AjU-:ft, W ,rfiHM M4W ;f 1 PA"GE FOUR todfqrd matl trtbuot, todfqrd, oreqqn, Wednesday, may ni, iatf. , . 1 i I: V Medford Mail Tribune ""AN INDttl'KNDRNT Nr.WSl'AI'Klt I'UUMHIIICD 1A1!V EXCKPT 8ATUII DAY nv THE M13DKORD A GOOD BEGINNING. l'RINTINQ CO. Tho Democratic Tlincn, Tl Medford1 Homo ?C. 1 npJIE now stale game and fish commission has made a jjootl lieffininm m the etfon. to remove both game and Mnii, tiib Medforii Triiiuno, Tho houiik fish from no itios, bv reappoint uig Ml ward ulaiiton as -m OroKonlnn, Tho AkIiIriuI Tribune. . . , , ' J . . l . . . v , i iv i 1 ,a;,. ,." m .: rrrrr. nr-rrrr masler fish warden and by selecting Y. U 1 ltiley as game v,ii-., niun iiiuuiitj umiMinpp.i v-,l-tf . " North Fir strefct; pliqne. .Main 3021 Wai'dOll. -Mr. Clanlon is thoroughly versed in the subjects nnder his jurisdiction, and has made good, both as a fish cul turist and as a tearless enforcer of the law. .Mr. Pinley's appointment, is an innovation, as he is a bird lover instead of a bird lmtehor. Jle is president of the Aububon society and his regime promises something entirely novel in the history of game wardenships. Preservation of game by means of game laws and regula tions, has its origin in the least lor slaughter that, still sur vives in civilized humauitv. The game birds and animals tJUOnai: PUTNAM, BMor nnd MunaRrr, mz i Iintorol nn s.'coiul-cms.i matter n Mciironi, urocon, unuor me net ot March a, 1879. Orflclnt Paoer or llio City o? JTedfonl ; Offlclnl Paper of Jnckaon County SAYS LAFFERTY K PESTILENCE I- J III Last Issue of Spectator, Direct Charges Are Mailo Auatnst Con grcssman Accuslnn Him of Havlnu Deen Arcsted Instiltliijl Wombn. WE SELL DIRECT TO CONSUMER 16 INCH WOOD Jl Oak, s.00; Mr, $7.0f)i Tine, $(,00. a '.Pier to Cord, 'Will Bi.jriu to Ship May Jfi. Phono us at Hutlo Falls. BUTTE PALLS LUMBER CO. I SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Oho year, ty mail JS.00 t)io inontli.il" mall CO Per month, delivered by carrier In ' Xtnilfm..! .1hflnn.vllln ntli fn s.&'onU.i,;- mftiY.1-,cryPr:::: a.53 ,' imiwtinl during certain seasons so that there will be Wm-kly. per yrnr l.M jnore Ol tllClll to Kill dlll'lllg Ol.U." SCaSOllS i)anvo?oIrlcs?xX,-cd.nJ i-- " however, is not actuated ill liis labors -for IJrceniber 31, J810, a?si. Ibird and animal protection by the sport of slaughter, but ! I il. 1 . . ! il. M 1 1.' 11. 1.. . t 1 uy rue love, oi rue wiui creaiures ineniseives. -.s a uaiur- Th" Mnlt Trlbu.,6 t on MlC l tha 4,,,i3L "" "iwmiioi, nv n.io .1 t.uui .1.1 in miiiwii .vi. , Tail Xc0d Wtr United Trtt Dltpatches. Ferry New.-, Ht.imt. Snn Franclico. . i iiild 110 OIH' I1MS il 111010 Ultimate knowledge Ol Ull'dS aU(l ail IMrtland Hotel Now Stand, Portland, jiu uia inia a muii nit uii.iii iv umiiui ui uiu a aim .11 Ilownmn News Co.. I'drtltind. Or. , UllillS. (filmed Fl'Olll lite illn011L tlieill. tllilll lie. Tile OlllV 7 i-J O ' . gun lie uses is a camera. He utilizes the knowledge thus V. O. Whitney. Sertttle. Wtish. M-T'tiTTiisti. nRrnnu. ti ' Metropolis or Southern orejron and, gained to awaken in mankind ;i love for the feathered Northern California, nhd tho fastest-1 , .. 111 1 Krowm city m or..Kon A , denizens ol woodland, prairie and swamp. . lvpulntton V. 8. census 1010; 8S40M -. -,. , ., . . , . 1 tii 1 cMimnt.Hi. isn 10.000. .. . Mr. Jnnlev announces that m his visits to dillerent sec- 1MVC uunurca wiiHircuiu (lunar vtruiiy Water System completed, giving finest minpiy pure moumuin wnior nnu si: ten miles contracted for OOO.OCO, maklnc 0 I'oitottico' receipt for year ending' habits and habitants, illustrated with several' hundred ?enr BinkJfcSSlu acSSn of &?' huitwn slides from photos lio secured hiniseir. B Cllanner fruit city in OreKon oKua! 1UCM1S llO llOpCS to ai'OUSC public interest aild SCCIU'C HHU'C ,S Ke2nTf.uW3 won "ww"l effective cooperation in the enforcement of game and pro- "Appl Xing of the World." nofivf In we -. .... ..! .i. o... o1. ! i-lt 1 JtlWJS. n mr ..nullum ii'i'ie .?,,u.,, .jvnuiu. I90?.'nnd a car of Nnwtowns won tions of the state to study the game situation, he will hold of street hcinjf pavci ami. open meetings with sportsmen, listen to their suggestions, 'or at a co nxceedlns $1.-' 1 j 11 fi 'n 11 1 1 il '. ;ine a total of twenty miiei, and lollow them with i leeture ujion game birds, their this lcw even among sportsmen, have much knowledge of at Canadian lntcrnalloSal Apple. Show.l liatllKll llistoiy. Sltcll a laiOWledgO JtS. tllllt. imparted )Y VoiioSSo'critiwra pears irouBM highest! N Fiiilev cuniiot help hut awaken a.widcr interest in Inffhi" A"tnsu yeaUM! worU1 bird life nud by broadening coniprQliension, result in more crfeftrtefoi. thflnt'commu:! effective protOCtlOU. nlty ramphver Tvmten. Uy JPiulcy IS to be COlllllieiulecl lipOll tllC OOlll-SO llO llilS outlined, success will undoubtedly crown Ins ellorts, and as a result, Oregon will bo leading the states in a new way in tho efficient protection of wild birds and animals. COMMUNICATIONS. -T J "f- jredfordj Or., May 30.x Kditor Jfnil Tribune I was pleased fo see that yon were so progrosive as to jjet busy with lltat supgestion as to Alcdfonl making a liiu puU to secure)1 the bij; iiniversiiy thai Jlr. irnrrimnu is said to contemplate en dowing. Wlieu I read in the Oregon inn of Sunday tho news item that she wn$ thinkinp; of k"iv'j; larpe sum for such n purjwsc I was goin PIGHT FOR PRESEDENCY ON. THE difference between a jirogressive republican and s a progressive democrat, and a conservative democrat and a conservative republican, is a difference in name on ly. The progressives or insurgents ot each party and the conservatives or standpatters of each, have more in com mon than either has with the other faction of his own party. Generally speaking, the stand-patters of eaeh party are against tariff revision, except upward, oppose the initia- ir'ind von published such a good ed- tive, referendum, recall and'popular election of senators, itorial, etc. When she considers that and object to legislation tilll'billg the pOWCl" of trusts, rail- aiready California has two large uni-j roa(s iUK combinations. Iii brief, this element of both .....:,:.. 1 .1 i... ii. cm 1 11 .. - ... .. ' .. .. . .... parties stand pat ior the old order, J or the rule ot the plutocrat and politician. The progressive, on the other hand, favors all those re forms that the interests opposes and is earnestly trying, by every means in his power, to restore government by, to and for tle people. There promises to be a pretty struggle waged from now on between these contending factions for control of both parties. Each will seek to the name the presidential candidate of each. At the present time, it would appear that the stand pat candidate for the republican nomination will be Presi dent Taft, and for the democratic nomination, Governor Harmon of Ohio. The progressive candidate for the re publican nomination will probably be Senator La Follette, with Theodore Roosevelt as A dark horse. The progres-, sive candidate for the democratic nomination promises to be either "Woodrow Wilson or Champ Clark, with the chances favoring the former. Should the progressives succeed in controlling only one of the party nominations, it is probably that all progres sives regardless of party ai'filiations, will support that candidate. And the same is true of the conservatives or standpatters. Should however, the latter dominate both political conventions, an unlikely contingency, there will probably be a third party in the field. to write you to work it up and am J ' versities endowed by tho Stanford and Hearst millions and that Medford i :it)0 wiles from any large uuivcr&ily and has a growing population with hundreds of young men nud women anxious to attend a large university and the high clnss of the cilizenhip now coining into the Rogue river val ley also the i'uet that ifr. Ifarriinau liked the scenery and jiinuhtnin nW hero and his favorite railroad has done so well in southern Oregon and really originated tho city of Sledford why it dcJes seem as though Jredford should stand the best show of secur ing this great university. Only last tail 11 leading educator of Illinois re ported to his college- that there wit no. doubt in his mind thut Jierc was the best opening in the United State-, tbday for a university, the pupils were here, tho water, tho air drain age, and nil that goes to make It healthful fur them what more could JTrs. irnrrimnu ask for? Tho Com mercial club should call a meeting nt otieo and send some influential man to try to secure what Jfedford needs most of nil, a large college or uuiverhity. Yours respectfully, A. K. WARE. MUST ASK FOR 1 TIME ON TIME Ten Days Only Given in Which to File f Request With City Recorder for -, Installment Plan for Paying. Pav inij Assessments. Four streets llmt have been paved this, season will bo completed and tin assessment luvied betwoen tho enth nud tho twentieth of this mouth. Jn ' ydor to take mlvuutngo of tho linn-Cjt-oft act which allows 10 years "ni which to pay for the paving requests must bo filed with tho city recorder within 10 duyg nfler the nolieo of us esnu'iil is made by publication. 4 l behooves tho properly owners on Jjartlott, Kust Sixth, West Sixth and igjith, Central to Riverside, to yn(oh for thu publication of assess ment notices and filo there requests with tho city recorder olhcnviso they must lnuko payment in I'ul. Ilaaklna for Health. TURNER ON INVESTS EAST SIDE Buys Half Interest With Joe Brown In Property Situated Next to the Pacific & Eastern Depot Shows His Faith in Medford. W. F. Tumor, comptroller of the Hill lines in Oregon, has purchased a half interest in J. (!. Ilrown's prop erty adjoining the Pacific & Eastern depot on East Main street, paying $000. 'Jho propel ly bus u fi outage on Main street and extends back for sumo distance. Mr. Tumor is thoroughly conver sant with conditions here having been auditor of the J'acifio & Eastern for some time, leaving thut position to ussumo his present position in Port land with the Hill people That he should return (0 make 'this substan tial investment show bis faith in (ho future of Medford. JluBldns for Health, STRAW HATS ARE AGAIN IN SEASON Weather Bureau Issues Formal An nouncement of tho Season Mer cury Touched 90 Tuesday Mean Temperature Was 67. . Tho old straw lint Tnay.jjow worn with Impunity. Immunity, and without fear. So says tho weatlor man. Tomorrow tho straw ucanm wHI bo formally uaherod in, and tho old folt hat will ho relegated to llio wardrobo shelf. Tuesday was tho hottest day of tho year tho mercury, according to t,ho local weather bureau, touching 90 bo- tWOCtl two mill tlii'Pn n'ntnnlr 'I'lio lowest It dropped wus 4G, so tljut, iiiuuii luiijjjuruiuru was ui,u. Professor O'Gam this morning Is sued a formal bulletin In regurd tot straw hats. Following tomorrow thoy may bo worn, without comment on tho part of tho rabblo. PORTLAND, Mas "Jl. In the 1,M isMio of the Pm (laud Speetutor, ill- rect ohnrgus uro made against Con gressman A. W. iWnltor) Unflorls, accusing him ot having been urrostcd for insulting women on tho streol. Tho accusation is as follows; In u letter to the Orcgouinu, A, W. hit f forty, tvpiescntntiu' in con gress from tho Second district of Or egon, which includes Portland, sttjs certain newspapers ''Chnrgvd mo during the campaign with being insinceie in iny profes sions of friendship for the public, as ngainst the special interest, with be ing u disreputable lauver, who "had been up for disbarment before the laud department,' and with having been arrested for 'insulting decent women on the streets of Portland.' "I admitted eu'r.vthuig the charged ngainst me lust campaign except the allegation that I had been on the streets. If they hud said I arrested for insulting decent women shouVl bavo been arrested for any reason, instead f saying that 1 ac tually had boon arrested, perhaps 1 would have denied that. Put iH it was 1 made the statement in m speech at Sixth nud Washington streets just before the election thut if they would' product) the record showing where 1 had over been ar rested in my life on nny charge, or the statement of any officer who .Hindi) the nrrest, that I would with draw from the race, and that if s.uoh proof could ho produced nftor my election that I would resign. 1 " 4I urn still waiting for the proof, and my challenge then made still holds good.' "The Spectator was the newspa per that mnde these charges ngainst Lafferty; Tho Spectator tepeuts the charges; it accepts Laffertv'H chal lenge, and demands that lib resign liis seat In congress. "On tho 18th day of Juno, 100S, nt the corner of Fifth nnd Washing ton streets. In Portland, Lafferty rled to force hlslnsulttng nttontlou on n married lady, as ho had sought to do; before. '(Tho name of this lady Is, of course. In tho possession of Tho Spectator). She told him If ho did not desist, alio would ask protection from a policeman. lafferty met this with a grossly Insulting remark. Tho lady called a policeman (whoso uamo Tho Spectator has) and had hltn ar rest Lafforty. "At tho city prison, the lady called her husband by 'phono and told what had happened; tho husband, fearing tho scandal that would follow trial of Lafferty, would not permit hor to swear to a wnrrant for Lnfferty's nr rest, and Iafferty was turned loose. "A short time afterward, tho hus band told lafferty hat ho would "knock Laffcrty's head off," and Lnf feity apologized for Insulting tho wife, saying ho did not know sho was married. "That Is a plain Hlntc-mont of fact. "There Is no record of Lorferty's ar rest, because tho lady he Insulted tin tho street did not swear to a warrant. Lafferty probably will not rcnlgn, .which Is very llkol yn good thing for tho decent women of Portland. .Mor ally ho Is a pestilence" Where to Go ' ' Tonfcht1 tW4 ,."WHBRB TH11 U-GO Heo Willi's Hero. BUILDING SPECIALTIES COMPANY ,U) , iWY?VMW "fftnuv t: XOHTH llAHTMCrr HT. A full lino ot Mixed Paints, Loads, Olln and Varnishes. Comploto stock of CabntH' Creoioto Blilnglo Btaiui, Wood Tints, Dry Paints and Kalso. m I uen. Cull at tho Sign of tho Sun and got our prices. :i:t NOItTIt UAUTLHTT HT. S)rg'JssivJsJt J. R. ENYATIT, President J. A. PRUltY, Vleo-Prcsldoht P. K. MtmuiCK, VIco.ProildMt JOHN it. OUTII, Caalilor W. U. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFK DKPOS1T UOXKS FOU HUNT. A OHNIJHAIi 1IANKIN0 llUSl.NK&J TILINSACTKU. Wo BOMCIT YOUIl PATHONAOK. ltey4tfsff--i4f4-, oiowtrn ao" 1 1 i i IIAItHV HOLLtNtJSWOIlTH i co : ProiiontliiK for Tholr First Pluv'' i .. "T II W W O L V" HliMllllrnl Vnnr Ar-t MdiMr nf Hi.. : Wont. ; Hneclnttlon tiv MIhm (MhiiiIiiiOiiiiii ! i : . i : 'i 'i NATATORIUM litt'llit ViJ L!l.&JOII IK'kJ A t . nnii'iniiiiu niviniiiiin "- f. m,i 4 lit 11. 111, to II! noon, P. M.i th .. ... 1.. 1. !- li III, III U Jl, III, I'.M'IIIIIKI l III. lo 1(1 p. III. y Private Instruction from 10 a. y m. (o l'. For furlhor Infurnititlou i I see tho Instructor. rrrr-s-44 qieg Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manufact urers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE CRUSH KD ROOK SCREENED QKAVKL Delivered to nny part ol' eit.v Office: Fruitgrowers' Hank Itldg. Phone M. 032. WASHED SAND Plant North Rivorside , Phono M. 0091 0. J. S13M0N, Mgr. for Concrete for llrlrk Work for Ilnatorlng Olaan, Cutcliy, Oora.iljr r.ntilr, riiotopUy,, nicllent Mnilo. O H B X K B THE ISIS THEATRE illtg Double lllll Look WIiii'h Arrived, lllllHTOW .V VAItM-:it In tholr comedy skit entitled Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AJTC) MAOHINIIT All kinds of Engines, Spruying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. !Agouta in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, UOBSX 00. Look nt the nds for the chance to buy tho property you need lit n "right price." 'OLD GREY EAGLE' TO SnHJONIGHT Surrounded by His Family and Twen ty Faithful Officers Diaz Is E3- corted to His Ship Will Quit Na tive Shores Forever. VKUA CIIUZ, Mexico, May 31. Tho Htoamor Yiilrangii. with General Porflrlo Diaz, tho "old groy eagle" of Mexico, on board, .was Hcheduled to pall thin afternoon for Simla via Havana, Tho former prcHldont, mir- roundod by hlu family and twenty faithful offlcerH, wau OHCorted to tho dock by a picked detachment of fed eral troopn. Thero was no' demon utratlon, , Diaz was calm and bado hlu frlondH nnd fow faithful troops farowoll. Tho Madoro cleinent horo oxpreaH eatho fear that bTaz utiil Qeuoral Uornardlno Hoyoa mny conHpIro to combine with Llmautour to bring about tho election of a Diaz adlioront In tho coming geuoral election, j,jbj'jMjjjJ PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING ', All Work Guaranteed Pricoa Rounonrtblo ! COFFEEN O. PRICE iin HOWARD 11L0CK, E.NTRANOK O.V flth BTRKirr. 1'HONE 008 i - l4&444f4fi-4(1H(4f4.04fMf4-04l4(-044t044i MARY'S II1RTIIDAY Introducing That ItalaiirltiK RuIh Kid and . A Dainty Country Mix N. II. Thin act cnrrlon upeclal Hconery. Ho'n llcr" Alo HARRY 1IUR.NH Society Kntcrialiier am) .MonoloK- lt. Tho noniewhnl different comedlau In nn nrlglnnl np-to-ilnto turn, In troducing hbi own original Jo!on and HOiiKM. Mr. llurnn played tho principal part In George Cohu'n inimical comedy lnnt Hcnoou. Thin alone b imfflclont lo warrant a good, clever turn. , 'i :: I '. 'i i 'i i 'i 'i I. i i. :: 'i ii ' :: ii (. ip .I 'p 'p i -I 'i 'i 'i Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on Improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. trr4- Excursion! t ' i ' t Sunday, June 4th. Butte Falls and Return Via Pacific & Eastern R .R. $2.00 ior Round Trip Train loavos redford ai 8:1-1 a. in., arrives in Med ford nl 7 p. in. This in the finest Bconiti trip in all of Southern Oregon.' YOii'll enjoy this O'f5-milo ride into Interior Oregon. FOR SALE CITY PROPEttTY Lots wholesalo and retail MOOREHNI-CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg V AFTER ALL IT NARROW'X tfOWN TO i The Merrivold Shop FOR CIRCULATING LIBRARY lilt W. Main HI., Medford. Legal Blanks All Forms Cbrrcct Forms For This State Medford Book Store a i M , v