2 if w- I- r- I' l h COURT? looas 'NEWS MiiirliiK" I.IccIIhcn. .IiiIiii .1. Oliver iuiiI Littmi Hiiyilur. CiawfoMl'lliurliiRlon. In Mmlfonl iiiMny 8 1, IUM by. U"V. II, I. I lur rliiKltm. I'. !! Crawford mid IHIiul Mny llnnliii;toii. Nl'W ClIM'H, Nliin M. Ilnrrlii l l vtt. Victor K. IIdiio. Acllon for forrlblo ilolaliiui. 10 I'rolmto. ICHtntii of IIiikIi I., Orr, Order u imlutliiK Mnry H. Oir ndmliilHtrntrlx ICituln nf llciijiiiiiln IH'nlli order ! liolutiiiK AHlilmry Mmill ndnilnlwtrii trlx mid J. W. Merrltt, M. J. fW iiiiiii mid II. C. Maury ntiprulsnrsv Kid n to of John ('ottltiKlmtn. Iiivcii toiy mid iipiMiilMiiiiient filed hIiuwIiik I'stuto VU"d at $I.7.2K. tlimrd of Hurry I. HuUer, older niiidit to nell renl property. Kent KMnto TrnitMiVr. Kenneth A. Wyekoff to (5. I, Dickey, nt l Imid In towiiHhlp :!'., '.' west . I2 4.d00 JiiIIiih J. (ImveH to W. H. Ilriiiin, lllllll In section 8S, township il'J, I e.mt ,,,,.., Jtiiin Orlne to Thoiiinn J. Hast. lots 31 mid :i2, Idork "I" II. It. udd Ashland ' A. M. Denver to AiikimI Hchiter- iiiiiii, party wnll ugrciMticiit.. . Dill of Nye .Muiiiafturliig & Mill- Ini; Co, In .lumen l Keniiiin. Itev. of power of nttoriiiiy . . . . (lold liny Iteally Co. to Itodney i:stntiM.'o., land In section HI, township 38, I wcr.t 7& D. A. I'atullo to Kred J. lllnko ley, S77.UO nereM In towniililp 38, - went ' limliel Hlowart Hmlili to I'rwd J. Dlakeley, land In township 38. j west ,0" Jackson County Dank to H. (). l4ind & Orrliard Co., land In township :t7, I Went Kniilliitrn OrvKoii Land & Or rliard Col, to A. ('. AtirmilK, land In township .17, 1 went.. T. A. Trmia to l. II, I'eteniian, lots C mid r, block I, New town add, Medford J. 8yd MoNnlr ot nl to N. J. Itcnsiiucr, nureiiinciit, , Junius V, Melkle to HiikIi KaHt, 5 anreit In Overlook add, Anti land ,...,,,.......... Nicholas WihiIw ot til to Mrit. W. I,. Andrew, lot HI, Idock I, Tultlo'H Herond add, Medford Jolm II. DownltiK to I'mil lake, lotH a mid 4. Idock LM, Central Point Charles V. Duller to John (Irnh mn, land In townntilp -10, 2 II. I. I'oliland to W. T. Van cast Hroy, Iota 5 mid it. lot 7, Idock , I'rarhttr AliiHku add, Anh land '. . . V. T. Van Heny to Initio U. Del ton, lotH T mid ft, block 7, DraclitH Alaska add, Anhlanil. 1000 Abner Alonr.ii Mooro to A. Al- ford, properly In Talent .... Kffle I,. Taylor to I,. 15. Dean. property In Dentty'n ndd, Mod- Kffle I,. Taylor to I. 15. Demi, property In Deatty'a add, Med-fold Mary Drydernwin lo Doberl Kylo, et nl,' lotH 7 mid 8, block !, Central Point 10 IvTTDmrORD MAIL TRTBUNE, MFiDTTORT), OKWJQN, WWDNKFiDAY, MAY M, 1011. - i ., ,. PAGE flf.VE CITY NOTICES. by mild council, ordered eoniili tided i And wliormiM, the cont of llio con. Rlriicilmi of mild newer him been mid lieieby In determined to bo the mini Now, llieiefoio, iinlil city dolh or (lulu mid decline Hint each parcel of blopeily below Ih ndjaceiil lo and benefited by Hint certain liileral new er H Inchon in hIxd, cmiNtriirleii (in IJiiHt Main utreeL fioin ItooMevelt uve line to cunt end of until Htreel, and that the pioportlon of (lie rout or wild fewer which each of mild put coin of land iilionld bear, bared on Die bitnefllH derived letipectlvely by mild Keveial truclH of latiil, Ih the mnoiitit net ippnfillo tho deiicrlpllon of ench tun eel btdow, that onch of milil par cI'Ih Ih actually binefted In the mnoiint nut oipoHlto ltn deHcrlptlon below by (ho coimtriicllon of mild newer, and that mild neveral mnoiinln reprenent the proportional liimoflln of mild neveral purcolH from mild newer And each of mild piiicuIh Ih heieb) MMNOMcd the mnoiint net opponlte Itn deHcrlptlon below for the conntruclloii of nnld newer. AKHKHKMKNT KOIt AN 8-INCII HANITAItV RKWKIt ON KAHT MAIN HTHKKT TIIOM IIOOHK- VKI.T AVKNDK TO KAHT KNI) 01' HAII HTHKKT. ANiienninent No. 1 - C. If. Plum1 A parcel of land marked (0) on the map of the city of Medford, Orej;oh, and recorded In Vol. 77, page 232, of the county rerorder'n iccordn of Jncknon county, Oregon; frontnne I Ril III) fuel on iho north nlde of Kant Main ntreet; KK.30 feel; rate per foot KKe; miioiiul HD.tiO. Annenament No. 2 -V. V. MrDou nhl A parcel of land marked (I)) on the map of the city of Medford, Ore Ron, and recorded In Vol. fiS, pane 10 10 S.r.() rno 10 750 10 10 10 10 10 HPKCIAIi HTANDAHD HMCKPKHH On .linn) Ttth mid .lunn 7th tlekelH will bo Hold at n faro and a third to Purl land mid return for the Hobo Kent I va I. A ntaudard nleeper for Medford people will leave on first unction of No, Id on the nth mid another on the 7th. ItenervntloiiH can now bo made by callliiK, writing or phnnliiK tho piiHHciiKor depot. Paclflo .111. Home III. GO Look for the ad that dcserilieB (lie jiluce you would like to own. llaHktiiu for Health. CITY NOTICES. OIIDINAM'K no. mo. An ordinance uhiiohhIuk tho prop erty adjacent to and benefited by tho S-lueh lateral uawer conutriictoil aloiiK ICuHt Main ntroot from Hoono volt avenue to ennt end of wild ntreet for the cent of ('OiiHtructliiK tho samo unit provldhiK llio niiiimer of carry Iiik natd iiHHeHKiuentH Into full effect. Tho city of Medford doth oi'dalu an followa: Hectlon 1, Wliero an, tho council did heretofore provide by ordinance for tho HorvliiK f Hi owners of property iidjaceut to mid heueflted by tho coiiHtructlon of llio lateral newer hereinafter dcHcrlbod to ap. pear boforo mild council and nhow caiine, U any, why mild property Hliould not bo iiHHonaod for llio con ntruclloii ot mild Hower, and did fix 11 llmo for lionrliiK any rfuuli protoatH, which notice wim Klvon In nccordnnco with mild ordinance more than ten dnyH before the lionlnnlmt f the con. ntriictlou or nnld newer, but 110 pro tontH iiK.iiliiHt mild count ruction or im- HOHHIIIOIlt Of till! COHt UlUrOOf WUU uiado by anyouo iind mild uowor wua, 201, of the county recorder 'h recordn of .laeknon coiiniy, OreRon: frontitKc "! 01 feet on the north nlde of Kant Main ntreet; 7U.1M feet; rate per foot KKc; amount 170.35. AnHennmeiil ,No. ;i M, Umco. A imrcei of laud marked (K) on the map of the city of Medford. Oregon, nnd lecorded In Vol. 72, pane 312, of the county rccorder'n recordn of Jack n county. OreKOii; frontage 57 feet on the north nlde of Kant Main ntreet; 57 feet; rate per foot SHc; amount $50. ic. AHKCHMiieiit No. 4- C II Pierce A parrel of laud marked (!') on the map of the city of Medford, Oregon, and recorded In Vol. 72, page 311, of the county rccorder'n rerordn of Jarhnoti county, Oregon; frontage 70 icoi 011 uie norm nine or llant Main ntreet; 7n feot; rate per foot 88c; mnoiint K.l. .(). Annonnmont No. 0 Mnry K. O'Noll. A parcel of land marked (O) on the map of the city of Medford, Oregon, nlid recorded In Vol. 03, pngo (5, of 1110 county reconler'n recordn of Jack ion county, Oregon; frontage ISiii.GS feel on the north nlde of Kant Main treet; I'.iG.GS feet; rate per foot SKc, amount $17.1 OS. Atinennuient No. C, It A. Itnwson A parrel of laud marked (J) on the map of tin) city of Mcdfnrd, Oregon itud recorded In Vol. fit, pngo 21P, of the county rccorder'n lerordn of Jack 4011 couuly, OriiKou; frontago I57.-II feet on the north nlde of Kanl Main treet; I57.il feet; rale per foot n$c; amount $1.18.52. AhHeMinont No. 7 - Olaf DJerre guard. A parcel or land marked (K) on tho map of the city of Medford. Oregon, and recorded In Vol. GG. page 51, of the county rccorder'n roc. ordu of Jncknon county, Oregon; frontage 157. -II feel on the north nlde of Kant Mnlti street; 15741 feet; rate por foot 8Sc; mnoiint $138,52. AHHemmioMt No. S -William II Hhnffer Kt. A pnrcel of laud mark ed (l.) on the uinp of the city or Med rord, Oregon, ami recorded In Vol SI, page ,13G. or Hie county rccorder'n recoidH or Jncknon county, Oregon; frontage 113.25 feet on the north nlde of Kant Main ntreet; 1 1.1 25 fVot; rate per foot 88c; amount $D9.GG. AmtoHHiuciit No. 9 W. I,. Dlack. 'A parcel of laud marked (M) on the limit of tho city of Medford, Oregon, and recorded In Vol 03, page 2111, of the cotinty reconler'n recordn of Jnck non county. Oregon; frontage 70 feet on the north nlde of Hunt Main ntreet, 70 Met; rate per foot 88c; amount $G0 52. AMHenumont No. 10 W I.. Dlnck. A parcel of land marked (N) on the map of the city or Medford, Oregon, and recorded In Vol. G3, pago 2112, of tho county rccorder'n recordn of Jack ntiii county, Oregon; frontago 71 feet on the north hIiIo of Kant Main ntreet; 71 reel; rato per Toot 88c; mnoiint $ii'-M8. AHHCHHinent No. 1 1 - 10. C. Knudalt el nl. Lot 1, block 1, or the KutU Main addition to the city or Med ford, Oregon; frontage 5G reel 011 tho north nlde or Kant Main ntreet; fill feet; rate per foot 88c; amount $10.28. AHHosnnient No. 12 K. C, Itandnll ot nl. Lot 2, block 1, of the Kant Main addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; froiitimo 50 reel on the north nlde or Kant .Main ntreet; 50 reel; rule per root 88c; amount $10.28. AnKCHHineiit No. 13 K. C. Itandnll ot nl, Lot 3, block 1, or the Kant Main addition to tho city of Medford, Oiegou; frontage 50 feet on tho north Midi) of Kimt Main ntreet; 50 feet; nl to per root 88c; amount $40.28, AnHennmeut No. 1 1 10, O. Handall et al. Lot I, block 1, ot ,tho Kant Main addition to the city ot Medford, Oregon; frontage 5(1 foot on the north nlde or Kaat Main ntreet; 50 feet; nito per root 88c; amount $10.28. 'Annennuient No, 15-10. O. Handall of al. Lot 5, block i, or tho Kant Main addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 59.02 feot on the liortli nldo of Kant Main ntreet; 50,02 feet; rnto per foot' 88c; amount $62.17. AflHOHHiuont No. 1(1 It, J. Conroy and H. W. Clancy. Lot 1, block 1, or tho Conroy-Cliinoy Hiibdlvlalou to tho city or Medrord, Oregon; frontage 50 filet on the north nldo of Kaat Main ntreet; 50 root; rato per foot 88c; amount $1 1. AHHOHHinont No, 17 11. J. Conroy and II. W. Claney, Lot 2, blook 1, of tho Conroy-Clauey nubdlvlnlon to tho city or Medrord, Orogon; rrontago 50 root on tho norm ntiio or loam Maui ntreet; 50 rent; rato per root wSSc; iipiouut $11. AH8CHHII10111 iso. is -11. j. i-oiiroy 11111I It, Clancy. Lot a, block t, or the Couioy-Cliincy Hiihdlvlalon to tlto city of Medford, Oregon; iroiimtjo CITY N0TICE8. 50 reel on Hie noitli hIiIo of Kant Main ntreet; 50 reel; rato per root 88c; amount til AnnenHineiit No, 10 It. .1. Conroy and It. W. Clancy. M L block I, of the t onioy-oiancy nubdlvlnlon lo the city of Medford, Oiegou; frontage 50 feet on the north nldo or Kant Main iitieet; 50 reel; rate per fool 881;; amount $M. AnHcniiment No. 20--It, J. Conroy and It, W. Clancy. IM 5, block 1, of the Conroy-Clmiey hiiIiiIIvIhIoii lo the city or Medrord, Oregon; rrontago no teet 011 the ninth Hide or Kant Main ntieet; 50 reel; rale per foot 88c; amount $ 1 1, " AnnenHineiit No, 21 It, .1. Conroy and It, W. Clancy. Lot fi, block 1, it the Conroy-Claiicy nuhdlvlnlon or the city or Medrord, Oregon; front age 50 feel on the north nldo of Kant Main ntreet; 50 feet; rato per foot 88c: amount $44. AnnonHUlent No, i' It, .1. Conroy ami It. W. Clancy. Lot 7. block 1. of the Conroy-Clancy niibdlvlnlon to the city of Medford, Oregon; rrontago 50 rcot on me norm moo 01 i;nni .Main Ui eel; 50 recti rato per root 88c; amount $1 1. AHHOHHinont No. 2.1H. J. Conroy Hid II. W. Clancy. Lot 8. block 1. or 'he Conroy-Clancy nubdlvlnlon or the Ity or Medrord, Oregon; frontage 50 'eel oil the north nldo or Kimt Main iitrot; 50 red; rato per foot 88c; iliiouut $11. AHHOMHrnnnt No. 2 I It. J. Conroy mil It. AV. Clancy. Lot D, block 1, of ihe Conroy-Clancy hiiIkIIvIhIou of the Ity of Medford, Oregon; frontage 15.58 feet on the north nlde of Kant Mala ntreet; 45.58 feet; rate per foot S8c; amount $10.1 1. AHHOHHinont No. 25 Harry K. Ffln er A parcel of land marked (Q) in the map or the city or Medrord, Oregon, and recorded In Vol. 70. mgo 512, or the county rccorder'n recordH or Jncknon county, Oregon; 'rootage 107.5 reel on tho north nldo r Kant Main ntreet; 197.5 feet; rate ior foot 88c; amount $17.1.80. AHHOflniuent No. 2fi (Ico. P.,Llnd- ey The Houlh 1015 feet of tho west ,0 feet or 11 parcel or land marked Ht) on the map or tho city or Med- 'ord. Oregon, mill recorded in vol. i7, page 5.17, or the county recorder's etordH or Jncknon county, Oregon; 0 reel; rato per root 88c; amount ML AtmoMinont No. 27 Klla C. Wen- erluud. A parcel of land marked f AC) on the mnp of tho city of Mod- 'ord. Oregon, mid. recorded in vol. 70, page 250. of the county recordcr'n eroriln or Jacknou county, Oregon 'rontago 110 reet on the nouth nlde )f Knnt Main rtrcct; 14G feet; rate cr root 88c; nmouiit $128.48. AnnenHinent No. 28 Leo Drndnhaw 't al. Lot 2 of the Llndloy addition o the city ot Medrord, Oregon; front ige 90 reet 011 the nouth nlde or ICant Main ntreot; 90 reel; rato per root J8c; amount $79.20. AHBCHHinent No. 29 J. N Hockor imllh. Lot 2 or the Llndloy addl Ion to the city or Medrord. Oregon; 'rentage 90 reet on the nouth nlde r Kant Main ntreet; 90 feet; rate jcr root SKc; amount $79.20. Anncnnment No. no J. I). Hklnnor. ',! t of tho Lttidley addition to the it) of Medford. Oregon; frontage 98 Vet on the nouth nlde of Kant Main itreot; 98 feet; rale per foot SSc; tmmiiit $80.24. AHBCHmnont No. 31 C. D. Scott mil J. 0. Smith. Lot 1, block 1. tf he Medford llelghtn nddltlon to tM) Ity of Medford, Oregon; rrontago Co Vet oil tho nouth Hldo or Kant Main itreet; GO reoO rato per root SSc; imoiint $52 So. AnaosMucnt No. 32 C. 11. Scott mil J. (1 Smith. Lot 2. block 1, or he Medrord HolghtH nddltlon to tho Ity or Medrord, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the nouth nldo of Kant Main ntreet; GO feet; rnto per fool 4Sc; amount $52.80. AHHOHHinont No. 33 C D. Scott mil J 11. Smith. Lot .1, block 1. or he Medford Helghtn addition to the dty of Medford, Oregon; trdntngo GO Vet on the nouth nlde of Knnt Main dreet; GO root? rato per root SSc; imoiint $52.80. Assemimcnt No. .14 C. D. Scott ind J. (1. Smith, Lot I, block I, or the Medrord llelghtn addition to tho Ity or Medford. Oregon; frontago GO feet 011 the nouth nldo of Kant Main Ureet; GO feet; rato per root SSc; imoiint $52.80. Anneusiuent No. 35 C. D. Scott -ind .1. 0. Smith. Lot 5, block 1. ot tho Medrord Helghtn uddltlou to tho city r Medrord, Oregon; rrontago GO reel in the nouth Hide or Kant Main ntreot; 10 root; rato por foot SSc; mnoiint ;52.S0. AHHOHHinont No. 30 C. D. Scott mil J. 0. Smith. Lot 1, block 2. or the McdMrd llelghtn addition to the city r Medrord. Oregon; rrontago GO root in tiro nouth nldo or Kant Main ntreet; 10 reel; rate per root SSc; amount $52.80. Annensnieiit No. 37 C. 11. Scott mil J. Q. Smith. Lot 2. block 2. or tho Medrord llelghtn nddltlon to the city or Medrord. Oregon; rrontago GO root in the nouth nlde or Kant Main nt root; GO reet; rato per foot SSc; amount 5-80. Annennnient No. .IS C. 11. Scott and J. (1. Smith. Lot .1. block 2, ot tho Medford HolghtH addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago GO reel 011 tho nouth Bldo of Kant Main ntreet; GO feet; rato per root SSc; amount $52.80, Ansenmuent No. 39 C. D. Scott and J. G, Smith. Lot I. block 2, or the MeiUord Helghtn addition to thn city or Medford, Oregon; frontago 00 feet on tho nouth nldo or Knst Main ntreot; 110 reet; rato per root SSc; amount $52. SO. AHHOHBiuunt No. -10 C. D. Scott mid J. O, Smith, Lot 5, block 2, or (ho Medford HolghtH addition to the city or Medrord, Oregon; rrontago GO reel 011 the aoutli nluo of Kanl Main street; 00 feet; rato per root SSc; amount $52,80. Annenainent No. 41 Win. M, llolmen. Lot I, block 1, or tho Nob Hill addition to tho city or Medrord, Oregon; frontage 00 foot 011 tho south nldo or lOnst Main ntroot; GO Toot; rato por root S80; nniount $52,80. ABHOHHinont No. 12 -J. w. jonn- noii. Lot 2, block 1. or the Nob 111(1 nddltlon to tho city or Medrord, Oro gon; frontago GO feot on the aoutli nldo or KtiRt Mniii ntreet; GO root; rae per root SSc; iiiuouiil 52.80. AfHOBHinont No. 43 Win. M. Holme. Lot 3, block 1, or the Nob Hill addition to tho city of Medford, CITY NOTICES. Oregon; rroiltnno GO foot on the nouth nldo or Kant Main ntreet; 00 reel, into per foot 88c; amount $52.80, Aniioniimeiit No, 11 - Win, M. HoIiiich, Lol 4, block I. of tho Nob Hill nddltlon to the city of Medford, Orogon; frontago GO foot on tho nouth nldo or Kant Main ntreet; GO reel; rale per root 8 So; amount $52.80. AHHOHHinont No; 45 Win. M. llolmen. Lot 5, block I, of tho Nob Hill addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 00 foot on the nouth Hldo of Kant Main nlreet; GO feet; rate per foot 88c; amount $52.80. Anneuniiit'iit No. Ifi Win, M. llolmen. Lot G, block 1, of the Nob Hill addition to tho dty or Medford, Oregon; frontngo GO reet on the nouth nldo of Kant Main ntreet; GO feet; rato per foot 88c; amount $52.80, AHHCHHinoiit No. 47 Win. M llolmen. Ut 7, block 1, of the Nob Hill addition to the city of Medrord, Oregon; frontngo 55 7.1 reet on the notitli nldo or Knnt Main ntreet; 55.7.1 reet; rnto per foot 88c; amount $10.05. AHKCHHmont No. 48 Win, M. llolmen. Lot 8, block 1, of tho Nob Hill addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; forntngo GO feet on the nouth nldo or Kant Main ntreet; Go feci; rate per foot 88c; nniount $52.80. AnnegHiiient No. 49 -C. D. Scott nnd J. O. Smith. Lot I, block 7, or tho Medford Height addition to the city of Medrord, Oregon; frontago 51 feet on tho nouth nlde of Kant Main ntreet; 5J feet; rate per foot 88c; nniount $44.88. AnseeHinent No. 50 C. D. Scott and J. O. Smith. Lot 2, block 7. of tho Medford Helght nddltlon to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 51 feet on tho nouth nldo or KaHt Main ntreet; 51 reet; rate per foot 88c; mnoiint $44,88. AnnenHinent No. 51 C. D. Scott and J. Q. Smith. Lot 3, block 7, of the Medford Helghtn addition to the city of Medford, Otegon; rrontago 51 reel oil the nouth nlde of Knnt Main ntreet; 51 feet; rato per foot 88c; amount $11.88. XHsonnment No. 52- C. D. Scott Mid J. O. Smith. Lot 4, block 7, or the Medford Helghtn addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 51 feet on the nouth Hide of Knst Main ttreot; 51 reet; rate per foot 88c; mnoiint $4 4.88. AHHcnnmont No. 53 C. D. Scott mid J. O. Smith. Lot 5, block 7, of the Medford Helghtn nddltlon to the city or Medrord, Oregon; rrontago 51.2S reet on tho south side or Kast Main ntreet; 51.38 feot; rato per foot SSc; amount $45.22. Annensmcnt No. 64 O. L. Scher merhorn. A pnrcel of land located between block 7 of the Medford Heights addition and the I. O. O. F. tract and marked (private road) on the map of tho city or Medrord; rrontago 40 foot on the south side of Kant Main Btreot; 40 feet; rnto per foot 88c; amount $.15 20. AHHCHHinent No. 55--Led go No. 8.1, f O. O. V. A parcel of land marked (I O.O. b trnct) on tho man of tho Icily of Medrord, Oregon, and record ed In Vol. 83, pago 2G0. or the coun ty rccorder'n records or Jncknon coun ty. Oregon; rrontago 1G9 reel; on the south nldo or Kant Main street; 1G9 feet; rato per foot SSc; nniount $148.72. Section. 2. And It Is hereby order ed and ordained that the several as sessments nnd the Hens thereof be entered In the water main lion docket of said city, nnd that thereupon no tice bo given to the owners or reput ed owners of nnld property, nnd that the snmo be enrorced nnd collected In tho manner provided by tho charter or tho city for tho collection of ns scfcamcntR for tho Improvement of streets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordored that the notlve nbovo provided for bo published three times In tho Dally Mall Tribune, n newspnper published nnd of general circulation In said city, In tho manner provided by ordlnnnce No. 250 or said city. Tho roregolng ordinance was pass ed by tho city council or tho city ot .Mediord, Oregon, on tho lGth dny or May, 1911, by tho following vote: Morrlrk nye, Watt nyo, Wortman nyo, lOmerlck nye, Kllert nyo nnd Millar nye. Approved Mny lGth. 1911. W. II CANON. Mayor. Attest: KOI1T. W. TKLKKH. City Recorder. NOTICK. To tho owner, or reputed owner, ot each parcel or property described In tho roregolng ordinance, ns named therein nnd In the lien declared b, nnld ordinance, an recorded In the docket or city Ileus: You nro horoliy notified that the nnsossmoiit declared by tho rorego lng ordlnnnce has been made nnd the Hen thereror entered In the city Hen doekot, and Hint tho snmo Is duo nnd you nro hereby required to pay the same to tho city rccordor within ton days from tho sorvlco of this notice which sorvlco Is made by publication of tho foregoing ordinance nnd thlf notice three times in tho Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant to nn order ih 1110 ciiy council "i naiu cuy. HODT. W. TELFKK. City Hocordor. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. KOU KAI.K Hint clana IiurIiichh, mus cell on account of ether tiiiHlncsn, ilon'i taku much to start. Inquire of Box SOS oily. I'Olt SALi: llont luylntr lunch countei In city, 11 nnnp If you mean business Address owner Mull Trltumo. 13' roil SALK UouiuIhk luiuso on 4th and Front Htioutn, 62 FOr EXCHANGE. Beat EiUU FOU EXCHANGE Modronl and subur ban property, ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 199, caro Mall Tribune. FOR SALE OR RENT KOU KALK OH HUNT Mo.lem house Kimd locution on piivt'il ntreut, Uuqulro 601 South Holly ntreot. 04 VOll HUNT Oil SALi: Well furnished fi.room bungalow with pnniry, bath 100111. electric lights, screened In sleep. Init poich uml southeast fiontt will rent all or a portion of the house fur nlsheil Pall mornings, corner Laurel and nth ntieet. LOST. LOHT Om, dnrk brown mnrr, ronehn1 innne, old barbed wire cut en front foot; whit.) snot on throat, linlter on when lout. I'lrnms wrltn or telephone lo Ul- rich Ilros., Jncloionvlllo, Ore. FOR RENT rurnlilnd Rooms. roll HUNT -At Die Collage, modern furnished rooms equipped Willi private telephono service, hot and cold run ning water, sleeping porches, Imth nr. coiniiiodiilloiis and heat If desired 001 West Tenth nl. I'honn cnll private exeliango Ml. I'OIl Itn.NT Kour nicely furnished sleeping rooms. 220 Kotith Orspo st. f.2 KOIt HUNT Kurnlshed rooms for trans ients, No 10 N. CI rape street, next to rarnurs & Krull Grownrs' bank. FOU HKNT Furnished room In now modern bunKnlow, board If desired S17 Houlh Holly. 60 Hoanktcplnif Rooms FOU 1IF.NT Two furnished light house keeplm; rooms. Apply mornings. 425 Houlh Onkdnle. CO FOlt HUNT Two-room suite of furnish til housekeeping rooms. (Jns for cook ing. 222 Kotith Holly sL FOU HUNT Light housekeeping rooms, close In. 322 H. Central ave. $2 FlMtNIHIIKD housekeeping Houlh Uarthtt street. 134 CO Boost FOH HUNT Three-room house, IS per month. Inquire room 33, over Jackson County Unnk. FOH HUNT New "-room bungslow, modern. Phono 2302. Call at 228 X Central sve. 62 FOH HUNT Thrw-roomed house, fur nished, close In. Inquire 234 W. Fifth. S3 FOH HRNT New nlx-room house. In quire nt C01 Ilentty st. e: FOH HUNT Kurnlshed hous. board taken for rent. 12X North Grnpo street FOH HUNT New modern five-room cot tage l'hono 2IS5. 521 West Hamilton st. 1 FOH HUNT Slx-room house. Bcatty street. 120. V. T. York & Co. FOH HUNT 5-rooin modern house. In quire 0 N. Onmge st. FOR HUNT Elegantly furnished rooms ileim heat, hot and cold water, baths electric lights, newly furnished, sin gle rooms or en suite, by the day week or month. Inquire room 103 Ulectrlc bldg. 21 g W. Main st FOH HUNT Modern 6-rom furnished house, close In. Inqulro CO N. Or ange st. FOU HUNT Jloilern five room house and sleeping porch. Partly furnished If desired. Phono 2902. CO Business Property FOU SALE OR RENT Good opening for general merchandise store In now town with 115.000 monthly payroll, nn railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 206 W. Main. rnns FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches garden land, general farming ranches Gold Ray Realty Co., 21 W. Main. Business Booms FOR RUNT Business room on W. Main st, 24x140, suitable for restaurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 W. Main at. FOR SALE Lots roil HAI.U at a bargain, flvo closn-ln east front lots, total frbntngo 2S0 feot, two blocks south or city park, I'rlen IC000 for llio flvo lots. Oilier lots further out nru soiling for more money, Address P. O., Ilox 702, Med ford, Or. 78 FOH HALU Lot IV2xlO, Jackson street. HOMO Apply C W Hellbromer, enro of Hutchison tc I.umsdcn. roil QUICK HALi: 1 lot In Walnut IMrk. ono block noulh of Main, chesp for cash. Heo Clyde Hazelrlgg at post office. CITY PUOPURTV ItAHQAINH Mock 100x200 nnd 4-room house, close In on N. Central, only 11250. 3-room bungalow, lot C0xl0, largs slisdo trees, nenr Oakdale, prlco S50, terms 1.100 ensh, 110 month. A block of liin.I l9xl8 Just off W. .Main In city limits, suitable for lots, garden truck or chickens, prlco 11100. Itend again then s-e Earl B. Tumy, 201 Onrnott-Corcy bldg. BAl Ellst FOR HALE Jackson county lands In Rogue river valley, Oregon, by the Jackson County Realty company, II, M Cosh, manager. Office In Garnett Corey building, room 217. Farm lands, garden lands, fruit lands, stock ranches, large and small tracts of Im proved and unimproved lands. Oflcs phone (691; resldcnco 141. lOH HALU 1 acre and S-ncro tracts adjoining city of Medford, on long time, easy payment. 12 lots In Medford on main paved street; cement sidewalks nnd paving In; also sewers, water and light Long time, easy payments. 430 acres land. 3S0 acres alfalfa land, 80 acres fruit land, perpetual wa ter right with water for Irrigating 1000 acres, lorig time, easy payments. 340 acres land, 200 acres alfalfa land, balance fruit land, 1 mllo from railroad, on long time easy terms. 5000 acres land In tracts or from 40 acres upwards; price 125.00 per acre and upwards; suitable for alfal fa, fruit, stock and general farming purposes; losng time, easy payments. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 216 West Main at FOU HALU Eighty ncrcs. two miles west ligle Point, $70 per acre. Com municate with owner. Box II, caro Mall Tribune. 32 ' Basilic is Property FOR SALE Choice business property at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Water ft Power Co. KlsceUassoos FOH HALE Furniture for salo and house for rent. 130 North Front st 61 FOR HALE A motorcycle at a sacrifice If taken this week. P. O. Box 315 city 61 FOH SALE Anybody wishing to start or supply woodyard can buy 400 tiers fir and laurel cheap. Address "Fair view," Jacksonville. 63 t OR HALE Ono three-burner coal oil stove with large oven attached. Call at 23 Mistletoe st. 6m BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. ROGUE RlVr.lt VALLEY ABSTRACT TITLE CO., INC., Jacksonville. PhoiioM Paolflc Main 11; Home 2006, ArobUocn. JO'INH A TURNER, Architects nnd Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main: Phons .frits 4171 I1a .1..... ..I. , , " um tii Jimiiunmin imunr f POWUIt, RUUVKH A WEST Architects, u, nun iuo nurneu-i.orcy building Accountant. D. R. WOOD General accountant Your books audited nnd kept for a rcnsonnlila figure; your buslne solicited. Office Phlpps bldg., room 209. Phono 3122, Asssysr nc Analyst. ASHAYER AND CIIEMIHT pari V. In gels, II. He General assay nnd an alytical work. Cement nnd asphalt testing. Best equipped nssay offlco and testing tnbnnttory In Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Pass, Or. Attorneys. COLVIO & REAMEH W. M. Colvlg, G L. Heames. Lawyers. Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J NEFF, WM. P. MKALEY Attorneys-at-Iaw. fos. 1 and 3 Post offlco building. A-jJtBAMES Lwyer. Garnott-Corey W1THINGTON & KELLY n.tH. k........ .ii, uuimiiii;, Lawyers. MULKEY & CHERRY (B. F. MUL1CRY. GEO. W CIinitRY) Lawyers. Room 12, Jncknon County Band bldg. Billiard Parlors. a T ?,nPN CO. Billiards. Cigars ?,n,1iSSf.,i?r,nk Up wlM- Young Hall building. A nice, cool ylaco to spend the hot afternoons. BUI Postsrs. VERNE T. CANON Bill postor and Dis tributor. All orders promptly fillod. Room 1 2fc Jackson County Bank bulld lng, Medford. Oregon. Cigars sad Tobacco. IRELAND ft ANTLE, Smokehouse dealers In tobacco, cigars, and smok- cla. 212 West Main street Civil Bnglnors, FOR SALE 1910 model 4 cylinder nerce Arrow encap. uomi nnajx.-. 111- 1 qulro Box 785. F. T. Emerlch. Mcd-j ford. FOR HALE Now furniture cheap. 614 West Hamilton street 60 FOR SALE Three year old black coach driving mare. New buggy and hand made harness. Apply Medford Iron Works. ASTBURY ft TEE. CIVIL ENGINEERS, surveyors. Specialty; Platting, sub! dividing and municipal engineering. Phono 4081 Room 408 Oarnett-Coroy bldg.. Medford. Oregon. . rnraltnrs. ".& J?PF 9- dealers In new and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Household stoves Main 3181. Homo 265-L. "S?1?" "NJTURE-WRKHcbF-mu.& ,ttnd. "OH streets. Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cab- sollclted! ' " k,nd' A ,rlal rr UJES'K wtL,-CkstovC8 nnd fSBC"i. iew,.and "econd hand fuml- fori Pn"o 91- Home 2S3-K. Mcd- Qranlts Worts. h? RAY GRANITE CO.. 216 West italn street, manufacturers and deal ers in monumental and building gran ite, crushed granite, common brick and pressed brick, coarse and fine washed river sand. ilEUFORD BIUCK CO. Geo. W. lTlddy. a,. -J?f ,e ?- ?- O'Brien Contri?: tors anil manufacturers of brick: deal ers In pressed brick and lime. Offlco r?JJar,U"Coir.Dlocl- om 209. 2d floor. Phone No. 3181. Xandscsps Qsrdensr. FOR SALE Furniture complete for five room cottage, cheap, call at Toggery. FOR SALE Hay. Ihave grain and al falfa baled. See A. A. Davis. 1 FOR SALE Corn. Inquire Dr. Clancy's office, Phlpps bldg., or phone Main 501. Offices for Bent FOR RENT Offlco room with fireplace. Apply nt Gregory's studio. e"OR RUNT Desk room, ground floor. W. T. York ft Co. FOR RENT Over tho postofflce with heat and light Sea A. A. Davis. FOR. RENT Office rooms In Electric bldg . modern equipment, steam heat. electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 216 W. Main st Miscellaneous. f-OR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunt ing resort on easy terms. Box 32, Mall Tribune. TOR .RENT Garden land In tracts of frpm one aero upwards, with water for Irrigation. Owner will furnish team and Implements for cul tivating and seed for share of crop. Inquire of Buffum, Rogue River Eloc trio Co., 21C W. Main st FOR SALE. FOR SALE A very rlno new $150 top carriage, single seat, at your own prlco If taken this week. Humphrey. 815 East Malm Phono 3392. CI WANTED To buy. Wo deslro to buy beef calves nnd young swine. Write or phone offerings to Ira J. Dodge, manager. Riverside nch, Medford. 61 WANTED. XlscUsnsoaa WANTED Do you need money? I have $7000 for best value offered In im proved property What havo you? Give full description. Principals only. Con fidential If desired. Address Box 86, care Mail Tribune office. 62 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Work. A soDcr, honest young man would like work in a nur sery, or an orchard. Address E. W H.. general delivery. 70 WANTED Position as steam roller, stutlomiry, traction or donkey engin eer. Bell 5161. 61 WANTED Washings. Fine washing and Ironing a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. 137 South Ivy. Phone 3813 63 Acreage 'Oi; HALU 3-1 aero (closo In), garden, cabin, furniture, large barn, hor.su and buggy, prlco $750.00; $300 cash, bal ance terms Address E. C, caro Mail Trlliuno office. 62 "OR SALK Wo havo 300 ucrcs of first class yellow fir timber, well located for logging and milling; stock ranches with plenty of running water. Prloo from $17 to $35 per acre. It Is also good orchard land, and well locat ed. Wo havo farm lands suitable for gruln, gardening nnd dairying. Buy a homeln tho famous Willamette val ley, tho garden spot of Oregon. Save money by dealing direct with tho owners. Martin Bros., Brownsville, Or. 73 OH SALE 5 and 10 aero traots just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 5 annual payments. Ad dress Condor Water ft Power Co. HELP WANTED. Kelp "Wanted Mais WANTED Carpenter familiar with making mlsston furniture nnd wood working Address Buffum, euro Rogue River Ulectrlc Co. tUN; BgkTZ. .landscape Gardener. .,eiHfcn P.1!"1'0 avenue and Beatty street. Mcdfonl, Or. Satisfaction . guaranteed. Call Main 3818. Botonr Public N bunding PUBUC "m " Phlpps HELEN N. YOCKEY, Notary public. Bring your work to me at tho sign ot The Mall Tribune. Tents and Awnings. MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING CO., makers of new, repairers of old. Both Phones 405 S. Oakdale. Harierles. MEDFORD GREEN" HOUSE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Msln. Phono 3741. yKAI.C.EI.1 NURSERlESOur trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not f,?!6.?- Wo guarantee everything put out We are not In the trust ft. H. RUterson. office removed to 116 Ii Main st "V&U1? WYKU VALLEY NURSERY CO.. Inc. Growers of high grade nur- IV? "J? fr,c 35 W. Main. Tele pnono 1301. Physicians and Bnrgsons. Dlta CONROY ft CLANCY Physicians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg. rooms 210-311-212. Office pnono 501 resldcnco phono 613. Office hours 9 a! m. to 8 p. m. ?. i)- Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnott Corey bldg. Phono Main 6361. DR. E. H. PORTER Diseases of w ttlPn n nnAilnllw lnn.. 0 u .... Mark's bldg, Medford. Oregon; phones; Office 4961. resldenco 4951. ra8uodminl.8te.rc1 tor extraction of Phono 4432" P,,0no Ma,n M1' N1eft WANTED Good Japanese boy for gen orul housework. Two In family. Best of wages. Address Box 29, caro Mall Tribune office. WANTED Salesman foi oscculslvo ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Cpmplote line Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade arul ornamental stock. Cash weekly, out fit freo. Toppenlsh Nursery Company, Topponlsh, Wash. Bouses 'OR HALE Flvo-room house with largo lot, 817 W. Front st. Enquire of own er on premises. Tolephouo 6591. 62 !"OR SALE On South Oakdale, 3 blocks from city p.uk, 9 room houso with east front on lot. 75x110, lawn In splendid condition, rich garden spot, large fruit trees nnd garngo, wood shed, under sumo, roof as dwelling. Inqulro 413 South Oakdale. 60 lots. ' 'OR KALE Two cholco lots on Siski you Heights, each lot 62 1-2x150; shade trees and water un property: flue lo cution; can he purohuHi'd cheap from owner P O UoV 421. Medford. 62 'OR SALE Lots on Palm street, west of Olson, $300 iuhI up, Hoo ownor, 731 West Second street. 00 WANTED Salesmen In every locality of the northwest; money advanced week ly; many mako over $1000 month cholco of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toponlsh. Wash. Xelp Wanted Pemals WANTED Wuttress at tho Franco American Hotel $25.00 per month, fare paid Moruson & Lush, Yreka. Call. WANTED Woman for general house work, ono who can -cook. Wages $30 per month. Apply Buffum, Rogue River Electrlo Co., 216 W. Main. WANTED Girl or woman for goneral housework: two In family: best of wages, Addioss Box 60, caro Mall Tri MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE pasturage for 60 head of stool;, $1.60 pur month Write Ira J Dn'lee. manager, Riverside Hunch, Med ford. CI Oil. KTBAHMk i..,-i-i-- - ii5Ji8, ph0e B55i-.. Kesldonce 113 Laurelst.. phone 2092j DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD.""physlclan and surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, practice limited to diseases of wo- ...eh. "uiwsumr tiassins urug store. Phones: Pacific tool; jtomo 28. Dr. W. M. Van "Kcoyoa ' Dr. C. C, Van Scoyoo. .. Dentists. Garnott-Corey bldg., suite 318. Modford. Oregon. Both Phones! DR. J. J. EM.MUNS Practice limited to dlseaso of tho eye. car, noso and throat Office 216 E. Main streot ORS. SAUNDERS AND OREEN Prac Jjce limited to eye, ear. noso and throat. Office: Suite 318 Garnett Corey building. Both phones. Chlnsss BCtdlctnes. CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines' will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat and lung trouble, doufness, paralysis, private dlsoases and nil kinds of chrpnlo and nervous allmonts, htomaeh troublH, constipation. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. Hco mo at 341 R. Front St.. Medford. Ore, Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped Job offlco In Southern Oro gon; book binding: loose leaf systems; gVIaP,or, etc.. etc., Portland prices. 27 North Fir street. 8tanncmhntiAv ELLA M. UUANYAW Palm Stenographlu work dona quickly ond Signs. VA.VY l PI .AUVERTIHlNd "COA SIGNS will help build up your husP noss. Phono 802. 18 Riverside Hvenim BUnra Beating. PONTINO ft RENZ Steam and hot wa. tt.rH? i'K' UrJ,ikl l"wer work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates Klvon. Phones; Paclflo 4601, Horn UH'' ,f1B'J?,co Paclflu 4402. Box 434, 37 South Central uveuue, Medford, A ' 4.1 ill T twl J. iff jmi I" fi