PXGB TWO MEDFORD MAID TRIBUNE. 3MEDFORD, ORROON. SUNDAY, MAY 21, 10.lt. r-V JEALOUSY RIFE IN NAVAL RESERVE Thr Officers Are Relieved of Their Duties Jacob Spier Is Elevated to Temporary Command pissenslons Said to Exist. wr ronTLAND, Ort. May JO. On a gen eral order Issued by Adjutant Ocnerol Fliuer, Jolin McNulty. commander of tno Oregon naval reserves: John r, IJIalno, lieutenant commander, ft ml (le. fy. Shepherd, captain, have been relieved or fiifir duties ns omeers or me ro serve. ' Jacob Spjer, who recently resigned as lieutenant commander because of n de sire to avoid being Involved In trouble turn pniwjnK wiwprn mo ui&icern, w been elevated to temporary command. The removal of tho three, officer fol low" tho finding of a court of Inquiry which Investigated matter recently, and In IU decision scverly censures tho three removed offleera for "Jealously and strife." The court found that tho dls srnstona "existing between them de stroyed their usefulness." Beginning today the Oregon naval mllltla supplants tho Oregon Naval Re serve. Spier will remain In rommaml. On Juno 19 an election will b held among tho members of the mllltla and new' officers elected. Members of the reserve, likewise will be enlisted In the mllltla. 1300 COMPANIES DISREGARD LAW Corporations Fall to Comply With New Corporation Tax Law and Arc facing Prosccutlpn at Hands of Federal Government. BRITT BACK LOOKING FOR ANOTHER FIGHT NEW YOIIK, May 20. Looking a chipper aa ever. James Edward Brltt stepped ashore here today and Immcdl ately announced that he was going to try again for the lightweight champion ship of the world. "Before I iro after Wolgaat," said Brltt, "I want a return match with an other former champion Bat Nelson." A message was received here today by Harry Pollock, matchmaker of the Twentieth, Century club, from Battling Nelson, authorixlng him to arrange a amtch for Nelson with Brltt for Sep tember, so It looks as If the old rivals will b seen In action again. Brltt brought an offer to Jack John son from Hugh Mcintosh of $20,000 for a match with the winner of the McVey Langford bout ". . 1H3UTLANJJ. Or., May SO, Thirteen hundred corporations n Oregon have failed to comply with the provisions of the new corporation tax law and are facing prosecution at the hands of tho federal government. They are subject to a flno or from $1000 to $10,000 and the United Slates district attorney's of fice, is preparing the cases vigorously. Kor the past two or three days, rep resentatives of the various companies In nnvars have been calling at the Unit ed States attorney's offlcu with offers to compromise by payment of tho tax; tho penalty of 60 per cent and a cash penalty In addition hut as yet no basis of compromise lias been nerved upon by tho attorney general In Washington and unless ono Is reached, th suits will have to bo Instituted against those who have failed to comply with tho law. The new corporation tax law gave cor porntions until March In which to file statements of their business with Col lector of Internal Revenue Dunne. Those showing a net Income greater than $5000 annualy were compelled to pay tax on this Income. Failure to return the state ments and to pay the tax by March 1, laid the corporations liable to suit. "- .r4? MOTHER OFFERS YOUNG DAUGHTER FOR SALE TXMM BOSS HOJOOO " BJUU.SB LOS ANGELES, CaL. May 10. Cath erine Notes, aged 1J. Is for sale. Her mother, Mrs. Margaret Noles of Long Beach, says she will part with tho girl for a consideration to any family of good standing who will adopt her. Catherine recently ran away and since then has been staying with Mrs. Her man Hurwltx of Los Angeles, to whom she appealed after a day of wandering. She refuses to go home. Mrs. Noles has written to Mrs. Hut witx. offering to permit her to adopt the girl providing she will buy her outright. No praco was named but the letter says it must be commensurate with the cost of raising a girl for 13 years. WHT WE XXZX) I3TS7ZC- TOBS Or OBCXABBS XB JTOBTB VANCOUVER. B. C Mar 10. At 1:45 a. ml this morning' fire broke out in the shipping sheds of the Heaps Lumber Company and before the flames were subdued the sheds and their contents were practically totally destroyed. The loss is estimated at $10,000. The fire was first discovered by the night watchman, ytho Immediately turn ed In the alarm. The brigade arrived promptly on the scene, but the flames had mado great headway, owing to the Inflammable nature of tho structure and the., lumber it contained. The cause waa .'attributed to a defective electric light' wire. When noticed the flame were bursting out from the top of the building. WAR DEPARTMENT SETS PRYGE FREE WASHINGTON. D. G, May SO. The attempt of the Mexican government to extradite General Rhys Pryce, leader of the rebel forces at Tia Juana, who was arrested in San Diego Thursday with 34 soldiers on a charge of filibustering, received a setback here today when the war department ordered their release. The order was Issued pending an In vestigation by the department of Justice In Jo whether Pryce and his followers had really violated the American neu trality laws. The orders were sweep ing and Included all federals as well as rbels imprisoned on similar charges. ' (Continued from Page 1.) rose, a strawberry or a fruit tree, must be Inspected. There are probably a good many people who order small mall and express shipments of ornamental plants and little know tho great danger In so doing. Only the other day when this of fice examined some plants shipped In from the east, the party who ordered them seemed' to hlnk It, an Imposition to require an' inspection. In our Inspection we havs found that our work is warranted slnco thousands of Infested and Infected trees and plants which would have otherwise, been punt ed. have been destroyed. Inspection may settn to be costly business, but In the long run it may be the saving or an industry. Advertised tetter ZJat Following Is a list of uncalled for let ters at the Medford, Oregon post office, Wednesday, May 17. 3911: Oskar J. Anderson, Viola Anderson, Mral'L. G Hogan Atkins, F. Harrington. Geo, Biggs, D. A. Boone. Mrs. Luella Bowman, Samantha A. IJrentner. Ellu J. Chamberlain, A. U. Collins, C. W. Col- vert. Less Claton, Mr. Cllnes, L. Davis. W. L. Dickey, Wlllford Dunlup, Court land P. Ely. L. C. Kiagg (2. J. Foster, Mary Garde, It. C. Oenther, Verry Good. J, A. Graham, Henry Gregory, Mrs. Car rie V. Guerln, Rev, Hazelton. Thomas Harding. Dr. H. B. Hill. M. Hoffman, Mike Hoffman, Walter Huetler, Ted Ho ward. Miss L. L. Hull, Frank Johnson, William Jodrea. C. H. Jones, Bill John son, Rueb It. Lamar, R. Looney, Mre. E. McArthur, Mrs. Phoebe Mitchell, Jas. McFadden, Jean McGregor. A. A. Moore, Mrs. Norwood, Mrs. O'Brien, John Piatt, Jessie Ray, Chas. E. Rose. Henry Rob inett, Ferdinand Rosche, G. R. Sailor, So. Ore. Collecting Agency, So. Oro. Mercantile Agency, A. H. Singleton, Mrs. C. A. Hpareshur. William Spencer, aienn Starkey, Mr. Stephenson, Mrs. Laura B. Hiudley, J, W. Thomas. Mrs. Van Buren, M. W. Wagner. Mrs. Mary Walker. Anna White (2). It 8. Woods, J. L. Wright, C, D. Yorke. Macho la limelight Again. WASHINGTON. D. C. May 20. That Glfford PJnchot. former chief forester and former President Roosevelt had en tered Into a treaty with tho lumber trust (n UK-Intercut of conservation was declared before the senato finance com mittee today by Leonard Bronson, a Chicago lumberman. Bronson declared his Information was confidential and withdrew It rather than name his Informant. He charged that Pjnohot had variously favored freo lum btir and high tariff on lumber us tho ex igencies of the passing situation re quired. Start Carnal Work Boon. SEATTLE, Wush., May 20. On Juno 1, the first shovelful of earth Jn the for mal construction of tho Lake Washing ton canal wll be lifted. .As that la also the date for tho first Milwaukee pa senior train to coino through into the now depot; for tho be ginning of work on the L. fl. Smith 42 story skyscraper, and the beginning of th million dollar belt line around Lake Union, 'arid several leaner1 project, city officials- uro planning a celebration of tb day, " ' BLUE MASKED BANDITS AGAIN IN ACTION LOS ANGELES, CaL, May 20. For the second time In a week tho "Blue masked bandits' held up Doyle's saloon at Vernon early today, securing $87. Eleven patrons were In the saloon. All were lined up against the wall ami searched. After the robbery the vic tims were driven Into the back yard of the saloon and ordered to remain there fifteen minutes. The robbers boarded a passing car. Traveling Men Orteted. OAKLAND. CaL, May 20. The Pacif ic Coast grand council of the United Commercial Travelers Is being entertain ed today by the Oakland chamber of commerce. Last night the council elect ed officers for the corning term and selected Los Angeles an the pjae for the next convention. Flour Try "White Diamond" and your troubles will end. Coffee We can sell you a coffee that Is a little better for tho money than any you ever tried. Fruit The finest fruit the market affords. Vegetables A complete stock on hand when possible to procure at all. Groceries Wo invite you to give us a trial order for groceries. Wo will ull save money then. 01 instead & Hibbard WBST S1BB 0BOOBBS BACKWARD SEASON SALE The very backward season together with this being our first spring season here, not knowing just how much tp buy, we have somewhat overstocked. And in order to reduce this we have repriced the merchandise most temptingly, in fact at a loss to us, but go they must and we will get some valuable future advertising from same as everything you get from AHRENS means a satisfied customer and when you get values such as we are offering now doubly so. But do not stop by merely reading these lines. Make us prove every word and item by coming in and seeing for yourself Trimmed Millinery Comes in far aomo von strong reductions; a lino oC trinnned lints, till the lu-wersliunos mid coloriiis, mutuo ol1tlu'H0 were regularly priced at $(i.r6, $7.50 and j$.50, special $4.95. Others arc roduuod 'about ONE FOURTH. Then do not consider price alone, consider our superior nierchiindise, those aire not gotten 'up by the dozen hut most of (lioni is exclusive stylos. , Tailored Suits-Values to $39.50, Special $11.95 A line of about 25 tailored suits in Panamas, Worsteds, French serges, Pongee, etc, oojors are Tan, Castor, Wisteria. Grew Blue, Green, Rose and Shepherd Chock, etc. Jackets are 28 and '.)() inches long, jn'st tvhat you are going to buy this fall, regular values are $25.00, $32.50, 15.00 and 19.50. at the unheard of special price $11.95 Thq above is just ono of the specials in Tailored Suits, there, are many others, every 'J.'ajjorod (Suit is marked at a special price. Silk Dresses are Under priced And see what an assortment you have to, choose from here many pretty Pongee tyrossps, pretty messolines, most of these have been bought onlv one of a kind to insure exclusiveness, no one is more careful of this feature than we are. Our line is very specially priced at $11.95, others are reduced $20.00 and $21.50 Dresses are priced ..'.$16.75 $:i5.()0 iV'esses are priced V........'...' $20.25 $22.50 and $25.00 Dresses are priced $18.75 $15.00 presses are priced $33.75 $30.00 Dresses are priced ' $22.50 Long Coats at Backward Season Prices And every one of these is a "Style Craft" garment in Beautiful jfllue and Black Serges and Handsome Mixtures, Junior, blisses, Ladies and out sizes. $15.00 Long Coats $12.50 $25.00 Long Coats $18.75 $20.00 Long Coats $15.00 $35.00 Long Coats , $25.00 New Linen - HVn' niJn-v 'f iiuful J;"?" at? . re&mnn coat styles priced at $6.50 sTVaotc , . mul lavge. shawl collar, plain and braided, not the llnusly . OSlO ca viOatS cotton kind, but pure linen man tailored. 10 tpld.OU Niagara Maid -!i ' - Silk-Gloves ,l.f?i8 i . .. rS 'EifEltEELMiMt"' 222 West . Main St " . - ----" , Auto Buss Owner Sows SEATTLE. Wash..' Jluy :0. While cranking his automobile County Com missioner Hamilton wait run over, knock ed down and bruised by his own rnr. A friend" on the seat curiously leanrd 'for word to witness the cranking anil the car was In Hom manner started ahead. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN CfClose in property, one block south of city park. JCoraer lot 75x100 with a 4 room house. Moor-Ehni Company 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Building. vr- t ' WeWintEveryFarmcrinThisCommanity JUMHJt Th Wpncferful FARM PUMP ENGINE mi PORTABLE POWER PLANT Crowds of farmers have visited our Exhibition! Rooms just to see this wonderful Fuller & Johnson Farm's Pump Engine about which they have read so much in thelrifarm papers. We want EVERY farmer to come. WeJ Bhow this engine doing the work lust as It does on'fhe'fnrm. We have it booked up with a force pump and demonstrate bow it runs all sinus ui uaau power macainery. wo snow now u can do tnovea aoout witn BW&ecibarrow now it can bo attached to any pump In ! than ore miauics. now easy u is io Biarc ana sicp now mucn worx it aocs on small amount of gasoline. WMasUktaWrtelMM. atSauftCMt The Perm Pump Engine i a periect iitue wooaer for work. Cold weather evendown tobelow tero makM nodlfferenco with thlt Hired Man. It pomp water for bouse, barn or Iced y ard:mne the cream seDarator. chnrn. waiher, feed grinder, etc., la a hurry. "- f - rft ThelllileeDirlne helDi lha womendotbewathioirlaloii than ono-fourtb the utual lime. Hooked up with the wood few it will cut up the winter's rut! lupplr J? HI HI i rVasaLV MirMH MHMttltft Crater Lake GARAGE I rp. .sjiimjf ig.?i Eecti.a.uUf WubM, hsnlS i4 fual Bosslaa esAloa Hill ssBtf JiHttt'fr 'Mha xtolA1 4nUrBviMftnM $mArmt Pumpi 400 to 1,000 MMfi- Mr Niurj All the water yoat wani-wat'ef ( the right tempera ture, not Ice water whenever and wherever, you want ll. The Farm Pump Engine coil lets to run than a bother, some tank beater and loiurei a reliable water supply for all the needs 01 the farm. . Juit a word about the enirtne tteelf: It Is as high grade la material and workmatuhlp at best automobile eaginel. Is perfectly air cooled and self oiled. Cannot freeze or overheat. Tank hold day's fuel. Comes complete all t lo worn. nr wiiree." MseatBo Hooting Hi ladatoae ' readr to bolt (o tmmD'and elart No cement foandationt orinMlalDlalibnai, Llll. iACke.wrftlklBtf htini nr lrAWllaflr irHI. Briii the family. fAX!l now I the time you should get "one ot these engine. Coit lees than a good windmill. Does (en times as much work. Be uie jrou tee title aacia st ! jrs cosm to tewa. ' CW Moved to New Location on South Front Street THE LARGEST AND MOSy COMMODIOUS, AIP FINEST EQUfPPED GARAGE IN THE CITY. EVERYTHING WILL BE IN READINESS SOON FOR OARING FOB, YOUR OAR Ilf THE BEST POSSL j BLE MANNER. Home, of the Famous BUICK" CAR J. 0. NEFF, MANAGER CRATER LAKE GARAGE 0 fiirn.Qff-fAft.v HArifura f.nmnanv I UIIUVII'VVIVJ UU1UTI U1U VVUIfUUJ 'MM? " b xi K j