r'ly iiaii ,4 vj I "n CLEARINGS HANK Cl.i:A1tlNJH fftnH,M7.H0. Medtord Mail Tribune WEATHER 1'iilr liar. UD.H1), 11a. 78, Mln. ill), Mean (17. Unlly Mlxih Ynnr. AmPJYORD, OUKOON, THURSDAY, JUNK 8, 1911. (IIS HO MILLIONAIRE Lillian Grafinm, Ancil 22, nml Ethel Conrnil, 18, Wound W. E. D Slokos Tliroo Times Affair Is Shrouded In Mystery. GIRLS ASSERT SHOTS WERE FIRED IN SELF DEFENSE Stokes Claims Ho Was Lured Their Room Where Ho Was Asked for $20,000. No. G7. Studies Aviation to I NEW YORK, Jimn 8. I.tlliun llrii hum, 'J'-', uelicss, anil Ethel Coiimd, IH, mint's mo'lcl, who hhut mill thioi liuum wounded "W. E, ). Hlokos, mil liaiiuiro hnluhpriipriotiir ami spurting mm), In their rooms in dm fashiona iiIiIk Vim nun apartments, nro hi'lil without hail today, awaiting llm mil ennui of llirir Melon's injuries Stokes, aged ll.'i, with 'three bullet in his legs, lies in Roosevelt hnxpitnl while his young bride, formerly I lei iii Elwoml nf Denver, mnl his sou 1 k J'niini'r muiriugo, E. I). Slokcs, an in t'liiiMtmit attention mi liiiu. Thin Japanese, who wcro m iiiuuint; for i dinner in apartments udjniuitig thom nf the (Iriilimii giil and wh look i hum! in llm affray, severely healing Stokes, believing In hail attacked tin K' 1M. uio !! inr hi'lil an wiliiesxes. Shrouded In .Mytcry. Tim whole nf fair is shrouded in m.vstcry mnl u tiuigle of contradic tory assertions mmlo liy the princi pals in llm affair. According to Mis (liahnin am Miss Conrad, Stokes entered then apartment mnl attacked them. Thej nllego that lint shots were fired it ti'lf defense. Alihrt Graham tiulav ,ilUVIniiiBrkWyiliir llinrof wlfti-lf .lll.t uilt.t lifi.l I. ..mi. .....li. I... 151,. I .. ' null m-.'i, iiiiiiiiT llv OIUM'W fingers when ho attempted to choki her. Stokes assort Unit ho was luirc" iiiln tlm iipnrlnuMilH mnl that tin girls omlcuvnrcd to blackmail Inn mnl Mi'iMtru i.'o.WlO. At ii preliminary hcrfriug this morning hoth Mi Onthmu mnl Mik, Conrad weru churgvd with assault ii ihifirst degree mnl held withoul hail. Stokes, now proprietor of tlio An Kwiiiu holcl here, wiih fnuncrly wcl known on (ho I'uciho roast, huviuj conic o Now York from Sun Finn ie liflur llm fire nf HUM. Mis (I ra ham iiImi formerly lived mi tin ennui. or sihier. Mrs. .lohu Sinclu. KsE?5j ,vl jHA SCHOOL REFORM MAD R '$ WOR out c ,j)cv oi-crunyct: Ciiiliiln (' Do Cliuiullur Ih In clinrKu )f tlm Kovnruumut'H Imltoou nclmol. Ullll'll llllH jllHl hi'IMI 0M'tll-l III I'll! I OuuiIiii with jr. MtuilfiitH Aliounl nun iloi'ii liullonmi urn ln-pt t Koit Oinn- liu, whore (In ttovi'iuuiuul uiiilntaliiH ii uuliiiii liyilriiKi'ii farlory, tint min Im'Iiik Ki'iu'ruti'il liy ilii'trol'nlri of wn ti'r. - 'rrr . rvPcmonstration In Honor of de La Barra s Election Conqueror, Unmindful of Disaster Which Wrecked Capital, Plunges Into Constructive Work-Will Put Nation On Its Feet at Once. SAYS HE WILL NOT BE AN ACTIVE CANDIDATE Will Let the People Choose Whom They Will for President Ed ucation to Be Fathered. PLOT AGAINST MADERO REGIME Four Arc Arrested In El Paso and Chanied With Violation of Neu trality Laws Fire Brand is Now Feared. Ion, liven on u much iu-iii- I'oiiionn Cnl., mnl iiiiolliiM' hicli'r, Mik. An ilrowH, a widow, livtn in Sun Krnu- Ilihl'O. W'nki I'iInio (Jill. I.iilimu (Inihiini fame to NVw York with Sloki'M from Sun I-'iuiiimmmi Tlujy livi'il toKi'ihor ul (ho Aiismiiii holi'l. Nijjlit uioiithrt iifjo, iH'i-oin-Ijmiii'il ,y Mrs. Sinjjh'ton Uio ir loll for Kiiiiih, oHtmmihly i-n louto m lli'lKiuiii to htiuly iiuisii'. I'Vii'in' lu'n Hiiy thai hIu- (old ihcin that wlii-ii Iht uuiMinil (iliuutiou wiih imiui- pll'll'll mm WOlllll Pllllfll to 1UIT Hloki'rt. l''our iiuhiIIih al'li-r lm had loll Now Ynik Stoki'H mnl MiwH Klwooil wtm (iiii'lly nmrrii'il in llulMki'ii, N. I. Minn (IrahuiM liurrii'il hui'k lo New York. For Hoino lium hIio Iiun koi living with tlm Conrjiil jirl at llm Vi- I'll till U)Ul'tlUOIllH, l.itti'i-H l.vil lo gnaiTol. II won ovnr li'ttoiri wrillni lo Miss (Iruhuui whilo Him wuh in Kurnpo Hint llm iiiurro iiromi which I'lihiiinati'il in IuhI nij-lilV Hluioliii;,', Althuiifh llm htoriiiH of tho principalH vary in many parlimilarH, all aurco 'thai HtokcH had written Ictturrt to tlm ra hnu Kill which lui wuh cxtrcumly unxioiiri lo recover. Tlm visit to the iiiurtniciit8 cnnccnicil tlicso Ictlcis, Aci'oriliu to tho irlx Slokcs hihl nielli invaded I heir aparlinenlH ind (leiiianded tlm hitters. When lliev wcro rcfiiHiul, hoth irln ahhcil, thai tho hIiiiIh wcro fired heeaiiKo limy thotiKht her life wiih in danger. Stokes Hiild Hint lie wiih iiHkeil lo iiu lo llm upui'tiucul ami that when he wiih iiinide (lie girls' roinu Ihcy locked Ihe dour. Then they deinuiul oil thut Im pay iLT),!)!)!! mid hii ii Htuteiiieut wlileh they hml prepared. l!o lofiiHod, Im hiivh, Mini hoth uirl drew revolvorH mid Iickiiii Hliootiht; at liin tliih'liH. KtokeK adinitn Hint Im wiih on tho imiHt friendly teiius yith M!hh (Iriihuin, hut that Im only re conlly mo I Mlua Conrml, ' HI. I'ASO, To v., Juno S. Tlmt u ilot iiKnlimt the Mn'iioro rcKiiuo form Ml liy llm MtiKou linitiili of tlio Mexl iiii lllicinl pnrly linn liocn (Uncover ed wan Intimated here today rollowlni; Ihoarrcni of TIioiiiiih VarKaxni, Pri'fll lane Hllva mid hits moiih. Houjamln nml ,;tVJim;ii.Jiiin., ouimorniuuou iiir- .lmucii.uy wcri'i ngeniH of llm .Mexl ?nn ami American unverninoiitM. Ill 'ha nml atuiiiiiiiltlou found la the hoimo uliere they wcro arrented were onflHnitod, Tlm four prliioiior will irohahly lie rhnrKcd with violation of he neutrality Iiiwh. Otlrt'r urroMn iro exMMied today. I'rcilllano Hllvu onre ervcd three reaiH In iirlbou for a Hlinllnr offciiHu, It In niteitei Ihnl tho MtmoulMtnti 'mvo lieun iiieiitluK Hcerctly lu Kl 1'uno for wcekH mid Unit iniiny of the iiiohI irouiliienl men lu tho fartlon arc hero. The MaderlHtUM alleKii that u 'ilnt'uK'iliiHt law mid order In Juarez 'nul hecii forined. Over a tliouimnil liiMiiii;ent holdlerH arc lu .liinrez, all more or Ickh illnHatlnflod hccaiiHc they huvo rcrulcd only 00 pemm enrli for their military ncrvlcc. Tho MnilerN lntiiH rlitU that' a "flretiraud" could Hart trouhlo mid they think tho pres uro of ho many .MnKoulHtiiH could nicati only one IIiIiik. HlKiilfti'iiuro Ik attached to (Im ar i'IiI liiHt ulKht of Jumi Burulilii, to cawed froili tlm military iirlson, Him I nan de Ula, through I ho Interven tion nf Mmloro, lie wim aircKted five yearn ao In Jutircr. on tin; churKO of oiiHplraey, lie I a uietuher of tho Miikoii faction ami wiib at oao time editor of l.a ItcKeiicruclon. Ho Iihh liceu confined III a dmiKCou ami Ih nearly blml, hut mentally Ih iiulin paired. Jcmiri Kloren Miikoii, Hlear do'ii lirother, ncroiupiiiiled lilm here. f f f f ! 4- ' M H H HEAVY DEATH TOLL IN WEST MEXICO " ,i , , , , llBgLys ' JmMSKBXBm SPENCER SAVES MO L cjz.aw23a wappenstein ;i ':;;;.::.;;;; "rTRiisi gets m FORGETS DATES f i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4j 41 .t SHA1TI.K, Jtm$t -ArKiinicntH In 4 tlie WappcnstelR"llrJaI liepan shortly 4 after 11 o'clockfth mornliiR. It was aKrecd that caoliutfde was to have two ami one-hatffkourse to present .the cane. The rTjvll! probably re- tiro lor hh iioiiMHi.Kin mis eveninc. .Jipcclal prose cutor, began tMppentB for tho atato.-- fvff WapjieiiHteln showed marked lapse tt-O-W TOOK TH-E QATl AjS STB. rrrri rr-r rrZLzIJ- TOOK TH-E OA.in xJ3 TO.CTViaiOWI. 5Ca:3TDELWT r parked Lapse ef When Qdestltmed posits in VarlBus Banks Aryu Memory Ensues Regarding Dc- Mi:.lC() CITY, .June H. I'anrlial couitiiiuiiculiou with . llm wet and ulh wik n. hlorcd tmliiy mnl jeportw Hint hiiiulrciN were killed in .upol luit liy yeteiduyV ipmkc were received In-ie. Many were rcu rcuilered luiiuclcKh in thai city mnl jjreut ilcMtrucliini wjih wroiht in hiirrouiuliiif; town-, niurillaj;ef. The volcnim t'o liiiin is erupting today. Some tniiior ciirhiimke were ie irlcd this inorninj;. The cities of Sim Ainlrcuh ami To- iiiln were heavily dmuujicd ,y the cpiake. They ore located neur the volcano. It is rcmrt cd that a heavy dculli toll was token there. Relief trains have liecn sent from Mexico City hut their pn;,Mcv is re ported slow us it is feared the mils have been torn up liy the liiiiki'. Detuils of the ilisiisler will not he olitaimilile here un til the relief niirtv-runolmw lli.. nnt1otfihB ills'nMer, itls'hei lieie.l . . oi memory in nxing antes inai are 4'4-4-4'44'4444-' materially connected with tho bribery cliarKO iiRnlnst film. Ho had account- ments in Casart. 41 4 4 : 4- MEDFORD'S PRAISES PORTLAND. Oi.. June 8. -.Mayor V. II. fnimn, Med foid. Or.: The sKciul tniin carrying Culifnrnia cxcutian party arrived here this moni int: and are sing the praises nf Mcilford accnunt of the hear ty and most cordial reception tendered them by yourself, Commercial club ami the citi zens of Medford. WM. MvMURRAY. 44444444444444 Suffrano Defeated. IIARTI'ORI), Conn., June 8. Tin lower house of the stale legislature today defeated tlm muuicrpul woman stiff rne bill by u vote of 1(18 to It). ., .1 - MKMCO CITY, .lime 8.-Vhile the municipal authorities were burying tho dead, caring fur the injured and clearing away the debris of yester days earthquake, Kraueisco I. Mu Icro, jr., head of the revolutionary party, who arrived on tho heels of tin? illsiister which visited Moxi-o City, paying little hoed to the suffer 1i)k' iibotit him, planned the work of the Kovcriiiueiit he hopes to cstablif.li. With thuitdering "vivn.s" that greeted Ins entrance still echoing in the streets today, Modern plunged into the work ot eoiistructive slutes mmiship. Today he gave tho follow ing exclusive outline of his plans to" ii stuff corrispouilenl of the United I ress, who hud accompanied 'i,! irom .inure, to the capital. Itullct Wink Over. "Tho bullet woik in over," said Mn dero, "mid now comes the hardest part of the work the brain work. Now wo pnist reconstruct and im prove, thu republic. We must im prove tho public schools, in fuel, we must overturn Hie whole school sys tem of Mexico. To Wipier. (loiuex (his duly bus been assigned,' .Suddenly changing tlm subject of his interview Modern turned to the approaching ptoidential election. "I shull not campaign for tho presi dency," he said. "1 will let Hie pen pie ciiinpnign for inc. American niul foreiKu capital will always ho wel come in Mexico. My triumphal trip through Mexico bus shown me thut ed for tho heavy ileposlUvln his bank (luring his Incumbency In office, to a repaypont of a J5000 debt to him liy his brother-in-law, Kd Konn of Aberdeen. On crosi-cxamlnntton, how. pvor, ho could not fix thu date when tho loan was made to Ilenn within three years. Itenn had testified that It wnB In tUOO. Wappenstein falter ed lu his testimony and thought It might hnvo been In 1897., Tho re payments, however, did not commence until April, 1910. (Conllnliril on mien :,) BORDAN, MILK DEALER, IS NOT SO VERY RICH I.OS ANOKI.KS. Cm!., .Iiiiio 8.- ' I Accouipaiiicd by his diiughter. Mi Ramouii, Gail Hordcn, is here today nftcr a hnsty dip froni 2j,Vw York. Asked concerning reported differ ences between himself and wife, Ror ilen roferrcd iiileniowern to bis at torney, Kugene Overton. Rorden," snid Overton, "does not enjoy the large income reported in the papers. IlU income js far less than $100,000 a year, and we believe the .ftlllO a month settled on Mrs. Rorden unite sufticienl. There have been no legal slcp laken yet for n separation, but there innv be slant- WASIIINOTON. p. C. June S. The American Legation at Lisbon 1ms been instructed to formally recognize tho republican gocri'iuent of 1'ortu ral us soon as the popular assembly, inceliio; .Jniio It), confiyns the constitution. FINDS BAKOWSKl'S MITT AND WEBS . A. McDonald, Formerly a Logger, Makes His Way to Crater Lake and Then Down Into Valley On This Side Was Lost. PER CENT ORDERS Gary Tells of Tremendous Exporta tion Trade Handled by United States Steel Corporation Its Fac tory Furnishes Half Entire Product J. A. McDonald, a ' logger, has reached the valley after a very hard trip over the Cascades by way of Crater lake. He undertook the trip understanding that there were hotels eu route and had a very narrow es cape from death, stumbling onto a road leading into Prospect by chance. McDonald sjwit borne timo at Cra ter lake, and while there discovered liver the edge of the lake a pair of snow shoes, a mitten and a roll of films which evidently belonged to Ra kowski, the photographer wio lost his life at the lake in mid-winter. Mr. McDonald before undertaking the trip was told by an Indian on the reservation that hotels were operated along the rood over thu mountains, and thus believed little danger was to be feaied. Later he found he must depend im his own resources and suf fered many hardships beforo ho got out. Set Fire to His Brother. SACRAMHNTO, Oil., Juno 8. Whilo his little 17 months old brother, Robert, was rolling and cooing about the dining room floor at noon today, Louis Sanchez, three and one-half, poured the contents of a can of coal oil over the infant nml set fire to him, resulting in bums that will probubl.v cause the little fellow's death. WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 8. That the United States steel corpora tion the stee'l trust does 90 per cent of the American exportation bus iness in iron and steel and that Its factories turn out GO per cent of the total output in these lines was the testimony today ot E. H. Gary, chair man of the directors of the. new cor poration, when he resumed tho stand boforo tho house committee Investi gating the industry. In discussing the International steel agreement Gary said: "My idea is that an Interchange of opinion might bring equilibrium to the world's trade. I do not want any one to think we are. going to have a secret agreement. There Is no secret about it. I would like, unless it is improper, to bring about an. interna tional association at whose meetings there could be a friendly Interchange of opinions benefiting all." He denied that there was any agreement regarding rails, adding: "If It could be shown that ono ex isted and our subsidiaries wero In volved. I would se to It that It was cancelled." UNCLE SAM TO RECOGNIZE REPUBLIC OF PORTUGAL WASHINGTON. I). C, .lime 8. The American legation at Lisbon ha been instructed to formally recognize the republican government of Portu gal as soon us the popular assembly meeting June 111, confirms the constitution. Committee Passes the Buck. SAN I'K'ANCISCO. Cul., June 8- rfho executive colnmittce of the Ran- umu-1'ucific Kxpo.-itiou company. to day unanimously decided to refer tin question of a selection of a sife to tin entire board of directors, scheduler to meet this afternoon. The commit tee's action came nfter sharp deliati over the merits of various projcctcc sites. A New Death Dealing Monster for the New American Dreadnaughts -- . - - Carries Him Down From Crater Lake After He Becomes Exhausted Trip Proves to Be Very Difficult One. WITHOUT SNOW SHOES TRIP IS UNDERTAKEN Corbln Edgell, Austin Corbln, Frank Frazier, Brooks Spencer and Mose Are Back. Nk.w Fourteen Inch Gum fxdr the, Avi .;: x can DREADNoufiHrns, Undo Siim'H navy can now lioiut of tho world'a biggest and host guns. Tho accompanying picture will glyo ono a fair Idea or tho groutnosa of tho new H-lneli gun for tho Amer ican Di'CuduuuuhtH, , J. K. Rfirkdiill, more familiarly known as "Mose," owes his Hfo to tho endurance of Brooks Spencer, Ynlo athlete, who won his "Y" in the an nual football gntne with Hnrvnrd in 100!). Spencer carried Mose several miles down from Crater IriTce on n trip just ended nfter Mose hnd be come exhausted and had lqst his rea son due to the hardships encountered on the trip- Other members of tho party were nlso nearly exhausted when civilization was reached. Some 10 days ngo Austin Corbin and Corbin Edgell of New York, Frank Frnzier of Chicago, Iirooks Spencer and Mbsc started forCrater lake going in from the Klamnth side. They left Fort Klamath in the early dawn and made their way to the loko shortly after noon. They were with out snowshoes, but during the moni inhours the freeze of the night be fore formed a crust over which they mnde their way easily. On the home ward trip, however, the thaw bad set in and the snow would not bear their weight, making progress very diffi cult. After (hey had traveled a part of the way homo Mose.bccumc exhaust ed. He endeavored' to" trnvel'.ou 'his nerve but after a time he beeijnie. de lirious. Thereupon Brooks Spencer ' took him on his shoulders and sloivly mode his way down the mountain to camp, where Moie wus given a thor ough rub-down nml n night's rest; which put him in condition to travel ugitin, this time by automobile. AH of the other members of Uio party were exhausted by the hard trip with the exception of Corbin Ed gell, who stood the trip well. Austin Corbin and Frank Frnzier managed to get back, although Frazier did not go clear to the lake. The party, re ports about 12 feet of snow nenr tho lake yet. The lake is given hih praise by the easterners but they state that next time they will wait until summer time to make the trip. MUCH PROGRESS PAVING WORK Crew Now Working On West Fourth Concrete Base Nearly All Down On Front North to Jackson Make Much Progress. Raving operations pro progressing rapidly and work is now being douo on Fourth street. West Fourth street has been finished with the exception of the surface and tho base is now being laid on East Fourth street, South Grape street is finished with the exception of three intersections which are left open to make prepa rations for tho btoim sowor at that point. Grading has .started on the East Main street hill and paving will bo giu as soon as the water service con nections are mnde. BOND MANIPULAT0RS"ARE CHARGED WITH FRAUD OAKLAND, Cal., Juno 8. Frank C, Havens, president of tho Peoples' Water company, and Ira A. Miller, his agent, are charged wjth having manipulated the bonds of thut cor poration by alleged fraudulent ami illegal acts in such u manlier thut Ifa.vens secured bonds to tho amount of $4,200,(100 lo which ho had no right, in a suit filed in tho superior court today by Tussoll h. Dunn. Tho complaint names Havens and the Peo ple's Water company as technical do fendants, ..., .. ,.