I- j ,i Aljft!" ,(H..W !f. , jh PAGE SIX BfEDFORI) MAIt TRIBUNE, AEEDFORD. ORROON, WEDNESDAY,. MAY .U 1011. LIMANTOUR IS GIVEN PRAISE Brother of Madcro Tells Part That Minister of Finance Had In Prc vcntlnq Further Bloodshed in Mex ican War. JUAIiEZ, Mexico, May 31. Gus tavo Mndcro, n brother of Francisco I. Madcro, jr., in nn oxciusivo btate ment to the United I'rcstf today, in commenting upon tho success of! the revolution led by his brother, gave high praise to Jose Yves Limnntour, fiunncc minister in the Diaz cahi not. Madcro said: "There was littlo need of fighting. Our principal task was to be rendy to fight and make tho necessary preparations to carry on -tho revolu tion to n conclusive cud in the event Diaz had not given up. "Tho sincerity and power of the Madcro movement was fully under stood in tho groat finuncinl circles from tho start. Most of the world's financal lenders knew months ago that the revolution was bound to be successful. Meet Financiers. "When Limnntour returned from Europe three- months ago ho stopped in Now York for the purpose of dis cussing the financial situation in Mexico with New York capitalists, many of whom arc heavily interested in our country. Limnntour appar ently resided at the Plaza, but spent most of his time at tho Hotel Aster. It was in his room in the Astor where the most effective work for the revolution was dqne. "Farther nud I went to New York three times and conferred with Li-j mnntour. Wo told him that the rich cm men in Jicxico were bemud us and that ho hnd better inform the world's financial interests that we were going to overthrow tho, Diais dy nnysty. We also proved to him that he would be conferring a blessing pon our country and averting much bloodshed if he advised Diaz and the interests surrounding him that wc would succeed in our undertaking. "Limnntour was finally persuaded that Diaz and his reign were doomed, man. He told Diaz the truth about the situation. Knowing Limnntour's honesty, Diaz believed him. "One of the things we feared most was tho intervention of American troops. We were confident that if Americans knew our strength and re sources and the certainty pf our ul timate success tho American govern ment would keep hnnds off. Limnntour did much to let the p plo of the Uuited States know the ex act truth and represented us ns re sponsible and reliable men who could be held accountable for the acts of tho revolutionists. Limnntour did much as a go-between; ho was fair and an honest friend to both sides. "When some of my compatriots ac cused mo of being too friendly with him after tho fall of Juarez, I let it bo known that I personally was will ing to go still further and that my faith in him wns such that I would be willing to havo him named presi dent provisional in place of De La Barra. "To Limnntour we owe the fnct (hat the insurgents hud a fair field and a chance for a fair fight." -' t 4-4 4 EXTREME FASHIONS TO BE SPURNED BY ANGELS LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Muy HI.- Adios to the hobble skirt, "23" for the pock-u-boo waist and to the oily dump with the hnrvm skirt. Police Commissioner John Ilophnm is peeved at the many complaints received against Uroadway oglors, and and today advised the wo 1110118 clubs to begin n earn puin against the hobble, the harem and the peek-a-boo, which, ho says, invito atlen. lion and insult, "Any woman regaling her self in sueh apparel," said Topham today, "should ex pect to bo greeted with 'whoops, my dear,' or similar salutations. Such apparel has a tendency to make a man 'feel frolicksome' for ho looks ujHin the wearer in the nature of a freak. The way some women appear on. the street is degrading, and if they would give a little more at tention to such matters there would be fewer complaints against mashers. I am heart ily in favor of a city ordi nance making it a misde meanor for a woman to ap pear on the streets garbed in either a hobble or a harem skirt." M'CLAUGHERTY SHIPPED EAST Superintendent of Construction Ex presses Regret at Death of Youuq Man Said He Was 22 Years of Age Men Are Warned. . IRAN WAS I GO UNDER EIRE Same Tactics as Those Used to Stop Jeffries-Johnson Fight Employed to Stop Battle Scheduled for July 4 in San Francisco. Kxprcsslng great regret at the death of James McCltuigherty, tho lineman who wns killed Saturday, 1 K. Loder, superintendent of construc tion for the lingua Htvor Ktectrle Company today snldr "The remains of James McChiugh- orty, an employee of the llogue lUvcr Klectrlc Company, who wns electro cuted while- making connection to electric wires at tho .Opp mluo last Saturday, were sent to his relatives at Hondo, Texas, the llnguc Htver Electric Company paying all expenses In connection therewith. "Tho deceased was a very enroful and reliable man and well liked by all who knew him. He had been In tho employ of the Rogue Klvop Klec trlc Company about ono year. His studious attention to details and ab ility previously shown recommended him as a man well able to haadle the work In hand. "When first employed ho repre sented his ago as 22. His gencrar character and deportment would bo a credit to a much .older man. "All employees of the Hoguc Hlvcr Electric Company nro carefully In structed as to the dangers of the work, and how to handle same, both verbally and by posters In tho var ious sub-stations, explaining the do tails and nature of the work and first aid. etc, In case of accident." TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. MARiMlAI.LTOWN'. In.. May 31. Engineer Al Ends, Iowa Central rail way, died of heart disease- hi his cab while his train was running at top speed. Ho was di-eoverod by the H rem i ii, who stopped the train. -,t0 1 LAS PALMAS, Canary Islands, May 31. Troops weer called out to restore order when a mob attempted to burn government buildings in pro test against delay in the Spanish par liament over a bill for the division of the islands. LEXINGTON', Ky.. .May ill.-- C. B. Merrill, a eon fedora to veteran, re ceived from Missouri today a pair of baby shoes made of calfskin. A let ter aeompanyiug them said thu shoes had traveled 20,000 after the stork and they had been worn by 2.10 infants. NEW YOKK. May ill. -Police lo dayaroinvotigating the alleged mur der of Mrs. Henry Seieh. whose body was found, covered with chemicals, in the batitub of a vacant flat. Her husband is under arrest. MOSCOW. Mu' 31. General Khciubot was sentenced to u year's imprisonment for misappropriation of funds while governor of Moscow. WATER RENT Now Due at Recorder's Oflice June 1 to 10, '11 Draperies Wo curry n very ooniplutn.llnn af I iion eiirtnliiN. flxinri'K, ui, iiKNPN ur iiiiniuninrmK' a to look lifter t lit m wtnV iiiMiifi ivn. nun in mill ill) ull uIiiknpn of lltiholnlnrlMK. A Mine ml lima to look nflur t 111 M wink t'XiililNlvoly, mill will itlvn it kowI imivcii n III" Int'Kftit h M IMlHHlllIn to Kt la "VHII 'at mtli. Weeks & McGowan Co' ---rr-r..4 SAC CITY, la., May 31.-A posu today is searching for a man said to have been seen with Clifford Wilson I shortly before it is alleged, Wilson killed John mid Matthew Wright, I brothers. Wilson is in jail. j I HONOLULU. May 31. -The Japa I ncse training cruisers Aso and Soya, I formerly the Russian cruisers Huvuu j and Variug, will visit Honolulu prol OAKLAND. Cal.. May 31. Em ploying the same tactics as were us ed successfully to stop tho Jeffries Johnson fight in California, the Oak land Church Federation, headed by Attorney Carles G. White, is taking steps to prevent the scheduled Wol-gast-Moran bout In San Francisco July 4. Letters have been sent to Attorney General Webb and Governor Johnson, enclosing copies of the state law and accounts of tho recent Wol-gast-Durns battle. . William Erdman Buried. The funeral of Wilimn Erdtniin was held Tuesday morning at the res-' of cadet idencc on North Central avenue, Itev. Shields having charge of theeeremo nics . Interment was in I. O. F. cem etery. The pallbearers were Emil Walters, John L. Demmer. Jacob Shafer, Paul, Demmer, Mat Demmer and Peter Enscle. Mr. Erdman was a veteran of the rranco-Prussinn war and received numerous medals for his braver v. BLUE and GOLD DECORATED GERMAN CHINA Jl;;S SS.rS: 1 Over 200 pieces of Fancy Shaped, Blucf :,'':!;ril:::ii:;;:,!!;.,:,;!and Gold Decoratad German China in trom the Japanese nn college, the squntlrou visited hero) some ticm ago and nl-o touched at San Francisco. , or1.!!! Vegetable Dishes, Plates and Several! J Odd Pieces Here Tomorrow, 10c each j CHILD HELPS SETTLE SENTENCE UPON DADA ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 31. When Mrs. Honry Hischard was ordered by Judge Kimme) to pronouueo sentence tijKin her husband, charged with cru elly and failure to support, their lit Ho two year old daughter took part in tho proceedings and set the head of the family free. As Mrs. Hischard hesitated in fix ing punishment, tho lisping "da-da" of tho child was heard. Hischard hung his head, grasped tho child in his arms and strode forward. "Will you do bettor by me, HcnryT" Ihn wife asked. "Give mo nnnllinr ehanco and 1 will," was the reply. TJin couple loft tho court room arm in arm. Woman Suicides. HOSTON, Muss., May 31. In a fit of temporary insanity, Mrs. John Jaukson of Milwaukee leaped from tho window of her room on the fourth floor of tho Parker house horo and waa iiistunlly killed. Her husband, who was with her at tho time, was unublo to prevent the sui cide. Mrs. Jackson had boon suffer ing from nervous disordors recently. Search Warrant Out, A soitreli warrant was sworn out y E. F. Hoborts in Justice Taylor's court Wednesday morning charging ono Max Blinds with stealing a stick pin from his suit oasu soma time dur ing Decoration day. Uolh men worn employed on the Hnguclnuds tract. Lineman Shipped East.. The body of James McLaughert. the lineman who was electrocuted Saturday afternoon, was shipped to Hondo. Texas, Tuesday, for burial. Hex. Lucas conducted the funeral sen-ices which were held in Perl's undertaking parlors. The employes of the Hoguc River Fllcctric company contributed a beautiful iloral design. The pallbearers were Frank A. Stin- son, II. L. Wrigly, E. O. Engine, A M. Bohnert, William Watts and E. O. Heusclmau. NOTICE. Rose Carnival, Juno 5th to 7th. Pullman sloeper from Mcdford to Portland for the benefit of Mcdford peoplo who wish to go to the rose car nival. Leavo Mcdford 5:24 p. m. Sleeper will bo ready for occupancy at 4 p. m. SAX FHANCISCO, Cal.. May 31. Lelio Conine, 311, today shot and killed Messrs. Johanna Corvine, his sister-in-law, in her home on Cnioii street. Tho quarrel followed an al legation on the mnu's part that Mrs. Corvinio was in love with his son, Angelo, 18. TO OinUB A COBB XX OXX BAT. Take I.AXATIVK MIOMO Quinine Tnb tutu. DrucRlstn refund money If It fall to cure. B. W. OllOVtra alsnaVuc la on each box. :5c. Haeiklns for Health. NOTICE. Eagles, attention. There will be something doing Thursday night ana don't you forgot it. Special Invi tation to visiting brothers. Hall cor ner Main and Central avenuo. JAMES STEWART, 60 Secretary. NOTICE. To tho public: I tako this means of making it known that F. M. Clow Is not now In my employ In any cap acity, and has no authority to take any orders for mo nor to mako any representations on my behalf. Mcdford, Oregon, May 20, 1911. 00 W. W. EIFERT IjOqk at tuc clussuted mis it you have lost something and if the finder husn't advertised, you adver tise. WMw m SPECIAL BARGAINS AS LONG AS STOCK LASTS 10,000 ft. 8x4 Dry O. O. Uuttcrlnff, Jons' and bort Itnstb. jwr ft. lOO.VKJ fl. Quirtrr Itoun.l, "K-luoli, clear, kiln drld dr. ixr 100 fr....3l Hoorlnir, No, 1 and 3 atandard, i and S ft. leoctln. per M fll.O SOME REGULAR CATALOG TRICES C-criwi 1'aiiel Doom, flrit outUlj-. . . tirlKUt. H IM. jiow ,, 1.30 Cottaire Front l)oori,.3.t0, Z. It Z.ZS Ati tronr ixwr o.uu up Window Trim, aria, K. D, .... .10, In.lilo lxr rrmf, K. P 75 Sand U Your Lilt for EiUm'ng SEND FOR CATALOG No. lU;lafriAArmJ H1M'M Here's the Powder YouV Been Looking For Combines Every Essential Making it THE ONE PERFECT POWDER MARINELLO POWDER Ix tnado of I lie ptirct Ingredient., free from lead, Idifiniitli or any other InJiirioiiH hiilntniicc, clluglnf; and thus protecting, it absolutr. ly Hoftcns the hkln anil improves tin; complexion. Bold only at tlio Marinello HairdreSsing Shop ItOOM 3, OVKK KKNTNKIl'H I'HONI-: 111 WWWJK .J ': W li ii PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. Our office In now located In our puck lug holme, and In open for the- houhoii, Krom now on jvu will huvo thu dully lepmtH all mniltetH, Nhovvlug prlccH reallted by tho California Krtilt I)Ih (rlhiiloiH, and all other Htilpporx, Any one lutercHted hi Invited to conio In and look them over and com pure pilccN, lly Ahlpplug with iim you will have all the mivniititnen, of the largeMt and iiiiihI coiupleto deeldiioiiH mcIIIiik urKiiulxutloii In the Uiiltml Ktatcit and at a lower mitt to you Hum In the pant. I.itxt year wo handled nearly ten thoiiHiiiid cur loiidH, or neveiity-Hlx per cent of Ihn entire Cullforiilii crop. Itememliur wo I O (t I, N O T II I N (1 All fruit In Kdltl on Itn Individual merllH, and each nro with nuiiio and nrlrcH reiillrcd for each Hlilpmeut am piihllHlied In tho caluloKiicrt, Pooling wnn tried mid failed yearn ago In Call fornla. If ynu want l mcII hco iik. If yon waul iiinterlitl, Innpert our tmmiileii, mid get our prlecn lieforo purchnii I IIK'. I'ltO II IK'i: ItH I'll l' IT (Ml. K. ,M. .McKcauy, .Northweatern Agcul. Ladies' Union ' Suits A well made, full cut garment, nicely fiuitOird, and in all regular and extra largo xizen. Hero ... 50c Suit I.adicn' Hummer each; 3 for 'J.ric. Vestw, 1 0c i, !! J: Over ;(H)() yards to .st'lcft!! from in linen, torchon, vnl ! i .mi ..... i .' . . .i niui piuow cu.se nice, an ex- i tra fine ttiality in Vi to (JJ! inches wide, choice 5 conts ! a yard LACES 5c a yard 8 ACRES Hnmll Iiiiiin", nil of K rui'ifM ilnn. fit In on-lmrtl, 1 ycrtr-nlit Iftx-n, Uiinrlrr mlln mint li or oily llmltn; prlrn lliPn, 1,'imiiI IriiiiN 3 minimi iiiiiimiliiiNM fur mil OVER rAKMllRH AMD TSUITOHOW EBB' HAWK. White & Trobridge Rock Spring Goal UN KAlfD AM. THB TIMK. rXOMB 1403. Burbidge TUB COAX. KAH. Excursion East i 100 pieces of Fine Val. Laces, Worth!: fi5c yard Anywhere, on sale Thursday i! 1 r i r i s- a. . ' i;oniy, per piece or id yards ooc piece; W nr cViaf'rf fko, k:,c i: c i: i ,f f f y Hivuuunuig U1V LlggaL HilG ut piaiii !and rancy, blown and moulded Glass I Vases in the city at 25 and 50c each f HUSSEY'S '4l4t4M4(4l4f4l4HHt-4f44f4(44l444h44i 1911 IhirltiK tlm iitiMit Itn of My, Jntm, Jul)', AllSUkt niui Hrirnili(ir, Oil llatxH mIiomii linldiv. Dm Southern Pacific will aril rimiHl ttlp tlrhrtN from Medford, via Portland r.iu:H. I 13.10 t I IIMIMI tat es.jo DO YOU WANT A TENANT? IF 3 0, ADVERTISE IN THE TRIBUNE. THE GOLDEN WW THIS VACUUM CLEANER ILBEST It can ho operated with olthor tho right or left hand. Has tho flcvlhlc nozzle which makes It ponalblo to clean under china cabliictn, etc., without dlHtnrhliif; them. It Id canler to oporato than any other clcanor. A child can oporato It and clean any Hiir or Carpel how ever dirty. Tho lightest clcanor mado weighs only 3-4 poundH. Huh a largo olght Inch nozzlo which make It pohhIIiId to clean a floor fantor and with Ichk effort. Huh a Htronger suction and gotH not only tho Hinfitco dirt hut tho dirt that In In and beneath tho floor covering. Huh 92 cubic InchoR of air Hptinn and a largo dirt reservoir which makes It poHfllblo to do ''i big cleaning without emptying It. It Is hoIhcIcm. Don't ralBo tho dust. Don't wear tho carpet. Don't tiso electricity. , Uy detaching, floor nozzlo can bo iiwed for cleaning tufts on couches, morris chairs, etc, Why Von Need tho VAC UUM O h K A N Kit Moralise It will savo Time, Ijilwr, IIiikn, CarpctN, I'n rn It tiro and Dnipcrlt'H. It ro tuoveu all tho ficrni-Ijadim Dusl. , It pro tects your Health, and It means longer Life. It menu tho hiiiiki to tho homo nn Ihe luilh tub nicaiiN to you. Takes all of Ihn gcniidadcn dust out of tho homo forever. 1 s i nmnk IMA nm 1'IIONK I'ACIKICMinui, IIO.MK 1.1.R Wu Will Call nud DoiuoiiHtraUt WEST Cleaning Houso lift thU vacuum cm:anku Moana u sanitary clean homo, absoliito cloanllnens ull of tho tlmo and at no oxpomin at nil. It imcuiiH that tho llfn of your rugs and carpet will bo lucrotised ouo-thlrd. It means less work for you and moro lolsuro tlmo than you daro to dream of now, Hound Cleaning MIhiiikIcihIo(hI If you clean your homo onro a yoar or ouco n month with a Vacuum clcanor or any other kind of cleaning tool, you can not oxpect your homo to bo clean tho days be tween iitich cleaning days. It will only ho (loan a day or so aftor cleaning day. To havo an absolutory clean homo nud hoop It ho, you must hoop aftor It morn or less all of tho tlmo and to do this right with tho least offort, you miiNt uso a vacuum cleaner hut you don't want to bother with a big machlno that It tattcs a man to carry and you havo to work on II n half-hour to got things roady bofnro you can begin clean ing. You want a clcanor that Is alwnyH roady, that you can hnndlo yourself. You will hayo finished denning In tho tlmo It would havo taken you to got tho big machlno ready, A Child Can Operate It Within the Reach. of All nil folio v a TO I'lllCrtRII , 'miiull llluffit ... Olimlm . ....... Kun km i. Cy Hi. Jnanpli HI. Paul HI I'll ii I, vln Council llltlffa ... 73. " Mlnnnipnlln, illrvot 49.90 .MIiukmjhpIIx, vln Council llluff,, 7.1. o lloaton, illrrct ................. 115.0(1 Now York HMO HI. I .on 1 73.9D Wnnlilmttnti, I). C. 117.10 Allnnlla City. N. J. ...4 112.30 AZ.B DATS! Mny II. 17, IK, 19, ::, 23, 31, 3C, 37, 3d nml 39. J mm r., 7, 0, 10, 17, 1, 17, 31, 33, 31, 39 nml .10, July I, 3, 3, i, :,. , 19, 30, 24, 37 nml 3R. AilHUNt 3, 4, C, II, IK, IB. 17, 31, 22, 33, 3N, 29 mill 30. riopiiiiiitir 1, 3, 4, n, mill 7, Hlop.nvcr wllliln lliiiltd In olllirr ill rm'ttmi. Klimt rut urn limit Oatnlirr 3lt. Tot faraa on way through California Inqnlr of any SoutUaru 1'aolflo arant, or wrlta to vtvl. MoMvmsAT J'-r', Oanaral raaaanf ar A(ft OH VortUud, Orafoa. w, Graduation Presents Of Quality Still and Something that is usoful Martin J. Reddy Tho Jowolor Noar Post Offico