Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 04, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 11

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nnler Laws and Slionfiir Patrols
Am In Effect This YonrMay
flnlns Liis5piiciI Fear of nn Early
Fiirnsf Flru Siiasnu.
I'OltTI.ANI), JillHt 3 Tlmt tli"
fill (Mil fill! MOUNDD Of l!'. ItpiirOIII III'..
w itli Imttut Iiiwh anil nirongor pnliolii
Minn wwo In effect ill tho bcgliiiiliw.
or lam uohhwi. Inn llml tin' Ifliit C "
(Mill I IlillH CltlUHIl lift lOUWOtl on (it
MINlIOIIt llllllIl lioojlll .limit, III III')
HHllhlllllllldf It HlltKUUKllt lllHIKll III
ilny liy llio WoHtoin Kgiuiiti)' anion In
tiun after u Mynteuut1lo canvass or
rit'lll ClllliJIUollN HlWlllUll Hll lOIIHtlltl
fill riio rittlilliu; nanoilallomi In .Mou
I it i) it Idaho. WindiliiKtini ami ()r"'oii
Italnliill wiim alionl minimi during
May ami Atoll, lull llitlil In MiiiiIi
ami I'oloiifii j, no lint total from New
Niilll'M to lltll" Irt ll'MH lllllll In 111 ID
Wlillu Mil) nil" rollnvud llio rear or
anotliiT iilnioiiniilly tirly flio mil
non, limy itlito pi ovu til tint liniiiliii:
or tnttlliMM' ami loggi'ia' hIiihIiIiikh ul
llio uiif'tht tliiin .Slain ami iimhocIii
lion rlxt otriotalM itinpliiiHlrc that lln
iciniivitl of Ihi'hK flio-traini now iiiiikt
lio'liinlttr pel Hill with tho oxorolHo of
mir cure to iirevonl, flro from oiap
liiK or llimorlng lo Mining up later.
All tin tlinbor ownoni' nHotlaMoUH
nnl innltliiK Hit'lr patiolx morn oirl
il.'IH lliau mor liofoio In Idaho
ror'rt'H liavo been mil hIiico May I 'X
li'inlliiK t iuMh ami io!oihnno ynlnin
am) hiiiiio umhocIuIIoiih nlitnidy liavo
a iiinti to every acre Tim
W.iMliliiKtoa atxoRlatlou Iiiih Uh limn
IihiI.Iiik aftoi tin i loaning up f dan
gerous hIiihIiIiikh nml rights or way
ami Inw iurehiiHod iniirli nw oijulp-
iiiimii. InrlmlliiK nutniiinbllon for
traiiapoilitiK mi'ii ami supplies Tln
MiAiliitm mill Oi oxoh niwoelullonH
liaVo rwirKUiiUcil on a much stronger
footliiK im n result or IiihI year's Ih
hmI Tint forent mmlm hart iiImii do
Milixl ninth effort dining tint winter
lo jierfcellng Its pnlml ami flro-flght-lax
MrraiiK"ioiiiH ami lll work In
lo. o operation with tho stnliw
ami prlviilt owners.
I'uroat official of all tho Htatos
mil arrmiKlnx for stricter enforce
uioitt or tint rim law than In previous
)i'Um nml promlne llulo leuloury to
offcmlitni Tho Washington ami Oro
lioh lawn wnrii inado morn stringent
by'lho (nut loglnlullou ami approprlu
(Ioiih for oxonitliiK tlioin wore Inerons.
cil 'jl."..nnn a yar In Washington ami
$.10,000 In Oregon llolh slnlos nn
gnjntl) liu rwmlni; their warden
force Tint procuutloim roqulrod In
burning hIiihIiIiikh ami opeinllng on-
Klinw tint much moro rli;lil.
V(orii roronlry nml tnnnor.
aiuKU'latloii In uiaKlUK Hpiulal
effort In noi'iiio puhllc -o-opttralloii
sH,li all thwo am'iirlori hy illBtrllmt
Inrs. Iinuminio ipiaulltU'ii o"f jotrii.
iillcl.ijr nml' fnliloM rallliiK attontlon
Injllm law, tint HlopH mTonary to
prcx'iil fin, ami tho injury to llio
Coaiuiiiulty niiihml hy ilolnirtluii of
iitXiur(H, llfo ami propnrty. It Im
llnl.'H that ir tho putilti' ran lot miiilo
to nmllro tho oxtiiinrtllimry offon
ImiIhb iilinlit hy tho ;"'lII",", MM'''
anil tlnihor ownitrn. Il will roolprooato
Mroi?irOTtDt3yrATTiTJlTrjy,S. arEDFOUP. OUmQX, ,SLfNl)Ayt,7lTNW 4, 10J 1.
A Hint From Paris
State Shrnvs Olrcctly
Chief ,of Police is Grafter
per Ttjs of Uelii(i Sent to
Vhlnili Uj.'
That Seattle
HIJATTU: WiihIi , Juno 3.- l-'ol-IpkIik;
tho lull oil ui'tlou or ovliloiiii)
hy Uio Mtiiio ror moro ti(utfwi ilaya,
nIiowIiik ly ifrciiiiiHtaiitlal faftB (linvjifto Chlnnmnn worl:
r it rinnaur 1m hi intll.iiM
utiroa 0'f'"J"r. it I ff i in HSJ4IU (ii
Whito tt it iii co.. n
'oolilcii'il laio tiiuli',
Willi i;ohl oui'
f& cixWK'Hf.
".'onUiiii.Hi from I'nttMl')
R " jp'
hy' iivoIiIIiik tho wrolowmonii which
diimi'il mo iiimih (IIhIioih ami ilauiaKo
Iiihi yoar.
SAX niANVIHi'O, Ch., Jiiim :.""
Ki'luluiN of K(. II. K. I low liunl, o
Hptiilunlirtl, acicpli'il loilny lln
fliniii'il IioiIn I'ouml in llio ruiiiH ol
lln Cluili'H Tito us hi rcniniiiH. nl
IIhMikIi iloliuilo iili'iitilii'iitioii mi mil
lii'l'ii iiiihK1,
ov. Ilowlaml, wlio wiiH ill, win
hoi'ii in lii loom in u loilj;iii: Inui-ir
ilttHlinyoil ly lint (Million fiio. lie
wan Inrtiiliii'il in liy Hilt llnniOH nml ll
h liolinxVil I'l'ilain Int was Killoil.
SAN' Dl IWO, i 'al., .Iiiiio II. (li'ii
ornl f'iiiili.VH I'lynii liuil nnt U'liuiu'il
lo llioiimiiiii'olo oauip ol Tin ,111111111
loiluy unit Ii wiih liollnvoil liy mnn
of llio m'IicIh thuliliit would not u
linclf, Tho Infill jimtu null H10 jnnlil
in" I,oh AiiHi'U's mo ilimiKioi'il as in
llio plaiil Unit hlioulil Int I'olloui'il.
Tim i,0H Alipili'H lollilitirt wniit llio
Tin .liiiinn I'nioiiH In inoo 011 Kiihiui
111I11. Tho Inonl jiiuta iliHinniinvoH of
Huh pliiti. For llio pioni'iil llio I'oioim
1110 iillo.
KOMK, Juno I),- linluml Clarion,
llio rronohiniiii who wiik ilolnyml nl
1'inn yohlotiloy hy n iioo'ulrnl In hin
nionniliino( roitchod Homo nl r:IO
lliin iiflonionu in iho I'nnH-Tiiiin
uiMopliiiio niiHt, llo lnuKliiK 11 ln
loiiulnoil 0IT01I o ovinluko Audio
limiiiiiuml, tho fitMt nvlalm to com
jik'lo llio hocoiul h'tf ol' Hid 11100.
M'ikh FoIkit nml MiHii r.nahith
lVilcr 111 in el in .Medloid Thurdu
11 ft cr mi extended trip nliroml. Tin
u ,Mh.m I'iiIl-ciV I'ii-I nl lo ,Mcd
lord. Mr. I'iiIkit rutin iih Mondiiv.
The Wiiiiioiim MihMioiiaiy Hociclv
of the Pro!i.teriiiu cliuicli will iiichI
with Mr. .1. I'.. Walt Tuii-dny nftor-
ihIhii at 'J'IO oVIoch. All Indie ol
llio oniiKrcKnlioji arc iinilcd to nl-
, 4 .
Mr. DanicU ciilcrliiincil nl lunch
iii Mondny at hr houm ui Snki.oi
hitixhtx. I lor KiioKt were Mifidiuni'
llciinl, 1'imliii, limine and Mi-
.Mih, IIiiIIIh entertained at lirii!u
Salunlin uftenioou n wool nj-6. He
K in-Kin went MocdniiiOM huiiiMloi
Hrow'ii, Moriolf; Knight, I'ligo, Vnwtei
mid I'icKcll.
Tho WoBlitrluud and Wiiierumn
famine with patty of l'J other inn
toted lo tho I(o,Mio iier, Tue-.dn
where thoy onjoxod 11 pioiiio.
Mr. and .Mih. ,1. It. K'nox of Alhau
are the K'lioit of Mr. and Mr. K. (
(InddiM. Mix. Kiiov nee MUh (icrtnult
.Johmxin, iviih a iorinor Med fold j:i;I
Mi. (I. M. Kool mid wife of CIik-ii
KO will uiiuo 111 Mddloid tliirt weel
nml wl ho the fcticelx of Mi. ool'
liiolhcr, .1, M, Kool.
.Mix. Chin Ion Wiim nnd ehildiei
leu 0 Muiil.ulo, Mini):, b.Iuuo fi, foi
Medfoid, wheio llict, wil iiiiil.o nn ex
tended unit.
ox-Chlnr Wnipontitoii planned it i$l
Utlllli' hcIicimo to "ileelaio liluiHcir
In'' on all (iporatloim In tho rcittrlclcd
1II11I1 lil under former Mayor dill, tint
iiln to yonlotdiiy Hhowed dliectly Unit
Wappcnutoln lemlved hrlho inonoy.
Old Tuppor, who with Clnromo (Jor
ald, niii two of tho IiIkkchI Iioiihch In
the dlHlrlct. miiilo tin iiohUIvo mIiiIo-
iimut that on AiikuhI T,, I'jIO, ho paid
WappeiiHtoln 1000 In riirroncy. Thin
tiillli'H wlih pruvloiiK loHllinony hy
haiilc orrlclalH thai WappoiiHteln lo
ponltetl ftouo 011 Aiikiihi r, in our
iciuy. Tupper Icdllfled thai ho had
difficulty In KocurliiK the learnt for
mm or tli Unimex, ami that Wappen-
Hteln inailo It all ilKht.
Tuppor iiIho told or Waiipoiintcln'Hr
mMuIIiik other owuorH of handy hnuc(i(
to him to "fix tlllUKM up." 1
Tupper wpoko directly and iiii1i'mI-(
latlmtl) lie wiih Hiihjcclod to 11 ru
ellliiK oroKH-oxainliiatlou, hul the dit-j
romo" riiulil mil hronl. down any ma-'
Icrlnl toNtlmoii) ho had kIvoii. Tup
er wiih Hiitlilcnly Ktlckou nick while
in the wltueHX wtaud, caiiKi'd hy a re- j
unit Hiirnlcal opernllon, nnd ho waul
xctiMOil until Hi: luuruiiiK, when tho 1
lefeime tionlliiucil Ha croHfl-exiunlim-tlou.
VAttCOUVHK, . C, .liimt 3--CV)-Incldoiil
with llio Htrlke i,( t Iim union
tnon liiVftm'Oiivcr, whuh it ox
pec led will Involvo hoiiiu 7000 or 8000
workout, tho C'hlncHo (fiipeulnrH and
opi-rntlvoK In outHldo tradi-n Inivo iiIho
decided to lay down lln Ir IooJm, Thin
doclfiion on tho purl of tho (Jhlneiio
trndim giilldH Riicrf Into offiet today,
ami will ntoj work on nevernl lan;')
hiilldliiKH In tliu'UhltioMo (piarlor.
"Whit's iniiii oiilln; nit in ii no llko
K tloiihlo,"
wan tho only raHon for tho iiftlon
which ronld ho tolflned from the
Mongolian londorM,'
HAVANA, .Juno 3. I'unipH wore
plnced in roadlrieim today iircpnrntory
to hoKlnnlni; work of drawing out Uio
wator In tint roffrdnni around tho
wreck of tho Uniled Shitep , hottlt
uhlp Molno In Ilnvana 'fitirhor', ,
WhMl tho hlllk' In 0XPPH?(1 it 1'
hoped that ilif exact caimo bf tin ox-
ploxlon which wrecked tho Warnhlp
will ho dotiirmliied,
..'., -n m , -. r.
nmmum, iiumrtrv, .lum. 3.
Jlmporor Vmnz .Inxcpli left the rojnl
liulnoc i'or tho cnpital lodny. His
ajijn'nnitit'0 denoled the beat of
health and helied tho recent published
hchhm that Iiih heallti wiih (olio am
ho wa near death.
Ho iuhU'iI well hint nijht after nt
huny day in confereiice with Count
Khuon Von lledorwary, the Hungnr-
1.111 jireuucr.
Iiirucd lout wool:
(Iraiitu l'nnH.
from a visit to
.Mr. Ij. .1. Sours loft Saturday for
Kuceiio. whore hint will vihit hui
. . V
Mix. (Into and children left last
wtc for Weiialehoo, Wash., when
thoy will vwil.jMnilain (lale for mv
end weel,".
Minn Flora dray loft for Poilhim'
liinj wool; wlioro she will study iniiii
wiih I'mfonsor C'hniloj, Diorko nt'tli.
Pi oiio iiiHliluio.
Tho Cliils cluli of (ho I'l'i'-dtylnriiiii
oliuroh wilt ho cnlcilniiicd ut tin
homo of Minx lln.ol Anlliy Sfiturdii)
a f (01 noon. t
Mi. I William Hudn onloilaini'd
tho !'. I' lliidno eluh x "ilulihl-
fully Tuundny with it liiidtjo luiioli
"Mih. ChoHler Wolsoy of San Kiaii
cisco ariivoM Snitduv nnd will ho (In
liiiosl of Mm. I!dj,'iir Hul'or for noun
Mr. T. 1 Tim Vollo of Ohio lui
heivil Hut .jjuonl of liin non, Coloni'1
Kritnl; Toil Vollo' Ihin'pnnt wooK.
Mis'! Woekri 'onlorliiineil (ho
Woihlosilny lllido oluh hist week
nlioii'Min. Anllo won llio eluh pin,
Mr. CliijilonSliniii; nml family mo
loioiLto llmllniul hin wool;, ami will
remain fur (ho vonn fVstivu), '
, Irtt. ,:1 llnuloy lol'j for lWlhiml
l-'iiiluvlo ujlcml llio JMnry Onulcii
ooiieeii' and Iho roo, foslivul.
Tlio.Soplioiiioron and Kiosluuon, of
Iho Mcdl'urd hih Hohool spoilt Fri
day plmiioiiiK In AhIiIiiiiiI.
Most) llurkdiill ami - a pnriy of
filonilff iiltilnroil to Kluuialh Falls for
a fishing trip Friday.
TI10 Woinon of Woiulornfl Avill givo
11 ihmoo Wodilosduy oVonluj; .luiiu 7,
ut Iho Nulatniiiun. ,
Mr. Wi'8 (Iroi'ii ini fniniy 10-
Misn I.i'iioiu Oodlovo will entertain
tho imMiithtrH of I lit- mandolin eluh
thin week.
MisH Bofs Kcntiier eiiterlniucd tin
Thumday afternoon hrido oluh ho-t
w col;.
Mm. Cnnwell onlortauu'd a low
Iriuiitlrt iiiloi inally I rulay ovouiiik
I ...
Mr. Ailliur deary rclurncd Inst
wcok 1'rnni it trip io i'oitlnud.
rr. A. W. Chirk left for Kimono
Saturday oh a blunt trip.
Dr. J. V.
Heddy left for l'orllaud
Look for a (vnant
llhortlhilie; IIH most
through want
THAT they keep right on improving
these Kitchen Cabinets until he,
doesn't see how they can put anymore1
conveniences in them. Whv thev are'
;J arranged now so that a woman can
prepare a -whole meal and hardly step j
v,v,j j.a vi WV J-lWUl Ul ilC. ltUt
alone their convenience and their hand
some appearance, but the steps they
save should force one of them into
your home. Ours are well made of!
white "hardwood but still reasonable in
Weeks S McGowan Co.
et& btaht n&d week iafot. ouk
mod&in &a&$i tuS hat wit wlntfek
and otfo&i vs-asfi-daif fieee&yUie&
te o(Pi &t(Ae and Cook ol ouh font
you mCC faze SdttbittW pet
Sdt&i and t?i& dhudfl&ihe& o6 wa&fi
day vti h ekanfed to jyfcatefrte.
vw 6 ev&wtfainf In hadM-a&
f r tho money you owe and note how
much more respectfully your credi
tors regard you. They like to dft
business was a man who has an uo
count at the Farmers & Fruit Grow-
Bank. They know he is
business In a business-like way: Bet
ter open such an account even if your
affairs are not large. They will grow
all right.
Farmers Sc Fruitgrowers Bank
Our office In now located in our pnek-
Itli' lldllUft niwl lu fitimt fii tint u,ininM
tf tunic , unit in tr'ii mm liJ' nuiouii
Kroni now on wo will hao tho dally I
-eporta all mnrKots, Mhowlng prices
realized by tho Calirnruln Fruit Dis
tributors, ami all other shippers.
Any nuo interested is invited to
roiue In and look thorn over nnd com
pnvo prices. By shipping with us ynu
111 luivo all tho advantages, of the
largest and. most complete deciduous
.oiling organization in tho United
States ami at a lower cost to you than '
in tlio past.
Last year wo handled nearly ten
housniiii oar loads, or seventy-six por
"out of tho out lie California crop.
Ueniombor wo
1 ( () h N O T II I x a
All fruit lipoid oil Its individual
mollis, and each grow ore natuo and
prices realized for each Hhipnient aro
published in llio catalogue:). Pooling
was tried and failed yen is ago In California.
If you want to sell soo us, If you'
wnnt material, Inspect our bnmples,
nnd get our prices boforo purchas
ing. '
IMt () 1 U O K It S P It V I T V ().
K. M. .'Mi'Ivonny, Northwestern Agent
Hk. Ki.iF ft""1 2iS. "?! ttiRci
HMHMwun , Yf muijjnaK v 3101
Egg's for Hatching
. --atBTf
R. S, llauiburgH, in eggs for , . .$1.50
iioiidiiu f. 1 .nn
H, O. White l.oglioru 1.00
linn od ltocliH 1,00
Ceo. L. Davis
EXPERIENCE has taught
you the value of flour.
We know it from our customers con
sequently have learned to stock the
flour that suits you best. Only the
finest standard flour la sold horo the kind that has beon proved by
you and others to make tho sweotost and soundest bread, tho lightest
rolls, biscuits, cakes and pastry.
' " V
It is guainutccito bo uniform in quality ami to give tho
- most satisfactory baking results or tlieiu all. Send or phono
for a sack today and you will become n regular user.
Allen Grocery Co.
Here's the Powder
YouV Been Looking For
Combines Every Essential Making it
Is made of tin purest ingredients, free from lead, bismuth or nny
other Injurious substance, clinging and thus protecting, it absolute
ly softens the skin and improves tho complexion. Sold only ut tho
Marinello HairdreSsing Shop
niOXK 111
1 s:
i The Ceiling Fan :
In placos of buslnoss thoro
Is nothing so ossontlal dur- '
Inef tho hot months as Eloc- v
trio fans. Those fans cool tho 1
chasors comfortable. A por- S
ploaso and makes fowor pur
chases than one that Is played
upon by tho soft, cooling
broozes of an Electric fan.
These fans aro made In
varying styles to fit all kinds of
business houses. For oaf os,
hotels and rostaurantu celling
fans aro sold, while for offices
and stores bracket and desk
fans aro proforable.
Rogue River Electric Co.
. v. .,,.. ..v.. ,. r"-f iTrtTrrr-rituMtii n JT'iDrtufiffS' f'-ti-MitUTtfiiltt Hntyif I'-fi'THr-