t av XT BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OKUOON, FRIDAY, MAY 15). Mil. ist 1'- l A ! $, k r f. r Ml $ Kill HIJACKS REFORM LAWS Says Recall Is Very Dangerous and That Initiative and Referendum is "Government Nostrum" Says T. R. Would Have Been Recalled. WAHIIINOTON. 1 C, Mny 19. Dc clurltiK tlmt ncltlirr WonhlnKton, Jcf fcrnon Mmlloon. Lincoln, Lincoln nor lloooevpll coulil IirVp continued In putv Ho Ufa If they linrt boon nulijocl to thr recall, ItopronontRtlvo Julluo Khn (re publican, Cnllfornln) upoVo In the houne on llio Arlionn-Now Mexico contltu tlnnnl approval resolution. Ho iIiiMxm tlio Initiative, referendum and recnll "Kovernmentnl nontnimo." "There In Kcnrcely one national hero." nald Knhn, "ngnlimt whom a recall peti tion would not hnvp been filed durtiiK wome period of liln Incumbency or pub lic office If the laws Imd permitted lnm nnyono doubt that enouKh slRnn lure could havo been secured In the Hotith to force Ilooitcvclt to flpht to re tain his place Immediately after he In vited HooKer WnKhlnRton to lunch with him in the While Hnusor' Scene From "The Yankee Girl1' at the Medford Opera House Tonight J w ii ii a I I I I I ' hi . mmm i i i niiwfi p DOCTOR IS CALLED 7709 MILES AWAY I.OH AXOKLKS, Cnt. May J?. On a 7.70J mllo sick call. Dr. J. J. Choato Is hastening Eastward today In an effort to beat death In a race to Rome, Italy. Tho sufferer Is Miss Mildred Drowning, nred IS, daughter of a wealthy Los Angeles family, stricken down uhlU on a tour with her mother. Dr. Chonte. who has lonp bctsn the Drownln family physician, was summoned by cablegram and was told to spare no expense for speed. He hopes to leave New Vork on the Mauretanla tn five days, reachlnc Ixndon five days later. The entire trip ts planned, will tako thirteen days. ANIMALS ROPED BY AMERICANS Interesting Films Arc Shown at Sa voy Which Should Be Seen by School Children add Those Inter ested in Natural History. ROGERS WILL NOT BE SENTENCED NOW r J" ' LAS VKOAS. N. M May 19. The dJstrlctUornry ifoday Ifitlmated that MTIl! Boifrr tyho taidedjgillty to the Uihvuilnif bf tkroe'ycAr oIU.NValdo Rok ers. tho Rrandson of JuJkc Henn Waldo, millionaire cenernl solicitor' for the Santa Fo recently, will not be sc1)tl:51 until the completion of the trial of Joe lYICKlns. ox-convict .and Alleged accom lllce of HoRvra. Wltntinsi pleaded not tniilty and It Is understood the authorl- tlus postponed sentence on Kogers "Ith a view nf leisentntr his punishment If he testified aualnit Wlcins. JloRers Is an uncle of the Uoj The 113,000 ransom -whlclvJudcc- Waldo paid was recovered from the chimney of the Itogcrs home. aJLtHM THUMB PRINT IS Kllm of mon than ordlnnr y Interest have tKvn secured liy Man.tRvr ti C Hubbard Of the Savoy theatre for to night and tomorrow and they should bv seen by exery pupil In the city and by all others Interested in natural history. Over J000 feet of films depleting the capture of wild animals on velt and In Jungle by American' cowboys In -Africa are shown. The pictures are clear and so full of the excltvment of the olm.te thnt one wonders how the operator of the machine stood his ground. The films depict the experiences of "But'falo" Jones, who. two years ago took a bunch of cowboys to Africa and roped wild animals. Many are caught In their native lairs, one of the most ex citing captives being that of a lioness. The pictures are not "faked" but are genuine. They nre really worth seeing COUNTY COURT !MRS. ENYART TO ' MEETS SATURDAY; DIRECT LOUVRE Will Receive Bids for Building of Local Parties Purchase Cafe and Mrs. Macadam Road to Central Point and for Erection of New Jail at Jacksonville Bridge to Go Over. WANT SIDEWALKS .NOP CENTRAL BUILT CHICAGO. Ills.. May 1?. With a rec ord unblemished by a single error in Ideutlficatlo nof depositors and with no worthless checks In the vault aa a result. The West Side Trust and Savings Bank today celebrated the sixth anniversary of the Introduction of the thumb print system of Identification. "It is absolutely unerring." said Cash ier Charles Fletcher. "A largo percen tage of our depositors are foreigners, muny of whom are unable to sign their own names. Naturally we had much trouble Identifying them until wa hit on the thumb print system. Since then wo havo never cashed a bad check. "When n man who cannot write opens an account w take his thumb print and until he la known by officials he must sign his checks with his thumb print." Look for the loser of the articles you have found for a prompt ad may save him a lot of worry. m The residents of North Central avenue havo expressed a desire to have their f idcwalks, ln;Uifc portion ft-JUtitiirxi !"!!?' Tl)1?.fX'lJilt.wal):salllJJ,JJh.in a few feet of tho curbs nnd passeraby are forced to traverse a considerable stretch of mud at each end .of, the .block. MOTIOB Funds are now on hand to redeem school warrants 'tip to October U. 1910. OniS CilAWFOIU, Clerk. May 19. 111. ?3 " District No ii. The county court will meet Saturday In Jck,onllli for th purpose of re ceiving bids on the construction of a mac.ulnm road between this city and Central lVdnt. They will also receive bid for the construction of a new Jail In Jacksonville. The matter .of a iiow brldRe over Ucar creek on Main street which was to be considered will proba bly go ol cr until the first of the month. Three bids for the construction of a road between this city and Central I'oliil will probably be received The Warren Construction company, the Clark & Hen ery Construction company and Mauvy Uros may nil bid on the work. Although the county court naked for bids for the construction of un oil ma cadam road. The road will probably be of macadam only as the cost of oil Is too great for road building purposes here. COMMERCIAL CLUB DIRECTORS TO MEET Enyart Will Assume Management Will Make Many Changes in the Establishment. The Louvre Cafe has been sold by Wil son Hro. to local artle and Mrs. I K. l.njart n rthls olty will assumu Its management ut once. Kxtenslve cuanges will be made In the appointments of the place, and Dm res. tan runt placed on u first class basis. The bosrd of directors of the Com merclat club will meet Saturday after- Viooti'sTt 4"o!ioetf dn the.volutf rooncalot thfi"ehiMtbntlrrlng. Importnnt buslneiM will be brought up and all nre urged to be present. I Xx Chlsf li CaUfffct. PORTLAND. Ore.. May ,19. Charles Kltnn, former chief or police of Los Angeles, was arrested here today charg ed with forgery In connection with a land deal. Hti was released on bonds in PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL TO BE HELD IN Portland, Oregon. June 5 to 10, 1911 WILL B A MOUT BP.ILLTANT FLORAL FIESTA &CIVIG JUBILEE Portland, "The Itoso City," will be a Hceno of splendor and the center of world-wide interest for one week. One and One-Third Fare to Portland FROM alxm roxim ow tk Southen PaclIlG-Llnes in Oregon To keep perfectly posted on all Impor tant matters relating to this great event, call on local agents for circulars and printed matter, or write to WX. MeaCtmBAT General Pasionger Agent. PnilTLANP, OHK. LACES DON'T FORGET THE BIG LACE SALE HEBE TOMORROW, REGULAR 10, 124 AND 15c A YARD QUALITIES IN LINEN TOR CHON AND VAL LACES WITH INSERTION TO MATCH HERE TOMORROW AT YOUR CHOICE 5c a yard Imported and Hand Painted China All our fine imported and hand painted china; your choice Half Price Tommorrow Only Men's and Ladies' SILK HOSE Your last chance here tomorrow 35c a pair, 3 pair forl.OO Claims X is Dynamiter. PITTSllt'lta. Pn., May U. Thr story told here by Jumes ljlllott tlut members of thn National Krcctors Association strove to hire hi in to il)iiamlte certain buildings Is generally regarded with skepticism. Klllutt Is held pending nn Investigation Into his vanity and none of the labor lenders before whom his statement nns made ha drndeavored to ciiilorxn It. Kllott declared he did not see tho properties' which were wrecked but was engaged to point nut on btuo prints the weakest points of the struc ture doomed. Hltlott may got a formal hearing tomorrow. Citizens lCTTts QaUtlnr , SAN IIIBIO, Cal.. May fit. With tfio force of defenders nt ntucnada cuntnii ly Increasing, residents of that city arc not so nertous as they were about the nttneks by tho rebJ. scranllng to re ports .brought hAro to'dy tiy passengvra on the Steamer San Diego, 8ho brought fnjy J5 rcfilKv.es from Knsenndn. It Is elTv?cte. hoeerJ'tht tlu'StenrVr HcnUa.Jao;s.nttw.jfi.Jc .U) Jiw coast, from llnz-itUn, will bring more. tho sum of 2irt0. Klton has resided In PortUnd jvrnl yuri and cxinducts ;vn outomnlillo tlfn rvrmirlaK shop, lie s known to Imvu dealt, extensively in real estnte. ONLY HOPE LIES IN LABOR UNIONS LaFollette Says Only Safeyuanl American Worklngmcn Have Lies In Unionism But These Orunnlza Itons Must No1 Countenance Crime. MAniSQN, Wis. Jluy 19 'The de slructlon of the l.gs 'Ani;eli-s Times building," Is the caitlm tinder which Senator Lnl'ollette In tho x'urrnnt Issue of I.iKolletta's Weekly, says that the only hope for decent living wages for American wurkliigmcn lira in trado un ion. Tho editorial says: "The dynamiting of th Ln ngeles Times If It was dynamited nas u crime. For such a tlccd there Is no dt. fen. "Itlgllt minded eop1o will not toler ate lolence under nny name: hut also right minded peoplo must not pro-Judge cases of this kind. "If John McNamaru nnd his confreres, acting either us officials of lln Iron Workers' union or i Individuals are prnw'ti of participation In this or similar crimes they must got the fullest penally of tho law, "In unionism I In the only present hope of the American wnrklngman for decent living wages ami tolerable cond. tlnns of labor. Hut labor ennintt conn Unniice crime even If t Is culitmltted In the name of Industrial Jutlc 'If there Ih- Miarchlsls within labor nrgaiiUatlons they must bo weeded out." Hftvklna for Health. , 'cm TmnAsonrR's kotxcb Office if the City Treasurer. Medfiml. DreL-nn. Muv 191b. 1911. tNotjc Jvhrr,lJy given. , t VL, thcro , arc. funds on hand In the rlty treasury for the-'reireniptlorr-of elty wnrmnts- Nns. :i to si iMiin nuinners inclusive. Issijetl against Water .Main Improvement Klind No. 3. Interest on tho same will rrasn nfter the above duto. L. I JACOIlS, City Trsurer. MADERO NEVER WASSPANKEO So Says Father of Provisional Presi dent Who is Elated nt His Son's Success Was Always Quiet and Studious. III. PASO. Tenos., May I?. Ulated at the victory of hi Mli, who. he believes, soon Mill bo llm tonstltullonal president of Mevleo, rraiu'lsco Madnro, senior, to day lauded the boyhotij of the Insurrecto chief, "If you hail knonit my ton when hn was n liy," hn Hsld. "yon never would havo seen In him the leadnr of a sue t'essful revolution, Ho was ulwnys ipilet ami studious, lie iwvcr fought nlth his playmates and vtns ueviir spnukvd In his Inc." FREIGHT HOLOS yPUIHEO Wreck In Cow Creek Cnnyon nospnn slblc for Dolny of Fast Train Ac customary Mornliid Mali Is Ltac Not Hero Till Noon. A fielghl wieek In lln t'nw ereelt isiii )iut at mi iiiily huiir I'lbliiy iinuiilng mim li'Siouslbli fur I In' liiiblltlg lip (( llm Hlnisla Llmlteil for seven hours Tln Limited KNUthed Medford shortly after noon . .limber IS UHH also smiln three InMlin late The wieek did mil iitiioiinl lo itiui'li Nil on was Injured WOOD FOR SALE Limited amount of Dry Ash, either blni'h or spill. Low pilcn. Phone 3311 Draperies We carry r very complete line of draperies, laen curtains, futures, ntn, and do nil olusses of upholstering A special man lo look after this work etrtunlvely and wilt give us good servlcn as Is possible lo gt In even thn largest cities Weeks & McGowanJ Co Saturday 20 Is the Day M Edraeads Shoe Store Hasklns fm Health. Saturd.ty, the :0th. Is the day nf the second opening This promlsrs to lio the greatest Sale ever TJio store lns been imu'il.l ihti jtflffr inv hIii4i flirt .luara swung open Haturdiy, the 13th. This Will WC Iki il'fw difs' sab,' bUt'a tiM sate. Tlia.vo)la.w.liUw slflflMv tiatut: lay. tho S01U, la nfjonil opening l-'me, three (ualis of shoe out of first ten Biiies innuc 10 women nircn pairs or iriert's shoes ffct (ilt of first ten sales made to men, Sto'ro rloiieft Vrhlay eN. nine at t 30, niiirklng down shies mnl arranging for siefl4l openlhg Uaiklna for Health. Pure Clear Sparkling Yon can't afford to do without thin Hploiidiil, refresliiiiK drink. Cull up and order a ense sent to tho house, The purest, must healthful drink known ia SISKIYOU MINERAL WAT&k 'P. C. BIGhAm; Aieni. i ti sjftfts)ftas. Ladies' Cumfy tut Vests 1 Oc, 3 for 25c A vest you have often paid 25c each for, a fine ribbed, pure white vests in all sizes Here to morrow 10c each, 3 for 25c Hussey's The Quality Store :-: :-: The One Price Store THE GOLDEN RULE Headquarters for Economical Buyers Dependable Merchandise at Reasonable Prices Golden Rule Shoes Are Better They arc made of solid leather. They tire cut to fit. Wo show all the new lasts, no old stock to slaughter, but now clean shoes. This season's best styles at prices that please our custo mers and make competition won der. Men's Shoes $2.00 to , $7.50 Width B to FF Ladies' Shoes $1.50 to $5.50 Widths A to 3QE, new lasts, now leather, new methods. Expert fit ters. We can save you money. Wo can fit you comfortably. rifttwti tj o o 1 fi? ; lifsSS5r r: r- o i a r-i UM'A'ih lit!LxM9A AT no si KUtfLVriKl ttfw&Mk P f i .cr - Vfamsff liiiiSj "o m c "" iBBD mmfShr Z v a k& TifltJS.l s a WWnMmi IHH2I cd w - iBB W1HSb3 i 1 v; en ro o hBkHA. CfnHLVl M oo co c m ,r;BflV IKJV3 M r w o o toPjflw ISIIB21 a o n f pttsHsV f5MPj ac a o kOILB MMMmKh n w 3 P EBSA M&MI 'i r fX HflW Ask About Our Profit Sharing Plan AKins, Benton Co. t. .Pi-rrWll'H. , J M I Iuum . 4 Kiiiohdmf Clothing: Built ior the Man Who Oaros Tl'you are particular about Hie fit and stylo of your clolhes then wo want lo show you our Kupponheini or elolhoH made of pure wool, steam shrunk, fab rics cut to fit any and all men. A particular style for the long, short or stout. See our Kupp-fit Trousers. Suits $20, $22.60, $25, $30 and $35 Our Popular Priced. Clothlnrj Will Please You nt $8.00, $10.00' $11.50, $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00 44W I 2 .V;u...