Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 14, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Bedford mxil' tribune, medford, Oregon, Sunday, may 14, ion.
C. W. Martin of tlio 1'rosnect Con
' Rtrtictlon company, returned Friday
from tlie mountains about Oold Hill
wliero he lias been In Uic Interests of
the company.
O. E. Parr qf Coeur cVAIcnc, Idalib, Is
upending a few days with friends In this
clty- ... ''
Qua Newberry Is home from Kerby,
where ho has been for the past few
days on business.
Adam Schmidt of Jacksonville, was
ne!n on tho streets of Medford Friday
B. H. Harris of Gold Hill was a busi
ness 'visitor In Medford Friday.
Saturday, 13, Is the day for tho open
ing of Edmendcs Bros.' shoo storo taken
over by Fargo Sale Co., who Is bonded
to dispose of the store In SO days. Tho
greaest saving event witnessed. Tho
walls must be stripped down.
Miss Ethel Hazelrlgg will leave Mon
day for San Francisco where she will
Join her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hazelrlgg
arc fprced to postpono their tour of the
Hawaiian Islands on account of the
plague there, necessitating the closing
of', all theatres, and will playi to houses
between Portland and Kan Francisco.
W. II. Hal ley was a business visitor In
Ashland Friday.
J. "Wagner, of Grants Pass was In Med
ford' Friday.
J. Davis of Jacksonville, was ninong
thti CVIilnv vlultnru In flila rltv
Ja'cK TMymale left today fur his ranch,
18 miles east of Eagle Point, for u two
months' vacation.
Medford now has a rental agency und
house hunters aro pouring Into the of
flco of E. S. Tumy at 201 Qarnett-Corey
building. If you want to rent your
house notify him at once. BO
Mr. and Mrs. George II, Monroe of
Fresno, Cal., are spending a few days
with friends In this city. a
Bead display advertls.-s nt on an
other page of this Issue. Butte Falls
Lumber company.
Miss Maud King of Grants Pass spent
Friday evening with friends In this city
Carkln & Taylor (John H, Carkln,
Glenn O. Taylor), atornoys-at-law, over
Jackson Cotinty Bank Bldg., Medford.
R. E. Krah of Grants Paps was In
Medford Friday and Saturday,
i Do you wunt 5 acres In alfalfa, ono
mile south of Main street, cheap? C. W.
II. EVerhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank
Mrs. Joseph Pellkan of Spokano Is vls
ltlhg with friends In Medford.
Gregory's panoramas and views sell
real estate.
V. D. Norton of Grants Pass was In
Bedford Saturday.
. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford of
fice, phone No. 1201.
'n. M. Latimer of Birmingham, Ala.,
was an arrival In Medford Friday even
ing. Do you want 14 lots GOxHS each for
J2GQ0 on easy terms? C. W. H. Ever
hard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg.
James Goss of Chicago Is In Medford
looking nftor business Interests.
Large, delightful sleeping room for
rent nt 203 Olcson street.
V J. Clarke of Klamath Fulls spent
Saturday In Medford.
Dr. J E. Shearer has moved his of
fices' to Garnott-Coroy building.. 45
George Eckert of San Francisco trans
acted' business In Medford Saturday.
Lca'vo your orders for strawberries
wlth,Tatsumu, nt tho It. It. Valley de
.pot fruit stund. e does a wholesale and
retail business and his berries aro the
best and cheapest In town. 65
S. S. Phelps of Cleveland, Ohio, wart
a Friday arrival In this city.
Two and ono-lialf acres In alfalfa, ono
mile south of Washington school; easy
terms. A. V. II. Evorhard, 212 Fruit
growers Bank bldg.
F. F. Wlngman of Salem spent Satur
day In Medford.
Is your house wired? Ono cigar less
a day would pay for a hundred per cent
Increase , In comfort Start living the
electrlo life. t
William Keekly of Myrtle Point, Or.,
was a business visitor In Medford Sat
urday. Medford local socialist party meets
every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's
hall on North Grapo street. Everybody
.V, II. Illddlo of La jClninde Is stopping
In Medford with a view of locating here.
. Keo It. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man,
over Jackson County bank.
Mr. Bolts, superintendent of construc
tion of the Pacific & Eastern, was In
Medfonl Friday.
Rev. Condon of Jacksonville spent Fri
day In Medford.
'A. L. Irwin of Ashland passed through
Medford Friday on his way homo from
Mr. and Mrs. Banllng, who have been
In Medford for some time left for tholr
home In Winona, Minnesota where they
will pack up their effects und return to
Jledford. Mr. Hahllng will start u
shoe Ntore here next fall.
S. KV Estop, of San Francisco, tran
sacted business In Medford Saturday.
James Jt. Ilowlvy and family, of
Yrcka, California uro vstlng with
friends In this pity,
Italph IVttock. of Spokane, wan a Sat
urday, urrlvul In Medford.
W. D. Scott, Jr, of Chicago arrived In
Medford Saturday.
'A. S. Archer of San Francisco, was a
business visitor In Medford Saturday.
C. S. Itedfleld, of Phoenix, was In
Medford Saturday.
Airs. Stone went to Ashland Saturday
for an over Sunday visit.
Mr. and Mrs. .Madden of Central Point,
weru Saturday visitors In Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hammell were
shopping In Medford Saturday,
iff. Garwln, of Tulent, was a Medford
visitor Saturday.
George Creeko, of Portland, transacted,
business In Medford Saturday.
Krcd Colvlg, of Jacksonville, was a
Saturday visitor In Medford,
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phone 2271
Vflght ritofiea P. W. Weeks 8071.
A. E. Orr, 8603.
Undertaker and Enibalmer
'I .
! ; . Successor to the undertaking de-; :
!; partment of Medford Furniture Co. :
;l Office with ,Medford FaroltHre Co. I;
Telephenes: Day, Bell 351; jj
!;Jobn A. Perl, residence, Bell 4111.;;
Home 179L.
i, '-'. t)i .uMia MVVi.
: ler 3571.
' i
J. H. But-;!
B. ff. Miller, or Central Point, was In
Medford Saturday.
L. P. Hubbard, of Central Point, spent
Saturday In this city.
Mrs. 11. E. Evans, of Portland, Is visit
ing with friends In this city.
Mrs. A. T. Thompson, of Seattle, Is
spending a few flays with friends In
this city.
Mrs. A. , Hardy, of Indiana,, Is nmong
tho eastern visitors In tho city.
tfastrr Ernest Pcnlnger, of Central
Point, spent Saturday with friends In
Medford. ,
A. C. Allen of this city leaves Monday
for Klamath Falls to prepare for his
summer Vacation.
William Dutton, was In from the An
telope Saturday.
' Fay Lane, of Kentner's has taken up
his residence on West Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Taylor, of Central
Point, were shopping in Medford Satur
day. P. L. Mangum, and daughter, Miss La
costa MangUm, were Medford visitors
from Grant's Puss Saturday.
Colonel George P. Mltns. of SeVcn
OakH was among the visitors In Medford
Mr. D. G. Scohey, of Portland, arriv
ed In Medford Saturday evening. He is
Investing In real estate around Med
ford. C. Smith who Is employed on tho en
gineering fordo for tho Rogue Itlvur
Canal Company, left Saturday evening
for an over Sunday visit with his par
ents. George Anderson, of. the Illinois river
country, was In Medford Saturday re
newing old acquaintances. He Is an
old resident o fthls city.
Mrs. Enyart, who has been visiting In
San Francisco returned Saturday ac
companied by her nclco, Miss Irene
Plotncr, who will reside here.
Tho family of Lincoln McCormlck,
consisting of Mrs McCormlck, Miss
Madgo nnd Master Lincoln Jr., have ar
rived to Join Mr. McCormlck In this
Charles M. Bayntnn and E. W. Hunt
ley were entertained by Frank Madden,
Saturday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. Foster of
Oukmount Orchards aro entertaining
Mrs. Foster's father Dr. Jasper N. Field
of lledlands, Cal.
L. F. Ferguson, the popular decora
tor at Mann's has severed his connec
tion with that store and will engage In
business In Ashland having purchased
the C. F. Mills stock. Ho leaves Med
ford to tako charge of his Ashland busi
ness Monday.
Miss Corclnno Linn, of Jacksonville,
was In Medford Saturday morning.
T. E.. Thrasher, of Phoenix, was a
buslnesi visitor In Medford Satur
day. Mrs. Nellie Wing, leaves Sunday morn
ing for Portlund, where sho will at'
tend tho Kebecca convention.
Mrs. J. II. Heed, of Gold Hill, was
shopping In Medford Friday.
Mrs. J. F. Hughs, of Gold Hill, was
In Medford Frlduy.
Hon, Benton Bowes, of Ashland, wns n
Friday visitor In Medford.
Mr. Halley of this city was a busi
ness visitor In Ashland Friday.
Mrs. B. F. Mulkey of Jacksonville,
was a Thursday shopper In Medford.
Mrs. Benton Bowes of Ashland was
among the Thursday shoppers In this
J. ar. Linn, of Jacksonville, left Sat
urday morning for a short visit with
friends In" Eugene.
ailss Nellie Palmer, one of the teachers
of tho Jacksonville schools spent Sat
urday nnd Sunday with her parents In
B. T. Van Do Car returned Friday
morning from a few days visit In Hose
burg, where he has been attending the
Strawbery carnival.
Word from O. F. Cuthbert, G. B. Car
penter and J. K atorrall, who ure hunt
ing In the Patrick Creek country, sixty
miles west of Grunts Pass, states that
they have caught many fine trout und
that they have also killed two hours.
Mr. C. at. Kldd. who has been visit
ing for several days at the Vilas ranch
relumed to Medford Saturday morning.
air. and airs. Nash, who have been In
Medford for some time looking over the
valley left Saturday evening for British
Columbia to look for a location.
T. J. Trlplett. of Central Point, was
u business visitor In Medfonl Satur
day. II. C. Kentner of this city left Sat
urday evening for a severul days busi
ness trip to Portland.
Jllss Bowl, of Central Point, was
shopping In .Medford Saturday.
President Keltlng, of tho Lumberman's
Bank, In Portlund was a business visi
tor In aiedford Saturday,
air. and .Mrs. A. II. .Miller departed
Saturday evening for tho Applegate
whyro they will spend Sunday with re
latives. The Ladles Aid Society of tho Pres
byterian church meuts In the reading
room Tuesday at 2:30. The ladles are re
luested to come prepared to sow. airs.
Stevenson, airs. Johnson and airs Ellla
.M. II. ailddloton of Upper Lake, Cali
fornia spent Saturday In aiedford.
A. L. Downing of Salem,, was seen
on the streets her Saturday.
L. l' Kennedy of Derby, transacted
business "here Saturday.
ff. Wane of Oakland waH In aiedford
It. B. Dow of Jacksonville wos a Sat
urday visitor In aiedford.
O. D. Coppedgo of St. Joseph. Michi
gan was u Saturday arrival In aied
ford. J. F McQuold of Eaglo Point cumo to
Medford Saturday evening to Join the
base ball team In the Journey to Grunts
Tho First Christian church will oh
serve ".Mother' day" today with ap
propriate services. At tho 11 o'clock
-ervlco ho pastor will preach on "Oreat
Mothers of tho Bible." In the evening
he will take as his subject "Great Fath
ers of the Bible." Special muslo at both
services. It Is suggested that all who
can, wear flowers A special Invita
tion Is extended to mothers to attend
the morning service; also u special In
vltai. on to fathers to attend the evening
service. W. Theo Matlock, pastor.
H-thodlat Church, South.
Corner of Main and Oakdale. Sunday
school 11 a. m. Preaching aX 11 a, m.
Enwnrth leQL'Un 7 n m lronihlnc nt f
p. m. Subject. "Mother." The evening
service win iw a aiomera aay service.
Special music. Songs that mother sang.
rxmvr chubok or exszar,
Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist, ser
vice Sunday morning at eleven o'clock
Subject qf lesson, sermon! "aiortals und
Immortals." In' observance of "aiothem
Day." air Will Isaac will sing "Tho
Mothers' Evening Prayer," written by
airs. Eddy. Sunday school at ten; Wed
nesday evening meeting at eight. Tim
public Is Invited to these services A
j free reading room is opm la the pulillo
front iwo 10 nve oaiiy, except Munilay
'Church rdlflra 212 North Oukdaje.
1 Ha skins for Health.
Superintendent of Western Division
of the Board of Control Again
Looking up Adjudication of Water
Rights in This Section.
James F. C.nock, superintendent of
the western division of tho board of
control of water rights. Is In aiedford
on business pertaining to some of 'tho
Contested water claims.
About a year ago considerable trou
ble was had regarding water rights und
of tho tO odd protests filed ut that tlmo
only one, that of atllco Hunley versus
J.'- W, Stinger, remains to bo settled.
Tho question In this case Is that of
priority and will be settled by tho com
missioners. air. Chinook has his headquarters nt
Salem, but Is nt present located nt Ker
by, where there Is considerable difficulty
over the wner rights on Sucker and
Althouscr creeks, tributaries of tho Illi
nois river.
air. Chlnock stntes thnt n petition has
been filed to permit tho uso of tho
water from tho Rogue river by ranchers
near Medford nnd thnt the matter will
be placed before the board ut tho ear
liest possible moment. Claims must bo
filed under tho condition of the new
laws, thus doing away with the difficul
ties encountered by the promiscuous
uso of wgter by anyone so Inclined.
air. Clilnock expects to leavo Sunday
for his field of operations In Kerby.
PARIS, aiay 13. French country folic
still believe In witches and when a
young man fell HI of pneumonia neur
Lyons the local sorceress was called In
to prescribe. Her "euro" was strange.
Sometimes sho used a balm to the sick
man's chest, an application of freshly
killed pigeons, rabbits and other game.
A squirrel was desired for this case, on
account of its gruvlty, slnco fresh squir
rel was tho best remedy of all, but a
squirrel could not easily be had with
silt paying too high n price. So a cat was
bought and hklnned alive nnd tied upon
the boy's chest whllo the cut's flesh was
still warm. The boy died and the wom
an was arrested. It Is very doubtful
whether sho will be convicted, since the
neighbors have a great respect for her
pqwer and uro afraid to give testimony
igalnst her.
To nttrtaln Veterans.
VANCOUVEB, 'Wash., aiay 13. Ac
tive work of preparing for tho entertain
ment of 2000 Spanish-American war vet
erans expected hero Juno 6, 7, 8, Wuen
a Joint convention representing various
Washington and Alaskan camps will he
held beginning today with a meeting of
ill members of tho vnrlous committees
working on the affair.
Erecting Sarge Shed.
Tho aiedford Lumber company Is
erecting a lumber shod on tho property
at tho c"""01" of Evergreen nnd Third
streets, which when completed will be
tho largest In aiedford. Tho lumber
shed us It now stands Is one of tho larg
est in tho city and with the addition of
tho now structure will contain over -10,-000
feet of floor space. It Is planned to
keep tho entire stock pt lumber under
cover, thus preventing tho possibility of
decay and warping.
v 4 - ,
' ' " '
T IS not a case of overstock or an
accumulation of past season's dead
ones but a fresh crispy showing of
this season's best, rightly priced.
Everything for men and young men,
except shoes.
The newest and cleanest line of
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits and odd
Knickerbockers ever shown in Med-
ford. Ages from 5 to 16 years.
Depend on us and we will both
make money.
MMcpxn2Je Correct ClathxmraL
For First Time in History of Jackson
County Legal Steps are Taken to
Force Parents to Keep Youngsters
in School.
Wo wish to thank tho rlro boys and
tho peoplo of aiedford who so kindly
assisted us In subduing the flro and re
moving tho furniture last week. Every
consideration was shown by all who
helped. Every piece of furniture was
handled carefully so ns not to mar In
any way und nothing was broken or
damaged by rough handling In uny way.
Again wo extend our most slncoio thanks
ind commendation. Wo especially thank
the fire boys for tho noble and heroic
work done In saving of tho building und
Vory sincerely,
What Is thought to be tho first In
stance of prosecution for failure to ob
serve the luw regarding the sending of
cnnuren to sciiooi wus tried In Ashland,
Frlduy Prosecuting Attorney II. F. aiul
key being caled there on u case of this
sort. Tho defendant In the case thren
ereu to contest the cusu but thought
better of It nnd received u fine of 15
nnd costs of the suit. This Is slgnlfl
cent In tbut It Is the first Instance in
which It has been necessury to enfoiee
this law In Jackson County. Tho name
of the parties Involved could not be
learned but It Is almost certain that
there are no parents In aiedford who are
so hlggoted thut they cannot seo tho
need of education of their children in
the public schools.
Stocks Decline.
NEW VOItK. aiay 13. Tho short ses
sion of the stock market today showed
a declining tendency, although changes
were small. Union Pacific lost 1-2. St.
Puul rose to nbove yesterday's closo und
Union Pacific and Heading wero under
pressure. Tl
rlio market closed heavy und
Bonds wero firm.
Our bedding plants aro not
forced in hot greenhouse, but
are properly hardened off iii
the cold frames.
OreenhouM Near Cltf Rciervol
Store O and Central Avenue.
Phones C181 and 1451.
C. EATON, C. S. B.,
We are solo distributors for the famous "MELIBA" toilet preparations.
If .you ever used this brand you'll want more. If you novo tried it, you
should do yourself the favor.
A very complete lino of the finest s.
perfumes kno'wn to the, trade.
I .',i'
Medford Pharmacy
gb yfSBiBgwMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiitHrtT
li ifTl - i "
fiw$ W t
ink l If luil Wydjti
V m - rV y&y
clr 1 ' fl fl if
M g 'LBueMH
fJF 0 "I " V
I ue wemng ran
In placos of buotnoss thoro
Is nothing so essential dur
ing tho hot months as Eloc
tricfans. Thoso fans cool tho
atmoRnhero nnrl mntfa nur.
chasers comfortable. A per- j
son ovorhoatod Is harder to
ploase and makes fowor pur
chases than ono that Is playod
upon by tho soft, cooling
breezes of an Electric fan.
Theso fans aro made In
varying stylos to fit all kinds of
business houses. For cafes,
hotels and restaurants colling
fans aro sold, whllo for offices
and stores brackot and doslc
fans aro proforable.
Electric FanRidsBank of Flies
At this seauori of the year the fly nui
sance nttalns its greatest proportions,
and patrons of restaurants, cafes and
othor places suffer extreme annoyance
from thope -pests, while proprietors of
such places are driven to desperation in
the sarch for means to rid their prvm.
Ises of the plague
After suffering from the annoyance
for some time; the Hank deylsed a means
of ridding the banking rooms of files
which annoyed the customers and ne
rlouuly hindered the clerks at their work
The Hank has Installed a largo celling
fan In the vestibule at tho cntruni-u
to the banking rooms. The fan throw's
a never-ceasing volume of cool air down
ward. This flood of air serves as tin
effective barrier to the entrunco of files
which annoyed the customers, and the
lunk lias been comparatively freo of the
nuisance slnco the Installation tt the
electric fan -(September Hullctln, Port
land, Oregon )
This Rain Has Helped Your Crops.
Why Not Have It on Hand When
Rogue River Valley Canal Co.
Office 3d Floor Medford National Bank Building
Irrigated Orchard Tracts
Let Us Show You What We
and Others Are Doing on
the Desert
t .1!
4 6
t ?