PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR MOON, "MONDAY. JUN10 fl, 11)11. LOCAL AND PERSONAL " Henry O'Mrtlloy, aufiGrlntcndcnt of lintcliorloB for tho burvtui of flsh orlosi, arrived Sunday and loft for tho Hlk crook hatchery to complete ar ranftoniflnlB Mr caring for trout fry. Osrar Camitboll, profvssor of chomlslry in Harvard university, in in Modford for Buvornl dnya' research work. Mrs. Archlo Wilson loft for Port land Monday morning. tt. Growers, n nowaimnernmn or OrnnjH Pars, was a business visitor in Modford Saturday. Mako an Investment by Insuring with tho "Mutual Life of Now York." pays tho largest dividends. J. P. Hut chason, Agont. David Twldwoll of Klma, Wash., is tho guest of J. M. Schmidt. Ho con templates locating in the valley. C. E. Evans of Weed, Cal., was an over-Sunday visitor in this city. Host located rooming and board ing house in Modford for sale at a bargain. Inquire 122 North Fronv street. 75 Mayor Loevor of Central Point was a business visitor in Modford Satur day. P. L. Clark has purchased the Modford cleaning works at 120 North Front street and will conduct the business in tho future. J. C. Endicott of Konnot visited with frlonds hero Sunday. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Olcnn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over Jackson County nank Bldg., Modford. Mrs. J. S. Campbell departed Mon dav for Portland, where she will visit for two weeks. C. J. Bradley of Wilbur is the guest of friends In Medford. Medford local socialist party moots cvory Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grape BtreotS Everybody invited. A. E. Voorhlos. editor of tho Rogue River Courier, was in Medford Sat urday, coming up from Grants Pass to witness the biplane flights. Henry O. Malley of Oregon City is spending a few days In Medford. Leave your orders for hand em broidery at Handlcfart Shop in Kont- ner's. 68 Mrs. Frank LaRose was a passen ger to tho rose carnival Monday morning. B. P. Hentzman of Eugene was among' the visitors In Medford Sun day. Miss Phronle Holmes was a pas senger to Portland Monday. Ashland Steam Laundry. Modford office, phone No. 1201. Senator H. von der Hellen spent Monday in Modford on business. Henry Bates was a Portland pas senger Monday. See A. E. Tatsuml for all kinds of ' Jewelry and watch repairing at 322 Alice street of Beatty. 05 "Doe" Stephenson was among the Monday visitors to Portland. W. C. Perkins, manager of the U-Go theater, departed Monday for Portland and tho rose carnival. Famous pictures of the world staged by members of the Greater Medford Club at the Natatorlum Tuesday evening, June 6. 65 D. R. Wood aud' wife spent Sun day on Butte crock. Mrs. Fay Anderson was among the Modford folks leaving for Portland Monday. For the right kind of Mutual Flro Insurance Boe W. V. Moore, room 20D Phlpps building. Phone 3122. . Charles Gay and wife loft Sunday to take In the Portland rose carnival. C. P. Brlggs of Butte Falls spent Sunday with Medford friends. Rels Foundation Washable Letters for Initialing at Handicraft Shop in Kentncr's. CS J. E. Wilson of Cleevland Is In Medford looking after business In terests. .1. F. BergC3ch was a Sunday visi tor in Medford from tho Applegate. Don't' miss the living pictures given by the Orator Modford Club at the Natatorlum Tuesday evonlng Juno 6. 65 II. C. Stoddard left for Prospect Monday to Inspect tho work under way at tho new power plant. WeeKs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day I'lione 2271 Night I'iioiiev F. W. WeekH 2071. A. E. Orr, 8003. LADY ASSI8TANT. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Kinbalmor Successor to tho undertaking do- purtmunt of Modford Furniture Co Ufflco with Mcdrori! Furniture Co. 2 Telephones; Day, Bell 351; John A. Perl, residence, Bell 4111, J Homo 17DL. !' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY C W. Conklln 3001. J. H. But- !r 3571. AMBULANCE SERVJOJ3 " E. -n, 'Davis, accompanied hy n number of friends, motored through tho Applogato to Grants l' Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Weston visited Grants Pass Sunday, making tho trip In their automobile. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Miller, with a part j of friends, motored lo Grants Pass Sunday. Stamping done reasonably at Handicraft Shop In Kentncr's. 6S C. G. Skaman of WikhIvIUo was a business visitor In Medford Saturday. U. M. Holmes and Mr. Amoy and their families wore In Grants Pass Sunday mnklng the trip by automo bile. Tickets for tho living plcturo show to bo given by tho Grenor Modford Club Juno C, can bo obtnlnod at Kent ncr's, Modford Book Store. Nash Hotel, the Louvro Cafe, Commercial Club, M. J. Roddy's, Hasklns, Nata torlum. 65 S. M. Hawk of Derby was In town Saturday. He has secured the con tract for sawing tho lumber for tho Prospect mill. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kldd, Mr. and Mrs. Merrick and son Emerson spent Sunday at Central Point. If you are looking for real bargains In real ostato sec. M. V. Mooro, room 209 Phlpps building. Mr. Durfoc, 711 North Central av enue, was taken to the Ashland hos pital -Monday morning. Mr. Stout of Butte Falls was a business visitor in Medford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Woods spent Sunday at Butte creek. For a shave, hair cut or shampoo, see Henry Bates. 128 West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Felt and Miss Nora Darling were among those who spent Sunday at Butte creek. Mrs. E. E. Gore returned Monday from Portland, whore she has boon visiting for some time. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man. over Jackson County bank. Mrs. J. H. Preston arrived from Portland Monday to Join her husband, who Is connected with tho New York Mutual Life Insurance company. Miss Anna Cotter visited Sunday at the home of W. R. Brown. She Is en route from Eugene to San Fran cisco. . " Henry Brtes. particular barber, 128 W. Main st. Mrs. A. R. Phlpps, Lee Phlpps, Miss Ellen Phlpps, Mrs. Llndley of Bel Ilngham, Wash., and Mr. Taylor spent Sunday at Butte Falls. Mrs. F. A. Buffum. Mrs. R. R. Ebcl, Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. L. O. Ling witnessed the ball game at Cen tral Point Sunday. Miss Harriet Cassel, a teacher In tho Medford schools, and her father, J. Cassel, departed Monday for Pasa dena, where they will spend the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. HaTry Brown of near Eagle Point were transacting business in Medford Monday. Mrs. Ina Cochran left Monday for an extended visit in Montlcello, Ind. F. J. Rippey spent Sunday at Gold Ray. Supervisor Erickson of the Crater national forest was in Ashland Mon day on business connected with the forestry work. Miss Caroline Smith was a Sunday visitor. , C. Burgess of this city was an Ash land visitor Sunday, making tho trip on honeback. Messrs. Charles Reed, Harry Llnd sey, Earl Tumy and R. G. Barkdull, wilh Misses Hazel Davis, Bertha Eng lish. Bess Kentner and Miss Thomas of Honolulu, who is a guest of Miss Kentner, spoilt Sunday at Ashland park. "Chub" Hamlin and wife ( were Portland passengers Monday. Mrs, John Olmstead and daughter loft Monday for a few days' visit in Portland. Clarence Reames Is In Portland at tending tho Knights Templar con clave. Captain Gordon Vorheis, manager of the Burroll orchards, Is hero look ing after property Interests. Mrs. Otto Relchman loaves tonight for tho Portland roso show. J. D. Heard leaves tonight on a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Colvlg of Grants Pass wero In Medford Sunday attending tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. A. M. Woodford. Goes Back to a Minor League .Photo . oCSf'BIES is V One of ihe fnmou brothers who have made baseball history fa u ov in n minor league after n short trial last .-.esison with the St Louts Cardin al It is expected, however, that lie will shortly rejoin major league company CHERRY MOVEMENT NOW IN FULL SWING The following gives number of cars of deciduous fruit shipped from all points In California for the wcok (7 days) ending Friday morning, Juno 2. 1911. Cherries, 22 cars. Tho cherry movement Is now In full swing with cars being forwarded from all tho cherry shipping points in the state. In the early section Royal Anns, Bing. Tartarlans and Centennials are going forward, while In the Santa Clara section the movement Is re stricted to tho early varieties. In tho Vacaville district this fruit will last for a wcok or ten days, but will probably be available from tho Santa Clara districts for tho next three weeks. Apricots, 1-4 cars. This fruit is now moving from Vacaville and Win ters. Pringlos aro nearly dono and Royals aro Increasing In quantity ev ery day. There will be no consider able shipments, however, for another week. During the laBt wcok there has been no change In tho fruit situation except that nil crops continue to look bettor and show increased quantity. Grapes are now blooming and prom ise to sot well. Bunches nro unusu ally" largo and fine and tho crop could not look bettor. Homo prosperity depends upon homo Industry, and stato-wldo pros perity will bo greater if factories selling "Made in Oregon" goods aro patronized b ytho local merchants. FOR RENT Two-room furnlshod house, close in. 125 North Holly street. GO FOR RENT Two-room house, ono and a half acres, with Komo garden, City wator. Inquire- at 122 Cot tage Bt. 06 Married. L. P. Robinson nml Miss Hester Cndy, well known young people of this city wero united in marriage at tlio home of (lie brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Cndy, on North Cen tral avenue Sundnv uftcrnooit at ' o'clock. The Rev. Tlieo. Matlock of ficiatod. The Young couple departed foi Portland Sunday evening and wil attend the Roso Carnival niter wiiiol they will return to Medford and mak' their home on West 11th street. Boys in Juvenile Court. Larry Muldoou and Bob Nelson al lowed to havo tnkon property belong ing to Chester Putney from the ohecl room of the Niitatoriuni woro tnkcr to Jacksonville Monday morning t receive t hearing before Judge Nei of the juvenile court. They were taken heforo JustW Taylor but as llioy wero both iinuVi 18 years of ago the case had to he transfered. NEW YORK, Juno 5. Thcodoro Stcln, a wealthy cigar manufacturer, died of apoplexy early today Just aB he had finished una" won a long gamo of pinochle. Unknown to Stein, a warm friend of his, James J. Wll- TMnrita rt llnnnn ilnnlm illitt nit litiit before In a restaurant only a block away. A hearty laugh over a funny story brought on tho stroke. Robbed by Foot Pads, SAN PRANCISCO, Cnl., June 5. Forced to march before footpads to tho end of a piur in China Basin, rob bed, struck over tho head and thrown into the wntor, M. A. Hohtri wus fished out, half drowned, by huibor police enrly this morning. It ww soino minutes before ho could be found in the darkness. Ho told the police that lie -was held up ut Fourth and Channel Streets and forced to march to Pier 45. Jfo was stunned by tho blow and thinks ho sunk be fore he was revived. " pi - I Willi II I I "' NKW YORK, Juno 5. Official an- nouuecment that tho Vandoibilt race, tho grand prix and tho international light car race will ho run at Savan nah, Georgia, this year was made to day by tho automobile club of Am?ri cu. The two former ovcittH nro ro garded us tho principal uiitomobile cIuhbSoh of this country. TO WAITER I. SMITH COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa. Juno ;. The first congnSMonul election since President Tart raised tho Cana dian reciprocity issue is being hold iu the Xlnth Iowa BNtrict today to choose a successor to Waller I. Smith. Politicians all over tho coun try aro watching the result very closely, looking fur straws which mny indicate which way the wind is blow ing. While reciprocity to the prin cipal isue, tho qul'Mion is consider ably confuscd'owius: to the fact that W. R. Green, tho republican candid ate, is opiKised tolhe treaty, and W. A. Cleveland, the democratic nom inee, favors it. Beautiful plowing weather was ex pected to cut down the farmer vote, in .spite of the fact that fully 1,000 automibiles arc being u'.ed in drag ging voters to the jxills. In the 12!) precincts of the district. Todny'h election was occasioned by President Tnt't's apointmeiit of Con gressman Smith as judge of the United States court for this district. Tnft's Chicago speech on recipro city is expected to aid Green, not withstanding Green's opKwition to tho proposed agreement. WINS FROM A FRIEND BUT LOSES TO DEATH Heirs Balk at 99 Year Wait. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Juno o. Suit to break tho will of Valentine Christ, an oventrio property owner who died recently, leaving an estate valued at .$1,500,000 wus begun yesterday by Henry Shrist, a nephew and other relatives. Christ's will provides that tho estate shall remain in lie care of trustees for ninety-nine years before being divided among the heirs. It is estimated that tho accumulated surplus income, together with tho nat ural increase in values of the prop erties, will bring the total vnlnn of tho estate nt least $100,000,000 liy 200!), The heirs want an iinmediati. distribution. Girl of 7 Plows 20 Acres. CONGRESS, 0., Juno 5. Sovon- ycar-old Lllllo Woavor Is tho young- cat farm luboror In Ohio. Only Lll llo doesn't regard .her work In help ing hor father, Adam Wenver of Con gress township, as work, Slio Bays It'a fun to drlvo tho horses and bo with tho men In tho floldH. Weaver has put in 40 acres of Hprlng crops, nnd of this Lllllo plowed 20 acres, rjdlng on sulky plow. IS LAip 1T REST Tho funeral of Mrs. Woodford was hold from tho family nnddeneo on Month Holly struct at 2 : : 0 o'clock' Sunday, hftoriinhn. KoV. Thcodoro j Matlock 'ilollvoud tho lRt rltos. , The nttomlu'pro was very largo and tho floral dtfoiliiKn woro tho most beautiful ovhr noon In this city. In ( tmniunt wioj (n't Ho I. O. O. P. conic-, tOry, John "Poll having charge of tho fuliOial dlrcctlona. The pullboarcrH wero: F. W. Mollis, Mr. J. M. Kcono, II. V. LuniHdou. J K. Watt, 1 1. C Koutunr and A. ( Hubbard. TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. COLORADO SlMtlNUS Mix. Wil liain Elliott, daughter of Plu.ww-iglil David Belasco, is Mrioiisy ill ul her father's Miuuncr home heie. .M IN' KOLA. H. William Iluiipt former racing iiutomibile diixcr, now uwutor, hurt when his piano fell 100 feet, hurtling on a hoard fence is icst ing comforluhly iu a hospital today. He will recover. WASHINGTON, D. C. Children who took part iu cliildicu's day o creises at All Saints Unitarian church yiwtordnv ,iro todav treasuring car nntions given them hv Pre-Ulont Taft, LOS ANGELES. Cal.-Ortie Mo- Manigal, awaiting trial lioie iu con nee! ion with the dynamiting of the Llewelyn Iron Works today rcl'ii-cd to dUeuss the coufcs.iion ullcgod to havo been mndc by John Delnney, iu Muskogee, Okla., in which Dclaucy implicated John J. .McN'amuru iu var ious dynamiting ca-es. CHICAGO, III. The purported cnutcFiou of John Delauov in .Mus kogee, Okla., implicating John Mi' N'amara in various dynamiting cases wni discredited today by Chicago police, who say, there was no viaduct blown up here iu February. 1(107. CINCINNATI, Ohio-Labor lead ers and buildiui; contractors here to day flatly contradicted the confes sion of John Delauey u far as it re lates to Cincinnati. Tho police say that no explosion occurred in any Vino xtrect building iu January, 11107, a reported in Delaucy's statement. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. William j-liot, fatally wounded, by Robert Lee colored saloon proprietor, cause of ipmrrel unknown. HAMBURG-The dirigible Pnrsival VI arrived yesterday from Berlin nnd i.-. being prepared for a flight to Cop enhagen. Hasklas for Health. NEW YORK, Juno fi. Melvin Y"h nimaii, engineer of tho Wellnian air ship America, which made an unsuc cessful "attempt to oroSH the Atlantic to Europe, has sailed on tho White Star Steamship Celtic, Mr. Vanni- juitii said ho was going ahrouu to rioiupluto arrangements for another trii in Iho airship. purest) THE DEADLY FOE AND CONQUEROR OF RHEUMATISM Uricsol is not an experi ment, not a cure-all, but a tried and proved remedy that has been performing wonderful work for years. The formula is that of a chemist of forty years ex-' perience. IT WILL NOT ONLY CURE RHEUMATISM BY REMOV ING EXCESS OF URIC ACID IN TOE BLOOD, BUT IT DISSOLVES AND ELIMI NATES DEPOSITS IN TBE JOINTS. Uricsol positively has no injurious effects upon the stomach, but rather assUts digestion and strengthens the digestive organs. Don't waste another day before investigating Uricsol. If your druggist does not have it, send one. dollar to the California Chemical Co., Los Angeles, and a bottle will be sent you prepaid. Call or Send for Free Booklet California Chemical Co. 325 New High St., Lot Aaftlci, Cil. "MEDFORD AGENT Strang's Drug Store" :: MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE :: THURSDAY, JUNE 8TH GRAND DOUBLE BILL No. 1 Spooinl Biipgoinont of iho World ' MohI Eo contvio unci Tompontmontnl, GENNARO AND HI3 VENETIAN GONDOLIER BAND 25 SYMPHONISTS 2D SOLOISTS NO. 2 EXTRA EXTRA The Ofoerita vSisters DANSEUSES DE PARI i EXTRAORDINAIRE Brooks and Carlisle Iu "Twenty Minute of Joy." The Newmans Aimtrullnn Trick Cyi'llulx. Neary and Miller Tho Kiiim liiKldilomlH HcjiIh how on huIo ut HiihMiin Medford Iron WorRs E. Q. Trowbridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Kiiirinrn, Spraying Outfith, Puinpn, Bojlm-s and Mut'hiiUTV. Ajamtn in Ho. Oroirou for 1 FAIRBANKS, MORSE k CO. V J. G. BNYAUT, Prcililout J. A. I'KIIHY, VIo-fTriddoiit j V K. MKUU10IC. Vlco-l'n-ildnt JOHN S. OHTII, Cwdilnr V. U, JACK HON. AM't Ciythlrr The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus), $20,000.00 1 :i :: !! h i! 1 1 nici'osrr kom k iiknt. a n:Ni:it.i iiankinu ;i IJUHI.MWS TIIANHAUTKI). Wo SOI.K'IT YOI'H I'ATItONAOK. i r t a 4- s E r. 1 1 W .- U - 'w t ft' - m y MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improved ranchos and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. vNr-' . $50 REWARD We will pay $50 Reward for inf orntajtion leading to the arrest and conviction of any person tampering with any of our machinery or equipment CLARK & HENERY CONSTRUCTION CO. MEDFOXD, OREGON WATER RENT Now Due at Recorder's Office June 1 to 10, '11 rf'1r4hJ 'jj-.