.V" t k nv qr- TrEDFOKD MAIL TRTBT7NR rEDFORT), ORFiOON, WEDNESDAY, MAT 17, 1911. m , ! 1 . POTTER OF ASHLAND DEAD Was Mother of J. M. Potter, Who Droiioht Ashland Tribune to Med ford and Started First Dally Pa per Here. AHUIAKI). Or.. Mny 17. TIo funeral M'fvlci of Mm. MnrKiirot J. Potior. former iiMinl of thl olty, wns lielil At the tHynv of Mrs. A. It. Iiaswil, 0.1 North Mnln stiwt Mtuulixy afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Ititornirnt wan In Axtitamt coinctcry. Tlio Upv. n. II. ItlcVii romltiotrtl Hip ntvIcoh. A nclpctpil choir rendered In n niipcrlt ninntior (ho hymns, "I.oml Kliully Light" nn.1 "Some IVv You Will ITiutcrntniiil." Tlio following tnrinNw of thn Klkn IoiIkp, of which onlor two of Mr, l'ottcr'n sons ore members, nctol n piuibiMircra: Dr. J. Kmlelmnn. V 11. I'rnrht, ". II NcwcomU. Otto Winter Lymnn McKco ami Wllllnm Mllrholl. Mm. Potter xvnn the mother of T. J. Nolton. late olltor of the Yrvka Journal, mil for nevernl yearn necrotary of the Slaldyou county chamber of commerce, nml of J. M. nml J. W. Potter, the for mer rftHhtcr of the Klrst National bntik of Wl. Cnl. She was the nunt of ernl nephews who attalnetl fame. In the liunluetDi world, nmonc them her oluVM lter'n on. Arthur llrlsbane. who. ns eilltor of the New York Journal, receives n unlary an Inrcq nn that of tho presi dent of the I'nlted States. Mrs. Potter wan raUiM on a farm In Oenesee county. New York, near the town nf llntavla. nnl hail she lived until November 11, 1911. she would have lwen 74 years old. She was one of a family of elKht children. sU of whom lmve precotlcil her to the Kre.it beyond. None of them II veil to l within ten years of the nee of Mrs. Potter until within the Inst few ycai, lVr wow-ml months post Ue bus been tiultr 111. That sho might have Ino best of care she was nbout a month no brought by her sons to the new Granite City hospital, where rvcYythlng possible wns done for her, but age una ngiuim Her and slip had passed all human aid. At 7 30 Satin day evening she became uncnnsilous nml thlee hours later her spirit ulngxM Its flight. Her son Jutnes was with her during the week and Mr. Nolton was to spend this week here. I'rhlnv and Hat unlay she was feeling better than at any time within n month and Mr Potter left on train No. IS for Weed, belnK nssunil that he could safe ly dq so, Shortly after ills return to his home the distressing news was rewlxed that nil w-ns over. She had found the sennlty of death. In many ways Mrs. IVtter was a n marknble woman. She had a stnuig, well Imlnnced Intellect, was a brilliant con versationalist, and every irmly In rv ixirtee. These qualities made for her a large circle of friends In this cltv, nil of whom will he grieved to learn of her death. MONEY BACK Chat. Strnnff Quarnti rariilan Safft to Sanlth Dandruff And also to slon that Ivlld spot fnun growlnc larger, to stop Itching scalp and falling hair, or money Uck. Par isian Sage will drive every particle of dandruff from your scalp, because It penetrates Into the scalp and kills the dandruff germs which are the cause of all hair diseases. It Is a most beneficial and hair beautlfler, not sticky or jfrrsy, and Is used by women of refinement the country over. I.irge bottle 50 cents. "I'arl.Hl.in Sago Is the best hair tonic and hair grower I ever used. It Is a Krnnd dandruff cure and scalp cleaner, and also ernes Itching scalp." Mrs. tat tle Davis. U. K. D. No. 7. Flint. Mich. Juno 20, 1910. GARDINER CASE WELL UNDER WAY Third Day of Trial On Will Proba bly Go to the Jury This Afternoon Administratrix Suing tor $7500 Damages From Railroad. i Xtoaei X.Ur ' Credit. I 1.08 ANlllCI.KS, fal MiV t" -I'nless . tluy llrtrhnm, Intentnl revenue collec tor, locates a IS&00 letter of credit that burghirs stole from his home livxt night, 'It Is ptobabte that h trip to Kilrope, .eheduled to be benmi tdn.'i Will be postponed 'I'ho thieves enleled lliiihuiu'N house wlillii ho mid tils wife were nt her inolli el's homo bidding them good bye. He. sides Hip letter of ctedll, the litllitlni seemed Jewelry valued at ftOO 1 j-tl-js)rsr) J. R. KNYAUT, Preittlout J. A. PKItllY, Vlco-l'roililent P. K. MK1UUCK. Vlco-1'roililMt JOHN 8. OttTII, Caihior W. U. JACK SON, Aii't Oaihler. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 The damage suit brought be Mrs. Myrtle thvrdlner. ndiulnlstrutrlv of the psiaic oi vvaiier oiinuiii'i, uir io'"f damages against the Piielflo X- Kaslern J rallnvtd Is being hwrit fxiiuht In the clr-, JJ cult court. The thliM day of the trial , Z openeit today and the case will prokihl) , w go to the Jury this aflernoon. ' tWirWWeJfWWWIfWfffwc ilt.r llAi-,lln.r ws nn rnclneer on . the itnul ami was mixed up In a wreck - -- -- - " - loiter he went to Portland and was 8.1 KK DKrOSlT HO.XKS VOIX RUNT. A OKNKIIAIi iunkino lli:SIMCSS TltNS.CTKI). Wo SOLICIT VOUIl l'ATHONAOK. , oiM'ratiM upon and dlMl. Mrs (llnlllirr as admlnlstnttrlN of the estate brought Milt alleging that the wreck was re sponsible for the operation which result ed In death. The defense claims that the operation was made necessar) b other causes than the wreck. The Jury hearing the case are lhtlph Dean. J 11. Hamrlck, O. S Itarnrs, j,..v . . , i..!Unee. Oeorge lleers. A S. Kurrv II hair dressing ,. m,i,- w,-.! t,ri.i1.,,P. v u tteebe. William Itlnton. II D. lUrne burg, W. A. Mettle) NOTICE. Dr. Barber Is now located In rooms T07 and SOS Partners and Fruitgrowers bank building and will be pleasej to MOTHER AND CHILDREN DEAD AS CULStlltA-wOW Or PICNIC PltrcSNO. Cal . May 17 Mrs. S, Du duhklan and her 3-vear-oM son are dead here today as the culmination of u little picnic that Jhe mother hail pUnne.1 for her children. Mrs. Duduhklan Jumpevl Into the canal near here to save the llfo of her little toy, who had slipped Into the water. lloth weiv dniwnnl with no one to witness her struggles or lrf her cries hut her other Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manuf act urors of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE CRUSHED HOCK ! vi,PpXL.mi SCRKKNBD GRAVEL . S$wm Delivered to any part of oity. C. J. SEON, Algr. orrirwt KnjItKrtnvt'r' lUnk Httlu. Ptioiic SI. (WJ. WASHED SAND for Cwncrcto for HHck Work fur ItMtcrlng Mrs. Potter had enjoyetl perfect health new location. i )ii,IoIh ! meet his friends and p.rons m the lttl- child, who s.t on the lunk clutch-1 ! tng Its mother's hat anil coat 6 'MELBA'' TOILET PREPARATIONS i AVe arc sole distributors for the famous "MEIHA" toilet )reparations. .If you ever used this brand you'll want more. IT you neve tried it, you should do yourself the favor. PERFUMES A very complete line of the finest perfumes known to the trade. . t 2 if Medford Pharmacy NEAR THE POST OFFICE PHON E101 Cora E.Utley CHIROPODIST The Marinello Shop MANICURING FACIAL MASSAGE SHAMPOOING "! SCALP TREATMENT HAIR DRESSING Room 5, OverKentner's. Phone 111 Excursion! Sunday, May 21st Butte Falls and Return Via Pacific c Eastern R .R. $2.00 for Round Trip Train leaves Medford at 8:M a. m., arrives in Med ford at 7 p. in. This is the finest scenic trip in all of Southern Oregon. You'll enjoy this (f-inile ride into Interior Oregon. rss's Medford Theatre,' Friday May 19th LEW FIELDS PRESENTS UK.IOYOl'S Blanche Ring in "The YanKee Girl Book by Goo. V. Hobart Music by Silvio Hoin Harry Gilfoil and 50 others A 80NO YOlT I,AlT(lll J S10NSATIONS J YOU SIC) 11 JNIOr 1 Til ION TO J IIAVK HOT J YOlMt l YOU IN J FIN(II0UT1PJTH10M (1U1P THEY ALL GO TO SEE HER AND SO WILL YOU 40 WINSOME WINNERS IN THE GETAWAY 11KAK MISS RING KINO. TIIK NMW SONOS And mavbe if vou'ro good a few of the old. PRICES $1.50, $2.00. Seat sale Tuesday, May IK, at llaskins'. A (HIMi TI1KN & A MRUKY QVW From Factory to Your Home A Carload of Twenty-one High-grade Pianos Fresh From the Factory Not scratched and shop-worn, but a fine assortment of the latest and most up-to-date styles of PIANOS of MAHOGANY, WALNUT and OAK OUR MOTTO: "Quick Sales-Small Profits" IN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THIS CARLOAD IN 30 DAYS WE WILL MAKE PRICES VERY AT TRACTIVE. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO COMPETE WITH ANY COMPANY IN THE UNITED STATES. REMEMBER, WE HAVE BOTH QUALITY AND PRICE. PIANOS BOUGHT RIGHT NOW CAN BE SOLD RIGHT. ; " Our line consists of the following makes: Mathushek & Son, M. Schultz, Behr Bros., Haddorff Co. and Maynard EVERY PIANO IS BACKED BY A WRITTEN GUARANTEE. SOLD ON EASY INSTALLMENT PLAN. ALL MAKES OF PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ' . u i FOR OUR OWN RELIABILITY WE REFER YOU TO BRADSTREET, R. G. DUN AND JACKSON COUNTY BANK. WE ALSO RENT, TUNE AND MOVE PIANOS 1 Kfl B B - trTT- i If i .-- "w- if JBiWfc Remember the location with CUTHBERT'S FURNITURE STORE Next to the Post Office PALMER'S PIANO HOUSE PHONE 1451 B. J. PALMER, Proprietor RESIDENCE 5421 ''v' wwwwwwwwwwwwww