'"""h"'!'"'"' "' 7 CLEARINGS HANK CI-KAHINOH iliit.n,? in. 17 Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Villi Tonight mill Tomorrow Sllii 1 1, Muv ni), Menu no Kurty.Klrnt Vimr, l,illy nixili Vimr. i. JVUDJ-WCmD, Pit 10(1 ON, THUKHDAY, MAY 25, WW No. 55 DSHD BY MADERO BECAUSE DIAZ DOES NOT RESIGN TRUSTS SEEK TO BUY FAVOR WITH MADERO Collapse of Peace Negotiations in Mexico and Resumption of Strug gle Comes Unexpcctcilly First Clash Is Expected nt Saltlllo. MADERO REFUSED RIGHT TO NAME GOVERNORS Do La Barra Issues Statement Oc clarlnn That Resignations of Diaz anil Corral Will Be Sent to Cham ber of Doputles This Afternoon RIOTS CONTINUE IN STREETS OF MEXICO CITY Provisional President Declares That Wall Street Interests Approached Him and Offered to Finance Cam paign and Pay Cost of War. Diaz Claimed to Have Broken Treaty De La Barra to Have Given Double Cross. and IX PA HO. Texan, May 2C Col lnpno of ll' pcuco negotiations In Mexico mill n ri'Miimiitloii of lh strug gle iikiiIiihI Dlnx cnino unexpectedly today when Provisional President Mmlnro, tumil u( tho rebel forces, or dered a renewal of hostilities, Tho first i'IiihIi In expected to count t Hnltlllo, ('oiihullii. Tim cause of Mudoro's notion V mild to bo it refusal to allow lilm to iiniiid tint governor of Omhulln and ponnlhly of thirteen other Mates where tin iinliiH.il thin prnvllcgo un a guarantee of guod rultti Iiy tint Dliu party. Full details of tlu break uro not ot obtainable. Mndero's orders for n rexutnptlon of tin wnr are roused Iiy it claim t hat (tin Dliu force liiivn broken the treaty ami to it growing belief thnt ho Is boltiK "iloulilo-rroHHcu"' by I" )m llitrru. Ho Iiiin apparently ninnit oni'il hope of effecting Dliu' with drawn! without further ttluoUnlii-d. Citiitro Open Resentment at Diaz' Delay in Rcslijnlnfi Expressed by Popu laceMany Are Injured. MEXICO (MTV, Miiy 25. Minister On l,ii llarrii Issued an official state- meat hern today declaring that tho resignation f President Diaz iiml Vice President Corral will bo mint to tho chamber of deputies lliU nfter- noon ami thai tho provisional govern- nuMit will Immediately thereafter ns suiiio definite form. Do l,u Harm declared (luit he him ..tit will lake tliu oath an president ail Interim. Mndero mul IiIh cabinet nn expected to arrlvii hero tomorrow nlKht or Btindny morning. MONOPOLIES TRYING TO GET HIS SON'S INFLUENCE Virtue, However, Spurns the Vidian's ' Offer and Will Die Poor but Honest If Necessary. tntrtoday ordered Colonel with 120A Insurgents to take Saltlllo whoro 1,000 federal umltir Colonel Onrrla arc In gnrrhinn. Tim trouble grow out of tho fact that tlu? Coitliulla legislature refused to elect V. (u rami a. a MatlorUt, a governor In compliance with tho terms of tho rebel chief's bargain with Dine. l.ato thin nftornoon Madero's army, learning Hint Dlnx hail not yet resign- ml, demanded to bo allowed to march ngnliut Mexico City, anil Mmlnro at unco gave tho word to prepare, for an advance on Clilhiiithiin. Tho situation Ik of tho gravest, anil unions quirk and full retirement In mailo by tho Din, faction, there U little doubt tliut blood will flow f roo ty again In .Mexico within 2-1 hours. WEST APPOINTS GOLDIll m Governor Names J. Frank Huubes to Be Fish and Game Commissioner in Place of W. L. Finloy, Resinned Is Developing Lime Quarries. HALEM, May 25. (lovornor W'oid, today appolntod J. Frank Hughes or Gold lllll to bo stuto riHh and game oonimlsloiior, to tnko tbo plnco vacnt oil by W. L. Finloy, who reslgnoa when oloctod Htuto gamo wnrdon. Mr. Hughes l pngugod III develop ing tho limn quarries udjacont to Id Hill nnd Ih nnHoclntod with tho Hush family of Bnlom In tho construe Hon of kilns and rutlroad. HUBBARD SELLS SAVOY THEATRE K, C. Hubbard, who bus conduol od tho Hnv'oy tlioatro i'or Ibu past two .Vouvh, nnd who introduced tbo first moving picture hIiow botiHo tlio Ilijoti in MoiU'onl, Iiuh hoM out nnd will nnnovo to JHioiioh. AyroH, Argmitino, in tlio noar futmo. W. O. WilHon of Bowanl, AIuhIsh, Is tbo now proprietor, "Hub" bus a largo olrolo of I'iIoihIh in Moilforil w)to will rcgnit lo hoo blm loiivo bill wbo wlnb hint well in hiH now vonltivo, MKXICO CITY, May 25. I'nvi iloiil Dm r. potliuly will rtsign today. Tbo hcrioiiK condition of bi health nnd Hie ilaiiKtr of anarchy ircnaed by biKt niKlilV rioting hero Imvo oniiHcd bim to dceiilo not to delay bn reiiremeiit furtber. After a hlei-plum night Diar. found Hcuttored crowd about tbo palace tliiw morning, nil of Ibeiit deiiinntliug bin immediate res igiintiiiu. It wiih offieiallv unuoitui'ed hero today Hint hovcii jwreonB wore killed mid .'10 Heriously wouudeil in the riotH ut tbo palace hore lant night. Openly )ppt.o Dlnx. Despite a neatly drirrle of rain, big group of men and women paraded tbo Kireetrt here thin morning in the vicinity of tbo palace, undur the watchful cyoH of tbo federal troop. Tbo crowdH carried banners in Mirihrtl "Viva Mndero" and otbor roMilutiouiiry uiottocH, and have ap parently thrown off all dinguiho and entiio out openly agniimt tbu Diim re gime, It it believed that only tlio nMitr iineert of Alfredo Domiiigucx I tin t Diax mioii would reHigu prevented mi iiHxault by tbo mob on the palace a'd tbo Koveruiuental building biHt uigbt. As a rextilt of tumult wbiub ragud all about tbo palace, four persons are known to have perished; moro than 100 were wounded; tbo window. of the palace were Hinu'.hod to Hplinler-, ami there wan great damage wiou-jiit throughout all that Hcclion of the city. Iloth tbo Chinese and Japaneso IcgatioiiH have piotontod to tho Mex ican government against tho slaying of their countrymen in the mnssnero at Torreou, but there is no ovUin aHHiiraueo that tlio tragedies will bo inveHligated or reparation iimdo. At the present time witli nia7. on the ovo of icsigninc anil tlio whole governmental machinery of the oountry disjointed, tbero h little probability of any official satisfac tion for tbo Torreon affair being given either to Japan or China. That may oomo when Miuluro and his friends take control. Following tbo publication of tbo offioial announcement that Diaz, will rosJgn this afternoon tho members of the dlplomatio corps -hero oalled at tbo palace to pay their farewell visits to tbo deposed ruler. JI'AltKZ, Mexico. May 2.'. Hulked in their plans for American intervention in Mexico by tbo atti tude of President Tuft, Wall Street iulerents, accoidiiii; lo Provisional I'renMunt .Mndero here today, are now hooking to buy their way into favor with Duty, probable Mtieccmnr. Mndero said tint t bo was ap proached yesterday by a man ropre honliuu millions of American money who offered to finance hi presiden tial campaign mid to pay part of the expenses of tbo routliition if Mndero would pmmWo certain privileges nnd ooneoKhiniis in Mexico when he came into power. "I represent the people of Mex ico," Mndero snys ho replied, "who have been (.'round down with monop oly and privilege. That is what all the trouble is about. You surely do not expect mo to allow it to con tinue.." Hand of TrtiHts Keen. ; .Disuuwsiiig Iheiucideiit here, Fran cisco Mndero, senor, said: "Interests havinc inounixilics in America arc trying to get my son on the band wagon, hoping to control any government be may fonn. I will not tell the namo of the man who of fered the money, but I will say Hint he represented men having interests in Cincinnati, Chicago, Pittbburg and N'cw York. 1 talked to bim myself. My son told bim ho bad already re fused outside aid in bis fight ; that he would continue to do so, and that he intended to drive all monopolies out of Mexico." Asked if ho would say whether tbo offer to the younger Mndero came from Wall Street interests, tho elder said that it did. Confusion In Mexico. Advices received liero today from Mexico City say tho greatest confus ion reigns in official circles there. This is ovident from tbo fact that for days high olficials who hitherto have been most loyal to Dina have been se cretly telegraphing Mndero asking orders from him and thus hoping to gain his favor. iVo nro not rospoiihiblo for any uprising in Mexico City while Dine remains in power," said Mndero here today, "hast night's uprising in tbo capital was duo to the fact that the people did not believe that Diaz would resign as he had- promised. I haveinstructed my representatives at tho capital to promise the people in my name that Dinx will quit tbo presidency." Censures Court 9 - .... tTjyLw. J OARROW SAYS ED ACCUS MEN MINING INDUSTRY REVIVAL EOR SOUTHERN OREGON IS R NNOCENT hUr Mr vw bum R N RILLS OIL DECISION WASHINGTON. I) C. May 25.--Unlted Stutes supreme rourt jtiHtlcc Harlan's Standard1 Oil opinion, ex preuitlng In It MtrpiiKT languuKO li'.a dlHHcntliiK views thnt when he deliv ered them orally from the bench, was filed today In tbo supreme court. Har lan scores tho other Justlccx for "In torferliiB with tlio people, tho source of all leglslntivo power." Ho believes tlio majority opinion, Instead of beuoflltlni; btiMnesg, wilt result In much litigation and that Its Injurious effects will be felt for years. Ho agrees with the majority of the court In convicting the Standard Oil us n trust and ordering Its dissolu tion, and In the strongest terms con doms tho court's "Judicial usurpation of legislative functions." His ar Kumunts against the reading Into tho law of tho words "inrcasonalilu" Is made nt great length. 7ftirti.il TdYtWrmBtk'. Sarcastically quoting tho statement that tho majority decision of the rtgurt modified the lower court's de cree in tho Standard caso "In nilnoi matters, Justice Harlan siUded: "I apprehend that these modifications may prove mischievous." I Harlan then referred to tho enact ment of the Sherman law, reciting tbo conditions which brought It about. It compared that time with tho con ditions existing during the days of slavery, and continued: "If tho conviction of tho corpora tions were universal tho country would bo In real danger from tho slavory thnt would result from the exaggerations of capital In tho hands of a few Individuals or corporations who would control for their own pro fit nnd advantage exclusively tho en tiro business of tho country, Includ ing tho production nnd sale of tho necessities of life." Attorney for Alleged Dynamiters Holds Conference With Accused Men and Asserts His Conviction of Clients' Guiltlessness. WILL DO EVERYTHING IN POWER TO FREE THEM Refuses to Discuss Purported Con- fession Made by McManigal Had No Part in Dynamiting. I LOS ANGKI.KS, Cal., May 2G. After a two hours conference In the county jail with John J. and James II McNamaru. charged with Ortle McManigal, with having dynamited the building oft he Los Angeles Times Clarence Darrow of Chlcagi., who will control thed efense of the brothers, granted an Interview this afternoon to the United Press repres entative. "After a talk with John and his brother." said Darrow, "I am convin ced that they had no part In tho de struction of the Times building, I am Just as firmly convinced of their Innocence as I wns of tho Innocence of Moyer, Haywood and Pettlzone, af ter my conference with them. I shall do everything In my power for the McNamaras. " I cannot say Just how long I shall remain In Los Angoles. Of course 1 shall stay here until after tho pre liminary hearing Juno 1, when I most probably will return to Chicago to attend to SQme unfinished business. 1. shall return here In time to 'shape the defense for tho trial." Darrow would not discuss McManl gal'B alleged confession. OF ATTACKS MANBIRD SAN SWUASTIAN, Mny 25. A desporate oncountor In tho honvons botweon tho king of birds and a mnu bird occurred during today's ivjnrtrld l'niis aviation race, which resulted In another victory for man. Aviator Gilbert wlillo flying high In tho nlr was altackod by a lingo onglo, which dai'tod at hi in with great spood. Gil bert druw a rovolvor and shot tho oaglo, which foil to tho oarth boalow, With, a superhuman effort ho gained control of his aoroplauo and reached tho ground In safety, , . SLAIN IN QUARREL OVER CHORUS GIRL ROOSEVELT FOE TO ARBITRATION D13NVI3R, Col., May 25. St. Louis (Tony) Von Pulil, who suyaho came hero to mako a balloon flight over PIko's Peak with "Jack" Cudnhy of Kansas City Is dying today In St. Luke's Hospital b n result of n shoot ing nffury, said to Imvo arisen over a chorus girl of tho "Follies, of 1910," now playing hero. II. l Henwood, a Now York trav elling Is under arrest, Tho shooting occurred In tho bar of tho Drown Palace Hotel, whoro Von Puhl nnd Henwood woro both stopping. Von Puhl knocked Henwood down and the lutor drew n rovolvor and fired flvo shots, Two bystandora woro struck by flying ballots but nolthor was ser iously wounded. hook among tho classified ads' for tbo nddresH of your noxf bnavdinjr place I. LAKE MOHONK. N. Y., Muy 25. Declaring that "no man in public life has shown such an erratic nnd, in ternational aibilrution as Hoosevelt consistent courso toward internation al arbitration as Hoosovelt," former Secretary of State John V. Foster talked "right out iu meeting" on bis attitudo toward the Anglo-American arbitration treaty at tbo pence con ference hero today. Poster, who was speoinl ngenl for the United States iu tbo Ilehring sea aibitration in Paris in 18(Kl and who was behind tho scones in tlio fa mous controvert.' over Alaska, which at ono time threatened to embroil tlio United Slates and Groat Uritain, said: "Karly in Hooscvelt's public ca reer ho displayed strong hostility to arbitration. In 181)5 ho attacked President Harrison for having sub mitted tho lU'hring sea matter to ar bitration, Hut when ho assumed tho responsibility of tho presidency it was ho who sent tho first case to Tho Hague tribunal and invited other nations to result to tho game court, "Hoosovelt vropood to settle tho Alaska boundary dispute by sending an army to occupy tbo territory iu dispute with Cheat Uritain and to bold it by foice, though bo finally yielded to Secretary Hay's pacific advice. After bo has playod Id bis heart's content terms; 'Co BLETHEN STRIKES BACK AT WILSON FOLLOWING RECENT STIES From All Sections of Country Inquiries Are Pouring In Regarding Situ ationWork Being Resumed On Many Mines New Blood and Cap ital Being Introduced Prospectors Arriving and Taking to the Hlils -Neglected Resource About to Come Into Its Own. PLACERS OF COUNTY HAVE PRODUCED OVER THIRTY-FIVE MILLIONS IN GOLD Only Surface So Far Touched Op p and Other Quartz Mines Steady Producers for Many Dec ades Prospects Bright j for Immediate Future. That the mining industry In South ern Oregon is about to be revived on a great scale Is evidenced by the great amount of comment created by the two rich strikes recently made In Josephine County and tho wide pub licity given them. From all sections of the country Inquiries aro being re ceived dally by local business men while In Medford mining is the prin cipal topic of conversation. Many mines which have been worked for years are suddenly springing Into prominence as new blood and capital is being Introduced. Many prospec tors have taken, or are preparing to take to the hills, and it ferns as if mines, which a're ono of Southern Oregon's leading. If neglected, re sources are about to come Into their own. M. L. Erlckson, supervisor of the Crater National forest has Just re turned from the Applegate whcrehe went, on forestry .business, nd he states that there Is much activity manifest In that section. Old claims arc being relocated while many prospectors are searching for new locations. Jackson county minesh avo pro duced over $35,000,000 In gold and SKATTLK, Wash.. May 2.-). War rants against John L. Wilson, for mer United States senator, brother of Ambassador Wilson of Mexico, and owner of tho Senttle Post-Tntcl-ligeneer, together with W. W. Chnpin, his son-in-law nnd business mana ger, nnd Ernstus Brninerd, editor of the Post-Intelligencer, charging criminal libel, wore issued by Prose cutiiiK Attorney Murphy this after noon. Tlio warrants were issued nt the complaint of Colonel Alden J. Bleth en, editor of tho Seattle Times, who was indicted on three counts Tues day of conspiracy with Chief of Po lice Wappenstein nnd others in the open town regime. The J'ost-Intelligencer commenting editorially on Zlotlien's arrest, "re joiced to see n criminal get his just dosorlt." and made a bitter attack on Hletben. Tho Hlethens nUo filed suit for $100,000 in a civil libel proceeding ngaiuM the Post-lnteligeucor. CHINOMKES DtATH DECREE SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Mny 25. Cnbles to tho "Chlnoso World" horo today from Poking say Prince Chun Iiiib rocelyed porinlssion from tho Na tional Assembly to revoke tho decroo of bnnlshmont and death against Loung Kal Chow and Kong Yuwol, lndors of tho famous Chlnoso empire reform socloty, called tho Pow Wong Woy. Tho men woro proscrlbod by tho Into Dowagor Empress Tsal nn for plotting tho ovorthownl of hor Inflti enco over tho young emperor Wwang Su. Wwang ' Su, It Is snld, wns frlondly townrd tho accused men and warned them In tluio to eacapo. come one of this sections principal re sources. In Medford little has been discuss ed during the past w.eek but mines and mining. A air of confldcnco seems to pr vail that at last this re source, so long neglected, will rccolvo the proper attention. This Is the pioneer mining district ofO regon. Gold wns Ifrst discovered, on Jackson creek In 1851, bringing thousands of fortune-hunters over Siskiyou mountains from California. The vast acreage of old channels, gravel bars and aurlfertous placer deposits, together with the abundant winter rains nnd numerous streams, combine to make this section one of the leading hydraulic placer districts in America. Placer mining has al ways beon largely followed hore. Fully $35,000,000 In virgin gold has been produced from tho several dlggins since the original discovery. Jackson creek diggings along have produced nearly $6,000,000. .Though this, .district has a tiumbac of producing quartz mines this fea ture of the gold mining industry Is In Its infancy. Quartz raining has been followed here for almost at long a period as placer mining. Many not able discoveries have been made. There are 52 quartz mines In tho simply the surface has been touched.' districts tributary to Medford, and With modern equipment and suffl-'more than thrice that number of dent capital mining Is certain to be- claims. BOND ISSUE 0.-W.R.&N.C0. Proceeds to Go to Treasury of Un ion Pacific to Keep It Up to Pres ent Mark, in Spite of Expenditures Incident to Double Tracking. NEW YORK, May 25, Announce ment was made hore today nt the ot flco of tho Hnrrlmnn railroad system that a bond Issue of $25,000,000, by tho Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company has beon au thorized, the proceeds of which are to go to the treasury of tho Union Pacific. This action Is intended to keep tho treasury of tho Union Pa cific up to tho present mark, in spite of expenditures Incident to tho double tracking of the system. LARGE CREW TO BE PUT IN MINE Homestake Property Near Woodville Bonded 'by Seattle Mining Man Who Will at Once Commence. Op erations on Large Scale. CREDITABLE EXHIBIT AT L faith,' may wo now expect this er ratic, but patriotic, citizen to fall in lino with tho great mnrch of interna tional nenco nnd to sunnort tho cront tent with' his favorite monsuro which is ennobling, his isuc wnrdiee, hypocrisy, budj cesser's administration?'' Over H00 articles are on exhibition nt tho local high school, showing what tho students of tho domestic scioncc and manual training depart ments aro doing this year in tbo way of being "handy." Tbo exhibit is a splendid ono and reflects much credit on tenehors and pupils. Tbo exhibit will bo open this after, noon, and all are invited to attend Tho Homestake mine near Wood vlllo owned by tho Gold Ray Realty Company has been bonded by Captain Walter S. Urown of Seattlo, who In tends to put a largo crew of mon at work at onco developing tho property. Captain Brown is au old tlmo mining man who ownes many properties In tho northwest and In Alaska. The Homestake mine has beon operated for a number of years and Is said to havo produced over $200, 000 In gold. Of late years It has boon In litigation, tho legal tangles but reently being straightened out. FIFTY NEW POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS OPENED OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Mny 2:. Tho Oklahoma Grain Dealors' asso ciation adopted resolutions hero to day strongly opposing tbo Cnnndian reciprocity treaty, alleging that by lotting in tbo Canadian surplus it would lower tho prico of wheat. The grain doalors nlinost unnuiiuously fa vorod tho resolution, while tho millers present opposed. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 25. Fifty now postal depositories will be gin operations Juno 25. This makes a total to date of 27G postal bankB nnmod by the department. Among tho now weotorn officers nro; Oregon City nnd linker, Oregon; Chehnlls nnd South Bond, Wash ington; Gooding, Idaho; Hamilton nnd Havre, Montana ;nnd Douglas, Wyoming, FOOT OF SNOW COVERS SUNNY ALBERTA COUNTRY HIGH RIVER, Alberta, May 25. Within tho last J9 hours moro than a foot of snow Iiuh fallen hero. Road traffic- which was completely tied up is being reopened. A thaw la prei dieted within 21 hours, . u m HI3 1 J T