u PAGE SEC MT3DF0RD MATTi TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKOON, TUESDAY, MAY 10. 191 1. tt4r- Springs Hmvy coll "Yum Yum (Spring," I3.S0 ollcr. for $1.75 Iron Beds You noulil lo nskctt n IiIrIi nn 15.00 In somo store; hero for $1.95 Kitchen Cabinets 13&.00 ltoolcr Cabinets, now In till flro sale nt only $25 Range Think of buying a flno IlanRc, not tlamnRtsl In the leant; fire Bale price. $25 Buffett Hero Is a very fine value In a quartered oak Buffet; worn much more; fire sale price. $21.75 Morris Chairs Our regular 114.00 Morrl Chair co during this fire sale for only $9.00 Book Cases You have long wanted one of theso fine Combination Dook cancB now for only $14.95 Library Tables Quarter-nan cd Oak Library Tables now going at thin fire Hale at the low price of $9.50 Extension Table You never bow such a valuo In your life. Come mid sec thla table, In flru mlo fur $5.00 Linoleum 16 quarter, bent grade ljtno k'Utn, 12 feet wide, only 65c sq. yd Rug K2 Ilug, n 15.00 seller, now Ktea for only x $3.00 RollTopDesk Vino Oak IVnk In thl rire sale for only $17.85 Couch A iploiiilld ului'i worth imielt more. In till mile for $7.00 Brass Beds $25.00 Keller, now In thin fin1 alo for $12.85 Dressers Could you buy nuy lilml of it Premier nt rvgulnr prlcm for $7.20 High Chair lU'KMlnr $a,"fi itimlo, In flio nnlp at $1.95 Mammoth Clean Sweep FIRE SALE Opens Wednesday, May 17th at 9 a.m. Every article of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Ranges, etc., etc, in this big stock will be placed on sale at enormous reductions. Most everything is as good as it was the day received. DON'T WAIT DON'T DELAY-COME EARLY IF YOU AHE NEEDING FURNITURE, YOU CAN SAVE ON EVERY ARTICLE YOU BUY DURING THIS SALE. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO WAIT. THE FIRST TO COME WILL BE FIRST SERVED. FIRE SALE PRICES ON DINING TABLES, ETC. Doii't fail to see the splendid values we are offering at tin's sale. $32.50 Ex. Tables $26.35 $3000 Ex. Tables $24.60 &nn. n l?.- fp..i.i. coq on $25.00 Ex. Tables $19.60 $16.50 Ex. Tables $12.00 $13.00 Ex. Tables $10.00 $12.00 Ex. Tables ..$9.50 $10.50 Ex. Tables ..$7.50 Fire Sale Prices Window Shades 7-foot Oil Window Shades, mounted on Hartshorn rollers; 75c grade; during Cftf this sale WC 7-foot Water Color Window Shades on Hartshorn rollers; regu lar 50c grade; JfU zvv now. Fire Sale Prices on Fine Dressers You ran save a lot of money on Dressers at this sale. Remember that'our original prices are alwavs'lowt $35.00 grade. $29.00 $25.00 grade $20.35 $21.00 grade $18.00 $18.00 grade $15.00 $10.00 grade $8.70 $14.00 grade $9.00 $9.50 grade $6.50 Fire Sale Prices on Fine Chiffonier Mahogany, oak and other .finishes, the best values ever of fered at regular prices; now, special: $25.00 grade ..'..$20.00 $28.0 grade ....$23.00 $22.50 grade ....$14.50 $26.50 grade ....$21.00 $20.00 grade ....$15.00 Fire Sale of MATTRESSES 0 You will be surprised to find so little damage, even here where the fire was worst. Think of the savings and look sure. $24 White Swan $5.00 $30 Ostcrmoor $5.00 $15 Silk Floss $5.00 $8.50 Mattresses .. .$3.75 $3.50 Mattresses ... $1.50 VHrMHHHBttiB n H H jaJBft'J Fire Sale Prices on Chairs, Rock ers, Etc. Here are a few prices on ('hail's. We have many, many more to show you in the store. $35.00 grade ... $28.90 $28.50 grade . $23.50 $30.00 grade $24.00 $25.00 grade $19.60 $15.50 grade $10.00 $10.50 grade $7.60 FIRE SALE PRICES ON RUGS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, 6c TOU CA3TV TAXI. TO APrBECXATB IHB BXO REDUCTIOWa WT XAVS MASS XW THESE DKPAUTKXMTH. TKEBU OOODR WBKB TA HOK TKB rZSX BUT Z.XTTZ.B SXOXS EVE OOT WEAK THEM, BUT WB UT AZ.X, OH BAX.B AT VBBT LOW BAXJB PBIOES. s If you want a Rug, came in soon and select from our large assortment of new styles. The prices are sure to please. Carpets Now is the time to buy the carpets you have been need ing. Not for years will you have such a chance to save. Curtains Curtain goods may be pur chased at very advantageous prices. Can you afford to wait about supplying your needs? Draperies, Etc Ts there something in the Drapqry line that you desire' Don't wail, but coma now and take advantage of ihe sale Fire Sale of Library Tables Everyone who is starting a home needs a library ta ble. The prices are temptingly low just now. Fire Sale of Kitchen Furniture Anything in the line of Kitchen Furniture mav be purchased here at very great savings. Fire Sale of Dinning Chairs Get a new set of Dining. Chairs at this sale and save enough to buy an extra rocker to boot WEEKS & McGOWAN CO. LOOK FOR THE BIG FIRE SALE BANNERS Make a Payment on What You Want and We Will Hold It for You Clocks Center Table Go-Carts Refrigerator Clock Kino MIhhIoii Clocks, now In You tun uho an uxtrn table 11,00 Kr.idc, uml 1 1 vpeulal at Don't n without 11 rofrlKor- Urn IIiIh flno MImnIom Qluuk, flru bale at at thin price thut; now In flro wilo at utor wlnin you cun not ono for now In flrn nnlu at $7.85 $2.00 $2.85 $9.25 $6.75 Rocker Hoik In ii price ou utn't nf flMll til pilMH. $1.95 Enameled Beds A ikkiiIiii IT JO IJiiiuimli'il I IimI, limml new, now hix'm In Ultra rim mi In rui' $3.85 Carpet Sweeper A fty kihmI t'mpet Mweepnr, In till" flru intlo ut the low Intro or $2.65 Rocker A rrKiilnr 15 4 llm'dir, it nplrinllil, rimy. -iin fur tntln I'liulr, Kum In tliln flro n.iln it $3.15 China Closet t'nnie mill iri tlllil lir.lllllflll China Clict, now on nnnlnl imlo for niily $23.85 Herrick Refrigerator ISSon ll.rrltk ltfrlKnr.tnr, nn nrt'niint uf Ik'Iiih In tlm IiiiIIiIIiim Hint wan mi rin w-o offer tin in nt $18.85 Extension Tables 176 0(1 Hultrr. tint fllliiM ever lirnilRllt to llih illy. iiitllu'il nr fiiniiil flnlhh, now In rlro mii In for $58.00 Enamelled Beds l.rry wniniin ulin llcciU it i.-il ulll Ihi hero fur nno of IIii'imi IK. Ut) rnniiii'li'il IiuiIh rot' only $10.00 Chiffonier Our ri'Kuliir low prlonl I37,ftn fliirrniilur, onn or tlm hi'Ht viilni'M (vcr nhiiwn nt Ihn ri'Kiilnr pi li'ii, now $20.00 Go-Carts llnro Ih ii Hplnntllil l''nhlliiK (In. Carl, mill tlm prlro lu fur Imlnw ii'Kiilnr, ' $4.00 f rL4