Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 21, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 15

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Chief lackers of Former New Yftrk
Governor Said to le (hflutintfal
Wesfern Progressfves LaFolktte
May support Him.
NKW YORK. Mny 20, United Muteii
ttUHit'lrtn Jlintlee Charles B. Iltlgliert will
he it 1'HiiillilMtn for dm r(nibllrmi presi
dential IMMmIhmUOII, Ill'CUlllllllf III II tltM
piidh fnn Washington (oil to lnt
N"w Voik World, Tlii ilenputeli nlnten
Mint the; rhlef liuckoiM of thu former
Now York governor ur Wentem pro
grennlveii win) affected ii cotuproiiilni'
wild Influential iiieiiiberfl of Hi" old
guard o ftlin ri'iitihlU'Hii party with t It
uiidiimtaiidliig Hint they will throw
tlit-tr support to lltiglirn, It wiin pre
dicted hy tint Wot lil (lull tleiiutnr lM'
Follll would nupporl JUNtlon IIukIimh.
LONDON, Mny fn, Plerponl Morgan,
who In hunt for a uliilrt nluy, toduy muilit
Mm first comment of the recent HUinl
tint fill deelnttm 'f ' the United Htalon
Biiprnun I'liurl. , ,
i "The refill lone of tlm American mar
kri," natit Morgan, "shows that the tt
Pinion In roriiH't."
pbiday's scobbs
President Said to Have at Last
Granted Request of John R. Walsh,
Convicted of Fraudulent Use of the
parole nlioieil !' Pienlihl Tuft Ik "Hid
to lie m rnilto today for hanker John
ft. Wftlnti of eiilritiin, nerving t situ
tclicc In n fednliil peiillnhllary for
fraudulent II MM o flhe iiiuIIm.
II, W, Walnh, lh" eotivlrl'n mm, ar
rived hem yentenlny mid won In eon
imitation with IiIn fulhrr for four hnuin,
After tin' fiinfereiii'o hit wont to (ho
homo of a frltmil, ll wan nnld toility ho
will lay until Niirh time nn Ii" taieutn
to ncoiiiHiiiy hlH father to Chicago,
lltltmim thnl Wnlnll wan to be. mr
dniwd Iiiivii been curietit fur hoiiih IIiih
Vatloual X.aau.
At New York It
New York 4
Pittsburg 3
At Brooklyn
Brooklyn ?,, ,..,,...
Cincinnati .,,,.,,, ,,. ,,...,
At lionlon It
Ilonlolt .,,.. ,,,.,,. 3
HI. I .on In 6
I .
WAHIIINOTON, D, l, Muy 20. A
dOiViinl null. It WIiii learned lixlny, will
bo flliul niton uiriilnnt the so-called Wint-
tii ,lunil)ir tninl, nlkaltiMT. iifiKvanoimlilo
ri-Nttnlni of tniil.s Offli'UlN Iiiti- point
ril nut thnl n loniliiiliilty Iniari-Ht In tl
ItinilH r trmlif In lhi fir Wi-t ami III
inhlilln Hcnt hnil hi'fn rovvitlt'il.
Th liun-nu of tfOrilirutl(iMtt recently
tfpoiril Hint n-iu-ly half of tin; privately
uwniMl tlinhiT In V"ili'ru itiitfH ftti von.
trollril hy a Wftprn rumlilitiv '
Titcbttd ttl To4r
Ml AtiKfl nil) uv Ihilr cracU pllchrr
in I on iv)' n nnnii iujiiij ufninm .iroiiirii
MmiHKor Janpor nayh tlm .MiiUnril mix
wll !' a hox urttNtu thai Jiiin no fliinl
Bilinnc rofliKn tiaiiiN In th' luirtltWi-nl
Manuior flnll will (irohahly pllcli H)',"
y,,U Inil who won h('Vi-nti'in ntfalKht
f:iioi IuhI m-iimiji Thi'M' will lm n
arito ntti'liiliihca nnii no itoilht th fniiit
Will wl!nivH u, kooiI xninf.
City Property
Niiw 4 room uilfijfjiliiAr, tfmt )(i, l1t.
IJiinv tiiriim.
Nw 3-rooiii IiiiIkiiIoW, lot f,9kla, fcloHM
. to ii vtntf. 30 ilown, ll inonlh,
fl-i oorn huiiKiiiow, nw fnuilnriu unil fnw
ioim, vnry ahi'iip riir ipiluk hiiIi-.
C-riiom hoiiNii, tiikii t i'ii in In lrmli
C iicriH nil plnlli'il, Innlilo limllN, ny
Inrp-i, 10(100,
At I'hll'iiMphln
I'hIUilKlpliU ....
I ' AuarlMui Z.Af u
At Detroit V
I At CluvrlanJ-- It
ClfVIWAUlt . .i I .,..,,,,,,,,,
Wniliiliin ,,.,...,.'. ,... 1
f ) i-5 v ,
' At Chloneo t U
Chlt'tlgO IttlKHIMIMMtMlMMMM 3
V At t. I.OMU It
lit I Oll fit taatflftttt t
PSW iCtfH tafl4t.
J 1 . A ' ' J
y At 1.011 Anioi-.'rti ii n k
UuH AIIKflrM -t, . i .,,.,, ,6 10 4
Vrrnon ,.. ...... ,. j. 11)17 i
l At Hum Irnplv n II i:
(tin Prnprjiro ,.:,,,.,,....,.. ? t 4
Onklniiil )U '"" ...).. ..10 14.
At Harrnmnnto 11 II
lUcrrincuto' '..', ..,!& 11
rortmnu ,,.,., ..,...
Z. O. O. T. WoUci.
Nfmiilny vvolnw' Mny 22 nniulnitllon
of offlc-r. A full nitoiiiiancn Ih i1c
ulrrtl hy urilrr of N, (J
W I.. Mti.i.nrt.
CI Hcrplftry
S rtcri1! 3 nillm out, tt to yoiinir pcnrn,
Kouil null uml ilruliuiKH, lnk ri'Dhlvnun
'Fo).tty In iriulf, Hono.
to Ii RICH, 24 In iilDlllilil, cooit Incohli',
nlfulfu unl liiillilliiii, clone lo It It
nlullon, laki IncoiiiK properly,
dO nori-n, 10 I'li-nri'il, liulltllnKit, 150 Ronlit,
II Iiok, t'hluki'iiM, $1000. Tit k ii timn
or town piop"riy
14 nrri-ii In pi'iirn 1 yinr ohl, Iruiln for
liirm-r Irrtcl.
ISO ncri'H In ypplKiii, flno wilir rljchl,
K(n hiillilliiKn! inkM Inconii propiTly
in truth
40 iiprnn at Wodilvlllo, tnkr town pro-
. n'Tiy.
70 nrrnii, 'it, In ori'hitnl, (if, Umli-r illlclii
Inkn nmnil properly or ilintii-r Irmii.
300 norm flni! Krnln nml Iior runoh, tnkii
Ini'otiMi propriy, $65oo
A0 nrrcw kooi! fruit luml, Inko liiootnn
Iflo ncrrit Krnln nml Iiob rnnrh, Wrlil
t'o Colo. eloHH to town, tiiko ucrwiK
Ihti', 2SoO,
Z40 ncri'M, loo fenri'il nml uihIit illli-h,
Mlln hotlnui laud: tnkii lucomo pro-
240 rriH, HO ncrcn In holtoin, ninplc wn
i-r rlKht, fln iUhiho nllii; IpKh j;iiod
loi propi'rty,
240 pcrn on rf'',l "i" bottom lund.
Kimi.I wnlt-r tlKhl, 18000,
ICO iinri-N on It It, linn Krnln nnd Imif
mum, iifcuo, iiikk fidlili' lotvn pro
Clood orolianl tnu't near Phoenix, tnkii
miiicii or niruim rnncii,
10 ucri, II lu hMirlnif btehuni, Hplemlld
null, new MhikiiMw, nil furnltum and
tnaln; tiih,. Incoinn property,
10 litre, J . mlk'K lo town, fine noil,
7 horm ori'hnnl. ffw liotii; tnke In
come property, tccoo.
0 norrM cIom.i in, uunir orchard finq
rhkn ruticli, for Incoinu proerty,
30 ncren tIoho In, miirly nil In penrn rfml
liPMr, KiMtil lillllilliii-k.
litiltipltiK Mum. ull liHiN, hoMen, etc,
nor lociuon: cniiHiiiir trmle,
36 nrrrli In town, J8 In 4 yr orchard,
liooil lioune piimnlne plant, l.ulniice
In ulfnlfnj tuke $3600 In trade. Iui.
mien i'ity
10 ncri, In pmrn, rhfeken hnuKen,
Kiirdrn, wood limine, windmill: tnko In-
fume property
arren, fine noil, clonii In, take, kooiI
teitm lu Iriide.
ICO rtcrM nil level, fine ol!. 70 cultivat
ed, 35 In' penrn mid npplcs, 20 In nl-
mua. mice kooiI liiootno property
IC ncre clone In, ncren orchard, tak
at th 'Tor Hala" ml and
, Ho K renolvcil hy tlm clly council of
th city of Medford, Orenon
, That II In, liiajriti'ntjoii of thrt council
to Iny u 4l.fncll Witr milln on Laurel
Mri)t from Klnvntli lo Thlrlemtli ntnet
nnd lo nnenn tlm com inert of upon Hie
Pioperty frontltiK on mild purtlon of nald
nlrnit In proportion to thu fronlnKo of
mi lit Humeri v.
The council will iniet nt Hut rouncllj
u,iiiMier,iii inn uitj1 iiHii m naiii cilr on
thy flth day of Jiini', 1111, nt7.30 p. in,,
nt wlilch timn ull protentn nKtiltmt the
laylnif of nnld watfr main on nuld por
tion .of nnld atrrnt ani tlm iiHxi-imriii'it
of the cont tlifreof uiioii tlm properly
fronting thirnoh will bo heurd
The roreKOlui; W'Holutlon won panned
dy thn city council of tlm city of Med.
ford on the Kill day of Slay, Ull, hy
the. folowlnit voln! Merrick nye, w'lilt
liye, Wnitmnn nyc, Ilinetlck nye, Klferl
nyi-, Millar nyc.
Approved Muy Kill. lill.
til , W II. CANON,
Attrnt: Mnynr,
IIOBT. W. Tl:i.Ki:it, "",r
Clly Itecorder
XaMkplnff oomm
I'OJl ItlLNT Kurnlnhed hounokeeplnw
rpomn, 71 Wtilrll treit, Imitilro nt
Jacknon nlreit ntori or phono Homo
i2x, , ( C2
KrtJt ItrCNTl Clean modern llRht houne
kcepliiK rootiln, IlKhtn nnd telephond
Tree. No children, no noun. Cnll ut 327
Mouth Onkdnle, SC
I'OIt HUNT MounekeepliiK rcomn, clonn
in. 322 Houtlt Central. C3
FOIl JtHNT HounekeeplnB rootnn, nice
ly furtilnhed; lirollnd rloiih, clone In.
Ui lint Ninth. &3
Offlcta for Snt
U)KT Hlk tooth wnteli foh.
If returned to thin office.
J tew Aril
annicor 4-oyllnder tourlnif automobile.
Addnmn IJox 200, cure Mall Tribune
torn of tho thltiKi that ar adcrtlod
Tor mi.
" ncrea Clone III. II ncren nrrhanl lV
IOWII Property nn flmt
10 apren In Orcluird; tnko r!dnco in
ClonJ In rrnldence on pavlnp for eood
and 10 aero trncta In Learlnir. otnn in,
... , . "' " w ...,
, iann ruiiurnco jiroporty.
...I i-1
Saal Satat
TO KXCIIANOI-Clofnl Modforrt renl
ileum property tor country proporty.
21 Hnmllton L riionn 24CS. 02
KOIt ItKNT OfflM room with fireplace..
Apply at Clrflicory'n atudlo.
KOIl Tli:NT DfnJc room, xround rloor.
V. T. Tork tc Co.
I'OIt ItKNT Over the pontofflcn
heat and light. Se A. A. Davla.
ron ItKNT Offlco rooma In Electric
bidet., modnrn equipment, atearn heat,
electric llftht, bathn, toilet, hot and
cold water. Gold Itay Realty Co., 214
W. Main at.
KOIl I;XCIIAN0B Urn Anelea real
drnro property: or Montana timber
land for vacant Iota or aero tructn.
I.lndney, York & Co.' offlcr. CI
I'OIt BXCHANOn Medford and pubur
ban property, rnncltcn, tlmlxr lands,
for other property, Addrcsa Uor 18,
earn Mall ,TrIbuno.
BaalBMfl Proptrty
FOIt HAI.i: Oil URNT 4 room house,
corner Liberty and llonrdmnn ntreet.
lteut $10.00. CC
I'OIl SALIJ On nnNT Oood opening for
Koneral mercliandlae ntoro In new
town with I1C.0001 monthly payroll, on
railroad, 12 mlloa from Medford. Gold
Itny Itcnlty Co 20 W. Main.
Fbr Sale
At Portland ' It It K
I'ortlnnd ., i. ......... , .,2 6 0
HKikano .,.......,.,.,......l 4 0
. At Vancouver II It 13
Vancouver ..... ...,,. .14 II 1
rlrat t lo
At Tacomn
Taromii .f...,
C 2
adft't Coa$ ZKMfS.
tAt Hncminento n II IJ
I'ortlund ',..,... D 11 1
Hnrrmnenlu ....-......., ...... 3 & 6
At Hun Prnnclnco It H
lion Kranolkod' .". i ...... 3 .1
Oakliiml ,v'i.....,....f.(..i...l0 1
fAt Lou .Anuulon 11 it-13
Ixtn AliKi'li'i i-f B 1.
Varnou .... i 12 2
JTortawM Zan.
At l'ortliuifi-. ' . II II I:
Hpoknnn .,..1 0 3 i"
Portliind ..,,,...,, .,1 6 a
At Tni'oma It It K
Victoria 4 7 &
Tai'iiina .....,....,..3 ( 1
Vatloual I.taae.
At l'lllliidvlphlii U It r.
Clllcuifii 7 13 t
Itillndutphlu ,, ...... i . .1,. ,4 9 a
H. -
'At Brooklyn . 11 11 K
ClnillllllBtt 3 13 t
Brooklyn . ,.t .,.;.., 14 o
At llontou f n fl 13
.,,,,.,,,,.- " o
vAt Now York , II H H
rittnlmrK 1 s
Niw York . ., 'i C 3
Amarteaa ZiMtcuo,
tIlonton-UhlcUKO Katun poMponcd; wet
7At Ht. LoiiIh 11 II M
Now York ;.,. H 1
Ht'Lotllll ..,,.,.,., ',,,,3 4 4
'At Dotiolt B H H
Philadelphia 14 10 3
Detroit ,,,.,. ..,il2 13 S
r ,
"At Clovidalid It II K
WnHliliiKtiin 4 10 2
Oldvoliuid , 8 13
. xexxoa-
,;nmlH itro now on hand to redeem
botiool wurrnntmup to Petohor 12. I10.
May ID, 11)11. 4 ,
r,a Dlatrlot No. 49.
aklna for HoiUth. ,
ii'Vn w- .l",i'
l.tniian -S'- Juild of Taliht. OreKon
linn for niile In )iv'. frvfltikanUil nnd
nlfnlfa land of Aulllhihi Orrcoit. lh
f.illuwItiB diFrltit IdndB.
Ii norm 2 1-3 ilUr front Talent, lm
nniveil. 'tK-t-llliilr hbvmc.' 10 ilftrVn In
cultivation, 'ainniiK the' foo't 71llln.
wntet I'rlco $U00 ranh down.
(0 urrrn, 20 ncryn under cultivation,
tfu.pllV..l'ttehnr,t SjA2 irjlljinfriini Tul-
rpt Prlcr 16000. Cmh Jovwi. Ainonir
tho IiIIIn.
II tocren A. Chnlne frtilt farm, 1 mllf
, froii Talent, f!3,iMJ0, I70UI) mail, bill-
aho1 nil tltdc. v
Lola 7 and i. lu Talent. COxICO feet, llnr
well: i dwelling liiiiiNe. Trice $1(10
l.ild' arril 1'Niln Tnlrnl C0x:3 f.'ei
n Rood itwrllliiK lioiinn'nml ilncH
I'rlm $oo,
17 ucrea, 3 mllcn from Talent, a com-
uwrclnl orchard, Hliotild yield tlilf
year 2I0U Or SCOO tiokvn' of fruit. lYIci
$10,000, Oncwintf ranh down.
1C0 Acre J'liltr tlmlmr lund. monlly fit
and hemlock, aomethtni; llkn $8.000..
000 feet of itw limber. rrlc liooo,
20 ncren I mile from Talent, part In
crtiwliw orchard and alfalfa. I'rlci
$I2C nit acre. ,
200 acren Near Iho famoua Huncrval
orohnrd, 10 uorrn under cultivation
nil fenced; fruit nnd alfalfa null; n
llwelllhK houie; barn und water tank
only $125 tlm acre
I lot In Anhlund, 60x142 feel; H(i(
iwcllnK liuune, near tlm depot $1100
10 u.rca AimuL S mf)''M from Mi-dford
nmoiiK (ho hllln. latiKe uuntirpuned
Umber land, $12.50 an acre,
l acrcn On block from l l, Talent
, Ore, Finn black free noil, ijiirdpu
fruit nml alfalfa null, 12 ucrea youni
pear trren, 2 1-2 ucron 10 year olt'
Newtown appleii, a fcood (i-room
dwelllni; limine Price $11,000, $R0l'
canh 1I9WU Tln renl on time 1
SO oeren l.fOO.OOO naw iluiber, ainnnr
thu lillln, 7 Inlk'H ffiim Talent Prlc
$3000 canh,
4 acren 2 1-2 mllen from Talent, frul'
and-olilcknii ranch. Hlream of watei
runn throtiKli tho place. Price $ t HOC
caxh. ,
S aUrea Clone to Talent, In CulllvHtlon
dwellluir Iiouhk and (food well, l'rlqc
fauuy, iuvu one, year, f iuuu inn yrnrn
2 niliien Ophlr unit Built, C mllen, froir
Talent, 0110 tunneled CO feet, tho uthri
100 fuel.
40 ucrea Anuniir tho hllln, dwelllnp
Iiouko nnd 11 few ncreH cleared. Plenty
of wutur and timber. S4& tlm uorc,
III aeren near Talejit. All III cultivation
and In fruit treon, $125 the acre, 1-?
canh down,
10 iiarcN Croom limine, barn and
chtakun Iiouho, Prko $2,7SO, $tcpo
canli, down. ,
10 noren Part net to alfalfa and fruit
trecH. Price $1000.
4.0 acren 0 iiiIIch from Oold Hill, nil
under cultivation. Dwelllna hounc
uml oroliard. Price $13,0,00,,
Bunlnonn lota Ip Talent. '
ICO uoren unimproved laud near Jack-
10 acre orchard 1 irtllo from Talent,
Prc 1(1000. , v
108 acren Ono mllo from Talent, t0
ncreH aet to Do Aujou and IlurtleU
pearn, 0 acren to Kpltxenberir, Nov
hbuuKalow houne, barn 00x80. Prior
$3(10 thu acre, $1)5,000 down, balajici
on timn. . J
240 uuren timber on 'Llttlu Butte, 4, (Too,.
000 feet naw timber, lino noil nftei
timber Ih removed. Prleo $3000, 1-3
cndli ctdwfi,'" hnlnnci on time.
73 t-3 ucrea orchard, Bartlett and D'An
Jou pram, Newton uppIch. Price $325
an acre If all noli! tOKether: 10 acren
Ncimrntcly $.150 tho uuio; 1-3 down,
balance lu 1, 2 nlul .1 y.eiirH time,
One lot lu town of Talent, 55x152 foot,
olio 8-ronm new buiiKalow Iiouho,
wood Iiouho tit by 1!0 foot; xond well,
Bliinlo Iff" out. lflco ijOOO,
$120,0 cajilii bfllanoo on time,
13.(ot, 2 upri'H.,ln, town of Talent, new
. hpuno, wood Hluiil, well and Una family
, oroliard, Prloo, $3000, $1500 cavii,
balanco out tjuje, ,. t , -i
Luman N. Judd
Ino Income orchard In (Irani! JunMtui
1.91.. ror ranch nir Medforil- .
Now Croom, buncalow; ak6 lota.aa part
payment. t ;,
70, acren. 25 In orchard, nearly all tllll-
bio. hulldlnKn. water rlKht. taki(ientnl
fptfiTty or xiKhl tlmlmr tract
Ut.acren, ICO tillable, bottom lanJ. firm
Miter rlirhf. 20 itqten alfalfa; tnko In-J
4ino protmWr,) U' J. j f ,1 J
lolecroa. rlVVr-Zthdlirtlno nblijl
ZJ'ear-Oia orchard, take modern bun-
(Blow. ,
PaBhdenaf'Vildbncol f"or aSd orcnard"
, Dfopvrty. , , 1 ,
ISUcren; nW MinrnloVr; nitia Ih al
falfa and srnuen: one of tha rine lit
thS homen In valley; trado for property
90 pavlnir, , , , ,, , 1 ,
C ilorenr 12 In tfcara'; trado for clono-ln
1-rrtim houaej j;ok1 lot; trado for oro
ate. "
10. acren finely Jilluated, S acre In pear,
fine (Htrden. chicken home, good
bouno, trade for bungalow.
II here. 4 t-2 inllea out. 8 In
2 1-2 urrea Kurdru. uood houne,
mill, driven well, finely Mltinted, $300
uere for uulck nole. Oood lormn.
Hnioll pear tract, clone In, flno null. $275
ucro: tiruiH,
line orchard tract, rlaht In town, good
Income, airalfa. bulldlnttn, all tooln.
etc., $300 acre If aold at oncl; liberal
17 ucrea, clone to town, good liuune nnd
other bulldliiKn, 7 ncren orChnrd, hal
unci! In crop, iinent noil, lenn limn $400
an aero for uulck mile, $2500 .will
handle, own time on llnuce ut nix
per cent.
llrla for Ken era! hounowork. ,
'ty nnd ranch property to list.
raraUbed Booma.
I'OB. ItKNT Kurntahcd front bed room,
...bath In, conneclkm: qloso In, rhono
v., 'ii crowrvi.
: t jiU
i'(Ji iti:NT-M-VwiW
lenn, Jo. 'rf Or
'to Fannrra' &'"rult 1
rooma for Irana-
Oraiw atreetf next
Urowera aifc
POrt ItKNT p$tfritu.roo'rh wltr'le?pln
porch, hot' nnd cold Water, clone t iiml
bath.. Call mornlntH, 70C a' Oik-
,dae, ; . CI
I'OIt LKAHK Klnhlnr. boatlnK and hunt
ing reaort on cany term. IJox 32,
Mall Tribune.
FOB ItKNT Oardcn land in tracts
of from one acrn upwardo, with
water for Irrigation. Owner will
furnlah team and Implementa for cul
tivating and need for aharo of crop.
Inqulro of Bitffu.-n, Itogua Itlver Elec
tric Co.. 21 W. Xaln at.
FOB HALB Comw and let run nhow you
here In Talent, IS acren of fertile gar'
den, fruit und alfalfa land; all un
der cultivation; good houne and out
bulldlugn, 12 acren in pearn. a family
orchard' of applen. noil ua rich an but
ter. Price $11,000.00; $$500.00 down:
tetniH on the bulunctr. Ltimun N. Judd,
exclunlve agent. Talent, Or.
FOB HALB Hoy, Ihnvo grnln and ah
falfa baled. He A. A. Vivitt.
FOIt HALB Corri. Inqulro" Dr. Clanoy'n
officii, Phlppa brdg., or phono Main
FOB flALH Ono good nnddlo home. In
quire Mr. P, J, Noff. Phono 2202.
FOB HALF; Now furnltum for ft room
limine; terrnn. Munt nell. J N thin
office. . CJ
FOB HAL!: Boll top denk, couch, 2 mat.
Irennen. 1 large nrunnrt rug, 17 V
10th nt. f,3
FOB HALi; Thirteen and one-half
acren of garden land, Ahundnnca of
water to Irrlgdtn clono to tho aur
face. Addrena C21 W. Hamilton tit
I'd one. 2455. S3
FOB HALK Team, well bred, matched,
traveling rnaren; age r, yflarn: weight
2200 lhn. Iiiqulrn No. 24 H. Mlntleton
atreot. S3
FOB HALI3 Wrlli-r prenn, gooit condi
tion, $50, A bargain. 1). B. Worn),
Medford Mall Tribune tildg. 5C
FOB KALI3 Hggn, 1 have a number of
netting eggn for wile, Hllver Spangle
Harnbary, $1.50 Betting; Houilan $1.60
netting, Wtil to Leghorn $1; Barred
Plymouth Bock $1. Oorgc X- Davln.
FOB HALI-3 Bulck 6 paaacnger .auto
mobile In good conilltloii. Will trade
for city property. Addrc-nn Box 3CC. 63
FOB HALF-0.irl,-ind upright Piano, will
nell cheap for caAh. Call at or addrenn
I P. Hubbard'a ranch B. F. D. No. 1.
Box 28. 54
FOB HALB A very fine new $160 top
Carriage, ninglc neat, nt your own
price If taken thin week. Humphrey,
815 Kant Main, Phon 392. 81-
FOB HALK 1. I or 5 acren and home. I
will build you u four to five room
bungalow on 1 acre fn walking dis
tance for $1,000 to $1200, fine noil for
berrlvn. plenty of water. I will plow
and furnlnh need. Hmalt paymentn or
wilt leane. Nice homen In country. Will
build good home. K. II. Manley, 217
Went Main Street. 51
FOB HALE We have 300 acres of flrat
claa yellow fir timber. Well located
for logging and milling; stock ranches
wth plenty of running water. It la
alno good orchard land, and well locat
ed. Wo have farm landa aultable for
grain, gardening and dairying. Buy
u hometn tho famoua Willamette val
ley, tho garden apot of Oregon. Save
money by dealing direct with tho
owners. Martin Bros., Brownsville,
Or. 73
well fumlnhcd.
ilenlrabhi front room
Clone In. 22S S.
V i.
8. lv
FOB Il:NT-Furnlfdusl fronUroom. Hot
water Ip rooin; 1A?. 2S4' TJiit Nlntr.
" ? -"l
pfnw7-roon "bungalow, modern.
ui Allen wrocery Co.
FOB JtUNTslx-rJoni r houne. Realty
Bireoi, ;u. v. 1, xarK ia
FOB JH3NT 5-room modern houie.
quire !0 N. Oronge'st
FOB linNT-r-KurnUhed sleeping room,
everything1 new ahd clean; reaionabl
price; taay walk from Main at Only
men need apply. Oleson and W. Ham
tlton ats. Phone Main 4474.
E. F. L
KOOat fiOO
navra BVXK&zita
FOB BKNT BY Tl'MY 4 room houao.
clono In $15.00; 5 room houne. clone In
$19.50; 5 room modern bungalow, $20;
6 room modern bungalow $25; 7 room
cottage $25; S room modern bungnlow
$40. Tumy. 201 Oarnott-Coroy build
ing. C4
FOB SALE S acres fine garden soil, 3
room houne, barns,. 2 wells. In town
WoodVillo. Apply to J. W. Jacobs,
Woodylllc, Or.
FOB SALE 5 and 10 acre tracts Juat
within, and adjoining city limits, at
bargain, on S annual payments. Ad
drena Condor Wter A Power Co.
FOB HALB at a bargain, five close-in
east front lots, total frontneo 250
feet, two blocks south of 4 city para-
Price $6000 for the five lots. Other
lots-further out aro Helling for more
money. Addrenn P. O., Box 702, Med
.ford, Or. , , 7S
WANTED To rent two or three unfur
nlKhed rooms with gas range and
bath. Htate price, location and phone
number. Addrenn X Y, care Mall
Tribune. 61
Atiayer aas Anatyat.'
EABL V. TNOt.LH, 11. H. Tt-i4t equipped
nnnay oflco In Oregon; food products,
soils, fortlllxern, spray products, walor
to analyxod. Urania I'ani.
AHHAYHB ANI) t,lli:.MIST---F.itrl V. In
Relrf, B, Ht' Oeuerftl iinimy and an
alytical work Cement nnd nnphnlt
testing. Bent equipped unsay ufflca
and tenting laboratory In flregon. All
work guaranteed, Oruntn Pnnn, Or
fc-.f!-!','"-.,' ,.'tlw'f.!, Off loo Modford
National Bank building, nrcond floor.
Attorneyn-at-hiw. Nog. 1
offlco building.
nnd 3 Post-
AvJ3 ItEAMES Lawyer. Oarnott-Coroy
Palm building.
SnTLKB" YA C'l I Bit ItVTiT V.' MOlAlltf.
OHO. W CHBBBY)LawyerH Itoym
12, Jncknon County Band hid),'.
Billiard Parlors.
a T. nBOVN fs CO-Bllllnrdn. Cigars
ii.1i,ib.,i,lLdli"f; A, ,n'cc- cool ptaca lo
spend tho hot afternoons
BIB Posters.
VI.:iB T- CANON mil poster and Din-iFiv-,0;r;
AH. orders promptly filled.
Iloom 29. Jacltson County Bank build
ing, Medford. Oregon.
Cigars and Tobacco.
IBELAND 6 ANTLE. Smokehouso
,1? 0,'acc,'' cluars. ond smok-
f!SKl'tlw''Z,',Tlto nn,i El Valen
cia. 212 Wt Main street
CItU Xuglneers.
",ul7-,yorB- Hpecialty: Platting., sub-
iV-vi(1",,5rtara municipal ongfaeorlng.
hVLne -id11 r.052 40S aarnett-Corey
btdg.. Medford. Oregon. r 'j
-.suuijubb-. 1, J, ,
" j.i.u.v jjaim ureusmahluif add
plain sewing; will go .by 'day ori'stw
ai nome. jot Honth Nprtown'.ViC "
MBH. J. LAINB, Hree-imakr..7330Vgst
Second street, reasonnbio .nrfcs, ,it
isfactlon guaranteed. - t -v.po-f'
WANTED To buy second hand Un
derwood or Bemlngton typewriter. "O"
caro Tribune. 63-
WANTED To buy ten acres of fruit
land situated near Medford. glvo de
scription and price of land. Address
Lester. 514 Colman building, Seattle,
Washington. CC
WANTED Vacant room,
or a tent AddrejKH O. C.
Mail Tribune
WANTED Homes to break ride or
drive, Phono Main (232. Or cnll at
Bungalow Booming House, 10 and
Front street. iZ
WANTED Clean-up rags at Mail Trib
une Job department
WANTED 5,000 loan, long term, decent
interest, on. 200 acres best fruit land
In volley. P. W. Cheney, Coolna, Cal
ifornia. 61
WANTED Angora goats. W.
mel. Eagle Point
3fnrnltnre- tiOPiH.
1Lnrfi lYW? , 9- .. In new
and second-hand furniture nnd hard
ware. Agents for Household stores
Main 3181. Home 2SS-L.
"SSff -XJ'f ftr11-13 VOBKS---CoT-xfei.?,h
a"d,,"olly streets, Modford.
Mission furniture made to order. Cnb-Xue0dV-
f a Wnda. A trial order
L tSSi!.1"1' ef JVOL.KF Cookstoves nlld
ranges. "Near ami umn, i,.. ...,
South. Phone 91. Hnm,. m.v
Home 383-K. Mcd-
Oranlte Works.
H!i RAY OBANITE CO.. 216 West
Main street manufacturers nnd dcal-?t-
,n "lonutnental and building grnn-
"S" u.8h,5ran,te- con-yon brick and
pressed brick, coarse and fine washed
river sand.
'f . NJ??Ie Go- T- O-Brlon cintrnJ
tors and manufacturers of brick: deal
ers In pressed brick and lime. Office
rafi?1?it-Co-5e3r bloc, room 209. 2d
floor. Phone No. 3181,
landscape Gardener.
WANTED TO borrow $1200.00 for one
year on residence property. J. It
Malt Trlbdne.
FOR 8ALE--Lot 52x106. Jackson street.
$100.00. Apply C. W. Hellbromer, care
of Hutchison & Lumsden.
FOB BENT Elegantly furnished rooms
steam boat, hot and cold water, baths
electrio lights. nowy furnhcd, tin
gle rooma or en suite, by tho day
week or month. .Inqulro room 1Q3
Electrio bldg. 21S W. Main at
FOB BENT Modern flve-rOom cottage.
S21 IUintltOQ st West. Phone 2463. 52
FOB BENT Nicely furntnhed suite of
roomn with liath. Phono 6652, or call
. 404 Went 8econd at
I 1
1 , -
,1 ii 1 1 i
; '
; I ' ' '"
FOn BENJOomplelely furnished mod
"ern 6-room liousr. $30 a. month. 129
FOB SALE For sale partial payment
plan: 1 lot on Boardman street $275;
$20 down. $10 a month. 1 lot on Plum
street $350; $50 down, $10 n month.
1 lot on 14th street $400; $100 down.
$10 a month. 1 lot 1 block off W. Main
$350; $25 down. $10 per month. Tumy.
201 Oarnctt-Corcy building 51
FOB SALE- A comfortable house fur
nished ready to live inf half acre
with, bearing fruit. Peaches this year
will yield $100 or over. This place
slocked with poultry, will afford a
good living for small family. $1850.
Terms, Lauglilln & Barnes. 337 K.
Main at.. Ashland. Tel. 31. 51
WANTED Position by male bookkeeper
and stenographer; ago 30; best of
reference. Address lock box 758, or
phone Farmer 715x5. 51
JOnSL;- B.R!rTZ!,,LandRe Gardener.
Between Riverside avenue nnd Beatty
street. Medford. Or. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Call Main 38's"talon
Hotary Public
5f?r?ifY UBLIC---Room "2ir
IHELEN N. YOCKEY, Notary public.
lirmg your work to mo at the sign of
The Mall Tribune.
WANTED Work. A sober. hon?st
young man would like work In a nur
sery, or an orchard. Address E. W.
H., general delivery. 70
CHRIS MOOBE Landscape gardner,
lawns and grounds taken care of. Ad
dress 1156 West Eighth street 56
WANTED Work for heavy team.
I6n OMvery Stable.
WANTED Colored lady wishes wash
ing at home. 636 N. Fir st 52
WANTED Position as steam roller,
stationary, traction Or donkey engin
eer. Bell 6161. 61
FOB KALE For a short time only new
three room pluntered house, xcreencd
porch, hot and cold water, built-in
cupboards; smalt garden, cement walk,
food wood shed. Lot 60x145, rich
soil. $1050; $550 down., balance to
suit Would sell furniture. For par
ticulars address Box 66, caro Mall
Tribune. 63
s. ivy.
FOB BENT Moilern-6-room furnlnlivd
houne, close n. Inquire 60 N. Or
llgo nt '
tnge. clono
trees, eto,
A five room modern cot
In Mith mat front shade
Inqulro 30 Cottage ntreet.
FOB BENT Two room furnished house,
634 South Fir street, 53
X A X. B X V
o a o w
nero tract; platted;
lnrgo, fino lots;
sower and wator
in; no agents 'Ad-
dress Box 666, caro
' ''
of this office
FOB BENT Farina from 40 acres to
400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches,
garden land, general farming ranches
Qold Bay Bealty Co., Sie.Mf, Mala.
FOB LEASE 10 acre ranch, 1 mllo from
Jacksonville, II acres bearing vine
yard, and small family orchard. Fur
n8icd hx room liousq on .place, Barn
und out bnlldliigH'nU for $25 per
month. Tumy 201, Oarnott-Coroy bldg
FOB SALE -3 -room bungalow on Dako
ta uveuue, 1 block of Onkdnle; water,
gas und lights, gun range included.
Snap, Munt bo sold this week. Terms
easy. Enquire on place. 51
fob sale Now furniture 5 room
house', terms. Must sell. J. N this
office. 51
Help Wasted Male
WANTED Man with team for a month
work. Call 217 West Main street 51
WANTED Good Japanese boy -for gen
oral hoiiHowdrk. Two in family. Bent
of wngin. Address Box 29, caro Mail
Triwino orrice.
WANTED Salesman fot exculslvo ter
ritory. Big opportunities. No expe
rience necessary. Complete lino Yak
ima Valley grown fruit, shade and
ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Out
fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company,
Toppenlsh, Wash,
Tents and Awnings.
makers of new. repairers of old. Both
phones 405 a Oakdalw.
E-Sfdpnh'oanne8'j7a4hrbbry """ 9"
gV!A.KK NUKSCRIEs-our trees "re
i&'&t1 srafted. Our stock is not
eleTi8 -S& y.0 Kuamntee everything put
imm.. nro,,not ,n th trust II. B.
nitterson, office removed to 116 E.
KrlnUn ,UV.B" VALLEY NUBaEllrf
CO., inc. Growers of high grade nur-
PhyaicUns and Bnrgeogs.
Bnaineta Property
FOB SALE Choice business property
at a bargain, on long tlmo; easy terms.
Address Condor Watdr Power Co,
Baal Sstate.
BasUisa IMai
VOll BENT llustness building corner
Eighth and Central avonuo. suitable
for garngo or other purposes. See H
Klum, 216 East Mftlri. ,
FOB BKNT Buslnena room on W. Main
st 24x140, suitable for restaurant or
billiard room or other business, steam
heat. Qold Bay Bealty Co., Sl W,
Main at
t -t
i v f
1 FllTJIT L'a!nDS
I i 'v l '
Largo and Small Tracts
212 Fruitgrowei's Bank Bldg
FOB SALE Jackson county lands in
Bogue river valley, Oregon, by tho
Jackson County Bealty company, n. M
Cose, manager, Office In Garnett
Corny building, room 217. Farn lands.
(Vdrdon lands, fruit lands; , ;atqck
ranches, largo and small tracta o'f , im
proved and unimproved lands. Ofice
phone 6691; residence 141. t
FOB SALE N. B. Persons placing prop
erty fn hiy liiinds for sale must tx.
pect first, to pay for advertising In
advance (becaiiHO I bcllove, In exton
slvo advertising In tho papers), sec
ond, exclusive right to sell for a cer
tain length or time. So please set
up and tuko notice. L. N. Judd. laud
agent, Main street, opposite Talent
hotel, Talent, Or. 52
WANTED Salesmen to sell our line of
superior nursery stock. Can glvo you
choice of territory. Cash paid weekly
and outfit furnished. Pacific Nursery
Company, 308 Corbett building. Port
land. Ore. SS
WANTED Salesmen In every locality of
the northwest; money advanced week
ly; many make over $1000 month
choice of territory. Yakima Valley
Nursery Co., Topenlsh, Wash.
Kelp Wanted restate
WANTED Lady Stenographer and hill
ing ulerk. Apply In own hand writing.
Address Box II, caro Mall Tribune. 53
WANTED Woman for general house
work, ono who can cook. Wages $30
pot .month. Apply Buffum. Boguo
River Electrio Co., 216 W. Main.
and surgeons. Taylor and Phlppa bldg!
rooms 310-811-212. Office phone 601
residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a.
m. to 8 p. m.
fA. iXT' 0atePathIc phyaiclans.
p" r , ,. v.u " u uarnett-
Corey bldg. Phone Main 6361e
Dlt E. IL P"o7tTEBDlseas"oT";
Diseases of wo-
Mr"1"1.8. w. deane Dentlst-
X" ,'", V10"0. D,Je., 123 E. Main.
?,? anlnlBtored for extmctlon of
Phon. 'e"on MalngtSl. Night
D orr1Ti::VnS-:l'JAyslcJan Burgeon,'
iif,S?, (J,a,rnoUiv01,?lr ,bl1R'. rSoms
211-212, phone 6601. Ilealdonco US
Laurel st. phone 3093. . M"Bnce llS
".rf'e OCKWOOD.!' Pl,ysiclan and'
practice limited to dlsoases of w
men. orflces over HasklnB drug store.
Phones: Paclflo looi- Home 28.
Dr. W. M. Van ScoyoE '
Dr. C. C. Van ScoyocT
A1 Dentists.
Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 318. Medford.
Oregon. rwi, Phnnei
Office 210
J. KAl,MnS lirnnlln.. Il...l.n.i .J!
nwVL" ?fth0f y?Ve?r' noso alia throat
t-4. .uuui iirt'ou
throat Office; Su te 318 Gurnott.
Corey building. Both phones. uttrno"T
Chinese Medlclnos.
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework; two lit family; best of
wages. Address Box 60, oare Mall Tri
FOB SALE At a bargain, furniture,
house for rent, 127 Sv Grapo ut
FOB SALE Absolutely now slnglo top
carriage at your own price. Humph
rey, 815 E. Main. Phone 3992.
FOR SALE Ndw delivery wagon with
top, polo nnd shafts. Inquire Oakdale
Grocery, cornor 11th and Oakdale. 62
FOB SALE Houne. tent, $20, slzo 12x14.
Inquire 446 South Central ava 62
FOR RENT New piano. Will rent only
to responsible party. Phone Main
WANTED The care of one or two chil
dren. 435 North Central uvo. 52
TITLE CO., INC., Jacksonville. Phones
Pacific. Main 11; Home 2006.
CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will
ouro rheumatism, outarrh., colds, got
nre.'itl,r.0ttt ttn,a lJroubo, doafneSL
paralysis, private diseases and nli
kinds of chron o and nervous ailments.
Stomach trouble, constipation. Indigos
Hon, womb and bladder troubles. See
me at 341 B. Front at. Medford. Ori;.
Printers and Publishers.
MEDFORD PRINTING CO.. lias the best
equipped Job offlco In Southorn Ore
gon; book binding: loose lenf ay&tomsi
S7tMr,er,t-.0ta; ot.c" Portland prices
27 North Fir street
4 1- .'--.. . ...J'"11. "
C1.1.A at. uuan YAW Palm. Block,
Stenographlo work dono quickly uml
JOHNS ft TURNER. Architects and
Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main: phone
Mutn 3471. Residence phone 744,
POWER. REEVES & WEST Architects,
207 ind 208 Garnett-qoroy building f
D. It WOOD General accountant. Your
books audited and kept for a reasonable
figure; your business solicited. Office
Phlppa bids., room 209. Phone ana.
8IONS will help build up your busl.
ness. Phono 802, 18 Riverside avenue.
Steam Heating. 7
PONTINO ft RHNJ5 Steam and hot wa.
or heating, dry kiln mid power work:
Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates
given. Phonesi Paclflo 4601. Homo
W'h "BUIonce Paclflo 4402, Box 434,
37 South Central avenue, Medford.
Oregon, rV
Sewing Machines.
looal roprosontatlvo for "Singer" and
"Wheeler ft Wilson" sowing machine!
Phone 6043. Maohlnea for naIh or rent'
Itepl.rlns. Offlco 31 N, Uurtlott T
. . , 'i