I j,l T" J jriion iilaturium ujiiiju CLEARINGS HAWK Or.JlAUINIIB atvtiH ni Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Shower Bur 99,08, Mm 70, Mln 37, Mean 00. 1'nrly-Flint Sear Kullv HUlli Yniir. AtldDJfOJtD, OUMOON. TrMSDAV, MAY 2J1, 1911. No. 53 MEROSIVES 10 GAIN CONTROL No Jail for Them aow IIIHtNICHT 4 y uNorwnfi AMP U,tMwOOtl Sits His Chances of Powrr Goltif Gllinmcrlnit If Mo Fulls to Hold Ruliel Bands In Check Tlicy Con tinue to Fllit. SLAUGHTER OF FOREIGNERS GREATLY DISTURBS HIM Copies of Newspaper Cnllinu Him a Slave Driver Arc Suppressed hy His Orders. JPAUIOC Mexico, Mil)' SS - KinnrlHrii ,MHiln, Junior, would be iirenldcnt of MtllO, HtiPM llMllty IllH I'lllllll'PM of power llkttly In no gllminerlmi If I m runout ( tinlrol tin fighting spirit limnlfrHli.il l III follow nm, Im. tlnnpltn liln older lo iwhk rUilittoir ii n- llitentpnlug In "t- Ihi l( I.1HIII Almiuetl liy III" ipfiiHuIn of Ui uiu I rlllnfn til wllhiilit litl'irkn DM III" fetlpriiln Miulnrn linn sunt III" ln brothers, (Ion hive. iiimI Kiolllo, Inlo the Inluilor lo ut tPlltpt In liflllK nlioill 1'inlio llIOI which Mullein's chain ph (M-t'io in ilii'ii(t Maitnm I KifHllv illntuthptl thtuugli III lepmloil Hlnilk'litnr of '& Chllu no Htnl i4i'inl JiiMiii'ii h i luntirrpflun hi Tin rutin Ili fpttrn Uml If Hip kill ing In n iMd n H'hii tnl II rimy lio-mi Uip iMlnrvmillon of liurupemi iiwtr iin well iin Jiikiiii'iH, unit IiIh iri'ii'iil itutiHNt tiding hnIIIhii "III Im ton I A fnlnlly ntllllltll nf lilt' .MhiIi'Ioh. IikIiI here, tiH itfMlilml In innke rvity nffnrl to enii tltil lit in tip I it. uml Dm imniT Mini In flown of llif fHiillly will be exettetl In llml t'lut. I'uplN nf 1.11 Itt'NriinriM'lon. ill! lllHlir twin tit,MiHr, width rollptl MiiiIito n nlnt drlir mill il iiidiolliiK tin' i-lrr Hon nf Itlotttln Mugtiu. hpud of the Lot AmhIn Mlmr JiiiiIii. iin pHhliti'iil. mm titfiflit-tl lieio linliiy li orders uf Mmlfiii. and the Imn Nulling III" jhi r ttr f"ii I ni'Iomi Hi" linn Into HI t'uxo. I leiilitn I lie lNur of lli newspaper KrHHrlMM Muilrrti, ntinlor nuld "IlKimrtw, Mngnn nod the lnn An getn JiiiiIii nicinliprn urn nit socialists Th iviml In t-niiNii Irnllliln hiite. iin limy tUi ivr where." X.ovei not In X.OV. IIAKItlt. fit . Mil) 33 IiuIUhiHiuin In ilr Hit' llil Hip fight fr illuirCM ! Iwih'ii Mlitimy l.nvv. former millionaire .,liiriUluufOJi(wj.i,jliolrrNVkiYiii' unit luTjfrflSr'lSTVrV rin?" rTNlTllmf In NpS- Vnrk, Mill ln fonnlil mil In OiKmi Mn l,n llllH f I ll'.l h null for illvnrcf. In Niiv Vnrk niol t.nti- linx fllnl tt uliullur Mill I illrrrtril HMIllllHl nf In iIickoii l.nv linn itofil llit MkIiii In Hit fit nt rmiiul. bn Jinltfi' Wlllliim Huillli of (In piroiiii fontt. Iiiih iiriilni tin moilon for 11 MilHMH'lllMlt of llif irnrrilllKH InTr tiiHiln !' Mr" I .''" nttonii')". iinil Iihn prHiilli'iilly tlfolilftl llmt llio fUlit iimiM I mi inmltt in iiri'Hoii Wli1ow.il Wuinnn Dl.. uf Orlof. rultTI.A.NIr, Orf . ,lu S3-Vlillw llio ImhIv nf ('t)tiliul Hilii'lilinnnn, nKml "I. won Im'Iiij,- Innrrivl Into u ki.ivo In llonn 'Hy (ninntry jrnloritm nfli-rniiun, IiIn xtlilow itlnl ill llio fanill) lintno on liml lllli Nirtit. Uilef ntr Iiit htinlintiil'H ilmtlli mjih tlin illti'il cmihii nf Imr tin. iuIni Htm n mi Inxnllil llnl Imily will Im Inlorri'il liy tlin Hliln nf lii'r liliif UiihI thin iiflrriiiioii DIAZ REPORTED 10 HAVE RESIGNED Coiiijrcssiiieii Vlrc Mndcro (or In structions on Votlitfi But He Re plies (or Them to Express the peo ple's Will. ' ' 'i JjWIPiiiMB Wf5'B v 'A ) ymSi jh:'if i i i NON WILL The Conference Which Ended the Mexican Revolution HOLD HIS J00 Pendleton Man Is President of New Fish and Game Board Kcllcy of Eiifjcuc Formally Elected as Member. COMMISSIONERS INVITED TO VISIT ROGUE RIVER Definite Hatchery Policy Has Not Been Decided Upon Will Aid Southern Orcijon. r'..AM.)t 1-fOK.iiabcaa . aauiutii uompem, Jolin Mitcli.ll and rrank Murriiuu, iire.lilont, tIc pruildtnt nnil itorttary nr t!i American redera tluu of Labor, wor arron.oii.l ntno rt lo jail on a clmrtfe of cont.mjit of court In lli UUtrlct of Columbia, c corrtlur to a docltlon of tlie Suiircmt Court uf tli United Mtatvi. Tli oourt w unanlmoiiii in it opinion tlint th only usiiUiic thitt could ! lmpo.ett tip. on tli lhr Inbor leatlcra wtr (in. Juntlcti r.iur wrote tli opinion. GEORGE, REX, RUNS WOMAN DOWN Leaps From Automobile and Himself Lifts Her Into Machine and Hast ens Her to Hospital Acldcnt Said to Bo Unavoidable. l.ONHO.S" Muy 33 Aflcr rtn nuluinn- lilln iicvlvliut KmIiij In wlilrli tlo'-rojul onr run tlouii unit ni'ViTi'ly lujuri'il n woiiiuii. KIuk OturKi ti'npml from Hip inui'lilno nnil lilnui'lf liftnl tin' lotlm nf llio ioIIIhIiii lulu Die tonni'iiii Tlin uutiiinnlillo, nl tlin klnir'N vuuiiuiinil, w.in iimliril in St UMirifi-'N liiiNplinl, wlnro llif tMUUiili Inkril In mill ciirrtl for II In iio fl known wlinllitir lirr Injurlim will provo frtlnl Tlifiicclibutt iK'nurri'il on itn Olyinpln nwil Thf klnif with yuftin Mury, Hip I'liiK'if of Wtilfji nnil I'rlnri'HH Mury Iff I HurklliKlimii I '.tin fr In motor In llio n.l vol nnil niillliiry luuriimupnt lirltl today Tim wuinnn who wiin hurt wmh ono uf llio hIkIiIhiitn Kullirrrt) in wnlt-h Hip puMNliiK of llio klnu nnil iin ni It In mil known Imw Hint liupiuiinl in Kit In from uf tin., cur 10RIMER PROBE EIO HA I, KM, Mn 23 -Tin. flint hinnIiiii of lilt- ni w itliili' Kuiiin mill flxti i oiiiuiInnIoii, wlilcli linn rliurni' uf tin fifth uiul kiiuio Inlfri-Nt of Oii'kiui wmi liflil ypulprilny mul Inihiy. Tlin roinmlNNli;ii urKiinUi'il liy i'IpcIIik.' CrnnNiiii nf IVmllrtoii prriil tlfiit mnl W t. rinlpy of .IriinliiKN Lmliiti itrrinlury fJfiirKP I.. ICt'lly of KtiKeii' wun furinnlly flictfil an fifth utrmhrr, tlin titln r iih.ioIm'In nf llif t'oiniulHNlou hflliK (' I Hlonn nf Kl.inmlli Pull mul M J Klnio'V uf I'ort In ml Will Botftln Cianton. IMwiinl f'lmitnn will ho rfnlfflftl mnid nr flrih wiinl mul ri-inuln In iliiirKo uf Hip riNhliiK Inli-ri'NlN of thf Nlntp Thfrt ll rr Ht'ViTiil ('Hliillilutfn for III') h)nIIIiiu nf MniiO' W'urili'li mul it Nt'l' Hon nt Ihln tlmn In Iniprnlmlilf It In llkfly that Hip pri'io'iit (ntiiin wnnlfii, It. 1 HlovniHon will rt'iiiiilii In clntrKC nt li-nHt until Hip I'xplrulluii uf IiIn Itirin In July. Tlin rmnitilpNluii Ihtli'iifil tfi u nliinlT nf tnlkit from tllfffrout ix-oplr, iiionI of thi'in IipIiik In rt'Kitnl In iipiilntrtirntn m lnuH or flwh wnnli-n Ovpr 110 up pll'tilloiiH nrp mi fllo with tlm cummin. Minn fur wnnlfunhlpN Invlt.d to S morn. O I'uinmn iippi'itrpil liffuro Hip com iiiIhhIum Momlity m tifhnlf uf tlu Itour lllir Klnli I'mtPfllvti AitKorlntlou nnil rntUPNtrtl Hip ooupf rntluii uf tlin com mllou In iriiut hnlclipry work tn rt ntnok Hip Hokup rlvor mul Iin trlliutHr Irn, Hip intiililUliuifiit nf it trout Imtili vry nn (hi- IUk Hullo ur nnn of llio othor irlliutnrlt'N, mul tlm rniiHtrnctinn by the nt.ip uf u ni'W flNhw'ny nl Cold liny on tlin went i-nd of Hip iIiiiii. Ho Invltfil tlm cumtnlNNlun, In Iwhnlf of tlin nmtne lullnii o lilt tint IIokiic rlvpr mul III Nprt I t'unilltloiiN, and Hip inaintierit nurtfil In vllt thin KPilloii Inlpr TIip cuininln Nlun promlH-d Itn cooiwritHon In Mouth irn OrrKon. ,V dpjlnaln imljcy rpitiirrllnif lmtchrry work tiMa hot lpfii drclflpil uiitin, but It In proUnhlo Hint n largo rpntrnl trout hntdipry will I"' pntalilUhctl In Hip Kliiiuiith country, whrrn orkk will be col Iim'IpiI Jinl nmtill lirnnch htitchcrlpn ho rNt(illlHiiol In other itfCtlonn, whrro tlm trout fKKH wilt ho Imti'lipt! nnil lltoirntcd, Mr. rinlcy tlrrw llio four par tfrm. Mr. Hlonn Hip throp yittr, .Mr, Kinney Hip iwu pnr nnil Mr Crnimtnn nml Kt'lly tlio nun ypnr term. Rub City Wanti Sunday Ball llOHTON', Miimh., Muy :3. On llio Kround uf puhllo Hitfp, I5,(i0i) prupln mIkiidiI n ppilllun nnWIne thnt Oovprnor o hn pormlt Kuiulny lumfliall for III" bfiioflt of lKyn Wi.it urn finployptl on wpok tlitjn Tln nnniPH of ninny clerRy tiion npppitrftl mnniiK tho lKnprn. WANTS JOHN SDR M E .lUAItK', Muklnii, Mu L'H -Iti.poilH iwii'lli'il hiirn luiluy from Mnxlco Cll Hint Vlro 1'ivnliliint llmnuii Corrul luul iMiumly rpMlKiipil uml llml I'ri'Mlilonl Dliiit Wllllld llii HO IhlH llfll'l IIIHIII. Hu fur tlll'H" ifpuilH mu uurunfltiuiiit, MiiiIijiii oxpit)NHid llio Krimli'Ht Mitt In im Iluu nt tlm Down whfii Im iiulvod nl 1 1 In officii nl Hut I'UMliuiiH ImiiHn hoiu. A InlfKimn fruiu tlm ritpllul uilvlnfil lit hi Unit Dliu Ihh. uf tm noun will ihIpunu nil piilltli'iil pilnuliiirn, inuin Until 1,000 III iiumliui, from llio Jollti Ihinucliniit llif t'liiiniiy. Mmty tit tho uioni pmuilniuit piliniuniH niti Mndoi IhIiih uml nt li'iiMt Ihltly nf Ihvm uiu pfimiiml filcnilH ur Uiu uiliol clili'f, HllVI'llll Moxll'llll ClIIIKIfMHIIIIIU luiluy loltuiupli In Mnili'io hhKIiik hllil how l In))' wuiu In yoUi on ooi lulu iiiiiUuih. MiiiIiiiii lijplli'ill "Tlin tlino Iiiih pnnHPil whi'ii IUn ili'l" lll'lll III' MoHll'll Hllltll dlftllto III I'llllKlfHH, Volo iim Uiu ppupln wiinl you In votu." lIVAnSB LAW TO WBD IITVOKEH X.AW TO DIVOKCn KlIATTI.i:, WiihIi, Muy 211 Whim .liii'uh (). Ill iiiiroiiiii iilu)ii ur Hip I'liunly ntnlllni', wuiiIpiI In wctl IiIh flrHl imiunIii, (liiiiuit A llriiKKi'iiiiiu. n July, IlKlli, u hIiiIh Iiiw plolillillnil Itu nlupfil wlUi Iiit In Violin In cuuIIiik WiihIiIiiic Inn Hlitlult'M Now HiUKKoniun Ih Himlc Ihh tn InvuUo tlin HllllO Iiiwh In IIIIIIUl llif iiiiurluitu nn Urn iiiounil Hint II wiih llhT.ul. Ilo iiiulti'H uiily IIiIh conli'iillim In IiIh hill, nut nxplululiiK why ho mul IiIh tvlfo hunt llvod iipuit lor four llllllltllH, Karrmnnu in 1'rlioo, HAN KHANCIHCO, Oul Muy Ti AuxiiHt Ili'iimniui, k t mul umiIIpiI uilor nf Urn VAm mul chilli niiin uf Ihn mi lluiiul t'litiunlNHluii nf IniHt'liull Ih In Hun Kuwh'Ihcu, J lu Ih tiuiiliih Hut ciiiiutiy mi IiiihIiii'hh In coniH'otlon with llio i;iih, Senator LaFollctto Resumes His Speech on Case Dllllnnham Would Avoid Reflection Upon His Committee. WAMIINUTON. l C, .Mu) 23--Simii-lor Liil'iiHi'tlti IIiIh uflti noon ifnuiiu'd IiIn Hpci'iili on llio l.uiluitir fimo. Tho NfiiutnrH lii'io urn pi net lea liy utinnlnuiUH ly III llio liollff Hull nuulluir pinlm Ih niiriiHWirv. Tlm pruKit'HHlvi'H fuvur iiiiui Iiik tlm flvo now Hfimtutii iimuiil In llio l,ul'"ollo(lo t tiHol tit lun hut tlii.y uilnill Hint llui itinliitluu lu Hh pri'Hi'iit fin in imuiiul ho puHMttl Tlm liii'iiMiiio, llicy Hiiy. Iiiih liittilifil u filltlii'l' liiM'fltlKilHuu uf Uiu IMHO Tho lilllliiKlimii riKolullon, Introduci'd yoNltiiilii), II Ih Hiild, wiih ih'miiUiI liy Ihu ViTinuiii iiifiulior mou'ly lu iinuIiI llio iippi'Uiuucu uf ii'l'li'cllnu upon hln i-uiumltiiv D. PUT IN JAIL Senator Pomcrcnc Introduces Reso lution Declaring That Standard Oil Leaders Arc Subject to Prose cution Under Decision. ifirw ry " , HfiBMjJ MQiinjl SBm flSl "lUwWBHaaaaB "" t' BB CONTERENCB OP Dfc.VAScflHF HBmi' bccaz.1. or JUDOEa stahob iSlBlKKimLwUKEKBfEKB'f'inmP 1 IE;'''':iWwEi:',ffiallfl 4- xlBaSaKwSUKBBHHnEvllBBVBBBw rAXHaMmHBHtMLHHClL-VliiiLLwy uBaaBa&timamtimuaaBh m --- -r dHBaiaMmlmUmZ' ' 4-4- Htft WAHHlNtlTON l f. Mny II - Tho liouie totlny lo II: noon to K0 iiyf, tlfffcitPtl Hip Mnnn nun udmi'Ut ellinliuttlni,' Hip noiilt of jiulKPH ft-uturp from Arixona's eomitltutlon. LEON B. HASKINS ON STATE BOARD Local Man Named by West to Serve for Five Years'n State Board of Pharmacy Appointment Is Well Merited Examines All Applicants. KAI.1CM. Orp, Mny 53 IPon It. Huh kliiH him liffii ttppolntitl n nirinhcr nf tho Hint" Hojird of Kharmnuy for it flio ypr turiii liy Clovornor WpHt. Mr. lla klnn tfrm will fxplro Mn S2, 1916. An a mvinlH'r of Hip bounl hit will nnniNt In cxnntlnlnB nil oppllonnlH f.or llceiinp to iicrvu nn drilKKlstK In tho iitatc. "UnNkliiH for He.-iIlhV nppolntmi'nt Ih wpII inprltpil nn hf linn lonu Ix-tMl one of ti.o londliik' ilrtiKRlftH of Soutlurn Oio fnn. Ho fllln Hip placo of iin On-Kon City iiiuii wIiuhp urm rxpln-J Suiuluy. REBELS BUTCHER DYNAMITERS NOT GERMANY MAY LABOR MEMBERS' COME INTO FOLD Leaders Deny That Connors and Parks Arc Members of Unions Arrested for Complicity In Plot to Dynamite New Building. LOS ANGi:U Cal. May 23. Thnt Ilert H Connor uml John Munsoll 1'iirkn, untler urront for nllcKcd com plicity In n plot to dynnmlto the new hall of rcconlH lnilldlnK noro last Sup tfiuhcr, nro pnimlnunt mpnitnTs of the local Ironworkers' union, wan officially tlonlftl It) labor lendcrn follow Inir n iticetlni; of tho Los Angeles Htrlke cum- WAHIIINflTON, 1. t' . May S3. Hpiiii lor, Atlfo I'onii'ii'iio (driiiooriit. Ohio), today Introduced it reHolutlun In Ihu hpii ntn ilpi'lurllii: Hint John P. Itnckefollnr, John 1. Arcliliold nml other dofonduntH lu thu Klnmliirtl Oil iiunt cuhoh nro mih jcot lu proHccutloii untler tlm Stnndunl Oil (IpcIhIou of the I'nltetl HtntCH mip reuin tourt uml lUHtiuctlnK tlin nttornoy Kfiml In lepoit wfuthiT "hunt been or will bo Htnrtoil iiitnlnHt them." Tho ri'Holutlou una adopted without debiito. 26 CHINES E Same Arbitration Proposition Has Been Made Kaiser by United States as Was Made to France and Eng landIs Open to All Nations. WASHINGTON. U. C. May 13 If Germany Is IntercHteil she may enter Into tho unmo Kcnernl arbitration prop osition us bus been Hubnitttetl to Gre.it Ilrltuln ami France by the United States It wuh leiirnetl toduy thnt Germany has been inude uwnre nf this through diplo matic channels and that the slate de partment expectH n reply soon from Ber lin. It in stated that tint arbitration proposition. In fact. Is open to any and Americans Were Respected and Their Property Protected Chinese Said to Have Been Armed by Federals to Fight Insurrectos. inlttee today. J II Tlmmons, state orKUnlier forthol oil nations Structural Ironworkers, In rt formal According to officials the tentative statement said that Parks belonged toj ilrnft of the urbllrallun proposal was Hie union, having been transferred f rum submitted to Kngland and Franco be an eastern local recently So far us ho cnuso they displayed Interest In the knew, Connors had ueter been a member matter. of the Los Angeles local ' The state department expeets some nc The Htattinent was prompted by pub lished statements attributed to members of tho district attorneys offlco that Parks was formerly seeretury treasurer of the local union and that Connors was Its business agent. ENGINE CRASHES IN PASSENGER GAR In hulking nut uf (Im tinln shed about I o'clock Monday afternoon Uiu luenmu llvu mi the. Hngiiu KlU'i- Valley lallwny flushed lulu tho coach which wiih stand ing lu f m t uf (ho depot nml damaged II coiiHlduialily, Tho HlepH worn luokeii tiff, tho plat foi in Hplluteieil mul u few punen uf kIiish hinldiu Tho hIoio wiih also ovci tut netl Tlm coach wiih full uf piiHseugeiH at tho tlmn and llieso inudn hiiHty tall A lady III tho coach had mi nun biiilHfd mul a miilu paHseiiKor hud one leg Hllllhtly Injuied rrelifht Wraok Sonlv Death, MlltWAUKKH. Win, Muy 21 Two men wein Instantly killed, n, third proli ably fatally Injuied and four uIIiuih painfully hint 'Unlay wluin two freight IiuIiih un tho Hon Lino mot head. on at lioo-llttlu CiosMliur, iioiii' (liuy'H la ltd, SCHOOLS CLOSE OWING TO HEAT Fifteen Thousand School phlldrcn In City of Washiiigton Are Given Half Holiday Capital Swelters in In tenso Heat. WAHIIINflTON, 1). C, Muy S3. On nci'oiint uf tho Intense, heat today tho pulillo sehonlH weio closed at noun and lf.,000 (.hlldieii given it half holiday. Millionaire Said to Be Blgamlat. HT, LOUIS, Mo, Mny 23. Tho police of Los Angeles, Sun Franolnco mul Long lleach, Cal, wern today leaueHled hy tol egrupli by tho sheriff hero to arrest Chat ICh It, Drmniiumd, tlin tnhuuco mil lionaire, on u charge of bigamy, It Is reported that Piuinniond Ih on tho cniiHt, llu violated his parole, It Ih said, eloping to PurlH after IiIh third marriage while ho wiih Htlll iiiiillvori'tul from IiIh seo- uml spouso, WASHINGTON, I C. Mav 23 I'nlt etl Slates Consul ir Agent Crolheis to day telegrnphcil Hio slulo depillmenl from Torreon, Mex'eo, that S0t, Chinese were Hlntightored there tn rioting on Muy 1G. II mi Id llio cause of tho massacie wiih that tho Moxle.in rebels alleged (hat the federals had armed tlin Chinese, who fired on UielnsurgenlH. Aflvr the flist outbreak order wiis lestored ami the rv- malnder of llio Chlneso colony wtie pio teeted Tho persons of Ainei leans. Crotheis dpclnri'd, wire res'iutcd uml Ihelr piop erly was protcotid from pillage, HAGLi: PASS, TextiH, Ma) 23 Tour IsIh arilvlug heie today fiom Torreon, Mexico, declare Unit ull but a do.en of tho ChlncHti thiro woio slain lu the recent inassaeie bv Jnsui rectus. They ussert that 211 Chinese... seven Jupanese. 12 Hpiinlards and omr Geimau perished. GUY RECORDER IS "SMOKED QUI" Huny Ling, foreman of tho flio de partment muy Know how to extinguish a flro hut he Is evendently up lu tho cloudH when It comes to stinting one. Tho siovo lu the City TteeoideiH offlco needed blacking su Hnii) coveietl It with unmo unknown piepniatlou evolied In IiIh experimental mind mid then, light ing u flro left the mom. When tho of flco f oi en urilvel they morning they found tlm office filled with nnioko cuus- oil hy the burning stovo black and un able to lemuln Insi'lo started n search for tho cause of It who was rathor ox neit In sliding down the.' flro polo and Jeseiipod fin llio limn being. BOODLE TRIAL IS UNDER WAY Representative Nyo Appears to An swer Indictment Charging Him With Having Accepted Bribe ". $500 in Ohio. COI.UMUITS. Ohio, May 23, Tho. fhst nf Uiu "liootllu" tilals lu tho" Ohio" Htut o legislature begrtli tndiiy when Itn'prcsou tatlio N,m appealed to answer (in In dictment vlmiKlng him wltli having soli cited a bilbo of 000 from Shinto I'l Inter Cinwfnnl The si'uutii Investigating committee, Willi h, It li.ls been charged, wiih ap pointed for tho purpose of assisting the guilty legislators to stem a an Immunity bath, announced Its Intention of send ing four newspaper men to Jail when limy refused to testify, Tho men re fused to bo hwoiii mul asserted that tho committee had no legal standing. Thoy pilvately charge that the committee's main pin pose in summoning them befme It tvas to pieinro a censure of tho now, papeis' attltuiVo In denouncing giuft In the leglslutuie. tluu on the part of Jap in soon, as the Japanese representatives have Informal ly discussed tho proposed ngrecment several times. So fur however, Japan has glwn no inkling us to tho stand she will tnke regarding the treat) NAVY IS 1200 PER CENT STRONGER So Declares Secretary Meyer Sci entific Management and Etlcient Training Has Worked Wonders In Improvement Since 1898. LULL IN REM ESTATE BROKEN Nearly Quarter Million Dollars In vested During Past Week in Roguo River Valley Orchard Lands Many Sales Are Reported. C0RBIN EDGELL INVESTS $25,000 IN 115 ACRES L. E. Hoover Sells Ten Aero Tract on Little Butte for $3000. . 4- 4. Kocent Salt. -f Hates orchard .., 75,000 4- 4- Wright place 8.1.000 4- 4- 140 Hcrei "Hlg Sticky".. 25,000 4- Harbour tract ......... 25,000 4- Hutlur and Noo 22.G00 -f 4- Itogiif lands 9,000 4- 4- L. K. Hoover 3,000 4- 4- Totnl 224,600 4- t 444 't Nearly a. ipiarter of a million dollars has lieen Invested In Hoguo river val ley during the pant week and It la un derstood that there aro .a number of dpuls pending which wilt boost this fig ure well toward the 1600.000 mark. Ileal tntnte men are again beginning to bo nctlve and are much encournged by tho break In tho lull which has prevailed In real estate circles for some weeks. Aside from the tract enumerated above several other smaller deal havo been made A deal was made Monday whereby Corbln Bdgell of Now York secured 115 acres owned by J. It. Barbour nnd T. H. Johnson for n consideration of 125,000. Tho tract contains 31 ocre.8 of 3-year-old pears nml 25 acres of 2-year-old ap pies. Mose Barkdull made the sale. L. E. Hoover Monday sold 10 ncrctf ' of his Mount Pitt orchards on ,Llttlo" Butte to CJaud Wilson of Taft. CaL, for J3000 Mr Wilson Is tho fori runner of it number of people who expect to In vest here. Prerionslr Xeported. Some of the sales reported during tho paHt week are; The American Orchard company of IV-atU? "which" hnn. btndvtoplnB-or-c'uaril tracts throughout tho" northwest and disposing of them in- flvo-acro tracts with a great degree of success Saturdu) purchased HO acres of unim proved land adjoining tho Phlpps tract, on Big Sticky nnd will plant thetrnct to pears. Later they will subdivide nnd dispone of It in five-acre tracts. The consideration was $25,000. Karl W. Huntley made the sale. The Bates orchard of 115 acres near Medford. purchased Friday by II. Chand ler Emm. of Chicago, for un announced consideration of $75,000. Mr. Cgan Ih the Amateur golf chamlppn of the Unit ed States, and may come here to his or chard to reside. In which event ho will cut a great figure In local athletics. Tho tract ho has purchased conslstn of 115 ncrei, planted to apples and peam of nbout equal proportions. John D. 01 vvoll made tho sale. Wright Placo Sold. A deal was closed Saturday for tho Wright place of 103 acres, sltunted a cople of miles northwest of Central Point, which Is, for Its nge, ono of tho very finest orchards In the valley. Tho consideration Is $65,000. Kd Hanley In the seller nnd M. O Carton of Seuttle, a retired undertaker. Is tho purchaser. M. Bryont of Seattle, nnd J. M. MorrlH of Medford, negotiated tho deal. Tho tract contains 30 acres of iipples that aro four years old, 10 acres of peam nnd 30 acres of alfalfa. Tho bull In real estate circles wiih broken early lust week when tho ItngutthtndH Canal company sold n in ner e trnct on their subdivision near Ka gle Point Tho price was $600 per acrn. Mrs. Harriet Grand or Seattle wiih thu purchaser. A half Interest In tho Butlerand Noo orchard, four and one-half miles north east of Medford. has been sold to Gcorgo H Monroe of Fresno. Tho orchard con tahiH 100 acres, and tho trees are most ly about three yearn; old. Tho price Is said to be $25,000 Many Chinamen Killed. mOI.i: PASS. Texns, May 22 Two hundred nnd twenty-flvo Chinamen woro killed lu ft fight between tho Mexican Insurrectos nnd ChlncHo nt Torreon, Mex ico, toduy, uecordlng to n despatch ro eelved by Sam Wach. owner of tho In ternatlnnal Hotel nt ClUiluU I'orflrlo Dliu. Bnlcks Defeated. Tho Bulvks met defeat at Of nuts Pass .Sunday tho score being 5 to 3 In favor of tho Pass. Tlieio was considerable Miuabbllng over decisions and In ono occasion tho iimplro wart 'forced to apolnglzo to tho spectators saying that ho would even matters up ut tho first oppnilunlty, NIIW VOKK. May 23. War scire pin poucnts aro In hiding- today us tho re sult uf Nuyy Secretary Meyei's declara tion that tho.. United States Is 12Q0 per cent better now, when It comes to fight ing than Kho was In 1$9S. tlcleutlfle luumigoment and efficient training for marksmanship Iiiih Increased efficiency until now, uccoiillug to Meyer, a nation Hiieh ns Spain was then would not bo nblo tu offer noticeable leslsteuce. Report on Direct Eloctlon. WASHINGTON. IX C Muy 2J The minority leport of tho committee on Ju diciary vmih filed this ufternoon lu tho senate It piotestH against the direct election of senators on the giound that tho resolution, as framed, removes the federul supervision of tho elections. SenutoiH Cluik, Nelson, Dillingham, BraniU'gee and Hoot signed the minority leport. In an appendix Boot, Dilling ham and Bruiidegco opposed the entire plan for the direct election of senators, CALDWELL TALKS TO LARGE CROWD Fully 800 People Hear His Address on Socialism Largo Colletclon is Taken and Eight New Members Aro Secured for Local Branch. Celebrate SOth Aunlvereary. NF.W YOltK, May 23. Tho suivlvors of tho 14th icglnieiit nro colebiatlng the fiftieth unnlveisary of tho muster of tho reglmont Into service In 16861 today nt Iliooklyn, A large gathering listened for sev eral hours last evening tu the soclullst lecturer, Howard M Caldwell, us ho ho spoke, on llio topic of "Socialism" ut the corner of Muln and Front streets. TIiIh Is Mr. CalilwoU's return engage ment nnd speaks well for his ability to plcaso his largo crowd of hearorM on the most Important "Ism" Unit confrontH tho Ameitcnn people. It Is ostjnrutod that hit) hearers numbered 800, am) the volunteer colleotlon was larger than normal. Eight new inembers signed up fur tho Medford local. "- i'l