Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 26, 1911, Image 1

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    jronoii HUuri3Kl tie
city Halt .tk
Medford Mail Tribune
Full Max. 117, Mln. 'Ill,
.Menu ftit.
Kurty.Klrat Year.
Jinlly HIjIIi Your.
AlEDlftMD, (MI'XION, IffllDAV, MAY 2(5, 1!)11.
No. SO
Do La Barrn Pledged to Remain In
Office Only Until Order Is Restor
ed He Will Not lie a Candidate
for Re-Elcctlon or for any Office
Joys Triumphant In Mexico While
Glooms Preside at Diaz Official
MEXICO CITY, Mny 20. -Pledged
to nilo imly until order shall ! re
stored mill n president mul uco
prrnltlcnt nro popularly elected, Eri'ii
clson b-ini Do Lu llnrrn. former am
liiiHHiulur to tlit United Sluice vu
sworn in tit noon today n pnHiiUit
pro ti'in of Mexico in Hit yellow room
of tliu uutioniil palace.
Not u ninglo cheer for Porfiriu I Jinn
Ihi' deposed president ami lint few
for Do l.n Harm greeted the swear
ing in of the temporary executive,
lull in Mid packed street nliout tin
palace tlii) crowds innilo tin' nil vocal j
with shouts of "ivii Mutlcro" mid
Invented Telephone
CJ" "' ""It r
kJB? Iff " I
He iiiiibiiiiiBftwLLI -v. dHh ff H
Alexander (irnbuui Hell, who flrnt
patented tlw telephone, unit It Ik
Krniidmui, Mr. Hell Ih one of Iho few
InventorH Mho hnvo reaped iiiIIIIoiim
from their InvcntloiiH.
'feirJrhc ricJjoJjthicf whoeiw,c'
ri'Mhfnl campaign linn inaugurated n
new era in Mexico.
Ihkiii'k I'rtH'Iniunllon.
Throughout all tin' city toilny thm
miih not n single outbreak. The in
terest uttnehiug to Do hit Harm's
taking tin) oath wns lieiIttoiit'd by
Iho circulation of n proi'lnmiitioii Hint
lie issued, declaring Hint In will ho
u candidate for iii'illu'i tliu presi
dency nor tlio ioo presidency at tin
coming elections. Thin, the people be
lieve, in an indication of Hid complete
triumph of .Mnili'ro, who in thought
to lutvo forced such mi ngi cement
from Do I m llnrrn mul Din, before
ho would consent to ituiki) pence. It
it believed (hut I lie re is not a iloiiht
that Modern will ho Mexico's next
I'oiiHtitutiounl president. The city
will give tint greatest welcome in its
history to tint conipiornr of Diur.
when lie arrives from lmiiir.
Ilia.' Iliiuit Forced.
Mow Diur. cniiie to resign yenleiiiav
after ho long u ilelay was whispered
today among the ol'icial mI. MaiieioV
ijuiek mul deloriniiied action forced
Hut Diaz, luiiid. All day Diar. hail
teinpoiir.ed ami Iherit wiih Mt ill donhl
that h would ipiit, when word was
received that Miitluro hail ordered hi
IroopH to advance from .lunivr. iimiii
Chihuahiui iih the first Htnue of mi
fulvnnco. on Muxico City. That stii.
red Do I.a Hn ha, Haul once won',
to Diaz, told him that if his tempm
tiou were withheld until niht lioMil
itii'H would hit renamed mul no one
could. J'orl'eiiHl tliu outcome. Dhu. then
Hiirnnideied anil lit oneu neat the
reniuutionn of liiiiiHVf and vice
president Kumoii Corral to tliu cliuni
licr of deputien.
ItcaderH May Deniui'.
Word !h anxiously nwuited here to
day hy (liiiiural Alfredo Duiiiiiigucx,
Afadeiii'H purKomil roproHontntivo,
from OenevnlH M)"muhi and Fiueron,
whoMo forces control Cuiiruavaca.
Tliertt in ravo douht whellier Uicko
two leaihiiH, iopiTHeniur tho miti
DiaxitieH of Koutlioru fexico, will
concur in tho hargniu tnndo hy Mail
itni. Ilutli, however, hnvo heen ak
ed to coino lioro iuil oonfer with Iho
rehel chief, mul it in hoped they
may ho placated mid tho uooohnily
for lVlhor internecine ulrifu avoid
' oil.
Kiuiru of trouhlo in Vonv Cruii
hnvo heou oiirrent hero, hut iih nil
winiH to tho Hoaport aro down nnd no
far iir in Known no word Iiuh come
IhroiiRh from thorc, tho reportH uro
ilnuhtod, t ,
Thoro !r no oxoiteinhnt in tho for
oijn quurtor lioro today, ooiiHldoriiif'
Iho opnoh umuiiiL' ovuiiIh hi ill trniiH
piling, tho city iu in n aluo of re-
iniirknhblo (pilot.
.ClilcaQO Sweltering Under Another
Slzzllnn Day Four Dead and a
Score Prostrated Before Noon
Humidity Is Intense.
CIllCAflO, 111., May '-. Chicauo
awakened today with tho prospoolB
of facint; unolhor Hir.r.lin day witli
tho promibeh for relief slight.
Veiterday'ri temperaturo hroko tho
May record of n decade. The nier
curv ri'Kinturod III degrees, just 2
MO decreet higher than tho prev
ious reeord net durinir last week'i
hot wave. At midnight the theriuo
meter hud fallen 11 degrees.
Today report from tho middle
went mid Mouth west Mute that the
heat wave extendi! over thoso regions
Knur dent Iih and a neoro of pros
IratioiiH wore reported up to noon.
No relief from the uixzliiic weather
was isihle. It wiih predicted that
today would he even hottor than (
terday. Tho humidity wan iuten.v:.
Ncuraskau Declares That Standard
Oil Decision Amends the Anti
trust Law to Meet Demands of
tho Trusts.
The Old and New Rulers of Mexico
Insurrccto Leader Resl(tis Job as
Promised and Becomes a Private
Citizen Promises to Run for Of
fice If Desired.
All Petitioners Referred to Dc La
Barra Country Free for First
Time In Years.
JVAUK'A, Muy 2C KranclMco Ma
rion) Kjient mom of today tryltiK to
ponuuitlu Hut people of Jiiurei that it
Iu not tho capital mul ho tliu president
of Mexico. CotiKrntttlatory telegratnn
over tho tuitceHMful Ihhiio of lilu (Ight
to break tho power of Illnr uro puur
Iiik In on tlio rebel leader and bo 1
tho center of ti perfect court of ail
mlrorH. To all those who enmo neeklng
fnvorn ho declared that Do La Ilnrra
wiih president protein and referred
IiIk liupilrorH to.tho former anibaKna
dor to tho United StutcH. Today Ma
doro telegraphed Do l.n Hurra:
"Congrutulutlomi upon your nscen
hIoii to tho presidency. In keejilui;
my promlHO to Diaz, I hereby resign
as provlttlonnl preBldent. l'leawo cun-
Hitler mo n private citizen willing to
aid tu tho ro-conntruclion of tho Mcx-
Icnn govorninout."
"Dlnz now In koiio off tlio bnckH of
tho Mexican people," Blated Mndoro,
"remoiiK the beuvlest burden they
ever bore. 1 Hhall go to Mexico City
In lx or etcht dnj'H. I hnvo sent
Frederleo Onrza, l'lno Sunrez und
Manuel Urquldi to tho capital to ar
range for my comttiK.
"I will no longer bo provisional
president of Mexico, but only n eft l-
zen ready to aid In the ro-coiiBtruc-
lou of my country. If tho peoidc
want me to do ho, I nhnll run for tho
presidency at tho new election which
will bo ordered by Prealdent Pro Tom
Do m Ilnrra.
"Moxlco today for tho first tlmo In
a third of n century, belongs to tho
people, nnd they will not again per
mit It to pass from their hands. Hy
an almost reckless revolution they
hnvo gained control of tho government."
109 OUNCES or
J. W. Opp Brings In Nice Little Bunch
of Dust From Mine on Jackson
Creek Has Been Making Good
Cleanups. .
LINCOLN1, Neh Mny 211.--It) Mi
puhliculiou, tho Conuuouer, William
I, Ilrynn todny editorially caaligatoK
tlio United Stilton Ruprenio court's
Standard Oil deoisiou. Hryuu hii.vh:
"The real meut of the deeibiou ih
found iu tho amendment of the anti
trust Inw to meet Iho demands of
tho trusts. For years tho trusts have
been dcinuntliug Iho very amendment
tho court road into tho lnw. There
will ho rejoicing in Willi Slreot hut
HiiduortH iu tlio homes ofjho masses,
who uro now compelled to begin n
campaign for tho euuetment of a law
so cleai', so explicit, that no court can
repeal it hy construction,
"Tho decision explains several
things first, why Wliilo wns made
eliiof justice instead of Harlan; sco
ong, it explains, why Hughes wns
intiilo u jtistico; third, it oxphu'us tho
disorliuinnling euro exercised hy tlio
president iu sotootiug demount t a who
would help tho republicans nut of u
hole, hy making tho demoomtio putty
IS GIVEN AT 7,252.963
LONDON, Mny 2(1. Tho provis
ionul figures of tho population of
England and Wules ns returned by
tho census show :iu07r,2(ll) ns com
pared with :i2,r27,8-J3 in .11)001. While
most of the cities and towns show mi
iuorease, WhIoh shows u decrease.
London litis inereused from 0,501,102
iu .1001 to 7,2.r)2,0ti:.
NBW YOHK, RHiy 20. Kahbhi
Stephen Ov Wise en used n storm of
protest when ho declared before
Iho Free Synagogue thai the only
(piullficntioiiH for membership in Now
York's eluhs nro mi unlimited enp
aeity for idleness nnd drink.
hoar sumo of tho odium of u decis
ion building n bulwark urouud tho
predatory corporations; mid, fourth,
it explain why Wall Street went ov
er to Tuft in March nnd April, 1008.
.and then eooreed its employes nnd
Iho business puhlut into support of
tho republican onndidntos iu Novom
hor. "Tho pooplo will learn nfter a
while what tho corporations hnvo
long known Hint (ho power of np
pointing l'odernl judges is u far
reaching power,"
During tho past month J. W. Opp
owner of the Opp quarts mine on
JuukMUi creek cleaned up 109 ounce
of gold nnd on Thursday sold it to
tho Jackson County hank reeeiing
over $210(1 for it. The mine i en
joying n splendid run nt the pro-cut
time a Inrge number of men being at
work iu tho mine and'in the mill.
Tho Opp mine is one of the priuei-
I pol quartz properties in the local
iniiime; district nau huh ueen a regu
lar nnd constant producer for u num
ber of years. The latest clean up is
not out of the onlinnry. according to
Mr. Opp.
Aviator Files from Paris to Madrid,
Covering the 761 Miles in 10 Hours
and 19 Minutes Flying Time -ls
Accorded Great Ovation hy Spain.
MADRID, May 20. Aviator Pierre
Vcdriho won the $a0,000 pri.o for
tho Paris to Madrid flight, Inning
completed the couro of 701 miles in
ten hours nnd nineteen minutes Hy
ing time.
King Alfonso participated iu a
great ovation tendered Vedrino on
his arrival hero today and nNo hear
tily cheered Aviator Gibort who ar
rived shortly after Vedrino. Garros,
tho third conte.-lanl, did not finish.
Yordino won nut nfter a battle
against fearful odd. IIo sealed
mountains fi.OOO feet high in u patch
ed up machiiio .and nuulo tlio Inst
stugo of the journey, from Durgos to
Madrid, 1110 miles, in 2 hours nnd -11
Statuo for G. H. Williams.
SALKM, Ore., May 20. Commis
sions hnvo been jsMied to T. L. F.liot,
Colonel C K, S. Wood nnd Georgo
H. lliinos, who will now proceed in
eompliuneo Villi an not passed by
tlio Inst legislature, to provide a
stntuo for Iho into George' II. Yil
liaius, t
Plans for Clearing Accused Iron
Workers Kept Dark Does Not
Know Whether Change of Venue
Will be Requested or Not.
Attorney General Wickcrsham Says
He is Directed by President to
State That no Cases Have Been
Begun Against Officials of Trust
Information is Secured as Result of
Senate Resolution Introduced
by Pomerene.
LOS ANGELES, Oil., lay 20.
Attorney Harrow, iu whom union
labor is pinning its trust to free John
J. nnd James 15. McNumnra on char
ges of murder in connection with the
Los Angeles Times disaster, is elbows
deep today iu the plans for the de
fense which he will offer nt the
preliminary hearing of the accused
men, scheduled for June 1. Darroa
arrived nt tho office of Attorney Job
Ilarriman before 9 o'clock nnd plung
ed into the work of familiarizing
himself with the Culifoniia codes.
When n-ked if he would, request a
change of venue on the ground that
he could not obtniif u jut trial in Los
Angeles, Harrow answered:
"You know, I am asking every lab
or, professional and newspnpor man
I meet about that very tiling. Now,
what would you do iu similar eircum
stnncesf" When pressed, Harrow answered
that ho had not been in Los Angeles
long enough to secure an iden as to
just how the public stood on tho Mo
Namara case. v
"Of course," ho said, "my clients
will hnvo sonio sny as to that. Thoy
may or may not want to bo tried in
Los Angeles. That has not been de
finitely settled."
Harrow declined to jrivc even an
inkling as to what tho defense will
Despite Apparent Termination of
Mexican Revolution through Re
signation of Diaz, War Department
Will Leave Troops at Texas
WASHINGTON. I). C, Mny 20.
Dcspite the apparent termination of
the Mexican revolution through the
resignation of Diaz, the war depart
ment here today declared that the
American troops would not be with
drawn from Texas for the present.
Annj- men and tho stnte department
aro not yet convinced thnt all dan
ger of trouble in Mexico is past, and
Major General Wood probably will
retain the troops at San Antonio un
til winter. If the situation along the
border improves, however, the caval
ry probably will bo withdrawn from
patrol duty.
Uncle Sam's Warships Warmly Wel
comed to Danish Capital Kjng
Frederick to Receive Admiral and
Captains Entertainments follow.
COH'MDUS, Ohio, Muy 20. Edi
tor E. E. Cook of the Columbus Citi
zen. and J, C. Pretznntn, former presi
dent of tho Columbus chamber of
commerce, were bound over todny to
tho grand jury in $500 bonds for
having refused to testify by tho slate
.senate bribery probe- committee. Sim
ilar action is expected in tlio cases
of four other editors arrested on tho
snmo charge. Tho refusal to testify
is a criminal offense, punishable with
a fino of from .f.r00 to $3,000.
Tho refusal of tho editors and
Prelzmnn is said to bo for tho ronson
that thoy fear tho publication of thob
ovidenco would dofent tho prosoou
tion of alleged grafting legislator.
streets nt Concnhnireti iodnv worn
thronged by men uid officers of tho
second division oi uio untied suites
fleet, which is hero for a week.
Everywhere, the American sailors
woro greeted with cheers and the
citizens put themselves out to bo
pleasant to tho strangers.
During tho visit King Frederick
will receive in audience Itcnr Admiral
Piiulger and tho captains of tho war
ships. King Frederick will nlso givy
a grnnd ball nt wiheh tho offices
of tho fleet will ho given the oppor
tunity to meet tho leading people of
tho city. A nnvnl ball will bo given
nlso by tho minister of tho navy to
enable the American olticers to me?l
tho 'Danish officers.
Tho fleot bended by tho Flngship
Louisiana, is made tip of the Knnsus,
South Carolina and New Hampshire.
YHEKA, Gill., May 20. Exoih
mont provnils lioro today over a gold
striko m'ndo nt tho Littlo Hoimnzu
Miiio, near Ilawkinsville. Nuggols mid
other gold worth $1,100 woro found.
That thero will be no erimiunl prose
cution of John I). Itoekefeller or hU
nssistnnts ns the result of the decis
ion that the Standard Oil is a trust
wns today declared by Attorney Gen
eral Wickershnm in answer to the
senate resolution fathered by Pomer
ene (democrat, Ohio).
"I am direct by the president" said
Wickercham. "to inform Iho senate
that no criminal prosecutions have
been begun or arc now pending,
against the Standard Oil Company,
its constituent companies or the in
dividual, defendants named iu the
resolution, oi nnyoMllenirf'orViol.i-''
tiou of sections one or two of the,
Sherman net."
SEATTLE, Wnsb., May 20. Since
Judge Mnin has denied all motions
for further delay, C. W. Wnppen
stcin; former police chief, must go to
trial today on one of eight indict
ments growing out of his conduct of
tho red light district. The court
denied motions for change of venue,
transfer to nnother judge, contin
uance. Then he answered attacks
mnde upon hi mns a member of tho
church of Rev. M. A. Mutthews who
is credited with instigating tho grand
jury indictments.
"If I was so narrow, so small,, so
weak that I could not givo this de
fendant a fair trial, because of. my
church uffilintions, I would send my
resignation to the governor," ho
RENO. Nov., Mny 20. Settlors
near Little Rock Canyon, lf0 milos
from here, nro in a state of terror
today as a result of tho Indian up
rising which n spreading among tho
Shoshone. Tho Inditius hnvo left
tho reservation und now are encamp
ed in tepees in Soldier's Meadows,
near the scene of tho battle last Feb
ruary iu which Red Mike und eight
other maurauders were, slain by tho
stnto police.
Tho Indinns are now on tlio ar
path to avongo the death of Mike's
bnnd. The Idling grew out of tho
finding of tho inutilnted bodies of
four stockmen near Kelly's Creek
last January.
OAKLAND, Cab, Mav 20. A court
room packed to the door heard As
sessor Iloirry P, Dalton plead not
guilty today to two indiotments
charging him with having demanded
nnd accepted a bribe of $5,000 from
tho Cpring Valloy Water Company.
Superior Judgo Willinm II. Waste,
over-ruled doniurrors on the fitropglh
of briefs filed by District Attorney,
Donahue yesterday. t j
jt :