Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 17, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I, A
l ,
Pi'as)i!uturs on Upper Deer Creek
Flml WIiiiIIiiii Cnvcrns One Cave
Is Said to Bu Forty Feet From
Floor to Hoof.
IIRANTM I'ABH, MP. May 17 (' V
Will I mi. ii iiilimr unit itiiiii'liir tinr
WiyilHii, iitnl Id, ( I'l'ililiix, ex-eminU
Mil l')'lll. IWIVI' iIImCuVI'II'iI rvlllllllllo I'llVH
nil upper Deer clorll 26 llllll'H Nlllllll llf
ihl filjit hihI In IIik vlilnllv nf t lit fu
limn JiimiiIiIiii i mini niM'n
Ml, IViMiin mul IiIh ciiiiHinliiii ieitt
pnntpei ling In locale Ni'M'iiil claims fin
a I'mlliiiiil flint wlii'il 1 1 1 v iii'ilili'iiliilly
iIIhciiVi'IwI mi opening In In i Mi' mul nil
ikiIiiikiI H'kIiuih I he iutli beneath
III I'll' tttftlllltlllllN I. Illln l'plllllltol
work i nmde iim ImiI one nuiille u
Mil IImi light they ImiI 'I'1'" "--iiIIIM In
I hf Mi'W I'HW'x Im nut Ihikc, Imt Inside
II I ii deep nimlilu oeo.cN
linn imi In 40 fi'.l high, and several
liilint'lN enter from illffi-ii'iil illii'i IIiiiih
A mily In soon to he rnilind hi'ln liml
1 1 IIhIIIIi IlKlllN til" lllll'lllll V III
Ill III" iiiiili'iKimliul imiiwiKi'H ill" hones
uf bun mul IK '"' riniiHl All I vu v
spent licud fivi' iim ii m Iniik. mul mi nr
llOM'llrHll Wt'ln nl' flHIIIll.
(('nlllllllli'il ffiilll I'liK" I.)
Ik I'M' ftoulti, Ml)' it least 10 im 1 1 N H
lli. III nolllo coi,pluiloili Ini'HlliMi rlusti In
Mm t'lly, when. III" iimiiIIiiiin mul If
suits could l mmlly vh ived liy other
tetdileilU llf tlm Mllli')', Mill! lllllillll'llull
dy phhi'Ik'Ik mul nruliitKllilx nf mi In
iiirtiiK volume nf Mildly first ijuhI-
III' VtiiittnliliiM Bllil iillH'1 fill Ml iiiihIih'Ik
Im llii'iiliy wllniiil.iti'l mul dlivcteil nlnili:
ptnflltfble III)''
Wuuia Mka Monty.
Thr i'hii Ihi iiu iti'ttttt thnt such
Hit oiilcrptlim uinilil yield u IihiiiImciiii.'
f1ii,iniill i.'luni. mul liml with iiumIi'Iii
IlllllllhU llf Illll'llMVIt I IllllWtllllll, ltl
IiIImI to fi'Hlli' dull. supplied With
Mliiiu.htiil wutxr Tor lirlUNtlon, u muni
mile worthy oOiihllioii ittulit !" iiimif
I A. Liixlxr mul I. II Miner, repteeeif
ladle uf tin' local crtlilirr), Hint t f
proMOlt, Welti questioned UN In till!
KIIHMIHt uf product" Which tlli'lr tllNtltll
llnii H'liillil In likely to lrtlllr fur this
JMl'li otwtnlltf. Hint In reply Hiiku
msn ntntMl I list tltey liuii uitniiiy con
I raided for iiue yu tons of cttlihtigi-ii
suitable for 1. 1 mil. Hie Danish UiH-lu-ad
mlily. ut the lute uf III per ton, nmt
for I A lull" of li'lllKliM'H Ht the rule of
lit 10 l"T toil, nlllt'll HOIIIil repienent
Hie iiniiliietloti uf iiliout ilKlit unit II
IttiM'n epl'IHely. Hint Hint tlley Molllil
Hlmtly ixintrnet fur tit leant u lliniinunl
lone of InulNtiien tlile eeHmili ill lln
iirid iHJtimrif Ktowein wonlJ coitm foi-
WMnl mill enter Into nit nKtveineitt Willi
!hIH Tiny nlHteil Itml III cnliiti'lV liml
h'-en OP r I lit IhnI M'lir. (tin fl'.'t of Itn
liitene, ulitioHt I'litllvly llln)it tlie
line of iimi'tilln'ry, iirufllrnlly liy ImnO
Mlnne, unit yet that it liml nmiie n inorn.
liriHllli'lnu ot the rut" of 100(1 CHIIH pel
iliiy Thin yer it uomllt Uyout of
iiielilli'iy Iimn l'en otilerrtl, uml will
tw tiixlnllpil ut nu'iiuly iliile, nlirflolent
til liiMUre n iiviliietliji of lu.udo i'.iiik jiir
lay, Willi rrtii,lty"1o lnrree Hie pin
tuotlon to lo.oou ennN r Uy with only
minor iiililllloii to tlm pl.inl. IT they
(MiUlil Ih iKhliri'il of II KUffll'lent volume
of ritiirtloii to ktei Ihein ttolnc- TIiIn
unlllil llli'illt the i'lilploinent of u lnri;e
nmnlier of hmiilx, mul it liitmlfioine pny
mil wtrnrit unit expnnlijil hriti ut home.
Mr Miner mtifuriiltM thhl the oiner nf
ret'eiilly iilmileil orclifirtM wnuht flml
Blllple room helw'eelt the lottN of IreeN
to plunt li)Mili"'. i-"Tliilly, mul thm
they ttnnlil rrulUo n profllnhlu letnrli
fiulll itlinrttMU tinproiliictltn IICIeM If
they woulil eiiBiiijo In IIiIn Imlimliy.
Andrawa Tullin.
IC M Anitrewn initih it NtlrrliiK ml
Itr.nN. unthiK Ih'it u hearty Hilppiirt !
Ultell to Mlt'll I'lllrrptlMH HH Die I'Htlllery,
nml thut tile MorU lieKIIII Ut the IMertlllK
he miiitliiiit'l uml cxtemled until IIh htm
nflulitl rexiilln rouhl Im reulUe.l In tin
reitiivtlon uf the cot of think' nmt the
niiiplnyiiii'iit of lille limit In imeful pro
iliirlliin. illtllimlely, the NpenUer hnpril.
liluelllK thl" Wiley III the It Nt of lurKi;
expiirliyn or lint wlioln lint or nurli'iil
liiml tiroiliictn nitupleil to lie rulm-il In
on rollnmio Irn J I)ihIki who ineNhl
il over the iiii'tliiir, nii'iitloneil the In
rrviieil nrtlvlly niitlreiihln IIiIn y.Mt
tliliiiiuli'iill Iim ronnly In the cure mul
kkipk iliiyoteil to KitrileiiN mnonif the
riinrlii'H, HiiyliiK thnt hn helleveil thnt
inui'li eil'lll therefor Nhoiihl ho ulveli
lo I'liifniuiur M'Omn, iin Iiiin lieon eon
Hlmilly iiuiliiit upon our peoplu the ml
Mmthlllty of 'euterlim Itltlt HIK'll initllP
Hon uml the poHNlhllltleN Involveil In II
ThlM opliihui miin roneurieil In hy nihil
MivulieiN, Ini'liiillnir A. K. W'nro '... IC
Hover The hitler uelitliiimii lohxtril n
niiiiiher of liiNlmireN oouurliiK In hlx
3d mill yeitrn experleiico III tho vnlle,
letnlliu; to hIiiiiv tint fertility of nven our
Mll'lllli'il "ii'Nerl" noil, when KlVtitl
proper ciilllviitlon, wutur uml lutelllKi'iit
on re. Alfreil Knnuniv, mi iiRrlrulluritl
expert who Iiiin Npenl iniiiiy yeitrN In the
Hi'i'VhV nf the Amnrli'iiil Iteiil HllKUl
pompiiiiy iin mi litMruclor of the furmiTN
eiimilli'il In III" pnulllutliin of nilKur her In
KhVii u hrhif mul litlcrcMInK nccounl
of IiIn otiKerviilluiiN uf tho ri'xiiltn of
llni pnipi'i- iiiilli'iiilvn of IrrlKulloii nmt
Inti'liMlve imiIIiiik of tipeohil piom In vur
John I'oiuinunllleH, InrlmlliiK ItiirUy I'uril,
I'ntiiriiilo, llmlo, Ailncum mul elHewhere.
im well iin cniiimeiitn iipou III" ii'HifllH
of IiIn ciltli'jil oliHervutlon of Iiii'IIioiIh
uml hleiiH In vo'ituo mnoiiK our nitrlenl
turlHlH hen' Mp. Cimlok, ii liomoHti'iuler
it'll r Trull, who Iiiin liml yeurN of exporl
eiii'n Iii muiket Kiirileiilm;, In vuiIihih
NtutiiH, from New Voilt to Ciitlfonilft
Hlllll'll tllllt III! Illlll hl'l'll lU'l'UHtOllieil to
PIllMII Vl;i'lllllh'M Ut lllllfll lit IlINN lllllll
liulf no iii U lOt-M meiilloneil hy Mr l.onler,
uml Hint ho liml no iIoiiIiIn iih to tin
miri'i'HM of uuy iniui who wnulil iiii:uki'
In thelmlUNtry In thlu vulley
Other VoifotabUi Alio,
Tlm nii'i'tliiK i'Ioni'iI with u Htiili'ineiii
hy Mr. I.onlep thut IiIh ciiinpiiuy wouhl
IIM" In mlillllun to the tuuiutoeH nml ruh-
hllKI'M IIIVIltllHH'll I'lll'lleP, II I HO NU'l'l'l
pom, impiiiiiKim, hIiIiik Iu'iiiih uml hectN
which wouhl ho puroluiNeil In ituuntltlei'
wiinleil In the open mul let : pruneN foi
ili'j'liiK uml fruit for ciiiinlnir wouhl iiIno
hit ri'MUlii'il In Iiiiko iimiulltloH. uml
llii'H" priuliirtii wouhl iiIno ho iiuipIiiimoiI
iih iviiilieil Iii (ho open mm lull, ut piIcoh
ilepemh'iit upon uullty, iiminttty uml
pievullliiK inte ill tho llmpit when
An Old Timer
, ,1- Mim
iviiM MAkM .r
V' iUiV Al'lil trrir
l I I I k. I- l 4W
Topy Mnrtoal, tli rttoritn outfleldor
nt IIib Atlititlm. Ii atlll In fmt com.
puny, uotwlthvtnnilliitr hla many ynr of I
norvloe. Tin llttlo fellow hang" on In
irrtnt ihotin unit liromlnoii that It will
take a very lively yuunifiter to eupiilant
Multnomah Advises Local County
Court to Keep Its Paupers nt Home
Buy Man Ticket anil Semi Him
Request ot Father Van to City Coun
cil is Granted In Brlof Talk He
Outlines Atlvantaucs of Such an
Institution to the City.
The Itnvereml Tiither Vhii (.'lurciiheelt,
liiiiile mi mhlreNN he fni" Hi" oily coun
cil TtieHiluy I'Vinliii: pi'IIIiik forth tho
HllVUnlllKI'M Of II llllHplll HIII'll iim will h
"ti'i'leil hero mul niiiile u ri'iiNt for
free wnlii lln elicit everul InnliiiiceN
Of NIICCeHN with IdmIIiiiIIiimh of IIiIm kl ml
in Hiunller plnt'ift lliiin ,Ma'ilfonl uml nuc
'"i ili'il In i.'idlnK it Hiithifiiclnr) reply
on hln reieNt Tho city will furnlnh
Urn wider
Grants Pass Man Said to Have Left
With Funds Not His Own-Advertised
Extensively While He Was in
Nclijliborinu City Left Many Bills
Aeeonllm; lo the rurtluml Teli'Kmtii
the iniui who "witlkeil rlithl In nml turn
ml Hrouml nmt wnlknl rlKlit out .iKutn"
wiin (JeorKo W. Cliiyiou, mi uluiimt Imlp
Ivmt HiiiM'r. "K ymrH of ui;e, who nr
1 1 vtl In IhnI city from JiukHini county
Mutuiilnv. lln wiin inipplliil with ii'
luiil lfHHNMiittliiii hy Hie county iiiiirt
uml IihiK iii" iihvi HhIii Mouth, t'luyton
iippllixl for ciiiiuty uhl iin nooii iin he
nrrlveil In Hi" illy. Ntolliitf thut the
JnektMiu county offlcluU hml Neiit Ii I lit
north when he itppllel to them it few
1,1) n uko. The Mulliiomnh county court
iiIiiii (..'lit it letter to the Jurkmui county
uffli'lHU. comiiieiitlnu Nometvhut m-lilly
mi the ilnuhtfill cniirtcN)' of iitteinptliie
to tiiilaul their lumper upon Multuu
nmh county, uml itHklrn; to tie teliuhurN
eil for ihc money nxpemteil for Olnyton'w
return llrknt Clapton NityN he rifuntly
I'tiim to Mixtfonl ftom lti'ihlluc, 'al.
national &eao;ue.
Al New orl; New Vork e, Ml. lAiiltft
At llriH.kln llropkln 3, ClilctiKo '.'.
At Unit tun Hi in ton 7, I'ltlNluirK 11
At l'hllnilulphla IMillaitvlphlo. I. Cin
cinnati II.
American Xieafne.
At Detroit Detroit 7, llimton 6.
At Clevelmiil Cletehuul I. Nptv Vork
Al (-hlcnrro ChlonRo . IMillmletpliln I,
At Ht. ImiIh Ht. luU , WiihIiIiik-
lou 0.
Ciiiet X,ecue.
Al l.oa AiiKelcN It If- 11
Iaih AllKelen 3 1 1
Vernon & $ 4
Al Hrtn PmrtPlnro
San l'"rnncliH'n 10 fi
CMklailil II 13 0
Al HnorHineiito (fitlleil In 13th ur
count of tlarkiiMiN)
rtMeritmellto 0 II C
I'.irlliiuil C 13
Korthweit Z.earie.
Vnnoouver" it' n J)
HiHlttle '..... 0 3 7
A I Tiicoinit
Tiu'iiinii 1 I
Vltloiht '
At I'ortluiul (Cnlleil In fifth., wet
Kroumta) m
I'ortliiml " v
Spokniui o o 1
Mi'ilfonl. Mr. Muy Id. lull TIiIn In
to certify thut iihout Novtinher 1 my
il.iiiKhter wiin tnktui with u Niivero ntlui'k
of rheuuiittlHUi which reiulerril her left
iirin iincIcnn. In fuut It iihh no ticur
p.-triilyeil thut Hhe wiin not nhln to uiovi
her flnirerw. hut knowliiK or jmine of
Dp Chow Voiiuk'h nmpvclouN JureN of
Ionic NtiiiulliiK puncn of rlietinmtlNin, we
ilophleil lo roiiNiilt hlin, In which I mil
pleiiHi'il to Niiy limit" no iiilNinke, iih IiIh
remeJIcM uoteil iin he plnlmcil they wouhl
mul nflcr tho thlril ticnlinent tho rheu
niittlo pain entirely left her uml ah ht
not hml uuy HyliiptoniM of rlieiiinntlnin
nIiipo; heithlPH her kpiicpuI hculth Ih much
Improvpil uml I ilo not hcNltuto In nnyliiR
I hellevn thoafl. ufflloteil with rhcuuui
tlHin or putulyNlN will ilo well to coiiniiU
Dp. Chow Youiur, wlumo Iuiiinh In corner
of Tenth ami Kront ntrcet, Mcilfonl. Or.
OR A, 1. WHI8.S,
OltANTrt I'AHH, Mr, Mny 17. I-nM
winter J. ' D.ivIn iiiiiii' to thin cltV mul
iipi'lii'il u nil I I'Nlulo office In land office
Htyln Ho iiiHi'IIIhimI rxtenalvely nml
i IiiIiiiimI to lie iIiiIiik' ii Iiuko hUnlncHN.
However. In- left without uiimitlllcluK the
fact luet Huinliiy moriihiK for tint NOUth
nmt It In iillfKcl left neverul criMltnrx
with lit IIh for milk, wooil uml mlvertlH
liiK. He iiIno took the coutruct to kcII
mi uihlllloii riH'ently plutteil, tint umler
NlmullilK Ih-Iiik Unit he wiin to ilepualt
the pioeitilH of till) Nule of Iota to the
credit pf lh owner of the uihllllon In
one of the 'hiiukN. It In now nllefteil
that he Mild rt of the lot h hut foritot
to depoNlt any of the pliirciU to the
owner It In thoUKht thut tie went to
A dent linn Imm n I'ttiiaummuteil wherehy
C P. MIIIn hcIIn IiIn hiiHllH'HB to 1.
I'rrKiiHiui of Mid ford Mr IVntiiHon will
come to Anlilimd today nml nturt tukliiK
mi luvi'iitory. lie I'uin ln'en connevteil
with Miiiiii'k ilryKooiU Htotf- In thnt city
for ni'Vcnil iiirn. Mr. MIIIm hdn con
tlucliH 'tltc huAlnpNN fop uhoul alx yenra.
The chmiKe wiin mmle ttcccNnury. for
olio rrONon, Ik-cuiihii of tho ilinlli nf hlK
mother, who wun n imrtuer. nml her
cM Mu llillut Ih- Neltliil. Mr MIIIn In
teniht to iniivii to I'naiiilcnn to miiku Ills
home TIiIIiikn.
Japi Abrogate Treaty.
OTTAWA. Out.. Muy 17. Mp. Vlelil
Iiik. nilnlHtep of finance, him hIvpii no
tlcti of it ri'HOliitltiii henrliiK on tho triule
trinity with .litpnn In which Cuiulii tun
tlolputcH with the inothcp rountry The
Jnpmii'Nn iiovprninont Iiiin kIvcii notice
of Itn Intention to iihroKiito the treuty
uml tho Ciiiiutlluu itovcrnuioiit unIsh the
ituthoi'lly nf imrllnnicnt to yxteiul to .in-
pun for it pi'l'loil not PXceeillllK two ycutN
't rcolprocul tiirlff, provhloil ex
leiiila xlmlhir treuttni'iit to ImiuirtH from
thin country.
Are You Ooluif to Build?
Lot nm flKtiro on your huthlliifr mul
Klvo you hleiiH fop it huttop homo ut Ichn
coHt 1 luiy mutorliil In lurito (luuntltleit
uul cum Hiivo you nioiioy on your hulhl
Iin;. I Irovo pluiiN to nelcot from op will
iuulo your iiIihih without pohI. 11iiiiin
hullt on rnnch op city on euay pay
ilieutM. Ii H. MANI.P.V.
217 Weal Mnln Hlroot.
Tho llutlop & Noo oiohurilM nro off tho
Therm Im Only On
"Bromo Quinine"
Thmt Im
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Always roinoinlior tlio full nttmo. Look
far this (tlguaturo on oyory box. SOo.
Second hand
For Sale.
Little Used.
Wide jCarriage
rhone Main 3301 or Hare brdert Ht
Medford Hardware
Our boddfnff plants nvo not
iorced in hot. roonhouso, but
nro propovly haruonod oil m
tho cold frames.
Qreenliome Neur Cltj- Hoiervol
Store O nnrt Oentntl Avenue,
riioucH 3101 nnd 14Q1.
IMM NO l'OMCS. niul Telephone Volos
fuinlsliod nt very reiiHomibla prloon. Ail-
C. W. Bigham
TAIiEirr, OK.
Oriental Beauty Arrives and Seems
to Have Full Flctl(cd Desire to
Keep Up Wild "Civilization" as
Found Amonii Certain Americans.
Thero nro btomln nml hlondN, wtrnw
hcrry, peroxhlo nml "'" tn too immerouN
lo mention, hut it Jiipnni m- hhiml Ih Nome
IhlllK imw III the f.i'ikN of the Meeker
for hi'HUty. Th inline, which
coiiNtltilti'N III" rvi'ptiim coinmltteo ut
til" depot wltllt'NHi- I the roilllrilf Hlul KO
lflf lf Olio of llicee OlllTllllI lnttUtll'R
Moniluy nftenioon
Tho Imnremilon tm-vnWn thnt tho Jnp-
micN" iiinli hnw Hie Mippy faculty of Iml-
tutlui; IiIh while lirotlur, lint thin In tlm
tlrnt IriNlnncii thut n holy of tho InIuiiiI
Kmnlre Iiiin heen knnwn to hnve nny lie-
xIm to keep up with " Munition" (?).
Tho Amcrlciin Indy inlBnluiifiry In Kreul
eil with hut fnlht 'MlniMjiiHiii In orleiitnl
IiiiiiIk, hut no doill.t If ii few liull'' or
tho peroxhlo type vould Jmirnny to Jii-
pllll tll'-y Wftllld line! With IllMtlltltlllH'UIIH
LiiTi to Ufk Treature.
I .OH ANtlKMW I'nl. Mny 17.
Ilouml for u tieiiKiri' hunt In Houthern
....u t ... mIanhi hiiifitne Ii t r-nlii vi' ft m
NCheitllleil to null) out of I.n AliKh'M
IIIIN uiicriioon wun u piikiii crew in i
men 'iiiul ('utitnln IlurttM ut tlm holm.
Tlio unnouiiceil d'Tlliuitlun of the ven
Net In A mul pn, llniiihiriiN, hut tho men
who inndo up her crew miy that tho helm
In Net for tho count of Salvador. The
K.ilhirH were picked for ulnnntli nml
couniKf uml thone tTlioadmltled they
mlKht he iifrnld of ruklm; their IUcm
.. iivnllMiul filfl kiltetilriiv 'Plin. rA.
it I- Hiiinin -.. 'iHiui M- e-
ci'lvo i'O ht '5tnt moru than the UHtinl
tfii, n 1oh Ah'k41h tltallnt, nml two
KOK HUNT A C-room modern huriKii
low, fllC'lil'ice, Ncrfetied iioroh, etn,
tti per month, 'fumy, 2UI Ournetl
Coroy MiIk. to
I'PIl lti:NT Nicely flnlnhnl new hun
y.niovr, r, roomn nnd hntli. All modem,
pmiuteil dlrilni; room, hilffet, hard fin
lulled plnnter, pollnhei fluord and
HcreciiMl ulecplnif porch, 2). Tumy,
Ournott-Corey hulldlnc
roil ItKNT Hy Tumy:
A 7-rootn nil modern huncnlow, uleep
IriK porch, flreplncn; hirK illnlriR
room, cIoni! In. Jint completed itent
110 per month, Tumy, 201 Onrnntt
Corey hlk, 4S
NBIV 7-room hutiKnlotv, modern, ('nil
nt Allen fJrocery Co, S2
roll HUNT Hlx-room hoime, Ilentty
Ntreet, 20. W. T. York & Co.
Boiler Blows Up.
HAN J'MtANOlHCO, Mny 17. An
tlm ri'Hiilt of n hoili-r exploNion on th
heuil riiKlno on the Houthern I'uclflc
HuiiNi't KxpreNi, I-'ireinun I'"rnnk Hcluxit
tllnir of III I'uko In ileuil uml KiiKlm-er
l'. A. McDonald of Col I on In NerlnuKly
Injured The nccih-nl occurred an the
train, cnrrylriK 300 iaiion;erx, pulled lulo
the ynnlH nt llryn Muwr, netir hero.
Rebels rillair.
MCXICO CITV. Mny 17. KollowInK
the Nurrender of I'urhua to tho Iwiurrcc
Ion, rlotttiK uml plllnic hroko out there,
uccorillUK to ndvlct'H Junt received. Drink
ing hy rchrl ji0l(Heri reunited In defl
nticc Of their rominnnilcrn, tho hankn
wvrn ilyiMmlU'd iuid looted, nnd thu
totviiNpeoplo aro liarrlcndcil In their
liomeK, fearing n Keneml mnituncrc. I'.i
i hucu In the capital of the Htatu of 111
ilnlKo. &C inllcK of here.
I.O.ST Olt STOI.KN on WVdnvaday nlKht
on thu rlKht of way near the South
ern Pacific niiMHiiKer Mtullon, one nult
cnnc qotitalnlns pajK-rit uml other vnl
uahln tlOcumcms portalnliiK to the
ltUt!tlnu Hyiuphony.Ordieiitra. uml uo
,IoukIik to Modest AltKchulur. .V re
ward of 2S will ho Jiald on return of
tho iwrflonal papers to A. . Itoeu
huum, local aye nl for the Houthern
Pacific Co, Medford, Orocon, and no
tueHtions itnkcil.
KOIt HAI.K OK TltADK it four prens
joh office, hem locution tn city, UoIiik'
hiiHliicHs of tlOOO per month; J5000
tnkeH It, cnnh or time, or will trmlo for
ioriiK nistr Jtedfonl or Oruntn Itins.
I'nleurt you menn hiiKlnesN tin not
write, AddresN rcHidence, CC7 Voir
collier nil' , Portland, Or. CO
I'Oll SAI.n Oil EXCHANGE Five jaa
aenser 4-cyllnder tourlnc automobile.
AdilrosB Iiox 200, caro Mall Tribune
Bel XeUte
TO EXCHANOi: Oood Medfonl rel
tlence property for country property.
.21 Hamilton t. l'hono 2I5S. 52
roil KXCIIANOE l.os Ani-etou rel
di'iici) property or .Montana timber
Inml for vacant lots or ncro tracts.
l.lmtcy, York Ac Co.'h office. 61
KOrt KXCI1ANQK Medford nnd BUbur
ban property, raiiches, timber lands,
for other property. Address Box 199,
caro Mall Tribune.
FOn TUADE What havo you o trade
for 12,000 equity In residence proporty.
Address J It caro Mall Tribune.
FOU TltADK -FIVo.pnssciiKer nutomo
hllo for team work horses or real es
tate. Address 41, Mall Tribune of
fice. IS
Business Property
lOn SALE Oil RENT Oood oponlnR for
ueiieral morchnmllso ntoro In neiv
town with 115,000 monthly ymyroll, on
mllrond. 12 mlloa from Medford. Oold
llay Ileal ty Co, 206 W. Main.
Bosrd d Booms
IIOA1ID with or without room. Sleuls
Horveil fnmll) stylo. 900 l; Main street,
phone i:3. 60
rnrnlehed Rooms.
Hl-'Olt ItKNT Threo furnltthed rooms
for houM'l;celnr. clouo In. Imiulre
234 AV. Fifth, corner Holly. 4i
FOIl ItENT rurnlBhoil front bed room,
hath In connection; close In. Phone
2092. 113 H, Laurel,
FOU ItKNT Hooma with or without
board; family stylu. 317 K. Juck
son. 9
FOU ItKNT Fin nlshcil rooms for light
luniHokeeptiiK on first floor. Inquire
412 South Oakilala. 49
FOH ItKNT -- Nicely furnished room,
with or without board. 007 South Cen
. olt ItENT Two newly furnished front
rooms, buth; inndomto prlco. 723 West
Second St. 9
I'01t ItENT Furnished rooms for trans-
lonts, No, 10 N. Ornpo street, nct
to Furmors' & Fruit Urowets' bunk.
FOU ItKNT I'm nlshed looms, close In.
Oontlemon only Inqulro 26 ' Main
st. I'hoini 1201. 41
FOlt ItKNT r,.room modern house, In
qulro 60 N. Ornnco St.
FOlt HKN'l Fumlhd sleeping room
overythlnK now nml clean; rensonahl
price; ensy walk from Main St. Only
men need apply. Oleson and W. Ham
llton sts. I'hone Main 4474. "
FOIl ItENT EU'Kunlly furnished rooms
steam heal, hot ami cold water, baths
electric llKhts, newly furnished, sin
Klo rooms or en sulto, by the day
week or month. Inquire room 102
Electric bids. 218 W. Main st
Business Iroporty
FOIl HALE Cholco business property
nt n hnrcaln, on lonjf time; ensy terms.
Address Condor Wntor ft Power Co.
beat Estate.
FOlt ItENT Mouern flve-room cottnKe.
S21 Hamilton st. West. Phono 2155. 52
FOlt ItKNT Nicely furnished sulto of
rooms wun num. mono c&z, or can
404 West Second St.
FOlt ItKNT Modern house to one or
two fninlllcs, partly furnished. Call
60t Houth Holly street. SO
FOlt ItKNT Nldcly furnished 2-room
plastered house; modern, clean and
cozy; closo In. 317 W. Second nU
Housekeeping; Booms
I'Oll ItENTItoomn nnd complete llRht
housekeeiiliiK outfit for sale, 125. 510
S. Central avenue. 48
FOlt ItENT Modern furnished house
keeping rooms; kuh for cooking; no
small children. 222 So. Holly st.
FOlt ItENT Furnished housokeeplnB
rooms. TIC Welch street. Inqulro at
Jackson street store, or phone Homo
132x. 52
FOlt ItKNT Housekeeping rooms, close
In. Inquire nt 23 W. Muln st. Ilinno
1201. 4
FL'ltNISIIED houBokeepInu rooms. 131
H. IJurttett. 48
FOU ItENT Farms from 40 acres lo
400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches,
garden land, general farming rnnches
Gold nay ncalty Ca, 216 W. Main.
Business Booms
FOIl IlENT Iluslness bulldlne corner
Eighth and Central avenue, suitable
for RjtntKe or other purposes. See B.
Klum, 21C East Main.
FOIl ItENT Business room on "W. Main
st. 24x140, suitable for restaurant or
billiard room or other business, steam
heat. Gold Itay Itcalty Co., 216 W.
Main st.
Offices for Bent
FOIl BENT Offlco room with fireplace.
Apply nt Grecory's studio,
FOlt JIKNT Desk room, ground floor.
V. T. York & Co.
FOU BENT Over the postofflce with
heat nnd light. See A. A. Davis.
FOU IlENT Office rooms in Electric
bldg., modern equipment, steam heat
electric light, baths, toilet, hot and
cold water. Gold llay Realty Co., 216
YV. Main st.
FOU LEASE Flshlne. boating and hunt
Ing resort on easy terms. Box 32,
Stall Tribune.
FOIl UENT Garden land In tracts
of from oiij ncro upwards, with
water for Irrigation. Owner will
furnlBh team and Implements for cul
tlvatlng and seed for share of crop.
Inquire of Buffum, Bogus River Elec
trio Co.. 216 W. Main st.
FOB SALE We have 300 ocres of first
cluss yellow fir timber, well located
for logging nnd milling; stock ranches
wth plenty of running witter. It Is
nlso good orchard inml. nnd well locat
ed. Wo havo farm lands suitable for
grain, gardening and dairying. Buy
it homeln tho famous Willamette val
ley, tho garden spot of Oregon. Save
money by dealing direct with tho
owners. Martin Broa., Brownsville,
Or. . 73
FOIl SALE 2 acres flno garden soil, 3
room house, barns, 2 wells. In town
Woodvllle. Apply to J. W. Jacobs,
Woodvllle, Or.
FOU SALE S and 10 aero tracts just
within and adjoining city limits, at a
bargain, on S unnual payments. Ad
dress Condor Water & Power Co.
FOU SALE Best buy In Jackson coun
ty. SU acres. Improved, 11650; near
Eaglo Point, Or. I. Harvey. 48
FOU SALE Look nt this: 2 lots 109x
126; 160 grnpo vlqes; now four-roomed
house; 140 rnngo; now chiffonier; 3
hods, springs and mattress; kitchen
table nml clmlrs: nil for 11200; half
cash. Call on owner, 714 Hamilton
st. 4S
l.'Oti sale Ono or two of the finest
vacant lots on Boss Court, laying two
feet abovo sidewalk; sower and water
connection made nnd extended to in
side lino of sidewalk. Address A. V.
Carlson, Itouto 1, Box A-72, Central
Point. " BO
FOIl SALE Lot 52x106. Jackson street.
1400,00. Apply C. W. Hellbromer, cure
of Hutchison & Lunisden.
FOU SALE Swiss bungalow, 0 rooms,
sleeping porch, shudo trees, etc. In
qulro room 207, Garnott-Corey build
ing. 60'
FOIl SALE New furniture 6 room
house; terms. Must sell. J. K, this
offlco. 61
FOft HALE A bargain, homestead re
linquishment 4 miles from railroad.
f.O ncres flno land, S ncres cleared. 3
room house, barn and other Improve
merits, must soil Improvements worth
prlco which Is 1500.00. Address O W
euro Mnll Tribune. 49
FOR HALE Jnckson county Innds In
Itogua river valley, Oregon, by the
Jackson County Realty company, II. M
Coss, mariagor. Office. In Gornett-
Corey building, room 217. Farm Innds,
garden lands, fruit lands, stork
"ranches, larg nnd small trncts of Im
proved and unimproved lands. Oflce
phono 6691; resldenco 141.
D. II, WOOD General ncconntnnt. Your
hooks audited and kept for n rrasnnnblo
figure; your buslnuss sollultod. Offlco
I'hlpps bldg,, room 200. I'homt 3132.
Assayer nnd Analyst,
EABL V. INaELH, U. 8,-Ilest equipped
assay oflco In Oregon; food products,
soils, fertilizers, sprny products, water
eta, nnalyzod. Grants Pass.
L. Itenmrs. Lawyers. Office Medford
Nntlortnl Hank building, second floor.
FOlt HALE A money mnker; 354 ncres
of black snndy loam, nil plow Innd,
27B ncres In crop, family orchard, fine
lnrgo house, two large burns, wind
mill, good fenro, land lays well for
subdividing, 9 miles from Eugene, 2
miles from railroad station, 1100 per
ncro buys this farm, one-thlrd cash,
bnlnnco long tlmo at 7 per cent; will
sell small tracts to suit tho buyer. J.
Newton Ithondes, 261 Mnln street,
Springfield, Or. CO
FOB HALE At n. bargain, furniture
house for rent, 127 H. Grnpo st.
FOIl SALE Aholutely new single top
carriage nt your own price. Humph
rey, 815 E. Main. Phone 3992.
FOlt HALE New delivery wagon with
top, pole and shafts. Inquire Oakdnlc
Grocery, corner 11 Ih nnd Oakditle. 52
FOlt BALK Flno violin for sale. Phono
4062. 49
FOB HALE House tent. 20. size 12x14.
Inquire 446 Houth Central nve. 62
FOIl BENT New piano. Will rent only
to responsible party. l'hono Main
FOH HALE Hay. Ihave grain and al
falfa baled. See A. A. Davis.
FOH SALE Corn. Inquire Dr. Clancy's
office, Phlpps bldg., or phone Main
FOB HALE One good saddle horse. In
quire Mrs. P. J. Neff. phono 2202.
FOlt HALE Cheap, one nlr motor gasO
llno engine nnd 1600-galIon tank. In
quire at FIsIipt & Whltmlre real estate
office, F. & F. Hank bldg. 49
FOH SALE 1 black mare, nge 14;
weight 1050. ride or driven single or
double, gentle and sound. Price 1100
1 black horse, age 6; weight 1040, ride
or drive, single or double, gentle find
sound, good traveler. Price 200.00,
See Dick Besse, Tolo Barn, Tolo, Oregon.
FOB SALE Fine bay mare, 16 hands
welvhr 1100; good to work or drive;
gentle nnd safe for women; also a
nearly new two-seat nnd canopy top
eastern buckboard wagon, very stIlsh.
Address Box 616, Medford. 48
WANTED Clean-up raga nt Mall Trib
une Job department.
WANTED 5,000 loan, ions' term, decent
Interest, on 200 acres best fruit land
In valley. P. W. Cheney, Coolna. Cal
ifornia. 51
WANTED Work. A sober, honest
young man would like work In a nur
sery, or nn orchard. Address K. W.
II., general delivery. 70
CUIUS MOOBE Landscape gardncr,
lawns nnd grounds taken care of. Ad
dress 1166 West Eighth street. 66
WANTED A position by experienced
orchard man. I am a married mnn
with small family nnd have had sev
eral years of experience In orchard
culture and capable of acting as fore
man. Address Box 11 Mail Tribune.
Kelp Wanted Malo
WANTED Man to uccompany an Inval
id to Los Anceles. Fnro paid. Must
come well recommended. Apply 327
N. Oakdule avenue.
WANTED Mnn nnd wife for steady
employment on ranch In Applegato
valley. Inqulro Huntley-Kremer Co.
20 N. Central, for particulars. 49
ANTED Salesman for exculslve ter
ritory. Big opportunities. No expe
rience necessary. Completa Una Yak
ima Valley grown fruit, shade and
ornnmentnl stock. Cash weekly. Out
fit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company.
Topponlsh, Wash.
WANTED Salesmen to sell our line of
superior nursery stock. Can give you
choice of territory. Cash paid weekly
and outfit furnished. Pacific Nursery
Company, SOS Corbott building, Port
land, Oro. 5S
WANTED Salesmen In every locality of
the northwest; money advanced week
ly; many make over 11000 month
choice of territory. Yakima Valley
Nursery Co., Topenlsh, Wash.
Help Wanted Female
WANTED Competent housekeeper for
family of threo. P. O. box 257.
WANTED Woman for general house
work, one who can cook. Wages 30
per month. Apply Buffum, Bogue
Blver Eloctrlc Co., 216 W. Main.
wXN'I'ED Girl or woman fo r genoru 1
housework; two In family: best of
wages. Address Box CO, euro Mall Tri
bune. WANTED Girl for general housewoik.
nt onco; no heavy work. 227 S. Oak
dale. 4S
WANTED The care of one or two chil
dren. 435 North Central nvt. 62
WANTED Cheap storage rooms. Phono
6202. 49
TITLE CO., INC., Jacksonville. Phonos
Pacific, Main 11; Home 2006,
JOHNS & TUBNEll. Architects and
Builders. Offlco 7-8, 325 Main: phone
Main 3471. Residence phone 744.
POWER, REEVES & WEST Architects,
207 and 20S Qaruott-Corey building
Attomeys-at-uw. Nos. 1 and 3 Post
offlco hulhllnx
A. K.1JKA.MES Lwyer. aarnoU-Corey
Pnlm building.
m t-TdTEvS (TiRftiiHTiT"TsMT)LKk r,
OKU V CIIKItliYj Lawyer Room
12, Jackson County Bund hhlg.
Billiard Parlor.
8. T. BROWN & CO, Ullllnrds. Cigars
nnd Hoft Drinks. Up stairs. Young ft
Hall building. A nice, cool place to
spend tho hot afternoons.
Bill Fosters.
VEHNE T. CANON Ulll poster nnd Dis
tributor. All orders promptly filled.
Boom 29. Jackson County Bank build
ing, Medford, Oregon.
Clears and Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTI.E. Hmnlclw.,i.
Dealers In tobacco, cigars, nnd smok
ers' supplies. Exclusive ngent of Lewis
Single Ulmler, El Merlto and El Palcn
cla, 212 West Main street.
Civil Engineers.
surveyors. Hpeclnlty; Pluttlnp, sub
dividing nnd municipal engineering.
Phono 4081. Boom 408 Gurnett-Corey
Illlll? f.llfll rii...nfrl
MBS. DELLA BAIN Dressmaking and
plain sewing; will go by doy or sow
at home. 104 South Nowtown st.
MRS. J. LAINE, Dressmaker, 72.1 West
Second street, reasonable, prices, sat
isfaction guaranteed. go
H. F. WILSON & CO.. dealers In new
and second-hnnd furniture nnd hard
ware. Agents for Household stoves
and ranges. 10 South Fir streot. Phono
Main 3161. Homo 265-L.
Sth nnd Holly streets. Medford.
Mission furniture mado to order. Cab
inet work of nil kinds. A trial order
MORDOFF c WOLFF Uookstoves and
ranges. New nml second hnnd furni
ture. Ends' old stand. 18 Fir street,
bouth. l'hono 91. Homo 2S3-K. Medford.
QrftnUe Worrs.
Main street, manufacturers and deal
ers In monumental and building gran
ite, crushed granite, common brick nnd
pressed brick, coarse and flno washed
river sand.
tor and manufacturers of brick; deal
ers Mn pressed brick and lime. Offlco
In Gttrnett-Corey block, room 209. 2d
floor. Phone No. 3181.
landscape Gardener.
JOHN F. BELTZ. Landscape Gardener.
Between Blversldo avenue nnd Beatty
street. Medford, Or. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Call Main 3812.
Kotary Public.
HELEN J YOCKEY. Notary public.
Bring your work to mo at tho sign of
Tho Mail Tribune
Tents and. Awnlnirs.
makers of new, repairers of old.Both
phones 405 S. Oakdnle.
, KnrserFeg.
ers, poiipu pianis, snruuuery bulbs. 923
E. Main. Phone 341
gUAKEH NURSERIES Our trues lira .,. ..... V.A.I ... . - . .
uuuuu, i"i Klitliru. uur SJOCK IS nOl
Irrigated. We guarantee everything put
out. We aro not In the trust. 1L B.
Patterson, offlco removed to 116 K.
Main st.
CO.. Inc. Growers of high grade nur
sery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tele
phone 1201.
Physicians and Snrgeons.
and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg..
rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phone 501,
residence phono 612. Office hours 9 a!
m. to 8 p. m.
CARLOW Osteopathic physicians.
Moved to rooms 416 and 417 aarnoit
Coroy bldg. Phono Main 6351. t
DR. K. II. POUTER Diseases ofSvtw
men a specialty Rooms 0, 0, 7, 8, St.
Mark s bldg., Medford. Oregon; phones.
v.-..q -wu, it-aiuuuuu 1VUI,
Office In Rlalto bldg.. 123 E. .Main.
Gas administered for extraction of
teeth . Telephone Main 681. Night
Phono 4432.
DR. STEARNS Physician nnd surgooil
.f.flSf. Qiirnett-Corey bldg.. rooms
211-212, phono 6501. llesldonco 113
Laurel jit., phone 2092.
DR. S. "A. LOCKVOOD,p'hllcTarrnd
practice limited to diseases of wo
men. Offices over Hasklns drug store.
Phones: Pacific 1001; Home 28.
Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc. " "
Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoc.
Garnett-Corey btdg., sulto .118, Medford.
Oregon. lloth Phones.
DR. J. J. KMMKNS Pructieo ilmiteaio
disease of the eye. enr. noso and throat.
Offlco 216 E. Main street.
tlce limited to oye, ear, noso and
throat. Office: Sulto 318 Garnett
Corey building. Both phones.
Chinese Medicines.
CHOW YOUNO'S" Chinese medicines will
cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit
ers, throat and lung trouble, deafness,
paralysis, private diseases and nil
kinds of chronic and nervous ailments.
Stomach trouble, constipation. Indiges
tion, womb and bladder troubles. Heo
me at 341 8. Front St., Medford. Ore.
Printers and Publishers.
MEDFORD PRINTING CO.. has tho best
equipped Job offlco In Southern Ore
gou; book binding; looso leuf systems:
cut paper, etc.. etc, Portland prices.
27 North Fir street.
ELLA M. fllUNVAll' i.TTTTTi im.,.
StenographlQ work dono quickly ami
SIGNS will help build up your busl
ness. Phone 802. 18 Riverside svhiiiix
Steam Keating.
PONTINO & nENZ Steam and hot wa
ter heating, dry kiln and powor work.
Satisfaction guaranteed, Estimates
given. Phones; Pacific 4601, Homo
124-L, residence Pacific 4462. Hox 434,
37 Houth Central ovonuo, Medford,
Sewing Machines.
local representative for . "Hlnger" and
"Wheeler & Wilson" sewing muohlrias.
Phone 6043, Machines for sale rx- ront.
Repairing. Offlco 31 N, llartlctt.