w V . -V M 3r? Jff) f trtSitffTttvwff''1"''' n Hall m1 a w ih r t . I.'- f " fc I. T - ii i ii. in m r i FIRST 1 SECTION Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fnli Hnr. 2D.70J Mux. 7 Mln. Iff; Mean (10)4 ; Pro. 0. l''ortyKliri( Y'ir. Iiilly HIkIIi Yciir. SIXTEEN PAGES. MttDbVHD, OKKCJON. SUNDAY, JUNE 1, :191J. TWO SECTIONS. No. G3. MANBIRD ELY MAKES GOOD ON AVIATION FIELD WHERE HE FAILED ONE YEAR AGO THREE GREAT FLGHTS MAO E OVER VALLEY Leaves Aviation Field on His Aerial Chnrflcr ami Circles Mall Tribune Dulltlliifi While Thousands of Eajjer ' Eyes are Turned Upon Him. IS PERFECT DEMONSTRATION OF MAN'S CONQUERING POWERS Aviator Ely in His Aeroplane Machine Files as Eaucrly and as ' Surely as Any Kind Intcrmlt lant Wind Is Bad. "Man-bird'' is good. Thin word, tin doubt the intention "T some newspaper writer struggling with IiIm ihctnric, following the wit nessing of Miiini aeroplane, in flight, mom aptly ihwcribcH tint stunts in lin nir porforiuetl liy Eugene Illy, muster itviulnr, ut Oak park Satur day nflerniiiiii than any oilier. Tin three High Is In; made wore without accident ami could not lie iitiptovcd Umiii. Iiilly 1(10(1 people saw Inai launch his craft three limit into the air ami ufler wheeling and circling nbnvo n moiiic giant liinl settle quiet ly hack to earlli, landing at thu sume swt from which he rnic. Eugene Kly made good In .Medford. One. year ago, new in I lie art of fly. inc. lie attempted to soar from lliis Identical field ami frilled. This fact alone brought him hack to Medford in ordi'ivto tlriiioiintrntc to local peo ile that he Iiiim the nerve ami the ability to fly. Where there was crit icism a year ago today in only praise. Ami Medford did not hcstilato n mice that appreciation. Croud SMllNMiml, Whether it was the thrill of know, iiiii that n courgcous and conscien tious man wan mioii to defy death it Helf or whether it wan merely that al. most vulgar trail of excry human he ing In enjoy a hciiHnlion or a thrill, or whether i wan the pergonal pow: cr of Eugene Kly himself is too great a question to aiiNwer lint neverthe less, the fact rcmnius thai some of these elcmenlH of human nature hold 1(100 peoilo hound an if with en chanlmenl a Oak park when Ely .e(itnlay afternoon made the great' est aeroplane flight every witnessed in IIiik section of the sluto. Some iincominon furcit wiih working on the iioinhlngo of .Medford people and thero wan not a loot of an nntoiiiohile horn or a cry or scinbhigo of fosli ily in the mass of people. There wan pimply interest, pure human in-. lercht ni what was ahont to hap. pen. Ahont one o'clock Hie people be gan lo minder toward Hie aviation field. ConversalioiiH were carried on in low Ioiich. There wiih no crowding or "miighhniiHiug" or any semblance of the iihiiiiI featnieH of a crowd gathering for a hall game or sporl Ing event. People, went to see the greatest, invention of modern limes imiiii'h conquest of the air- iih ex eniplified ly mi iivialor whose name is n household word the world ov er. No NcrvomoictiN, iliisl heforo two o'eloek Mr. and Mih. Kly arrived ill the field, (Juiotly and with no hIiow of nervousness the young mini-bird tailored tie lent, porary hangar mid conversed with liirt mechanician. The engine wiih stinted and Hie machine tested, for it wiih a new one just shipped out from the I'm clory. Then it wiih that Kly the Silent ordered the maehinu to the oppimlld Hide of the field from where Hut nIhi'I wiih to ho miii'o. After n few iuoiuoiiIh chut with Mrs. Kly, the aviator adjusted his head cap and glancing ut his watch marked that it wiih nearly two o' clock. ' "I shall ho in the air at two an wiih announced," lie stated, and start, ed aeroriH Hie field. In amongst a iiiiiimi of wired and vi.'oiiiliuiuil on I'mku 0.) f iIm I , ' rC9Z5HK I u ' i vi ' '-,... - . im The iilmic pldiiti1 hlionn Mr. I the iiiiulilae In Mlilrli lie lit titled on Jly, wlio npiN'Mri'il hen yextenlay, In fllglit ut h'un Antonio, Tex. TIiIn U tint iltik of the I'mimylviiiilfi, nntniot the new one iinciI ljr Itlnt yrolenljiy. - - .3 STRICT PARTY VOTE UN WOOL House Committee Adopts Favorable Report on Underwood Wool Tariff Bill as Endorsed by Caucus at Fri day's Medio". WASHINGTON, I). C, .lime 3. Il strict party vote the Iioiihu way ami meaiiH committee today adopted a fuvomhlo rejMtrt on the Underwood wool tariff hill as endorsed Ity the democrntio caucus. It will be rc orlrd to the house. Tiii-Mlny' anil will he called up liy Chniruuiii Underwood Wednesihiy. Hill offered u rcNoluliou in the ways mid meaiiH committee providing for the ptislpouuient of action on the matter until winter. His rcmdutioi) ithHcrtcd that Hit) aid ion of the com mittee in preparing the hill was radi cal ik'paitiiro from former revenue polieies in that it was prepared with tint licariugH e.veepl those on which the tariff hill of 10(111 were hased. The resolution was defeated hy a parly vote. HILL SELLS BONDS FOR RAILROAD EXTENSIONS lnnnn jn on niij FEEDS CHICKS QUININE; (0UUU IU OU UU I ;0N BIG STRIKE MAKES THEM LAY IM.AYA DKIi HKY. Cnl., June II. A few tpiinine tab lets broken up into fine bits and fetl to her chickens, ac cording to Mrs. .1. K. J lee map, is responsible fur her hens laying two eggs a day. Mrs. Decamp says that the indis position of an otl hen caused lief to learn of the wonderful effect of quinine on laying hens. "f NKW YOHIC, June. , -The an nouiieciueut of James J, Hill, in St. Paul, of the oxeuutioii of a mortgage of .flldO.OOO.OOO by tho (I rent North ern Itaitwjiy company was followed by the news today that the (Ileal Northern has sold to the First Na tional hank of New York .fJO.OIHI.OOll l'l per cent .lO.year builds, secured under its mortgage. It was said the proceeds will hi) usctl for general Voriinrute purMisest which include improvements, and e.v-' tensions on the (treat Noithcm. It was also made known here to 1 1 ay that Hie Hankers' Trust com pany, New York, is the trustee, under the .111(10,(100,(1(111 mortgage executed hy tho (Ireat Northern. This in the largest corporate mortgage on rcit., old. The financial eoimuuuity accepts the tfOOOJIOOJIOO mortgage tin the Hill system of railroads as n precaution ary measure mora than anything else, DIAZ BROKEN IN SPIRIT AND BODY Spends His Waking Hour on Ship board Gazing Toward Mexico Reaches Havana on His Way to Europe. HAVANA, June II. -Hrokcn in heart and in spirit Kx-l'iVMilent Diaz, walking hours gar.ing to Mexico. All Attempts to Bring About a Re conciliation Prove Futile Wish to Establish Closed Shop Principle Vancouver Faces ;Labor War. VANTOrVEIt, 1?.' C. June V- -Kight thousand wttts rumen will quit work Monday .morning, Jiluo .1, in this city, in an effort to establish thu closed shop principle in all Jiucs of employment, MAY AGAIN SEE ELY FLY HERE Fourth of July Committee is Consid ering Proposition to Have Noted Aviator Appear Here on Opening Day of Celebration. Medford's Friend FREE FLIGHTS WOULD BRING THOUSANDS TO THIS CITY Wonderful Success of Yesterday Means That Many Would Travel Miles to See. Duplication noiiiuoru uregon may nnvo n chuncc. to hee Kugeu Kly in flight again in this city in the near fut ure. The Fourth of July committee in charge of the grogram of attraction lo be arrauged for the three days of celebration yesterday were offer by Manager Devatir whereby the intrepid conqiicrer of the air may return to Medford to make several flights on Sunday July 2, the opening day of the celebration. Mr. Devaux states that for $1000 Ely will make fccvcral good flights here on that day. July 4 tho aviator is booked at Itcno, Xev and July 3rd at Chico, Cal. It is txmited out that the wonder ful success achieved by Mr. Ely here yesterday will prove him an attrac- I lion of the first order for tho celc- li.,,.... rri n!i.. .. it. i . ii - &f$.t - .. ' ht.tmt: FijfV ? . . l . fr( t( nil 'and tlilw will mpun ty rmtnen coTunnuv;.iuc.mimieitVK r.:, .: T-iT- i-l.i. 7SS. - for the pominion .and the Na-t '"";, "-" li"' ""W '" i..i i...i.,airTni lrt... A,iIn., Iouincni uregon win visit Aicaiom 'llll iniMnitti ... -,-..... ...T i CI labor t to effect it conciliation between the warring factious, have accomplished no results. of Mexico arrived hero tonight on thu Steamer Ypirauga Ferdiuuudo (lour.ales a close personal friend and oneo the chief of staff f Uinz, jeal ously guarded the ex-president from all visitors. v- l'nssengers pay that Diaz, spent hir for the purpose of seeing the nvinlor duplicate yesterday's flights and will remain for the thrcd days celebra tion. As the fourth of July celebration is for the purpose of bringing, a large number of visitors to Medford it is pointed out that this attraction will he the greatest that could bo secured. The, committee has tho matter un der advisement and will mako a do c:lon in the near future. ROGU -7Q2V r. STEVEN3 - rnvro asr mm ttvtu. Friends of John F. Stevens formerly president tof the Hill linen in Ore gon, have been advised from the cast that bo Is considering and probably will accept a position with tho houses of Kuhn, Iocb & Co., J. P. Morgan & Co. and other heavy investors. His duties, It is said, will be exclusively to pass upon railroad prospects upon which loans may be desired. TAFT MAKES EINAL PLEA FOR TREATY Says He Believes Senate Will Have Opportunity to Vote on Measure This Week Hopes That it Wilt bt Adopted as it Means Much. Senate: How Js It With Thee, Brother SAYS BODY FOUND IN HARBOR IS NOT SWINDLER SAN PKDIIO, Oak, June :i. 1I. pudialiiig the. itlentifiealioii by Mrs. Clara (.'iiddugnn of a hotly found in Hut waters of Sun Pedro harbor, as Hint of her husband, ('. 1), Catlagan, alias John Armstrong, alleged "gold brick swindler" wauled in Minnea polis, Deleelivo Adams in charge of the identification bureau declared the hotly was pot that of Cathlagan. AdaiuH says the head of tho corpse here it; fully two inches smaller than that of thu alleged swindler. Adams look Cudilagau's measure munis ut the time of his arrest. FAMOUS OLD PITCHER STRIKES .OUT I.OUAIN, Ohio, June !!. William (Dad) Clark, the old time baseball pitcher, died in u hospital here to day from paralysis, ... - -:-'-WM, 'ihyt"'.j CHICAGO. Juno 3. xpresinv his belief that the senate would havt opportunity to act on tho Cnnadiai reciprocity agreement during th coming week President Taft tonight made a final appeal for its ratifica tion, charging that tho lumber ant print paper trusts are foremost n opposition to it. Before a great throng in Orchestra hall, Taft, ns the guest of the AVcs!- eru Economic soeiety declared bill it passed nt all, would pass becouse tin weight of public opinion favors it and not because of the desire of tlu senate to ratify it. He suid: "I'm hopeful that the bil. will pass tho senate for its actua' operation will be so beneficial to both countries that arguments against -adoption" will be forgotten or will be remembered only as exaggerated in stances of perverted imagination. The opposition comes from two class es of business interests. Those win control tho lumber supply and those ongnged in tho manufacture of print paper and of whom the largest manu facturers own much of the spruet wood supply of the United Stato from which print paper is made. The second class opposed to treaty are thoso who claim to represent the far mers and agricultural interests of this country." MANDATE IS ISSUED IN STANDARD OIL CASE WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 3.- forninl mniidiitu embodying the de cree of tho supremo court in thu Standard Oil case was issued today. Wants Committee to Act. E VALLEY A BEAUTY SPOT FROM BIPLANE Aviator Ely States That This is Mst Beautiful Valley of Any He Has Ever Viewed From the Clouds Delight to Sail Over it. WORTH AVIATORS TIME JUST TO VIEW ITS BEAUTIES In Order to Rightly See Beauties of Landscape One Must Fly Above Infields and Orchards WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 3. A I a meeting of the committee on pri vileges and elections. Senator Ken yon of Iowa moved Hint tho commit tee, proceed us a wholo in the I.ori mor investigation. Tho motion was still pending when tho conunitteo ad journed until Monday. After tho meeting Chairman Dil lingham of Vermont received a tole grnm from Loriuiur asking pot-mis sion to tostity. Women .Given Votes. MADISON, Wis., June 3, Tho wo mail suffrage bill passed by the lat legislature was signed today by Gov ernor McGovorn. T)io measure is tho result of a campaign led by the Stuto Woman Stiff raco Loairuo lo huvo tho question of granting the r"k nt tho "For Sufo" nds and frnnehiso to women submitted to u nt Srtto of Hie.things Hint are (idvo'r roferendum In 1012. tlscil for salo. That of all of the beautiful val leys and landscapes ho has scnfMiis aerial charger soaring over, tho Rogue River Valley is the most beau tiful and that it will never bo seen in all of its glories unless viewed from the clouds, was the statement of Avfator Eugene Ely Saturday even ing after completing his series of flights at Oak park in tho afternoon. Mr. Ely did not hestitate to state that no where has he viewed a more favored laud, than this from tho clouds and he has made flights in the majority of the' states in the .un ion. He did not stint his praise stat ing that it was worth the time ami trouble. of 'Roj-avintoc to inulAr a.trip to tho Rogue River Valley. in, order to fly above it and uoto its fields and orchards garbed as they arc nt this season of the year. Mr. Ely stated further that it was his belief that if aerial trips ever become common as a means of trans portation between cities that tho routes will be Inid out with its great u regard for scenic effect as are rail ronds of today and this being tho case that the Rogue River Valley will bo on tho principal routes of travel up and down tho const owing to its grent beauty. "I was really surprised when I got up among the clouds this after noon," he stated before leaving for Salem last evening," to lenrn that this was such a beautiful valley. Gen erally I consider the earth ns a tnnt ter of fact and something to bump into if any thing goes wrong, but to day I could not help but remark to myself on the natural beauty of tho scene. You will never know what a beautiful valley you havo until vou get lfiOO r 2000 feet above it and" sco it stretched out below you for milos. "Someday I believe that aerial navigation will bo solved to such an extent that regular trips will bo made between cities currying passen gers as are made today by trains. These aerial routes will be laid, out with as great n regard to Hoenery ns nro tho present ones on laud and you may ho sure that tho Roguo River alley will always bo viewed by ships sailing north and south just for its boa 1113 Medford is a much larger city than T thought until I sniled over it. Alio ther remarkable fact I noticed in connection with it was tho largo num ber of new roofs. You piustf ha'vo had a great deal of building going pu here recently judging from tho look's from above. "It is very oasv for an aviator who is accustomed to the nir lo viow what ho is passing over. Of eourso nt first tho aviator keeps closo watch on his controls ns n man just learn ing to drive an Automobile, but onca getting accustomed to tho work you havo plenty of timo to watch tho earth. 'T would give a great deal to drtvo a machine to Crater I.nko and view tho natural wonder from 'tho sky. Howovor it might bo that tno would lose tho effect in viewing an attrac tion of that kind. Someday in tho dim fnr fiituro J may drive a ma chine up there. U would luko about an hour to mako tho trip if every, thing went well," t. I :; J i r k