MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE MEDFORD, ORWflON, SUftOAV, .TUNIS 4, 1011. ' t, " rr . ,f : ; it tu PAdB fifaftTfctf Our Correspondents JACKSONVILLE CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. MIhn J.emiu Ulticli iiiiiilo AhIiImiu) it vImII tliii I'd if putt of lliti week. Mr. Kiml Luy i' Anlelupu Iiiih Imjuii llic uut'Ht of lier nlMcr, Mim. (HiurleK 1'iiin. W. H. Iliiiiiiiin. iinmlilciit ill' lint '"i . Hin-uu ltlver Vullu.v lullrnatl, Iiiim rc-j turned from ii liiiHinoMM trip In I'orl- liinil, Mrn. II. Hi FiihIim' of Mi'ill'iiril w'iih II ICCCIlt vUllol' ill .llll'kHIIII villi'. Dr. I. I). IMitpim and MIhh Mn.v Plilppi of Mi'ilfunl tarried a fuw liniirN In .liickmiiivilli) mil! ilny thin week. Mr. anil Mr. 0. W, Dunl'mri liuve HoiK to I'oitluiiil to hllond Hid in mruivul. Thuv uic "Hindu of Mr. unit Mm. Henry Uoyil of Aliliwul iui-1 Uio party nrciiiwloiiiur to the inetrop. olirt. Mr. M. Peter will womi leave J'ur Snii Krauulnco to villi tiui of liur HOIIH. Dun Lucre luti) of Slaiit'onl uni vermty. Jm vUitinj: David Duncan at liU I'm in tH'ur Jinikuivilli. Luke Hyuii lnirt jtonu to I'orttninl to attend thu nm f"ir. After vMl iiiK IiIh mother he will return in liiit new Carter auto. ('iwiHtahlo lruiu of AnIiIiiuiI mid Deputy Sheriff Sheiuer of ,Medford truimucted IttininunH nt thu cniiiuy heat recently. A, lleurn wan over from I'hoeuix Tliurpduy mi an iuti'ientiui: miHidou. Charlim V. Sharpn mid A. I' IV r-iek uml ncvcral other citizen f Medford hail liiipiueM liefoiu thu county einjrt Weduonduy. Mr. anil A. K. Klcinliniiiiner nlco l-'red Kleinliiiininer of Ailc(ntc bpcut hiivcrnl Iiouih in JuckHonvillc Tlinrday. I). Ilaulvy of Hiiniey county wim in JackHimville Frnlay, accom panied Ity liin lnothcrrt I'M ami MiLo. Georpi H. Merrill Iiiih returned from California' where he Iiiih 'heen teachliiu hcIiooI and Jho uiaki.iir piuparationH to cuter (Jolnmhiit col lep, .Vew York, llu will take a law countc. W. K. I'hippw and luirolu Mel'or mii'k of Medford were nt thu cuunty neat on lepil IninimwH Thurwday, Mrh. ('rwunli, Mi- A. Wenat,ml Mm. T. .1. Kenuey journeyed to Med ford one day thit week. Frank Kiiicr, part of vuu lauded poHennloiiji aru Ju, Jneluuville,. H ciideitvoriuu to divorcu .h'uuHclf from our city, lie hurt 'proMjnlcd a peti tion eoutamiiic " iiamcri lo the hoard of trutetuit iikhik' hJ lt outnido of tliu wjrjwratu limitf, and the matter will prohahly Uu decided at the poll later. MihM Mollii) Towitv of I'huenix, for mer deputy county clerk, in thu jjmwt of Mm. M. M. Taylor. Will Scliute of Medfonl wan unions hiK Jackxuuvillu friuudrt one day thin week. ' A nuuilier of Jacksonville Kut;liu attended the muwtiui; of thu aerio Imld at Medfonl Thiimday eveiiinj,'. The .luckhoiivillu cemetery, the miiMt pieturcNipiu in thu xtate, pre sented a haiulnoiuo apiearmtee on Deeoraliou day. Many liundiedrt of peoplu from different partH of the county puid their rcupecta to the do parted, JteaulifyiiiK tliuir jjravoH with u, profusion of flowem. A detnil from (JlicHtnr A. Arthur iiont of the (I. A. It. decorated the. luhl, rwitiuK plaeO of ciiitirailcn who imve fjuuo he'orer Mm. Aiiiiio Hcliim liiauiou m (IrmitH I'iihh luih heuu viriitim; her for mer Inline in Jacksonville. Mm. I.ydia I'ernoll of Applepite vihited Mm. I A. IUiich Tuelay. .MiKsioii HurvicoH havu Jiemi held et Ihn Catholii) church and were well at tended. A prieHt from Portland of ficiated. K. R Khepperd of Anhland, the pioneer piano dealer of houthurn Or egon, and Ii'ih Hon Kale, were in Jack Honvjllo ThuiMlay. They formeily ruidei here. Mr. mid Mm. Ko.xhall, newcomem, who have heen Htoppinc with Mr. and Mm. Chrirt Kenuey, have honjjht Kuveu ucrcH of land located near Talent of Jaiuert McMahon, and took pohHCHbiou Thumday. Mm. A. Hienveuue Iiiih koiio to I'Ja Klu I'oiut on a vinit. A. TJiompHon, Jaiuert llardH, John Keuaul), R M. VuiikhIo and other vol criiUH of thu civil war attended Deco ration day MirviceH at Medfonl, Mm. Irene Kuton mid her datmh lur, Mm. Velene Welch of SiiHiinville, Or., returned Thumday ovening from a trip o Kan KrauciHco. ,A jiliotoKi'apliiii Hludlo Iiiih heen (ijiencd in JuckHonvillc, and in doiiiK a good liuHMffiH and givinK Knoral Hiit isl'iMjtion. Moiih wme horn recently to Mr. and Mm. Ueuhcn HoIiIiihoii and Mr. and Mm. Woiiluii Knnls, , . Dr. (miiinv of Medfnl made a nro- fuHHional viit to Jaokhouvillo Tlmrri day. Kdilor IhiKHhaw, of the Ioh ih uuikiug 'llm Willniiiiille valley it ImihI- iichh vlrtil. ' J, R UuteliHHou, (ho iiwuratiuo Jlilui (Irieve npent xuvural iIii.vh in Iouji thin week add leturucd to J'nm pey Kiidiiy moriiitiK with n load of HtlppllcH, Jlydu AppU'Kulu linii-nccoptud a position willi'llio pai'lmeut of (tin Koiilhniii 1'ncifie coiiiiiin,y and left for Went j'urk.' Thiimday eveningjo iihmuimu Iiih iIii tie. Mm. I, (",'. Itohliicll and little nti left for I'orlland Thumday uvcnluji to h)iend Hoini! timu vimting rca tiveM. . MIhh Kara Wright, nun of the teaehem in our nchool, left for liur home in J'ortlaud Thumday evening A. Wi Moon xpent Thumday night in (IiiiiiIh Piihh, Mm, lloiwo mid huh and Mr. Me Douough of Tolo were Hhoppiiig here I'Yiiluy morning. Ilev. Coen of Woodville xpent Kri ilnv it Con I ml i'oiut. Mm. Dr. I!, DiivIk and hoii re turncil Friday morning from a vihiI to AmIiIiuiiI. Mr. Lodorof thu Hokuc Jtivcr Klcc trieul fonipaiiy wiih in Central I'oiut IrmiHactiiig lnihiiiCHH Friday after noon. Court I'liikeypile, and "Sir. Green field returned to their home in AhIi thud Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mm. I'aliner, Mm. Moon?, Mi" Iluillur, K. A. I'attiHni, Jlr. Jmuw, Mr. Wilmin, nr., and (Mr. WIN mmi, jr., of thin city were Medfonl vinitonj Friday afternoon. Floyd Itosn, Clarence I'ankey, Cla laM )rcCnaily, left for I'oitluiiil Sat unlay night to attend the niHe car nival and kcu thu .highls in a great city. Mm. Kiuidall and daughter Jlerinie returned from a vinit f a few day ill Woodville Friday. Tim oily in having much needed ic paim made on the eity hall thin week OliwH HcJen Klmw of Oakland i viditiag M!hk Ktther Merritt of ttiii eity. Mm. Crydcrwian, .returned from r vihit to AiUtlatid Friday evening. agent, ui in JaekMiiivillti Tliuihilny. xolieitiiig hiiHiucHK. Italph JeiiniugK, W. II. Johnson and CharlcH Hamilton of Applegalo wi.n in JackMonvillo a few dayn hinee. Mr. and Mm. D. II. HanieliiirK oi Ashland made u to A. Cautrcll and his wife recently. JmucH M, Caul rail having n neat resideaee completed in tl.e casteni part of our city. Mm. C. II. Pierce of Ashland and her mother. Mm. II. Harrison, both former residents of Jacksonville, wen hem Dccorutiou day. A. Leonard, jr., wan in Jackson ville Tuesday. He is engaged in tin caterini: husiness at Medfonl. Mm. J. ltussell, Miss R Kiinaii and Mm. J. F. Miller were recent visitors in Medfonl. J. II. Khotwull of Seattle, who is interested in several mines in south ern Oregon, win in Jacksonville late ly, coiiHulting with W. Oetchell. The Hummer Hchedule of the Jack-Hiniville-Joe Har ntagn Iiiih heen changed, ho that Jeuving timu will he o'clock a. m. every Tuesday uiu) Friday, returning Wedue.mhiy ami Saturday at . o'clock p. in. This will he more satisfactory for the public generally. Mm. A. GilHun of Sterling precinct, also Win. Jenniiigrt and S. M. (Jurpeu ler, wem iu Jacksonville lntc)v.v A. Alf"'d of Talent and' M. A Watkiim or llig Applegato did husi ncKH in Jacksonville Friday. B. J. Trowbridge, C. K. Koe and Henry Huniphrey or Medfonl mo tored to Jacksonville. Friday. John Loudon has sold his farm in Josephine county and will engage in thu wood business extensively here. Hay Jackson, mid of Dr. Will Juck min, is assistant yardnuiHter at the S. ,l Go.'h yards, ii PoVtJand. He is a native of Jacksonville. Thu friends of Miss Minnie Jack Hou.who was. operated on for aiinen- dioitin at Fiiigeno not long ngo will he pleiiHcd to learn that slio is convu leseiug. William Bailey, fornierly of Jaek,' Honvijle, who Iiuh been engaged in mining in British Coluiubiu, is now located at Portland. William Wilson, public school jun itor at Medfonl, was hero Friday morning. Mjss jrohKoiiyio has been,nn iiu valid for a long time, died in Jni'kiiiii villo Monduy, Intorniout look plane Wednesday. William Cameron and I'M Saltuiorsli transacted business at tlio county seat Friday. NOIOK, Hoh9, Carnival, iJuuo 5ti,( a 7tli, Pinlimin Blpopor froiu'j Portend for Uio benefit of jModtprd pcnplo who wlah to go to the rose car nival. I.eavo Medfonl r;24 p. m. Blooper will bo ready for occupancy at 4 p. in, EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. Purse Unites Them (lly A. C Howlntt.) (By A. C. Howlctl.) Thu contractors who huvo thu building of the Huglo Point bank juilldiiig aru jniHliIng thu work right along, They have throw biiek JayetH at work mid the men who have tie contract to cacuvjiIu the cellar foi Von dor Hulleu hvolhcrK liavo llnir job nhoiit completed, Frank Lewi Iiiih Jiis nuw store building ho fat' muapleted that he coinmejiccd lo move hlri old stook of goods and sof'l drink iixlurcu from the old hIiiihI IiihI Thursday mid expeetM. to havu every thing arranged by the last of next week, .fiino 10, 0. W. OwingH ux poets to open up a new stock oi goods very soon. Mr. Liddell Iiiih il part of his stock of ooils on linnr. iuid expei'ttt lo open up a full lint of hardware soon. (I. W. Dalp. thinks that be will he able to opei, 'his new store in the old dance halt ill a short time, and from present aplwariinecH Medfonl will he left it the shade for un wjll he ho well stij plied with Htures of nil kinds that il will not he necessary to o to Me ford for our upiliin. Hinith nm Wamsloy are jut .commencing uu . ilwclliag Jioiikc for Mr. Ilaith on i tract of laud he purchased off of tb Fryer addition and Mr. J. .!. Frye lull mu tJmt he has had demand re-' ccjilly for Heveral lot along lii water ditch. Mr. A. IL Zimiuermui hus the curjKintcm at working put tiiitf Jin addition to his rcHidencc. Di Jtay his two carloads of poles hen to he put up between here and hi' new electric turner plant near Pros pent, and 1 understand that a forci of men are going to work right awa. to put them up. Lust Thursday Messrs. Cadzon Kd Wulhon. William Wheeler of Butt. Falls ami ilr. J. J. Buchlur of Med ford met some of the other director jf the Butta Falls mid Kngle Poiu Telephone eompaiiy here mid held i biiKi'iicutf meeting and Mr. Biiuhtci lha manager of the commcrciu' hrauch of the Pacific Telegraph & Telephone company, his compaux owns heveral shares in the B. T. & K P. Telephonu eompaiiy assures tin that iu a very Hliort time we will Jmvi a jierfec.t Hysfcin hetwecn hero am Medford, and as soon as it can hi arranged will have a metallic circuit from Unite. Tails to M)CurtL There was a parl6f fivo hired i team and went to F(h fake on i fishing trip. They wero, gijiie Hire duy mid the driver Mr. llnrvoy, telh mn that they cnugl)t lAogether out Hmall J"ish. But tltey had' lot of fun K. h. Uaknin, ono of the 1'ngo win; fence men of Medfonl, came out Fri day and contracted to put nj) a new wire suspension bridge across Litth Butte creek opjMisito the mstofl'ic. Lat week the pruiter inudc me tuu iu my Faglets that John Nichols wtu going to move awuy bin old hoio uno picket fence, when it should hnv read his old board and picket fence for he already Iiiih n very neat am convenient house. William Iviiiehlon has sold hie place to J. J. Fryer and in the deal wan to have the privilege oti May ing in thu hoiue until the first of An gust, hut he has Hold out his rik'ht ti live iu thu house and Xiirnilnre mid the garden to Mr. Clarey mid moved uwiiy to the Willamette valley when he has considerable property. . Miss K. K. Cuhihau who Iiiih beci touching M'hotd in the Black district has elosed her school mid U now vis itins: her auiU and uncle, W. W. Wil litn of Pemist. WOODVILLE. ITEMS. ' Itov. M. K, Coon. was in Central Point on. Monday looking after hi charge there. Tlioro was ipiile a large crowd in town last Tuesday to attend the mem orial exercihcH. The program war appreciated mid the address h. Judge Gilmoro was well worth com ing miles to hoar. Mm.' IV II, Jtobinsoji and, cJiUd'rj arc Hpendjng the weckjn Grants Pa.os Mr. and Mm. S. A. Nye and Mr. and Mm. N. Campbell of Mud fori spent .Sunday iu Woodvillo. lis the guests of J. W. Jacobs ami family. Mrs. Hooves of Medfonl spent sev eral da.YH of. this week iu WoodviliJ visiting iier bister, Mm. W. II. Gor hum, Jlr. mid Mm. F. W. Streets and Mish Alice Streets ntitoed to Wood ville on Tuesday to attend the Mem orial day exorcises. The Jlomestake mine opened up thU weulc with'n largo vi'ow.of men. Mm, John Owens returned o her Jiomoju AVodvillo last woek after an exteiulod visit to hor old homo iu Now York. Mr. Charles Seamens will Hpend n fow days iu Medford visiting ho daughters, Mm. Duffield ail Mrs. Laneo. i ' .'' Mr. Fred Stone nfvModford visitud at the homo of J. W. Jacobs last Sun day.. . Mrs. U. RuJ'oilun t-pent Saturday and Sumlay in Medford. ' Mm, Sunburn of Colli ml, Point, Point, was in Woodile this week, Mr. and Mm. Lou Merrium nro en- 2m1ii9bjMbJHbJHr roo vittA. rjiotr stowts NBV VOBK, June 3. -While din ing with friendH at the Wuldorf-A- loria, Miss Vim Frost Stowc, who wan graduated from Vassur College, and was prominent in Boston society lost ii pumo two years ago, it con tained V-W and Home puwelery. Wul lou II, Marshall, manager of thu new Vandebilfc Hotel, who then wan nn n tiHtnnt mnnngcr at the Waldorf-An- loria, found the purse and telephoned to Mish Stowe. bhe eiilh-d at the ho lei the and met Mr. Mar .hall, recovorinif.her prniwrty. .This avoh the beginning of n friend 4iip which rippencd into love, and one the first day of next month, Miss Stowe and Mr. Marshall are to he married at the Central Congregation al Church iu Ncwtonvile, Miihh. FOR RENT rtirnlnhtd boom. KOII HKNT--Ofmo In, Mlcly ftlrntalM'il xlcrpInK rooriiN, Imth, hot it ml cold wnt t. J5 Mo. MintMiin. Phono M I'Oll Jli:NTNlc-ly fiirnlnht-it roomn, rrns'inahlr. C23 Konlli CVntrnl, fil I'Olt IIUNTAl Iho ColtnKf, rnodrrjl rurrilnhcj nximfi rquliipert Willi iirWntc lolaphoiie nervlec, hot find cold run nlfiK wjilrr, ilri'pliiK pnrclion, tmlh nc cotmno'liitlonit uml tiral If ilrnlrnl, t6t Went Tflnlh kI. l'liono call private rxchnriKe HI. I'flK IIKNT .l.' rtnttm tnr trflrm IbiiIh, fio. 10 N. Ornpo If tot, nexl to rnrKicru & Vrull Qiowkm' bank. Mxranett l-'Oll HKNT HuvrnToom hnnirilotv, intxleril, clone In; HO pT monlli, In qulrti I)r, Dcann, 12J KhmI Main t CD FOR SALE Sl Zttt rOH HALB Jacknon county Inmld In Itogue rlvrr Vftlloy, Orcson by the Jacknon County Ilonlty company, II. M Cons, niAnaRar. Offlca In (Inrnolt Corey building, room 217, Farm Urn!, rardfn Iand, fruit Inndi, Block ranchm, larxe and itrnall tract of Im proved nnd unimproved land. Oflca phone nil; rcMdenco 141. I'Oll ItCNT Bvrn-room houue and nler-plni; porch, 20 n monlh: modern. Apply Onkdate Canh Krocory, Ortkdnlc anil i:ii;VOIlth. 63 joying a visit with Mr. Merriam's parents. M and Mm. Bngley and fainilv arc spending a coujile of weeks on 'heir ranch here. CITIZENS CELEBRATE A VICTORY OVER RAILROAD SEATTLE. Wmdi . Juno 3. Cole 'iratiiiff ix decision of the federal court refusing to grout nn injunction o the Seattle Iteutoa and Southern Uoilwny, restraining the city fnnn 'aterfering with the operation of its trains by dumping over thu tracks ui regrade work, citizens of Itnnicr Vulley drove, away the eity gang uid covered the tracks under five feet of dirt. City workmen retired .vithout protest and the citizctiK con 'inued their work by arc lights. Then Miey burned W. I(. Crawford, presi lent of the Benton line, in effigy. i Boy, Discouraged, Kills Self. SEATTLE, Wa-h., Jnne :t. -After U'HcrtniK the navy, Hollo Hamin was unable to get work. He was oat if aioney, had been ill, nnd in a fit of desperation sent a bullet into tlic region of his heart. He is in the -ity hospital today near death. He 'eft letters explaining his troubles. His father lives nt Danville, Ind. Tho boy, who is 1J), wrote that ho did not know where his mother is. . , , T No Drinking on Trains. SI'ltlNGFIKU), 111., June :i. A 'ml to prohibiting drinking liipioc ou nil trnins in Illinois except iu the regular diner or buffet cam has heen igncd by Governor Deiicen nnd gone 'nto effect. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOlt SALIC The beat buiuima proposi tion In tho Krowiiiu town of Hatto 1'nlls (corner lot. kqoJ store. bulldliiK frame, amall wnrolionse. good clean atock nt Keiieral nuTChnndlae.) Aililrcsa J. 1'. MiiKliOH. l (). llox 71. 67 "OU KAt.IC rirnt claas bualnesa; nniHt noil on account of othnr bualneaa. don't take much to start. Inquire of llox 805 city i-XlIt SAI.K llct paying lunch counter In city, a snap If you 'mean bualncas. Adilroaa ownvr Matt'Trtbuhe. U LOST. LOST A small purM coptnlntiiK ali)iit f IK, loot between Kentner'a store ami (leneseu at. Itcwurd; return to this office. 60 LOST A liittleN bluo Jacket between Central Point and Medford. Leave at thlu office, reward. ' 61 LOST One dork urowr' nihrc. roached maiie; old barbed wlrexut on front foot: white apot on throat; bailor on when lost. Pleaso write or tolophono to Ul rica. Bros., Jackoonvlllo, Ore, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE l'"OH KALK Oil KXOHANOi: Equity. 1300 In Sucivh floo land 3 mllua nortli of Ashland; will noil cheap or trade, for' Ul or 'horses, hortW pwferred. Addrcaa Win, K. Duvls, gouoral deliv ery, Aahlaud, Ore. 65 KOIl HALK OH KXCItANQE Klrat ctasa rooiuliiR hoiiMo In fluo location; Rood biiHlni'ds; will e-xchaiiRo for city prop erty or uood land Address Q. 31 cure Moll Tribune office. 67 FOli EXCHANGE. Meal BaUta WANTKD To oxchunKo for residence In Medford, ISO iicros, 3 1.3 miles from It. It, Addi-CHH U. II. euro Medford Mall Tribune, FOR EXCHANGE Medford nnd nubir ban property, rancheB, timber lands, for other property. Addrosn Box 199, caro Mall Tribune. FOR? ALE OR RENT VOW HALE 01 KENT; Mortem houso, Rood location on paVQd street. Enquire ROt Month Holly street.' CI l''ON HALE on nENTPour-room houno nt coiner llo.irduinii.iuul Llbeity sis.. 110. 68 KOIt 1 1 EN T Two .room furnfuhed bounn at H U ltlversido nve., 110, Imiulre CZO H, Ivy st. (S KOIt HISNT $J0 jt rrionlli, mobirn seven'rorim bouse, modern Improve ments. W. T, York & Co. KOIt KENT Furnished l.urujnlow strict ly modern, khs connectMl. G25 South Orupo nlreeL I'hoile 1S83. 3 KOIt ItENT Kjvc room modern cottage. 731 Wist Second street. 67 KOIt ItENT Three-room house. IS per month. Inquire room 31, over Jackson County Hank. t KOn KENT Furnished house, bord taken for rent. 12S North a rape street FOE RENT STfcVoom hou-, Beatty street. 120, W. T. York A Co. FOH RENT G-room modern bouse. In. quire GO N. Orange st FOR RENT EieRontty furnished rooms steam beat, hot and cold water, baths electric llEhts, newly furnished, tin gle rooms or en suite, by the day week or month. Inquire room 103 Electric bid. 218 W. Main st. Xonstktrplaf Maomu FOR RENT Llht housekeeping rooms, cas for cooking. 717 West Eighth strict. 65 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. IS North Rurtlctt nt. 65 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. J31 riouth Bartlett street. 66 Boslatss Property FOR BALE OR RENT Good openlor for general merchandise store in now town with f 15,000 monthly payroll. 00 railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 206 W. Main. ranu FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches garden land, genernl farming ranches Gold Ray Realty Co., 316 W. Main. FOR HALE In full running order, buck ed by one of Ihn oldest flrmx In the country. Cash for goods; no bad debts, t200 capital required. Wrllt for In terview. Box I, Banner, Mull Tri bune, 63 FOR BALE I acre and 5-ncro tracts adjoining city of Mcilford, on long tltrnr, cnny payments, 12 lots In Medford on main paved street; cement sidewalks ihd paving In; alio jiewors, water and light. Long time, eauty payment. 430 acres land, 3S0 acre alfalfa land, $0 acres fruit land, perpetual wa ter right with water for Irrlgntlng 1000 acres; long time, easy payments. 340 acre land, 200 acres' alfalfa land, balance fruit land, 1 mile from railroad, on long tlmo easy terms. S0OO acres land In tracts of from 40 acres upwards; price 25.00 per ncro and upwards; suitable for alfal fa, fruit, stock and general farming purpose;, loang time, easy payments. GOLD RAr REALTY- CO 21S "West Main st IUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract. ROOU1C nXVfltl VALLF.T ABSTRACT TITLE CO,, INC., Jacksonville Phone Pacific, Main Hi Home. 3009, A real teats. JOHNS ft TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-, 335 Main! phona Main 3471, Kosldnnen ihnne 74 . POWER, REEVES A WEST 'Architect. . 207 and -203 OarnoUC6roy building Aoconntants. t). K. WOOD aricrnl ntcountant. Tour books audited nnd kept for ft reasonable flguro; your business solicited, Office Phlpps bldg., room 209. Phone 3123. Asssysr ana Analyst. FOR BALE Homestead relinquishment. Bo 276 Cijnt.Pptnt., Ore." 68 Baste' TTOfttf ,r ' , ,, FOR. BALK Choice' 'business property at a bargain, ori long'tlme: easy terms. Address Condor Water 'A-Power Ca FOR HALE One fine milch cow, fresh; also one riding cultivator, practically new, has two sets of plows. Phone 3J44 or -call at 808 East Main street after p. in. '65 FOR BALE Six bend good work stock. Wanted. 6nc mule. Inquire Frank Percy, Vincent stable. 63 FOR SALE Studcbnkcr hack, good ait new. choap. Inquire 1118 W. Eighth or phone 6901 Main. FOR KALE Cheap, E-passenger auto, or will trade; wMI take horse and cow on trade. Address K, care Mall Tribune. 65 FOR 8ALE 1 four passenger Hudson auto, in good repair, price 1650. TVm, M. Colvlg. 63 FOR BALE Furniture complete for five room cottage, jchcap, call at Toggery. FOR SALE Altai fa hay, 1 mile south of Washington school. C. W. It Ever hard. Phono farmer S39 J 5. Bnstms Boon FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st, 24x140, suitable for restaurant or billiard room or' other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co,, lit W. Main at. Office fur Beat FOR RENT Desk room, ground floor. W. T. York & Co. FOR RENT Over the postofflce with heat and light. See A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Office rooms -4n Electric bldg., modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 W. Main st. " Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunt ing resort on easy terms. Box 32, Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Garden land In tracts of from ono acre upwards, with water for Irrigation. Owner will furnish team arid Implements for cul tivating and seed for hara .of crop. Inquire of Buffum, Rogue River Elec tric Ca. 216 W. Main st. FOR SALE. Ioata FOR SALE Five room Iioubo with large lot, S17 W. Tenth. Enquire of owner on premises. Telejjjipne '0591. 65 Aertags FOR SALE 3-4 aero (closo In), garden, cabin, furniture. Inrgo barn, horse and buggy, prlco $750.00; $300 cash, lial linen terms. Address E. C. caro Mall Tribune office. 65 FOR SALE We have 300 acres of first class yellow fir timber, well located for logging and milling; stock ranches with plenty of running wator. Price from $17 to -$35 per ncro.v It ,1s also good orchard land, nnd welltocat ed. We have farm lands suitable for grain, gardening and dairying. Buy a homeln the famous Wlllamotto vat lejWho gardco sppt of Oregon. S4.vo money1 by dealing direct with .the owner. Martin Bros., Brownsville, Or. 73 ,FOR SALE 5 and '10 acre tracts Just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, -on 5- annual payrrtehts. Ad dress Condor Water & Power Co. ONE or'two ncres nnd nlco home, I um building n lurgv -roonvlmnenlpw, M-4 mitts north of poatofflco 'on' Central Point road. Will sell with bne or 3 acres. Fine soil; no hurdpan, plenty of water: ground leveled nnd plough ed; will fence nnd 'build poultry houso nnd sell from $1300 to $1500 on nsy terms; you can luuko a living ou ono nore nnd walk to work In town; house well built; very nrtlstlc, with wldo cor nice; lurgo porohes; let mo show you this home. E. II. Mnnley, 317 West Main. 'M iots FOR SALE at" bargntn, -flvo close-in east front lots, total frontage 350 feet, two blocks south of city park. Prlco '$6000 for the five lots. Otbor lots furthor'out nro Rolling for mqre monoy. Address P. O., Box 708, Med ford, ft. ' ' 78 FOR SALE Two choice lots on Siski you llelghtH, each lot A2 1-2x150; Hhiule tioeH nnd wuter on pioperty; fine lo eatlna. enu be purchmuxl rlieiui from uwuer. l O, Mux 421, Medford. 05 FOR SALE A motorcycle at a sacrifice If taken this week. P. O. Box 31S city. i( FOR SALE Anybody wishing to start or supply woogyard 'can buy' 400 tiers fir and laurel cheap. Address "Fair view. Jacksonville. 63 FOR 8ALE Hay. Ihave grain and al falfa baled. See A. A. Davis. AHSAYER AND CHEMIST Enrl V. In gclw, II. He, General assay and an alytical work, Cement and asphalt festtnff- Best efliitntie.l nnnv ttttn and testing laboratory In Oregon All work guaranteed. Grants Pass, Or. Attorneys. COLVIO & REAMES W. M. Cotvir, G National Bank build I ng. sncoml floor. PORTER J. NEFF. vTS:"l".'"iiKAiLKv": Attorneys-at-law. Nos, 1 and 2 Post-office- building. A. B. REAMES Lawyer. Oaruett-Corey building. WTrTTl NGTO.N ft KELLY Luwyvr Palm building. ' MULKEY & CHERRY B. F. MVLKET, GEO. W. CHERRY) lawyers. Room 12, Jackson County Band bldg. BlllUrt Fsrlors. a T. nitOWN ft ca. uiltiarus, Uigurs i?a B2f T.i?''"11'- u" tr. oung ft Hall building. A nlco, cool place lo spend thu hot afternoons Ui 7ostrs. VERNB T, CANON Bill poster and Dis tributor. All orders promptly filled. RoomJlO. Jackson County Bank build ing. Medford. Oregon. Clears aaa eaeoo. IRELAND ft ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers In tobacco, cigars, .and smok ers supplies. Exclusive agent of Lewis s.' n Ll Jti2.,,r Kl Merlto and El Palen- Cla. 2x2 WmI Xlntn (..! OlrU B&guutrs. ASTBURY ft TKE. C4VIL ENGINEERS, surveyors'. Specialty; Platting, sub dividing and .municipal engineering. , Phone -tOSl. Room 408 Garnett-Corey bldg.. Medford. Oregon. rural tars. IL F. WILSON ft CO.. dealer lo new and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agenta for Household stoves Main 31(1. Home 26S-L. M"iSSIONFURNITUREW5ltKCo7 n.e.r ?th and Holly streets, Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cab- ""f,1 ,wo.rlc ot al klads. a trial order solicited. MORDOFF ft WOLKF Cookatoves and ranges. New and second hand furnl tSffiZ old stand. IS Fir atrest. South. Phone 91. Home 2SJ-K. Med ford. Uraaiu Worts. OOLD RAX GRANITE CO 218 West Main street, manufacturers and deal era In monumental and building gran ite, crushed granite, common brick and pressed brick, coarse and fine washed river sand. MEDKURD JUltICK CO. Oeo. W. Prldd. O. D Nagle. Geo. T. O'Brien Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick; (leav ers In pressed brick and lime. Officii In Garnett-Corey block, room 209. 2d floor. Phone No. 3181. ,WANTE0. XlsoaUaaxma WANTED To buy, two tent fifes. Scarle. Gold Hill. WANTED Tn buy a second hand bind er. Clio. A. Smith. Ruch, Or. 63 WAITED Anyone wishing to take laugnctlc-psycho or montnl science treatment for any aliment whatever, will please call Home phone 273-L. Medford, a. m or Pacilfc States 283 Main, Jacksonville, any time between S a. m. and 5 p. m. Calls promptly at tended to. WANTED Three or f pur room furnish ed cottage, must have gas, water, and light, ,A,.B. S. Medford Trjbuno. SITUATINS WANTED. WANTED Position on fruit farm by man nnd wife, experienced; references given. G. II. Klukcrt, Ashland, Or., General delivery. 09 WANTED Position as manager of fruit ranch by competent party. First class with Btock. Box a N. W Mall Tri bune. G4 GOOD WOMAN COOK wants situation in mines, camp, or small country hotel. Enquire 11) Froi)ts.trest. HELP WANTED. Help Wa&t4;-3Caj9 WANTED A good bustling palhter on new school building; none other need npply. 63 WE HAVE A CLEAN CUT COMMIS Hlon proposition for live auto special ty dalesmen. Exclusive territory granted. Yulcunlter, weighs 6 pounds. VI ts any tool box. Sells to owners; and any one can operate. Guaranteed to do A-l work. Warren-Thompson Co., 303 Railway Exchange building. Portland. Oregon. 63 WANTED Carpenter familiar with making mission furniture and wood working. Address Buffum, caro Rogue River Electric Co, 'WANTED-riOood Japanese "boy for gen eral housework; Two In faintly; Best of wages. ' Address Box 29, care Mall Trlbuno office. WANTED Salesman Tot exculalvo ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary, Complete Una Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weokly. Out fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash. t WANTED Salesmen' tn every locality of the northwest; 'money advanced week ly; many make' over $1000 month choice -of territory, Yaktma yalley Nursery xCcv Topenlsp. Waah. Btlp Wanted Tenuis WANTED ' Thoroughly competent stenographer, Apply at office. Big J(nes Lumber Co, 63 WANTED Waitress nt thq Franco American Hotel $25.00 per month, faro paid Mornson & Lash, Yreka, Call. WANTED Woman for general house work, one who can cook. Wages $30 per month, .Apply Buffum, Rogue River, Eleqtrlo Co., 21a W. Main. WANTBD--Girl or Voman f6r genornl hou'sowarki two" In family; best 'of wages. Address Box 6Q, caro Mall Tri bune " V ' MISCELLANEOUS PASTURE Oooil horse pasture, no barb wire, $l,6i u month Address Y. II Allen, Jueksunvlllc, Or, 68 ,Z.aadscape Saroeasr. JOHN P. BELTZ, Landscape Gardener. Between Rtversldo avenue and Beatty treet. Medford, Or. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Main 3812. Botary gablte. R5tRT PUBLIC Room 257 Pbippi building. HELEN N. YOCKEY, Notary pubUc Bring your work to me at the sign of The Mall Tribune. Teats and Awningsl " MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING CO, makers of new, repairers of old. Both phones 405 S. Oakdale. Varieties. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 ca. jiaui. x-nune Jill. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock la not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We aro not In tho trust, ft. B. Patterson, office removed to U6 E. ntM oi ROGUE RIVER VALLEV NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high grade nur sery stock. Office 36 W. Main. Tele phone 1X01. rhytoUss ana Bargeons. DRS. CONROY ft CL.VNCY Physicians and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg rooms 210-211-213. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Offlca hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DRj F. O CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. Ii I"L PORTER Diseases of ra men' a specialty Rooms 6. 6, 7, 8. St. Marks bldg., Mcdrord, Oregon; phonos. Offlco 4 961, residence 4951. ' DR- ARTEMAS W. DEANE Dentist Office In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. . Telephone Main 681. Night Phono 4432. " DR. STEARNS Phvslclan and aurgoin. .f.r,S?. Oarnott-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501. Resldenco 113 LaurcljBt., phone 2092. DR." a A. LOCKWOOD, physician, and surgeon. DR. MYRTLE 8. LOCICWOOD, practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offices over Hasklns drug stare. Phones: Pacific 1001; Home 28. ur. W1. M. ran Scoyoa ' Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoa . . Dentists. Garnett-Corey bldg., aulto 318, Medford. v..".- iiuin rnnnnx. Dlt. J. J. EMMENS Practice Umltud'to dlseaso of the eye. oar, noso and throat. Office 216 E. Main street. ; Olta SAUNDERS AND GREEN Vr4o tlco limited to eye, ear. nose ard throat. Office; Suite 318 Garnott Corey building. Both phones. Chinese Kedlctnes. , CHOW YOUNOr8"Chlnese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh. oolds,Tgolt ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and' all kinds of ohronlo and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges tion, womb o.nd bladder troubles. See me at 241 8. Front St.. Medford, Ore. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTINO CO.. has the best equipped. Job office In Southorn1 Ore gon; book binding; loose leaf systems; out popor, etc., uta, Portland prices, 27 North Fir streot. "i ...I 1 i gUcugrapnors. j e EinrS M. aUANYAW- Palm BlocE Stenographlo work done quickly, and mihtf u u. 1UNUSTON. 402 Oarnott Corey Building Qrfice phones; Iliilno 95, Pacific C3331, Residence, Pacific 13G1. w sHgnji. VAIEY SIGN ,AD?ERTISINa .CQ.'A SIQNS will help build up yourbUl ness PhoneftOl IK Rlvnrsld avnnuw, T fHeam XsaMng. ?f PONTINO & REN'. Steam and ho wa ter heating, dry kiln and power ivork. Satisfaction guaranteed. Esllrnates given. Phones; Pacific 4601, Home I24-L. resldenco Pnclflo 44a. Rox 414, .37 south, Central w-enue, foVort, Oregon. ' "r H-