" " .1: JfAOH? TWO AIEDKmD MAIL TRIBUTE, LEDFORD, QR.ECJON, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 191.1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL 'fi .liunen a. lUclinm linn returned from a IniBlncsa trip to ol'rland. Mnlso nn Investment by Insuring with tho "Mntunt l.lfo ot Now York," pays tho larRcst dividends. J. FVHut cfinson, Agent. AV. H. llodaon and J. W. Sllngcr hnvo left by auto for Sakovlow v. klnmalh Falls. . . Carkln & Taylor (John it Carktn, Glenn O. Taylor), nttorncya-at-law, over JnckBon County Uank Uldg., Mcdford. . W. 0. Henderson of Central Point spent Thursday In Mcdford on a short busIncsBHrlp. Gregory's iianornmns and views soil rekl estate. ' H. K. T.Ing of Jacksonville who re contly Bold his place there to nn Ohio man was In Mod ford Thursday look ing nronntl for a suitable Investment In tho city. - Two and one-half ncros In alfalfa, ono mllo south of Washington school; easy terms. A. V. H. Evorhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Dank Dldg. "VV. II. Coleman county clerk wan a recent visitor In Mcdford on business. , If It Is for chickens. Schmidt has It, Main Rt., on R. R. track. 6 Louis Q. Janncs of Barron precinct ' spent Thursday In Medford getting quotations on a bunch ot'bcot cattle he has to dlspobo of. If It is to feed horses or cows, Schmidt sells it. ' Harry Wilson of Woodvillo was a Medford visitor Thursday. ' Medford local socialist party meets every Sunday'nlght at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grapo street. Everybody Invited. ' Walter T. Rau has returned from a business trip to Portlahd. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. John K. Long of Upper Roguo river Is In Medford spending n few days visiting his mother. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford office, phono No. 1201. T. L. Duncan has left for a tour of tho Willamette Valley. Do you want 14 lots 50x145 each for $2500 on easy terms? C. W. H. E,vcrhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg. v ' H. N. Thompson of Central Point spent Thursday in Mcdford on business. Henry Bates, particular barber, 128 W, Main st. ' Rev. Holmes of tho Baptist church I.bb returned from a short .visit at Glcndalc. See Tatsuma for all kinds of Jew elry and watch repairing at 322 Alice street off Beatty. 65 Mrs. Charles True spent Wednes day In Ashland with relatives. For tho right kind of Mutual Fire Insurance see W. V. Moore, room 209 Phlpps building. Phono 3122. W. L. Hatley has returned from a few days spent with friends at Ash land. Tho Medford Gun Club will glvo a practice shoot at tho club grounds north of city Friday afternoon, a nice prize will bo given for high score onn25 birds. All shooters are cor dially invited. Medford Gun Club. 55 R. L. Burdlc of Ashland was a recent visitor In Medford. For a shave, hair cut gr shampoo, sco Henry BateB, 128 West Main street. Toggery Bill Issaacs has left for a fUhlng trip. Tickets for the living picture show to be given by tho Greaer Medford Club Juno C, can bo obtained at Kent ner's; Medford Book Store. Nash Hotel, tho Louvre Cafe, Commercial Club, M. J. Redily'B, Haskins. Nata torium. 6& Mrs. N. S. Thompson of Butte Falls spont Wednesday visiting Medford. Look again to tho Fish Market for your Sunday chickens. Fresh ranch eggs and country butter at 20 cents. Messier & Ken worthy. GC .Mrs. George Irving has returned from a short visit in Ashland. .Famous pictures ot tho world saged by membors of tho Greater Medford Club at tho Natatorlum Tuesday evening, Juno C. CC Weeks & McGowan Co. ONDERTATCERS Day Phono 2271 Night rhones F. V. Week 2071. A. 13. Orr, 8002. LADY ASSISTANT. i i i ! JOHN A. PERL T)..tifr.t.tlj-.i !! BtSnlitilrtmr 7 Vliunitinii hiiu -- Hiiei-t'BBor to the undertaking do-' ! partment of Medford Furniture Co. ; ; - . Ml, ! Of fit" Willi Mwlfonl Furniture Co. I ! ; telephones.; Pay, Bell 861;;! John A. Perl, residence, Bell 4111,;: Homo 179b -. .. . i . C-. W. cnnklin poui. j. , uui-;; 571, i AMBULANCE SKIjyiGH I Slater JohnRon expects to leavo In tho near future for nn extended trip east mid abroad, Ho may be accom panied cast by Kddlo Burgess, Don't miss tho living pictures given by tho Grater Medford Club at the Nntntortum Tuesday evening Juno C. CC A. A. Aklns and C. L. Benton of tho "Golden Rulo" spent Monday night fishing at oGld Ray. Peter Butukos, who signs himself ns tlm champion light weight wrest ler of tho woe'd has arrived In Med ford looking for n match. Mr, and Mrs. Georgo B. Carpenter expect to leavo soon for n trip to 8a Francisco. M. L. Erlckson, supervisor of the Crater National forest, has returned from a trip in tho Applcgate district. Henry Stlmson of Jacksonville spont Thursday in Medford on busi ness. Wilbur Crane of Akron, O., has ar rived to make his homo on n five acre tract recently purchased by him near Talent. PLACER MINE CHANGES HANDS V. W. Kelly ami E. C. Fnwcott lmve secured control of the Pennsyl vania placer mine on Elliott creek and nfter making extensive improve ments they will operate it. The mine is well known and lm produced considerable gold. Haskins for Health. ANOTHER GAME TO DOWN GRANTS PASS Modlord nml Grants Pass will erosa bats njrnln next Sunday at Medford. Medford is due to win nnd should they put up the kmuo tlioy did against Jit. Angel, Grants 1'iW will know they hnvo been in a rmiw. Unso hull to at fever heat in tho two town?, mid the Invest orowd of the season will he in nttoudauue. Shoelry pitched a jjroiit gnnio ngnhiHt Jfouul Angel, nnd Jlaiiaijer Hall is pretty suw to start llie june with liiui next Sunday. Tho Medford Kojrulai-s nnd Iho.Jredfonl Jhiieks will play a pnmo on Decoration day. Tins Jedford Hnioks rooenlly gave Grant Pn the j;anio of their lives, mid only for the had decisions of the Grants Puss umpire, miht lmve won. Mayor of Valdez Dead. SEATTLE. Wnsli., Jlay 25. Hen ry .Miller, former elerk of Sent tie, Inter thriee may or Valdez, Alaska, died last night in a hospital in this oily. WOOD FOR SALE T.lmltPd amount of Dry Ash, either Mock or Kpllt., Low prlc, Phone 33H Draperies Wo carry n very comttUt line of draperies, laew curtnlns, fixture, etc., nml do ail ctauet ot urholittrlnit. A !iMolit inna. .to.look ntiiT thli-srork excUmlvoly nnd will slv uOou ervleo n la pojjlhla to est In vn tho InrKPMt cities. Weeks & McGowan Co M? 'FOI$ SAIiBf CITY PROPERTY Lots wholesale nnd retail MOOR-EHNI-OO. ) i'r.- 2.12 Pi'ifitgrowei Bank BUlg TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 -.. LOST Black card caso containing railroad passes and O. B. S. receipt at Masonic hall last night. Leave at Mail Tribune office and recetvo rewnrd. Mrs. W. C. Simpson. 56 WANTED First class non-union plasterer at once. Inquire at 311 North Bartlett. FOR RENT Two room furnished house. Inquire 12S North Holly street. 57 SMITH APARTMENT HOUSE ai7 aorcx arrxmuBS AYaxtm Thlrtr eoamir rtrmUh ApwtmMt for raUlM 0M lufw and Xfkta rrM Ylpbo&M pkta XsbM. Call Blla Mnli BUa w, Olt&a aa SA<our o Aprtct pply l W M.Smith, Prop. a Tii: $"- 'v S' A ft ?m i I- rifc 4s A fa 255v-iiifcHW-stiiTI i il . Ire - i.,7 s; Wrm IlfflS - ;. - dMH fiiwlii . -t" wi . -m ""' m . mm ysU Look at all of the real chIuIu add and at much of tho veal estate ml verlinod, hefoi-o iuvestlnif. Look at Ilia "For Sala" mU ami at sumo of tho tliiiiKS Hint are ntlvoi'; twod lor sale. sc Look for lliu ml Unit It'll you who wimtH to fiiitl tho Joli you Imvn lo of fer. Tms iL.s Omihu nil Vr 5cnJan'n C'hes t Look in Our Windows-You'll See the Styles Identical With Those Which Are Now Being Displayed by the Most Ex clusive Men's Shop in New York 4 xF you knew Benjamin Clothes, you would never be v I satisfied to wear any other make. They will please trmi irt oftrlft ooflofw trmi in foilnTirirr nrirl fit. vnn tr your heart's content. In all the world, there are-no clothes like these. They're distinctive, because of their New York Style. They're elegant because of the strength of the fab;, rics and skilful New York tailoring. They're the clothes for you and for every man for they assure correctness anji service at a price which does not threaten'your purse. Vfy request a visit of inspection. Our many bright Benjamin models will fascinate you. Why not see and wear the best clothes; they cost no more than thoge of mediocre quality. r ' BENJAMIN SUITS AND OUTING SUITS $22.50 AND UPWARD, DANIELS mi DUDS LARGEST MEN'S STORE IN SOUTHERN OREGON' 'f y fv . . . . - v ,, ', 9f ' " : I1' i a Backward Season Sale - t -iM 1 'm m r. Specials picked at random; these are, only a few of many you will find throughout the store $6.50 Silk Petticoats, $3.89 Again wo offer you llieso lmiulsoino lalTcta and Poivian iMessnliiK silk potiieoats, good valut'H at the regular $(i.fi0 prieo. FRIPAY AND SATURDAY $3.89 Tailored Suits, Special $11.95 One full raelc of tailored suits in a full Hue of eolortt and materials. Our window displav will give von a fair idea ot U, ,., .rfu.ljy wo,tl, up . $.,5. SPO'L $11.95 TRIMMED HATS 1-4 OFF Every trimmed hat in stock is reduced one-forth and more. Shirt Waists Underpriced Two numbers in a lawn waist. One has round ombroidored yoke, another is allovor tucked with dainty insertion down the front, bought to sell at $1.50. SPECIAL $1.19 Several numbers in tailored and lingerio shirt waists, that are regularly priced S2.50. SPECIAL CI RQ More expensive shirt waists aro undorpricod proportionally. 1 -" 222 WEST MAIN STREET ... A.tit mmm Hardwood Flooring mmmmmmmm$ IS WHAT MAKES YOUR PROPERTY SELL, and what is more beautiful than a fine Oak or Maple Flooring? We have just unloaded a full car of each. The price is LOW and the QUALITY HIGH. If you are building do you believe you can afford to use anything else? 4. v.; ft t i Pines Lbr. Co. -fc ' -j$fci-i , k0m0mmmmm i..,j,, u , i ' ' ' v ,. ; 'i , . , 4 5 1 J ' , ' A '