T'- rrwlmrf ' Mnt PXGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKP. OIJKOON. TUESDAY, MAY. 10, mil. 5f i a BJ LOCAL AND PERSONAL ''Mnfcr tin Invrrlmrnt by tnnurlng wtli thfl ".MuttiM l.ir of New York." J. F llutchimn, .ARfnt OcorKn'Mnxwnll icturnrd Moiutny cvp nine from Amlcmon, Cnl., aliens lie lws bwn on bunlnm. Mr. McKdlnKcr nnd Ml" MfMlnsor of ARnto woro Alomlny ulioppcrti In Med ford. Mm. Howard Kllhntn and Mrs. Fhtilp Metclinm, who linvtr rn vUltliiR with Mrn. J. A. Wllnon, rctnrni-d to their fcotn In rPortliuul MomUy. Mtilford now litis ft rntM npency and hSuiwhuntff nre pouring Into the of flcc'of K. a Tumy nt 201 tfartiPtt-Corry ImlldlnK ir you wnnt to rent your hoimo notify Jilm nt one. SO N. O. Sml Hi of Contra I IVlnt was In town Monday. J. M, MoPonaM rf Now York pity nr rived In Medford Monday to look after bURlnrc Intercut. Mr. and Mm. C. 11, Sehunter of Spo kane 'nre. vlsltlne lth Mends In Med fonl. ' llad -display advertisement on an other page of this Issue. Butte FU Ltiraber company. Mra'S. U Anderson of Control Totnt Vasv shopping In Medfo-d Monday, Harold Krtiln of Ashland spent Monday In this city. It I). Wallace of Ashland vns In .Medford Monday. "nel.Ampm.n. editor or the Gold Hill News, trnnsactoil business In Mcdford Moridiy , Carkln & Taylor (John It. Carkln. airan O. Taylor), atorneya-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Uldg.. Medford. Wos Green was down from Grants Pass Monday,' where he has business in terests, W. S. Harbor and wife of Seattle aro among the recent newcomers In this city. ' ' H. It! Leonard was a business visitor In "Ashland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Piatt and Mr. and Mrs. F. It Gilbert of San Francisco nits look ing over the town with a view of locat ing." - " ' Do you want 6 acrea In alfalfa, one mite aouth of Main street, cheap? C, W. II. Krorhard. J1S Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. - Mr. and Mrs. George J. AVatson of Seattle arrived Monday for a. short visit with Medford friends. Charlrs C Felta of Kagle Point trans acted business In Mcdford Monday. O. J. Hell of Urownsboro km seen on the. strcefs of Mcdford Monday. Grcgory'a panorama and views sell real estate. Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. Spleri of Atlanta. Ga, arrlvpd In Mclford Monday and expect to make their home hero. George C Putnam of San Francisco spent Tuesday In Medforit, It Wood and wife of Seattle were among the Monday arrivals In Med ford. George F. Hall of Coo,utlIc Is spend ing a few days here. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford of fice, phone No. 1201. A. C. Hough of Grants Pass was In Medford Monday. A. J. Daley of Hagte Point was a business visitor in Medford Monday. Ii M. McKeany. rXirthvrcstern mana ger of the Producers' Fruit company. left wpnday evening for Iloseburg and the Willamette valley to look over Ue prune crop. Do you want 14 lots J0xH5 each for ISS00 on easy terms! C W. 1L Ever hard. SIS Fruitgrowers Bank pWs. It U. Kay and F. J Newman left Mon day evening for Portland whre they wll attend the northwestern mining con gress. G. W. Slater, the contractor Is suffer Ing'from a severe case of blood poison ing In his left hand. Large, delightful sleeping room for rent at SOJ Oleson street J. "W, Slinger and Tcto Incram left Monday for a 10-dsyn' vacation on the Kl Inter ranch on Little Butte creek. Leave your ordrs for strawberries with Tatsuma. at tho It It Valley de pot fruit stand, e does a wholesale and retail business and his berries are the best and cheapest In town. 6S It G. Smith, a Grants Pass attorney Is In Medford on business. T. L. Duncan of Seven Oaks, Is spend lnr a few days with Mcdford friends. Mr. and Mrs. It It Marsh returned Monday evening from a visit at southern Oregon points. Medford local socialist party meets every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Orape street Everybody Invited. Mr. and Mm Charles Hathaway are visiting with relatives here, Thomas II. Ii Hathaway and the Misses Merrill, coming from the Yosemlte valley. Se It A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Miss M. E. Itlng of Gold Hill was a Tuesday shopper In Medford. John" Arnell of Seattle was a business Visitor In Medford Tuesday ' Ceorgo Ii. Caldwell and wife of Chi cago were among tho caatcrnarrlvals In Medford Tuesday. ' Mm. Fred Lewis and sons, Phil and Jacjc. we'ro In from their ranch Tues day. Two and one-half acres In alfalfa, one mile south of Washington school; ey Nrms. A. W. 11. Everbard. 212 Frult- growors Bank bldg. William Patterson, water commission er of Ashland, was in Medford Tues day en route to Jacksonville. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnelturg visited Jn Jacksonville Tuesday, Tom Taylor was a buslneba visitor In Merlin Tuesday. Attorneys Mulkey and Cherry have moved into the office vacated by Dr reeey in the Jackson county bank build ing. MImh Grace Drown, who has bfoti sluiiylijjs muslq in Portland, arrived TiHsday morning to vUlt her sister, Mrs ,V. F. lsuuca. -, .- Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono 2271 Night Phones P. W. Wclc 2071. A. E. Orr, 8(302. liAWr ASSISTANT. ' JOHN A. PERL Undertaker mill Einbalincr Successor to the undertaking de partment of Modford Furniture Co. Office with Medford Furniture Co. Telephones; Day, Dell 3G1; John A. Perl, residence, Doll 4X11, Homo 170L. a. W. Conklln 3C01. J. II. Dut )or 3571. A.MI1ULAXCK HKHVICB Jack Turoll left Tuesday for Smith Butte- sehool-dlstilol No. ! wherr ho has pptitraetiHt to ervol a sohtnil building. Mr Trotter was iinablo to assume his duties Tuesday on account of n slight Ulnesrt. K. C Gaddls, M. 1 Meadows and Frvnk lleddon of Medfonl are itt tend ing tho grand lodge of Odd IVllowi or Portland. George IVarcp left Tuesday morning! for Klamath l-v.lls where ho expects to remain. Miss Prudence Smith of Talent wna n Tuesday morning shopper In Medford. .Harri l.lng returned Tuesday morn ing from Kugene where ho visited after his fire nppnrntus Inspection trip. Mrs. C U Iteames departetl Tuesday morning for a short visit In San Fran cisco. n Hamlin of Phoenix ws a Ipislness visitor In Metlfonl Tuesday. Mr Iledfleld of Phoonlv stomed In Moilford Tuesday morning on route to his homo from Grants li. Colonel Minis of Seven Oaks was a Tuesday morning visitor In Modfonl. Charles Meservo was a passenger to Woodvlllc Tuesday. H Jerome of the Prospect Construc tion company was a Gold Hill visitor Tuesday, C M. Kldd visited his ranch at Con trol Point Tuesday. Fred Knov of Provolt the well known Applogiite stockman, was In town Tues day morning. If It Is for chickens. Schmidt has It. Main St.. on It It trnek. ' 1'nt Swaynrv tho champion alfalfa Krowor of the Applegnte. was In town Tuesday, His record Is S tons SCO pou lids per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Kills have returned from an extended stay nt tho BUrgsa ranch, beyond Jacksonville. Lincoln Wool rid gw of Missouri Flats In the Applegate was In Medford -Tuea. day. Miss Hatel Davis and Miss Bertha Rngllsh are expected home from Eugene this evening, where they nttcndK1 tho Junior prom. Mrs. Madden of Central Point was In Medford Monday. Mr Itoynton left Monday evening for an extended visit in Los Angele. Clarence Baldwin returned Tuesday morning from Grants l"ass, where he visited several days. Clarence- Evans and A. A. Aklns spent Monday night fishing at Oold Ray. If It Is to feed horses or cows. Schmidt sells It. Dr. J. F. Iteddy passed through -Medford Monday evening on his way to Portland on Important business. Dr. and Mrs. Iteddy have Just returned from an extended, tour of Europe. Mrs. Hcddy remains for the present In Sacramento. TO WATER STOCK ON SOUTH FRONT The era of civic Improvement Is at hand and the Installation of a sanitary drlpking fountain and a new concrete horse trough will further increase the circulation of wet goods on. South Front street. Tho city has finally decided to place a, horse trough tn the public thor oughfare. This necessary adjunct being necessary to many depending on horse flesh for a living. Fanners and others may now water thin nonces vlthbut go ing to a private watering place. The .m..l.-r4ri4trtrtwt4--ter Crater Lake i x (jArvAvjiii Moved to New Location oni x South Front Street I THE LARGEST AND MOST COMMODIOUS, AND i FINEST EQUIPPED GARAGE IN THE CITY. EVERYTHING WILL BE IN READINESS SOON FOR CARING FOR YOUR CAR IN THE BEST POSSI BLE MANNER. Home of the Famous "BUIC K" CAR J. C. NEFF, MANAGER CRATER LAKE GARAGE ,,,""""""""'"" Still Another Big Double Bill at the 1k3 JLk3 . t I O'BRIEN and DARRAH In a Cyclyone of Comedy ! With n lepulatloil fiom Miilno o MUo II" Hl-ale-l eiwd)r 1.him on tho load. Vmi un o.miio pieimmlh. h'v lh jtieiilwH lnh " )'" f llmr. Iheiyiihero thny hmo ii..elvd II Im Iwhi s-irl mlliMts afli tlio mil ir thu t'lirlaln ln-foro tho hiiiIhmiwi iHttiM l uuletwl HiiiNt in Hlbiiv tho iirifuntittiiw to rimtliiuo. si KU-.it Imih been theli laiiKl. pioiokliiK I'mii. edy. Special engagement of Lee Willard MedforcTs Favorite Actor Mr. Wlll.ud. who for ple.isure mill bellh Is riding h.r.lw. V ri.ni l.w Angeles to He.ittlo. Iillil by n lili'k) move Mr. Unleii lm M'iutsl I.iim r..r TIIHKIS NMllllTH UM.Y. In ivhbll llto M. Wlllaid Hilt pr. nl I.U comiidy ait, entltlid "Jolly JiuIho Joker." N II At the riiiii'liisloii or his sit Mr WlHanl will presetil f.i ll. first lime on any stMge. his faithful lir". "1 hhiiisiiiImii. ii. '.-. ii.. has inriled him mifoly frum U AiiKilen li .Mmlfinxl. This ll U' CIihi lie's flist aplx-nntiiOe us nil tutor trf BUILDING SPECIALTItS COMPANY .ltV..liJj,TS mmv ill! .VtlltTH IIITI.I."IT HT. A full lino Of MUeil rnlutn. !.iuiji, Oils niiU ViiriiUhoa. Ciniiphito altick of Culiots' Croosoto KIiIiikIo UuIiis, Wood Tlnln, Hry I'nlutu ami Kl mlnm. fall nl (ho Klgit of tho Hun and r.i't our prlciit. Slit NOItTII IIAUTI.h'IT ST. I ,)'?''' PLUMBING! fountnln and trough aro being put In place today. , Look at the "For Kale" ads and at tome of tho things that aro advertised for sale. J Ji I Haaklna for Health. - i Lead Blown, Cut Star TABLE TUMBLERS ! 1 Oc Ea. "Wc will put on sale here tomorrow one lot extra heavy best lead blown Tumblers, straight shape, full 9-05. size, with .1 extra large genuine cut stars, smooth melted edge; special for-tomorrow 10c each, 60c set. Not over 1 set to a person. !". -v. ..:. :: Choice, Half Price Tomorrow and Thursday wo offer your eboice of any piece of fine Cbina in tbe store at just one-half our marked price. . .This includes all our fine im ported and band painted ware. ' 0 4 i Salad Bowls Over i50 styles to select from here at $1.00 to $5.00 each, and tomor row and Thursday you get your choice at just one-half our regular price. Better hurry. Havilarid BREADAND BUTTER PLATES We have about 0 dozen olf 'the ahore, .solid gold borddr, fancy decorated worth 75c to $1.00 each in a china store, that go in this sale at 25c each. i i -i Watch this store for the genuine bargain, no fake sale here. The best goods, biggest assortments and lowest prices in Medford at HtJSSEY'S FOR r-i-rfsr ISAJLli SIF.AM AND HOI WAIER IICA1ING All Work Gunruntooil X kkjl r JLin iqj jrrvjiE, Url.w.u l;.iu,,....t.l.. i uiun tt'iinv. tiikuiu J., .1 IIOWAUD IIIAICK, KNTKAM'K ON fltli KTItKin'. HION'K Iiei.l 2 I f''rfl,fr4P . -- - f 2 LOTS ON SOUTH OAKDALE 50x150 EASY TERMS NO INTEREST L. B. W A R N E R Jr. At Warner, , Wortman & Gores r Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AKD MACHINIST ' All kiiulB of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Macliiuery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE is 00. S ,.i Help for All Andrew Carnegie once suggested as an epitaph for his own tombstone what he said was the secret of his success : " Here lies a man who surrounded himself with men abler than himself." Many able people nfe working for you, cientiU, inveatofi, manufacturer!, all tryjng to make tomclhing you want. Do you ue their rain and their effort "surround yourself with them" or do you plod along by yourself, years behind the times ? Take your own home. Have you your share of modern im provements there money-saving, labor-saving, health-promoting? One of the most important of these is a New Perfection Oil Cook-stove. A New Perfection itove never orerlietti kitclxn. It iavet your tltengtli. It MTei fuel aod time. Willi the New Perfection ovm with the g1" oor X0" go en with your uonu or nr oilier woik, nd ull be tuie t tftnee the joml it lotttiog propeny, "oiueK-st Mt wlili 1 . 2 taA 3 burn.li. wild loC(, lurquoU. I.lu tatmtUii i liimn'Tt. Hiuiiinlir fi.UhtJ lliroutpsui, ,1m 2. .nil 3.Lurar iivet can m IiiI wrih or wiiboul ibml lop, vrKkli 1j tiled wuh IC, , rywlKi) cf wrm for im. iUr la lU' of irt ijcoc wiiboul (ibuwl lop, vrlutn drop shelve, law. I f.cll. lc trunti UllM Standard Oil Company (IncorportteJ) Bread tMj aiid m V4 rmrx icsjjr a llrJIv ;ru.'..i,..j7 H1 i. - n . . J ii iv v. v aarmiijwnwr -- i i i v . ' r-LCr t a iV i. tin i. - n . . f i i. -v. ' " '' ' ' t - THE kind the family line delicious cakes that melt in tho mouth and light flaky broad that maUos you ask for more. That's tho kind vo havo sold sinco ve began biiHincHK and will conlimic io kcII lo maiiiilaiii our ivpu fation for the most dolighll'ul i-akcs and rincst bread in town. JJriiifr inoro pleasure lo your family meals by usiiitf our bread and chIcok. Your neighbors do why nol you? This weok's special offorscom paro them v;ith tho prices and quality offered by othors, Allen Grocery Co. 32 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE