PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MATT TRTRUNR MEDlTORn. OR1WON. 'ITIOSOAY, MAY 10, 101 1. ii: MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE ! AH INDKPKNDHNT NnWHPAPKVl PUUMBHICU DAILY KXCKPT HATUIl DAY 11 V Tim Mi:t)ixmu PMNT1NO CO. RAILROADS AND THE PUBLIC. ii A S LONG ns the public maintains its present friendly attitude towards (ho railroads, but li Office 'Mall Tribune llulldlhg, sr.-J7.29 North Kir street; photic. Main 3021 Homo 75. anOHQK PUTNAM, KJltor nnd Manager tntn ml n second-class matter n Medford. Oregon, umlor tho net of March 3, 1879, Offlelnl Paicr of tho City of Medford urnciiw l'apcr or jacKson t.-ouniy RUBBGRIPTIOH BATES. Ono ynr, by mull 15.00 Ono month ! mnll .............. .60 Pop month, delivered by carrier in Medford. Jacksonville and Ccn- tpnl Point . .. . . BO (Sunday only, by mail, per year.... 2.04 Weekly, per year 1.&0 BWOBH CIRCULATION. Dally overage ror six montha ending December 31, 1M0, 2711. rull Seated Wire United Press Dispatches. The Mall Trlhuno Is on ale at lh Ferry News Stand. San lTanci&co. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland, How man New Co., Portlnnd, Ore. W, O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. KEsroac. oRrnoN. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Kortlii-m CAlirornm. anu mo iasiesi rNiwIni rltv In Oroimn Population V. 8 census 1910; SS40: rj.tlmilt.tL 1911 10.000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Witter system complete,!, giving nnesi sunnle nuro mountain water and slx- teen miles of street being paved and contracted for at ft co&l oxc-eedlng l 000.0CQ. making a total of twenty miles of pavement. Postofflcij receipts for jear ending; 31, 191. snow increase, or i per cent. Itank deposits a gain of S3 pet cent ' llanner fruit city In Oregon Itoguo Itlver Spltxcnberg apples won sw-p-Makes prise and title of , "Apple Xing' of the World." at tho National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, and a car of Neu towns won Xlrrt Frizo In 1910 at Canadian International,. Applo Show, Vancouver. II C ltogue Itlver pears brought highest prices In all market of the world dur ing the past sir year. Write Commercial club. Inclosing cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever written. llll- ttlo MV'roSi W5.,?hA.M2u?SI, railroad extension or development can bo expeeted. With crn Orcgonlan. The Ashland Tribune. ., ,i,m, .xf mi hi in cmitimunt will immh nil nPn nf Pnilriind building," statud .lulius .Kruttsehnitt, viee-president of theTSouthorn Pacific railroad, during Ins visit at Aledtoru. For many veal's the railroads pursued the "public be damned ' poliey. Kates wore made, especially in the west, upon the poliey of all the traffic -would bear. Kqiinlity and justice never ontered into the consideration. Kail roads entered polities, bought and sold legislatures, dom inated territories, states and even the national congress. As a result, a popular prejudice against railroads result ed bul there never was a time when the railroads were denied a scpiaro deal. As a matter of fact, the railroads have always been treated kindly by the public, which for decades left them unregulated and uncomplainingly paid exorbitant rates. The people have paid billions of dollars' for railroad bonds and slocks, most of the latter being water. Hut because a railroad is a public enterprise, and therefore subject to regulation and made amenable to law, the interests have taken to lecturing the public for its "unfriendly attitude." It is not so much the fear of unjust legislation that withholds investment in railroad securities as it is dis trust of the Wall street clique of manipulators of railroad securities. Government and state regulation will in the end prove beneficial to the securities involved, as it pro tects the holders from these manipulations. Railroad operators are beginning to comprehend the real sentiment of the people and to realize that the people and the railroads are interdependent, and that the pros perity of one is dependent upon the prosperity of the other. The new president of the Gould lines, li. F. Bush. reflects the changed ideas of the railroad man when he makes the following statement: "The public should have something to say regarding the laws under which the railroads operate. After all. the railroads are created by the public and the public should control their creatures. "When the interstate com merce commission was firt created and announced certain rules under which railroads should operate, there was general outcrv from railroad otticials. To a man, they opposed the idea of any jubli' commission 'interfering I in their private business. We now know that a railroad is public, not a private, business. And some ot us have con cluded that the public has a right to control railroads and other corporations." The day of the creation of mammoth fortunes by man ipulation of railroad securities is past. Every railroad in the country is loaded to the limit. There seems little chance of injecting any more water, for a while at least. Railroads- will become legitimate enterprises, their rights to return an honest profit on investment clearly defined, and therefore safe securitv for the small investor. VISITORS INSPECT LOCAL PAVEMENT Clark & Hcncry Construction Com pany Is Askcil to Flnuro on Work In Other Cities Inspection Has Never Fallen to Please. t.ook for the ml lltrtt Hive tv Ohio In tho hoarding Iiqusq you'ro looking fori Where to Go Tonight cfcmoykakt . MOUNTAIN SCENE SEEN MHRBLE Nature Has Hand in Designing Won derful View of Mountain Range With Cloud Effect in Marble Wais- cotlng in Local Building. . As rare as tho work of some artist after months ot work, but still more wonderful owing to the subtle art of Mother Nature. Is a mountain scene de pleted on tho marble wainscoting re cently placed on the Seventh street en trance of the Sparta block. The marble panel Is some four feet In height at the oxtreme end of tho entrance and upon Its 'surface Is clearly depicted n moun tain range, showing canyon, gorge and precipitous cliffs. Oyer It hangs nocks of cloudlets, giving a splendid effect. Mother Nature has done lur work welt. The picture Ik simply a result of chance nnd owing to this and Its slmph- beauty It l;ii le-n attracting much attention. The marble Is from Alaskan iuarri. Crude Oil to Be Burned. WINN1PKO, Man.. May 16 William Whyte. vice president of tho Canadian Paciric railroad, returned to Winnipeg today from his western inspetcion trip, und announced that as a result of an x amlnatlon of conditions In the moun tains It has been dflnltely decided to uso crude oil us fuel on engines steam ing through timber country. Two ra non were mentioned: Uecuuse the pres ent" fuel causes bush fires which ure enoromusly destructive , nnd secondly, brcausu u fireman cannot aland the strain of a. 130 mile run firing a big loco motive, tang to Mt tetter. MKLHOlMtNC Australia. May 1C Illll Ijing. the Australian heavyweight chumplon, hus offered U .meet Jack taster, the Amurican fighter, again within the next few weeks, taster still iiHNerts that ho went to his km-os be cause his arm had been momentarily jiarulyxwl through coming In contact with tang's elbow. A return match may bo arranged. OBEQOIT LEADINQ -WATT; IB WATCHED BT AX.Ii ' " (Continued from Page 1.) opposition und there may bo four npuh llofipH seeking tho Indoisemunt when tho time arrives. l.a Folk-tie Is likely to be tint chief contender with Taft, unlets Ilookuvelt expresses his willingness to hold down Hie Whlto House again. An other contender limy ho Hughes. Ik-fore ninny months oaoh of these prospective f-andldates will have ugentu In Oregon working up u. sentiment. The Taft rep rcsontatlvvM are ulreudy doing mission ary work, but lire thus fur local K-ople. The time fo tho personal representa tives of Taft to coiuu from Washington will not he until later. Also, there are ildvocatcH or tal-'nllette maneuvering iiuletly. und the taFollette strength Is uiuiih greater thun generally supiosed. UooHovelt will ho given a good vole, whether he wants It or not. , Taft Against rield. - Thu lineup at present, which Is stih Jrul to chuiigo lalor. of course. Is Tnft UKtiliist tho field. Tuft Iiuh been doing inuny things to try to strengthen him polf in Oregon, but thus fur ho hus ca tered only to tho old guaid. It Is Im possible for Taft to comu west, so ho ,vl depend on his political fi lends. La-l-'ollutto limy visit Oregon, und wln-tlivr lie does or not, tlio tal-'ouetle support A SLAP ON THE WRIST. 'TpITE long expected Standard Oil decision, rendered by the federal supreme court Mondav, declares the trust illegal and orders it dissolved. The decision has long been expected, and surprised no one. Hence it had been dis counted in business circles, and it cannot materially affect the stock market It is mciely a lady-like slap on the wrist lor the oil trust. The decision is a vindication of the government's stand, but seems a fruitless victory. It changes the form of own ership of the oil trust, and that is all. ft will not lower the price of oil to the consumer, and the ownership and the management will continue the same. Reorganization is not sufficient punishment for viola tions of the Sherman law yet it is all the punishment the oil trust faees and tho reorganization will purge the trust of its crimes. It can still carry on its practices un der the form of a looso federation, or a gentleman's club. The government cannot force competition between com monly owned properties. The decision is a surprise in that it qualifies "reason able" and "unreasonable" trusts or combinations in re straint of trade. To be unlawful, the combination must be "unreasonable" something that the law does not speci fy and which the court has interpreted into the law. Unlimited opportunity for litigation is thus opened for monopolies to test whether they are "good" or-"bad" trusts, reasonable or unreasonable combinations. No trust faces serious injury as a result of the court's opinion. That the Chirk . Menery Contlruetlnn company, tho rtrnl to invudo Oregon mid wiiise wnr with th'" "paving Irust." Is iiMklng gwd in ihi' notthwest is shown ly the IntKO mmiUi of limtiirleN tin V are receiving from cities IhrotiKhoiit Or eicon nnd WnsiinKn irvmi cltlex who iU-ln pHVtng nn-l ' not satisfied with other kinds ot iMiitnt During the pst few Weeks a luiiubur of drlegutims from other cities h.- Visited .Medford to li-w the paxvimiit und hove, on te turning home, evtt. i-d lhciiielt-4 ns being highly pls--l with usplmll laid by till cunip-"" Omie of Oie bent tlmonlrtls the Clink ,"fc llenei-y" ConMrm ttou OOlliimsy have received Is from h elites In CHllfornU wht-ie Ihelt- work oas lieen down for many year. Diirlni; n recent trip south lo Incpeet invoment und fire e,Ulpiueiil Iocs! eouucUttteu wet.- Krelltlv Kilflu ll.xl nt the uppreolatlon of the eoiiimn. ex pressed by lilmlnc-u men In tlloe elllc-.. The some thing oM.-.Ini til Medfotd foi led! itpi ffi tin- comiMity ih giving Mvdford k1 mwu-iii h! rv. sonahle prices Mtul Ale eons. .U,nll ov passing themsehrii lo MsUIiik ofriell frm other clllci In high t-rms regurd Ing Hie pavement laid her- by that com l"ny. Several other c'M-s In Oregon ure looking Into the tlng tuuttrrs ami are sending men here lo dleuss the inMter with the local ln'-trui uirii and lm expn-ssed thetn-M-Urs us sotlsflid The fuel thai after mo-king mi i-utlm fii' n-iiin tins city Ml- wus award ed a second eontrict us great us tin first nivalis but one thing that local H-uptn nw iii-.i.I with the class of Imminent and I he w.iv It laid. VICTORIA LIVES AGAINjN STONE King George Unveils Wonderful Piece of Art With Full Honors, Which Is to Perpetuate the Name of Victoria to Future Ajjes. TONionv Entire Clinuge of rrenrixm clkvjir rnoTorr.Aifn KXCEI.I.ENT MUitlO Ml Crawford mid Cruwell ONB DIKB WOOD FOR SALE 1II.U01C WOOD I I $i VltK T.OAI) I riione Main QEU1 or lravn orders at Medford Hardware Company OIIOIOE BEDDINO PLANTS Our bedding plimlH iiro not forced in hoi, greeiihiwiHo, bill, are properly hardened off in tho cohl frames. J. T. BROADLEY & CO. Ctleeiihutiee Near City Heaervol tltorn O nnd Oeutrnl Aveuilo, rhuiies mill ami 1-ltil, NOTIOtt. Dr, linrher Is now located In rooms , !0? mnl SOS l-'ni mers und l-'rultHruwers , tiiiulc httlldliig ami will he plensid lo; meet his ft lends ami pultons In llio, bow lOl'llllllll, M&zr&&& Boivltng, Billiards, Tool, nkatlur, and ' Shooting-. Tub Baths for Xindles and Ueutletuen at all times. lg Dance Every Saturday Hlrht. --,. S U-GO i at a; nnd her ."WRKBi: the J CUOWDII OO'tJ AKJOBXfl MAirDBVIZ.I.B superb eoiuxin, pr nllng J u Hlilltll ItmisvlN buitlflll Wtued) I dratii.i. v i s r-'otlRS Utween nrls hy .Miss Uolse. J h'pe laities by Comimiiy. rnAccrux. vallbt" IN TKHUK CltAlTKHn JACK MAY AGAIN EATON WILL VISIT AUSTRALIA! TALK T Novel Match Is Proposed in Mel bourne and Johnson Says He Will Go for 5000 Pounds SterlingWill Meet a Wrestler. MKLUOUHNi:. Australia, May 1C Juck Johnson, world's heavyweight champion, will piohuhly ho Hcim In thu ring again In this country. A cablo has been p-colvud from him accepting the of- will i-oino from thu Insurgent rtuhll- fer of Webur, tho Hydney wrestler und cans. There is no likelihood or uugnes stiong mun, for S0U0 pounds Hlerllng, .visiting, unit i ooseveu ims iee .... i.. 0 cliam),,()n t0 ,,- w,u, w,br w, fSIKUIIU HIIVUUji , Piuutloully thu uiuu ooudlllons will prevail uniong democratlo ustilriiuts. Woodiow Wilson Is coming, und Wilson Iiuh a presldontlul hoouilet. llryan limy journey to Oregon, hut tills would nut be lieccsKury In his case, its his following Ih still strong here. Theie are deniii ttrnta who never will vote for iiuyouo hut Ilryun. Caynor nnd lluriiion ulso liavo their itdinlrers, and olthur uiiiy he ex'ieated If tho tlniu permits. , Whether thoy come In re (iiutn Intho east, the democratic and re publican Huekers for tho presidency will not Ignore Oregon, with lt presldeiitlul lii-efcrcncu piliiioilca. wrestle. Thu Austrulimi ahallonged Jiihuson a. couple of moulhs ugn ofr.-r-Ing to mod him on ihe mat In a finish ma toll under unliiiiu cnudiliotis. lie stipulated that Johnson wear boxing gloves. Willie he (Web"r) will wrestle and fight with huro JiuiiiIh, and ho Is I coiiflth-ut thut he en n make the hluck chumplon iiult There may ho some hitch over JohKon'b diiiamls hut It Is nulliJV'r' tlui Mm. money will ho" forth coming, 'lliy boxing champion nay hu Is pruiiainil to lake tho AiiHtrallan on next December ut Hydney. 5 -r-- : ST- , Uunlilnu for HeuHh. ONIGH T Christian Science Lecturer Author , ized hy the Mother Church, Will Address Local People at the Opera House This Evening, LONDON, Muy l The yittvn Vic toria memorial in front of IliiekliiKhsm palace wuji formally by King Ui-orge today In tit. prvsvnce t-f Qii- Mary, the kalsvr and kulserln. Princess Victoria taulse an.l Prince Jwichlm of Uennaiiy: Quen AK-x.iiidru. Uue-n .Maud of Norwuy, thu, Duke of Connutighl and all the uiembers of the Ilrlllsh ronl fumlly. Tho oerenwiny was attended with full stutn and military honors, and some 3000 privileged guests were allot tl seulH ImhtrM the lines of sohlior These guests Included th- whole of King Ot-orge's hvuiienold aiul jm-rmouit staffs and the former-staffs of King Kdwurd una (jtieen Victoria. Thcrn Wttk no prort-sslgu Im-cuis.- the roynl jmrly had only lo w.ilk tlirnuh the palace gates Into the mull .ind tie v were upon Ih,- scene of th- unvilllng Tho musied bunds of tho guards pl.tycl tho Ilrlttnh and Oorman imllunfu an thems while tho king and his giy-kls wro taking thlr positions and afrf-r a short ri-llgi-'iis ocremony, coinliictetl by the Archblvloip of Canterbury. Kllir, Oeorge pulli-,1 the cord which reli-mc-l th cunviis vnshroiiiliig th l.iti- ((ukii's statue, and to the strains of "CIoil Kave the King." tho trinips came to salute Thousands of spectators Were peki-t. during the c-remony, at tho top of tin mull and at Ihe bottom Constitution Mil but as the spue immitdlately surround ing tho memorial wan completely occu pied by tli- royalties, their gtit-sts und the troops, the general public say very Ilttln of th- spectacle. The irlnclsil feature of the memorial Is Qui-t-n Victoria's likeness which will. Its buck to the pedestal also faces down tho mall. It is 18 1-2 fet long anil de picts tin- lut- iueen scaii-d on her throne crown on hvuil.nnil scepter and orb In either han-1 On the opposite side of thu m !f:xU!. facing tho pulucc Is n sym group called ".Motherhood" nnd to the right and left ntr groups p p rcsenllng TrulJi" und 'Justlc" BITTERLY FLAYS LABOR LEADERS President of National Manufactur ers' Association Makes Vitriolic Attack Flatly Declares He Be lieves Lalior Leaders Guilty. Rock Spring Goal ON HAND AI.T. THE TIME. PUONE 1003, Burbidge THE COAX. UAH. Second hand Remington Typewriter For Sale. Uttle Used. Wide .Corridgo Medford Book Store :mmx. '&!&&mmmymm mr:.-' WaiKSff! K , Electric liose If von N.tlih .i until sprawtiu Ins : I.1WM for aluini two niiiuilvs win tun , lull wlu'ilior ho lia umliiluiuc in thu , lime dr not. 11 lie lecM ulllui'M: ffom one rn, of It to , llie nllti-t )ihi ran ilrpetnl tlut lie n celling iiri()iuml li.nii-ilii( lora "flllok' Don t j uk.ii i-iaiu'r wri )oh can li Hlrdilo lloitfNiul Is.' ulnululoly ttitp til I In: liilirt elliclciio i lllrt.-iili- llnie will not Imiii, itutl. or split. Il'4 ni:ole n( mmniIc. nine Iwlna ' icli-t ami iiiIiIk-i ml-. ! ; Nicholson Hardware Co. Clarence U. li-iton of Tucomu, nninhor of the board of lectureship of the moth er church, the I-'Irst Church of Christ, Kclentlst, ut Iloston, will deliver a lec ture oil Christian Kclenco Tuesday even- ling In the Mcdfonl opera housir at 8 ociocu. .Mr. Uaton was formerly a newspaper In Wisconsin. In 1 hay hi) gave up (lilt) profession to devote his tlmo to C'lirli- ft Ion Kclence. , Ho hus served as reader and member of tho state publication committee, In Minnesota and Washington, and ho cumo n member of the board of lectin . shlp of tho mother church In i'JOl, Only members of tills hoard lire authorized expoueulH of Christian Kclence. New York Buys In Kiifflanfl. LONDON, .May 10,New Vork bought stocks hero today heavily taking 27,000 shares of American Issues before tlin fNew York opening. Many brokers kept open ull night handling buying orders. NCW VOItIC, May IH. Vitriolic do nuniiatlio. ..f union labor In getn-rnl nnd of Hau J'rirn:nco unionists In particular, with flat 'hi-luratlou thut he helh-ved tin- destruction of tho l.os Angeh-s Times wum tin- r-Mi.ll of a general plot of la bor IfinlirM, was inu.lo here today at the convention of the National Miiuu fuotuilng .iHhoclutlon hy Pn-slibnt Klr- by of thut orKiiiilr.utlon. "Tho Aiiieiicuii Kcderntlnn of I.;ilor Is eugagiii In open w irfuro on Jesus Christ snd his principles," sal. I Kliby, "and I cl.atlerigu tho federation to dis prove my uhMurtlons. "This Iriesponslblo federation vih been to grow up In our midst, uncurbed by law and ittiwhlpped of Jus tice, although Its purpose Ih to draw to it common level nil working men and women, Irn-Hpi-ctlvu of their Intellgenco. It refuses to submit to government of any kind i xcopt tho will or Its own bosses. "The greatest capitalists concern In thu count i s not permitted to do luilf the things tiieso labor leaders claim Iho right lo do "1 firmly htllevc Iho destruction of lie I.oa Angel, u ThiieH wuh Iho result of aeriiniulaleil ro veil go on the part or the criminal Jahor leader. Tls Is shown hy Iho the fact that nearly fiim.OQii hau hceti raised by (fit leuderH of iho Amorl jmi J''.-ierattoii of Dubor to prevent Oen urul Otis saving' I.oh Angeh-H fiom liu typo of uiilonltwi which Ihih iiimlu Han iiuiicihco smuliunio imn.' Excursion Fares East 1911 During tho months of M.a)', June, July, August and Hvptemhvr. on dales shown below, tho Southern Pacific wilt sell round trip tickets from Medford, via Portland as follows. TO , PAIt-i. Chicago J smo Council lllliffs Omulm Kansas City GJ.'JO rit. J.Meph St. Paul Ht. llwl. vki Coo sell Illuffs ... 7J.S0 MlnnaH(ls, direct fiv'jui Mlnnctolls, vlaCoiiHnll Illuffs.. 73 1" ' IbMitmi. dlrnet ll&'ji r,ew lorn IM IH Ht. UmiIh 7S 90 Washington, 11. C. 117.40 Atlantic City, N. J. ...1 1 11.30 BAr.K UATE3 May 15. 17. 1. 19, it. r. :i. 3. 27. : nnd 20. June 5. 79. 10. IS. 1, 17. 21. SI. 3. ;9 and 30. July 1, 2. 3. I. B. , io, n, ta. 7 and 2S. August 3. 4, fi. II,. IS, 10 17, 21, 22, 23, 2, 2! nnd 30. September 1, 2, I, 5, fi and 7. Htoj. -oven, within limits In either di rection. Plnul return limit October 31st. for fares oao vay through California i lnrjulro of auy Houthoru ractfto ae'ent or write to WH. McMUKKAY OenerKl I'aseenirer Agent rortland, Oreron. FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - hv CLARENCE C. EATON, 0. S. B., MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, MAY 7GTH, EIGHT O'CLOCK Medford Theatre, Friday May 19th -: : . -J-rtCJOYOrS-- :- :- : Sffi5 Blanche Ring "The Yankee Girl'' Book by.Gco. V. Hobnrt Mimic by Silvio Hoin Harry Gilfoil axd 50 others 'A fiONU j YOIT liATdll i SMNSATtOXS AOIKIi iJYOr KIIJII (JNKW Trtiox cjtiikxto ii.wp: (I0T A MKKKY qVOI'll Vol' IX QUIP q KINtMOU T!I CITIIKIU. (11111' THEY ALL GO TO SEE HER ANT? SO WILL YOU 40 WINSOME WINNERS IN THE GETAWAY J I HAU MISS RING SIXd MM 1 K XI'AV SOXUK And MinvliP - if vou're ood a Tew of I lie old. PRICES- $1.50, $2.00. Scut sale Tuesday, Ma.v H5, at Maskins'. ll.ltMv'-A'l'r'Ji'J ! PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL to ijk nnr.n in Portland, Oregon, June 5 to 10, 19)1 Willi, IIU A MOHT IlltlliMANT FLORAL FIESTA & CIVIC JUBILEE Portland, "Tho Hose City," will ho, it scent; of splendor nnd tho center of; world-wldo Interest for ono weok. One and One-Third Fare to Portland 1'ItOM AJsT. rOIITTB. ON THE Southern Pacific-Lines in Oregon To keep perfectly posted on all Impor tant inattoru rotating to thlu gn-nt event, cull on local a gouts for circular!) und printed matter, or wrltu to WM. McMUBRAY aenural Paaiongor Agent, . POHTfiAND, "Oltli J. B. KNYA11T, I're.lilout J. A. PHIIUY, Vko-PresMunt V. K. MKimiCK, Vlco-l'milJ nt JOHN H. OllTII, Ctulilvr W. II. JAdlCBON, Arni't Cnnhlor. !! :: 'I ' !i TVrr?er4rrWr-T'- The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 HAKi: DIU'OSlT 110X13 10 It HUNT. A flKNIMlATi llANKINd ItUHIN'ICHH TUANSACTK1). Wo HOMC'IT YOUlt PATUO.NAdK. Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manufact urora of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE CRUSirun rook SOliJOIONIOD aRAVKL 1 Doliverod (o any part of city. orric: I'rtiltKrowcrs' Itiinlr Jlltltf, I'liono M, 052. Plant North Rivorside Phono M. 0091 0. ,T. SlflMON, Mgr. WASHED ' SAND for Concrete for llrlt-k Wiirk for I'lastciliin 1 WE SELL DIRECT TO CONSUMER 16 INCH WOOD Oak, $8.00; tfir, $7.00; Pino, sJlG.00. 3 'I'ioi' to Cord. Will Hof?in to Ship "May 1,1. Phono us ut Hullo MiHn. BUTTE V FALLS LUMBER 0 0.