PAQIE SEE JMEDFOTO ALAtT, TRIBUNE. MDFORP. QftKOOy, STOTUY, JUNE R 101V lO'l'itrf 1 Ml 1 8 ,31 a "8 I! t; ENTER JAINMENT AT si, inn noil Miss Josephine Root Carries off Honors In "Patricia" a Drama Dc- . plctlng Court In Ancient Rome All arc Splendid. Tho musical and ilrainntlc program given Thursday evening by tho senior ptjplla of 8t. Gary's academy vn- ohc uf uniiBunl interest and merit, Tho appreciation or this tnrgo and ntten- tlvu autllcnro war repeatedly manU fCHted by the prolonged bursta of np jilanBo that followed each successive number. 'The piano selections by Misses Maud Newbury and AVlnlfred Plan- agon woro exceedingly well rendered nfnl tho ducts vhoroln four pianos and eight girls combined to produce rArely harmonious selections or tno really classic order won fot too young nVnsIc loving listeners. 1 li'rnnm lhitrld'a. Tho drama entitled "Patricia" ar plctcd tho life of a Christian maiden ill the imperial court of mediaeval Home, antt Avas in fact n portrayal of tho chief events in the martyrdom or St. Cecilia and other beautirul young virgins who willingly sacrificed their Bootless lives In the cause of Chris tianity. " Patricia was charmingly Interpret ed by MIsb Josephine Root, whoso ex yqlilsltcly Bweet voice and natural his trontc ability put the part in class with the bdst professional work. The pure, appealing1 personality of tho young maiden was so faithfully sus tained throughout tho performance that ono fert afresh tne reality of those terrible yet glorious times Wherein so many Inuocents perished rather than Mehy Ihelr God. 1'artA Well Played. Miss Myrtle McKea as Flavla, thu Oreck slavfc girl, executed her ex tremely difficult rolo with wonderful facility and grace. It Is rare indeed id find a young felrl possessed of such great ability as Miss MscKea dis played in portraying her part. ' Miss Alleeue Kingsbury as Augus ta, empress of Home, was very good. Tho hole, was quite suited to her both In personal appearance and a. certain forcefulncss which well became the ftrst lady of Rome. ' Miss Catherlno Deuel made a charming Octavia, the emperor's daughter, and delivered her part with a' sweet simplicity quite in keeping with the character. 1 Other Pleasing Features. Little Janice Dodge, as Melissa, the fillnd dancing girl, s deserving of special mention, for it was no slight accomplishment for so tiny an actress to keep her eyes so carefully nnd nat urally closed. A surprising amount of feeling was dlso expressed in her few lines as Veil as in her conduct ail during the performance. ' There Were many other pleasing features which could ne mentioned, but wo may sum the matter up as a splendid example of school work, w;hero a large number of girls effect ed a harmonious entertainment, muca ti the credit o'r their skilful nnd painstaking instructors. The spec tacular, effects were remarkably pret ty, careful and artlsttc management being especially observable In them. The exhibition of 'work done since tho Christmas vacation by the pu pils of St. Mary's academy which drew many visitors during the latter part of tho week was highly commendable bbth us to quantity and quality. Crayon Drawing. Tho crayon drawings of 'the Juniors made an Imposing array, and were chiefly remarkable for their natural and graceful lines duo to having bcn drawn from life, which Is the ohiy possible means of acquiring free dom and grace In sketching. Tho oils and pastels of tho senior nhnlls wero remarkably good, one of a mountain Vista and another or a Bnow scene attracting particular at tention, ''The handsome Crater Lake pic tures, which wore also displayed, though not the work of the pupils, ate distinctly to the credit of the in stitution, being tho work of the sister who teaches the art students. ' Kinltrolilory Exhibit. Ono room was devoted exclusively to tho qmbroldery exhibit -which was very flno indeed. Tnblo linen, tow els and pillow cases, all of the "finest damask land linens, were exquisitely irionoKramed and embroidered in a variety of designs, many of very olab ofate patterns which were carefully nhd beautifully executed. Lovely BOts of lingerie Woro especially ad nllrcd, Bbttib or. tho nimble-fingered awnern of these being no more than 16 yeara of ago. There woro also many handsome cushions and tablo runners In the c&orod'Mlncns with varicolored em broidery. Tho younger children were represented by a bravo Bhowlug of jifcnt choekVid gingham aprons 'vhlbh had heoilfyhdustrlously croas-Btltcliod for presentation tiTproud "mainas'.t'J Tho wholo display apoko volujriSv California Boy Makes Good DOC RAY'S TO PLAY SUNDAY l Central Point Will Cross Bats With Local Boys Tolo Game Lends Them to Scelc Other Teams to Con qucr. , i S''! Pretl Sniwlgrass, the big CnllfUrnlnn, N bitting like n houso nritv Tor McGrnw's CSlantK. The lilp fellow i coming up t otlie oiectntlnns of Mr Onuv and it lHk an though ho rniilt! wv a succi'afiil jenr. TEDDY WILL GREET CATTLE LOAN FIRM TAFT NEXT TUESDAY; ORGANIZED PORTLAND WASHINGTON, D. C, June 3 following the first public meeting of TOTKKA. June 3. To oust tlieui front office, Attnruoy (Si'iieml Daw son lodny stnrlotl ueliuii in the u nnne coitrl ugninst Alhert todue. lunyor, tuitl .). T. Taylor, chief of jin- liee of Leavenworth. It i nlltvcd thai these offieeiM nre guilty of neg lect of duty. These mv the iii-st cases under the tnisler law cimctcd ly the UU1 legislature. NEW THEATRE PLANNED BY CONSIDINE FOR LOS ANGELES PORTLAND, Ore., June 3. What is considered the w. imxirtuut Ttt - Inninr.imllnn ' 1U0VC 111 llVCStOCK Circles MIICO IIIO and Theodore Roosevelt, which will I lowition by the Swift interoLsof a .. .k . i ., liiir'VMtt,12 fitlil tliliLilti tlllltlt !li occur at tne uaroinai uiooousceieura-, " ".' - " r..--i, ........ ... tlon In naltlmore. Tuesday, it Is re-; Portland is the organization of the ported that there will be a private, Portland Cattle Loan Company, which has ju.t been el tooted. Un concern propdses to give financial niit "to farmers mid stockmen wh at which the , ported mhImCa nnnfnMinn . limatu vu...., - - , coming presidential nomination will be discussed. According to the re port, Roosevelt has assured Taft of hearty support for re-nomlnatlon and It 13 asserted that deTlnlte plans will be made. Postmaster General Hitch cock, chairman of the republican na tional committee, will ajso be present, ins said. ONE DEAD; ONE DYING; ONE DEAD; AUTO WRECK CIIICO, Cnl., June 3. Gcor-re Wiekara of Gridloy was killed; Frank C. Hackett of Oridley fatally in jured, ana Thomas Smith of Oroville severely hurt when an automobile driven by Wickmn was running f0 miles an hour bkMiled on a turn nnd somersaulted. Neil Dehaven of Gridley, another member of the lr lj', was uninjured. The accident oc curred late Inst night, near the Kid ley ranch in Untie county. MRS. HARRIWAN WILL . COME WST THIS YEAR BOISE, Idaho, Jone 3. Mi. E. II. Ilarrimnn. widow of the Intu railroad wizard will spend several weeks of the summer on a ranch near Islanl Park, in Freemont County, accord ing to local officialK of Ihe Orejron Short Line todny. Slie is expected "t arrive in the middle of Juno nnd will bo 'entertain ed on n ranch which is owned by raiilway officials. PJans for her reception have been completed by W. II. Bancroft, gen eral mnnager of ihe Short Line nnd other Ilurritnan officials. feed livotoek for the Portland mar ket. It will have a fund of :?1,000,000 to loan, enabling fanners to hut cut tle for fattening, nnd will no doubt add largely to the number of live stock brought to thi market. 'This company will enable men with hay and j;raiii tobuy untile for feeding purposes," said I). 0. Lively vice president and manager of tin. Union Stockyards Company. "The great movement of thin cattle from Idaho and Oregon to South Dakota nnd Utah-should he checked. Tin great sums of money now being sent to the MisMiuri Kiyer country toj cattle will stay in the Columbia rivei hnsin." ft The benefit to come from tin new concern will not be limited tuj any one stnte hut will be distribut ed throughout the Pacific Northwest nnd will doubtless give a great .stim ulus to the ltvestosk industry. Haaklns for Health. " WOOD FOR SALE for the industry of the pupils of the academy as well :ir fdr the ability of their teacherB. BXiOOX WOOD 94 PCS LOAD Phono Main 3501 or lav ordtra at Medford Hardware Company , i Graduation Presents Of Quality Still and Something that is useful Martin J. .Redely The Jeweler Near Post Office t)r aperies We carry a very complete line of draperies, face curtains, fixtures, etc.. and do all classes of upholstering. A special man tp look after this work exclusively and will give as good service as la possible to get In even the. largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Doe Itny'a "Prides" otherwise known as the "Kleetrlw" will Jtmr-ac-y t Central Point Sunday after noon and take a fall out of tluvhnll tussore from that villain1. After their counuest of tho mlfihty Tolo ar,- (iHtzrt'pntlon last Sumlny they are out after IiIk teams nnd hope to ho h source of pride to the Medford root Ms. Tho lineup will be Colo, pitch er: Jerome, cntnnori llusweii, tirai base; WVffeubach, second base; Hbel, shortstop, McDonald, third ban.", Iluffuiu, rlisht field; Alensdorfer, ltt field; lleusolman, center field: Ins and OsonbrugRP, HiibKtlluteH. I.iir Ih delegated to protect. the umpire and "Ossj" will look after the "wet" end of tho same. STATE OFFICIALS TRYING TO OUST CITY OFFICERS LOS AKCIELKS, Cl.. .June :i. John W. Considiue of New Vork is ill Los Anp-'les toddy to decide on a site for a new vaudeville theatre. Cocm dine. member of the linn of Sullivan nnd Conuline. says their present theater hero is cntjrolv inadequute. Exciursion East 1911 Durlnc tho months of May, June. July. Aucust nnd .SeptrruWr, on dates shown tbelovr, the Southern Pacific will vt)f round trip tickets from Medford, via Portland as follow s: TO Tlilrnuo Council Illuffs . Omaha Kansas City ... 3t Josenh .... It. I'aul 3t. I'aul, via Councl Minneapolis, direct Minneapolis, via Council' Illuffs lloston, direct New York IIS (0 St. IoiiIh 79.9b Washington. IX C. 117 10 Atlantic City, N. J. ...t 11S.30 8AZ.C DATES May 16. 17. U, 19, 2Z 23,i21. SB, 27. SS and 29. luno S, 7, 9, 10, 12, J6, 17, 21. 22. 28, 29 and 20. July 1, 2, 3, i, C, 6, 19, 20, 2, 27 nnd .'s August 3, I. E. 14, IS, IS, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 (tad 30. September 1, 2, i, 5, nnd 7, Stop-overs within limits In rlthor di rection. Pinal return limit October 31st Tor farts one way through California lnqoir of any Southern Pacific agent, or write to WM, HcMVBBAY dsneral Fssitager Affant Portland, Oregon. I Bluffs r.iu:s. ..1 SMO .. 69.90 73 80 69.90 73 80 119 90 -1 Purp Clear Sparkling You can't afford to io without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a case sent to tho house Tho purest, most healthful drink known U SISKIYOU MINERAL tyfATEFl P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL TO BR HKI..D IN Portland, Oregon. June 5 to !0, I9H WILL BH A MOST BBILUANT FLORAL FIESTA & CIVIC JUBILEE Portland, "Tho Iloso City," wlli ba a scene of splendor and tho center of world-wide Interest for ono week. One and One-Third Fare to Portland FKOM AXZi POINTU OW TKS Southern PaclfiG-llnes In Oregon To keep perfectly posted on all Impor tant matters relating to tills ffrcat event, call on local a Kent h for circulars and printed matter, or write to . ' i.t WM, MeMTTBBAT I Ocneral I'nKHi)iicr Affent, TOUTI-AND, Qltli j EYES Seldom Grow Better IrVlthout Help .My uy Hhi)oa will holi join f t Ik'i'imihu tlui)' uro jiroiiurly flttinl, Ak any of my iialhmtB mid ho convinced, DR. RICKERT KYMKItUir l KCIM.IHT t)'r Kt'iitui'i'N, -r-s IF A. FIRE STARTED IN YOUR PLACE Would Miu huso uiothltiK at hand with which to flulit It" Tho Chemical Powder Extinguisher Is I'heap and eany to ttfo hml U l;i?lU' filled at no oxikmibo. .1. ('. SKVV I'liiter IjiKi- titiiUKe. X WOOD FOR SALE Iilmltrd omount of Dry Aih, lthr block or spllu how prion. Phone 3311 8 ACRES tinmll ho)'; nil of i unci.CH lilnnl id to o rahu ril, -yMiii0l dooxi uunrter inllti Voutli n oily lhiiilit) . luti'e SilAKOt Htxit) tiutim. a ihikIoim ImiinnUwvH for i int. oviiu VAUMimu Ann rnuiTonow. nun- dank. White & Trobridge v i" ORSAIjlfl 0LTX PROPERTY. I'jolri wiioltmnln and rolail MOOR.EHNI-OO. 12112 IjVuil growers Hnnlc ilMd FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Close in Property, one-blocR south of City Park Corner Lot, 75x100, with a 4-room House MOOR-EHNI CO. - ""bSS."" rrif4 .v t We Sell Gasoline i Anil carry a stock larK' enough to Hupply tho tie uiand at all tltuen. Coffee i enn ht'lt you n rffpo that Is u littlo lttfr for tin' uiiiary than nny yoy iv-r trhtl. Fruit Tho finest nffonlN. fruit the imtrkrt Vegetables A complrto stock on hand when possllili) to procun at nil Chick Food Wheat, corn isiul Interna tional Stock Food. ' & Olmstead Hibbard WEST BIDE OBOOCR3 ATER RENT Now Due at Recorder's Office June 1 to 10, '11 1. sSS -.SsjJssy. 0 COMPLETE I. mmmmm ELECTRIC LIGHT OUTFITS C -j. iiiU.ii DlBiiHi rfitti Hlllfr Tin IL. Jtrla!ljril-jIi;nilrv(riliMi(rAllisl!ilnr uf run li. eo-mlry Imiwi, Wtnpi n'lti'tllnni ri).l". Ilia rlxtiii! omfJ iHlrelr cotittot inlaln. ctylii kjotrrtiii ftiwl OMvllns l,ll(l,lv rktlMAt mbiIiIm tk. f ' M . M . '. " '- --." -.-.- . -.-..--. ...n.. v, ... . ,.w ' urrm ia hi iirit,ma yoii mnru.l vnn fl llm curtcnl. Make Your Own Electricity Willi lltli fyitrni you cmirila rltrlr currant 1Y l'i mrn nf a atna.ll ff K-M'lnfiitfl;iiliWliiK m ilinanxi ir c'riernU'r diiru U ily Th II rurrvnnirjninuair.riaaiitr Crmi nt f II alufna l'llin It linonr ir twice a wek, or wlimor ll ninp la Ib run firvthr arW No adllU'il I'hvtrlrUn nrFtsf In IrmUll or l. r. AuMnatlcawltrMainril I'll r it w I n in-canoifciiowrr iitrnu UUhkiiIkJ Inrt- lniF-iir rif t coil wrll (i iipkrcp. roil iioukikt a REYNOLDS ELECTRIC CO. (. t!natii, Molnra, Cciiaratura i'umplni I'laiiU " tTIHSr AVE.30. SEATTI U. S. A. HO TfCUltJ L0M VOUACt LOW COST Norwt-NOiitDoa LLLUJ'JlUi , ,tTqi7qLyjfniiMl 111 I Wl wMaMwM ll w ' "X-'l t m4 ky - lll GREEN VEGETABLES We have a very complete line of fresh vegetables, anything in the market in here Meats Our meat iloiartmuut 1b' known all over tho city kucniiHu It Ih coiililoto and cltiuu. Fruit Our iiHHoitincnt of fruit Ih varied anil toinptliiK, Nouo hot tor In tho iiinrliot, Poultry Remedies A comiiloto lino of foukoy'H Poultry Itoiuoilli'H ami TouIch. Warner, Wortman (Sb Gore Grocery Phone. 286, Market Phono 281, Homo Phone 281. rri VINOL Prescriptions Solicited SIIIMIA TOIIiHT I'llMI'AUATIONS A.S'I) DKMVMllKD TO AliL I'AHIH OKTIIIJ CITY. VK t'HK NOTIIINO HUT THI3 IMUIKST lilUMH i , i AM) IIAVM SIADM I'KKHtMtll'TtO.V WOHIC A HI'IWIAIJ'V. VAMQVfPOKMiaK- ' if -lri)HH()My(;ANI)IKH Medford Pharmacy Near Post Office, r (Miotic ioi NIOIIT OMCltlC. CIGARS . ... u Af tl iwmxi wfr4-&i'it "' """' i (