u " PSGE EIGHT irv a Hi : a, a; v "ftl.MI 1 f A R! I?; MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEflFORDOREGON, SUNDAY, MAT 14, 1911 BUILD YOUR HOME ON fO r i , i '.-.. V; . i i THE EAST SIDE ' t t ",-h , 1 ;'y This is by far the most desirable residence district of Medford for countless reasons, I. the choicest home property on the market EAST SIDE ITEMS '1,'ho hoMjiitnl, committee is luckjug but jx low hundred, dollars, ot'. being nblo to furnish (ho Sisters with it, dpctl to' their iundj ,Tho S.intora informed thq committee (hat they have plana and .specifications ootnplfctcd for the .fl 00,000 hospital to bo orcoted on Nob Hill and nro only awaiting defl'A to commence work. A beautiful ndw Iiouko on Nob Hill is boitipr erected by Dr. H. W. Clancy, of native Htonc taken from tho oast Hido quarry, and Oregon fir. It t'oiii inanda tho finest view yf tho valley. Tho cast iron main ordorud to re place tho wood water pipo on Hunt Main will be hero in .10 days. Survey stakes have been net and Monday men begin work on widening tho newer ditch to accommodate tho iron water muin. Work f grading and paving Knst Main street will bo started uoxfwcek" und rushed to completion. ConlraotH hnvo boon let for walor mains in Queen Anno addition and paving operations will follow laying of tho mains. Tho $10,000 firo-protif puUliu bohool building is being ritshtt to completion. Tho foundation has been finished and work is proceeding rap idly upon the walls. The building will he ready for ooupanoy for tho fall term. T. K. Daniels is putting tho fiuish ing touches to tho grounds of his res idence oil Keeno Way, on Siskiyou. Heights. A roso hedgo and othur vines ami shruhory have been plant ed. When completed, those grounds will bonmong the iinest in Medford". I Hi ' ' " ' f' ,k V " ' ; "' V' ; ( l Because 'f THE EAST SIDE RESIDENT DISTRICT HAS THE HILLS, WH&RE THE BElST H6MES OF A'GITY ARE EVENTUALLY BUILT. ' . . , ! . ' . ' . f THE EAST SIDE RESIDENT DISTRICT HAS THE BEST SANITARY CONDITIONS; HAS THE BEST SEWER IN THE CITY; HAS THE FltiST DASH AT THE BEfeT WATER OF ANY CITlTOUTSIDE OF PORT- LAND. it:: Because THE EAST SIDE LAND HAS A SLOPE AND PERFECT DRAINAGE; NO SURFACE WATER HERE. Because -!ir ' '. - (, ' .' '.:;:: :.);: ; , .-, ; v '-',!' ON "THE EAST SIDE" BASEMENTS CAN BE BUILT AND ARE BUILT WITHOUT ANY ACCUMULA TION OF WATER. ' , i " '. ' -" '. Because r THE EAST SIDE HAS SOIL THAT IS RICH AND PRODUCES THE BEST LAWNS IN THE CITY. Because ( ,r ;, '" ..' ' ' THE SISTERS, ON LOOKING FOR AN IDEAL SPOT TO BUILD THEIR HOSPITAL, CHOSE THE II ILLS ON THE EAST SIDE ON ACCOUNT OF THE' ELEVATION, PERFECT DRAINAGE AND GOOD SOIL. 4 l -i t M. Because '' .r"' MANY OF THE BEST HOMES ARE BEING BUILT ON THE EAST SIDE. -" -4'' ;, ' J,,.-' ' ' " !. rl : ' i . . .. -t : rj 7. T t ... I.i Because THE EAST SIDE HAS A MODERN SCHOOL BEING CONSTRUCTED AND A $100,000 HOSPITAL BEING . CONSTRUCTED. Because 1 V YOU DO NOT BUILD YOUR HOME ON THE EAST SIDE YOU WILL SOME DAY REGRET IT, AS THE CHOICE ELEVATED LAND IS LIMITED. & .u' ,'v - v . r,V Because :- 1.. f 1 THE EAST SIDE OFWISHS THE SIGIITLIBST RESIDENCE SITES iVND THE MOST BEAUTHUL VIEW TO BE FOUND IN ANY SECTION NEAR MEDFORD. v ' :J ( ;; r xbw a" -H j4. East Side Improvement Association Y v 4 yi