J"0nHlfcrjji fitting City Hall -rttofiX e CLEARINGS MANX t'l.KAMI.NUH nn, i on." i. Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER I'nlr llnr U0.7I, Mil 711, Mlit HO, Menu 51.5 Ktirty-Klrnt Vnitr, IMIIv -MUlli Vimr. MJdDjrOJtl), OKKfJON, WEDXlfflDAY, .1 UN F3 7, 1911. No. GG. EARTHQUAKE ROCKS MEXICO CITY ASPHALT MACADAM ROAD CONTRACT LET .WIS DOWN; FEAR GREAT CLARK NRY 10 ID ROAD CENTRAL PON I Will Bo of Asphalt Mncndnm Four Inches Thick Material Will Do Laid Hot Will Do Dcst County Road In the State. Is a Heretic COUNTY COURT TAKES STAND FOR PROGRESS Construction Company Will Start Work Within 20 Days To Cost $12,000 a Mile. , Tin' ( ln t U A. Ilonerv 'ont ruction company ywim awarded 11 contract In ImiiIiI nn aphult iiitii'iiiliiiii kiikI be tween t Iiim ) t y aiij ('(itil nil Point tin morning hy lln count v rout I The Kind will ho-l0 feel wide, (lit asphalt macadam four iiiehew in thickness itud Inid li'il. Tho I'linlnit'l pneu is $ 111,0(10 a mile. Work will start with . in lliii next "JO days anil will lie nislicd In completion. Already tlic company Iuih wliod M t .' iiimIii oftieo ill Nicniuicnln liir km- jfwSCV r liUoilnlMliiiiiN,iiiMtiriiil..nMtl equip- incut willi which to tinimtruet llic highway. The company ifffininlH stnlo Hint they will not in any way hamper tholr wtirk in thi city when tlicv have several mile of paving to do. Tim county court linn taken a finn Ntaiul in the matlcr of road IntihliiiK iml Hlnlc taut it' tltJN road i a sue . it will lid the firnt of several xiuiilur roads to lie eoiisliiicted in Hie county, giving it tin fluent system of highways in (In slate. The road from lid' to Ccul nil Point will lie the fiixt of its kind to lie iiouslrueloil in the Mute It is pointed out that a road no con st uinlcd will remain in good ooiuli lion for yearn ami with very little on peiiMi far upkeep. Thus in the long iiiii it will ho far cheaper Hutu a dirt load on which largo sums of money must ho expended annually in oidnr to make lliciii passible. The cuulract calU for Hit run Mtiuclion of u load HI feet wide from the outskirts of the Medfoid vuid tlisliit'l -which tennlnuleH at the P. & I!, crossing on Hu Ccul nil I'oiut load to the eilv limits of Central Point. From the ciuImiI' the paving mi UivcrHido avenue to Iho crossing the eilv will in nil prohahilily com ptete Hut kiiiiI a h il in only a Maul dmlnnco. The ninil will ho brought to guide Hiroiighiiut it itl the iiiml when com pletctl will loseinble a pnvcil nIiccI with the exception Hint it will he without ciiilm eriihhed rock foiuiiug the embankment on each side. The asphalt macadam will In applied hot anil will ho propeily lolled to place. The coiiulv cuuit is being goneritl lv commoiidcii today for granting the coul racl as it is believed that such u road is fur cheaper to the county in the lone run t linn tin old. MONEY TRUST NOW IS PLAN Austro-Hungary Is Building a Great Navy T?j2v: wu,ijym x. okakij Tin Itev William Orniit of North liuilicrlniiil. Pit , was convicted of the charge of lien y l tho I'lCHhyterlitii gem-nil iiwmbly, a crtllit thai sur prlnetl iiiaiiy, iim ho hntl been acquitted hy IiIh own presbytery, ami a remiuro rather than tin penalty of HiiHpeanlon fmpoHeit on lit tit wait anticipate!!, TEAMSTER FALlF BENEATH WHEELS William L. Howard Receives Injuries Which Result In His Death Load of Lumber Slips and Younrj Man Loses Balance: Would Control Every American In dustrySuch an Indication Devel ops In Cross-examination of E. H. Gary by Investigating. Committee. TELLS OF MORGAN'S " POWER IN FINANCE Witness States He Believes Sherman Law Is Inadequate to Carry Out Its Purpose. WAFPENSTEIN MAY TAKE STAND HIMSELF HKATTM'J, WiimIi., June 7, Chntlcs WappotiHlein, on trial or no eopling a 11)0(1 hriho, for permitting iliKtiidorly hoiiHcs to run iuiuioIohIoiI, inuv lake lliu hIiiuiI hiniHtilf today to eoriohoralo tho testimony of Kd Huiiii, fonnor uin.vor "f Aberdeen, Wind i., bin hiolhor-iu-law, ltonn Ioh. til'iod yoHtoitluy Hint nhoiit tho hiiiuo duloH in 11)10 when ho U nlh'jjod to lin( rcctiivcd hrlhoH, ho paid Wup poiiNloiu mi old debt of .f;"il)lll) in kiiius helwoen $100 ami $1000. This 1h In tended lo explain tho ov-ohiol'H heavy hank dopoHlt, White rlttliiK on a lontl of lumber on I'ronl Htreet, oppoHlto tin Nnwh hotel, Wlllliun I.. Howard wuh thrown iiuilcr Hit wIiooIk of the wnKoa ntioiit 7:30 o'clock TuoHilny ovoiiIiik ami HiiMtulucil liiJurli'H remiltluK In IiIh iltmlh at tho Kontlicrii OreKon Hon pllnl nl I'i-.'M) hint night. Howard had JiihI loaded IiIh within with liiiuher from a car HtitmlliiK near tho Southern raclflc freight hoiiHo ami watt driving iii Kront Htreet when a frelKht train thiiudnred aloni; tin trackH a Hhort dlHtnuro invay. It Ih HioiiKht Hint (IiIh freb;btcnod tho team which plunged Htiddenly ahead. An iiuiiHiiitlly heavy load of I unit) or wuh on tho wiikoii ami oh tho tiorneri plunged It hecamn oveibiilitnco and begun to Hlldo to tho right. Howard iMidoawircil in keep IiIh cipilllbrlutn tint could not ami wiih thrown for ward ami Hldowayn, ntrlklng fall leiiglb on tho imvomout directly In front of tho rlRht fort wheel. Startled hy tho criiHh tho horKCH plunged for ward again ami both Hit frnao ami I car whcelii of Iho heavily loaded wagon pawed over him. Tho linen woio Jerked from IiIh hunilu ami tho (cam (IiihIiciI wildly down Front Hi rent, leaping burrlorti at Sixth and KHth HlrootH ami hlnuglict) through Hit Hoggy conorulo pavoiuent tiotwoen them (wo Hticctu. They coutluuoil to .IiicUhoii nil eel and then turned wchI ami ran until (hoy cranlicd Into a pOHt, AiialHtauco wuh tendered tho Injur ed man alimmt Immodlatoly, a phy hIcIiiii wiih railed nml Howard wns lifted Into an automobile ami tnon to tlm Houtliom Oregon HoHpIti whoro every offoit wiih inatlo to re lluvo li I in of over InerciiHlng pain. Au oMimliiatlou Hlinwed that tho whoelH had piiHHed tllrertly over tho young maiiH client, criiHblng tho rlhn ami IneaHt bom, fraoturliiK tho collar bono ami romiltlng In iierbMui Inter mil lujurleri. Ilo Hiiffoieil luleiiBo pain ami fro iiieut roiuorrluigoH of tin luugH and although everything poHlblo to aid Mini wan ilium tho pbyHlrlan at no Ltlim. hold out hopon for bla recov ery. vTlu young iiiuiih paronta, Mr. nud Mi'H. W, T. Howard iohIiIo on a ranch about, two mltcH out on tho .laokmm vlllo road ami tbono with IiIh brother, Hoy and Hlntor, Kthol, won uotlflod of tho accident ami at ouro burrlod to IiIh IioiIhIiIo whoro thoy romuliioil until tho end. llowaid wuh IihiiIIiik liunbor for tho Tiall hnnibor Comptvny, UHlng hla own team for that nurpoHO. Tho (ClllltlllllOll oa duuo 2.) WAHIIINOTO.V, I). C, Jtimi 7. - liidlcntloiiH that a "imimiy trtiHl" Hcoklni; to control ovory American In diiHlry, ronfrontit tho nation, were de veloped Kulny during tho croHH ex ninliiatlon of 12. II. Cnry, chalrinun of tho board of directors of the I'nlted Stated Hleel Corporation at tho Iioiino commlttco'H Investigation of the Ntecl truitt. Heprcgontatlvc Littleton Hharply inlcrrogatcd Gary regarding tho power ami methods of J. Plcrpout .Morgan during tho per iod when tho Hteel I runt nliRorbed the ToauoHiieo Coal nml Iron Company. "I )(( n't Morgan control most of tho bankH In Now York?" naked Lit tleton. "I do not bolluvo that la true hut ho owim uuvoral ' bankn," replied (Jnry. Could l'm Sale. Cnry ndmllted that Morgan could have forced the male of tho TonnoHseo Coal nml Iron Company at any tlmo during IiIh control of tho bankH which held tho Htock nn collateral. "Anyone of Morgan's courage, wealth, strength ami chnrnctcr," add ed (Jnry, "can do much harm as well iih good In bunking circles. Hut I bellovo that with power and privilege thorn nlwnyH Ih Involved certain re 8ponHlbllty nml obligation. That Is out reason why I say that thin coun try tuiiHt riiiun to tho point whoro there Ih ro-oporntlou between tho gov ernment nml tho Individual, must ox orclHO Htrlcl control." "Morgnn'H chief strength lies In, IiIh wllllngncHH to rink his own fortune," continued Oury. "I bollovo Hint tho Sliorninn law Ih liiadequato to carry out Hit purpoKo of Its enactment." fi'ary Interniptetl. Unhurt C. Hall, a IMttsburg Block brokor, Interrupted Onry's testimony hy charging that tho stool corpora tion was iH'go.tlatlng what wns vir tually a monopoly of tho coal In tho Pittsburg field, and quoted Senator Oliver of 1'eniiHylvanla iih authority for tho statement. (Jury admitted that tho stool cor poration practically had completed a tleal for thti purchuho of 17,000 acrcH of coal laud In tho PlttHburR district, Jrom tho Pittsburg Coal Company and tho Consolidated Coal nml Cnko Compnny, but added that thoro wna much coal outside of tho trust'H boldlngH. Tho stool director Haiti Hint tho United StatoH Steel Corporation owns 150,000 acroH of coal lands In tho Pen uoIIhvIIIo fields, leaving only 3S.000 Heron owned lndeiondontly. It also Ioiihoh, ho said, r.0,000 acres la tho PocahontaH floltls. (Jury denied that tho Pittsburg and Monongahola Company directors are preparing to enter tho trust. f - y'rt t I J r - !uWk - at , - """""" . . V ' d " I gffv JL ?9 " r-! rr 'V f f -' pfl i .. 1 Mt' lid. ' ' -- v P" Mhjfl Bfr i'lrTtTMMrrP iIWir M -f- - - n ' rrimni tmt -1 i ia mi r i m t m HAVALHAKBOR AT POLA. ,j5f-i MW1llt tPtTi0ttXf THT1 Vi I USEES DIG DON E Terrified Populace Rushes Into the Streets Decorations In Honor of 4 Madero's Coming Are Torn Into Shreds by Shock Streets Torn Up. DEATH LIST IN OUTSIDE TERRITORY THOUGHT GREAT Water Mains Are Broken Hotels Crowded With Visitors Scenes of Wild Excitement. VISITORS TO BE SHOWN CITY Golden Gate Excursionists Will Ar Rive at 3:15 P. M. and Be Driven About City and Valley-Will Be . - rman .; Givtn- LHfratwfei irfaH4.. TEDDY IS NOT YET PLEDGED TO TAET NKW HAVKN, Conn., Juno 7. Thoodoto UooHovolt sot ut rest all rumors that ho had pledged bis sup port to President Taftfor tho lnttor'B ro-noinlnatlon noxt your, when ho tlonlod hoio this aftornoon that ho was tho Hourco of tho Htory that Tuft could rely upon IiIh support. Ho de clared that tho promluo of his per sonal support must coino from him self, lidding, "I have mndo none." The Golden Statu oxeurhiun yarty oouiM)Hed of repre-entuthe Inline1 men from various California eitie.H will bo entertained this aftornoon hy tho tncinbei-H of the Commercial oluh and tho bushier men of Medford. Alto u I HO automobile will ho u.-ed to tako tho visitors about the city that they may Ret a eomprcheiiMvc view of tho activity goinj; on at preent. Doeriptivc literature will bo j;ivcii tho visitors and each nutomobile will contain ouo of the local Ijiimiicm men who will deal out all available information. TO BREAK WILL Files Suit Against Safe. Deposit Com pany for Refusing to Allow Her Ac cess to Johnson's Safe Deposit Box. JOHNSON S WIDOW VJtBJDMIRAL VOH KIPPER. POLA, Juno 7. Here at Pola the Temple of Augustus nnd the great ampithentre of the Antoiucs look down uKn the birthplace of the new navy of Austro-Huncarv. The Ro man war port of Pietus Julia is tho freenc of its phenomeunl activity. Vice Admiral JUpjierx commnndec in chief at Pola, an officer of 50 year.' service is in eommnnd. Pola is the headquarters of the Austro-llungnrian navy, nnd though no .ship is now being- constructed, a vast berth to be equipped with over heat! cranes, is being; constructed in much dreadnoughts can he built. CLUB TO MEET THIS EVENING Much Important Business is to Be Considered at Tonight's Meeting of Commercial Club President's Res ignation' to Be Talked'Over- CLKVHLAND. Ohio, .lum 7 It wiih announced today by friends of thp family Hint Mrs. Tom .lohiibou, widow of tho former mnyor of Cleve land will nttompt to break tho will by which ho left all his property In trust for his grandchildren, Margaret Marlaul and l.eftlu Ulchnrd Joluibou. Tho flrHt htop wuh taken today whon tho widow filed suit against tho Mer cantile Safo Deposit of Now York for SaCO.000 damages for the company's refusnl to allow her nccess to a safe deposit box owned by Johnson and which Ih roporlod to contain 1190,000 In money and senuitloa, Tho valuo of Jobnsoii'a estate la estimated nt saoo.ooo. v SPANISH GALLEON IS FOUND IN PANAMA COLON, June 7. A Spanish gal leon, more than 100 feet in length, lies partly exposed today in the Pan ama ennal oM'nvatiou near Noiubre d'los. A similar vessel wus nn eaUlied about a veiir ao near the Hiimo place. The fiist discovery was in n very poor state of preservation, but tho ouo just diisj up is au almost perfect specimen ot tho boats used by iho "CoiKiulhtniloii's. Two old cannon, a figurohond made of brass and some pewter utensils, woro (ukou from tha,ship. STEEL TRUST IS LAW-BREAKER So Declares Chairman of Investigat ing Committee Says Other Laws Than Sherman Act Were Violated by Trust. WASHINGTON'. I). C, June 7. Tbo house committee invcstiutinj: tho United Stated Steel corporation resinned its sessions today. Repre sentative A. O. Stanley of Kentucky, chairman, in calling the committee to order, said: "I am confident that the 'department of justice .will discover that the steel trust has violated othei laws as well as the Sherman law. I invito the departments attention to the frciuht charges on lines con trolled bv Hie steel trust in tho Su perior ore ranges." lie matlo a statement reviewing ''the numerous efforts of tho com mittee to secure tho information about the steel trust now in the hands of tho department of justice and the bureau of coiporntioiis," concludim; 4,I am delighted to know that what ever "state reasons' ma huvo exist ed that prevented the puldieation of this information, m louder ovist and that tju depnrlmont of jiistieo mid the bureau of corporations, which have Kiithoicd this information for tho last four or five years, are nt last reath to take us into their confi dence nml that the courts of justice will at last deal with tho steel cor poration as with smaller concerns," Congressman Littleton logiui an exhaustive cross. examination of yu 11. flary, chairman of tho hoard of dire tors of tho United States Steel cor poration. Heat Wave Broken. CHICAGO, III.. June 7. Tho heat wavo which has held tho middle west in its grip for the past few days has been broken. Today's temperature was eotnfortnbly cool. Similar coip ditions nro .reported throuKhoiiut tho middle west, The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Commercial club of the Com mercial club will be held this evening in the rooms of the Bedford Realty association and business of unusual importance will be taken up. The resignation of President Colvig who desires to step down from the chair, will bo acted upon and efforts will yi made to have him reconsider his decision. A iarge attendance is desired. MEXICO CITY, June 7. Twolvo bodies have so far been recovered from the ruins. Many persons nro missing. It Is believed that tho death list will eventually reach 100. Near ly every public building In tho city was damaged nnd some of them wero demolished. In the poorer section of the city the ancient dwellings crumbled and fell in, and linn a tea being buried. Hundreds wero Injur ed In this way. In many cases tho front walls fell outward into tho Btreets leaving tho remainder of tho building standing, adding Jothejle-, solnto appearance of tbo wrecked city. The Mexican Central Railway round house, tho city barracks and tho city prison wero destroyed. Tho walls of tho national palaco wero op ened by great cracks. In tho business section the damage was heavy. Tho plate glass windows of tho principal shops were shattered nnd the cracked and twisted pavements wero strewn with glass. The lighting plant was put out of commission. FOUR TRAINS IN BIG WRECK Five Are Killed, Seven Injured Two Trains Plunge Into Wreckage of the First Two Two More May Die. KAIRKIKLD, Conn., June 7.- Five men weie killed anil seven injured two probably fatally in a crash of four freight trains on the New York, New Haven nnd Unit ford railroad to day. An eastbouud freight jumped tho track and crashed into n west bound passing on the other track. Two other following trains collided with the wreckage. MARRIAGES STILL WORRYING GOODWIN LOS ANC.KLKS, Cal., Juno 7. Declining Hint there are irregularities in tlieiiistriiment, Nat Goodwin, four times married and three times' di vorced, has filed suit to rescind the marriage contract which was ontored into beforo lie became the husband of Edna Goodrich. Goodwin seeks to break tho agreement whereby lie transform! to tho uetres propeity valued at $:00,0()0. 3 JIM FLYNN TRAINING FOR GO WITH MORRIS KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 7. With Dick Givnns of Philadelphia as sparring partner, Jim Flyuu, tho fiie iiiiin, who is matched to fight Carl .Morris, tho Oklahoma hope, July A, began training hero today. It has not yet been decided whether the boat will bo stuged in Supulpn, or Tulsa, Oklu. MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Juno 7. Thousands of persons who had flocked here to participate in tho monster demonstration of welcome to Francisco I. Mndero, jr., revolution ary lender, aro thrown into a panic this morning when u severe enrth tpiako rocked tho city. Ten soldiers aro reported to have been crushed to death in the city barracks, nml al most every prisoner in Holem jail was injured. So far as is now known, thero were no casualties in tho city proper, but the earthquake mndo necessary a change in plans for tho triumphal entry of Mndero. 1'Var I). tmage Heavy. It is feared today damagu in the city, however, luin been heavy, and that great loss of life occurred in tho districts just boutli unit west of tho capital. Wires south ami west out of Mex ico City are down, and no details have yet been received. Tho heaviest shock occunetl just before daylight. Wires wero pros trated, and tho city lighting plant put out of commission. In the confusion of tho darkness of the early morning hours tho terrified populace- men, women nml children rushed frantically into tho stieets. Hotels Crowded, Every hotel and lodging; house in tho city had been crowded with guests wailing today's celebration. In these places confusion reigned. Guosts scantily attired rushed to tho streets, fearing tho collapso of tho buildings in which they hod slept. Shortly after the first and most severe shock, u rumor that insiirrec tos, displeased with Mndoro's, leader ship and plotting against him, had at tacked the city nnd blown up tha powder magazine at tho barracks, was wildly circulated. Tho continuation of the shookn which lasted for several minutes, soon put nn end to the story. Tio gnrrison at the barracks, wns caught under a, collapsing roof. At tho Holem prison, ouo of tho honvy walls fell inward, crashing into tha jury room and tho main corridor of '! "l (Continued on Page 4,)