r,v ' PXGE FOUR MEDFORD MATL TRTBUNTC, aCEDFORD OUKOON, SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1911. NEIL PAYS THIS CITHRIBUIE iMayor of Ashland Points Out Merits of Tills City, Showing Friendship ; Held for Medtord by Residents of Neighboring City. No Iwlter lokrn of (lie frlomlnlilu px- ' lntlnK between tlio cities tt U'9 ItoRiie ' Jtlvor valley linn been offered for Rome time Minn the. following nOdress of Mayor Nell of AMilnmt nt tho recent Commercial club banquet: "Mr. Prenldent nml Oentlemen of th MctUonl Club; In bilrnlf of the city of Ashland. 1 wlnh to thank you for the very kind InVltntlon you hnve no Kener ounly cxtendeil to me irn tlio mnyor of Anhlnnd, to be prencnt with you on this nuxplclouR occasion. "In common with the executives from the other cities of this section of the Btnte, I wish to congratulate your or Rnnlmtlon on the unnnlmlty of purpose nnd tlio determlnntlon nnl encrity with which you push your enterprises, no mnttcr how Inrcc or how expensive, to n successful termination. 1 know of no city on tlio Pacific coast, whether Inrse or small, that for material growth nnd well-directed energy will comiwm In ftny sense with the city of Mtilfortl. "Coming as 1 do from, and holding the position I do. In Ashhyul. It may bo thought by some that for me to make these statements would be. to nay the least, embarrassing, but I trtnl you will glvo mo credit for being lib. ra and broadmlnded enough to recog nlio a self-evident" fact) especially when to disclaim It would bo rih exhibition of mere folly. ' "Located as you ore In thp very cen ter of one of the richest, "one of the moat fertile valleys of Its site Jn the world, ' surrounded by thousands upon thousands of acres of the mot produc tive orchards In existence, lnhnblted by a people of wealth and of social stand ing, and never having: seen or heard of all competitors In a progressive way, un til you yourselves are amazed at your own prosperity? ny nature I am an op timist, but I believe those who know me best will tell you that I am not an extremist on any subject, and my pre diction for the last year or so has been and still Is today, that your city will double within the next five or six years. That you are best advertised city in the United States. I think. Is undeniable. That you have attained this distinction by careful thought, well-directed ener gy, and the wise expenditure of large sums of money, there Is no doubt. a an Illustration of this fact, let me cite ono of many Instances that have come under my Immediate observation Last summer I was returnjnff ,f rom Rattle to my home in Ashland." -While sitting looking out the window at the country as we glided along-,, a Uermioiijust rrotn, the Fatherland, as he tojil W. and from( the way he slaughte'red' the Rnfellsh lan Buage. I am sure he told the truth, ap proached me. In our conversation he, uskea me -where I lived. I told him Irt Ashland. He began to scratch his head and repeat "Ashland. Ashland." KU nnlll If Kivomlwl f rj iliitfn .AVi .ftlm nnV .ii exclaimed. "Vulval Iilcnnvtnow. Anh- land Is that IlceUa toXm o,nJ,Jtbe hllltoiv about twentyn miles fremiti) Jlcdrorcl clttec. I go to Medford." he said. ; "The subject assigned -mo to- talkMb this evening. '9uk Ilelatiqn,Ayth,.lour City," is certainly an interesting one! I want to say first that I believe th business and. social .relation of Med ford and Ashland are "mutually pleas ant, nor do I believe they slyiuld Ixj otherwise, their Jntorests are. too" cloce-j Jy IntcnTovn or eltlier ctyvto'mater ially prosper' at tho expense of the other. "Whatever tends to the upbulldlng'of REDDY MAY BUY HIGGINS MINE Leaves to Look Over the Scene of Recent Strike J. T. Logan Said to Be Associated With Him Got Busy at Once On His Return. J. T. l.ngan of Orants Pass, and lr. J. 1 Keddy of Medford, together with a resident of Portland, may purchase the Golden Dream mine from L. O. lllgglns. tho ptoperty on which the recent re markable gold strike was made. l)r lteddy and his Portland friend left drains Pass Friday for the mine, being accompanied by V. H. Nipper and J It Harvey, who art Jointly handling the property as agents. The option held by McPhee of Ash land, expired May IS. Mr. Mcl'hce al lowing the deal to go b default. His option was for only 15 days Mr. togan has made two visits to the Hlgglns property during recent days, nnd Is familiar with the conditions, hence he it id not go today with the others. Logan recently sold the Logan placer mine near Waldo to the Waldo Consolidated C!old Mining company of Oregon for a price said to bo SlSO.OOtt, the same corporation buying nt the same tlm the placer property of K H. Os good for 150,000. and the placer mine of W. J. Wlmer for MSO.00O. All these properties, with others, were consolidat ed by the new company. Dr. lteddy of Medford returned a few days ago from a three months' trip Abroad. On his return he heard of the strike before reaching the coast nnd In stead of stopping in Medford on his way up from iSan Francisco he contin ued to Portland. He was met by busi ness friends, who rode part of the way with him and preliminaries, of 'the deal to buy the Hlggins property were made Hlcclns Is on the around, having left Grants Pass three days ago. The option held by McPhee stipulated a purchase price of 130,000 and 10 per cent net royalty for la years. It Is stnt ed that Hlgglns has stiffened up con slderably ou his terms. He stated be fore the AicPhco option expired that he would not 'be disappointed if McPhee failed to make good. Things Break Bad for "GrifT OCTOPUS CAUGHT NEAR GOLDEN GATE jM II l l l III llll'll M, Monster of tho Deep Captured tiy Fishermen After Hard Battle i , Launch Is Towed (or Several Miles by Octopus. CjrVRcfc. GnirjriTU Clarke Orlfflth. the old fox. Is havlnjr a stormy tlms with his Cincinnati Bds. Poor "Orlff." Thing's hava broken bad for him sine U season started. But it's a long- Journty, and "Ortfr way gt thr yt. HAN l'llANClVt(.'(, Oil.. Mny Srt. tJiip. titled after n ilespernle Imltlo which trallels Victor Hugo's story of till Halt's fight In 'Tho Tollem of tho H.ni" A lllIKO ll'nl potllllt OOtliptlH IVttllU'tl'tl hundreds of persons today In tho first miti'ket seetlon or tint elty. i.Tlin deili fltih, iinsiriuteil IS feot fiom tl to lip of tontaetes, Tony Fitdeita and Diaries Olotla, bar eley rsi-splng with their lives, citptui' eil tho monster thieo miles off the tloldi'ii tlatf. Fodew was fishing when there mm a sudden tightening of his rord anil ho was ilniwn oxer tin-, mm whale of his launch, baiely saving him self by making fast Ills linn. Towed liv tho unknown monster, the launch shot ahead until Clottu leveiscd the enuliie. Then begun u fight for mastery Hauling In their line. Hut men perseversed until the devil fish was discerned In tho heaving Maters. Then n grayish while tentacle shot up ami KriiHMd the Kunwhale. Another enllgllt Fodein'it lunn ankle, t'lolta severd the feeler with u hntehet blow, then plung ed n gaff Into Hie fleshy Inidy of the devil flsli nnd with u mluhty pull heav ed htu nhrtvid. Only nftr n hard fight wns the monster finally snlMued when, thankful to be nllvv, the fishermen has tened baik to their wharf. Ilnsklna for Health. Minlford in a comparative degree aids In tho promotion of Ashland, and vice versa. While Medford excels as n com mercial center, yet Ashland has many natural attraction that Medford can never possess. When Medford is swel tering lp a temperature of about 105 de grees, then it is you who long to turn your.t faces, toward o!d, Ashland. mpd hie yourselves away to Its most sequestered nooksibAOpjp&rks and Uibbync brooks, and drtnJr'io your hehrtrf' cbateritj'just waUr. tnire water TJSt,piir relations, as neTj;h)prlng cltlen'ijrray.-flvsr.jb mq!u.i)-Prf-'ut and -prol Itaber one -to the othiP la the slnceVMesJrp nd wish of Uijjipaker. "irpXahyf time- In case o.CrtieffJtncy. you yetjlfencaiuiltaAop-.i yourtm-yfilmt to can vps. anu snouiu we eyer need -yours, we kriow It is ours for th asking. I thank yim." " Jock Spring Coal 6 :i.'i . . " , 1 JCAXD K.nO i. AZX. TKS TI1CX.' Burbidge TSB COA2. KaJT, PEAR BLIGHT IN T ilBk TAPT RAPIDLY ! RECOVERING HEALTH A tour through the northwestern part of Oregon, Including lllllsboro In Wash ington county, Portland in Multnomah county. Oregon City In Clackamas coun ty, Aurora and Hubbard In Marlon own ty, will be made next week by II. P Wilson, assistant entomoloulst at thi Oregon agricultural college, for the pur pose of securing Information as to the extent of depredations of the "Xvleliorus Pyrl." or pear blight DeeUo. which Is repor,tfil to be killing, manyj iK'ur , tries In that rt'gloa If.' 'will gci to Aurora and llublmnl on Jlorjday, (MU)-1. lb Oregon Cfty Tuesday: Welnes,dn)f tj PorUund. and the"Ml Qf tH 'Witk tp WASHINGTON. P- C. May SO It will be iinnevessnry for Mrs, Tafl to go to Hot springs, Va.. or Ileverley to re cuperate from her recent attack of III iieux owing to her rapid recovery, ac cording to Information given out tit tho whitr house tmliiy. It is proUible th.it she will remain at the white house nielillng ull sochit dut ies for mouth. i a result Miss Helen in presrnc nil sm-mi thus- r tho presMt at liuint. , . . . , WOOD FOR SALE i v ; Limited amount of Dry Ash, cither ' block or split. Low price. Phone 3311 FINAL NOTICE TO Proporty Ownors.on tlio Following Nnmocl Stro.ota North KivcM'sitlo Avcnuo, NoHh (Vntrnl Avenue, Wosl KlovontluSlivMl, j South KiiijrHtHTl ' MIMUII IIU1 ini I , Tlv sim'oik'I imymcnl. null IiiIMthI oi walih- limiiUnrt- .Kossnu'Ut us duo nu inusi m imumuipu h iu'mhi t r tt Ci k TYTTIT CI l. A. OtlU.U JPJUO, o:i i Dopuly'riTUHiiror. Witt Xnvosttratliur Wrack. S&TTI.i; Wash, May SO lllgl.l lr SRVTTI.1". Wash. May so jugid u iulr 14 lntioHri!lln Mto li enu-j.' of the sinking of tMf ji'K stiam trilKlit-ir Tampl.-AJ'fti tlA'AMtr off tli old Hte). sou. Pvw,t Mill. ,tl, dler,rnt ,U the lllllsboro. All alone the route be- will meet th "farmers ami frultnibtt Wlt'i srt hnt'lni?. trouble with this iwhIl audliuli il- thni ah'to means of dombattng' ft! ' ' bottam.'ntul 'flnhin tliAt file esi-l wiA An tMin na the funds nroniiiliniby iVI-ltK fvwn flu- rtlicm.t of water, nut recent fcglslature for-such work, iirl tndfttak wiim not lMied. Purther prol avolluUi; tho collegn Mill Ije ub1! to'uerij Inft s"expi-ti'l to il.tenulno tb ruu,. out more men lo heln the orehurilinrn of the liolil-f llllnc with water. Plans attd Mrtnrra'o'f tlKhttfRnsrWv-tnmffirT.n3rflV'nie-Yrr,r-ilf,!ftii(r witj'-cr! croDa from the deliredallons nf such Ihu Pui If le. Const ''omiiaiiy. ilwMtjwvhfcrv nnrtiuilly destroy thoui-inds -..kyj. .-. - ri r ' -in 1 pf.-iirflAn .orlh'Jof fruit and valuab.f uHaUmVT'&rr I Wilt l Is ;xt'. - : i i .',, U ' UOT1CE. ' f tiDt Barber Irtvjiow located In rooms iu7 -an '29 iFarjters nnd Fruitgrowers) bank building and will be pleased l2" meet Ms friends, and patrons In the new location. ogi r. 7.S TjZ Look at the aits-for the chk'nce tri buv the yrqflerijf" yu ned nt u "ryglit pflce tailins HCrl lliJln'rHtyOAi)c PILES, CHILBLAINS rcCGbi'VUUM, CTC r . tlAUkSK HOUACMOLO ia.vi. au csoj (tjH.i t oil jfiitr.'mj' sraueir UG.rt ret. 'toancisCO For June Veddings , -and ' Commencement ''' Rookwood Pottorv hi. ' r . ),; .Leather ,and Brass. k w . Hand -Made Medford ; Book ' Store y. CrieousS I jf Rmpt !carrf)M r.ti5--,""-c Yes -but it's more than the quality grocery, it has the lowest prices for th-fefit quality in 'tlns:qommiiniiy II o r if i't H(j:J villa's t goods the most cxci'ptiouiil va( $s.t .iVljil ivy lljis stortf you fcci (hnl court cons aticij ilpn a!nVjiv&fttMrlivpryor yoiir purchascM, that means .pksaiirqtit.Vin soryico.' ; '. 1 1 You are cordially) invited to proyp ovory wpra stocky or phono al trial tfrdor J.Qiuvrquality and prides will positiv&ly canso you. to givo ua'yoi custom tlion and Alw.iys.. . , - . Alfew - "Grocery Cp 32 SOUTH OENTRAL yJSNUE; j g JSZ. r r c.. ftj PRIZES FOR CATCHING THE BIGGEST FISH IN ROGUE RIVER IN 1911 For the Biggest Steelhead Trout Caught on Fly For the Biggest :Cutthrot: 'Trout Caught on Fly " For the Biggest Salmon Caught With Spoon For Biggest Steelhead Caught With One of Our Special Flies $50 Rod For Biggest Cutthroat Trout Caught With One of Our Special Flies $10.00 Rod or Reel For Biggest Salmon Caught With One of Our Spoons $15 Fishing Outfit ". i i i For Second Largest Steclhcacl Caught With One of Our Special Flies $10.00 Rod or Reel For Second Larget Cutthroat Trout Caught With One Our Special Flies $5. Rod, Reel; v or Line For Second Largest Salmon Caught With One of Our Spoons $5 Rod, Reel or Line RULES GOVERNING CONTEST Fish must ho dressed and brought into our store and weighed, eateher making oath that fish was caught on J'lies or spoons purchased froifi the Aledford Hardware Company headquarters for fishing supplies of all kinds, and tackle, made and guaranteed especially for tho liogue river and its tributaries, MEDFORD H ARD.W. ARE COMPANY x 4, Ij - fcv