frr PAGE JDTGIIT MEDFORD MATH TRIBUNE, MEDEORD, OREnON, SUNDAY, .11INW l, 1i)11. BOOZE-FIGHTERS OR MEN OF BRAINS? NKW YORK, .lima 3.- New York 'Wiibdom--purtieuliirly llio Fifth uve niin Imind of it is it nnulo up of loafer mul boo?o fipitcrn or really big men of nf fairs, such ns llio lay mind lins usually pictured T According to linhhi Stephen S Wise tho inctubrrtdnp inclines to the fonncr nnd nccordinp to the mem bcrrt Ihcmfcelves, naturally enough. tho latter type prevails. "It is mi honor to he denied mem bership in nny of the hip Fifth nvc inic clubs" the Kabbi told an aud ienco recently, "as the qualifications for membership nro n enpaeity for unlimited idleness nnd an unlimited capacity for drinking." Thin condemnation of club men nroused the latter as few attacks have over done, as Rabbi Wise 's known ns a man who generally specks by the card. Charles P. Sum ner, president of tho New York Club, answered the Ilabbi ns follows: ''In tho Now York Club there are fully GOO members and everyone of them has nn occupation. We have drinks in tho club but in many year that I hnvo becnt n member I have never witnessed nnythinp that would cnll for Ilabbi Wise's charaCtcriza tion. Ah n member of the Metropo litan Club I enn say practically the same thinp for that organization, al though there are n few men there who do not have to engage actively in business. Tho majority of mem bers in all of the bif clubs of New York, it is safe to say, are hard workers, substantial men who couldut be tho men they nro if they drank to excess." CHARLIE MILLER DEFEATS- NOTED "GUNBOAT" MILLER A Brilliant Utility Ball Player M l iiH r m mr- - - ' DEFENDED UNCLE SAM; ARE ARRESTED SUATTI.K. Vmd., .In no -Flv men aro today under trial on ludlct mouts by tho tedeial grand Jury charging conspiracy to defraud tho government ml of tliouii'Uils of dol lars, chiefly on eontinots ni tho Ure- meilon navy ynnl. Those arrestei are Kmar OaldhorK. mnnnBor of tho Seattle branch of the Ureal Westein Smelt Iub anil Uoflnlut: company: A. Corder. manager of tho A. Conler Machinery Supply company, ami Kdwln l Meyer, principal clerk In l ho office of tho Keuernl nlorekeop er nl the navy yard: K Sllvorstone. proprietor of the Herald hotel, HOfl Terry axenue. and .1 A. Kettlewell, chief cleric In the navy pay office. KIo IndlctmentH were returned against tho five men. All five are named In one tndlcttuciu charging them with conspiracy to defraud tho government of $7 1 IT Kettlewell and Mecr are also Indicted upon a charge of conspiring to defraud In connection with bids ror tallow, and Coldherg. Mejer and Sllverstono nro Indicted separately upon charges of forgery. I .!.. - ;!- Wreck of a Racing Car . i ..... .' IVi'rK, -T m PWP i mW !! "M " '"- -"i lill fc .J" 4t4 '4 !u?tv . is-. s .yfr .--fry " 'A&& & .-. 'rpr 'Jwl. " 'mun: The aeeoinpnnyiuj: pietuie shows the wicekod ear of "doe" lloruu on the ludiauupolis Speedway, lloran, the diiver, nnd Ins incehauiciuu, Km melt Ward wetv injured. JOHNSON MAV APPEAR . SOON IN BATTLE AMERICAN JEWS MAY NOW ENTER RUSSIA HAPEI?.. THB GS52-ldAJ WASHINGTON. 1). C. June :. Right of American Jews to enter Rus sia on business missions, which came into prominence when Oscnr Ilam mertein was burred -omo mouths c. has rinaly been admitted hy RusHia. The Riissinn embassy here has linnn instriictpil to Usiic na.sMMirts to 'Jews who are American citizens. (MIICAdO. III., dune li. duck dohnsou's demand for u .;ill,000 guarantee to fight Hombardinr Wells in Loudon has piuetiealy been met. Johnson displayed a cablegram today from Promoter Hugh Melutosu gi ing tibsuranee that tho colored eliaui pion's tenns ure satisfactory. John sou calili'd Mcintosh that hu would sail June tl. Wells Improves. NFAV YORK", June :.- Matt Wells, Kuglirdi lightweight champion, follow iiiirhis initial nppeuraneo in America since winning the Knglish title from Freddie Welch in London, is today THIS MAN'S NEIGHBORS PROVED TO BE FRIENDS PORTLAND. Otc, June II. An In. stuuee of neighborhood co-operation Hint is worth noting was that of people hxing near Heppuer recently. W. W. Hrnunon, n big fanner, wok eoniwllcd to neglect his work be cause of sickness in tlu fnmlly nnd his neighbors guthcied at his ranch with U) nut tits and tl.'t head of hotcj and in one day broke lift aeics and (seeded additional neres. Thev tin- ished the entile job hefoio night. HEARSTSUESCOLLIER'S WEEKLY FOR $500,000 MOW YOUK, J nun :i, llecaiino In in Helen on JoiiiiiiiIIhiu written by Will law In and appeal lux In Colllor'ii Weeldy, It In nlleged that tho theat ileal adveitlMinueiitii followed edltu iIkIh and drawlugH lu Heart'n iiuw'h. papeis, William It. Heanit has hrought Halt for ftillMOO ilauuigcA agalunt Itohert J, Collier. It In ill leged that Collier recently lirought Hull agaluiit llearHl ror libel, Tho null was not picmtcd, Heiirnt'n coinplalnt allegeH, hut liihtead he wiih notified that uiiIcmh It was nettled he might take action, CLAY SEWER PIPE IS BOOSTED IN PRICE NFAV YORK", June y. -A boost in prices of clay sewer pipe that will net the iiiiiuufnetmeios fJO,tT0,UO( year ly has been nunouiiued. The new prices, it is learned, follows the or gnuinttou of the pipe uuiniifaeliif ers into u new combination. Second Caruso Found. conceded to be a greatlv impmcd fighter. In his 10 loiiud bout with Leach Cios (lit Lnglihmuu easily earned the decision. IIKVLRLY. N. JJ. June Ik-Wealthy pultons of FiiIIii (labiiel, aged 1H, who has been employed us a labor at $1 per day are preparing to send to send the lad to F,uropo to reecho a musical education, (In is said to be t second Caruso. The boy wus overbeaid singing snatches of opera airs at his work and was invited to sing at one of the summer cottages here. His muslo caused n sensn t ion. IfnMkltu for Health. SAN-FRANCISCO, Cul., June 3. Chnrlio Miller is in lino today for fctomo Rood matches folowinj; his elenn-cut victory over "Gunboat" Smith. Miller's rushing tactics were too much for tho Gunboat. The only knockout of the show was when "Happy" Savage lump a terri fic right on Gus Miller's jaw in the first round. The special event between Ruftis Williams and Joe McGum wns called n draw, but Referee Haulon seemed to bo nlonc in this belief. Williams bad McGurn almost out in the first round. , Tommy McFnrlnnd pained the de cision over Guy Leo of Portland af ter four fast rounds. Joo Willis and Joe Long fought a draw. Rufe Turner, a old lightweight emphasized his "come back" by beating "Fighting" Dick Hero is one uood little ball nlaver. Ho seems to have deserted the ranks! as n member of llio Neu' York fiin.its. Ho wns roiisiilprpil n tirillintit i J uutility plnycr, but during the winter McGrow attempted to trade Shaefcr to the Hostons. The deal was not completed, however, but if it bad, it is fiKnl In nrinin ii Vntr Vnrlr htoL'w it c tliiin.,1, this Vf,nti.(ni- u Insl (. I, "." " . - " " ' " "" " ' "' "MJ e game for pood. i'yri',,iy,ii,y TAFT HAS A BUSY MONTH OF WORK i ' V ' i ' , I iii! !ii! WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 3. - This is President Tatt's busy month After his address In Chicago today before the Eastern Economic foclety ho will return to Washington, arriv ing June 5. On June G ho will go to Baltimore for the Cardinal Gibbons1 celebration. June 8 he will visit Now Wheelsr.i York. June 23 lie will go to Yale for former sparring partner of Battling Nelson. This mukes four btraight wins for Turner. Big Cotton Crop. WASHINGTON. D. C. June .1. Government experts today declared that indications point to this yenrV eotton crop us tho largest ever pro duced. They .estimate that the crop 'will run about 2,500,000 bales over tie nvernge nnd probably 400,000 bnles over tho record year of 1904. With favorable conditions over 14,000,000 bales bhould be harvested. LIFE FOR HER CHILD I ill: After !-: ' ' t SEATTLE. Wash., June 3. rushing upon the Northern Pacific tracks at Kent and tossing her 3-year-old cHTTd to safety. Mrs. George Che ney met '.eath beneath tho locomo tive. Mrs. Cheney's child with others was playing on the tracks when a ' train whistled Its warning. Tho oth-i: ! ' nr nliMilrnn rrnt ntt lint thrt Phnnnv ' ..... .. w w.., ... ... ...,..j , a three-day stay, and June 23 will go'chd remained. After to Deer Park, lid., for a four days stay. child Mrs. Cheney was unable to ro-j; '- saving thot.; ; s I. , cover hera.elf in timo to leap from tho ! ; II tracks. OWL FRIGHTENS JAP; FLEES WITHOUT CLOTHES Experts Differ. NEW YORK June 3. Tllat Rear Admiral George W. Melville, retired, enpmeer-ciuet ot me navy at tune SIERRA MADRID, Cul., June 11.- or the destruction ot the name- Frightened by the hooting of tin owl. ship Maine believed the ship wns de- fieonre Ynkmnlinri innnis'd from bed molihhed by intcrnul causes is liouiilim1 without thought for worldly hnb in n letter written in January 1902 lot jti,t.nls took to the open fields. He hpeaker ihomas li. Ifeed nnd pub lished in n New York mapizine today. put to flight several persons before overtaken and enhned, nnd provided with n nethqr garment. !': ooir rowwo4 We Have Caught the Town mmmmmmm i t mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm s With Our Straw Hats hundreds ofthemhere for Men and Young Men the best shapes and styles STRAW HATS--of English Im- proved Sennit; low crowns and broad brims or High crowns and narrow brims $1.50 to $5-00 wIhj -XlT vmftf m1 Bl STRAW HATS-Pencil brims, $4.00. All styles Bankok Sailors aiid plenty or Panamas, 3)1.50 along to $20. "THE TOGGERY" Medford's Style Shop (Of Course) 0 0-S 4 l I 4 i z I t i! . - in Ik 1 LUMBER twmmts LUMBER , A." - v rt The fact that we own the forests from which our Lumber is cut and that we own the mills to work it up, gives us the knowledge to back up the above state ment Lut us prove it. One Look at Our Finish and Dimension Lumber will Convince You j " .!' ' t I ' K i liv T K X 1 ft' WOODS LUMBER COMPANY