t i-l ,--t. -t.v .-j ,u .-.-i1 f-.taMgi JURY FINIS WOMAN GUILTY V ' ) ' 1 DEVELOPMENT Of TIMBER 10 WHIT Railroad Must4 Reach Timber, Says Mercereaii Bbforc They Can Start Manufacturlnn Ira Tract Near This City. Mr, rickitt CHt Body. SAN KBANCISCO. May 13. Accompa nied by his family. Including his moth er, Mm. Iji Snllo Corhella Pickett, wid ow of tho famous confederate Kcunrnl, the, body of Major George li Pickett, paymaster, V, 8. A who died whllo tho transport Lognn was steaming for San Francisco, was sent to Washington, D. I'., tonight for bi)rlnl. A military fun eral will bo given Mnjor Pickett nml his body will Ho In tho national cemetery at Arlington. IJohnny Evers Back In Game to a V-V rT Asserted That PalnterKHIed Him; self But Jury After, all Nigjtt S'e$i id Where to Go Tonight felon Returns a Verdict of Man slaughter. v ' CHJILDHALU Vt., Mny 13. After Imv Ins deliberated nil nlKht, tlio Jury hear ing tlio cnno of Mrs. Florence DodKe, widow of former Sheriff DodKe, charged I JHHr iP " II Hi II i V E, Z& II MRS. J. MAjJHALL DODCrE with killing William Hentli, a paliiicV, while he was nt work nt her homo near Lunenburi?, In8t Septomber, returned a verdict of manslaughter. Mtb. Dodge assorted tlint Heath killed himself eith er Intentionally or accidentally. )iu ' 41 SUMMER HOMES UN PELICAN BAY Tho survey or the town lots on Pelican Bay has been completed 'and tho tnnps have been received by supervisor Krlck son of tho Crater national forest re serve Hluu prints are now being made. All those wishing summer homes can fllq applications nt tho forestry office, tho choice of lots resting on tho order of application. Pelican Uny Is ono of tho best known summer resorts In this part of the stntc and a desirable building site fori a summer homo can bo obtained at small cost by applying at tho chief for ester's office. ( Wife Dope Field; Divorced. SICATTM5, Wniili., May 'i3.- -In- his couiiter suit, accusing his wife of using opinion, drugs and liquor, G. Wnid Kemp, an inJttorney, wns granted a dlvorco from Clmtlotto Lesllo Kemp, with .custody oftwo children. Jtrs. Kemp instituted suit; charging cruelty and subduing, her to tfte point of a nonentity. Keirip 11101 a cross complaint and 'Introduced cv.I-' denco that his wires parents frequented hls'Jinmo and Joined hls-wifo'Hi cilrou snlsl !. Community property 'viilubu ut'80,-' 000 js yet to bo disposed of. ,t l Negro Politician in Trouble. SEATTLL:, Wash., May 13,--Cliarge Willi falso registration,' Qscnr Collins u lujgro political boss In tlia'olrtj-tjstclct. ed (irea, was arrested In his rsaloon. After delay ho gave $3000 ball. Cdlllns first was ancsted on recall election day when ho nfflrmed ho 'had not-plsot his citizenship rlghets. An In formation was filed chnjyjlng that ho liadjbeon a convict, but tli dcUIltfiworu not 'given and Collins escaped on a de murrer. Since then tho Information has beert supplemented that Jir ,crved time in Missouri in 1889. , f Taft I Quoted. anATTUn, Wash., May 13. In over ruling a demurrer by tho city council in thai milt of tho Seattle Kenton & South ern) railway to pruvent revoking of n franchise, Judgo Donwnrthy quoted in support a decision by President Taft when lie woh on tho circuit bench. It was argued that the federal court had no Jurisdiction; that tho point ns to wheth er the company had lived up to Its fran clilso agreement was subject for tho state court. Judgo Donworthy said Pres ident Tnft had penned a decision clearly establishing that tho federal couit hnd Jurisdiction. j . It Is a happy turn uf fnto. or circum stances, that brings- Wutieho Ulng to-tlio Medford Mny 10, as Miss ltlng comes here with her complete organization thalt played tho Herald Square theatre, Now York, for a period of six month, and has Just completed a two weeks' en gagement In San Kranclsco, whoro the pnrfular stur wus accorded a most ter rific welcome PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL TO UK WZVD IN Portland, Oregon, June 5 to 10, 1911 . ;VILIi BEJ A MOST BIULMANT FLORAL FIESTA & CIVIC JUBILEE Portland, "The Rose City." will tie. bJ scene of splendor and the center or t world-wide Interest for one week. One and One-Third Farei to Portland , v v ' sPsjer. cwtWob .mccwd txirsMfhry" J " H i pldyihtr la graat form this yearwlth'rtank Ohabce'a ChldatroUrlfca "Johnny" 1' In the same form which made hlm'fa'monB two yeknTback, and be 'will Tta donbt be a great help to the Cuba In their fight for the pennant. rTrtr4-' ! v Still Another DoutieB'iilaft Bl2f i 'fa he yi ISIS ' Jfc ' i l X O'BRIEN and DAKKAH In a Cyclyone of Comedy With a reputation from Malno to Mexico as tho greatest comedy team on tho road. You can como prepared to have tho gtcatest laugh of your llfo tlme. Kvory wherg , they havo apieared It has been several minutes after tho fall of tlio curtain before tho audience could bo quieted enough to allow tho pcntfonrianco to-continue, so grrat has been their laugh provoking comedy.- . ' Special .engagement of Lee Willard MedlFord's Favorite Actor -, Mr. Willard, who for pleasure and heltli Is tiding horseback ftoni I,os Angeles to Seattle, and by a lucky movu Mr. Qorden has secured lilm for ' V0UlV'ldlITS ONLY, ill wlilcll time Mr. AVIllard will present his comu'dy ailtl entitled "Jolly i Judge, Joker." N.'JJA-At thd conclusion of Ills not, Mr. AVIllard will present for tho flrpf tliutv Jn uny 'stago Ills fAithful horso and conipaulou, Charlie, who has. carried him safoly fioni T.os Angeles to Medford. This will bo Chnr llo'o first appearance ns nn notor. , i SeeeySeSeteeSsS eeKess4s4s y ' An Orchard That Will Give You an Income the First Year j! 20 acres, all in full bearing, complete equipment, 8- i; iH)om house, good bairn, chicken house and outbuild- i; ings; above frost line; leautiful view of the valley. PRICE $16,000 THO& ft E. HATHAWAY 134 WEST MAIN STREET FROM I P. AZ.Z. poijtxs mw tbb 4 - s Southeu PadflG-Llnes in Oregon Tq keep perfectly posted on all Impor tant matters relating to this sroat event. .call on local agents for clrculara and printed matter, or write to WX. McMTJBKAT General Pasgoneer Agent, PORTLAND, ORB- - i -, l Clearance Sales Pre-Inventory Sales And other trade ionics are sporadic means re sorted to in the hope of doing a largely increas ed business for a few weeks in the year. IF INTERMITTENT QOJMS .PY Hang Out an Electric Sign - . : and then train you'rsulf.and your' organization to run under forced dVa'ught all the 3'ear. It can be done, it is being (lone. Et takes good nlachinei-y and fine iittcntl6ir to' detail, but these are the things that make the diff6reric between a battleship and a mud-scow, or be tween' a modern' store and a cross-roads loaf ing club. v. V X. ELECTRIC ADVERTISING ALWAYS PAYS AND STEADILY i v .' I I Rogue Riyer. Electric Company W. I). Mcrrcrcnu, president ot tlio nip Ano Lumber company, tho Roruo Hlver tl.umbor company, and tnaiiaKiir of tho xyndlcnto ovnln(j tho Wheeler and other largo tracts of timber In tho Butto Crock uVd upper RoRiio river country, arrived Prlllny to look 'rifter business lntorcnts here. g ' "Wo nro very nnxlous to operate," stated Mr. Mcrorcnu, "hut conditions will not permit It at present. Tho rnll road Iff not yet extended through our timber, thcroia nd way of KCttlnR It to eastern markets. Then, In addition, tho present depression In tlio lumber mar ket does not mako manufacturing Invlt-Inc "Howovor, Just oh soon as possible, wo Intend to operate, and our only ro Kret Is that wo cannot do It nt once, to utlllzo tho timber burned last summer. By nnnther year wo hopo tho railroad will hnvo' booir" oxtonded." ajkg TONIOHT Entlro Change of Program, CLEVER PHOTOPI.ATS EXCELLENT MUSIC Midi! Crawford ana Crowell ONE SXMB t Look at tho advertised real cstato with a coldly critical eye and If It still "166k's good." buy I Excursion Faies East 1911 During tlio months of May, Juno, July, August and Scptembor, on dates K ' ., Bjisijvjj bglow, tho, )e , r Southern Pacific , ,.wlll,scll r,ound.tJpL tickets froni i, Medford, via Portland as follews: TO PARES. Chicago I 82.40 L'ouncll IIIUCIH ... I ilkBluffs ... Omaha Kansas City ..... St. Joseph ...... SI. l'nnl . St. ' Paul, via Caunb(; Mlnneanolln. dl'reet Mlnilcand1ls:-vla CmiiTtll Tiliirrrf. flotpn, dlrocf ....,,, 110,90 Now. York 118.40 St Louis 70,90 Washington, D. C. 117M0 60.90 73.80 69.90 73.80 Atlantic City, N.,J. .4 , 112,30 . SALE. SATES Mny, 16, 17, J8, 19. 22. 23, 24, CC, 27, 2S and 29. ' ' Itiilo,C. 7, D, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22,. 28, 29 and 30, ! 1 JUly 1, 2, 3, 4, B, 6, 19, ,20. 26, 27 and 28. Aogfist 3, 4, 5, 14, 16, TO,' 17; t, 22, 2"3, 28, 20 and 30, Soptpmbor "l, 2, 4, D, 6 and 7. Htop-overs within limits In clthor dU roctlon. Final return limit Octobor 31bU ror fares one way throug-U California tlnqulro of any Southorn Padflo agront, or 'write to WM. McMUKBAY Qeneral PRehtrer Affent Portland, Orogron. N--ir-rN i NATATORIUN N t Bovrllnr, BUUarda, Peel, Skutfari nd , Z Baootlnff. 1 Tnb Baths for Ladtei and Qentlemtn , at all timet. Bis; - Sane Every Saturday Night. , z U-GO .WHERE THE CROWDS QO" M ARJOSIE MANDEVH.M , and her superb compnny, presenting J ' nl a..lil. t.i..a... l...n..l..i ... 1.. Z ' drama, 'TEACErUL VAZ.1EY" ZN THREE CKAPTERS i Songs between acts by SUss Boise. X Specialties by Compnny. s r i flyou hfivc not seen the 11 best, it is quite easy to be content with something i ij., ; tyt i?TfiKrin)fn fits your eye glasses, you Vill be content because you have the best. Room 2, Over Kentner's, Medford. The Helping Hand An Eloctrlc-lightod Window Is a helping hand to incroasod business. It extends for you tho glad hand of business fellowship to overy possible customer. A umllllrrhtnd fitnrn Inside and out, 'makes good friends, and good friends maKo gooci customers. Our oxport can show you tho best and ohoapost methods of sign and Window lighting. 'Phono for him. y i v. THE THREE LEGGED MAN i Did you over'hcnr about tlio man who had only two logs? Ho said thnt ho didn't know thut'lio'hetually needed ihroo legs, hut if ho had another, ho felt sliro ho-could "get along faster1." ' It Is a good deal tho same way with an i:ie'ctfle Sign. AW Klectrlc Sign Is not nn nctual neeesnlty to your store, but it would help to "got along fastor." There Is no doubt nbout It It's as Hiiro as tho Sun will rlso' to morrow morning. I , U'h as plain as two1 tlmcH two nto four. Oon't It Rtnmr to rt-aHon thnt nn .ftlce lrk' 5lgn lu 'front-' of your storo would flash out Its messago to your people morn brilliantly, strikingly and linprefl slvoly than any other form of sign? Isn't It a fact that no other sign Is fit for night work? Can't you seo your self thnt nn electilo sign would attract folks all along tlio street and Impress your name and exact location on their mlnds7 Don't you renllzo that an olectrlo sign 'would offer you tho bent night ndvortlri ing'you could sechro? An electric sign Is bettor than a day- tlnio sign, for tho simple nud logical reason that lit tho daytime everything Is visible whllo after darft only those things lllumlnated.aro seen. Tl10 daikor, storm ier;, dreili'ler th'(J flight, tho more glo riously' wouid youf electric sign stand forth, and tho mfrru eloquently would It talk to your people. Tho people you want nro tho peoplo who work daytime. KvenlnR is tho only tlmo thoy havo to bo out on tho street. , livening Is their only tlmo for recrea tion iiiiil nlght-sccIng) l Talk to tlmtrt. by your' qlbotrlc sign at nigni, wuiin nicy are. mum. open iu im piessionn, " - - Your old sign dies,. with tho setting sun. Thero Is nobody who enn sco It night times. Don't you supposo It would pay to know something moro nbout electric signs? We nio ready with full information and flguies for you. Our rcpresontntlvo will call ut most any, hour of tlio day or night to talk ''Klectrlc Stg'ns." Stop to tho 'phono right now our number Is 1C81, and nmlto nit appoint ment, j Rogue River Electric Co. ig.jt.-rrt Millinery Salle r4i44fsre-r- J - i-i t JUST OUT Medford Mail Tribune Official Map of Jackson County, Ore. ; Compiled enpoclally for the Mali TrIbino by tbo ;; JnckBon County Abstract Co, Approved and offi cially adoptod by tbo cdunty court, July, 1010. Shows ownofsblp of' each parcel of proporty, township and section linen, county roads, forest re sorveH, railroad grant, city and town boundarlos and all other neccssnry information. Tho only convenient, bandy, complete map of Jackson county published in many years, Slzo 20 by 40 Inches, on hoavy map paper, tinned at X both ends. - , 9 y , t. . ,i. a .. .. . .. no niMiio compiuio wuiioiu huh map. it sons for 2 GO, but will bo given away frco to subscrib ers to tbo Medford Mall Trlbtiuo, HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE sunscmbE to theJ daily mail tiiidunb FOR ONE YKAIt IN ADVANCE $5.00 Oil FOR THE WEEKLY MAIL TIUBUNH TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE AT Jl.BO'A-YHAR.$.1.00 AND THE MAP IS YOURS. Or get ono new subscriber to tho Dally or two now ones to tho Weekly, romlt and wo will sond tbo map. up urrcars and subscribing iu advance Medford Mail Tribune 27iN.,lfir Street - Medford, Ore.- 4--f , of Sample Hats t 1 hnvci bought at a great reduction tlio lino of Trim med Ilafs oi! a traveling man, from the largest mil linery house on the coast. I will include the balance of my stock m over 100 trimmed hats, milans, hair braids, etc. A nice line to select from; blacks and colors; priced to you at pricos you cannot resist. Open evenings. Home Millinery 1021 WEST NINTH STREET 1 I .r4rtf.j-rr Low Round Trip Fares to Iho Strawberry Festival and Rose Carnival to bo held at i 1 Roseburg, Ore. May II, 12, 13. j for this occasion tlio : Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at J ONE and ONE-THIRD FARE from all stations, Eugene toAshland inclusivo, May 11, 12 and 13, with final return limit .May 15. An elaborate program has been prepared by the Carnival Committee and will consist of Strawberry and ltoso exhibits, Parades of the llks and other Fraternal Lodges Strawberry eating contest, Aero plane) Automobile and Motorcycle race,' Tug-'of War, athjetic sports. (Irand Carnival Ball, Mnitfi Graa Carnival, eft., etc. ' ' 'For further pui'liculnrs, call ou any Southern Pa cific Agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. "i : m iM I 4--49--l--t 1 Jw 'b t. .mm- MM)mmwiWi yswqwmmmfr7--