Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 14, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune
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The Democratic TIiiiom, The Medford
Mall, Tho Medford Tribune, Tho South
em Oregonlaii, Tho Ashland Tribune.
Offlco Mall Tribune Building, 25.27-29
North Fir street; phone, Main 3021
Home 75,
aEOHQE PUTNAM, Editor and ManaRor
Entered an iic-coiul-clnss matter n
Medford, Oregon, under the net of
March 3, 1879.
Official Paper of tho City of Medford
Official Vapor of Jackson County
One year, by mall JE.00
One month by mall GO
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, JnckHonvlllu and Cen
tral Point CO
Kunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00
Weekly, per year 1.00
Dally nveritRo for hIx months ending
uecetnber si, iyiu, uzi.
Tall X.eaicA Wire United Frees
Tho Mnll Tribune In on sale at thu
Ferry Nows Stand, San Kranclfco.
Portland Hotel Novvn Stand, Portland.
Bowman Newu Co., Portland. Ore.
W. O. Whitney, Belittle, Waah.
Prepares Statement Explaining His
Position as to Hiyhway and Road
Bills Passed at the Recent Session
of tltc Legislature.
KoIIowIhk exteiiHlvu commnnt nH to
tlie votoltiR of tho hlKhwny and mail blllH
pORHOd ut tho liiHt hch.hIoii of tho lejj
lalaturo, Oovornor Went Iiuh prepared
n. ntatoincnt explaining IiIm poHltlon and
kIvIiik III" re.'iHoriH for the atlltiidii which
ho took In'roKnril to the menmiroH.
Tho KOvemor'H rciiHoiiH, In part, nre:
Tho demanil for n hlKhwuy board and
n. .hlshWay commlmdouer thoroilKhly
nklllcd In Holentlflo road criiiHtructlun Ikih
Brown out of our Had experience In tho
pant In having our roadworlc MUpervlHed
by local iifflclnlH, who 'know no more
nbout road cotiHtrtiotlon than they did
about tho conHtructlou of ulndilpH. Tho
Incompetency of thono offlclulH an road.
bullderM fumlHheH the only JtiHtlflciitlon
for tho creation of u hlk'hwny hoard and
highway commlHHloner. Thla belnu true,
wlion a highway board r)d cqnimlHHlnner
nro created thn work of cohMtructlUK our
roadH Hhould be lven over to that
body., can ho no objection In (t
county court hfiylni: where tlioroad hIiiiII
bo built, but IIh roiiHlriictlou Hhould be
Riven over to the highway board and
commlHlonor. If It Ih thought that the
county . coiirja Hhould build thn roadM
and tho' work lio gfven over to them, iih
vtati done by the highway coinmlHNlnn
bill, then It in a wnHto of money to oro
n(o mioh offlceH oh tho highway board
nnd commlHHloner. Such ufflcora are
oltnor noeilud or not needed. If needed
thuy Hhould bo given full power to nut.
not merely power to draw their pay ftp
prove their. uxpuiiHd nccountH nnd muUe
rcportH. . i ' ' ,M
Tho Hlcito aid bill iih pUHMnd by the
lcglnluturo appropriated i 10,000 one
i half to he avitlluhle In lull and the
s other hnlf In 1IM2 whluh wan to he
eiitmlly divided between tho novcrnl
countleH, upon the appropriation of a like
amount by thorn, nnd uned In tho con
' Htruiitlon of permanent roadM.
Tho principal objection to tlilH bill
wiih tho rni' I that It wiih ho luoticly
drawn. It made no provlHlou for net
ting tho money out of the Irenmiry and
paying It over (o thu countleH. It threw
no HufeKUurdM around the expenditure of
, tho money.
TJm hill provided that all roadH Hhall
bo coumruiileil on durable and perma
nunt linen nnd no greater grade tliiui
five per cent hIiiiI be UHd, "oxoept by
Hpvulal .purmlHaluu of the Htnto onglii-
eor." Here wo are. nfler providing for
it HOOo.u.yeor highway commlHHloner In
a. companlgn bill going to the Htatu mi'
glnoor for ttdvlco and permltH to build
roadn. Tho Htutu engineer Im an Irrlgit
HunlHt, not it roud-hullder. Why hhould
ho he willed upon to put iiHlilo the du
tlnH of IiIh own office and go out over
tho Htule Hiirveylim out route for conn
ty roads when prnvlaloiiN Iioh been made
for it highway couimlaloncr who Ih mip
pOHod to be oapctilnlly equipped for hucIi
Tho Immune act provided for the rata
Itijr of money by the aevwral conn I lea.
through' th laimnce of hnmla of war-
ittntH, for tho oouHtruutlon of peruiHiwni
roada. It may be t Iih t IIiIh Ih n ifood
llipVH, bur. we uhuuld think twice before
tukliiK lint Htup. The luxnl eiun' U
(thread In the lund. With xtreel. Newer
nnd otlior ImprovemeiitM beliiK made on
ovory hand In our oIIUh iiiIIIIoiih of debt
nru boItiK piled up and theiw U bound
to bo it day of rrckontiiif.
I am not Haying thut wo Hhould eon
tlnue to wallow throiiKli mud to keep
from IhhuIiii; boudH, but 1 do hm- thut
no IioihIh or wurrHiitH not u Mingle dol-
lar ulieuld b ttmuixl until, flinl. It Ih
found thut llio money oumiot Ih rald
111 uny oilier nmnuwr; hmioiiiI, that every
HifuRtinrd littM I wen thrown around tin
itx pond It ti re, ml llilrd. tjmt It In lo be
MPWil by or umler the d live Hon of aouu
one who kuowH how l build ronrt.
Ir homlH nv Imhu1 thu Heveral oouuty
courtH will ut once find tlifimtelvea ur
rouuiUd by an Hriiiy of itble ivpreHnl
tlvH of rod iniiclilner) hou. itnil u
foro they know It they will lie loaded up
with a initiw of lilftlt pWeed Muit-bullil-liib'
inaoltlnwry kikI when the hIuiw down
oiniitiH about ull we will find In nloek
will ho u bond iKuue, a lot of ruaty inn
aljluery and a few inllon of lmruiwrl
conatructed nMtU,
'A crnut deal of. utleilllon MtH,Ktvea
tint other Kood roJulu bill, hut little or
iiouo to the oonvlot UlMir bill. There
tviiH n HtruilK lobby for the liiahWHy
commlHHlon bill and the mohtm ry men
wire puttlhK forth every effort lo He
euro tho puiwMiK of (he slate aid nnd
bondlllK blllM. hut tlure waa no one on
blind to Hfioure then mxiUd aineiuliiieniH
mid pilot tlirounh the convict lalor hill,
nnd It wiih imrinltted to uiuIiko a alow
death. Jiad it MiHeil It would not onl !
linv.. Iinn n lfrtMit belli to ua In uittlnul
butter roudH, hut would hu- goiut far to
relievo the cchikohIciI oomlltioiiH at the
ponltenllaiy nnd would have kwhi far
to- relievo lllil coiikohimi cuiuiiiiouh at
the penltt'tiilury n would nave takeu
thewe tinfortunato uhtrKa of the atute
out Into the ulr and aiinllul" wb.-r., it
Ih to be hoped nt leutit, their refurma
Hon would become fur nior euey and
-xpedl(loii. ,
The pity niul county jirlnoncr lull, an
inihllfiliod by the ITOOd Iliads IIMic.ul.jn
und Introduced Jn thu aenuto. poHamHed
tnny udinlratila fcutureH. It w in my
opinion jjooU suluttoa of th "hobo"
A "WILD flower is a little thing lost in the green of
- J ul I -robed Spring.
Yet its beauty brightens the scene and its fragrance
sweetens the air, wafting the brimming cup of .Tune to the
jaded heart and it drops its petals all too soon.
A dewdrop is a little thinglost in the glory of a sum
mer's morn.
Yet it sparkles with the splendor of the rising sun and
glistens with the myriad colors of hope, reflecting the
beauty of the new-horn day and its fragile life is all too
A thrush's song is a little thing lost iii the depths of
a forest dell.
Yet its whistled music lightens the purple shadow of
the woodland gloom and its message' ol. melody cheers
with the joy of spring and the song is hushed all too
A ray of sunshine is a little thing lost in the gold of
the noontide Hood.
Yet it gilds with the magic mystery of life, and at its
soft caress the bare earth bursts into bloom and wherever
it shines, tho earo-laden arc brighter and burdens lighter
and darkness falls all too early.
A kind word is a little thing lost in the buzz of a busy
Yet to the discouraged it brings new life and hope, and
purpose grows clearer and love grows dearer, and the
cheering words are all too few.
A smile is a little thing lost in a life of toil ai?d sorrow.
Yet to the heavy-laden it inspires fresh faith and cour
age grows stronger and the day seems longer and the
kindly smiles are all too rare.
A. generous act is a little thinglost in the flood of
greed and grab.
Yet it brightens many a gloomy lite and scatters som
ber sorrow, and the sunshine of an unselfish deed enshrines
the doer in its glory and gracious acts are all too scarce.
II R population of the Rogue River valley is more cos
mopolitan in diameter than that of anv section of
Oregon. People have come here from every state and ter
ritory of the Union to make their homes among the or
All classes and kinds of occupation are represented.
The retired trust magnate, the wealthy stock broker, the
famous army officer, the college professor, the lawyer, the
doctor, the business man, the stockman, the sailor, the
farmer and the miner all meet as neighbors in the fascin
ating occupation of fruit raising.
The University club, recently organized at Medford, is
a fair index to the character of the population.. In its
active membership of less than a hundred, forty-one uni
versities are represented including graduates 'of famous
universities in Canada, JOngland, Prance, Sweden, Ger
many and Austria.
Practically all of the leading educational .institutions
of America are represented. All of the famous eastern
universities have alumni here. Jn addition, graduates of
seventeen of the leading state universities are enrolled.
West l'oint and the schools of technology are also repre
sented. ' '
Oxford, Cambridge, Montreal, Berlin, Paris, Il'eidel
burg, Vienna, Stockholm, all of these ancient institutions
have former students located here to sing their praises.
Then the smaller colleges and secular institutions have
also a generous representation.
Put by far the larger proportion of our population are
graduates from the university of hard knocks and most
of them have won diplomas in it, too.
This mixture of classes of men from all sections and
of all kinds, is one of the things that makes life attractive
m the charming A'nlloy ol the lvogue.
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problem, for It provided for n Hlnte-wlde
dfotrlbutlon and employment of city and
county prlHuneiH from Mult noma It coun
ty could be Hcnt to Curry county or
Orunt county to nerve out their lerniH
and be worked on the roadH If the au
thoiilleH of thoev countleH ho dealred It.
lly tliU nniineiuenl our conKented city
and county JhIIh could be emptied and
the "blrdH of pukmmku" who hiiiiumIIv an
noy iih throiiKh their IdleneaH nnd petty
erlinea would Ktvh the atate h wide
TIiIh hill, becuuae It would deprive
cerium Hiierirra or the prorilable ouou
pHtlon of runnliiK a bwmlliiK houaa In
tho county Jail, wiih loadml with
HiiiendnieniH until IIh koikI fenturen were
plHClloally nulliriiHl. Hud IIiIh hill Houe
throiiKh without amendment It would
umluubitMlly have had my approval.
Itepieatuilatlve SuUer of New York,
demoerut, who In wild to look llku Men
ry Clay and Ih proud or It. alwaya wear
an etiormouN purr tie. and hla veata ill
moat eiuil thom of "Tim" Woodruff or
New York In their KirKeouHiita.
There are five SniltliH In the new
Imuae of reiireaontatlvott t. II. of New
Yolk. J. .M. t2. of Mlehliwn. H. V. of
MUhliau. H. i at Oallforula and William
It. of Texaa. There were only four of
til tribe In the (Slat ootiKreeH.
The raadliiK clerka of the house only
lutve to call the name of DcIouMtu Jo
nah IC. KaUinNiitoale once every tuo
yea i h when he drawn fur hla aeat nd
tliwi m hImiI of It.
t'hlef juatlee White of the I'lllttnl
SJlHtea aienka French fluently and knowa
the Trench leRal uede ao well that he
could conduct proceatlliiaTM under IIh rvK
uliilloiiH If uueeaaary. ,
Attorney Oi.nentl Wlekerblutm haa a
prnehant for ahirta with aott ruffa. He
even wen i a 'em with a fruck cwt.
Andrew t'arneala. who haa beeii re-
alvlNif itttht mettala and other deeura
lona In WnaMiiKton recently, weara hhc
tnclaa of the io-eent variety when he
rvitilM. They are plain, ateel luiwed ut
falm Instead of Bold. A friend auiiKeat
ed to Ciirnewle that maylxt lie wore that
kind boeuuHti It IiaIjmhI thu ateel bual
neaa. When Plmrlle Titft. the preatduut'a aon.
la at tho White llotiae. uoiIiIiik' k'lvea hlui
ao much plsawure aa to handle the tele
phone Mwltt'hlHMrd at the executive of
fli'ea lie Iiiim the job down pot
Irfmk at the uda that of fir employ
meiit and joull find tie rlKht una
An Epltnph.
Hero Hen an old womiin
Who nlwiiyn wiih Hreil,
l-'or Hhe lived In it house
Where help won not hired,
And her hint worda on mtrth were:
Dear friend, i am koIiik
Where churnliiK ulii't done.
Nor knlilliiK. nor hcwIiib
Hut everythlni,' there
Will I'u Juat to my wIhIich,
1'or, iih they don't eal,
There'H no wiihIiIiik of dlHlien,
I Hlmll be where loud anthoiiiH
h'orever are rliiKliiK.
Ilui, mh I've no volee,
I'll Ket rid of the mIiibIiii,.
Don't mourn for me now;
Don't ury for me nover,
Kor I'm koIiik to do nothing
Korevur and ever.
trJkf '
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In Temporary Quarters
at Main & Central Ave. Medford
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O. A. C. Wlna Debnto.
COItVAl.I.IH, ore, May 13. -l'ollow-lui;
their defeat ut the lunula of I he
Oregon AKrlculturat coIIcku ilelmtliiK
(Mini hint nlKht, Hie trio of delminva
from the WitHhliiKtoii Ht'atir ooIUki- left
for I'ullnutn, Wah today.
Ort'KOii upheld tho ncKittlve of the
(luentlon relative to the advisability -of
tho Kradual abandoninent of I lie pro
tective tariff.
Hatch Wtn.
ST. I.OlMS. Mo.. .May 13 Sidney
Hatch today won the Mlaaouil athletic
club marathon for the fourth time. '
The Adler-l-ka hook telllni.- hw vm
win IJAKII.Y Kimrd auHlnnt appeiidlcl
tlH, mid et liiHtaut relief from atomach
and bowel trouble. Ih belnt; rmid with
much IntereHt by Medford people. It
la Klveu away free by Leon 11. UhhUIiih.
tho druKKlat.
MniklnH for Health.
-Horse Shoeing Shop-
VM South llmvth'tt Strinit,
l'aclflc IMuitio 1H1
Home miun.
C. L Allen, Prop.
Ol VK I'S A TltlAI
Will Bevlie Arknnsna Revenue.
UlTTI.i: HOl'K. Ark.. May U Aft
er the Htate IcKlHlatUro had iuUouiiuxI
lne tile thlH afti moon, Oovornor lVm
nliey called a npcclnl hchhIoii of that
body to revise tin ioonun aynt. in.
Hcsklns for Health.
Want Monster Relief ruud.
TK11. Miiv IS. A movement hendelj
by I'iIih"" KulHurn, premier and iiiIoih
ter or fiiiHiiec, on ttdftj to ubUlii n
fund of JIO.oiiU.UOO to be iisr.1 for tin
relief of the atek iUul poor of' Jaimn.
Are You doing to BuUd?
Iet me riKure on your bullilluK and
Ktvu you tdeua for it belter homo at lei-n
coat I uu uiaterlHl In larae f)uautitla
anil can aave ou ninety mi your build
Iik. 1 hase plana t y leet from or will
make your pbiiia without cost. IIoiiuh
built on ranch or oil) on uhv iay
.ii.ntH. V. It MANI.KY.
817 AV.fct j;.iln street.
HitHktna for Hoalth.
We carry a very complete line of
druperlen. lace curtalna, fixture, eta.
nnd do all clause of upholaterliiR A
apecial man to look after thta work
excltialvely and will BlVo at, xood
aerico aa la possible to set In even
lh- lariccat cltira,
Weeks & McGowan Co
Choice South Oakdale
Avenue Lot
East front, 100 by 175 iVi-t; nlh-.v ii rear; a num
ber of largo oak tivos, splcndiilly placod in rola
tion to a house; registered title; nothing bettor
in the city. AVill .sell at a bargain for cash.
Also lots in
Turtle's Third Addition
iTust opened up. Large trees on each lot. Tonus.
Park Avenue,'
Or any member of the Medford Kealty
Money Spent on
Electric Advertising
1 las a trick of coming back and bringing more.
It just, naturally picks it up in dark places, and
drags jt into the light, and if you make it. a
point ftf l'lhtfre, your ..Cash -Register draws.-
... ' ; i
ilm--v." ' -. -..
Hang- Out an Electric Sign
and go after thtf shekeljj that arp now in the
dark.. ; ,-.
Rogue River Electric