. srj4.. . "X J 4 V- .. I I PXGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKUOK. SUNDAY, JUNE J, 1011. t i i i U I' : in J ri 5 r VIP! Wl YIP! IDE L EAGLEWIl SCREAM Three Days of Riotous Celebration , Wifl mark the Arrival of the Na tion's Birthday Hero This Year . Grand Time Will Be Had. Throb days of cclcbrnting! Just tlillift of It. Tol content with soIUur tho Unco In the bnttlo Mr commercial suprotnncy oh the Pacific const, Med ford la ngaln lit tho lend In the mat ter of obson-lnR the glorious Fourth of July. July 2 and 3 will bo cele brated hero ns never borore. Baseball tournaments, auto races, trotting, running and pacing races, n tennis tournament, three-legged, sack, swimming and every other variety of races aro on the program and what cannot bo seen ono day can bo seen the next. Tho baseball tournament, begin ning Sunday, July 2, and extending through and including tho Fourth, wjil bb played between teams from Grants Pass, Jacksonville, tho Bulck "Insiifgents" and tho Invincible "Standpatters." An automobile raco pattorned after tho famous V.indor bllt classic, in which tho racing cars wili pass a grandstand on Main street 12 times and travel a distance or 75 miles, has been planned. An immenso parade on tho Fourth! Prizes will bo awarded the best draft hofso, best decorated automobiles and most artistic floats. A prize for tho best band in southern Oregon will be given, this event being open com petition. All fraternal organizations and tho militia will bo in the lino of march. These were only a few of tho plans made last night at the meeting In tho Realty association rooms. Resolu tions were passed inviting Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point and Grants Pass to co-operate with Med ford In this huge celebration and to better facilitate this Medford will send a Jargo delegation to the rose carnival in Grants Pass Juno 2. By this means it Is hoped that tho resi dents of that place will give up their plans for a separate celebration and join with Medford in making a grand success of the jubilee on tho Fourth of July. The following committees were ap pointed: General A. K. Ware, Bob Telfor, George Davis. G. 1. Schermerhorn, M. -A. Radcr, Ed Andrews, Dr. Helms. AdTertising E'. N. Andrews, S. 3. Smith Harry Hicks, M. A. Radcr, Ira Dodge. Program M. A. Radcr, A. E. Reames, Goorge Putnam, Attorney McCabe, Russell Hanauer. Race A. K. Ware, Dr. Helms, R. A. Flynn, J. D. McArdle, A. L. Bai ley, G. L. Schermerhorn, William Koyes, Ed Hanley. Parade C. L. Reamez (to pick his own committee). Fireworks Walter Antle, W. H. Brown. Judge Wlthlngton. Decoration H. C. Kentncr, C. It. Ray. J. M. Mann, F. C. Petsch, W. ,F. iBaacs, C. W. Davis, H. C. Gar nett Concession Robert Telfer, V. J. Emerlck, J. W. Dressier. Decorating of autos Mrs. John M. Root, Miss Putnam, Mrs. E. Hafor, Mrs. J. D. Olwcll, Mrs. M. A. Ran, Mrs. George B. Carpenter, Mrs. A. Conro Flcro. Building G. L. Schermerhorn, M. L. DLyons, Cbarlea Toll, Clark ano Foster. Reception W. II. Canon, Dr. Red dy, William Gerlg. Judge Crowd!, Judge Colvlg, Portor J. Neff. Advertised Letters. The following letters remain uu-j called lor at ino iwmoihco ni jueo ford, Or., Wednesday, May 31, 1911: Miss H. Armstrong, V. E. Angel. Andrew Anderson, Miss V. E. Ander son, Will .Brown, Georgo Bell, Ruth Bcamcr, Mrs. A. F. Bcidfer, E, Belt, W. G. Bill's, L. C. Bolle, Dee Brad Bliaw, Irvin Buslincll (2), K. Cole jwm, Miss Edith Coen, Jose Corona, Mrs. Lloyd Corcoran, Mrs. Rebecca Creighton, Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, D. D. No. 1, Box 81, II. P. Do Long S. JFerrell (2), Fred Gillette, Basno Giovanni, Mrs. Delia Gordon, Mrs, Charles Gruy, Sam Hntkors, Horace H. JIM, J. J. Hplden, L. D. Ijnms Carl Knupp, Rev. It. M. Latimer, Fred A. Laatz, A. Lcennux, J. M. Lil, Clayton Maddox, TJios. Meagher Georgo W. Midford, Miss L. Y. Mil ler, Thos. McIIale, E. It. Oden, W. II Opfyst, Bed Puttorson, E. E. Phipps. It. A. Pulloy, W. M. Rogers, Albert Stall, H. Simpson, Jesso Stewart, Ir ving Strothers, Frank Terrell, Mr. Trouten, Earl Vedder, II. S. Woods. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. BUILDIN6 IS TO BE DELAYED Plans arc Changed and Must Again Be Submitted to Carnegie Library Board In New York City Checking Present Plans. Royal Couple May Marry Quite n delay will be mado In tni building of the Cnrnvgio library, as It has been necessary to have a now set of plans made. These plans, aft er being approved by tho library board, will have to be forwarded to Mr. Cnrnegle to be approved by him. Mlsa Marvin, secretary of tho state library commission, spent Wednes day In Medford, going over the plans of tho library, with the board. Miss Marvin has had a great deal of ex perience In this work and hns given much valuablo assistance where new libraries have been built In tho state. She showed the board that It would be Impossible to build, according to the accepted plan, with the amount of money provided; and gave mativ practical Ideas which will bo used on the new plans being drawn by Archi tect Mcintosh. These plans were presented Satur day nfternoon to tho library board and if they are approved will be sent east Immediately so that work can be started as Boon as possible. AN AUTO TRIP TO CRATER LAKE (Continued from Iare 1.) Card of Thanks. Wo wish to thank ilia friends and relatives wlio so kindly assisted us in our lute bereavement; also for tho floral offeriuRs. MR. & MRS, K. A. LANGLKY. . MISS 'BERTHA LANGLEY. rim of the extinct crater it was most disappointing to see nothing over its edge but a bank of clouds and whirl ing snow, but wo hoped for better things and proceeded to "house" our car under the trees; put up our cur tains to protect It from the storm and drain the water circulating sys tem to prevent freezing. Suddenly like magic the clouds had gone, the snow had stopped fall ing, the atmosphere bad cleared and the lake lay at our feet. Surround ed Ly snow-clad mountains tho sight held us speechless and supper was forgotten. i Wo poked our heads out of onr tents at sunrise Into a beautiful clear day. So clear and cool and crisp that it made you laugh. Our tents faced the cast and oft to the south cast, down in a4 lower country, wo saw great lakes. On one sido were marshes, beautifully colored. It did not occur to us that these were the Klamath lakes, as they seemed right at our hand, but Klamath lakes they were, with the nearest point about 35 miles and the lower end about 100 miles from where we stood. The marshes, the color of which could be clearly discerned, were ful ly 60 miles away. All around us In every direction wero snow-clad moun tains, ML Shasta some 150 miles to the south, looked as Jit, Hood does from Portland. Other peaks in fan tastic shapes provide views that aro worth a hard trip tosee, even If Crater Lako was not to bo included Tho conditions were ideal for .our early morning sight of tho world's wonder. It is impossible to grasp its Immensity. We aro told that tho lake is about six by seven miles In ex tent, that tho shores, which rise ab ruptly, are from 1000 to 2000 feet above tho water's edge, that Wizard Island is two and a half miles from the lodge and 865 feet above the wa ter. Theso facts aro hard to swal low. Tho lako has no apparent outlet, and tho government soundings show a depth of over 1900 feet over a line moro than four miles across. It is alive with stcelhead trout. Years ago . Mr. Steel, who now heads tho com pany operating tbo hotel properties, carried the original stock up the mountain trail from tho Roguo river. Tho government now permits each porson to catch five in ono day. There is but one trail to the wa ter's edge, starting whero tho wagon road reaches tho rim of tho crater. This we did not despend, it being covered with snow, which caused It to bo very unsafe for novices. Wo went, Instead, to a sort of promon tory nearby, commanding tho most advantageous vista of tho luko and surroundings. From there wo took pictures and drank In tho grandest in Dame Nature's store, struck speechless with awe at tho splendor of it all. Resuming our trip, aftor passing tho lower camp, we soon ran Into the Annie Creek canyon. Tho rock strata hero Is vory peculiar and un like any wo had seen before. At Fort Klamath we inquired for gasoline and found we could obtain only a few gallons. This and tho very lit tle in our tank wo decided would get us to Klamath Falls, some 40 miles south, where we could replen ish, although wo had not iutended going there. i i 9tII1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBK BBBBBBffV' ii F &i !BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs!mi BBBBK"SIr ni H nULV9E&. obbBI iBSBBnJE&fLBBBBBl tirw "'x' jBBj BbBbhbhBhhQBsBbhBSbhI && vt 'AW-- BB1 BBBBBMbBBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBI L V VKIHbBbbbbI h-. ? j t BflBflBflBBBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBl Jr..-; - ' E VBl BflBBBBWflBflBrHflBBBflBflBflBfl) IIMJS PASS DEBATERS WIN Now Are Undisputed Chamnjons Having Defeated Pendleton -So-euro Cup Given by State University to Winner. mUlE6 VICTOR KWttpf WNCEtjC-DVARD oyALW y Rumor is rife in London that n marriage hns liwi nirangcd between Princess lionise, the eldest duughtorof Kniporor William, and the Prince of Wales. During the princess.' viit to London the oung prince paid her anient attention. GUN CLUB HOLDS ITS SECOND. SHOOT Handicapped by a high wind that caused tbo targets to take erratic flights, those taking part in the sec ond shoot given by the Medford Gun club made somo excellent scores con sidering weather conditions. Dr. Seo ly was high with 92 out of a possi ble 100. Dr. Seely and J. E. Enyurt will competo In tho Pacific Indian shoot at Eugene June 11 and 12. The scores made Friday wero as follows: Seely 22 22 24 24 Hafer ID 15 1C 21 Miles 17 14 IS 17 Uoyden 1G 19 15 16 Keyes S 15 20 .. Coram 20 19 16 .. Diamond 15 20 .. Orton 12 13 .. .. Gobel 10 12 .. .. Humphreys 14 16 Asked $10,000; Got I Cent. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., June 3. Xnthnu Schulmnn of Cincinnati, who sued Frank Lemontree of IndinuuH lis for $10,000 for the alienation of Mrs. Schulmnn's affections was awarded ono cent by a jury. Hasklns for Health. MORE FIRE BOYS TO SLEEP AT STATION KUUHNti, Or., Juno U. Victors over tho l'ondleum high nehool do- I bating team for tho tUnto h'lgh hcIioo! chumploutditp the Grants Pans high inchool debating team today prepared to ticpari lor uoiue. HrnntH Pass defended tho negative of tho question: "Konolvod, That na tional conservation of natural ro sources Is preferable to statu conser vation." Tho decision stood 2 to 1. lly n (Irnuttt Pass gulus permanent posoes slon of the silver trophy cup offered by tbo regents of tho University of Oregon. PRESIDENT Of ROAD KILLED IN WRECK DICTitOIT. Mleh., Juno .--Hid ing In IiIh prlvnjo car attached tu tho Winnipeg flyer ion tho Hoo lino, Pres ident L.T. Thug of the Mobile and t r 1 New. Oi'ltNiun niUnnul wan fatally In jured ami Mrs, llorg wait tinttantty killed when tho hM train wont Into tho ditch about midnight near Verdun. One other pasnongcr watt fatally In jured and hIv novorely hurt. Soon after the accident, which wuh duo to a wuuhuut, the wrccluigu, In cluding President Horg'a private car, took (lie and was coiiHunied. Tho washout wuh enuned by heavlent rain In years. ' PACKERS ASK FOR RE-HEARING May Escnpo Owlnn to Recent Decis ions of Supreme Court In Rcnim! to Tobacco nnd Oil Trusts May Bo Granted. tho REACTIONARIES NOW I.J CONTROL OF FINLAND Look' at tho ads for the chance to buy tho property you need lit n "right prico!" IIBLSINUFOHH, .limn . 'I'lu- ir uetiouarv pnily hat heon given the upper hntitl in Finland by an edict of the czar which readjusts tho voting requirements. The diet elected un der the prexout fnineliUo will follow the vgur' wishes. Ilasklns for Health. (MIICAOO, Juno It,- Deijlurlng Hint oven If the allegatlouu In tliu Indict uimitii agnliiHt .1. i'giien .nmmr and oilier C'lileago paelierH wero true iiiw der the now count ruction of tho Hher iiiiiii law In tho tobacco and oil cam's no eiiiui) would liavu been eoiiiiult i.l, utturucyn for the pucltoiH today nviu'iUtuI for a leheurlug on dxiniir io in to the liullctuiiintn, formerly uvorriilod by I'edernl .ludgo Curpou tor, Thin In tho rlntt (lino tin two deelnloun have been tiifcd mm bunln for action In the fedural coiirtn. New Drcadnaujjlit Ordrrrd. TOKI0, Juno .- -A new dicad iinuglit eniUer, to he failed the Kon go Iihh been ordered by .lapiiu Imui the VleljetH roiujiany of Kiiylnnd, The fleepiug.ipuulers for the fire men over the engine room nl the city" hall nru being remodeled bo that twicp as many of tho fire boys may sleep there at nighti8. can now he nccom-J modnted. A partition is being built mill ..)iii I'iiiwIikiI tint tu'n klooiiiiiif u...... ka.lll .tiu.litl.litlll.lll .1,1. lk( Kl...l'' instead of tho four there nt present. With the tulditionnl fire fightitig force close at hand there Ik little chance of a uoufhtgrutiou making much headway. XBW YORK, June 3. Mb Vir ginia Ilegemann is the Intept New York girl to become the bride of a titled foreigner. She weds Huron Ti- , her l'odmaniczky, an Austrian noble. today. iNaar 0klW, CaUferaia The only Woman' Colltseon iht radficCoMt. Chirtcrnl 18sJ. Ncr Iwj gtMt I'nivtriitict. Ideal dinutr throughout the year. Kntraiicc inj yniluattan tcmtirtmcnla cttiltalcitt tu thote of SunlorJ and I'mvcriity o( California, t.aboratorict lor science with modern rttlp ment. Kxceltent oprottunlllf Jr home economics, library Umljr. inulc arul art. Modern Kymnattum. Special care for health of Undents, out-door life. 1'rcsi.lfnt, l.urlls Clay Caron. A. M.. Lm I). I.I.. I). Tor raialosiie ulilmt Secrttary, Mill College I'. U., California. , ; i i-vjr '' -.-J t -- A Hotel That Is Different ASHLAND, OREGON offers more avtractions for the tourist than any city in Southern. Oregon. The New Columbia Hotel at Ashland is unexeelcd for excellence of furnishings. Compares favorably with the best hotels of Portland or San Francisco for modern convenience and com fort. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Rooms with private bath. Single or en suite. Hotel auto meets trains. .European plan. For res ervations address or apply to The Columbia Hotel Mrs. E. Gt. Hadley, Prop. Enders Block, Ashland, Or LET THIS ENGINE DO YOUR HARDEST WINTER WORK! Pumping water, running chums and cream separators, turning the washing machine, sawing wood, running the fan- nine mill and other "chores" aro especially disagreeable duriacr these cold winter months. Unload all of ttia work on tho Farm Pump Engine, me wonaenui utile portaoie power punt mat u creating t-uca a iea&auon. This Engine Now on Exhibition tf Our Show Rooms Wo have secured the agency for this territory and uto demonstrating its many superior points to crowds of formers! every aiy. we snow it at woric just as it wouiu do on tnej tarrn. I I i I Look for ilio nd that fejls you who wonls io find the joh you hnvo o of-J'cr, This Wonderful Little Engine ptjnips ail the water needed for the house, dairy, barn, feed lot, pasture. Has pulley for running hand and foot power machinery. , Can be moved anywhere qn a. wheelbarrow. Weighs but 240 pounds. Attache to any pump with four handy bolts. Attached to force pump wlfJb air chamber, it pro vides ample fire protection for all the farm buildings. Throws 60-foot stream with considerable force. Uuns all day on a few cents' worth of gasoline. No trouble, little expense. Can be operated by any cldld, with perfect safety. loes a Hired Man's Work and does it without fussing or grumbling, no mutter how cold the weather. You can move it anywhere on a wheel. barrow and run any mcchine usually oper ated by ono or two men. Madt Like Auto Engine The Fuller & John son Farm Pump Engine is compact and self-contained. As high grade in material and work mansblp as best auto mobile engines. It is perfectly air-cooled an1 self-oiled. Cannot freeze or overheat. All of the Important work ing parts encoded In metal. Htarts with a turn of the lly wheel. Any child can operate IkuhlUlTt .-)!, IK U. M.ifli- f uim. rriir i.m putt rt3t M Ml RCAWf fMilMIK .HmlxtruHumm We sell this eofine complete and ready for wprfc EverythlnK required, except gaso line. Comes on itsown base. Nccdpocesjant foundations or special platforms. No bolts, shafts, traveling arms, walking beams or anchor posts. Costs letsThM WlnewW Dees M TiaMSM Mack Wmk Oulpumpt a wladatlU nnd does loads o( Ibinirs a wind jammer'' cannot do. I'rovidcs all o( the water needed water right out ot tho well at the rkbt temperature, neither too cokHn winter nor too not la summer. Costs Jess to operate than bothersome Tank jueater. it with perfect safety. Come In end See the Little Enslne at Werfc You cannot beljeve what awonderfut little power plant it is until you see It work. Right now in the cold winter months Is the time you need a farm pump engine most. It will lighten your winter work 50 per cent. lie sure to ee tho engine at work the next time you come to town. Nw Garnett-Corey Hardware Company IRRIGATION The Dry Season is Here Be Prepared to TAKE WATER Rogue River Valley Canal Go. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Plowed, Fenced, Leveled and Planted to A Standard Variety of Trees, for $400 Per Acre. CAN YOU DO BETTER IN THE VALLEY? ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager trr-9' DO YOl KNOW? That NOW is the time to wlaco your old fonco with a now ono. That it will iiuprovo tliu uppour nnco of your properly fully FIFTY PER CENT if tho fonco iu riultt and properly oonulruutuil. That The Page Wire Fence is bout suited for tho purposo, no it in rmulo up of tho IiohI Vyi CiwIjuii Stool Wiro Hint in found in foiicinjr. in nddition to thid, it !h tho only i'onco which linn thu J'AdE KNOT, anil coiitiiiuotiH (irorfH wiro to wouv U toothor, heuco it Is The Best Fence that money cqn buy or moilori Bcioncoprpdiico. Owinfr Io onclr Jino wire hviiiR coiled hoforo tho fence is wovciii Pago Fence is euHlIy erected ovo hlllu and through duluH, without tlio nouuHHity of cutting and Bplicinv. It U , MADE at Adrion, Mich., aui skipped Ijy u In ciuloiid lotH, diroot from tho FACTORY TO THE CON SUMER, thus insuring the groutCHl value nt tho loweut pouHihlo price Let us uhow you wky you hIioiiW iiho Piiro Fence in proforonco to any other. We fur;iiuh, without cliargo, estimateit on coHt of foneiiiK traolH, mid coutnict to build fuucoH cotuplolo. Wo will figure with you on nuy amount of fencing, from ono rod to a uarloud, If you are wanting Fence, Gates', or elthor yew or cedur poutu, lult uh fi(;uro with you. Wo furuiuh mini and tools and assist in the erection of Page Feueo without extra cost, GADDIS & DIXON ! 'if- . "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" PHONE 2(181. DiHlrihutorfl for Southorn Oregon nnd Northern California. MAiN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDFORD, ORE. rMr r&d-v 1-1. -.. - VA x.