PATHS FOUR rEDFORT)arAniTRTBUKiqrTCOirORb,OUli:0Oy, TirtmSDAY, MAX,2r), ;tl)lt VUflW t X-1"rY'ltt .m ,i. M jHEDFOimMAIL rrgimjNE AN INDHl'KNDISNT NKWSlAlB1l "" rUUIilHIlICU IMIIiY KXtJKIT KATUIN VY UV TIIW MHWOIID 5 I'MNTINO CO. THE MEXICAN INSURRECTION i.Thd liomocrnllfc TlmcA, Tlio M Ml ford; jhiui, thc Moaroru Tribune, tiio rioutiv crn urtKoninn, Tlio Aanlnmi Trlouno. . Orftco Malt Tribuno Uulldlixr, S5-2T-29 North 'Kir fitioet: phono, Main SOU Homo 75. QKOUOn PUTNAM, Kdltor nml MnnnRcr 0 . Kntprcil an hccoihI.cIixss matter n Mod fori). Oregon, under tlio net ot March 3, 1879. , Official Paper of the City of Mcdford 4 Official Paper of Juckson County i SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono year, by mall J5.00 Ono month liy mall ......... .60 XVr month, delivered by carrier In Mcdford, Jacksonville nnd Cen tral Point "0 Sunday only, by mall, per year.... S.OJ JVcokly, por year 1.S0 -., SWORN CIRCUI.ATIOK. i Daily avcraRo for six months ending December 31, 1310, 2721. mil Zitftscil Wire United J?rei Dlpitch. . The Mall Tribuno In on sale at tha SVrrv !Cnw Stnml. San l-rtincltco. Portland Hotel News Stand, rortl&mV. Ilowman -News Co., Portland Ore, W. O. Wliltney. Seattle. Wash. urnrosi). oseoos. , Metropolis of Southern OnsRon and Northern California, and the fastest- Rrowlnp city Ih OreKon. Population V S. census 1910; SS10; estimated. 1011 NWOO. i, Five hundred thAisand dollar Gravity Water System completed. civlnK finest supply puro mountain water and six teen miles of street belnp paved and contracted for at rt cost exceeding Jt. 000.000, making a total of twenty miles of pavement. . Poslofflco receipts for year ending March 31, 191, show increase of 41 pes cent. Bank deposits a pain of 32 per cent. i Banner fruit city In Oregon Bosua Ulver Spltionberit apples won sweep-, stake prlie and title of I "Appla Kln of the World. u the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, and A car of Ncwtowns won ' , . rirst Prln la 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. B. C . Roruo Ulver pears brought highest ErlcoH In all markets of the world dur iir tho past six years. Vrlie Commercial club. Inclosing C cents for postapo for the finest commu nity pamphlet ?wr written. P ISjLARKA13Ij1!j success lias attended Ulo iiuMiToelkml V in Mexico. But a few weeks ago, Diaz, seemed so strongly jntrenehed in power that his removal was olass Jod niiioW the impossibilities. Yet we find him, without fighting a battle worthy oC the name agreeing to abdicate his perpetual presidency and depart for Europe. "Under the lieaeo agreement following the battle of Juarez. .Diaz agreed to resign immediately as president, and Corral to resign as viee president. A provisional presi dent is to be installed and an election called for the choice of a successor to Diaz. If Diaz fails to keep his word, much bloodshed will fol low but the success of the revolt will only have been de layed. Tho uprising, it cannot be dignified as a resolution, voiced the universal discontent and dissatisfaction over the usurpation of the constitutional rights of the people to free and fair elections and the rule of a military dictator in place of popular representatives. No change in gov ernment was sought, simply a restoration of popular rights hud a correction of existing abuses. Perhaps tftc people of Mexico, because of their ignor ance and illiteracy are not entirely fitted for or capable of popular government. Yet the constitution gives it to them and they have fought heroicly in times past for it. "With wider opportunity, there is reason to hope their capacity would increase. Francisco Madcro, the leader of the insurrection, is a wealthy man of af fail's, a large land owner, and a member of the, ruling caste. lie is known as a scholar rather than a soldier, but the success of his campaign demonstrates his capacity for leadership. He will undoubtedly be elect ed president at the coming general election. WHY BIRDMAN WILL FLY HERE NEW RAILROAD QUITS BUILDING fcKANTS PASS, May 2o.--Whellier or not work will be resinned upon the Grants Pass and Rogue River railroad, depends upon the vis it of n party of capitalists due todny from Snn- Francisco. Work'was sus pended several weeks apo, due to failure on the pnrt of the financier who made tho nijreenient to float the securities, to deliver the oods. In tlio meantime the people ot Grants Fnss nro wilting with interest any development in the matter. Mr. Riggs, leal representative of the promoters silitcs that "if the icopU' here had paid their subscriptions that work on the road would not have stopped." There were many who in ' dorsed this view, and some who crit icised adversely. In connection with the question of routes to be selected if the Southern Pacific buys tho road, news comes in from the rountry along the survey inade by the Southern Pacific that preparations arc under way to con tinue tho Piipneering work, hence this -would indicate that the Southern Pacific hns no intention of abandon- in'' its surveyed route and using the ''one mupped out by the Grants Pass and Angue- River company provided it takes over that company's business. It Is only by special request from ! Kugene Ely, to tho Gurtiss aeroplane exhibition company, that Mcdford J was able to secure the noted aerator j for a flight. After his falluro In the meet hero one year ago, he said he would come back some time, and give tho people a chance to see him fiy- In one short year ho has become the most noted aviator of jtho pres ent.flme. The only ono who has ev er dared to light on a battle ship, lighting and flying from the battle ship Pennsylvania In San Francisco before a crowd of one hundred and twenty-five thousand enthusiastic people. At Cleveland, Ohio he made a flight before three hundred thous and people. The people In Southern Oregon may not have tho opportunity to wit ness such an exhibition for years to come, Ely is going to give one of his best exhibition here In Mcdford, the time has been set for June tho 3rd at 2 p. m. a the ball park. F REIN L OR S CONDEMNED BACCALAUREATE DEADLOCK MEANS A LONG SESSION , WASHINGTON, D. V., May 25 Politicians hero today declare that fho Jlrinlow umendment, which pro vides for tho control of senatorial elections by congress instead of by stuto legislatures, is the fnctor which will defeat tho bill for tho direct elec tion of senators by tho joople. A poll of tho scuiito shows that 42 hcii iitors favor tho umendment, while 40 oppose it. Southern senators nro against hav ing tho control of elections jn the hands of congress. Enough senator will votu for it to pass tlio Bristow itiiiondnient, which will, of course, ulienuto tho southern vote from the entire bill. The baccalaureate services of the local high school will be held in the school auditorium next Sunday even ing. Rev. Theodore Matlock will de liver the address using as his topic "Man A Divine Mission." All arc invited. Resolutions condemning the em ployment of foreigners on arious improvements, public and private in the city were adopted by tho central labor council nt a meeting held Wcdnesdny evening. The resolution follows : "To the people of Mcdford: 'Yherens, experience has taught tho working men nnd women, as well as the business men of various local ities throughout this country, that it has bren n 'penny wise mid pound foolish' iwlicy to encourage the bringing in nnd employment of cheap foreign labor, ignorant of the wrong they do to the citizen laborer and mechanic by lowering the standard of wages and living, thus robbing tin.4 business men of tho trade which h a reMiIt of a living standard of wages, compiling citizen laborers and mechanics into enforced idlcnes.-, preventing their ability to buy prop erty and to build homes, holding jn check the growth and prosperity of any community wherein they are to any extent employed; and, ''Whereas, various communities, to the knowledge of most people of .Mcdford, have recently been com pelled to hold mass meetings of both wage- earners nnd business interests in protest against unthoughtful or unscrupulous employers importing said cheap foreign iubor, to protect both the moral and industrial welfare of their community; therefore, bo it "Resolved, by the Central Labor council of Mcdford and vicinity, tint wc believe it to be to the best inter- KOTigrc ' County treasurer's thirty-second call for county wnrrants. Stato of Oregon, County of Jack Bon, treasury department, Jackson ville, Orpgon, May 2tth,4911. , Kotlco Is horoby given, that thoro riro funds on baud for tho redemp tion of all county wnrrants protested prior jtrQ and. from August Gth, 19IJ9 to Ootober 9th, 1900, both datos lu cIubIvo, interest ceases on abovo call ed warrants from dates cajled, last imfor ,,jH eonir,,iid can way z-unrnn. - , , JASI'M. ORONEMILLBR, : Treasurer of Jackson countj', Ore- .Y '--GO boi). Ilnaktua for Health. PEACE REIGNS AI JB JUANA SAN DIEGO, Cnl., May 23. That tho "ideal republic" which has been the goal of the Mexican liberal par tv 5s nlrendv workintr. nt least nar- tinlly, in one pnrf of Mexico, was the assertion here today in n state ment by Attorney E. E. Kirk for the nnti-interference league, which took up the fight for tho release of Gen eral Pryce, captor of Tia Juann, last week. He suid that as a result of u proclamation issued iu Spanish the storekeepers and residents have re turned to TifuJunnit, order has been restored, less liquor is sold than be fore, and postal communication hm been restored. The statement says: "A public or der hns been issued to employers of labor in thg district controlled by the liberal nnny fixing the minimum wage at .fl.ijO gold for a maximum eight hour day. This order hns been rec ognized and concurred in, notably by tho San iDego nnd Arizona rail road, which has reduced its working hours from ten to eight nnd has ad ded 00 more men to its force." Tho liberal nnny, Kirk says, is act ing under orders from Iho Los An eles junta, nnd does not recognize Mndern "except Minply as n loador of forces who for tho moment uro --p . NOTICE A now England supper, nnd, houso wanning nt tiio Presbyterian parson ago at Phoenix, Friday ovonlng, May 2Cth. All aro Invited. J PEACE TREATY . WITH JAPAN TOKIO, May 25. It Is predicted horo today that negotiations between Japan and tho United States regard ing a general treaty of nrblration similar to tho ono proposed to Great Drltaln by America will ho soon un der way. In official circles It Is openly statpd that Japan would bo willing to con sider ouch a proposal should she should ho invited to do bo by tho United States. LOCAL If you aro looking for real bargains in real estate aoo M, V. Mooro, room 209 Phlpps building. ;: LIQUID CURES ECZEMA ' i Where salve fails In regard to utin diseases modlcafl Authorities aro now agreed on thU: Doa't imprison the disease germs in your skin by tho use of groany ealveo, and thus encourage them to multiply, A. truo euro ot all cczeraatouu dlscutes can be brought about only by using the healing agents In the form of a liquid, WA8H THE GERMS OUT. A Blmplo wauh: A compound ot Oil ot Wlntergroon, Thymol, and othor ingre dients as combined Jn tho D, D, D, Prescription, penetrates to tho dlseasa germs and destroys it, then soothe and bcals tho skin an nothing else has ever done. A 25-cent trial bottle will sUrt the cure, and givo you instant relief. csls of Medlml thH tbo flily uuthov itios sot the example by legal resolu tion or onlinaiicv and that contrac tors mid vinpln.vliig cilirous join with othor publio-pititcd cilixoiiH in Koon ing; our city l'reo from tho influx- of ohoap foreign labor? mid thnt tho oily authorities uiul other' employers of labor sou to it that before nhy at tempt bo nintlo to bring in outside labor thnt the eiiuon tuhniwr nro first oinployed; that thosu who Imvo tnkon up 'their abode in our midst .and have to tlio gonuinl pros perity of our iroiv-stvo oily by giv en preference oor those who, by their hnbits, etftonn, standard of living iiutf iuoriilit nro n luoutitv to our splendid qiticeiwhip; thai the Central Labor council, composed of the various trade-, is in a tositiuii to bo of givni service to tho employers rolnthe to shortage of labor, we urge that before any attempt to bring in outside labor be nindo that it confor- onoo bo hold with legal ropVospiila-l put In tlio. mnployiumit of cheap ,1'nr? tivos ot' the labor ootinoil with viowj oiKiiJubor tn tho, .lUitiiinont ol nil to provoitt Injury Jk homo Iubor. Ilo it further Resolved, (hut iv copy uC those resolutions bo soul to tho uuiyor mid oily council and to. Iho Commercial ohlli and also to business iuoh'h or gauixalious, asking their coMipeiu turn to the end that u stop will bo olltoeii labor and IhimIuohm Intorutfltt and publlo welfare, "CBNTKAI IiAUOH COUNCIL OK ,MKW0Ht AND VICINITY, ''Hoot-go II, IliitjIioHj president. A. II, Cray, secret nry." Ilaslilun for Health. a Flour Try "WIillo ntiimwP nml your trouble will end. Coffee We etui sell tt u ciiffei Hint Is lltttu hotter fur tlu mniK') tlmn any you vr trleil. Fruit Tlio finest nffordii. fruit tfic mtirkut Vegetables A complete st"-k on lmml when posultiltt to procure at nil Groceries Wo Invito vou to kIvo u.n n trlnl order for groceries. Wo will nil save money then. 01 instead & Hibbard WEST SIDE OROCEU3 : f f f f f IF YOU have Hrtt scwi Iho losl II. is (iit(,o ''flfiHv tti lie 'ulnt "with stuuolhiii tist?. Hut if DR, RIOKERT nts .yoiti; i-yo gltt is, vou will hs. tHuilnul, biM'niiso you Iwivo tiio'bosl. OVER KENTNERS, MocUord 4 f f 4 tffll HH HHH f -r H 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS FREE DEMONSTRATION & IN OUR DRUG STOBE THIS WEEK Conio and learn how to save and grow your hair Consultation Free JITIH Itlttilntta IMHMinwilt JJlt"Vk ! IMrtl-U. vtwiuiiuiuu t i , Haskin's Drug Store A Hotel That Is Different ASHLAND, OREGON offers more attractions for tho tourist, than any oily in South )i'o attrac ern Ui'og on. The Now Columbia Hotel at Ashland is unoxccled for e.wollenoo of furnishings. Compares favorably with the best hotels of Portland or San Francisco for modern convenience and com fort. Steam heat and hot and oold water in every room. Rooms with private bath. Single or on suite. Hotel auto meets trains. IOuropean plan. For res ervations address or appJy to The Columbia Hotel Mrs. E. G. Hadloy, Prop. Endors Block, Ashland, Or Graduation Presents Of Quality Still and Something that is useful Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler Near Post Office WE SELL DIRECT TO CONSUMER 16 INCH WOOD Oak, $S.00; Fir, $7.00; Pine, .fG.00. 3'ier to Cord. Wilt Begin to Ship May 15. 'Phone us at Butte Falls. BUTTE FALLS LUMBER CO. J li;.WJMlWk - J. B. ENYART, Prcldont J. A. PKllKY, Vlce-Pronldout F. B. MEUIUCK, Vlco-Pre!dm JOHN 8. ORTII, Cashier W. D. JACKSON, Aas't Canhler. I IB i THE ONLY PERMANENT HOOFING WITH A PERMANENT COLOR, Contains ho tar, rubber or paper. Will not crack, rot, melt or corrode. Cheaper than shingles or metal, and wears longer. Trail Lumber Co. .Me'iirrelOrtfROii. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000. bO Surplus, $20,000.00 BAKU PKI'OHIT IIOXKH VOW, ItDNT. A OKNKHAIi UAN'KIN'O UUHINKSS TICANHAOTKI). Wo SOLICIT YOUH PATIIO.VAOK. 44444(4444&444lHbf44(44Ht&444t , - Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manuf act urors of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE IgffrePBMEEEl IltisUIiia for Ilealtlt. iNeur OtblanJ, California Tin: only Wotran'i College on llic Tntlfic Crtat. L'liarlcrcil H tar two Krvut I'nlvtnllici. Ideal -climate- tlrjugliotit the yenr. Ivtilrancc mil ferailuaiion rviiulcm-ntk equivalent to those of Hliii:(or 1 ami I'liivvnlty of Caliiornla. l.iboratoricx for icirnco with irlodern ciulp inent, Kxcellrut opi'ortuiilllt. for lioins rcoimmtc, llliruy nimly, (inilc ami int. Alqilehi gyim!.iiiiiii. Special cno for liraltli if iluilcnti, out .liior (Iff. I'rlilrtt, I iirlla Clay Catmn, A 41.,-I.Ul. II. UU. I), lor atalr'Hiir oi.ln-, SccfUP'y. -Mill Cllr-c (' U,, C'ulifoiliia, CRUSHED ROCK SCREENED 0 RAVEL Delivered to any i)art of city. OffllCI KnillKrowers' Ilnnk Miltf, I'liono M. 05U. Plant North Riverside Phono M. 6091 0. J. SEMON, Mgr. ttr a etir-Ktr I ti)r Cuncreto WASHED jur rjfk Nv)rk SAND I 'r IMuHtoritiK Medford Iron Works 1 E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MAOHTNIOT i . i All kifads of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Piimpft, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE k 00. , jr ' a ., . . .v i l mr i m. i m 9 CTFA11 AMI liaT WATFI) HFLTISUL M 1 V jn Z All Work Guaranteed! fc h Mk p k. , x am b XXJK JC MIlsVH eb JT JTN.i'iIL. J 2 IIOWAIll) liMK'ir, KNTRANOIC ON tli HTJUJICT. VUOSR 80 Prices RoaBontible Z irWW0W44VlV Where to,Go ToniKt W - , , .."WUimil T1I11 ! oiiowuu on" : U-GO Marjorio M a n d o v i 11 o j rtntl licr nupiMli I'onipitiii', ilroHoiitlnic ! ' till) lldlUIIIIUI TIII'(Hil llKllllllly I Dl'lllllH III Wlllllll lllllt'I Uiuryimiio; j lltllll'Otl, !" N U N 11 A V ' HoiiBn I'flwrrn itvl ly IU lcH HtipiilllrM y I'niilpiiiy. J-r' cgj03 Clertn, Catchy. Connily rcaturo rhotopUyi. Jlxcflllent Mmlo, Otrn DIMS t 4 NATATORIUM owlluc, tilllUrda, I'ool, flkMlnir, nnd J BUootlnff. X Tut) HM!i for Z.ai1l. mid aeutliun ! nt nil Urn. Blf I)nuc STrr Bturi1y witrut. THE ISIS THEATRE AitOTitr.R mo nouni.ii uxi.ii AJIIJ UUUilUliUO A GtiArsator Comorty MuIca1 Ckotcll BntltUd I MtBTAKIltl IDIJIITITV I Tlitn nit Iiiih liroh-ii tlin uroriln of 7 plKliiy prr v-iit of li nint- plnyinl - ( itlfffri'tit frtmi nil otliorK' -tli itrt s i you Imvo Im.ii IiiiiKIhk for Intrmliic 1 ? ..... ....... u..,.. .. 11...... ,,i ? known -Hin'i tivrrlixik thin Rrtu 1 net- -illffrri-iil from itnv ml Ooii Imvn rvir Merit. Mvi art lUo It In Vnililo. Vllllt Tim AHAADirr or norinow bddiii o-iiniiiif Amorlc' ( OotutdUn Tlift Krnllrnt Inuitlt nutWr of Itin 10th tennturv- tlio runnlt! ffllow you 2 f'r DCrll Willi lloltilUK but I j from nturt to fli'Mi vou uin't nf j 1 furil iiiIhh (iNitttft Mm tirrtr hltn hIiuj ! V lil .tt.i l.v Mviitu llt Iiim rmitiu ktitr MB i ., l''Mnf KM" HUM J ntM i i'ii rVr-r Out ii ri Mil Tim Ortit Tllll nver Prstvnivd. I Moviwa riOTUKiiti 3 SUNDAY MATinnU i , iiiMxi tionn ny j HAWKY MUXCHAMB in 1 vi 11 ; II Imvn J InUKli i 3 RC1CX.S MO I WrD. UAT.fl J Ai-n-:it AM. IT f NAItltOWS g DOWN Jf The Merriyold Shop FOR Office Supplies till .M11 1 n Hl .Miilfonl. Legal Blanks All Forms Correct. Forms For This Stato Medford Book Store "! WHY BUY MEXICAN TOMATOES Whrll yon etui liny TOMATOJl$ OROWN IK l'VOHll OlODIlllllllOHO ToiimtllOH Ityory Day, opoiouaKDDiNO ir,ANTia J. T. BROADLEY & Co. Orodiilioimo Knni- Olty Henorvolr Htoro C nnd Central Avonuo, XMiatiwfi 0)01 nnrt aim. V