r , :. i,e3 Ms '.i. Y,r, :v 4j' 4. " .' S REFUSES 10 BUY JOSEPHINE DITCH MEPflORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEPFORP, OHTCflQN, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911 Gcorjjo E. Snmlcrs of (ho Chlcnijo Roqud Company Declines Offer to Pay Actual Construction Cost of Ditches, (lltANTH I'AHH, Mny Sli. -(k'wrKM 10, Ilimittliii, nM'M)iilliiK (l(ii Clik'MK" ItOKUu (.'(Hiiimiiy. In" rufiiMi'il thu of fur iiinilii hy I'n'Hldnnl II, h, (HUtny of (ho Jmmpliliu) pniiity li'lruntloii mill I'owoi (Joinpnuy to m'll (ho Ini Iki'h Irrlttutliiit tlltohoii for .irr,O00. Mr, Hnmlprn dtnti'H; "Tint (lulilmi Drift plitut In now nearly rt'iuly for oporution, iiml wu woulil mtii'li prvfur to liuvo yon tin hiuillnloly put tint (IranlM 1'aHii ditch lit rnpiilr to rnrry wntnr, ami ulso niniplntti Hit I'onHt motion or tlio Fnillilnln tlltch, TIiIh work Ih vpry liiiuiiriitlvu, (in It will rvunlro about thirty flays to jitif llm riltch In a con illtlou to Htirvo tlio fnrnuirn tills wen noil. "Ah an iillt'rnutlro, will my flint wo ant wIIIIiik to buy your (lltclu'H at Out actual coal of coiiHtmctlon work nnd pay for saint) In hoiiim con vi'itlont mKotlnl)it security that can Imi convortui! Into wator paymontH, anil will tako tini'li uci'iirltlfrt fur CO por inil if any wator pnyiuont onuli ymir. In MiIh way tlio t'litlro cash Invi'Mtiiu'iil of your iitoi:kliolilor would ho rotnrnml to thorn. This offor In innilo on tlio promise of an KxlHtliiK contrite! httwii yonr com pany ami tlio Coition Drift MIiiIiir company, uh tlio illlrhi'ii Iwvn wry llltltt vnltio to um, or to any ontt lo, without n rvroKitlxvd suiirro for A wntur supply. to tbb public. I hnvn been at tmuslitelahln nxpensQ mill troublo to put my doer, elk, ma, nt lliu fiont of my iiwiuli, na that you tiulil sen alul enjoy thain. These animals am prlvaln pniprly ami a Milch urn ma iiiiiuIi nntltlod In protection uiKtnr tlio law us any olhiir personal property. It litis hriioiiid I Iiii custom of it great ninny to stop la front of my plnco ami fill Hid air with vory lilml or iiliicorilitnt sounds In ilnler to frlghtou tint niilmnls, thereby emtniiiiiirliiic my proiiurty ly causing tlm unlnml to Injury tliainstilvcM, Till In especially dun of miimii aiilolntn who stand In front of llm pens ami hlow ! "', . : "'' J tlmlr horint for thu especial purpose of frlHhtmiWiff ItioHo animals, TliurufdMi I request Hint these animal o In ft tiritllMttu tu-il, anil i heroby glvo nutlet) that 1 will pmsectitn am! sun tor ilniumcH nuy person or persons caught molesting tun animal on my pined In any way wlin lover. 112' IIOI.I.VVVOOl) OHCMAItfJH. A, ii, Allrn, proprlntor. Look Tor tint ad (hnl mllH for yon - iiiiioiitf llin Iii'lp wimlcil iiiIh. Ilanlilnn for llt'iiltli, MoJford, Or.. Ur t. 1U. Thin U to certify thnt nhoiit Nnvrmlirr I my ilaUKhtor mm taken wjih a unvnro tlck of rhi'tiumittnn wtiloli rrmlprwl lirr Ift arm tmrlrim, In foot It w i nrar !amlyxrl that nlm wan not uliln In mov lir flnri. tml knotvliiK of noinn of Dr. t'how Youiik'm nmrvrloim rtirm of lonir ulnnillUB 'an Of rtlellluntlmn. we iteclitetl to cmiKtilt tilin, in which 1 nm pleunril lo limile (to tnlntoke, nit hi" relfieitlrit nrlnt ho clultneil lliey VfOlllil ii ml nfler tlm tltlnt IrmtiiiMit Inn rheti nmtlo pnlii entirely left her nail ulin hrnt not hatt nny nymittinnH f rhoumittlinn h I lire, KittlrN Iter Koiiernt health In much Imtirovril ami I tlu not henltatn In nuylm; I tu'lleve Iho.o nfftlcte.t Willi rheumn tlim or tmrntyiilM will ilo Melt to roiimlll Dr. Chow Vtniiii.-. wlnmo liotiin In corner of Tenth nmt front ntreot. "ite.tforO. t)r ei a. i vj:ihh. 'fm OUUDIW TO 1 BATS. T'.0 OINTMKNT In Kimritnteed to rurn nny tat of Itrhlnif. Iilllitl, lileeitlnn or'irotrtiilln illo In to 14 tlnyn or motiey rafumleit. HOC HaHklnn for Hoaltli. Baseball Medford vs. Grants Pass AT MEDFORD Sunday, May 28th 2:45 P. M. MEDFORD vs. THE BUIGKS Decoration Dfty9 Tues. May 30th. Game Called At 1:30 P M. rr- ,.,B Choice South Oakdale Avenue Lot Enjjt front, 100 by 175 feet; alloy in rear; n num ber of Inrjo oak Irees, splendidly placed in rela tion to fi house; registered title; nothing better in the city. Will sell at a bargain for cash. - Also lots in Turtle's Third Addition Just ononed up. Largo trecs'on each lot. Terms. HARRY H. TUTTLE, Owner Park Avenue, Or any mombor of the ftfedford Realty Association. ' WOOD FOR SALE BZ.OOK WOOD rum z.oad riiona MUa 8M1 or 1t ordora Medford Hardware Company ' FOR SALE OROILVRDS, FARMS FRUIT LA'NDS Largo and Small Tracts .. MOOR-EHNI- CO. 212 JiYuitgrowora Bank Bldg T.'l"'-" '"";,"",.' ' " . " City Property Nw i room InniKiilow, uootl lot, f 77S, Ktny terniN. 0-room tiiincalow, now, mmtoni; ami fw IoIn, very cheap for iUlrl( nulo. C.room hoimn, liiku team In IroUo. C noreM all platted, InBtdo limit, aty turiuit, fOSOO. TRADE Hue Kenwood loin for acreiiKo or town property, 0 room modern houxe on pavlntr, tako any uooit property. 23a uren, flno aoll, cIoho In, tako town reHhleiico, Nlun ri'Hlil.uico and two lotit In Walla Wiillu, 40 aureH low land, tako aoreavo or town property. U ISO nori'H, Htuck and dulry ranch, tako tOn ci en with Hiinio fruit, RANCHES 11 auroH, 4 t-3 mlleH nut, H In pcam, 3 !- aoreH Kitrtluu. good houe, wlnd mill, driven well, llnoly altuated, 300 aero for quick aitle. Oood terma. Hmiill pear tract, oIoho In, lino null, f 275 acroj tmniM. Kluo orchanl tract, rlnlit In town, (food Income, nlfaira, IiUIIiIIiikh, all tooU. iilc, H00 aero If Hold at onco; littoral tormtt. 27 aoreH, oIoho to town, Kond Iioiiho and Other hulldliiBM, 7 aoreH orohard, tml anco In crop, Iliu-Ht aoll, Icmh than 1400 ' an aero for quick mtlo, 2R0o will handle, own tlmo on tialauco at mix por cent. WANTED (llrlM for Konornl hnuiaworlc. , City and ranch property to Hit. E. F. L BI11IH BOOM BOO VXirVM BUX&BXMa Excursion! Sunday, May 28th Butte Falls and Return Via Pacific & Eastern R .R. $2.00 for Round Trip Train leaves Medford at 8:14 a. in., arrives in Mod ford at 7 p. m. This is tho finest scenic trip in all of Southern Oregon. You'll enjoy this 65-mile ride into Tutorior Oregon. 1 BUILDING SPECIALTIES COMPANY vlvUUJJ & r'iun' 'at fORTU nAUTIiETT ST. A hill lino ot Mlxod paints, Loads, Oils nnd Varnlahoa. tloiuploto stock ot Crtbota Crcosoto Shlnglo Stains, Wood Tints, Dry Paints and Kfclso tnlncs. pall nt tho Sign of tus Sun and gut our prloos, 8l NORTH DARTLETT ST. r. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAaE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS ' CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 320 GARNETT-OOREY BLDG. fX&mZt PAOE FIV13 TO TMB xdZ.XKft Or TIMJIT MOBT OAOB O FBB OBNT HIHXXKO TUK9 OOX.D BOBBS OF TXB 7AOITXO A AHTBBB BAXZiWAY DUB JUBB 1st, 1D37. ' Thu iinrtoriilKnod truniio, under tho inortKauo nhuvo referred to, Arrm un d'T authority of sld iiiortKaKt to ox tieinl Him xlim of twenty IhoUnand dot lura (120,000) In Um piirchnno of tondti of mild Indue, provided nileh purchaito can, In lift opinion, he now (undo ndvanto Keounly, Moiled offers of irnhl Vondu may ho neat to tho Knlcke-rhorker Trut Com pany, 60 Hroadway, New York, on or lm fore Juno K, 1V11. KNicKicnnocKKrt rnt'HT company, Trunten. Hy CMAUt.Kfl II. KRi:i 1'renl.Jent. IMteil, New York, Jlny 3d, .911. r Botlce. Jocknonvllle, May 23, 1911, To taxpnyern limldn tho city of Med ford; Tlio uNweMor and hln liuty, T, M Jannty vau ho found at tho office of tho Jnokfton County Almtract company In JnokNon County Hunk hulMInK be. twren. tho hours or h m and S in on tho ollowlnif iludi. May 24, 2C, 2S, und 27, IMI I for the purpoxii of mectlna the taxpayers who huvo not already (teen tno deputy aim it'ijumintf all mat tern pertalnlriK to ninonniniiulx, W. T, UUIi:VB, C4 Aiii;fi(ior. LOST. A)HrUuUvH hracolt, Initial K; brok en, recclvo reward. f:thyl I'etcrman, 722 Went 14th Sttet CO FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE KOIl HAM: Oil THAI)l-l'Jvo paaiirnKnr auto In good riintilni; order, will take temn on trade, AddreM Ilox 49, care Mall Trildlne. 57 KOIl HAM: OII KXCHANOI-Utude-Imk.T hack, iirnctlcully now, 180.00 or will trado for llKhter huiiKy. 1118 W. KlKhth fitreet or phone Ciui. FOri EXCHANGE. BMI BtttU 10 It KXCHANCIE" Medford and iubur ban property. rncha, timber lanfln, for other property. Address Box 19, caro Mall Tribune. FOR SALE OR RENT Iuimh Ttortij KOIl HAI.K Olt nUNT New mcwlorn six room houxit, with or without furniture, k eunt front, flno Slutdt. Inquire (02 ltlne street. C8 KOIl HAM'. OR RENT 4 room house, corner Mbcrty and lioardmdn street Rent 1 10.00. 5 KOIl SAMS Oil RENT Oood openlns for general merchandise store In new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad. 12 miles from Medford. Gold llay Realty Co.. J0 W. Main. For Sale I.uman X. Judd of Talent. Orecon. has for ttalo In tho fruit, garden and alfalfa land of Southern Oregon, the following described lands: 15 acres 2 1-2 miles from Talent. lm-( proved, dwelling house, 10 ucres In cultivation: among the foot hills; wutec. l'rlco $1S00 cash down. . CO acres, 20 acres' under cultivation, family orchard, 2 1-2 miles from Tal ent. Price (000..Caah down. Among the hllln. i 34 acres A. Chaise fruit farm, 1 mile from Talent, f 13,000. 17000 cash, bal-. anco on time. Iots 7 and 8, In Talent, 60x160 feet, fine well; u dwelling house. Price 3400. Lots nnd 10, In Talent 00x!3 feet; a good dwelling house and fine well, Krlco 1800. 17 acres, 2 miles from Talent, a com mercial orchard. Should yield this year 2500 or 3G0O boxes of fruit. Trie 119,000. One-jitlt cash down. 160 acres Kino timber land, mostly fir and hemlock; tomethlng like 36,000, 000 feet of saw timber. Trlco 500p. ensh. 20 acres 1 mile from Taleni. part In growing orchard and alfalfa. Price 1325 nn acre. 200 acres Near the famous Suncrest orchard, 160 acres under cultivation: nil fenced; fruit nnd alfalfa soil; a dwelling house; barn and water tank. only 3125 the acre. 1 lot In Ashland. 50x142 feet; good dwelling houite, near tho depot. $1100 cash. 160 acresAbout 9 miles from Medford. among the hills, run go unsurpascd; timber land, $12.50 an acre. 18 acres Ono block from C. P., Talent, Oro. Kino black freo soil, garden, fruit pad alfalfa soil, 12 acres young pear trcep, 2 1-2 acres 10 year old Newtown apples, a good 6-room dwelling house. Price $11,000, $0500 cash down. Tho rest on time. 80 acres 1,500.000 saw timber, among tho hills, 7 miles from Talent. Price $2000 cash. 4 acres S 1-2 miles from Talent, fruit and chicken ranch. Stream of water runs through the placo. l'rlcu $1800 cash. 5 acres Closo to Talent, In cultivation; dwelling house and good well. Price $3000. $1000 ono ye.tr. $1000 two years. 3 mines Ophlr and Ruth, 5 miles from Talent, 0,0 u tunneled 60 foot, tho other 160 fcot. 40 acres Among the hills, dwelling houso and a few acres cleared. Plenty of water and timber. $45 tho aero. 10 acres nenr Talent, -AH In cultivation and In fruit trees, $425 tho acre, 1-3 uash down. 10 acres 6-room house, barn and chicken houso. Prlco $3,760, $1500 cash down, 10 acres Part set to alfalfa nnd fruit trees. Prlco $1500. 40 acres G miles from Gold III1I, all under cultivation. Dwolllng house and orchard. Prlco $13,000. Iluslnosa lots In Talent. ISO acrctt unimproved land near Jack sonville. 10 aero orchard 1 mlla from Talont, l'rlco $5000. s 198 acres Ono mllo from Talent, 90 aoros ut to Ue Anjou nnd Uurtlett pears, 6 acres to Hpltxeuborg. New bhutignlow house, horn 60x60. Prlco $2.50 tlm acre, $25,000 down, balance on tlmo. 240 aoreH timber on Idttlo Ililtte, 4,000, 000 foot saw timber, lino soil after timber Is removed. Prlco $3000, 1-J cash down, balance on tlmo, 73 1-2 aorca orchard, llartlott and D'An Jou pears, Newton apples. Prlco $325 nn.acro If all sold together; 10 acres separatoly $350 tho aero; 1-3 down, balanco In 1, 2 and 3 years tlmo. Ono lot In town of Talont, 65x152 fcot, ono 8-room now bungalow houso, wood lmuso 12 by 20 feot; good well. Bhado troes set out. Prlco $1900, $1300 cash, balanco on tlmo. 13 lots, 3 acres, In town of Talent, new houso, wood shed, well and line family orchard. Prlco $3000, $1600 cash, balanco on time, Luman N. Judd FOR RENT rnrnlsbsd Booms. iatlt UICNT Furnished rooms, bath", 423 Kotlth Kir. 59 i'Olt lli:NT-Nlco tlouOlo room ground floor, tertrlo lights, tiso of bath; two blocks from V. O, Apply 237 North Contrwl aveinni. 56 KOIl RUNT Knrnlslied front bed room, hath In connection; closo In, Phono 2002. Hi a. Laurel. fOR HUNT Kurnlshcd rooms for trans ients, No. 10 N, Oraps street, next to farmers' & Krult Growers' bank. Xonssa KOIl I1KNT Ktirnlsh'd houso, board taken for rent, 128 North Orapo street. KOIl ItlTNT Two room furnished house with pantry and olost, closo In. Call 617 Hon Hi Holly street. 57 KOU HUNT II Y TUMY 4 room nous, closo In I If., 6 room bungalow $z0; a room now bungalow $26; 9 room house, closo In $35, Tumy. 201 GnVnctt-Corey building. , KOIl RKNT A 7 room all modem bungalow, closo In, Just completed, fire place, lar?o living room, slep Ing porch, buffet, ofc, rent $35. Tumy, 201 Oarnott-Corey building. KOIl IU:NT Oood nlno room house, 2 1-2 acres of garden land, berries enough to pay rent. 130.00 a month. Inquire at 224 Clark street. 518 KOIl RHNT Hix-room house. Realty street. $20. W. T. York & Co. KOIl RnNT 5-room modern house, quire 60 N. Orange at. In KOIl RRNT Elegantly furnished rooms steam heat, hot and cold water, baths electric lights, newly furnished, sin gla rooms or en suite, by the day week or month. Inquire room 103 Electric bldg. 218 TV. Main St. KOIl RKNT Modern -rMm furnished house, close In. Inquire CO N. Or augo st, rarras KOR RENT Karros from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches garden land, general farming ranches Gold Kay Realty Co., 216 W. Main. Basis Booms KOR RENT Business room on W. Main st, 24x)40, suitable for restaurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 216 W. Main at. Xouasksvpln; Boosts KOIl ItKNT Two furnished light house keeping rooms. Apply mornings. 425 Houth Oakdale. 60 KOIl RENT Clean modern light house keeping rooms, lights and telephone freo. No children, no dogs. Call at 127 Houth Oakdale. 56 Office for Beat FOR RENT Office room with fireplace. Apply at Gregory's studio. KOn RENT Desk room, ground floor. W T. York & Co. FOR RENT Over the postofflce with heat and light Beo A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Office rooms tn Electric bldg.. modern equipment steam heat, electric light baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold llay Realty Co, 216 W. Main at XUcsIlansoas. FOR SALE Xisotllansons KOR HAMJ (310 modM, cylinder "I'ercii Arrow" cheap. Oood shape. In quire Ilox 785, K. T, Emorlch, Med KOIl HAM New furniture rlicap. 614 West Hamilton street. 10 KOR HAM Threo year old black conch driving mure. Now buggy and hand mndo harness. Apply Medford Iron Works. KOR HAI.E Large new ico hox, 5x1 nnd 4 ftet high. Cheap. Oakdalo Gro cery. 6C KOR HAM Kurnlturo complcto for flvo room cottage, cheap, call at Toggery. KOR HAM" A printing, press, slzn of form 5x13, In first :lass condition, to gether with type cabinet, type casss, extra rollers, chases, lead and slug cutter, etc. Prlco very reasonable-, If taken now. Just the thing for bus! ness man desiring to do own printing, or for boy who wants to mnko a start for himself. Address V. O. Ilox 698, or call any afternoon this week, be tween 3 and 4 o'clock, at room 12, P, O. block. 55 KOIl SALE At a bargain, furniture, housj for rent, 127 8. Grapo st KOR HALE Abnolutely new slnglo top carriage at your own prlco. Humph rey, 815 E. Main. Phono 2992. KOR HALE Hay. Ihave grain and al falfa baled. Bee A. A. Davis. KOR SALE Corn. Inquire Dr. Clancy's office, Phlppa bld&, or phone Main 601. KOR HALE One go5d saddle horse. In quire Mrs. P. J. Ncff. Phone 2202. KOIl BALE Thirteen and one-half acres of garden land. Abundance of water to Irrlgato close to tho sur face. Address 521 W. Hamilton ut. Phono 2455. 5 KOR HALE Team, well bred, matched, traveling mares; ago fl years; weight 2200 lbs. Inquire No. 24 S. Mistletoe street 55 KOR HALE Writer press, good condi tion, $50. A bargain. D. It Wood, Medford Mall Tribune bldg. 66 FOR SALE Eggs, I have a number of setting eggs for sale. Silver Spangle llambury, $1.60 setting; Houdan $1.60 setting. White Leghorn $1; Barred Plymouth Rock $1. George L. Davis. 66 KOR SALE A very fine new $150 top carriage, single seat, at your own price If taken this week. Humphrey. 815 East Main. Phono 3992. 61 WANTED. KlscsUaasotis WANTED 2 second bond tents. In good repair for camping. State slie and price. Bor 30. It. D. 1, Central Point, Oregon. 57 WANTED To rent for a month or so, wheel chair. See E. K. A. Blttner. 67 WANTED A No. 1 milch cow. Address w. J. McKay, box 76, P. O. 58 WANTED To buy ten acre of fruit land situated near Medford, give de scription and prlco of land. Address Lester, 514 Colman building, Seattle, Washington. 56 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. ROCJUH RIVER VALLEV ABSTRACT TITLM CO., INC, Jacksonville." Phones Pnoiric, Main Uj Home 2006. Aroblttots. JOHNS A TUIlNEIt. Archltents mid Builders Off Km 7-. 326 Main: phon Main 3471. Residence rhonn 74 POWER, REEVES & WEST Architects, 207 and 208 Oarnott-Corey building Accountants, D. It WOOD Oenorftl accountant. Yotlr book audited and kept for a reasonahlo flruro; your business solicited. Office Phipps bldg,, room 209. Phone 3122. Assays ana Analyst. AS3AYEII AND CHEMIST Curl V. lu gols, u, He, General assay nnd an alytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Rest equipped assay offlcn and testing laboratory In Oregon. All work guaranteed. Grants Pnss. Or. Attorney. COLVIO ft RBAMES . M. Colvlg, C. L. iteames. Lawyers. Office Ateilford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEKI. TO. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-law. Nos. 1 and 2 Post- .,... uu,u,iiik. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Onrnett-Coroy WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. MlLKEY & CHERRY "(b7f. MULKEY. OHO W CHERRY) Lawyers. Room 12, lackson County Bum! bldg. A Billiard Parlors. 8'.Ti unYi. S CO. Billiards. Cigars finM8?f;,Pr,nks' UP "talrs. Young & Hall building, a, nice, cool ylaco to spend the hot nfternoons. BIU Poitsrs. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Dis tributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jsekson County Bank build ing, Medford, Oregon. Cigars ana Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse Dealers In tobacco, cigars, and smok ers supplies. Exclusive ngent ofLewls da. 212 West Stain street. Civil Bsgistsrs. A8TBURY & TEE, CIVIL ENGINEERS, surveyors. Specialty; Platting, Buti dividing and municipal englncerlnu Phono 4081. Room 4U8 Garnett-Corey bldg.. Medford. Oregon. ZTurnltaro. H. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers In new and second-hand furniture and hard ware. Agent for Household stoves Main 3161. Home 265-L. Mission fOrniturevorksco7- n.".r ?lh Jn1. Holly streets, Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cab- ,.1 .wo.rlc ot an kind. A trial order solicited. STOTlDoKi Jl WOLKK Cookstoves and ranges. New and second hand furnl- South. Phono 91. Home 283-K. Med-lord. Qrs&tt Works. WANTED Horses to break ride or drive. Phone Main (282. Or call at Bungalow Rooming House, 10 and Kront street 57 FOR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunt ing resort on easy terms. Box 3 Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Garden land In tracts of from one acre upwards, with water for Irrigation. Owner will furnish team and Implements for cul tivating and aeed for share of crop. Inquire of Buffum, Rogua River Elec trloCa. 216 W. Main at FOR SALE. Boast GOLD RAT GRANITE CO.. 216 West Main street, manufacturers and deal er in monumental and building gran ite, crushed granite, common brick and pressed brick, coarse and flno washed river sand. MEUKOIID BRICK CO. Geo. W. Pridd7, -,P, :SaJ?,e' Qc?' T- O'Brien-Contractors and manufacturers of brick; deal ers In pressed brick and lime. Office In Garnett-Corey block, room 209. 2d floor. Phone No. 3181. Xiaadscaps SarAsnsr. WANTED Clean-up rags at Mall Trib une Job department WANTED To borrow $1200.00 for one year on residence . property. ' J. R. Mall Tribune. SITUATIONS WANTED. FOR SAL1" On South Oakdale. 3 blocks from city park. 9 room houso with east front on lot, 75x140, luwn In splendid condition; rich garden spot, largo fruit trees nnd guragc, wood shed, under samn roof as dwelling. Inquire 412 South Oukdalo, 60 Acreafs FOR SALE Bargain, 230 acres first class bulldlnRS and location, 40 acres cleared; all tillable. $6000 will hand le If you mean business. Answer Box 203 Central Point. P7 FOR SALE Two acres of good orchard land, near Eagla Point, unimproved. For more Information call on C C Pierce. 67 ' KOIl SALE Wo have 300 acres of first class yellow fir timber, well located for logging and milling; stock ranches with plenty of running water. Prlco from $17 to $35 por acre. It Is also good orchard land, nnd well locat ed. Wo have farm lands suitable for grain, gardening nnd dairying. Buy a homeln tho famous Willamette val ley, tho gardon spot of Oregon. Save money hy deullng direct with the owners. Martin Bros., Brownsville. Or. 73 T A I, B H T FOR SALE 5 and 10 acre tracts Just within and adjoining city limits, at a bargain, on 6 annual payments. Ad dress Condor Water A Power Co. WANTED Wire me If you wont me. I am an expert male stenographer and I want to come to Medford. Prefer law office but will accept anything that pays around $100 per. Have had four year's experience as law stenographer and clerk Address L. E. Van Winkle, 270 Stark street, Portland. Oregon. 55 WANTED Work. A soDer. honest young man would like work In a nur sery, or an orchard. Address E. W. II., general delivery. 30 CHRIS MOORE Landscape gardner, lawns nnd grounds taken care of. Ad dress list West Eighth street 56 WANTED Position as atcara roller, stationary, traction or donkey engin eer. Bell 6161. 61 HELP WANTED. Bslp Wanted Mai SALESMAN WANTED To represent Irrigation and Land Company of Idaho at Medford. We offer an at tractive Investment and an attractive sales plan, and can make a proposition to a man of standing In this commun ity that beats tho highest' salury paid In Jackson County. Tho right deal for the right man. Give references when answering this ad. Address Krultland Acreago Company, Ltd. Box 588, Boise, Idaho. 56 JOHN P. BELTZ, Landscape Gardener. Between Riverside avenue and Bcatty street Medford, Or. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Main 3812. Botary J?ubUo. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 257 Phlppa HELEN N. YOCKEY. Notary public. Bring your work to ma at tho sign of The Mall Tribune. Tent and Awnings. MEDFORD TENT AND AWNINO CO. makers of now. repairers of old. Both Phones 405 8. Oakdale. Bnrsertt. MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flow. ers: potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phone 3741. QUAKER NU11SKUIES Our treeiTlTe ' budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated, o guarantee everything put out We are, not In tho trust il it Patterson, office removed to 116 E. Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO.. Inc. Growers of high grade nur Bry stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tele phono 1201. Physicians and Sorgsoca. Dlta CONROV & CLANCY Pnyslclnns and surgeons. Taylor nnd Phipps bldp.. rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 601 residence phono 612. Office hours 9 a! m. to 8 p. m. DUV.Sv.CA1iLOW' DR- EVA MAINS tARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Oarnett Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. Dlt E. H. P ci7i'Pi;',i ni-.na.... 'J.J ' men a specialty. Rooms 5. 6, 7. 8. St MfVik aH?' a,edford- Oregon; phones. w....w -..v., ,rfliucuvB mm. WANTED A good man for concrete and mason work, good wages, steady em ployment, no booze fighter. Call oven Inirs or morning. 217 W. Main street. lots. FOR SALE Lot on Palm street, west of Olson, $300 and up. See owner, 731 West Second street. 60 FOR SALE at n bargain, five closo-ln east front lots, total frontage 250 foot two blocks south of city park, Prlco $6000 for tho five lots. Other lots further out uro selling for more money. Address P. O., Box 702, Med ford. Or. 78 KOR BALK Lot 52x106, Jnckson street $400.00. Apply C, W. Hollbromor, care of Hutchison & Lumsdcn. Bal Bstat. FOR SALE Jackson county lands In Rogue river valley, Oregon, hy the Jackson County Realty company, H. M Coss, manager. Of flea In Garnott Corny building, room 217. Farm lands, garden lands, fruit lands, stock ranches, largo and small tracts of Im proved and unimproved land. Oflce phono 6691; residence 141. Busl&s "fTopsrty FOR SALti Hoarding and rooming houso; central! lenso: bargain. En qulro Stouo Candy Store, opposite depot 59 o b a a o x t M .. KOR ' RALE Choice buslnoss property at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Water A rower Co, WANTED -Good Japanese boy for iron- erul housework. Two In family. Best of wages. Address Box 9. caro Mall Trlbuno office. WANTED Salesman fot exculslve ter ritory. Big opportunities. No expe rience necessary. Completo lino Yak ima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash wookly. Out fit free. Toppenish Nursery Company, Toppenlsh, Wash". WANTED Salesmen to sell our lino of suporlor nursery stock. Can give you choice of territory. Cash paid weekly and outfit furnished. Paolfia Nursery Company, 308 Corbett building, Port land, Ore. ' 58 DnV,AnT.KMAa . W. DEANE Dentlat Office In Rlalto bldg., 122 e. Main. aaa administered for extraction of Phone 44T3elephono Waln "81. Night DR. STEARNS Physician and surgeon! Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 6501. Res denco 113 Laurel at. nhnnn ?nit DR. S. A- LOCKWOOD, physician arid DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offices over Haslclna drug store. Phones: Pacific 1001; Home 28. Dr. W. M. Van HcoyooT " Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc. .. Dentists. Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford. Oregon. Both Phoneal DR. J. J. EMMENS Practice limited to disease pf the eye. ear, nosa and throat Office 216 E. Main vtreet. DRS. SAUNDERS AND GREEN Prac tice limited to oye, ear. noao and throat. Office: Sulto 318 Garnett Corey building. Both phones. WANTED Salesmen In every locality of the northwest; money advanced week ly; many make oyer $1000 month choice of torrltory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Topenlsh, Wash. Belp Wutd Vtmal WANTED Competent girl for general houso work, two In family, good wages. Apply mornings. Mrs. A. E. Reames. sis Wost Jbth street WANTED Woman for general house work, one who can cook. Wages $30 per month. Apply Buffum, Rogue River Electrlo Co., 216 W. Main. WANTED Qlrl or woman for general houseworK! two In ramlly; best of wagon. Address Bos 60, caro Mall Tri Chinese Medicine. CHOW YOUNtV8Chtneso medlolncs'will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golt era, throat and lung trouble, doafneaa, paralysis, private diseases and' nil kinds of chronlo and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constlputlon. Indiges tion, womb and bladder troublos. Sod m at 211 a Front st.. Medford Pro. Printtra and Publishers, MEDFORD PRINTING CO.. has tho best equipped Job office In Southern Ore gon; book binding; Iooso leaf systems; cut Paper, wto.. etc., Portland prices. 27 North Fir street j Stenographers. ELLA W. OUANYAW Pulnt Block". Stenographic work dono quickly nnd lams. VALLEY SrCHTA"lWHTISIN; SIGNS Will heln build un your luml. ness. Phons 802. 18 Rlversldn Hvonim Steam Keating', PONTINO& RENZ Steam and hot wa tor heating, dry kiln and power work. Satisfaction guaranteed. .Estimates given. Phones: Paclflo 4601, Uoind 124-L, resldenco Paclflo 4102. Box 434. Ore'oii4- ' HYytut Msford,' fl VI 1 'I w H - W- -W. -fton-vl9JHriri'j