . ifttjt-t, . ... ,.-... . Main 3471. Hesldonca ntion 744 ,'CJW,'':nIl,:,:Vf:H W,34T 'rchltots, 207 nnd 208 Oarnott-Corcy building "A'coorintiinlsT" " ' D. It. WOOD acnornl nncountunt Your books audited and kept for a reasonable. &1 f?Vr b,,Bl""" .Elicited. orriM l'nlpps bliig., room 209. t'hons 3122, Asisysr ana Analyst. AHHAYEH AND CHHMlKT Earl V. In gels, H. Ho. acnornl nsiny nnd an alytical work Cement nnd asphalt testing. Hest cqulppod nssny offc and testing laboratory In Oregon. All work jiuarnn Iced. O rn n t s Pass. Or. Attorney. COLVIO A HEAMEh W. M. Coivig, C, L. Heames Lawyers. Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. mcfmn: ttei??, ivsriVAiEA let A.ornly".".n.,aw' No'' 1 ond 2 Post offlco building '??Mrt?JU,ES"I'wyo Oarnott-Coroy WTTHlNliTbrt & kelLV Palm building. Lawyers. MUI.KEY & CHERRY (B. V. MULKEY. GEO. W CHERRY) lawyers. Hoom 12, Jackson County Band bldff. BHllard JParlors. .iffii 'I -:-"ll'.nrda. cigars ?im Hi0f.M P,TlnkK: UP "taH-"- Young A lLb?lll's; A,.nlce. cool laca to spend tha hot afternoons . BUI rostsrs. VSKf? T CANONBtll poster and Dis tril l1 tordel7! Promptly fiiiod. ?iOODl.2?fJfk3n County Bank bulld Ing. Medford. Oregon. Clears and Tobacco. ntr, &. ANTtE. Sraokihouse ie? .nJi? t0Vicc,' '"- and-smok- cla. 212 West Main street OlrU Sfaurtassrs. SESy SEE1 9IVIr' ENGINEERS, 5uJ7rJror"- fPeclnlty; Platting, aubi dlvldlnff and municipal engineering. bldg.. Medford. Oregon. Tnmltur. and second-hand furnltura and hard ware. Agents for Household stoves ilaln 3161. Homo 265-L. MISSION" Ft,RNITUREVORiC8-Co7-?ie.r ?th .Bnd. IIo"y streets, .Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cab ".' work of all kinds. A trial order BQIICHSU, STOitUOFK & WOLFF Cookstovea nlS Jure, Eads old stand, IS Fir street foL 1h0"e 9U "mo 2"' m5i- Oraalf Works. GOLD HAY GRANITE CO. 216 West Main street manufacturers and deal era in monumental and building grun Ite. crushed granite, common brick and pressed brick, coarse and fine v. ashed nver sand. MEDFORD BRICK CO.-Ceo. W. Priddy. O. D Nagle. Geo. T. O'Brien Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick; deal- ? 0arnf-Corey block, room 209. 2d floor. Phona No. 3181. landacap Garaenwr IX) It SALE 3 1-1 wagon, with Ixiws nnd JOHN t' ueuv. i" ,.., ....... .. cover, at It. It. nlnrelnn.r. !. I,.ll. I TlitL-h1.,' dB",,, M-rU"""-. cover, at It It Cleveland's plac-. South Central avenue, beyond pavement C. Morgan. 67 FOR SALE A splendid milk cow. E. Klrk. P. O. Box 2S3. rantecdlCali' Malr, agfj?"8"0""" NOTARY JSoUry Public bulfd" ag. VVaU1C noom 3 'PI FOR SALf A No. 6 Remington Stand nrd typewriter, used six months; first class condition: prlco $35.00. Box. C 1 1. orre Mall Tribune. S FOR SALE Dry stove wood, all kinds. That's nil. Phone 3311. 70 FOR SALE Ono dining room table. 6 good leather bottom chairs, one rock er and pther furniture. 3(5 North Riv erside ave. FOR HENT Houses. A completely fur nished 7-room modem bungalow, 2 sleeping porches, garage, gas for cook ing, off W. Main; rent $30 month. Tumy. 201 Gnrnett-Corcy building. 67" FOR HENT Seven-room bungalow; modern; clos. tn; $30 per month. In quire Dr. Deane. 123 East Main st 6S FOR RENT $30 per month, modern seven-room house, modern Improve ments. W. T. York & Co. FOR RENT pogantly furnished rooms steam heat, hot and cold water, baths electric lights, newly furnished, iln gla rooms or en suite, by the day neck or month. Inquire room 103 Electric bldg. 21S W. Main st Xoastkseptnt Booms FOR RENT Wdl furnished housekeep ing rooms, city water, electric light Talent st, bet. th and 10th, So. Cen tral. 69 FOR SALE One black mare; weight 1130 pounds; ono bay mare, weight J050 pounds; ono 1 1-4-lnch wagon; one single harness. Call at West Sido sta bles. 6S WANTED Pupils to tutor during the summer; terms reasonable; references given. Address Box S33, Medford. 80 FOR SALE Furniture, complete for five room cottage, cheap, call at Toggery- FOR SALE Altalfa hay. 1 mite south of Washington school. C W. II. Ever hard. Phone farmer 539 J 5. WANTED. urisfllaasom WANTED A 1250 or 1300 pound team: must bo true nnd sound, nnd priced x reasonable. Kretl R. Nell, caro Mayor It P. Noll. Ashland. Or. 6S WANTED Financial aid to develop 30 Inch quartz vein tn Forest Creek ills trlct 16 miles from Medford; aver age $40 per ton: or will sell. E. H. Pearce. Gold Hill. Or. 69 HELEN N. YOCKEY, Notary public Bring your work to me at the stcn of The Mall Tribune. Tsata and Awnings. MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING CO.. makers of new, repairers of old. Both phones 405 8. Oakdale. Hnnevies. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flow- "r". lcu yams, snruDoery DUIbs. 323 E. Main. Phone 3741. hl1.' NURSERIES Our trees are .,ui uruiica. our sioctt is not irrigated. Wo guarantee everything nut out Wo are not In the trust ft. B. .reitterson, office removed to 110 E. Alain st UUOUE IUVER VALLEY NURSERY CO.. Inc. Growers of high grade nur- phMSft omco " w- Ua,n- "- Physicians and gorgeous. DRa CONROY & (CLANCY htj-slciana and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg. rooms 210-211-212. Office pfiono 501. residence phono 612. Office hours 9 al ni. to s p. ni. DIcnrnTrCA2,L?W- &" EVA MAINS carlow Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett- Cprey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. E. IL PORTEit Diseases of "w5 "J1" "Pecialty. Rooms 6, 6, 7. 8, St OrViK" Mf- JIcdfo'-J. OregoA; phoned ornce 4961, residence 4951. DIofrA.?Tin?i.W', DEANE Dentist Office In Hlalto bldg.. 123 E. Main. Oas administered for extraction of Pho'ne 4432!l0ph0n Maln 681' N,Bht SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Muirled m&n witnts iostton 011 ranch: references. Address Box 16, care Mull Tribune offlco. 71" FOR ilENT 2 housekeeping rooms, nice ly furnished, gas, bath", hot water, 234 E. Ninth. 71 FOR RENT Light housekeeping nooms. gits for cooking. 717 West Eighth street . 71 it ore. WANTED "i o 10 nores Improve! for-tneomo prop erty In trade, llrls for general housework. 1lty and ranch property to list. LF.I BITTNEH kook soa PHHTPg BUXXSXSfa Look nt nil of tlio ronl ostnto tulrf mil nt iniuilt of tlio ronl uBtuto ml voiilsoJ, bofoi'D luvcstiiiu, COR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 325 South Ivy st. 67 Business Property FOR SALE OR KENT Good opening for general merchandise store in new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 11 miles from Medford. Gold Hay Realty Co., 206 W. Main. WANTED Position on fruit farm by man nnd wife; experienced; references gfven. G. n. Klukcrt, Ashland, Or., General delivery. ' " 69 i HELP WANTEDL Kelp Wantsa Mala WANTED Carpenter rumlllnr wph making mission furniture and wood v working. Address Buffum, euro Rogue Iljver Electric Co. WANTED Salesman foi exaulslve ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Complete lino Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out- fit free. Toppenlsh Nursory Company, 'Topponlsh, Wash. Parma FOR ItENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranohes garden land, genornl farming ranches Gold Ray Realty do, 316 W. Main. Offtots tor meat FOR RENT Over the postofflce with heat and llght See A. A. Davis. t)R RENT Offlco rooms in Eleotric bldg., modern1 equipment, steam boat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and oold water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 216 W. Main st. Mlscsllantous. RENT Garden land Sn' traots from one acre upwards, with FOR of water for irrigation. Owner will furnish team nnd ImplotnnntH for cul tivating and seod for share of orop. Inquire of Huffuin, Rogue Rlvur Eieu - trio Co., W W, Main nt, WANTED--Satesmen In every locality of the northwest; money advanced week ly; many make ovor $10t4 month choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Topentsh, Wash. D?;SJiiA5NS Physician and surgeon. ii ;? .15no"S-Sf? oiiff.. rooms ?V:ii3, ,Pnono 651-. Residence 113 Laurel at. phone 2092. Dsurgeorb L0CKW0Drph7aIclan and DR. MYRTLE S. I.OCKWOOD. Practice limited to diseases of wS men. Offices over Hnsklns drug store. Phones; Pacific 1001; Home 28. Dr. W. M. Vail" ScoyocT"5 " Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoo. , .. Dcutlsts. Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318, Medford. 0rt?g"- Both Phones: Olt J- J- EMMENS Practice limited to nrri.".0 ?flheK?y',e,.r. "oae nnd throat Office 216 E. Main street ORS. SAUNDERS AND'OlfEEN Pro0: !.c.i'm,AVj. to c?y.e- rar- "ose and throat Offlco: 8ulto 315 Garnott- ""w uuiiuibk. huiii pnonen. ).IES & 1RL1J ChlrupiucioVs. 5"i.l"s Centrnl avc. Phono Main 511. Offlco hours: 2 to 4 p. m. Chinese" Medicines. " CHOW YOUNOTSChIn"eaa medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private dlsenses ond all kinds of chronlo and nervous ailmenta. Stomach troublo, constipation. ItidiKes tlon, womb and bladder troibies. See me at 241 Si Front St.. Mefford. Ore. Xlp Want a Psmals WANTED Chambermaid ut tho Hotel Nash. WANTED A girl to cook: best of . wage Mrs, Dr. Reddy, Queen Anne addition. 71 WANTED Waitress at the Franco , Auii'rloan Hotel $25.00 per month, fo,re pld Mornaoii & Lash, Yreka, Call. WANTED Woman for general house wbrk, one who can cook. Wages $30 per month. Apply Buffum, Rogue River Electrlo Co., '316 W. Main. WANTED-Hrl or Woman for general hcjuscwnrk; two In fumlly; best of wages. Address Box 00, care Mall Tri Prlntars and Pnbllshiirs. UEDFORD PRINTING CO . has the best equipped Job office In Southern Ore gon; book binding; loose leaf systoms; SutK,paP.er;otc" et0- Portland prices. . 27 North Fir streot BL1.A BtanogTaphtrs. QUANYAW Palm Ml UIIAKVAW Pulm lllnr enographlo work dono qulokly and .uios u J. ittNUSTON, 402 Oarnett-" t'orey Ilutldlng. Offlco phunes' Home 95. Paolflo 5331. Residence, Pacific Signs. VALLEY SIGN aOVHRTISINU CCVH SIGNS will help liullil up your bUst liens. Phone 803. 18 Rlverslilw nvunue. steam Beating. 0. C. PONTING Steam nnd hot wn ter heating, dry kiln nnd pwor work, Satisfaction guaranteed. .Estimates Klveu. Phones: Paolflo 46U1, Jloma 12f-L, resldenort Pacirih 4402 Ho 434, 37 South Central uvenuo, Medford, OroKou.