B" m IK PACIEFOUTI 3C ftrEDTTORP MATT, TRITONE, mPFORP, ORKflON. VRrPAY. MAY .19, 10tl. WOODROW WILSON'S CAMPAIGN IT is announced, with a groat waste of newspaper spaee, flint Wnndrmv WilsmiNvill snmid two (lavs ill Oreiron .-,,, ,,,,,, .-,,,. , . ..fc, w .. , . -.j-- ,, - -, ,., 1 RD NR Office Mnll Trlbuno Uulldlnft. SS-tT-iS Nottt flf Mrooti Miotic, Main 30S1 Homo TC. Medford Mail Tribune! I fl -1 ..JL. " ' I'"1" AN INUISPENDKNT NKWBPAl'KIt rUllhlHIIKI) DAIl-V KXCniT KATUH- DAY Y TMR MKOI'ORD i rniXTiNo co. .W-5??nl?S?aLl2. ,S'P"i. Jte.3'?tf stiul.vinir the offeot of lmnular letrislation. PIHII, J 11U M I'll I fill 1MUUIIV, 1IIV OWUUI'I ,.. 1 irn OrcKonUn. Tho AnbHnd Tribune j Tho kllOWledlTO that llO tlierohv obtains Will 1)0 S VUl- I il i N ' ' I.. ..V' , .. uable as thabsoeured 01 a country Crom a ear window, lie will go baek toNew.lersev with the same amount of "local, Jury Awards Her $7500 in Suit color" that many of our near writers exhibit when pic turing life in the great .west after chasing across it like a sky rocket.' " i Woodrow Wilson is a presidential possibility. He has; been touted for the place tor some six or eight years or more by Harpers eekly. owned by .1. 1'ierpont .Morgan, lie has' been endorsed by Win. J. Hryan, and it must be admitted that the combination is a strong one. Governor ilson is tenderly and kindly treated by the Autocratic press of New York C'itv, which is thrown in- anoilQB 1-UTN'AM, Kdttor nnd ManrtRtr Kntoroil ivh mcond-clam matter ft Mudford, OrcRon, under the net of March , 1K.P. Offlrtnl lnpor of tho City of Jdodford 1'npor or jacKion county Official SUOBCRtrTXOIT HATES. Onn yrnr, by mnll IB 00 One month hv mall . ............ .80 lor month, delivered by cnrrler In Mrdford. JnckiiomlllA ivnd Cen- trnl Point . . . . .GO plutocrat ic pi tf Vy.n,R!,.'.?cr.ar:::: ?i2 to hysterics at mention of Hrvan, and enthusiast icly chain l.'ff'-"w"""""ww V V fcft pioned hy the bryan democratic press, winch united tin BWOSK CIRCULATION. nvcrac for nix months ending :t Dnllv nvcrac' December 31. 1910. mil Ctaitd 'Wire Unlttd rra Dltpatcbt. The Mull Trlbuno lit on Mile t th rcrry Js'ows .sianu. san irancisco. lortlnnd Hotel New Sin ml, Portland, How man News Co.. Portland. Ore W. O Whitney, tVnttlo. Waili. GETS DAMAGES Brought Against tho Pacific & Eastern Railroad Followlun the Death of Walter C. Gitnllner. Mr. Myiilo O.uillnor. mlmlnliti.ttrK of tho Mtuti of Wiiltvr C, tliirtllm-r, wim nwnrdod ITttfO by tho Jury which hiitiil tho ilntiHtKo o'1' brtutKlit tiy MrK tlirl iter nimlivNt th IVrlflp .fc NAiti ri toll rood. Tho n' will bo mtrrU-tl by thr road to tho nuiroiiH wurt. Mr. ' nnHi'iiT, iih mtmliilwtmtrlv, brtiiiKht tho ut following Mr (tnrdltii'r'ii Uttli nt l'urtliiml In October. Ho wait nn onKlnoor on tho iimil rolhnvliiK a wrook li vtHittHl l'ortliunl mul wom oiwmtml iiittin uvlnc Tho ilofono .KMnlmoil thrtt t!o dlX-rutlOit wui mioln Inocoiouiry bv Inlurlcx rwohotl In ino i i ! . .i ! .ii wai ill. i Mia, BroSon'ii Tnnrikl Tho fiinorul of Mii. Mury A. Urokor wn hold ut 2 ail o'riovk Thoiiolny ir toinoon ftom IViIh" CihUIhIUm jmr loll). HfV. UollUIIl llffh'IktCll mul Mix tttomhoiH of tho V O V. lU'lotl mi iiH homo, mh follow n II O. HhtHiioi, C M. WHlBumoitr W. Itouo. w, M Sohulm, J. II Ahwoll mul liiinoll Mil lor. Thoro woio n niimbor of fhn'ul if forliiKH. mnrosD. oheooii. Mclronolls of outhom Oregon nnJ Northrrn California, and tho fastest ernwlni rllv In Oroeon lopuVllon I' A cnsus 1910: SS40; OMImatod, 1911 10.000. rio hundred thouind dollar Gravity Wnttr Hystcni completed, clvlnn finest supply pure mountntn water and six toen miles of street bolnu paved and contrncteii for at a com exceeding . 'OOO.OCO, makltiB a total of twenty mile cif tiAVimrnt. Potofflco receipts for year cndlntf March 31. 191. show increase or 41 per cent. Hank detosits a gain of 23 v.t cent. lUnner fnilt city in Oreiron lingua Itlver Spltxenberjr apples won swrvp- BlaKe prizo nna line or "Appl Xlnff of tb Woria." nt tho National Applo S3how. Spokane. 1S09, and a car of Ncwtowns won Tint Price In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show. Vancouver. II. C Itocuo Itlver poars brought highest firlces In all markets of the world dur ng tho past six years. Write Commercial club, inclosing 6 cents for postage for tho finest commu nity pamphlet 'cr written. late eminent jurist, Alton 13. Parker Wilson's reception by republican papers is suspiciously warm. Even the hide-bound Oreironian nlaces him above Thomas Jefferson as a statesman: "Governor Wilson is nfe"' "y ",,"U,!, fine specimen," says that palladium of partisanship, "lie; has Jefferson's wide out-look and more than his ''PiffnpQflc Cprnnfl ship. Tie has the same marvelous understanding of op- LUillCauj tJUtUllU portunity and readiness to seize upon it, the same con tempt for mere traditional ideas and established formulas. Lie is a man who is in tune with his age. Intellectually alert, with the stars for pilots, he addresses himself bravely to sail the seas of democracy, fearless of wreck, confident of reaching happier shores than man ever trod." Who would have thought it trom the Oregoman! Opening Sat. 20 This will be a day nf prwt sating fur Mod ford piople. Tho sloro has Invn Jammed urn! pocked (ho whole wook. Thoii'umM nml thuotMiid of peoplo ruil III till H.1VlllLt mi till Mlll.'k tlllt 111 hiff con mill's jisrn Hrvim wjis shmitniL' lor the initiative only a few moro d.. i strip th --J Uitllri it WILL OBSERVE MEMORIAL y Wearers of the Blue and the Gray ''will Hold Suitable Services on Dec oration Day in Memory.of Departed i Comrades. Tho old guard Is trasslng away One - by one the yctcr-ans of the 'great rebel Uoa aro Journeying over the great dltldt! to Join the countlrf bHttallons that lj.ivy gone uorore. uheru numireus or tnmi sands.of veterans rallk-d to the standard a decade wcu tho roll oil! of today flndi but a remnant of that once mighty hot that fought with Grant In the Wilder ness. mnrchtM with Sherman In his fa mous march across Dixie and cruisvtl with I-'arragut along tho seaboard and In tho bayous of thu Mississippi rlwr. And thu defenders of IJUle are also passing. Theso men who fought with I toller t II Iee and Stonuvrall Jackson. In Medford today nr a number of old soldiers and these In memor) of tli-lr comrades are prt-iMrlng liurehKte c -r tmonltis for Memorial day At 10 o'clock ttiet gruves in tho I O O P. cemetery will be decorated at 3 o'clock 1'. comcteiy will b decorated. At 2 o'clock tho G. A. It. and V. It C to guther with the flru brigade. Klks and other organizations will march to the city park whem tho services for the un known dead will bv held. Hon William Gore will deliver tho Decoration day ora tion and music will U furnished by th Medf6rd concert band Tho rest of tho program has not been completed and the G A. It. and V. It C will meet at tho Anglo opera hourt.t Tuesday, Muy 33, nt 2 o'clock tit com lileto Die tirrungements for hto duy CANNERY S Ui A A EN Many Tons of Vegetables are Con tracted For Roguelands to De liver Cucumbers and Tomatoes Contracts Are Made. Bri iI'idl'HtloiiH that the Itoguo ltlvrr Qunnery und Kvapuratlng Cojupuny will bo' worked to itH full euiuolty uro ol lent from tho amount of gtinlen truck nil cmly commoted for. "Tim ltogueliiudM Company has eon tractod for ono aero of cueuinbcrH and flo uort'H of tomatoes on their tract at Itoguolunds. All told twenty ncros of tqinatjpcH aro already uiidqr contract with thp ciiniitfig rompaiiy and otla'r tmtts a'lit HCiitti'ieil throughout tho valley. The factory Is louituil on tho Itogue Hlvor Valley Uulhvu about a mllo out of Metlford. and reterenduin. Jle was denounced as a crazy popu list." JTe chami)ioned the recall, lie was a "bomb throw ing anarchist." lie favored popular election of senators. I lie was a "'dangerous demagogue. I jut Woodrow il-; son following in .Bryan's foot steps, advocating these same, things, is "piloted' by the stars" and "in tune with hisi age." 11q is proclaimed greater than .leffcrsou he has; "the statesman's grasp" and "the philosopher's undcr-I standing." Bryan was caricatured as a tool, and a jester, ridiculed as a buffoon, misrepresentation and abuse descended in a torrent upon him. But upon Woodsaw "Wilson these same persons place thb mantle of Solomon and chanting praises, humblv fawn upon him. The Mail Tribune, along with every other newspaper in tho country, recently received free a page ot plate concern ing Woodrow "Wilson. This consisted of six columns of reading matter, with pictures of our hero in repose, and in action, stories of his personality, beliefs and performances. Lvcry newspaper m the land has been supplied m advance with copies of his numerous speeches in his swing around the. circle. In fact, his publicity bureau is as good or bet ter than Roosevelt 's and equal to that of the "Sage of Esopus" who also ran. Tt has cost a good many thous ands of dollars to thus inform the public and it would be interesting f!o know, "who pays for it. If Governor "Wilson believes, as he says, that the siilva tion of the world depends upon the rule of the people, why does he fear to trust the people with the recall of the judiciary? ITas not the history of the United States shown that the courts are all powerful i Have thev not constantly overridden the wishes of the people as expressed by legis lation? Have they not arrograted 10 themselv6s greater powers than even congress or the executive or the people possess? Do they not even modify and nullify laws after their passage, by reading in words, as in the Standard Oil decision? xVre not courts all too frequently, controlled by political bosses, financed by corporations? Js not a deci sion often the price paid for nomination and election AVhat have the criminal rich to fear from law breaking or law making, when the' can control the courts which make and unmake the laws? And finally, does not an outraged public opinion always force a court to revise itself an in direct referendum? It is to be hoped that Governor Wilson's study of direct legislation in Oregon, will convince him of the desirability of giving the people full power, state and nationally, to nominate, eject and recall all officials, administrative, ex ecutive and judicial, and to initiate or referend any legis lation enacted by the people's representatives in state or nation. Governor Wilson has so far made a good record. 1 f his presidential campaign is at jiresent financed by AVall Street, it probably will not be at the show down, fie did I not deliver the goods to the political boss who made him governor, and as president, he probably would follow the same course. walls. GO ENDLESS CHAIN SYSTEM TO HI'OKANi:. WuHli.. May 19 l'lurin aro bojug complutud todu for u now "cud Iuhh" chain xcheiiin of Hequilng moro uettlerH for tho l'aolflo North wuhi. 'j'lio Oront Northern Hallway working In con Junction with vurloiiH commercial bodli-H purposoa to Boeiiro from auecesHful et tloia tho mi men o f their frlcmlH and I il lative In tho I'uxt. Implicate natw will ho niudo, ono going to tho tellroad, tho other to tho commitielul oluhu. Doth will ivrltu lottorH unit wend lltoruturo do Hcflhlng tho NoithwoHt ,'ind tho Hotth-rH thmmtlvoti Will bo loiiuexted to aid In !urauudlui their frlunds to como went MONEY TIGHT; . REASON FOUND Twenty-three Hoboes Arrested by Po lice Found to Ha've'Laid Up Large Amount of change Sixty Cents In tho Bunch. ' Tho money, market !x tight ut present us ovoryono knowp hut not until today was tho rconon for tho IIiIh discovered Thurmliiy nlh'lit found 23 hohoex In tho city caliihouae with (10 cenlM In tho huiioh. Thexo men had hoaided up their Health for yeum und (jrudunlly reduced tho amount of miivy In vlioulatlun un til tho prcenl flnunclul criislH Ih tlo re null. CltlniiH of (li)ti utninp aro not wonted In Medford nml with Chief III(t noil uotlfiK uh it f-uurdluu angel I lie MeHHiH. Jlookerhllt wended their way aloi.t; tho Ilex toward tho lioilon. look at tho clasHiflod ndH if you have loM Homnthlnf and If tho finder hadn't udvortlaod, You AdvertUo. L i COUNTY OFFICERS HERE County Court Comes to Look Over Road Machinery Recently Pur chased by Jackson County Plan Extensive Improvements. ' Tho mrmherH of tho county rourt of I. Inn county aio upcndlm; n few dayx In Medford for tho purpoMo pf looking over tho road machinery recently pur cliaxed hy thlH county hoforo placing thejr order. Thoy uro lielnir Hhown about tho valley hy aeorgo U DuvIm. Tho inemherH of tho county court xlnle that thoy uro planning oxlenfalvo roud Improvement In ihelr county, NOTICE. AH real etato men are heroliy notified that my ranch Ih now off the murkot. CO WAIiUCB WOOIJH. I,ool: for the ud that tsjhi you who wantH to find tho job yoa liars to offer. Uniktna for Health, CHICK FEED" Avq you raising chick ens 71 f so, vou want a lmttfh. of our famous 1 'ChiJ-k Feed " ToV the small(cliicks."riiis is the finest-feed known to u "If chicken raisers every where and you can't go wroii" bv using this brand. Call and get sup plied at once and bo sure of raising the finest "Frys" and "Yellow Legs" in the valley. "We can o My you with OYSTER SHKLL GROUND HONE CRACKED WHEAT and 'OHIOK FOOD' Remember CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEE BliUE RIBBON FLOUR GOLD MEDAL BUTTER 3 I Warner, Wortman ' i Gore- Grocory Phone 286 Market Phone 281 Homo Phorie 281 - Where to Go I "tonight : I tu 1 4 t fcaiOonW Wild AtilmMi Africa :e0il fxt of t tit 111m litntriWlML' I tin J durliiK eyplnllM or Ihirrnlu Jinii-t mid J bin i'obo)x on ildt mid In Juiuthv i HhinoovHoM. illinffei-. Cliiilnh Call. i I .mm mid other nlld illilliiuhl mo 4 HUhdlled by the rop Olid Imiitli'd bo- foro vour eK OTHER rilATUHJIB !NO XMORTlAtin IN VHtOS Bvclitl School Olillitrcni Matlu Sat urday, at30 Ailmliaton Ac. . i NATATORIUM norUnv, SlUUrdi, Vool, Bkatlor. nd Bliootlnf, i . j Tub Baths for Z.rtdla aud lntlamn ' t alt Tiunta. J Dig Dnco Every Httnrday Wbjht. ! THE ISIS THEATRE . TonxaiiT My n ntrokt' of kihmI lurk wo Imvo born nblo to hcuiio otto of lh tuuit t novttl uriii our xhowii. KALI. Ann ROBE Dlnvt from I'liulnK'", Ititrodot Int.- Tblr NOVKI.TY INDIAN ACT t'onnlxtlni; of liidlm ShiKlnj mid IXincliii. Como Ono. Como All 3 UEEX.S MOTIHO FICTUREB 3 i WED. SAT. SUIfDAY MATXMBB j rit iiuiMi rioutx uy 4 . -4ftJUAAJAJ A ,."WKERB THE i OO" J CROWES IU-GO T j Marjorie fM a n'cl o v i 1 1 o 1 j ntm Jior iiintI roinpunj. triiuiitltii) ! ft ixuuuiui -i-iirrr.Ai'i t'OiiH'dy I Dm nut. i "THE SHERIFF AND THE LADY" ' Sonci bitwi'.rt nun by MIm HoImi J HHtl.iltlm by I'oiuixiuy Z . BUY YOUR Green Goods Here Saturday Here is a list of what we will have for sale all fresh and fine, and sold at reasonable prices: Fruit Strawberries Oranges Jiananas J-Yesh Pineapple Vegetable Artichokes, Cucumbers, Green Peas, New Potatoes, Tomatoes, Los Angeles Head Lettuce, Spinach, OlliflllM. AH'IT!ll'ilril ii. ishes, Green Beans, Ektr I Plant, Cauliflower, Rhu b.'u'b and Cabbage. Olmstead & Hibbard WEST SIDE GROCERS MANN'S Medford's Popular Price Store Central Ave.-Near P. O. SATURDAY SPECIALS HAIR NETS Regular 10c ones with rubber, special 5c DRESSING SACQUES Made of fine lawn and percale, all sizes, special, each 59c NECKWEAR Beaut iful Dutch collars and .Jabots, 2.rjc values, special each 15c SAFETY PINS Stewarts safetv pins, all sizes, sold regular at 10c, special a ' ill (1 .. t ! 1 'ilia 5c SKIRTS Womcns linen finish wash skirts, worth $1..")0, special i iiiimii inu $1.19 19c TALCUM POWDER "Williams" violet Talcum powder, 2"ic Cans, special UMBRELLAS Women's 2G inch Taffctta uubrellas up t) !?2.(K) val ues, special eacu 98c 15c HOSE (fit tit i 'liiirson nose lor women fast black lifie quality, spec ial a pair .. . BELTS New wash bells with pearl buckles, l!.")c J A value, special i JC '(I'll GLOVES Long lisle glnves, all col- 39c ois, wtir special, a pair . h 7fc (lood heavy muslin, worth 7c, special a vard MUSLIN unbleached 5c 11 llll.-M t'l .-!, $2.48 DUSTERS omens .linen ilusters, good Jl.oO values, special CURTAIN SCRIM "Bungalow" styles, new patterns, li.'ic in vn,iM.,Mf , loC sccial a yard -- LACE and 10c Wide Torchon iac( Juscrtion, .splendid quality, special, ill a yard VXj J FINAL NOTICE TO Proporty Owners on tho Following Named Streets North Riverside Avenue, , , , North Central Avenue, Court Street, West Eleventh Street, South King street The second payment, and interest on water main as sessment is due and must be attended to at once. G.H.SAMUELS, fill Deputy Treasurer. J BW6T?0i';,; DROP A LETTER IN THE BOX n biHlm your rlni k fur iiilllliii'r dnHN iiiukliiK or bitiiNilinld IiUIh mid rbl nur mind of vurry lly Imvlni: u Imnk in' I'oiuil you mo iplill:rd In oxtTi'luo mro In biioiicllmr TIiIh bolpu you to form tin' miVliiu Titbit. Wo Invito you to do poult Iiaio, mul, offur you irim.t and onurli'oiiM Hi'rvlii. A kIiiiich ot nlir limt Mtlltl'lllllllt Will Kl0 yoll llllNOllllO Cllllfl- doiiro In our nolvoncy, Second hand Remington Typewriter For Sale. Little Used. Wide Carriage Medford Book Store Farmers S Friiit Growers Bank FOR SALE 1 -; CITY PROPERTY Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNLOO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg Rock Spring Goal OX KAHD AZiZi THE IIHB. PHOKU 1003. Burbidge THH OOAI. MAW, Medford Horse Shoeing Shop 128 South IbiroUet't Street. pAclflu I'hono 1831 Homo 210-11. C. L. Allen, Prop. OIVH US A THIAIj mh SMITH APARTMENT HOUSE 917 SOUTH HXVBHSXDB AVrWUK Thirty eouiplotoly furulnhad Aprtmnti for ramlllta Oh nfi and Xilirbtf rro Tlepbout Sptrtklof Tabti, Call oll FrWat Bfttlii Maw, Oltmi rd HAultary Vox ynrtmtnta Apply t Freiutid W M.Smith, Prop. WOOD FOR SALE BLOCK WOOD f VBB Z.OAD T Plion Main 3501 or loavt orflora nt Medford Hardware Company .,