MEDFORD MXIL TRIBUNE. MfePFORD. OUKTiON, TnUrtflDAY, MAY 25, J911 MOT3 THREE CEMENT WALKS TO BE CHEAPER (.'miioiit ulilmvalliM mill ooniiiiilo woi'lchi (ho tilly mIkmiIiI liurinil'lur tin (MitiHlduralily uliuupitr un tlm Huulli urn PiKill'iii Hinimtiy Iiiih IhnihmI ii In riff wlilrli proviilnH for rnliu'cil 1'nlim on ot'iiii'iil imtl ponilincd liinu rmik, ol'fudlvu Juno ur, from Hun KranolHro unit liny m1iiIm In McuToril, llio nmv nilu hulnir lift im'iiIn per Iiiih Irml iih UKiiliiMt tint pri'Moiil rain of Ml omilH, TIiIh ii'iliii'tioii will Ins of nmlnritil III InlllL'illL iilimit Ihu linviiii' nV imirii Htr(tH, and nlno )0 n hiiIimIiiiiII.iI huvIiic In liulldiiiK', T ictlunlioij Ih voluntary on (lit part f ti iioinpiiny tlmro lining no I'ompolilivu or ollior coiuIUIoiih in volvoil, WOODUILLE GIRL LEADS COUNTY Tho atnto uniform cIkIiUi Knulti x aiiilnutlon huvij Juxt timm coinplntiul nail out of 20.1 applicant In Jnckaou county HK aucrewafully couiplotml nil tlm work required mid Imvu trcnlvt'ri itlplomna which will out It to (hum to outer niiy high ncliool In tint atnU. while OS went auccoaaful In all except itne or two Hulijoctn mid under tho ruled of the examination will bo per sultted to write njtnln In tlm Juno, CM!, exnniliiallon on (he aubjocta In which they failed In thin examination, and If Riirreiuful, will lie awarded diploma. The romnlnliiK 47 appll rautn wnro unaucccaaful mill will re ceive no credit, (irammur Hud civil Kovnruniuul wero the xubjoctii In which thero were the urea lent num ber of (allure. The hiKhoiii percentage wab made hy Mlaa Violet Htollu of Wnmlvlllit with nu nverngn of 34 a-3 per cent. Mlaa Medrn Altlmun of Central Point wnn Hocond with and nvorui;n of 93 ! per rent, while Joneph Orcy of KiikIm Point won tho third placu with 12 S-Ji per cent. The avernKu rcq Hir ed for twinatriK la XO per cent. Look fur tlm ml tluit offers It to you, hcrond-liaiid, at u real liut-pim! WILL BUILD NEW BRIDGE ON MAIN A ihiw ImIiIko Ih lo In) eoiiHtruiileil uoroHH Hear itmok oil Main alreut ,v llio county, I ho ;Ity Iw.vIuk tlm pion cut nnn for $(1000 mid (tnutriliutliii; mi uddltloiinl $1000 lownriPtlm Coht of tlm Hlrimlure, The IiiIiIku will i'ohI in the iii'llilioilood of 4'jr,000, It Ih plaiini'd to uiako tlm liriili1 Hid full widtli of tlm at reel or III) feet wlilo. Twnlvo fool wnlka will Im coimtnicli'd on eaeli hide, Tlm .Hi mot mo will lie of eoucrctit and the currying htirfncu will eitlier ,hn con erele or paved lo conform with the Hired. Work mi the new Itriilo will uliiil iih hiioii iih plmiH can Iju prepared mid tho water in Dear creek riropx, NOTICIi M. V. A. All uiomherH of tho order aro to tliieated to ho on hand nnd enjoy n mnokor nnd hnvo n roualnK wirollnic In our now location, tlm "Now Odd fol low Hall" on Hlxth atreot Friday nlKht, May 20th nt ft p. in., vlaltlng nelKhhorn Invited, don't forgot tho iiIkM, Friday, May 2flth, hy order of tho inaniiKorH, A l)K,l HTOMAt'lf Of What IW In ll to Anyone? ThounnudNl yea hundred of thoiia auiU of iieoplo (hroiiKhnut America are inurderlnR their own ntomnch, tho bent friend Ihey have, nnd In their Huhlimii iKiiornuco they think they nro puttluK niddo tho lawn of nature. TIiIh la no atmaatlomtl aditomont; It In n atartlliiK fact, the ruth of which any honorablo phynlclon wilt not deny. Thene thoimnndN of pcoplo nro HwallowliiR dally huge rjitantltlcn of pepNln and other utroni? tllavattira, made eupcclally to iIIkobI tho food In tlm Ntomnch without nny aid at nil from tho dlKcatlvo mcinbrano of the ntomnch. In other wordx, they nro taking from tho ntomnch tho work that nature Intended It Hlinuld do, nnd nro also refuiliiK It tho only chnnco for exorcliin ll him. Ml-O-.S'A ntomnch tab. Iota, thoy relievo dUtrcAnPd atomiich In five nilnutca. Taken regularly for a fow woekH they build up tho stom ach nnd make It utron kchoiikIi to dlKoitt Ita own food. Then ludlgea lion, belchlnc nour ntomach, head arho nnd atomnch mlacry go. MI-O-NA atohincli tablota aro nold by CIiiik. HtroiiK and loading drur. Kliitn overywhoro nt 00 condi a laro Rock Spring Coal OH KAMD AZ.K THB TIMS, JTXOMB 1003. , Burbidge THE COAI. MAW. box, and nro Kiinrnnteed to euro all Htomnnh dlntrcflH or money buck. Medford -Horse Shoeing Shop- 18 Houth lUiretlctt Htrect. I'acJflc Miono 1H31 If onto aio-it. C. L Allen, Prop. (1IVK Ufl A TftlAL iLLLaaaaiBEr 'a ' UlbSmM s-- i jS ' --So Cy- r- XPERIENCE has taught you the value of flour. m We know it from our customers con sequently have learned to stock the flour that suits you best. Only the fluent Htnndnrd flour In sold hero the kind that line been proved by you and others to make tho swectcat nnd Roundest bread, tho lightest It In Ktinritntcct! to lx) uniform In ipuillty nnd to give the moxt untiifactory linking rctuliH of them nil. Bend or phono fur n Mirk today mid you will Iktoiiic renulnr uacr. Allen Grocery Co. 32 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE j'a-aa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBHH Hawklna for Health. ' llnnklna for Health. "iMHBMaMBVHBVBBHHBBWHHMBaBHaValBBlHaiHHHaajBjHBl IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Owing lo the popularity of Orange Blossom Candy and its increasing sales in Medford we have special arrangement with P. E. Wasserman, the manufac turer who has just visited Medford, so we give you this famous candy at Sixty Cents the Pound Thirty cents the half pound and special packages at twenty-five cents. Medford Pharmacy Near Post Office, Main 101; Night or Day. Exclusive Agents Orange Blossom Candy IRRIGATION This Rain Has Helped Your Crops. Why Not Have It on Hand When You Need It. TAKE WATER' Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FEED N. CUMMINGS, Manager Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building Irrigated Orchard Tracts Invest in one of our ORCHARD TRACTS, $25.00 per acre cash, and $25.00 per acre per annum, 6 per cent interest on deferred payments ROGUELANDS Inc. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager r-,0,, 23d FRIDAY and SATURDAY ig5 SURPRISE SALE WBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmimmmmmmmmmaemmmmmmmtmmnmmMmimaBmammmB MBBBBMMBHiaaHBMHBjaMMMaaBMHHaHnMaMHHBBWMMNaB Make your dollars go as far as possible. In the list below are prices that are absolute savings THAT WILL STRETCH OUT YOUR DOLLARS. SEE THE WINDOWS 1 1 is ii i 1 1 i . i. ' i i Ladies1 Hose, black and all colors, plain, lace stripe and embroidered, values to $1.00, oaie price ......... Children's lisle finish ribbed Hose, fast black, all sizes, regular 25c Hose, sale price . 3 pair for A large gingham Apron, long sleeves, large pocket and tie strings. A hummer at the The genuine Serpentine Crepe. You know what it is ' ' Sale price . . . . . . .'".".'. . . , . i A heavy bleached Bath Towel measuring 45 x 21 inches, sold regularly at 25c 15c all Linen Crash, bleached and brown, sale price .... Remember FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY . .. .., ,; 29c 50c 59c 16c 19c lie j HUTCHISON &LUMSDEN yvfffrfffeff m , - m. ,4fca.r -VfV yjtjBfmrv r F'Skttib'! -A P i '