W5?11 "', "1Wfjf5S',v ti, w .1 L I M M r K? IV. '' PXQIJMTOUK iedfo:rd.amt.j tribune, MEDFowsvoftTsooN. ittthAY vtctkii m, wir '' NEW COMPANY . V-S flltWtM Will Count Uncle Sam's Cash NCORPORATED Alton Mlnlnn Company is Formed by Local Men Fojlowlnu Purchase, of Mine In Wolf Creek District Cap ital Stock Is $100,000. HU., ,( Following (ho ilenf'rcc6rtll',hnao between' C. C. Chirk1 dr. Meiltiml nUtl Lamar Nelson of Salt Lalto City for control of the property known as 'the Clark Mlno in who Wolf Creek tils trlct ami adjoining ttao Greenback Martha Columbia and other old pro ducers there, incorporation papers havo been signed and forwarded for filing with the secretary of stato b S. C. Clark, U L. Small and lximar Nelson, the name chosen for the new company being the Alton Mining com pany with a capital stock of $100.- 000. Medford Is chosen as the prln clpnl place of business. It Is understood work will bo start ed in the near future to develop the nroncrty which has an excellent showing considering tho amount of development work done, which con sists of about 1H0 feet of tunneling. They havo opened up a vein better than a foot in width and averaging about $50 per ton. THREE MEN, IN AN HOUR, KILL SELVES IN SEATTLE SEATTLE, Wash., June 3. -Three men nre tleml today following nn hour's suieido record. Two Miot themselves in the St. James hotel, in rooms just across from eahc othei and within 15 minutes. Ernest Kis enschmidt, in room 32, first tried to end his lifo with a bulet lo the heart but ho missed the vital organ, and lo make death certain and quick sent another bullet through his brain, in room 31, Jack Smith sat gazing out on, the crowded street. He sent a bullet into his brain. Each was about 35 years old. The third suicide was D. X. Iloldcn, n realty dealer of East Seattle. lie walked out on n flout at the foot ot Spring street, sent n bullet through his brain and toppled over into the water. He left a note explaining that ho had met financial reverses. Charles S-Milljngtoi C'lmrkw S. Millingtoii i the new nM,tnnl I mte.l State treasurer just appointed. Mr. Millingtiiu w a former ieieenltilive from New York state. DRINKS VITRIOL L0R1ER LADY DUDLEY NARROWLY ESCAPES BEING KILLED MELBOURNE, June 3. A start ling automobile accident which oc curred in the streets of Sydney near ly cost the life of Lady Dudley, the wife of the governor general. Her ladyship was motororiug to Bondi in a big 50 horse power car, when the chauffeur in a narrow part of Ox ford street tried to dash between two oncoming electric, cars. Tho motonnen of thet rams which were coming from opposite directions saw tho automobile as it turned rap idly in an -attempt to pass between them. They applied their brakes witli ajl their, force but were unable to1 check the speed of the ears which caught the automobile and crushed it it like nn egg shell. Only the center of the vehicle was left intact. HUGE DAMAGE SUITS PLANNED BY UNIONISTS BY MISTAKE Ashland Man Nearly Loses His Life Heroic Treatment Saves Partner Worked Hard With Great Presence of Mind. WILL (Minis JOB Illinois Senator Will Retire Rather Than Go Through Another Inves tigation of His Election To Re sign BefcreJune30. LOS ANGELES, Cnl.. June 3. Suits aggregating nearly $1,000,000 damages are being prepared by the union Inbor attorneys against Mayor Alexander, Chief of Police Sebastian, Captail of Police Hnupt, Police Judge Chambers, tho city prosecutor, ihe directors of the Llewelyn Iron Works, the Baker Iron Work, the Lacey Manufacturing company iiimI others thnving. lo do with the arrest of,lho 35 union men who were charged with u conspiracy of picket ing. ' . CENSUS ENUMERATORS ARE UNDER ARREST ASHLAND, Juno 3. Shortly be fore noon Wednesday Oliver D. Dews accidentally drank some blue, vitriol and that his life was saved was duo to horole action that was immediately taken to counteract the deadly effects of the powerful poison. Dews was at his stable with his partner. Albert Sherard, at tho time. The day before a man had left a small barrel of cider' at' tho stable temporarily and had told Mr. Dews that he would leavo them a sample before he took It away. Mr. Dews and Mr. Shearerd returnej t5 tho ot flee yesterday before noon and the barrel was gone, but Mr. Dowa saw a bottle on tho shelf and exclaimed: ."Well, he left us a samplo r.nj way." He took tho bottle, pulled tho cork, swelled of It and then drank, liefore he realized his mistake he had swallowed isome of th6 burning liq uid, but sir.it out what he had In his mouth. He Immediately , began U suffer tho most intenso pain. Mr. Sherard, with presence of mind Immediately piled his partner with salt water In an effort to counteract the vitriol and when he saw how s-a-lous was Mr. Dews' condition, the. sick man was hustled Into a carriage and taken to his home. Dr. Kaw cett was summoned and ho applied' WASHINGTON, D. C, June 3. That Senator William Lo rimer of Illinois will resign as a result of the vot6 of the senate yesterday for a second probe lno the, method of his election jvas predicted In a Washing ton newspaper today. The newspaper predicted that Lorlmer would resign before. J tine 30. Tho report raused wldo discussion among the politicians here. It Is generally believed that the change In tho senate since the previous Lorl mer probe Insures the ousting of tho "blonde boss." ' ' Sluoe It is almoot certain that. his fight to retain his seat would be use less, politicians say, and since so long as the question Is before the public, many of Lorimor's friends will be in an embarrassing position, It is generally believed that the Illinois senator may voluntarily leave. TO CURE A COX.D 117 ONE DAY. Tako LAXATIVK IJHOMO Quinine Tati. lot. Dru'gjjlstn refund money If It fall o cure; a W. OHOVir.S signature Ik on each box. 2Sc. emetics and counter remedies. For two hdurs, Mr. Hows' lifo hung In the balance, 'Then he began to feel better. TACOMA, Wash., June 3. Ppur menwho acted ns enumerators in the census taking Inst year were nrrcslcd, toduy on indictments found by the grand jury, charged with padding tho ret urns.' in this city. 'Several oth ers will bo plnced under' arrest this nftornoQi!. Of' the .'10 'indictments, 'JO wero in eoimei'lion with alleged, ir regularities in the census returns. Revised Time Announced. INDIANA POLLS, ImL, June 3. -Ituy ITnrreiinu'ti time in the Decora man day race revised by the official judges, was. given today ns six hours, J2. minutes, and eight seconds. The unofficHil time was 0:11:08. Hur rouan won tho raco in a Jfiiriiion ear. Dttyyson wuit awarded fifth place. Bandits Elude Officers. NTAOAHA FALLS, N. V., Juno .'!.-- In spito of a thorough honroh toduy tho polico have found no trace of tho four audits whp held up n freight train in tho city limits yesterday and Bpp-nwny villi nlmbsf u hrlbtul of ruuiuujo mcicunuuise. 1.1 Help for' All Andrew Carnegie once suggested as an epitaph for his own tombstone "what he said was trje secret of his success : " Here lies a man who surrounded himself with men abler than himself." Many able people arc working for you, scientiits, invcntori, manufacturers, all trying to make something you want. Do you uwj their braim and their efforts "surround yourself with thetn'-or do you plod along by yourself, years behind the limes? Take your own home, Have you your share of modern im provements there moriey-iaving, labor-saving, health-promoting? Oife of the most important of these is a New Perfection Oil Cook-stove. A New Pe rlcction ilove never overlieMj a kitchen. It wvei your ttrcngth. Il uvei fuel and time. With the New Perfection ovtn with the ulau doon vou cQ go on with your iionlng or any other woik, and still be wre at a glance die joint it loaning ptojariiy. l x nBA I I 11 II I 1 Ifr! Hill ' i i&HVA w Till IMBlBflLLTI -Ejl- r's vc iDk' 5 ,. m M'M VAiivzr cv -s mmT TTT7 : 'Ill I il T ! ' i a ii i i 1 Mr ! THE GOLDEN WEST WHY this VACUUM CLEANER LME It can bo operated with either the right or left hiittil, linn the flexible, nolo .whleh ulukeH It noHiilhlo let I'leau under china cabluot, otc. without dltdurblng thorn, It. la1 eaUr lo operate than any othT eletvuor. , Axilla can VIWtl,)UlJvWllllyllMJlVJ;lCWLllJv:.. ti .er dirty . ... . . . . L Tho.llt!litO!t cleaner mmlo weh;b only. I .1-1 niiumltt, . . y, WlM'n larce efght IneV mxlo' VlHeh iilnlfirt' ft Mwlli)(o Uf ' ehnuti floor fnsUr ml with les offorli lias a tiinuer suction and Kets not only the, surface dirt t lio dlrf Unit 1 In ami houeath'tho floor ' w ev ftr but covering lias 02 cubic Inches of 'ulr ppaco nnd n largo dirt reservoir xvhtoh niukos It possible to do a big cleaning without ouiiil.ylug It, It Is noNelos. V?ViV:'J ' ndn't raise the dust. "" Don't wear the carpet. Don't use electricity. lly detnoUIng, floor uoxxlo can bo used for cleaning tufts on couches, morris chairs, etc, Wlt; You Need tlio VAC V V M t' 1, A X KK lU'eatixf It will save Time, Ktlmr, Hiiki, t'arpets, I'liritturti and l)raHrles. It re moves all tho (eiiu-Ladeit llutt. . It pro tects your Health, and It means lnit;r Life, It mcain the .same to the homo as tho hath tub tiK'atiH to -you. 'I'akeM all of the eerin-ladcn dust out of the home foivicr. .' ri m.. lJJlI'f i.' i'iiom: paciik'ii.vji, iio.mi: iitn.it II. W. DOItUAXCK Ki'j South Central Axenue. Wo Will Call and Ht'iuotislrato Cleaning lloimo with thin VACUUM CIKANKIt Means n sanitary clean home, nhmilutu cleanliness alt of tho tjiuo nutl at uti oxpeuiio at all. It tueiius that tho lifo of your iug mill Karpets will lui Increased one-third, Jt ' uieaiiH less work for you and more lehiuro .U.HIaMh .yu.iii- .to ,il,iouiu ,ofMno.w,, M1 ( House Cleaning MlNtiudei-Ntootl ( lf, y on, clears your Ikiiiio onco a yoar( or " ouro a nioltth wllh ti Vacuum cleaner or any other kind of cleaning tool, ytlu cim nbt tylOi'Ot )'9J" Ijnnio tp,l(0' olnain tho 'layn bu tweeu such eleatilttK days. It will only tut clean a day or snaftor cleaning day. To .havo an aluiolutnly clean homo and keep It so, you must keep after It more or fess all of (hi) time1 and to do thin rhtht wltlV thtCieast effort, you mtiHt lino a vacuum cleaner but' you idon't want lo ffother with a big machine that It I alius a man to earryv and you have to work on It a hiilf-liour to uot thliiKH ready bofoio you can bt'itlu clean ing. You want a cleaner that Is always ready, that you can handle youiself, Vou will have finished clcanlm; In tho time It would havo taken you to net tho bin machine ready. A Child Can Operate It Within the RenchofAU tr- FOR SALE 250,000 Feet Fir Lumber .;. .u. ' " - 'Z -v J..- v , '$1 rJ.Hrr'S . ,'.i i . (-a to lit We have on hand 250,000 feet of dry fir lumber which we are offer ing for sale at such a low price that i you can not afford to overlook 'it 'T.VV' i M (rt ii ' Crater Lake Lumber Co. Phone M. 97 1 V 4-5 Sparta Bldg N Psrecf ion Mkde with I. 2 and 3 Lurneri. wilK long, lurquoiM tluc amctrd iUimayit Hbdorn!y fmultcd throujrtoul, tT)i 2r.(J3burner(oveiC4nbelud with or WilttoutA rtbinct lop, whwh It fitted with drop iKelvri, towl rcVi, etc. , Dfitcri cvrfywlirret cr writ for ftcritiv cucuur to lU tuict itacy Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING .' ' All Wnrlr rinnrnnt naA Prinon T?M10nnn hln ? Lr r r,n,iN t&& ftvii 2 ;25 IIOWAIU)'niX)CK, KNTKANCE ON Oth BTHKKT. iyiONIS ' nos " 2 4t4f444l41f4f&4(44l44044441l4if04H(44f44l444l "fttf "fJtJtfJtSitMJt k T 1.4 lhtF Yff1 i J a. a ....... -..- 7 v j. fj. chiviu, x-reiiuent J. a. 1'JJKIIY, Vlco-Pruildont 9 b 10. MKimiCK, Vlco-l'roiltUrit J ' 1 :: i Campbell & Baumbach . ' ' f)'l MORTaAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS 1 CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS i Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ' ranches .and fruit land. PHONE 3231. ' 320 GARNETT-COREY BtD.G. .. 1 1 irt iff " " mif rMwM whM JOHN B. ORTIf, Caihlor W. D. JACKSON, Afli't Cashier. The , Medford National Bank , Capital, 100000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 L k 1 1 rmii'i iM.ruNll UUAliH run IlKNT. A OKNKHAIj HANKINfl C IIUHINJCHH TltANHAOTKI). U'n HOMHIT vnilft PATimvAnn t ' --.w.,..,. . - &04t04k44t44414t41HHNt4MtSMMMMMMMMMMj2 Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MAOHINIIT All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pump, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE ft GO. .tXMW.'!; k . V.l