Il I ' ' r LC' F (V i PAGE SIX MTCDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, rEDFORt). OKKOON. TTTUKSDAT, MAY 25, 1011 i FINLEY CHOSEN GAME WARDEN SALEM, Mny 25. Finding In their judgment tlio 12 dlferont applicants for git mo warden were not eligible, tho fish nnd gnmo commission ro rtncHted W. 8. Flnley to resign na n moinbnr of the commission and accept tho gnmo warden office, which Flnley did, nnd wmi duly elected wnrden to Bticcecd It. L. Stevenson. Although tho commlsRlon found tho dozen of ttnnllcnntH for tho position qualified In many respects, they failed to show tho required knowledge of game pro tection In this atnto and wero thore- foro set nsldc. On account of Flnley's resignation, It will bo necessary for Governor West to appoint another member to fill tho vacancy, which member will hold tho position of secretary of the board. Appointment has not been nnado as yet, but It Is understood the govornor has a man In view. Flnley was tho first man appointed on new commission by tho governor and his a man in view. Flnley was tho first man appointed on new commission by tho governor and his term ex tends four years. Game Warden Fln ley will tako up his duties immediat ely nnd stated today that ho would probably make his headquarters in Portland. Mr. Flnloy Is president of tho Au dobon society. Two definite new policies were agreed upon by tho board establish ment of a stato wide system of fish hatcheries with a central collecting station and districting of the state for better supervision of gamo wardens' work. Tho central fish hatchery and col lecting stntlon will probably be on one of four streams, McKenilo river, Wallowa river, Upper Deschutes river or Spring creek in Klamath county. From tho central collecting station young fry will bo taken out to tho subhatchcries over state and reared until they arc known to be capable of surviving in open streams. Other plans for developing tho supplies of game fish over tho state will be taken us as fas tas tlmo and tho funds of tho board will permit. WILL EXAMINE LOCAL PROJECT A number of lUMitefs men will lonvp thitt ttftemoon for lour of the northern end of tho valley in order to look over the project of the Hoi;uo River Valley (Vuml company n'tul "get acquainted." In this manner lo cal people will gain a closer view of what it being done to develop "the desert," which is a misnomer by the way. Among those who have said Ihey would make the trip are: II. U. Nich olson, John M. Rool, Toiler !. Xeff. Mayor Canon, Dr. J. V. Roddy, II. Lnmsden, Frank Hutchison, Judge Orovvell, 11. C. Kentuer, Harry Wort man, William Cohig, Jack Sheridan, A. S. Iiosenbaum, Al Perry, L. C Coleman of. San Francisco, "Shorty" Onraett, W. 1. Vawter, flcorgo Cars ton, Colonel Frank Ton Velio and Jeff Heard. MADERO TO CRUSH SOCIALIST INSURGENTS EL PASO. Texas, May 23. Ma dcro this afternoon ordered Viljocr to go to Lower California immedi ately and crush the socialist insur gents who defy Madero. A battle there is expected early next week Viljoen starU from here tonight. MARRIED WATER USERS IN CITY INCREASE There are liUll) water user at the present time residing within the citv limits of Medford according to a count just made by the city recorder. Over l.'OO water users are on the books, the others being without the city. This is an increase from (170 in two years, or since Recorder Tel ler look office. The receipts during the quarter ending May III, have been $LV0. Two years ago for a corresponding qunr ter they weie $2100, the increase be iug $.)l."il) or over '.200 per cent. The water department is paying pod money on tlteinu'stmeut. the receipts paying all interest on the bonded indebtedness nd leaving enough for a sinking fund. SAT. 27, IS SLASH DAY At Kdmeades' llrothers Shoo Store. FAUGO SALKS CO. CRAWFORD - HARRINGTON At the Free Methodist parsonage in this city, Mav 24. 191)11. Mi.-s Ethel May Harrington and George II. Crawford of Springfield. The young couple will make their home at Row River, Or. WILL PAVE ALLEY MAIN TO SIXTH CITV TKKASCKKU'S XOTICK Office of the City Treasurer, Med- jford. Oregon, May 24th. 1911. I Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand in the city treas ury for the redemption of outstand ing city warrants issued against tho following funds: Warrants No. 4, G, nnd C on Jack son street sewer. Warrant No. 2, on Lateral No. 1, District No. 2. Hasklns for Health. A petition has been Tiled with the city recorder nsking that the alley from Main lo Sixth street between Central avenue nnd Front be pavd Free Sample To introduce the Celebrated Maurine Toilet Requisites now being demon strated at KENTNER'S STORE, samples of these goods will be given away on FRIDAY For Sale Six room strictly modern bungalow, close in, east front, paving paid in full. 52900. Terms. Fivo room house aud three good Iocs closo to business part of city, value $3500, will sell at $2800 on very easy terms. , $2500 cash will mako you tho owner of flvo beautiful lots In a first class residence part of the city, all city Improvements In, (above prlco is $1500 below actual value so get busy). Goodjbuslness corner on Main street, G5xl?0 all assessments paid In full, this Is a genuine bargain at $6000, 1-2 cash, balanco easy. Close in warehouse, lot, 70x100, side track on ono sldo and pavement on tho other $3500. Seven aero bearing orchard ono mllo from city, good soil, fair buildings, stock and implements go with the place. $7500, 1-2 cash, balance easy. A good ten acre alfalfa tract adjoin ing city limits, at $700 an aero, easy terms. W. V. MOORE noo.M ami piiiiTS GRAY&MOE Friday and Saturday BARGAINS 36 Inch Fancy Curtain Scrim 15 Cents 3C inch black and white thick dress Plain and new stenciled pat- 4 rp goods, regular value 50c, 9Q terns, regular 25c for JLeJL yard uoj Lot No. 1, Embroidery 5 Cents Lot No. 2, Underwear 10c These come in assorted patterns, Vj Consists of regular 25c value, odds to 3 yards long, l1 to 4 inches wide" and ends, light and heavy vests and less than 1-3 price, your choice Ej pants while they last, Ijjp while they last, each v your choice 1UC 30 inch Pcppral R sheeting 8c Men's fancy laundored shirts, all sizes 30 inch Lonsdale muslin 9c a' and $L25 69c 15c value India linen 9c fl I110Vilc"Je7VlixeU ' M flfl 15c value 18 inch all linen towling9c and tan, 25c value for qJl.Uv Ladies Low Shoes $2.50 Our new lino of low neck peasant Theso goods just received, very latest sleeve shirt waist, consists of 10 styles last and toe, oxford and &( PA and at from $1 CA pumps .'. $ a-tfv .$1.25 to $l.t)U Ladies Oavcnctte tf Q PA New line of Gallatea Middy f PA pumps, at pd.tlV Blouse at $l.e)U WniiHUtsN'o. 1, on l.alerul No. (1, DlHi'lrt No. 0. Warrant No. 1, on Lateral No. 7, District No. 11. . WnrranU n. l and 2, on Lateral No. 1, District No. 4. Wnrnnt No, 1, on Lateral No. 3, Dlslrlcf No. vS. Warrant No. 2 and 3, on Lateral No. I!, Illstilot No. It, WarraiitH No. 2 mid, a, on Lutein! No, 10, Dlstrlo No. 0. Interest on tho samo will cohho nf tor tho nbovo dnle, L. L. JAC01IS, G7 Olty Treasurer. HuhUIiis for Health, I mV W3ML Mm MfM . 1 1 4 "Supper Ready' When you get back lo camp, tired and hungry, you do not want to spend tho evening getting supper ready, p You want a itovc you can start up in a minute that will cook quickly and welL For camp, houseboat or bungalow," New Pet, fecu'on Oil Cook-stove is the ideal cooking device. It is ready for U3e in a moment It saves all the .trouble of cutting wood and getting in coaL It does not overheat or make dirt in a kitchen ; there are no ashes, nor smoke. It requires less attention and cooks better than any other range.' HcsvVcriciion UjCooKwef ft any otner range. Md rt 1.2 d S UMfi. kh Jtt .M Mbd UIMIMlrfc M,lfqaMM H...L.M.U &MhA.l ikfMHLwl. YlA , 2uJ)-brMfM.TMcb.lMjwim Um( . ubmi lop, wtuk Ul wall diMitMlm "W mtieir ,lwlnli,M(. imnahol of wtm m ckcJm b lK kmiwt auf Staadard Oil Coaipaay tlncorpormlJ) STORE TO BE CLOSED Friday ovoiiIiik for lemnrUliiK bIh'h at ICduieadoH Slum Store, Sattirdny Ih to be hIuhIi day, lWltllO HALKS CO, llnwUltiH for Health. HuHltliiM (or llenllhi m... ' -ra aAK zrwownra rUISQN rAiiiNO REMEDY nitJiiNowo riLtd, CMiLtiLMNi, rcLON. nuriNi, ire, AVAiUAitkC nouimoin ialvc il onuoonrj Hvriiron wiitotiM ox ntnulir Uft "U VUllTIIUIil uHQttvtMictJutfn 5JCN'rnNQinco MICHELIN Inner Tubes For MicliQlin and all other Envelopes ImvvimL ES&f1 The majority of motor ists throughout the world are satisfied users of Michelin Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ask them. " IN STOCK BY Valley Auto Co, NOUTII HOLLY, NKAK MAIN KTHKOT ' $36.00 t CAREY ACT LAND t. ' . w V i LA PINE Southern Des Chutes Valley i" Central Oregon " Land absolutely level; very mellow; volcanic ash soil; absolutely free from stone; every acre irrigable. Water right of 2 1-2 acre feet developed to highest point of each holding through patent water gate. Domestic water at 30 feet from surface. In the heart of three national forests; entirely sur rounded by mountains. Finest of hunting and fishing. Price $36.00 Per Acre L ; Payable $10 per acre down; $1 per acre two years after reclamation; $3 in four years: $5 in six years. !$7 in eight years; $10 in ten years. Interest 6 per 'wvii if Ant Jifi-i TmnnrrAirr VS1VVH JH,V, JllvrB i Call for complete information at 'once. rf'jL- A JC-l W ?f I w .-A- Jl itMfM) , i 1W,' . jA 5M tf ' G. L.DARLEY NASH HOTEL MEDFORD, ORE. j.