t i A 'I . Li I v REFUSE TO ALLOW HAND COLVIG TO QUIT w Directors of Commercial Club De cline to Act on neslunntlon of President Mnetlnu of dull Is Called. Tim director of the. Mndford t'urii- IllltlClltl I'tllll H'fllHIIll (() llCCOpt tllll resignation or .ludgti William M. Col vlg mi preiildont of that organization nt u tipeclul directors' mctiilug hold Monday nfluriiuoii In tho Hxlilhltluu building, A guiiornl meeting wiim or dorod (or Wednesday night, ut which limn It Ih hoped (hut Judge Col vlg Mill wltlnlriiw his resignation mill continue In IiIh present position of pioiddont of tho body. It. II. Hummer luiudml In IiIh renin uittlon nit ti director or tho Coniinnr rial club, which wiim accepted It Ih not known who will ho elected mi di rector In IiIh pluco. Dr. Ileddy will give nn Illustrated lerturn on IiIh recent trip through Ku ropn Wednesday evening it lid will also give a iloHcrlptton or Monto Carlo, tho kiiiiiIiik renter or (ho continent. Arrangements for tho entertaining of tho (lulden Hlatii excursion, com posed or ropri'Hi'iitittlvo California hindiiemi men, which will vlult Med font Wednesday afternoon, itro being Hindu. It hi planned to Inlto tho dele, gates it Ikiii t tho city In niitniunblleH, mid tin')' will ho entertained other wln ir tlmo will portnlt. Long March Ordered. HAN 1)1 KM), Cnl., Jiinn II. - Tin officers of the provisional brigade now itHHcnililcd lutm urn preparing for n iniircli hooii to I.os Angeles nhont 1 'JO miles, , ut have not recelv d word nhont tho long march from tliiH city to Han Francisco nicntiinii'il in dispatches front tlic Northern oitv. The officers believe (lit two regiments will Hlntt for los Angeles next .Moii lay. Lightning Stroke is Fatal. KALAMAZOO, .Midi.. Jiiih ,ry r'rnnk J. Ilcrtchus of Viekshurg wiih Hlrnck liy lllitiiititr during a Morm while fishing from n hoal in Mini .tiki! and iiiKtimtly killed. Iiok for "vvnrtliniiHvvilii;'' want ad and answer tliein nil I Jil.-l' MTOFORT) MATT; TRTBUNTC, MTOFORD. 'OKEflOyr, TUESDAY, .TUNE 0, 10f1. r PA(TE THREE POWER PLANT COMPLETED $ Will Furnish Julco to tho City liy the End of the Week There Will Dc Plenty of Power for tho Needs of tho City. NEW CHAUTAUQUA AHIIhANI), Or., Juno 0. flood foil Hint linn mo fur attended tho city In tho liiHtallatlou or tho municipal llltht and power plant. Tho plant It self Ih now being tented out and will hit ready to ftiinlitli power hy tho end or thin week. Tint dlHtrlhutliu; sys tem, whluh Ih being ItiHliilled hy City i:iectrli'lan llultcrfleld, ahoiil all In, anil tint city's milt lo compel tin? Huguu Itlver Klcotile Light and I'ow. er company to furnish Hiipplemeiitury power Iiiih progressed mi far nod no favorably thnt It Ik anticipated JuiIko Calklim will homo a temporary In Juncllon Wednesday compelling the company to comply with tho domnnds iiiiidn hy tho city. For several dayn Superintendent J. (' llnrniird, assisted by J. I). Castle mail, hint heen "tuning up" tho ma chinery at tho power house and tint reHiiltti have heen satisfactory. Tint equipment Include a 000 horsopow er water wheel, which operate a 400 horsepower dynamo. Mr. Harnnrd hiivh Hint, contrary to predlctloiiH which hnvo been inado liy sonio there will lot enough power mid and to Hpnro to furulHli the city, except I"r hapN In ceiien of excessive dry periods In tho niimmur. Kven under condl- tloiiH xlmllar to tlnmo or Imtt year. which wiih tho drleitt that oven the oldcHt iiihahltnut could remember. Mr. Ilarnard hojh thuro would ho suf ficient water to jjencrnto 270 liornu power and that Unit Hummer tho loud carried fy tlm Atihluritl Hlectrlc Pow er and I.IkIiI roinpniiy'H linen hero lutvor exceeded 200 homepowor. BUILDING PLAN Ashland Wants New Tahernacle Which Will Scat 4500 People Cliautaii(iin Has Steadily In creased In Popularity. AHIH.AND, Or., Jiimt C 1'laiiH have heon Htarted for tint InilldliiK httforo another year of a new Chnti t(iinilii tuhernuclo which will neat about ir.00 perwoiiH. nr threw tlrncH tho iientlni; capacity of thu o;eHeut liulldliii,'. k Tint Koulhern Orecmi, Chautainiua aHHeiuhly, which Iiiih heu held In And laud for I 'J yearn, Iiiih hueu Hteadlly lueieiiHlui: In popularity. Last year tho capacity or tint prcHcut tobernu do wiih overtaxed iteveral tlmcH and many were turimd away. TIiIh Ih n condition which tho loadem of tho aiiHouibly reallr.o will hucouio inoro pionoiiuced Hery year and they pro pinto to launch thu Hcheuin for tho larger building diirinc tho couiIiik neHHlou from July G to IN, A committee han heen appointed to InvoHtlKato tho matter and decide on tho decennary HtepH to ho taken. TIiIh committee Ih compound an (oIIowh: K. i:. HiiKley, II. L. Whlte.l, MrH. H. N Biiillh, C. W. Hoot and J.'H. Binlth, The plan Ih to utlllro tint name xltOj iih tho 0110 occupied hy tho present j btilldlni:. hut tint Htyleof architecture j will hao to lio-hmiKed III order Hint tint hulldliiK may be larj;o cuoiiKh to j accommodate tho fiuiuher dcHlrcd.i IMnim have already heen Hiibmltted and ant now heliiK counldercd hy the' committee. A Hint From Paris WILL ENTERTAIN EXCURSIONISTS Preparations Made to Greet Cal ifornia Business Men When They Reach This City Wednesday After noon on Their Way North. .....Ml (.H-IMIUHT HII l ir.TIIMI.il ,,,,J..I. .IHTHWMt Wl 'fc llll CerlHc and whlto h'raw toquo with velvet ho wit nnd Iukbi Ih, HEROINE OF TWO WRECKS IS DEAD J'repninlioiiK ure liein iniiilc for lliu eiilertiiinmeiit of the (loldcn Hlnle ojneurtion, eompoHeil of rejire MMitiilivi biiNiiM-HH men from various California eilie, who jvjII vinit Mcd- ford for u uliorl lime WcilneHiluy nf I ternoon und the dclcn(eH will he , taken for; tour of the rity in nu- uiohile. A inimlier of nutoiiioble own ers have already offered the iiho of their machines About thirty unto mobiles will be required hut tliene will no doubt be forthcnmiui; for the oeem'on. A Hliort tour of thi Horl will dmplay the nilvunlni's of Mcil ford nettled than any 'other rncariH, eoiiHideriiiK the xhorl time I lie viHi- torrt will he in the cily. VKTOIMA. II. C, June O.-Mi-H Miniiio I'liteiHon, the heroine of tin; Viilcneia dihiiter ami Column wreek, died nt Albania Hunday. She iniulo it meiuorahle journey on December 8, HlOli oer live milcn of mimt difficult train, in u heavy Hhinu to hcud the Kovuriiment tftcnmcr Quadra from Itumlicld after the Morm had prim Irnted lcletriiili when, to reneue Cap liiin AIHmui und nine otherri who hail abandoned hope when the hark Co- loma was leiiij driven nsliore ut Cnpe POISONOUS SPIDER FROM TROPICS VISITS ASHLAND ASHLAND, Juno 0. A hi;:, hairy tarantula, the ikhmuioiik spider of the tropic, wax discovered nf u hunch of hanimim at the AhIiIsiiiiI Trnilinc eompiuiy'rt store u couple of Iy "Ho. the pleasure of finding this curiosity fell to Merrill Iivvlailv, n i-lerk. The huiieli of hummus wnn liniipnt; in the front of the store. when Iivelady took hold of it nnd Heale. wl.cr bho and her liiiliiiinl ,",,,K,il u ltll,n ? 'w inches of Ins i.ice in oruur in iiixpeei ine oannniiH. WALKED OVER RIM OF CRATER LAKE Bakowski's Fate Floured Out hy Searchers, Who Fall to Find Body Snow Still 14 feet Deep at Arant's Camp. LIFE-TERMER GETS LEAVE Or ABSENCE Man Who Killed Another Is Freed So He Can Aid His Parents Governor West Is Carrying Out His Idea of Reform. HIS CANDIDACY WILL COST COMPANY $G0,000 SPEEDER SENTENCED TO 16 DAYS IN JAIL I.OS ANOK1.KS. Cnl., June fl. Found Ktnlty "1" Hpecdun: up Ornmlj Avenue, ut n clip cxeecdiiiK -10 miles j mi hour. Klinnr W'ilnou. Hon of Wiir-' ren WIIkoii editor of thu I.oh Auu'cU'hJ Journal, a trail cm paper, was today j sentenced hy Judge Chnuibcrrt to j serve a straii;lit 1.1 day term in the eltv jail. , NKV YOIMC. June o The fact that Sol ltoM'iilhlntt had himself iiom iuiilcd for a inemher of the hoard of trustee of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, will cost that company nhont .('.(I,(I0(). All that Hoscnhlntt had to do was net his petition sign ed hy 100 policy holders. Now the company will have to print nnd send besides the ndjuitiistrniinu ticket, tho KoHi'iiMntt "npHotiou'' ticket, to the (100,000 policy holders in nil parts of thu world. This, it is estimated will costs not less than $110,000. kept the lighthouse. During thu Valencia disaster she. also wui fame for her heroic work. Several mednls were awarded her and the Canadian government gave her a silver service. She never recovered from the pri-J vntioiiH she suffered when she ma What was his horror to discover the huge snider almost within striking distance. Lovelndv emitted one yell, threw the bunch of bananas- into one end of the store mid turned a back somersault into the other. When he ,! recovered his eoiiilihrium nnd liis HBl 1 .. , , .. . . the trip which resulted in thu crew of the Column being saved. sclf-H)sseion hu attacked the spider with a stick and succeeded m kill intr it. It is now on exhibition in the i , t... i c..ik m wuniow ...v,...-...-sc, . .... -....w v. .jv.vu- (in-ii.,, nit... I.... . teen-car locusts have suddenly n- .""""?' "'. uu,uus u""' . penred In thousands In Chesterfield '-'NCOLN, Neb., June .i. The Lin conntv uxnctlv n tho deiirtment of i on Incise lionnl has adopted n rale agriculture predicted. A complete, letter "W" Is on each wing of the big Insects, claws. Old Virginia folk lorn haR It I requiring friends nnd relatives of habitual drunkards to furnish pie- n,i t,e- ,nv tinv r,i ! tares of the bibulous ones fr the bet- Vlrglnla folk lorn has t" infiinnjjtion nf Uti-miI.miii kec; that thlH locust Is a'-tarblniser of war.l nml tlu'ir lnrtenderi. keepers KliAMATII KAM.S, Or., Juno 0. Superintendent F. W. Arnnt nnd Tlnn Kr II. B. Momyer of Crator Iiko national park, ling rr-turned from nn othor search for the remains of U, IJ. Ilukowskl, tho daring photographer who lost his life In the park during tho winter. They mndo a thorough Investigation and are now firmly con vinced that thu unfortunate man walked over tho rim of the lako and went down the steep Incline. In the basement of the cabin at the rim of tho lako they found the photograph er's coat, In which he had wrapped a number of little trinkets. In his camp, a short distance from the rim of tho lake, his personal effects were found by a previous searching party. Theso were removed to the govern ment headquarters In tho park. Among tho effects was a dairy show ing the progress he had made on his trip from Fort Klamath to the lake. The diary started with January 21 and ended with the 31st. This would Indicate that Iiakowskt met death on February 1. Tho searchers found the snow had drifted against the rim of tho lake, making it appear solid. It Is their opinion that Bakowski ventured out too far ancTiost his footing. It I hardly probable he went down to the water's edge. Tho steep Incline is quite rough and ifkely the body Is wedged In some crevice or caught on some Jagged rock. It will be Impos sible to find It until the snow gets off and even then IC may never bo found. The search will hare to be made by letting men down with ropes. It Is not known where he went over the rim, which will make It bard to lo cate tho body. The missing man's camp, his coat In the basement of the cabin and his camera cases on the foundation of the new stone hotel all show that he left his quarters to be gone but a few minutes. Tho snow is still about 14 feet deep and It will bo several weeks before any further search can bo made. SALKM. Or., Juno C For tho first tlmo In tho history of this state a prisoner In the penitentiary was granted a leavo of absence by tho gov ernor yesterday, whon ho Instructed Huporlntendent James to liberate n life-term convict, whoio name is with held on account of relatives residing In Halem. Governor West says this Is a still farther step toward prison re form In this state, and although such a step has never beforo beon taken, he believes his plan will succeed. Tho prisoner was sentenced to tho pnl tntlary for life as a result of killing a saloonmnn in eastern Oregon In a drunken quarrel. He has aged par1 ents In Salem who havo mortgagod their farm In eastern Oregon and, ac cording to the governor, aro living from hand to mouth and In extreme destitute circumstances. The prisoner's leavo of absence will extend until the first of the year, and during that time he must keep steadi ly at work and earn sufficient money to support his parents through tho winter. Tho provisions aro that at an tlmo he Is out ot work he must report 'either to tho governor or tho superintendent of the penitentiary, and If discovered taking another drink of liquor he will be sent back to the Institution Immediately with tho understanding that he will remain there for life. Governor West says tho man Is capable of doing much work, and will provide for his destitute rel atives. Tho governor Is Informed that the prisoner was a hard drinker while in eastern Oregon and this habit caused the murder. Woodford Not To Go. Assistant Postmnster Ralph Wood ford will not no to Oroville, Cnl., to receive instruction regarding the ad ministration of the 'postal savings bank to be started in Med ford June 12. S. A. Morris, postoffice inspec tor, will come to Medford instead and will personally superviso the inaugu ration of the now institution. JOHN R. ALLEN IS NOT HERE 'X j . &V1 . AI& ' , ' But the Furniture, Rugs and Household Goods Which He Had in the Snowy Butte House Are Here ' THEY WILL BE PLACED ON SALE " Wednesday Morning, June 7th, at 9 a. m. AT THE NATATOR1UM ' . :1; Come Early Wednesday Morning and Get the Best Selections 4$; BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS BEAUTIFUL LIVING ROOM PIECES FAMOUS STEINWAY GRAND PIANO FINEST KIND OF RUGS FINE MAPLE BED ROOM SUITE HANDSOME FUMED OAK DINING ROOM SETS SOLD TO SATISFY CREDITORS